The meaning and characteristics of the directions of the Gua number 8

Eights are distinguished by their strength of character, they always know what they want and they are characterized by purposefulness, determination and courage. When making decisions, they are never influenced from outside and always know what they want and what is best for them to do. Such people have their own unshakable foundations and aspirations, which allow them to achieve their goals and become wealthy, bright and interesting individuals.

  • Determination;
  • Strength of character;
  • Self confidence;
  • Love of life;
  • Conservative;
  • Calm;
  • Ambition;
  • Straightforwardness.

People with Gua number 8 are characterized by secrecy, they do not like to share their plans for the future with others, they are characterized by isolation, and acting in a team with someone is definitely not for them. They most often achieve success on their own, without effort, they strive for achievements; for them, career is often more important than family life and even love - success is an important quality that is characteristic of such people. At the same time, they have a very highly developed vulnerability, which they consider to be weakness and carefully disguise from others behind ostentatious self-confidence.

Eights categorically do not like to obey, and always try to show leadership qualities, however, sometimes they go too far and become domineering and despotic. Such people love to collect things; they have many objects and achievements that they love to be proud of. They are interested in the meaning of life and what exactly is going on around them, but it is not easy for them to change their views on life.

Gua number 8 for women

Women with Gua number 8 rarely fall in love and show warmth of feelings, because they are endowed with a bright character, courage, determination, and a penchant for self-improvement and wealth. It is very important for them to get married and have a reliable and permanent person next to them.

Such women have a difficult time making the decision to divorce, even if this is necessary and there are no other ways. They become attached to people, but never show cordiality to anyone, since they consider feelings to be a sign of weakness.

Personality trigram

Gen is a trigram consisting of two lines that are interrupted and one continuous stripe above them. This means the soft yin energy that is hidden under the yang shell.

Feng Shui advises people who fall on the number eight to listen to the following recommendations:

  1. It is important to learn to show concern for people and treat them kindly.
  2. We must understand that sometimes a person’s strength lies in his gentleness.
  3. It is worth doing significant work on yourself, analyzing your path and drawing the right conclusions.

To find inner peace, you need to discover humanity and sensitivity in yourself, and engage in understanding the world. Favorable directions that correspond to the number eight will help with this.

Favorable directions


The Northeast is the direction of personal growth for such people. For people with Gua number 8 in this direction, it is best to place a personal office or library, laptops, as this place is associated with knowledge and with gaining knowledge about the world, improving careers and skills.

You can activate the positive influence of this sector if you make a beige shade the dominant color, and in this zone place a bookcase, objects related to the person’s profession, his achievements and professional success. You can place talismans of wealth in this zone.


The southwest is a sector that is associated with the material basis of the lives of such people, wealth and happiness. For them, this sector coincides with the area of ​​marriage and family. It is best to locate in this sector not only your personal office, but also your bedroom, since this zone will contribute not only to success, but also to good luck and happiness in family life.

People with a Gua number of 8 do not want to use water themes in the bedroom, even images of paintings with the element of water, otherwise there may be discord in the relationship between spouses, constant quarrels will begin, and feelings will be fickle, like slipping water.


West is the sector responsible for love, personal victories of people with Gua number 8. In this place it is best to place a bedroom, the symbolism of fire, but do not get too carried away with it, since a long stay of the fire element in this zone can destroy even happy family relationships.

In this zone it is best to place herbs and use folk amulets to attract love, get rid of loneliness, and troubles on the personal front.


The north-west is the sector that is responsible for the health of people with a Gua number of 8. This sphere coincides with the region of helpers and patrons, so in this zone it is best to place portraits of healers, books on magic, healing from diseases and troubles. In order for such people to feel healthy and happy, it is important to place an icon of the saint in this zone; it will help them cope with all illnesses, troubles and achieve a stable state.

What does the number 8 say about a person?

The Gua number is calculated differently depending on gender. For those born before 1999, the calculation is as follows:

  1. Add the last 2 digits of the year of birth. If after addition the number turns out to be two digits, then these 2 numbers are also summed up.
  2. If a number is calculated for women, then 5 must be added to the resulting figure. In the case of a two-digit result, it is also summed up.
  3. For men, you need to subtract the resulting number from 10.

For women born after 2000, the number 5 is replaced by 6 in the calculation, and for men, 10 should be replaced by 9.

