Category: Horoscopes, Feng Shui: creating a space of happiness

When we analyze our living space for wandering stars, we not only receive a feng shui forecast for 2021 , our task is to neutralize the bad flying stars of 2021, minimize their feng shui influence on the inhabitants of space and strengthen the good stars, bring them into activity so that make the most of this energy.

2018, the Year of the Earth Dog, was a difficult year for many of us. The earth is motionless and carries stagnant processes. This could have a bad effect on business, health and condition in general. Many have gained excess weight and attempts to lose it could end in failure. If we analyze the flying stars of 2021, the ones that suffered most were careers in the classical sense, the health of girls and younger daughters and the emotional stability of sons, their relationships with society and, possibly, with the law. The year could bring gifts to those who work with real estate, as well as resolve the housing issue for many families in a positive way.

In any case, let’s say “thank you” to the dog, she tried – and that’s a fact.

Meanwhile, the energies are already slowly changing, the new ones are gradually beginning to mix with the old ones and very soon will begin to prevail. Therefore, it is important to take care of the flying stars 2021 in advance, spread straws, and prepare. After all, even in December-January (even though the New Year of the Earth Pig makes us stupid at the beginning of February 2019), we will feel the energies and their influence in a new way.

FLYING STARS 2021 FENGSHUI: protection and neutralization

The very first thing we must do when starting to work with our space is general cleaning and cleansing of the space. If you haven't already, throw away anything you don't need and keep the space clean. The negative is removed after cleaning; the methods are described in the article at the link in the previous sentence.

The second step is to neutralize the bad stars. In 2021, complex stars will fly to the southwest, northeast, south and southeast sectors. The first two are the most dangerous; you need to work especially carefully with them. If your sleeping place is located in the southwest or northeast, make sure to change it to some more favorable sector. It is not recommended to sleep there. If this is not possible, then neutralize as much as possible, although in reality it will still make you sick, that is, add to the neutralization using the methods described below specific work on your emotions, attitude to life and spiritual work on an ongoing basis (this also includes attention to charity, helping people in any way available to you in ways).

In addition, sectors with bad stars come into play when people spend a lot of time there, and they actively move, make noise, and laugh, among other things. It is better to move loud music, repair work, games, etc. to more favorable places in the living space.

If bad stars get into your closet, bathroom or closet, good news, they get locked up there or flushed down the drain. You're lucky - you don't need to neutralize them additionally. If good stars get there, unfortunately, they won’t work either.

September 2021: unfavorable days

September 15, 17, 27, 29 – unfavorable for any undertakings and clarification of relationships.

September 8, 14, 20, 26 and October 2, 8 – you cannot plan trips and submit documents to the authorities.

September 9, 21 and October 3 – you should not make a date or plan a trip to the doctor.

September 16, 28 – you cannot start short-term business and sign documents.

September 10, 22 and October 4 – it is not recommended to sign documents and start business with a long implementation period.

Medicinal measures for poisoned areas of home and office: bad flying stars 2021

5 (Five yellow)

the southwest in 2021 The greatest influence will have on those born in the years of the Goat, Monkey and housewives - adult women, wives.

What to do: remove all red, bright and especially moving objects from this part of the space. Fire in any form, including and especially when it comes to a stove. Create as much peace and quiet as possible here. Stuff it with objects symbolizing the element of metal, talismans pagoda of five elements (where you lock the earth inside), use a water-salt-coins neutralizer (pour 2/3 of regular or sea salt into a jar, put 6 yellow coins on top in a circle and one white one under the jar or in the center at the top, pour a little water - ready) , wind chime with six metal tubes. DO NOT SLEEP HERE.

2 (two black)

lands to the northeast . She will have a bad influence on the Bulls, Tigers and younger sons. And also for those who have an entrance door in this sector or a sleeping place.

What to do: we take down the remaining metal things here. We remove fire and wood from here as much as possible. If you have a kitchen here, keep the stove covered if possible and try to turn it on as little as possible. Traditionally, the black deuce is “jammed” by Wooloo Pumpkin (made of metal, but you can also use a dried real pumpkin of the desired shape - like a Wooloo pumpkin, Google it). A wind chime with 6 tubes, metal, and 6 coins (WITHOUT RED RIBBON!, you can stick them on transparent tape, carefully connecting them into a line of coins) will also save you.

The energy of the star will also be drowned out by your active sports, taking care of your health, rational nutrition and attention to well-being, especially for those who have this star in strategically important sectors - the kitchen, bedroom, entrance.

3 (jade three)

flies south . It brings quarrels and enmity, rivalry and fierce competition. It can certainly help you choose your battle, but through stress and protracted warfare on the field of life. Problems with the law are also her doing. Horses should control their emotions and weigh actions that relate to competition and interaction with other people and groups of people.

