Symbolic Stars of Attraction in Ba Tzu

How is pessimism born?

But oddly enough, the Initial Constellation has nothing to do with the failures themselves. It does not directly bring failure, but creates a negative psychological background in a person’s character, which contributes to a deliberately pessimistic assessment of the world around him. It would be more correct to call him the demon of fears and depression.

Starry sky

In a person’s psychological state, there is always fear, fear of loss or failure. Even if things are going well, there is still internal tension and anticipation of negative developments. This is a kind of psychological seal. A person may be successful in business, but this does not relieve him of the fear of future troubles and loss of accumulated wealth.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

An example of such a combination of success and fears is the Englishman von Hoogstraten, whose fortune was approaching a billion dollars. He became notorious for his habit of using tea bags multiple times. An inexplicable psychological quirk for a millionaire? But in his chart, in addition to the predisposition to money and power, there is also the Source constellation. This fully explains the seemingly incompatible character traits.

Characteristics of the stars: Noble man, Flower of romance, Traveling horse

Although the symbolic stars are virtual, since they are calculated using formulas, their interpretation occupies a significant place in the Ba Zi system. The Noble Man star is considered almost the most favorable. It symbolizes unexpected luck, support, and outside help. Not only people, but also a guardian angel and higher powers can act as assistants. A person who has this star is lucky in life. He easily solves any problems, gets out of unpleasant situations with minimal losses, and is lucky in the financial sphere. This star does not always manifest itself; sometimes its influence can be destroyed by another.

Star Flower of Romance has a dual meaning. On the one hand, it gives a person attractiveness, sexuality, a happy family life, and popularity with the opposite sex. But on the other hand, it imparts negative characteristics, such as promiscuity, inconstancy, gambling, and depravity. If the Romance Flower is located in the right place and only one, it helps a person in the area of ​​relationships. If it is in the husband's house, the woman may have difficulties with men; the low Qi phase of the star indicates a tendency towards debauchery and gambling.

The Traveling Horse star, also called the Postal or Yamskaya Horse, symbolizes travel, changing jobs, and places of residence. She helps a person on long-distance business trips, in moving up the career ladder, in health improvement and treatment, and in changing place of residence. Basically, the Traveling Horse brings prosperity. If it is associated with the Friends element, it is best for a person to travel in company, with Resources - learning will be easy, with Money - one should expect success in the business and financial sphere, with Self-Expression - a person will be able to make public speeches easily, with Power - a meeting with management will be productive.

Life is difficult, but possible

As we see, the fear of loss takes hold even of people who experience tremendous success. And how difficult it is for an ordinary person to live, pursued by the demon of the Source Constellation. Minor setbacks that everyone has are often perceived as catastrophic. He feels unprotected in the face of a hostile world around him. Even in his dreams he may have the same pessimism that manifests itself in nightmares. And, of course, such behavior and lack of self-confidence leads to problems in relationships with the opposite sex.

When communicating with people, there is also a pessimistic version of the assessment. A person may have many friends, but he tends to consider himself lonely. There is no family - she is worried about this very fact and is afraid that this situation will continue forever. There is a family - there is a fear of its disintegration, the expectation of betrayal of a loved one, fear for the future of children. Such behavior also negatively affects the education of the latter. They may perceive a negative assessment of their life from their parent.

Living in such a state is incredibly difficult. At times, habitual fears turn into depression, when a person panics and has virtually no control over his feelings. This behavior manifests itself most strongly during periods when a person in whose chart already has the Initial constellation, it also comes in tact. In such a situation, he may drink himself to death or even think about suicide. During these periods, the support of loved ones is important. You need to actively communicate with him and under no circumstances leave him alone with your experiences.

Those who have this demon in their chart should not fall into despair. We must understand that it is not he himself who creates trouble, but his influence on the sober perception and assessment of events. That is, problems arise in the head of the person himself. Having understood this, you can get rid of the influence of the Source constellation. Besides, this demon is not omnipotent. The presence of a Noble person next to him weakens his strength, and sometimes eliminates it completely. This demon's tendency to merge also affects its behavior. With a favorable merger, he can completely change his essence.

Personal Star of Heavenly Virtue

The Personal Star of Heavenly Virtue, which is also often called Heavenly Grace or Noble Power of Heaven (天德貴人 Tiande Guiren), is one of the very useful stars in a person’s bazi. This star transforms failure into success, misfortune into happiness, and helps to fulfill any intentions in business and in personal relationships. Virtue Stars are believed to weaken and even neutralize the effects of Encounters and Punishments.

The Personal Star of Heavenly Virtue is responsible in the bazi for the qualities of charisma and attractiveness, so it greatly helps a person present himself in society. People who have the Star of Heavenly Virtue in their bazi chart can easily make friends, gain popularity and trust among a wide range of people. Making a person charming and authoritative, the Star of Heavenly Grace is often found in the bazi of celebrities and popular leaders. Calculate your Bazi card using our calculator and see if your Bazi card has such a star?

