Complete two-volume book from scratch to advanced level “Flying Stars”

Vladimir Zakharov

Order a two-volume book!

We do not end with our body...We bathe in the energies of space, and they influence us.

In Chinese metaphysics, there are techniques that allow us to describe what type of qi or what type of energy is present in the surrounding space, in our home or office. Each type of energy is suitable for a specific type of task.

One such technique that allows you to read energies is Flying Stars.

But before I tell you about this technique, I want...

Give you a VACCINATION... against Flying Stars :))

I'm serious)) Feng Shui students are infected with the Flying Stars virus! They consider this method as necessary, and sometimes as the only one))

They think that it is impossible without Flying Stars, and since this technique involves determining the facade and period of the house, then in the case when the year of construction of the house is unknown, and it is difficult to determine the facade, they are LOST and DO NOT UNDERSTAND how to proceed further.

To prevent such a shock ☺ from happening, especially during a consultation, you need to know:

#1 No Stars Good or Bad

“It all depends on the context.” A man is sitting next to you. He behaves defiantly and openly annoys you. “What good can he do?”

Now let’s change the context and tomorrow I will find myself in the same trench with this “Uncle Vasya”. He is half a meter taller than me and has done physical work all his life... and in principle he has a good heart. And finding himself in the same trench, perhaps he will save my life. He will drag me to the crater, or from the crater back to the trench... or something else...

Or another context... You were driving your jeep somewhere in Siberia, and it... stalled... in winter... And it will happen that Uncle Vasya will pass by in his truck, or something else... and even if he doesn’t save yours jeep, it will save your life.

So are the Stars. It could be a bad Star. But she's bad for them. And in your situation, this is the Star that you need.

Therefore, I am not at all close to the topic of dividing Stars into GOOD and BAD.

#3 Flying Stars – This is a PREDICTIONAL Method

This is a very important point. Flying Stars do not indicate 100% development of the situation, they show POTENTIAL.

Therefore, please do not panic if you find a negative combination in the room. Firstly, you can do prevention, and I will tell you how.

Secondly, for a negative forecast to become a reality, at least three more factors must coincide: – Sha outside – Indication in the bazi chart – Bad feng shui in general, then the immune system of the house is low


So, not long ago I spontaneously conducted several broadcasts about Flying Stars... You probably saw them if you follow me on social networks... Based on the number of reviews and comments, I realized that this technique is still of interest to many...

And I remembered: several years ago I conducted (!) 6 webinars, in which I outlined the Flying Stars technique from A to Z and even more!.. And even told me what to do if it’s impossible to use Flying Stars))

Full description of 7 Flying Star combinations

7 - prosperity until February 2004, when star 7 ceases to be beneficial when it becomes untimely, it is often associated with robbery. It is very important to take a close look at the star 7-red due to the change in its status as a timely star. A metal mechanism with moving parts will help activate this star.

7-7 is a good combination for prosperity until February 2004, after which it becomes inauspicious with the possibility of robbery and other troubles arising when the star 7 becomes untimely. These effects are enhanced if the combination is in the Western Palace, the "home" palace of star 7.

7-8 is a good combination for relationships, especially for newlyweds (great marital bedroom). Good for improving wealth, since after February 2004 the star 7 is supported by the star 8, in particular success in competition.

Add ceramics

7-9 is good for flirting (a good combination for a bachelor's bedroom), but can cause problems in a married relationship. When the 7th star is untimely, the 9th star helps to control its worst manifestations.

"Flying Stars Shuenkong" Part 1

Let's start with the basics and focus on the static component of the Flying Stars - in the natal chart:

Bagua, LoShu and HeTu Practical application in real life

Correspondence of 9 Stars to the Ursa Major Stars

structural and architectural façade and measurement secrets

Complete instructions on how to learn to distinguish between the façade for the San He and San Yuan techniques! How to learn to jump over the abyss of doubt to the side of confidence.

Secrets of determining the period of a house

Building a map

Complete algorithm for constructing Flying Stars. You can easily build a natal chart without a calculator;) this is very impressive to clients))

Overlaying Flying Stars on the plan Recommendations on how to avoid mistakes when dispersing Stars Large and small tai chi.

The Mountain Principle and the Water Principle How to apply the classical approach in modern homes. Physical and virtual “Mountain” and “Water”

Relationships VS Money What is stronger in your home and how to maintain balance

4D model of the power of Flying Stars

The most important analysis method for Flying Stars! Because most books live in a one-dimensional period evaluation space. But even an ant lives in 3D! How can you evaluate energy one-dimensionally?! I will tell you 4 parameters that must be taken into account when analyzing energy quality. This approach removes confusion and paranoia about the negativity of stars.