What to do: in the south, the three will lose its strength, since the ruling element of the sector, fire, depletes the tree of the bad star. We add more fire there - light, color, fireplace and candles.

7 (red seven)

occupied the southeast - the sector of the eldest and only daughter, as well as Dragons and Snakes by year of birth. The star here is angry because it conflicts with the energies of the sector.

What does the energy of seven bring? Robbery, unhealthy competition, aggression, losses. To neutralize the influence of this star on the sector, use the yin water element, which will weaken the metallic nature of the seven. Place a container of water in this sector, add a decent amount of salt and do not forget to change this mixture at least once a month.

The eldest and only daughters in the family, carefully monitor your property and relationships in society. This will protect you from accidents, theft and injuries.

As for the amulets, the blue elephant and rhinoceros are suitable for you (just don’t get confused - they work exclusively in pairs for this wandering star). In addition to protection in the sector itself, you can carry them with you in the form of a keychain or postcard - this is advice for Dragons and Snakes, plus for those who have a south-eastern entrance, the front direction of the house or bedroom! The blue couple will also work on a color picture if you don’t find figures with the desired animals.

Basic moments

The basis for the interpretation of the future according to the practice of Feng Shui is the method of adjusting the Flying Stars, whose quintessence is recognized as 5 elements, as well as the cycles of destruction and birth. Flying elements consist of the following elements:

  • 1 – water;
  • 2 – earth;
  • 3 – tree;
  • 4 – tree;
  • 5 – earth;
  • 6 – metal;
  • 7 – metal;
  • 8 – earth;
  • 9 – fire.

At the moment, humanity is in period “8”. Flying stars 1, 8 and 9 are considered the most favorable, while 2 and 7 have less positive energy - their impact needs to be corrected and slightly weakened. To do this, negative Flying Stars should be eradicated by sending them to an unfavorable place. For example, a water star will not be able to negatively influence a person if it is located in the bedroom.


After you have dealt with the destructive energies in space, you can and should support the work of good, favorable energies.

It’s great if good wandering stars hit your entrance, the front direction of your house or apartment, and also if these stars flew into rooms that you often use and where you spend a lot of time. You are the lucky ones in the coming 2021. But still, in order for the stars to work at their maximum, it is worth activating them additionally, in addition to the activity in these zones of space.

Of course, those on the opposite side were unlucky - these stars ended up in parts of the premises that were poisoned by the toilet, bathroom, and storage room. No luck, they won’t work here and you can’t activate them either.

The way out of the situation is to use the microcosm principle - find the necessary stars in some room (for example, the living room) and activate them there. It will work less well, but there will still be results.

1 (White unit)

in 2019 it will illuminate the western sector of space. The star brings wealth, success, wonderful prospects, promotion of new projects, success and victories in business, and will also give excellent health. It will have a particularly strong effect on the Roosters.

The star itself will be strong and active, since the element of the western sector (metal) strengthens it. Add more metal there in the form of pure primary element material, and adding white, silver and golden items is also suitable.

Spend more time in this sector in 2021, but there is no need to do renovations, get active, knock, sing, dance and celebrate life.

In addition, it will be an additional activator for the star if you and your family members begin to be in this sector as often as possible throughout the year.

Cleanliness, order and any symbols of wealth and prosperity will help star one to manifest itself in full force.

4 (green four)

goes north . The star will feel great here, the water of the sector nourishes the wooden nature of this flying star. This star will give success in the scientific field to everyone who needs it now. In this sector it is good to study, gain the necessary knowledge, and also engage in creativity. In addition, the four stimulates the love sphere, the sphere of romance. Those who need improvements in this area should pay special attention to this sector. The star will have a great influence on those born in the year of the Rat. And they will learn well and love.

We activate this star with the help of static love activators - mandarin ducks, paired vases and any other paired objects, pictures of happy couples, and so on (by the way, the phoenix also activates love luck).

Please note: all this should be done only by those who are searching. For people who already have a relationship, this star is more likely to do harm, pushing them to cheat and have a dishonest attitude towards their significant other. For this reason, if you have a northern entrance or bedroom, on the contrary, for the sake of fidelity in a couple, it is worth working more this year on the relationship and trust between husband and wife.

6 (metal six)

flies to the east . This is the vector of the eldest (or only) son in the family and Rabbits. They are the ones who are waiting for success in all their undertakings and prospects. According to her profile, she will bring success to all hardworking people, as well as those who have clear goals, a ready-made plan of action and healthy ambitions. She will give assistants, she will raise authority and bestow power. Visit this sector more often, conduct important negotiations here, ask for help.