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In order to learn how to identify the Star of Heavenly Grace on your own, you should study the Chinese calendar. Most people only know the “Chinese zodiac animal” of their year of birth. But in the Chinese calendar, animals or Earthly branches denote not only years, but also months and days. In addition, each Earthly branch corresponds to another sign - the Heavenly trunk.

To determine the Personal Star of Heavenly Virtue, you need to know the Earthly branch of the month of your birth and the Heavenly trunk or Earthly branch of the day you are interested in. In most cases, identifying the animal of the month is not very difficult; you just need to look at the table:

Approximate start dates of the month Animal (Earthly branch) of the month
4.02-5.03Tiger _
6.03-4.04Rabbit _
8.06-8.07Horse _
9.07-8.08Goat _
10.09-9.10Rooster _
10.10-9.11Dog _

But it is possible to determine the Heavenly trunk or the Earthly branch of the day only according to the Chinese calendar. You can also find them in our Good Luck Calendar.

The table below shows how to find your personal Star of Heavenly Grace. On the left is the animal of your birth month, and on the right is your star. It can be inside the Bazi card or come from outside.

Earthly branch (Animal) of birth month Star of Heavenly Virtue - Earthly Branch (EB) or Heavenly Trunk (NS) of the day
Tiger NS Fire yin 丁
Rabbit Star Wars Monkey 申
Dragon NS Water yang 壬
Snake 巳 NS Metal yin 辛
Horse ZV Pig 亥
Goat NS Yang Tree 甲
Monkey 申 NS Water yin 癸
Rooster ZV Tiger 寅
Dog NS Fire yang 丙
Pig NS Yin Tree 乙
Rat 子 ZV Snake 巳
Bull 丑 NS Metal yang 庚

There are general and personal stars of Virtue. The first are calculated based on the current month and affect all people on Earth on the corresponding days, the second are calculated based on the month of birth and affect only those who have them on that day. To see not only general, but also personal stars that work only for you, connect the Personal Calendar on our website.

Days with the Personal Star of Heavenly Virtue allow you to fulfill any intentions, both business and personal. These are good days for public speaking, establishing business and personal contacts. The energy of the day with the Star of Virtue has an overall calming effect on business partnerships. Therefore, such a day is suitable both for establishing contacts and negotiations, and hiring people, and for breaking relationships and dismissing employees.

Connect the Personal Fortune Calendar and receive personal information about the favorableness of days and hours, taking into account your Bazi horoscope.

In addition to the Star of Heavenly Virtue, there is also the Star of Monthly Virtue or Noble Power of the Moon (月德貴人 Yuede Guizhen). The meaning of Lunar Virtue in bazi is very similar to the meaning of Heavenly Virtue. The only difference is in the way the stars are calculated.

Characteristics of stars: Academic, War, Warrior, Golden Carriage

The Academician's Star belongs to the Spirits of Luck. Its owner may have literary talent and even make a living from writing. The Academician's Star helps in studies, a person remembers material better, and he also demonstrates the ability for intellectual and scientific activity. The star may well turn its owner into an academician, a great scientist, and a writer.

If there is a War star on the Bazi card, then you should not be afraid, since it has a dual meaning. Its owner has a natural talent as a strategist. Such a person brilliantly manages to draw up plans with the help of a highly developed intellect. He leads superbly and ultimately wins battles because his nature is treacherous, tough, and difficult to comprehend. The owner of the star is in many ways like a chameleon; he is able to endlessly change his appearance, put on different masks and play roles. A person achieves great heights in life and can command armies. In a negative sense, the star indicates injustice or theft.

There is a Warrior star on the Ba Tzu card, which means that its owner seeks justice in everything, fights against deception, and protects the weak. This is a brave person who does not fight with anyone in particular, but seeks the truth in a broad sense. According to Bazi, the golden carriage brings its owner all the benefits of the material world. A person achieves high status, lives in a rich house, drives a luxury car, and can afford to travel to any corner of the world.

Characteristics of the stars: Angel of Death, Sheep Knife, Blooming Canopy

Symbolic stars very often have names that are scary at first glance, but in reality not everything is so terrible. The Angel of Death or the Demon of Destruction does not bring trouble to a person from the outside; the problem lies in the owner of this star himself. He may have certain complexes, dissatisfaction with life, subconscious fears. As a result, problems with the law and a criminal record may arise. On the other hand, the Angel of Death endows a person with diplomacy, a sharp mind, and quick wit.

The Star of Prosperity refers to the Spirits of Luck. It allows the owner to reach certain heights in life and not need anything. A blooming canopy gives a person receptivity and sensitivity. The owner of the star has a rich inner world and a well-developed imagination. On the other hand, he can withdraw into himself, immerse himself in his thoughts. Sheepknife is a dual star. It gives a person perseverance, stubbornness, determination, cruelty, and temper. If the Ba Zi card is strong, such qualities will bring problems to its owner, but with a weak card, the star allows one to achieve heights in the military field.

Of course, not all stars are listed, but only the most common ones. Despite the fact that there are more than two hundred of them, masters use only a few dozen. It should be remembered that symbolic stars provide only additional information, and in order to get a complete picture, it is necessary to analyze the Ba Zi map in detail.

Although the stars are mainly designed for the average person, their characteristics come true in most cases.

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