Full description of 8 Flying Star combinations

8 - future prosperity. It favorably modifies the influence of other stars and acquires its own weight after February 2004, when it becomes a star that marks the onset of prosperity at the present time.

Add water

8-8 is an excellent combination for achieving success, especially in the 8th period, this combination is especially strong if it appears in the northeastern, “home” palace of the star. 8 is also good in the southern palace, where fire enhances its earthly strength. Gives illustrious children.

8-9 is a good combination for all types of activities that bring joy, for harmony in the family, for marriage. Add red.

"Flying Stars Shuenkong" Part 2

Characteristics of Flying Stars Pros and cons of Stars, how energies behave

The influence of the environment on the character of the Stars Good/bad Mountain and good/bad Water Practical examples

9 squares or 8 Pieces of Pie

One method is used for the interior and the other for the exterior. I'll tell you how to do it correctly.

Introduction to combinations of Flying Stars How to evaluate Stars in a pair (in combination with each other) Who combines with whom?..

Secrets of combinations, influence on human GUA, transformation of Flying Stars

Let's move on to practical Feng Shui...

“A beginner works with rules, a master works with exceptions”: – Rules for the door – Rules for the bedroom – Rules for the office – Rules for the kitchen

Special structures 5 rules when special combinations work.

Stars in captivity When a Star is in captivity, when a person’s gua is locked and methods of release from captivity

Calculation of monthly and annual Flying Stars Bonus You will learn the technique of the dynamic aspect of Flying Stars - calculation of annual and monthly stars.

Full description of combinations of 3 Flying Stars

3 - this star, because it is now untimely, causes controversy and slander. However, when the 8th period begins in February 2004, she becomes an "acceptable" star and some of her negative qualities will be curbed.

3-3 is a difficult combination, fraught with manifestations of heartlessness and disputes. A room with this combination is not recommended for use by a young married couple. The worst thing is if this combination falls on the eastern palace, which is the “home” palace of the star.

3-4 people occupying rooms with this combination often face mental and emotional difficulties (especially women). Men may find that they are attracted to girlfriends who say hello. Excessive wastefulness is possible.

3-5 difficulties with troublemakers. The situation becomes less bad after February 2004, when the star 3-jade becomes "acceptable".

3-6 difficulties for teenagers.

3-6-9 is a particularly good combination (given the period star) and the harmony of the number 3.

3-7 robbery, fraud (especially by family members) and ruinous processes. This combination will worsen significantly after February 2004, when star 7 will no longer be timely and will again correspond to its unfavorable nature.

3-8 Bad for the family, better for wealth and position in society. Difficulties for small children (especially boys): It is not recommended to set up a child's bedroom in this room. Bad for family relationships.

3-9 A good combination for achieving fame and fame (especially after February 2004, when the star 5-jade becomes “acceptable”). A good room for a diligent child's bedroom.

I Promised to Tell You WHAT TO DO If It’s Impossible to Calculate the Flying Stars...

This may surprise you, but many Chinese Masters do not calculate the Stars of the natal chart. They use other methods to diagnose qi in space.

One such method for assessing the quality of Qi is the Sheng-Wang method , which is translated as Growth-Prosperity.

This is a very practical method for which you do not need to know the period of the building. This means it has wider applications!

Also, the Sheng-Wang method can be combined with Flying Stars and evaluate their quality (favorability and unfavorability)

Or you can use INSTEAD of Flying Stars...

I explain all this in detail in the online course.

Predictive techniques:

⇒ 5 types of qi - ways to assess qi at home, immune system at home

⇒ predictions by Sheng-Wang, how to use the method instead of Flying Stars

⇒ Sheng-Wang and guest stars

⇒ Mouth Qi in space and Sheng-Wang

⇒ how to choose an apartment on the floor, even if there are no exact measurements, even if there are no measurements at all))

⇒ methods to correct the conflict between floor and apartment

⇒ technique for predicting luck in an apartment

This is a very practical 3-hour training, which, if desired, could be made into a two-day course))

I want to GIVE the seminar “Shuenkong Beyond Flying Stars” to everyone who decides to study “Flying Stars. Volume 1"

So that you ALWAYS HAVE A TOOL AT HAND, when one day you cannot or do not want to count the Flying Stars

Full description of 9 Flying Star combinations

9 - distant prosperity, but after February 2004 it will rightfully become a star foretelling good luck. Star 9 Violet emphasizes the quality of any other star with which it is in combination, enhancing the favorable ones and aggravating the inauspicious ones.

