Complete two-volume book from scratch to advanced level “Flying Stars”

Flying stars in Feng Shui: general characteristics of the technique and description of the stars

Information about the material Category: Flying stars
The ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui is based on the fact that energy invisibly surrounds us, and depending on the factors influencing it, energy can become positive or negative, beneficial or harmful.

Flying stars are one of the Feng Shui techniques that helps determine the type of energy in a particular sector of the room. After this, you can activate (strengthen) the energy if it is favorable, or weaken the energy if it is unfavorable.

The peculiarity of this technique is that the energies of flying stars are not static. Those. Unlike determining zones using the ba-gua grid, when we once find sectors in accordance with compass directions and activate the zones we need, flying stars move from one sector to another with a certain periodicity, and depending on the position of the stars, the situation needs to be adjusted.

THIS IS what Participants in Seminars on Flying Stars say

Reviews for "Flying Stars Shuenkong Part 1 and 2"

A very important course on flying stars to give you a good basic knowledge of this topic. The material of this course makes it possible to evaluate your apartment at the initial level and understand how favorable it is or not. Everything is wonderfully discussed with examples, options are given for how you can and cannot place a bed, table, stove and why. Victoria, Kyiv

I liked the extensive explanation about where to find the front of the house. If you can’t decide, then use this option, it doesn’t fit, if you have doubts, use one more moment to determine the facade. Are flying stars important, is there life without them or not? Conclusion = No one has ever died without them. Cool! Honestly, you can spend money on a consultant, on a temporary move, but there is no guarantee that the period will change! The power of the stars in the table is something new. I liked the rules for the kitchen, table, bed, short and clear, you just follow the points. Cool trick about releasing stars or Gua. Leila, California

The course consists of two parts and is designed for both absolute beginners and advanced users. In the first part of the selection, it is very accessible and without fanaticism:) the theory of flying stars is given: construction, basic combinations of stars, distribution of stars in the space of the house. The second part examines special combinations of flying stars: “String of Pearls”, “Parental Chain” and gives rules for the front door, kitchen and bedroom. A real guide to conducting an apartment audit from the point of view of the “flying stars” theory. For a non-practicing person, it covers the basic questions. It was the rules for the bedroom and the front door that seemed most valuable to me - usually these are the most “unsolvable” issues. Anastasia Kratinova

Thank you for the course! The so-called 4D star power model is very interesting and useful. There are many examples, not sleek, tailored to the topic, but those that most often happen in practice are not the simplest... Of course, everything comes with practice, but the course is actually very practical and useful. Irina Egorova

Reviews for "Shuenkun Beyond the Flying Stars"

The material in this course was very helpful. I just had a case where it was not possible to determine the period of the building, since it was the 19th century, and I used the grading system outlined in the course. Thank you very much for the secrets told in the course. This is another interesting and effective approach to home appraisal, which in some cases really makes life and task easier. Victoria, Kyiv

Invaluably useful.:) Determining the periods of houses in St. Petersburg has always been difficult in the historical part of the city. Sometimes it was only in the archives that information could be found... Well, and for those lazy like me..... Alexandra Golovko

Hello! Studied the Shuengkun course beyond the flying stars. Thanks to this course, some gaps in knowledge about Shen Wan have been filled. The picture about the choice of floor and apartment on the floor has also become more complete. Information about the formation of star combinations without a natal house chart has become completely new. Thank you very much for this course! Irina

A very useful and practical course! Everything is very clear, to the point, with examples! Easy and simple about complex things... Lots of techniques! And the ShengWan calculation, and how to determine the floor, and how useful this or that apartment on the floor is in general and personally for everyone, combinations of stars with annual ones! Mega useful course! Thank you!! Sotnikova Natalya

I took the Shuengkun course beyond the stars. I am absolutely delighted! It’s all clear how to look for an apartment in an unbuilt building, in a new building, or if it’s impossible to come and measure the doors. Choose in absentia before measurements whether the apartment and floor are suitable or you don’t even need to look at it and go look and measure it. This information is exactly what I need now!!! Everything is on time!! Maria Grechishnikova