The six in the east is not having a sweet time, since the sector element is in conflict with the star element. This requires harmonization of energies - water, blue and black colors will reconcile these elements. And after adding water to this sector, you can also add metal to strengthen the star itself. The earth, which we usually use to activate the six, in my opinion, is not worth adding to this, it will only add an extra conflict with the element of the sector.

But here you can place images of helpers, protectors and patrons - both your personal and traditional ones, for example, eight immortals or icons with saints, your teachers or individuals who are an example for you.

8 (white eight)

moves to the center of the habitable space. This is a current star of prosperity and well-being, which, due to its location in the central sector, will have a beneficial effect on all areas of life. She loves symbols of wealth. For example, 8 juicy apples (real or artificial - it doesn’t matter) on a beautiful ceramic dish will attract prosperity to your home all year long. Crystals (you can also use 8), ceramics, crystal would be appropriate here. Spend your time here, it's a wonderful sector.

9 (purple, fiery nine)

the star of hopes and bright prospects, new beginnings, the start of any projects, actions, initiatives flies to the north-west of space. It will have a good effect on older men in the family, husbands - the owners of the house, as well as on those born in the years of the Dog and Pig. The energies of the star conflict with the energies of the sector, as a result both the sector itself and the star are weakened. To reconcile and strengthen the energies in the north-west of our homes and offices, it is worth adding here the missing elements to restore the FULL circle of creation - a living plant in a ceramic pot will work best, and do not forget to water it regularly. It is important. For this reason, succulents that require minimal watering are not suitable. A ficus with rounded leaves or any other plant that likes frequent watering is ideal.

The meaning of Flying Stars in Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient mythology that allows people to relax and let positive thoughts into their lives. People who believe in its power can easily change their lives and solve numerous life problems, as well as lift their spirits. Flying stars in Feng Shui are closely related to time, they are able to complement the spatial dimension, and offer methods for calculating the luck of each corner of the room. Flying stars help create a natal chart, which includes nine periods, divided into 20 years.

The most important symbol of Feng Shui is a square, which very much resembles a turtle, it is divided into certain numbers, they carry a special meaning.

Warming the Money Star

One of the favorite activations of many admirers of the teachings of Feng Shui, designed to improve their financial situation and increase income. How will this ritual help? And it will help increase profits, receive pleasant cash surprises, gratitude expressed in monetary terms, as well as gifts and other bonuses. The essence of activation is simple - you need to take any candle and light it in the specified sector at the right time. The candle should burn for two hours, and then it should be extinguished without leaving it to burn out. Choose significant sectors of the house as the venue; you cannot perform the ritual in the bathroom or technical room.

16.09.2019SE 2/3Monkey (15-17), Rooster (17-19), Pig (21-23)CandleDogs
18.09.2019SE 2/3Rabbit (3-5), Dragon (7-9), Horse (11-13), Goat (13-15), Monkey (15-17)CandleRats
30.09.2019SE 2/3Rabbit (3-5), Rooster (17-19)CandleRats
06.10.2019SE 2/3Bull (1-3), Dog (19-21)CandleHorses

Magic walks

This ritual is not missed by physically active people who enjoy spending time in the fresh air and at the same time understand that walking in the right direction can simultaneously solve a number of issues. For example, related to business expansion, income growth, romantic relationships, health. Before starting the walk, you need to be at the point of departure for at least two hours, then you need to move in the indicated direction on foot or by transport for at least 20 minutes, fix at the destination for half an hour and return back.

Walking to improve your health

19.09.2019ZDragon (7-9)Bull
20.09.2019ZPig (21-23)Tiger
30.09.2019ZRooster (17-19)Rats

*The article indicates solar time.

Author of activations: Tiana Berdych.

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Activations: Bird falls into nest

This is a simple activation that helps fulfill desires with almost no effort.
Before activation, it is advisable to mentally send a request about what you are asking or what you want to change in your life. Next, at the specified time, you need to position yourself in the desired sector closer to the outer wall and stay there for two hours. At the same time, you can read, study, work, make calls or search for the information you need. You can even do nothing, but just dream. DATE

13.09.2019YUSnake (9-11)Goats
24.09.2019ZRabbit (5-7)Horses
24.09.2019ZPig (21-23)Horses
26.09.2019ZBull (1-3)Monkey
04.10.2019SETiger (3-5)Dragon

Walking to attract financial luck and income growth

08.09.2019ZRooster (17-19)Tiger
26.09.2019ZGoat (13-15)Monkey
28.09.2019ZRooster (17-19)Dogs
30.09.2019ZRooster (17-19)Rats
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