Gua 8 belongs to the Western group. It corresponds to the earth element, the trigram consists of 1 solid and 2 broken lines and is called Gen.

People born under the number 8 are self-confident, firm and determined. These are stubborn and often straightforward people, with whom you are always safe. They are ambitious, able to focus on business, always stock up and try to take care of the future in advance.

The trigram means the predominance of strong energy (solid line) over soft energy (broken lines). This means inner tenderness, covered with a shield of solidity. Eights are considered strong individuals who can be relied upon in any situation. You need to know such a person well to discern weakness or vulnerability in him.

The symbol of the earth element is the mountain. The mountain symbolizes strength and solidity. Eights are conservatives who follow only the familiar and proven path. They like to spend time alone and make decisions on their own. They have a bad attitude towards change and innovation.

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The symbol of eights is a mountain

Such people tend to accumulate and collect. This manifests itself already from childhood. Adult Eights often become ardent collectors, capable of paying a lot of money for a rare specimen.

Gua 8 is characterized by secrecy and reluctance to show emotions. The characteristics of its owners are the desire for introspection and internal self-control. They rarely come to the decision to change something, but if they change, it is done deliberately and gradually.

Men with Gua 8 are homely, value warm relationships in marriage and love to do housework. You can rely on such spouses, they are true to their word and reliable. Eight women tend to become attached to their partners and maintain this attachment for a long time.

Due to their prudence and disinclination to make quick decisions, Eights often succeed financially. However, big money rarely comes to them for the same reasons.

Unfavorable directions


The South is an unfavorable sector, activating failures, problems in various areas of life and troubles, especially in a career, since this area coincides with it. For people with Gua number 8, this area should not be associated with professional objects; it is best to place a kitchen in it, a source of fire - it will help burn out problems and negativity that may apply to such people.

It is not recommended to stay in this area for a long time; it is best to put a storage room there, which will be perfectly clean and tidy.


North is a ghost sector that is associated with the career area. It is highly undesirable to place a personal office, library, or anything related to work or career in this zone. You can place a kitchen, a dining room, a place where you cannot sleep, since a person will be tormented by nightmares if he places a bedroom or bed there.

To neutralize the negative impact of this zone, it is best to place a wardrobe or toilet in this area. Under no circumstances should you even place a bookshelf in this place, as it will promote false knowledge and dark thoughts.


East – sector of destruction. For people with Gua number 8, this zone is the zone of family relationships and family ties, so people with this number should not have a guest bedroom or dining room here, since even the smallest person can inform on such people. For such people, it is best to place a toilet or sink in this area, since the negative energy of the house will be washed away along with the water, which will not allow enemies and ill-wishers to approach it. You can also place showers or a bathtub - along with the water, negativity and evil associated with other people will be washed away.


The southeast is the sector responsible for the collapse of everything that happens in the lives of people with Gua number 8. In this case, it coincides with the area of ​​career and wealth, so you should not place your personal account and money talismans in this area. To avoid major troubles, it is best to place a toilet in this area, since everything negative will be washed away along with the water.

Under no circumstances should you install an entrance door or window in this area - this increases the likelihood of theft, robbery and loss of money - they will slip through your fingers.

Gua number - meaning and application: calculate online

Gua number 8

The group is Western.

Element – ​​Earth.

Color – yellow, red.

Personality characteristics: energy, perseverance, ambition, foresight, self-sufficiency, self-confidence. These people are often conservative, their beliefs rarely change. They are prone to introspection and love solitude. Of the tasks they face, they prefer those that require them to make efforts for self-development and self-improvement. They persistently pursue their goals, sometimes even neglecting relationships with loved ones for the sake of their own success. People with a Gua number of 8 tend to be orderly in everything and gravitate towards collecting. They are not particularly sociable, rather even secretive; experienced passions usually melt in the soul, without feeling the need to share their emotions with anyone.