9-9 is a very favorable combination, and its influence will become even more pronounced after February 2004, when the star 9 becomes "timely for the future", and especially after 2024, when it becomes timely. It manifests itself especially powerfully in the southern, “home” palace of star 9. A good combination for prosperity.

© Ogudin Valentin

FLYING STARS VOLUME 2: "Pearls of Shuenkong"

Do you want to know several dozen verses from the classic Shuenkong text and their interpretation?

You will find yourself in the very heart of classical Feng Shui... Many people know the combinations of 2 flying stars: 2-5, 6-8, 9-4......

How about 3 star combinations? For example, 3-4-5, 3-7-9, 1-3-7, etc? These are not necessarily the stars of the natal chart...

And the thing that is terra incognito for most Feng Shui practitioners: THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT. Most people only look at the numbers in squares...

“Tian is cold, kun is hot. Pay attention to what comes and goes.”

“Yi-Yu points out the ruined house” “Chen-Yu points out the lack of good intentions among women”

These are examples from a classical text in which interpretations of the Stars are encrypted.

What is encrypted in these messages? What has come to us through the veil of time, and how can we use it?

Example #1 75% of cards from the 7th period (1984-2003) have a combination of 9-5 or 5-9. The combination of 9-5 indicates poisoning or drug addiction. 7 is the mouth.

The combination 9-5-7 is a sign of drug addiction or poisoning. This is one of the metaphysical explanations why in the 7th period the problem of drug addiction began to acquire dangerous proportions...

Example #2 6-head, 3-zip. Combination of Flying Stars 3-6 - “lightning strike”, = headaches. But only if you sleep under the influence of this combination and the structure of the external environment is negative

Example #3 “When Purity arrives in the years of water, the intimate parts of the body will itch.” 1-5 and 5-1, kan and 5. Prediction of sexually transmitted diseases.

You will learn about the influence of landscape on stars and combinations of stars.

For example, “If 7 meets a mountain in the shape of a gourd, then this is a prophecy of a strong healer or magician.” That is, people living in such a house can become healers or metaphysicians. What you need to consider I talk about in “Pearls of Shuenkong, part 1”

Or another interesting example - how to look at a husband and wife in the Flying Stars chart? In the classics there is the text “A husband and wife meet on the road and complain about the interference with their mutual love”

I will show you how to find your husband and wife, grandchildren and children in the Flying Stars chart. And I’ll tell you what in this example is called “dislike” and what is called “love.”

You will learn all the combinations for wealth that appear in the ancient text.

For example, “When the heavenly city is combined with Bin and Kun, your wealth will be comparable to the wealth of the country.” Try to guess what we are talking about?.. Bin is 9 Kun is 2

And one more star - which one???)) I talk in the second part of “Pearls of Shuenkun” and name the necessary conditions for the activity of this combo.

“Pearls of Shuenkong” are decipherments of classical texts on Flying Stars and practical interpretations of their application in modern times, which practitioners of the Flying Stars method need to know.

This letter is already too long, but I haven’t told even half of the bulletins in Volume 2.

I’ll add that this course, which I taught about 5 years ago, is an “imperishable classic from Feng Shui” ☺ and one of the coolest correspondence courses I’ve ever owned!


Because to understand it, a necessary condition is completing a basic course on Flying Stars.

Geomantic map

To build a geomantic map of a house, you need to find out its year of construction and use the table above to determine the generation number. This room is located in the central Card Palace. Next, you need to fill in the remaining cells of the map using the Yang sequence of the Stars, i.e. ascending from the number in the central cell. For example, if the building was built in the 7th generation, then the central Palace will be occupied by Star 7, bottom right - 8, right - 9, bottom left - 1, top - 2, bottom - 3, top right - 4, left - 5 and at the top left - 6. These Stars are located in the center of each Palace and are called the Earthly base (or simply the base star). When the period of construction of a building crosses the generation line, the assessment of the year of “birth” must be approached carefully. For example, construction of the building began in 1983 (i.e. in the 6th generation), and was completed in the summer of 1984, i.e. in the 7th generation. By analogy with the moment of a person’s birth, I propose to focus on the moment of laying and erecting the foundation, since it is at this moment that the energy of a section of space is captured and fixed. Additionally, you need to take into account the start date of the Chinese astrological year. Some Masters focus on lunar years. I prefer to use the solar calendar because, on the one hand, I trust the principle of analogy, and on the other hand, the same calculation base is used to analyze the Fate and Luck of a house, person or event. The astrological year begins on February 4 or 5 according to the Western calendar. The exact date can be determined from printed editions of the Thousand-Year Chinese Calendar or looked at in the table of solar months. Next, you need to determine the orientation of the front (front) side of the house using a compass. This point is very important, since an error at this stage can completely invalidate the entire subsequent analysis. For old buildings, as a rule, the front entrance marked the facade, but modern buildings sometimes have a very bizarre shape or, on the contrary, complete facelessness, and for them it can be quite difficult to determine which side is the front and which is the back. To reduce error to a minimum, sensitivity, experience and serious theoretical training are required. I can offer just some basic ideas to help you in this process:

  • If the building has a rectangular shape, then the facade is one of the long sides;
  • If one side faces a wide area or other relatively empty space;
  • If the side of the building faces a low ground (lower terrain).

If it is impossible to unambiguously determine the front side or the orientation of the entrance does not correspond to the front side of the building, you will have to build several geomantic maps - one for orientation along the main entrance, and the other for the presumably front side of the building. In this case, it is very difficult to determine the most pronounced influence of the Flying Stars, and that is why Feng Shui does not recommend building buildings of complex ornate shapes. Measuring the compass direction must be taken with some responsibility, since an error of 1-2 degrees can ultimately lead to incorrect results. To reduce the error, it is advisable to perform several (3-5) measurements from different points and average the results. In addition, when taking measurements, you must stay away from metal instruments and structures, as they can significantly distort the compass readings. Please note that the direction of the front side of the building is determined not by the plane of the wall itself, but by the perpendicular to this plane. In Eve Wong's book, on the basis of which I prepared this material, the direction of the rear side of the building is considered to be directly opposite to the front, but this is not always the case. To identify the backside, try some ideas:

  • The wall of the building faces a tall building standing quite close;
  • Directly in front of the wall of the building there is a square, a park, or even a dozen tall trees covering the building;
  • The side of the building faces the higher terrain.

After determining the front and back directions of the building, the geomantic map is filled with Stars corresponding to this orientation. The stars determined by the frontal side are called Water Stars and influence, in general, progress and achievement of results, i.e. to financial well-being and career success for people living or working in the building. In the geomantic map, they are located to the upper right of the base Star of the corresponding Palace. Stars determined by the orientation of the back of a building are called Mountain Stars and influence resources and support, i.e. people's health, mutual assistance and support in the production team or family. In the geomantic chart, these Stars are located to the upper left of the Earthly Base of the corresponding Palace. To determine the Water and Mountain Stars, you can use the following table, in which I have compiled the diagrams for nine generations while simultaneously correcting some typos made in Eve Wang's book:

The orientation direction is given in the second column from the left in degrees of azimuth as determined by a conventional compass, in which north is zero degrees. For each generation, the table shows a Star, which is determined by the calculated direction (mountain or water), and is located in the central Palace of the building map. Let me remind you that the Water Star is located to the right of the base Palace Star, and the Mountain Star is to the left. Of course, this is just a convention, but it is necessary so that different people can understand the contents of the card in the same way. To determine the sequence of the location of the Stars in other Palaces of the map, you need to find in the header of the table the number of the generation in which the building was built, and determine the table cell at the intersection of the corresponding column and row, determined by the azimuth of the direction. The cell may contain the letter "B" or "U". The letter “B” specifies the ascending (Yang) sequence of the location of the Stars relative to the Star in the center of the map, and the letter “U” specifies the descending (Yin) sequence. An example of constructing a geomantic map for a building built in 1975 and facing 20 degrees (north):

  • The year 1975 belongs to the 6th generation, therefore in the central Palace there will be Star 6, and then in the standard order we place the Stars of the Earthly Base in the Yang sequence, i.e. bottom right - 7, right - 8, bottom left - 9, top - 1, bottom - 2, top right - 3, left - 4, top left - 5;
  • We find the cell at the intersection of the 6th generation column and the frontal direction azimuth line, corresponding to 20 degrees. This cell contains Water Star 2 and the letter “B”, which specifies the ascending sequence of the Stars. Then, in the central Palace to the right of the number 6 we place 2 and further: bottom right - 3, right - 4, bottom left - 5, top - 6, bottom - 7, top right - 8, left - 9, left - at the top - 1;
  • the rear direction differs from the front by 180 degrees. For our case we get 200 degrees. We find the cell at the intersection of the 6th generation column and the rear azimuth line, corresponding to 200 degrees. This cell contains Mountain Star 1 and the letter “U”, which specifies the descending sequence of the location of the Stars. Then, in the central Palace to the left of the number 6 we place 1 and further: bottom right - 9, right - 8, bottom left - 7, top - 6, bottom - 5, top right - 4, left - 3, left - at the top - 2;
  • As a result, we get the map shown below:


Flying Stars. Volume 1

  • “Flying Stars Shuenkun”$300

Part 1 and 2 (more than 5 hours)

  • "Shuenkun Beyond the Flying Stars"$240

(3 hours) – as a gift

Flying Stars. Volume 2

  • “Pearls of Shuenkun”$400

Part 1 and 2 (4.5 hours)

  • “30 Rules of Yang Houses”$168

(≈3 hours) – as a gift


Total $547 (~42000 RUR; 15450 UAH)

Not for sale

Access to bonuses and course materials is provided for a year. If you are a regular member of the Explosive Improvement of Luck Club, then the access will remain in your Personal Account for the entire period of membership in the Club.

IMPORTANT: Volume 2 cannot be ordered separately! Since understanding requires the basic course skill of "Flying Stars Shuenkun"! If you have taken the basic course before, you can order “Shuenkong Pearls” by submitting a request to the support service

THIS IS what Participants in Seminars on Flying Stars say

Reviews for "Flying Stars Shuenkong Part 1 and 2"

A very important course on flying stars to give you a good basic knowledge of this topic. The material of this course makes it possible to evaluate your apartment at the initial level and understand how favorable it is or not. Everything is wonderfully discussed with examples, options are given for how you can and cannot place a bed, table, stove and why. Victoria, Kyiv

I liked the extensive explanation about where to find the front of the house. If you can’t decide, then use this option, it doesn’t fit, if you have doubts, use one more moment to determine the facade. Are flying stars important, is there life without them or not? Conclusion = No one has ever died without them. Cool! Honestly, you can spend money on a consultant, on a temporary move, but there is no guarantee that the period will change! The power of the stars in the table is something new. I liked the rules for the kitchen, table, bed, short and clear, you just follow the points. Cool trick about releasing stars or Gua. Leila, California

The course consists of two parts and is designed for both absolute beginners and advanced users. In the first part of the selection, it is very accessible and without fanaticism:) the theory of flying stars is given: construction, basic combinations of stars, distribution of stars in the space of the house. The second part examines special combinations of flying stars: “String of Pearls”, “Parental Chain” and gives rules for the front door, kitchen and bedroom. A real guide to conducting an apartment audit from the point of view of the “flying stars” theory. For a non-practicing person, it covers the basic questions. It was the rules for the bedroom and the front door that seemed most valuable to me - usually these are the most “unsolvable” issues. Anastasia Kratinova

Thank you for the course! The so-called 4D star power model is very interesting and useful. There are many examples, not sleek, tailored to the topic, but those that most often happen in practice are not the simplest... Of course, everything comes with practice, but the course is actually very practical and useful. Irina Egorova

Reviews for "Shuenkun Beyond the Flying Stars"

The material in this course was very helpful. I just had a case where it was not possible to determine the period of the building, since it was the 19th century, and I used the grading system outlined in the course. Thank you very much for the secrets told in the course. This is another interesting and effective approach to home appraisal, which in some cases really makes life and task easier. Victoria, Kyiv

Invaluably useful.:) Determining the periods of houses in St. Petersburg has always been difficult in the historical part of the city. Sometimes it was only in the archives that information could be found... Well, and for those lazy like me..... Alexandra Golovko

Hello! Studied the Shuengkun course beyond the flying stars. Thanks to this course, some gaps in knowledge about Shen Wan have been filled. The picture about the choice of floor and apartment on the floor has also become more complete. Information about the formation of star combinations without a natal house chart has become completely new. Thank you very much for this course! Irina

A very useful and practical course! Everything is very clear, to the point, with examples! Easy and simple about complex things... Lots of techniques! And the ShengWan calculation, and how to determine the floor, and how useful this or that apartment on the floor is in general and personally for everyone, combinations of stars with annual ones! Mega useful course! Thank you!! Sotnikova Natalya

I took the Shuengkun course beyond the stars. I am absolutely delighted! It’s all clear how to look for an apartment in an unbuilt building, in a new building, or if it’s impossible to come and measure the doors. Choose in absentia before measurements whether the apartment and floor are suitable or you don’t even need to look at it and go look and measure it. This information is exactly what I need now!!! Everything is on time!! Maria Grechishnikova

Reviews of "Pearls of Shuenkong" Part 1 and Part 2

A very interesting course that provides a deeper understanding and wider application of fsh. Reading poems from a classic text inspires one’s creative research, a non-standard approach to already known meanings of combinations, and makes one think. This is invaluable material for assessing the capabilities of a room and predicting events in it. Thanks for sharing! Victoria, Kyiv