Reviews of "Pearls of Shuenkong" Part 1 and Part 2

A very interesting course that provides a deeper understanding and wider application of fsh. Reading poems from a classic text inspires one’s creative research, a non-standard approach to already known meanings of combinations, and makes one think. This is invaluable material for assessing the capabilities of a room and predicting events in it. Thanks for sharing! Victoria, Kyiv

A very interesting and rewarding course! I liked it! I watched/listened to it in one go... I received a lot of explanations: interpretations of combinations of stars, signs and explanations, emphasis on combinations of wealth, the connection between stars and palaces, the connection between stars and the Tang Lan mountains, the connection between stars and hexagrams through the prism of ancient texts! Everything is very exciting and useful! Thank you!!! Sotnikova Natalya

A very interesting course that gives a deeper understanding of Feng Shui in combination with the San Yuan and San He schools! The connection between stars and palaces, the connection between stars and the Tang Lan mountains, the connection between stars and hexagrams is priceless material!! Thank you so much for the knowledge! Maria Grechishnikova

Vladimir, thank you very much! Feng Shui is limitless, your knowledge never ceases to amaze! You are the best Teacher! It's sincere. Marina, St. Petersburg

Super, especially about bringing the chi to the end user and the shape of the relief Tatyana, Moscow

Thank you very much, amazing topic. Interesting and inspiring) Goodbye and good luck! Svetlana, Moscow

Vladimir Viktorovich, Thank you) feng shui in combination with san yuan and san he is priceless. I have the impression that I am not listening to a correspondence webinar, but in the fields with the Teacher. Gertruda, Vilnius, Lithuania

Reviews for “30 Rules of Master Shen’s Yang Houses”

Finally, I understood how our door will be considered from the side relative to the facade. I also realized whether it would be considered an old period or not after they changed the door to the house. Now all that remains is to compare the events and what exactly we have there. Leyla Johansen

An excellent course in which the classical knowledge of Feng Shui is superimposed with the modern understanding and experience of Vladimir and Joey... Very interesting, many nuances, explanations, examples! I had fun and satisfaction! Many puzzles have been completed! Indeed, first you need to understand SanHe, and only then delve into the essence of SanYuan... Thank you for the knowledge! Sotnikova Natalya

Thank you for the course “30 principles of yang houses”.:) Swallowed it! There is no other way to say it. For the first time I heard and noted to myself about bridges. About overpasses, yes - I heard and read about this in popular books about Feng Shui... but here it is.... . Construction is underway on the area where I dream of living. And I’m only now slowly starting to get involved in choosing a specific house. And there is a bridge there... I'll go for a walk next to the construction site while the weather is good. Alexandra Golovko

The “30 Principles of Yang Houses” course, as Vladimir said, really fills in the blank spots of information received in other courses and expands the existing knowledge base with valuable data. I really want to put everything I’ve learned into practice and see how it works in real life. Mayan

Flying Stars Map

A natal chart or flying star chart helps to record and track the movement of flying stars. To make such a map, you need to use the Lo-shu square. In addition, you will need information about the direction of the facade, the time the house was built, and the date the residents moved in. After this, the plan of your house or apartment is divided into 9 sectors. The eight sectors correspond to a certain direction of the world: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest. And the remaining sector is in the center.

About me:

My name is Vladimir Zakharov , and I am the creator of over 86 online courses and 167 face-to-face trainings on topics such as BaZi, Feng Shui, Qi Men Dun Jia, choosing dates, I Ching (seriously, this is not an exaggeration :)).