Favorable directions

Direction of personal growth (fu wei)

– northeast. It is very important for people with Gua number 8 to have complete information and high professionalism in what they undertake in life. It is incompetence or lack of information about the subject that interests them that can become the main reason for failure in their chosen field. Moreover, what has been said applies to a career, and the search for a life partner, and the path of spiritual development, etc. To avoid problems in this regard, they should arrange the fu wei direction in accordance with their best color scheme (yellow, ocher, beige, red). It would also be a good idea to activate the northeastern sector with talismans that symbolize your chosen life goal. This is where the computer, shelves with books, etc. should be located. In addition, in this sector it is desirable to place a figurine or image of a snake as a symbol of wisdom, an elephant as a sign of strength sufficient to achieve the desired, or a globe (ideally crystal) as a symbol of the fact that a person strives to learn everything about the world in which he lives. Of course, it is very good if the entrance door is in the northeast, and the head of the bed “looks” in the same direction.

Direction of Wealth (Sheng Qi)

- southwest. It is advisable for people with Gua number 8 to do business only with those whom they like and whom they can trust. The ideal option in this case is, of course, a family business. However, it is important that close relationships against the backdrop of making money together do not degenerate into purely business ones. To do this, you need to try not to oversaturate the southwestern sector with monetary symbols. And you shouldn’t place your home workplace or office here. In addition, if there is a bedroom in the southwest (which is quite natural and correct for the sector of love and marriage), then there should be no symbols of Water here. For example, an aquarium with fish, which attracts wealth, in the bedroom can disrupt intimate harmony. But sleeping with your head in the southwest direction is very good, especially if a person is experiencing financial difficulties.

Direction of love (nyan-yang)

– west. People with Gua number 8 need to strive to ensure that their personal life never turns into a boring habit and routine performance of marital duties. Because this is the root of big problems. And to help themselves with this, they should activate the western sector. But here it is advisable to exercise some caution. For example, candles, which are quite appropriate in the marriage sector, will only intensify problems in the West, because Fire destroys Metal (and this element, as you know, rules the Western sector). Those who need to streamline or improve their personal life should make sure that the front door to their home is located in the west, and also that the head of the bed is in the nyan-yang direction.

Direction of health (tian-yi)

– northwest. Those who have health problems should definitely try to attract the positive energy of the northwestern sector. First of all, you should make sure that the head of the bed “looks” in the direction of the northwest. Secondly, in no case should you self-medicate, but always turn to people who are authoritative in the right field. It would be very good if in the sector of assistants there was an icon of the saint who patronizes this person. It is also advisable to light incense here from time to time. It is best to use geranium or jasmine scents for this. And it will be very good if we manage to set up a dining room in the north-west.

Unfavorable directions

Direction of failure (ho-hai)

– south. If a person with Gua number 8 cannot achieve success and recognition in the field to which he has devoted himself, it means that the ho-hai energy “walks” freely in the southern sector of his home. To get rid of its negative influence, you need to eliminate the chaos in the southern zone and make sure that there is as much light as possible. It is very good if the kitchen is located in the south (if this is not the case, but it is possible to arrange a kitchen in the south, you should definitely take advantage of this). But it should be remembered that there should not only be order in the kitchen, but it should be perfect. It is not very good if something that is a symbol of success is placed in the south - awards, images of places that a person wants to visit, etc. Because in this case, further progress towards the goal indicated by these objects and images will be significantly difficult.

Direction 5 ghosts (oo-gui)

– north. Those people with a Gua number of 8 who allow the wu-gui energy to freely “dispose” in the northern zone of the house probably experience problems with career growth and the professional sphere in general. To minimize the unwanted influence of Wu Gui in the north, you need to understand the following. Firstly, there should not be an office in this area (working home corner, work workshop, etc.) Secondly, you should not sleep with your head in this direction. Thirdly, you should not place in the northern sector items related to the professional sphere - business cards, documentation, office equipment, if they are used, especially systematically, by type of activity. The best place in the wu-gui direction in this situation is for the kitchen, bathroom, toilet.

Direction 6 assassins (liu-sha)

- East. This combination means, first of all, family problems. Misunderstandings and conflicts with children, the inability to create comfort and coziness in the home and other troubles - this is what can await a person with Gua number 8 if the negative impact of this direction is not minimized. Moreover, one day several problems may appear at once, because love is usually troubles that come to the house “in crowds”. You should not arrange a living room or other room in the eastern sector in which the family is expected to gather together. It is not advisable to sleep with your head towards the east. We must try to ensure that the front door is not located in the east. But this is the right place for the toilet and bathroom.