A very interesting and rewarding course! I liked it! I watched/listened to it in one go... I received a lot of explanations: interpretations of combinations of stars, signs and explanations, emphasis on combinations of wealth, the connection between stars and palaces, the connection between stars and the Tang Lan mountains, the connection between stars and hexagrams through the prism of ancient texts! Everything is very exciting and useful! Thank you!!! Sotnikova Natalya

A very interesting course that gives a deeper understanding of Feng Shui in combination with the San Yuan and San He schools! The connection between stars and palaces, the connection between stars and the Tang Lan mountains, the connection between stars and hexagrams is priceless material!! Thank you so much for the knowledge! Maria Grechishnikova

Vladimir, thank you very much! Feng Shui is limitless, your knowledge never ceases to amaze! You are the best Teacher! It's sincere. Marina, St. Petersburg

Super, especially about bringing the chi to the end user and the shape of the relief Tatyana, Moscow

Thank you very much, amazing topic. Interesting and inspiring) Goodbye and good luck! Svetlana, Moscow

Vladimir Viktorovich, Thank you) feng shui in combination with san yuan and san he is priceless. I have the impression that I am not listening to a correspondence webinar, but in the fields with the Teacher. Gertruda, Vilnius, Lithuania

Reviews for “30 Rules of Master Shen’s Yang Houses”

Finally, I understood how our door will be considered from the side relative to the facade. I also realized whether it would be considered an old period or not after they changed the door to the house. Now all that remains is to compare the events and what exactly we have there. Leyla Johansen

An excellent course in which the classical knowledge of Feng Shui is superimposed with the modern understanding and experience of Vladimir and Joey... Very interesting, many nuances, explanations, examples! I had fun and satisfaction! Many puzzles have been completed! Indeed, first you need to understand SanHe, and only then delve into the essence of SanYuan... Thank you for the knowledge! Sotnikova Natalya

Thank you for the course “30 principles of yang houses”.:) Swallowed it! There is no other way to say it. For the first time I heard and noted to myself about bridges. About overpasses, yes - I heard and read about this in popular books about Feng Shui... but here it is.... . Construction is underway on the area where I dream of living. And I’m only now slowly starting to get involved in choosing a specific house. And there is a bridge there... I'll go for a walk next to the construction site while the weather is good. Alexandra Golovko

The “30 Principles of Yang Houses” course, as Vladimir said, really fills in the blank spots of information received in other courses and expands the existing knowledge base with valuable data. I really want to put everything I’ve learned into practice and see how it works in real life. Mayan


For convenience, I present all 16 natal charts of the Flying Star of the seventh period. Each facial direction is represented by two cards, which makes it possible to analyze all three sectors. These maps can be used for detailed surveys of any seventh period houses and buildings. In the light of new approaches to the problem of reconstructing houses and changing periods, we can safely say that most modern houses belong to the houses of the seventh period. Obviously, it’s now time for most of us to think about preparing for the new, eighth period.

Analysis of flying maps




The numbers one through nine are often described as different colors. Each of them has its own name and place in the constellation Ursa Major. But most importantly, each of the numbers has its own meaning, positive or negative, favorable or unfavorable. The hidden capabilities of numbers appear only when they are activated.

When the numbers of the Flying Stars are favorable, their lucky possibilities are fully revealed if there are objects nearby that awaken their energy. When you become more familiar with the characteristics of each number, its meaning and properties, you will understand how closely Chinese Feng Shui is connected with numerology.

The interpretations of the numerical values ​​were taken from ancient Chinese sources and greatly simplified for modern use. Using nine numbers, you can determine the favorable and unfavorable sectors in the seventh house (1984-2003) or any other period. To do this, you need to use the seventh period house maps given here. Try to remember the meaning of each number, after all, there are not so many of them.

Favorable numbers

The most successful numbers are the ruling numbers of the periods, as well as the numbers 1, 6 and 8.

The number 1 symbolizes prosperity, which is already in the past, but since it represents water, and water means money and wealth, this number is considered favorable. Besides, this is a white number, and all white numbers are lucky. The number 1 means the beginning of something completely new. She foretells that after many failures, things will finally go well. As a water star, 1 is especially favorable, as it signifies the element of water. When 1 moves to the east or southeast, it exhibits the so-called "hungry wolf" qualities. It is under this name that 1 is known in the constellation Ursa Major. Number 1 has both positive and negative qualities. When the 1 is on its good side, it means success at a young age, fame and smart children. When the number 1 demonstrates negative qualities, it foretells trouble for women: This happens when 1 flies to the southwest as a mountain star. 1 can also cause blindness when it comes into conflict with the fire energy in the south, i.e. when she appears in the southern palace of the house as the star of the mountain. Sometimes this arrangement can even lead to

premature death. Number 1 has a great influence on the fate of the middle son, and when it flies to the north, it either brings wealth to the middle son or foretells his imminent marriage.