  • 20 years Collecting and testing the best techniques that help to successfully solve the problems facing everyone
  • 250 Developed over 250 courses teaching Chinese metaphysics and transforming life
  • 8 000 Students from different parts of the world who have radically changed their lives, many of whom have become consultants themselves
  • 200 000$ I invested in business training and to this day I am a member of Western business clubs
  • 500 000$ approximately :) I invested in studying Chinese metaphysics
  • He developed the XY method (the union of yin and yang) - a synthesis of mental techniques, business models and techniques of Chinese metaphysics to achieve goals as effectively as possible.

Flying stars in Feng Shui: types and their influence

Flying stars are designated by numbers from 1 to 9 - these are 9 types of energy that affect human life. Every year the stars change, “flying” from one sector to another. Each such star located in a certain sector is dominant for this sector during the calendar year. Also, flying stars change monthly, so the dominant star of the year and the star of the month can meet in the same sector, but the dominant star always “sets the tone,” and the star of the month makes its own adjustments.

In addition, each sector has its own Rear (Mountain) and Front (Water) star. The rear star is responsible for health, family relationships and communication between people. The face star influences the financial side of life, material well-being and career advancement.

The front or Mountain star, as well as the ruling star, is called Vidnaya if it has the same number as the number of the current period. Such stars are considered the most important of all.

The period number changes every 20 years. On February 4, 2004, the 7th period ended and the 8th began. Therefore, until 2024, the Star of the period is considered equal to 8.

#1 No Stars Good or Bad

“It all depends on the context.” A man is sitting next to you. He behaves defiantly and openly annoys you. “What good can he do?”

Now let’s change the context and tomorrow I will find myself in the same trench with this “Uncle Vasya”. He is half a meter taller than me and has done physical work all his life... and in principle he has a good heart. And finding himself in the same trench, perhaps he will save my life. He will drag me to the crater, or from the crater back to the trench... or something else...

Or another context... You were driving your jeep somewhere in Siberia, and it... stalled... in winter... And it will happen that Uncle Vasya will pass by in his truck, or something else... and even if he doesn’t save yours jeep, it will save your life.

So are the Stars. It could be a bad Star. But she's bad for them. And in your situation, this is the Star that you need.

Therefore, I am not at all close to the topic of dividing Stars into GOOD and BAD.

Meaning of numbers

To learn how to work correctly with the flying star technique and achieve success in various areas of life, you need to understand the meaning of each number.

Digit 1

  • White color.
  • Water element.
  • Northern direction.

A white one helps you achieve success in your studies or career, helps you maximize your potential and develop your abilities. Helps overcome communication difficulties, gain recognition and even fame. It also manifests itself negatively, dooming kidney problems, complications of vision and hearing. The white unit can cause great difficulties in communication and cause premature death. Despite the negative manifestations, it is considered by Feng Shui masters to be happy and energy-producing qi.

Digit 2

  • Black color.
  • Earth element.
  • South-west direction.

The two, painted black, represents health, stability and fruitfulness in all matters. It helps individuals who are involved in the real estate trade to achieve success. Unfortunately, it is favorable only in the first and second periods. In other cases, its influence can lead to various diseases, problems with organs such as the spleen and stomach. Its negative impact also extends to the ability to have children and childbirth itself.

To reduce the influence of this number, use the wind melody instrument, which has six tubes. This number is significant, since six is ​​the element of Metal and will weaken the earthly element of two. The gentle sound of music also smooths out the negative energy of the black star.

Colors of all stars squared

Digit 3

  • Jade color.
  • Element of Wood.
  • Eastern direction.

The number has a direct impact on a person’s ability to communicate and oratory. The negative impact of the three is reflected in the mutual understanding between family members. There are constant quarrels that can lead to litigation. Green interferes with career advancement. It can also cause problems with the functioning of the liver, diseases of the throat and nose.

You can weaken the impact of this star using the elements of fire, which destroy the tree. You can place candles and very bright lamps in this area.

Digit 4

  • Green color.
  • Element of Wood.
  • Southeast direction.

