Harmony of time - Feng Shui about watches, rules for selection and use

Feng Shui clocks play an important role. In ancient times, people did not know the exact time. Everything was much simpler - we woke up at dawn and went to bed at sunset. Day gave way to night, winter followed by spring, spring followed by summer, and so on. All human life was under the rule of time and people began to notice that everything is cyclical and that time can be calculated and monitored.


This is how clocks began to appear, first solar (as the name implies, using the sun and shadow), fire (they used candles of different diameters, on which notches were made), water (they helped determine the time using a plate with a hole in the bottom, which gradually immersed in water), sand (using sand, I think everyone is familiar with it). Later, mechanical watches appeared, which we use to this day.

Nowadays it is very difficult to imagine life without a watch. The philosophy of time “passes” through the life of every person: negative life situations are forgotten, thinking changes, morals and preferences change over time.

Everyone knows the expressions: “time heals”, “time is money”, “allotted time”, “keep up with the times”, “kill time”, “win time”, “for the time being”, etc. What is the philosophy of time?

Undoubtedly, the philosophy of time is that time is our life! And a clock is an instrument for keeping time, which has become very firmly entrenched in human life. Nowadays it is difficult to find a home or business that does not have a clock. We can't do without them.

watch "time is money"

In the teachings of Feng Shui, clocks play a vital role, as they measure the processes of the passage of time. The entire philosophy of Feng Shui is based not only on the compass distribution of the cardinal directions, on the Ba Gua sectors, but also on the calculation of time. Using it, we can find out the date of change of flying stars and calculate the Gua number.

According to Feng Shui, a clock is a powerful tool that accelerates the flow of favorable energy. Proper use of this tool can significantly impact the life of every person and improve his philosophy of time.

Place of the clock in the house according to Feng Shui

It's hard to imagine our life today without watches. How many times a day do we look at the clock, wanting to mentally bring the desired event closer, or asking it to slow down, or even stop altogether. Often in our haste we forget about time.

A watch is not only an important element in the life of every person, but also one of the fundamental principles of the ancient Eastern teachings of Feng Shui. With their help, you can speed up the flow of Qi energy in the house and, moreover, they are considered an excellent tool among Feng Shui adherents.

Feng Shui mirror

There is hardly an object in the house shrouded in such a strong magical flair as a mirror. And this is not without reason! From a feng shui point of view, a mirror is a powerful energy relay. Day after day, it absorbs the energy of everything that is reflected in it - and then gives it back. This is why you should only look in the mirror when you are in a good mood, and under no circumstances should you act out quarrels in front of it!

The mirror multiplies everything that it “sees” twice, warns Feng Shui. This means that this mystical object needs to be hung in such a way that it reflects and “multiplies” the wealth and beauty of the house, and not empty walls. Please note: large mirrors have no place in the bedroom, especially in front of the bed, since “doubling” a married couple can lead to infidelity. You should not hang them in front of doors and windows. This is how positive qi energy leaves and takes with it prosperity and success.

To ensure that the mirror “repeater” works without interference, keep it perfectly clean. It should not distort the space, so there is no place in the house for mirrors with curvature or cracks, and there is no need to talk about broken objects - get rid of them immediately.

Where should you hang or put the clock?

Clocks are often used not only for their intended purpose, but also as decorative elements in an apartment or office. Therefore, nowadays you rarely find a room or a room (it’s not worth talking about an apartment or a house as a whole) where there is no clock. But people often make mistakes in choosing the right location for the clock, and by hanging it in one place or another, they don’t even think that they could harm themselves.

In Feng Shui, there are certain guidelines regarding the correct placement of clocks in the home and how to ensure that the clock has a positive effect on the energy flow.

For example, it would be inappropriate to place a loud clock, a cuckoo clock, or a large alarm clock in the bedroom, where we are looking for comfort and peace. On the other hand, no one wants to oversleep on work or miss an important event in life. Therefore, it is allowed to use a small alarm clock in the bedroom, which can be hidden at any time.