The number 6 symbolizes wasted wealth, but since it represents the qian trigram, which symbolizes gold, it is also associated with wealth and prosperity. Indeed, the number 6 is considered very auspicious, and whenever it appears in the southwestern sector, it brings great luck to the father of the family. This figure is often seen as a symbol of heaven. 6 also belongs to the “white” stars, and in the constellation Ursa Major it represents finance and in general everything related to money. In its most favorable periods, b brings enormous power, influence and wealth. When 6 shows its negative properties, it brings failures and troubles to the wife. In the worst cases, when the six is ​​depressed, it can even cause death.

The number 8 during the seventh period symbolizes future prosperity, as it is the ruling number of the next period. This figure in itself is considered very lucky, so the best expectations will be associated with it for the next 20 years.

In fact, the number 8, which, by the way, is also a “white” star, is currently entering its peak period. This happens only once every 180 years, so it is important not to miss your chance and take advantage of the upcoming successful period. To activate the favorable energy of this number, it needs to be literally “bathed” in yang energy. Where there is movement, noise, and work in full swing, the number eight brings the greatest luck and success. 8 constellation Ursa Major 8 is known as the Second Assistant. She patronizes the youngest son and, under successful circumstances, means great wealth, honesty and nobility. When the number eight exhibits its negative qualities, and also when it is suppressed by the environment or the excessive presence of metal, it causes harm to children and brings illness.

Number 4 is, first of all, the star of the mind and intellectual activity. 4 means brilliant literary abilities and a penchant for scientific activity. In the constellation of nine stars, this figure represents literary activity. The positive properties of 4 appear throughout all nine periods, but only to varying degrees. They are revealed most clearly in the fourth period.

In the current eighth period, number 4 is not the worst, but its capabilities are not fully demonstrated. When 4 turns into a dead star, it can cause mental disorders in those residing in its palace; The only exceptions are those cases when 4 enters into a combination with a favorable “white” star. The number 4 becomes a dead star in the lower era, i.e. during the seventh, eighth and ninth periods. However, if 4 enters into combination with the number 1, it comes to life again and reveals its favorable possibilities. The number 7 symbolizes current prosperity, and if the 7 is placed in the palace where the front door is located, it is believed to bring great luck in money throughout the seventh period. Since 7 is a very important number until the end of 2003, it needs to be activated by placing it at the location of 7 * - it does not matter whether it is a base star, a water star or a mountain star - or a clock with a pendulum, or some other moving object. If both stars - water and mountains - in the sector of the front door are sevens, this is considered an extremely favorable sign. In this case, however, you should use different means of strengthening, depending on what kind of luck you want to attract. If you want to attract wealth, then you need to activate the water star 7 with the help of water. In the constellation Ursa Major 7 is known as the Retired Soldier, and it promises to fully live up to that name as we enter the eighth period. Then it will turn into the most cruel and dangerous number and will symbolize bloodshed and war as a manifestation of the metal energy of qi. The fact is that 7 is a metal star, and in the constellation it means the color red. As for family members, seven represents the youngest daughter. Therefore, when 7 is favorable, it foretells wealth and success for the youngest of the children, especially the daughter. When 7 becomes unlucky, it brings robbery, violence and death. It also means the loss of a family member, prison and accidents due to fire.

The number 9 symbolizes distant well-being. This is because 9 will reign in the distant future, namely between 2024 and 2043. 9 is a purple star, and in the constellation it is known as the Right Hand, or First Mate. 9 can equally bring both brilliant victories and crushing defeats. This is a very generous star. She feeds and helps her mother take care of the family. It supports earthly numbers such as 2.5 and 8 well. This means that if 9 comes into combination with 2 or 5, then it will strengthen their destructive energy, but when combined with 8, the favorable possibilities of 8 increase immeasurably. The number 9, however, can bring good luck on its own. Like 8, this number is one of the favorite numbers among the Chinese. The number 9 symbolizes the element of fire and is especially auspicious when it appears in any of the earth's sectors in the southwest or northeast as the star of tar. 9 is also considered a number that is indestructible. It doesn't matter, but what number you multiply 9, the sum of the digits is

the result will always be 9. Therefore, when 9 is in its prime and surrounded by yang energy, it brings fame and recognition, success and the fulfillment of all desires. When 9 is in a state of decline, it threatens disputes and disagreements, and also portends fires and diseases associated with the eyes and heart.