The four is responsible for creative and intellectual activity, promotes passion and love in relationships. It also has a beneficial effect on human artistry, helps people realize themselves in creativity and find a loved one. In turn, the negative influence of the four leads to quarrels in loving couples, infidelity and extramarital affairs, indecent behavior and conflicts between spouses. In the eighth period she becomes dead, so it is necessary to neutralize her. If there is a combination of eight and one, it will give great opportunities.

Number 5

  • Yellow.
  • Element of Earth.
  • Central direction.

Brings good luck and success, as well as financial opportunities. Means honesty and purity. In other cases, with a negative influence, the five causes all sorts of misfortunes, including problems with communication, illness and destruction. It can even bring death. As with the number two, five can be neutralized with wind chimes. The number of tubes should also be six.

Number 6

  • White color.
  • Element of Metal.
  • North-west direction.

It has the strongest influence on leaders, giving energy to achieve power and climb the career ladder. Success in power structures is guaranteed. The negative impact affects problems with waste of property and the law, loss of wealth. And also its negative side affects the condition of the lungs and bone diseases. During the eighth period, this figure has a mostly positive effect.

Flying star calendar for 2021

Number 7

  • Red color.
  • Element of Metal.
  • Western direction.

Seven helps people gain knowledge about fortune telling, the supernatural, and metaphysics. It works most successfully during a similar period. However, most often the red number has a negative effect: it predicts life losses and affects injuries from metal objects. It can also affect problems with the reproductive and urinary system. It is especially cruel in the current eighth period, so you have to be very careful.

Number 8

  • White color.
  • Element of Earth.
  • Northeast direction.

It has the most beneficial effect on the material part of life, directly affecting the amount of money. Corresponds to the current period, therefore it predicts an increase in wealth, good luck, stability and strengthening of family relationships. In case of negative influence, it promises depression and isolation, as well as diseases of the stomach and spleen. Considered dangerous for small children.

Number 9

  • Purple.
  • Fire element.
  • South direction.

Nine promises quick success, establishing relationships with loved ones, improving communication and gaining well-being. The negative influence of the purple star affects the state of the psyche and the health of the cardiovascular system. It brings troubles to all areas of life.

The flying star technique helps you monitor the circulation of positive and negative energy, take appropriate protective measures and improve your quality of life.

How to adjust energy?

As has been said more than once above, at a minimum, the quality of your life, and, at a maximum, the quality of life of everyone around you depends on whether the energy is favorable or unfavorable.

In any case, any type of energy can be quite easily adjusted in the direction you need: strengthened (in order to attract good luck and prosperity) or, conversely, blocked (in order to prevent troubles, misfortunes and failures).

So, here are some of the simplest and most obvious adjustments:

  1. purchase new things of a certain shape and color with symbolic meaning. Important: if such a talisman works on one specific star, this does not mean that it will work on the second, and therefore it is very important to choose wisely. For example, water (as an option - aquariums or small fountains) will be able to calm the influence of the red seven, but this trick will not work with the white one;
  2. as an option, try, if possible, simply stop using one or another part of the room in which the negative star appears. Unfortunately, this is only possible if the area of ​​the home allows it, which is quite rare.

This year, the unfavorable sectors are the west, northeast, north and east, and the favorable sectors are the center, northwest, south, southwest, southeast.

Advice from Lilian Too

Lilian Tu is deservedly considered a world-renowned Feng Shui practitioner.

In order to improve the quality of life, relying on the action of flying stars, Lilian Tu gives the following advice:

  1. protect the northwestern part of your home, because it is this sector that influences whether luck will accompany the breadwinner, that is, the head of the family;
  2. but the southwest corner is responsible for the mother’s luck. Activate it using talismans. For example, an illuminated crystal ball or world map hung on a wall in that part of the house would work great;
  3. if you lack love, just place a red or yellow round lamp in the southwestern part of the house and turn it on for no less than forty-nine nights in a row;
  4. Also in the southwest, the placement of crystals such as rose quartz, amethyst or citrine is encouraged. By the way, these are just recommendations, because you can choose absolutely any crystal that you like.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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