The place to place the cuckoo clock is preferably in the room where the family is awake. For example, they can be hung in the living room or kitchen. A cuckoo clock can enhance the effect of positive energy in the house, and a noisy mechanism can neutralize the effect of negative energy.

According to Feng Shui, a good place to hang a wall clock is in a child's room. A large clock would be appropriate here, so that the child from an early age understands and realizes the value of time.

Also, wall clocks are great for rooms in an apartment where there are relatively large crowds of people, for example, a kitchen or living room. A good option for placing such a clock in a study or office.

It is worth noting that the appearance and design features of the watch largely depend on the place of its purpose. There is hardly a place in the bathroom for a watch that is not resistant to condensation. At the same time, nondescript and quiet hours will be lost in a noisy living room.

It is better to get rid of old broken watches that cannot be repaired, even if they are of some value or fit well into the interior.

In this case, even talismans to enhance the action of Qi energy will not help.

Across from the door

You should not hang a clock opposite the door, as positive energy will be blocked. It’s better to find them a better place on the wall or on a shelf (move them to the side). This will contribute to the normal passage of time. It won't stop (feeling like you're not making progress) or run away (feeling like you're not getting anything done). An excellent solution would be to position the clock so that it is visible when leaving the apartment. This will promote organization, discipline and good luck in all matters.

Wall clock and cardinal directions

A watch is not only a unique device, but also a symbol of life, the passing of time and existence in general. This explains the interest of Feng Shui masters in them. It is believed that a chronometer should be handled with great care.

If you attach a mechanical device in the wrong place, you may run into problems. It is necessary to hang it in accordance with the cardinal directions.

East and southeast

The eastern location will stabilize relationships between households. If you hang a clock in the southeast, in the Wealth sector, it will attract material wealth. A wooden device should be placed in this area. Suitable colors include black, blue, green and purple.

When there are difficulties with relationships in a family, the clock can also be placed in this sector. If you move them to the southeast, then material wealth will be attracted to your home. For this part of the house, round or wavy clocks are used.

Their shades can be bluish, black or purple. The best material to choose is wood.

South side

The Glory sector is located here. A wooden clock in the shape of a triangle or rectangle is suitable for this part of the home. The most suitable colors are red and green. This attribute will help the owner of the house gain recognition from others.

Southwest and Northeast

To attract love into your home and improve relationships with your soulmate, you need to hang a clock in the southwestern zone of the apartment, which is responsible for the family union.

It would be good if they were made of porcelain or ceramics. The same device is suitable for the northeast. It is desirable that it has the shape of a triangle or rectangle.

Among the shades you should choose pink, orange, beige or yellow.

West and northwest

A clock “in the west” can have a positive impact on the children living in the house and on their creativity. They will be an excellent helper for a couple who dreams of offspring.

In the northwestern part of the house, the device will help fulfill a long-standing dream related to travel and attract reliable people into your life. Oval and round watches made of metal, silver or white are most suitable here.

Northern part

The Northern Hours are responsible for career growth. They should be wavy or round in shape. Metal is suitable as a material. As for the color scheme, in the northern zone it is better to hang a device in blue, black or light blue. Metallic will also work.

You cannot place a metal clock in the east of your home, where the Health zone is located. All recommendations apply to mechanical devices, not electronic ones.

Rules to follow when handling watches

Rule 1 . Watches should be placed taking into account their color and the material from which they are made. There are only five Feng Shui materials: metal, wood, water, fire and earth. In this regard, for example, a red clock cannot be hung (or placed) on the north or west wall of the house. Why is that? The fact is that red is the color of fire, while the west belongs to the element Metal, and the north to Water, while at the same time neither metal nor water are compatible with fire.

But a metal clock can be hung on a wall facing north or west. Accordingly, using the same principle, a clock in a wooden case can be placed near the eastern or southern walls of the room.