Unfavorable numbers

The numbers 5 and 2 are considered the most unfortunate and dangerous. Based on the Late Heavenly sequence of the arrangement of trigrams and elements on the ba gua, both of these numbers symbolize the element of earth. They bring great misfortune and serious illness to anyone who occupies their palace; it does not matter whether these numbers are located here in the form of annual, monthly stars, water stars or mountains. That is why you should always take measures to protect yourself from their hostile influence and keep these numbers under control. 5 and 2 are often compared to poisoned arrows - they are so scary and dangerous. These numbers carry illnesses and accidents.

Number 2 is called the “black star”. In the constellation it was called the Great Gate. The number 2 symbolizes the mother, and when the number exhibits its auspicious qualities, which happens during the second period, it brings great wealth and prosperity, high position in the army and especially favors women. However, when 2 shows its negative qualities, it brings suffering to women, leads to premature widowhood, miscarriages, serious and even fatal illnesses, and also threatens digestive problems. During the seventh period, this figure is more dangerous than favorable. In order to protect yourself from the adverse effects of 2, it is recommended to hang a bunch of six metal coins in the palace where this number is located. This will awaken metallic energy, which will drain the earthly energy of the two. The number 6 (six coins) symbolizes the qian, or large metal, on the ba gua symbol. The power of six coins is very strong because the number 6 signifies the power of heaven. A six-pipe “singing wind” would also work well here. Number 5 is considered the most insidious of all. She can cause the most trouble. 5 is the yellow number and its power comes from the fact that it is the central number in the original Luo Shu square. However, even though 5 is considered a very bad star, it can sometimes bring great luck. This happens during the fifth period. In most cases, however, 5 is an unfavorable number that brings health problems and illnesses. In order to protect yourself from its harmful influence, it is recommended to hang six-pipe “singing winds” in appropriate places. This depletes the harmful energy of the earth element. Keep in mind that 5 is especially unfavorable as an annual star or when it comes into combination with star 9. The best protection against this star is the “singing winds”. Their melodic ringing suppresses the earthly energy 5. Another proven method is to hang a curved knife from the ceiling, this symbolically destroys the star 5.

If 5 and 2 appear together, use large "singing winds" to strengthen the defense. Alternately hang the six-pipe "singing wind" and six coins to increase the effectiveness of protection. When you hang the "singing winds", remember that they should not hang above your head, so it is better to hang them somewhere to the side.

The number 3 is also considered an unfavorable number. 3 is a restless star, causing quarrels, misunderstandings, discord and creating obstacles on the way to the goal. If you inadvertently strengthen the troika, it will bring litigation and litigation. In constellation 3 is known as the Jade Star, and during the third period it brings wealth and prosperity, and also protects the eldest son. However, during the seventh and eighth periods, the number 3 is unfavorable and means evil gossip behind the back, as well as injuries to the limbs and fingers and toes. In addition, it causes liver and bladder problems. In order to cope with the negative impact of the troika, turn on bright lights in the palace where it appears. An even, calm fire also helps a lot to keep this unlucky number under control. It is believed that fire is an excellent protective agent against the triple. If you can't turn on bright lights, you can use something red as protection, such as bright red curtains or paintings in red tones.

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  • “Shuenkong Beyond the Flying Stars” (3 hours) – as a gift
  • "Pearls of Shuenkong Part 1 and 2 (4.5 hours)
  • “30 rules of yang houses (≈3 hours) – as a gift

About me:

My name is Vladimir Zakharov , and I am the creator of over 86 online courses and 167 face-to-face trainings on topics such as BaZi, Feng Shui, Qi Men Dun Jia, choosing dates, I Ching (seriously, this is not an exaggeration :)).

  • 20 years Collecting and testing the best techniques that help to successfully solve the problems facing everyone
  • 250 Developed over 250 courses teaching Chinese metaphysics and transforming life
  • 8 000 Students from different parts of the world who have radically changed their lives, many of whom have become consultants themselves
  • 200 000$ I invested in business training and to this day I am a member of Western business clubs
  • 500 000$ approximately :) I invested in studying Chinese metaphysics
  • He developed the XY method (the union of yin and yang) - a synthesis of mental techniques, business models and techniques of Chinese metaphysics to achieve goals as effectively as possible.
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