Rule 2 . You shouldn't keep too many clocks in the house. If there is one clock in one room, that is quite enough. The clock symbol - Qian - denotes strength, determination and perseverance. Those. they are like the commander in chief, with other things following. Therefore, if there are many hours, then confusion begins in the “army of things,” and a person living or working in a room where there are many hours becomes capricious, and various problems begin to haunt him.

Therefore, a very small clock is enough for one room, and for the same reason there can only be one main clock in the house.

Rule 3 . The shape of the watch must strictly correspond to its location. For example, for a bedroom, which according to Feng Shui should be a quiet and peaceful place, a square clock is better suited, since a square is a stable figure that helps create a calm and peaceful atmosphere. The living room should be a more lively room, so it is better to place the most important clock here - the Qian (see the previous rule), and it is highly desirable that they be round in shape.

Rule 4 . In the office and/or home office, the clock must be round. This form symbolizes movement and flow, thus business and affairs will move more actively, and the owner of the room will receive more profit and move up the career ladder faster.

Rule 5 . There is no need to place a large or massive clock in a small room. they will literally fill the entire space of the room, and the sound of their movement, and especially the battle, will cause a feeling of incredible discomfort, even subconscious.

Rule 6 . You cannot place or hang clocks in front of doors and windows. In Chinese, the character for a clock is “ ? “, which is pronounced like “zhong”, and the other hieroglyph “ ? ", denoting "completion" and "end".

So, if you hang a clock on the wall opposite the door, then every time you enter that door, you will inevitably experience a feeling of anxiety, some kind of rush and lack of time.

Rule 7 . You should not place the clock too high so that you have to lift your head when you need to know what time it is. The dial of a wall or grandfather clock should be at eye level so that it is comfortable to look at. Otherwise, your time and your harmony will be out of reach, which the teachings of Feng Shui categorically recommend avoiding...

Source: milwatches.com.ua


Many people choose to hang clocks all over their walls or keep several models in one room. This should not be done, as the sense of stability will be lost. Do you want a clock in every room? Give preference to small models. Leave large, massive specimens for the living room.

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Should I consider a watch as a gift?

In Europe, they have long believed that a wristwatch as a gift is an excellent practical solution. However, is this really so? Will they only give the owner solidity or will they bring success, luck, health according to Feng Shui? An exact answer cannot be found in ancient teachings, but in China they try to avoid such gifts, since this can offend a person. Moreover, the scale of “disrespect” is directly proportional to the age of the gift recipient.

This negative opinion is explained by the fact that in this way the emphasis is placed on the rapidly and irrevocably running away time.

If, nevertheless, the gift was given, the recipient must return the favor with a symbolic payment. So, according to Feng Shui, a couple of coins can reduce the negative consequences of such a gift to zero.

In Feng Shui, an exception is made if the recipient is a child. In this case, we are not talking about the negative impact of a wristwatch as a gift. And, conversely, it is strictly forbidden to give watches to parents.

Be that as it may, Feng Shui practitioners do not recommend watches as a gift.

Is it possible to give preference to hourglasses?

Many people prefer hourglasses, which do not have the same strong energy impact as mechanical ones. Basically they play the role of a talisman that represents continuous movement. With the help of an hourglass, Feng Shui supporters can influence Qi energy, directing it in the right direction and correcting it.

It is ideal to place an hourglass in the knowledge sector to activate mental or creative activity. The place of such a talisman is in the office.

An hourglass in the house will be a reminder that time is money and will encourage active action. They will teach you to appreciate every minute, to do what is really important here and now, and not to waste your life on trifles.

According to Feng Shui, an hourglass with a wooden case is considered ideal. They will symbolize the union of the elements of wood and earth, which will positively affect the atmosphere of the room.

It is impossible to imagine our life without watches. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a wristwatch, a wall clock, or just an alarm clock – this device not only teaches you to appreciate every minute you live, but also, according to Feng Shui, has powerful energy that can positively influence a person’s well-being.

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