Direction of total collapse (jue-ming)

- southeast. Here the danger is especially great. It can concern any sphere, but one way or another it will affect the material sphere, since the direction coincides with the wealth sector. It is difficult to say what could be located in the south-eastern zone, except, perhaps, a toilet or, at worst, a bathroom. But what should not be here is known for sure. This is the front door, office, children's room (if the child's Gua number is 8), living room, dining room, bedroom. In addition, it is very important that the head of the bed is not directed to the east.

Gua number compatibility

8 and 2. A good pair of people who are perfectly suited to each other. As a rule, they understand each other perfectly and do not get tired of each other over the years.

8 and 3. These people will make a wonderful couple, capable of achieving a lot in life. Moreover, if they themselves do not leave a mark on history, then their son, who will be endowed with outstanding talents, will almost certainly do so.

8 and 5, 8 and 6, 8 and 7. Quite suitable combinations of Gua numbers, which promise their owners normal and long-term relationships with each other.

8 and 1, 8 and 4, 8 and 9. There is clearly a lack of compatibility, much less harmony. Moreover, by getting married or starting a common business, such couples expose themselves and each other to great risk.


  • Good Compatibility:
    People with a Gua number of 8 are perfectly compatible with those with a Gua number of 8, 2 or 3. Such partners will feel great with each other and will be able to create very strong and lasting relationships that are associated with their personal achievements, love. They will see each other as if in a mirror and rejoice;
  • Average compatibility:
    People with Gua number 8 are slightly less compatible with people with numbers 5, 6 and 7. Such people will have normal relationships, but they should listen and hear each other more in order to feel happy and satisfied with each other;
  • Poor compatibility:
    The least favorable compatibility develops among such people with numbers 1, 4 and 9. Such partners cause each other a lot of problems and conflicts. There will be constant misunderstanding between them.

Gua number combination

In Feng Shui, there are some connections that affect the compatibility of two people. Combinations of numbers with the number eight are presented in the table:

1Lack of trust in relationships
2Friendships are possible, but nothing more
3Poor compatibility due to too different temperaments
4Not a very good union, it will be difficult to reach mutual understanding
6A harmonious union based on mutual understanding
7A wonderful combination built on respect and similarity of views
9A harmonious union with a good future

Current interpretations of the number system deny the presence of the number gua 5. To calculate your number, take the year of birth as a basis. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the features of the Chinese calendar.

Element 3 for women

Element 3 – Wood, trigram – Chen. Women with Gua 3 are characterized by an explosive and hot-tempered character. Gua Number 3 is a reckless, impressionable, passionate, extravagant and sensual girl. But Gua number 3 is aggressive, impatient, insightful and straightforward.

A person with Gua 3 necessarily turns out to be an emotional person, prone to idealism. Gua Number 3 is an impulsive nature, usually with enormous energy potential. But at the same time, they do not always spend their energy wisely.

People with this number are attentive to the past. Family and roots, friendships and connections outside the home are important to them. They are open to acquiring new knowledge, self-improvement, and mastering new hobbies. But often they receive only superficial knowledge, without trying to get to the bottom of the subject.

People with the number 3 in their character try to do everything on their own. These people are responsible and, at the same time, cautious, and therefore rarely trust their affairs to someone else. These individuals like to act impromptu, which does not always bring success.

Personality Features

Gua Otto has a connection with the Earth, its symbol is a mountain. He is characterized by strength, calm, perseverance, and contemplation. The main quality of a person with angel number 8 is persistence. Such a person always gets what he wants and despises the opinions of others.

Gua number 8

A person does not allow anyone to enter his world. None of the people close to him know what is in his soul. He will never show his emotions, which is why people find him incredibly strong. However, no one suspects his weakness and vulnerability.

Expert opinion Melnik Dmitry Master of Feng Shui Under the number 8, individuals are born who constantly understand their feelings, are focused on what is happening and love to be alone with themselves. They love to collect rare things and sometimes reach the point of fanaticism. Often the “eight” is closed and insensitive, and with its rudeness it rejects and suppresses others. Such a person is afraid of change and is a true conservative.

Element 9 for women

Element 9 – Fire, trigram – Li. Girls with a 9 will definitely be bright, proud, but at the same time reasonable and successful. Gua number 9 gives them respect and admiration in society. A girl with Gua 9 is distinguished by subtle humor and charisma. She manages to charm her interlocutor literally from the first minute, which she takes advantage of. Many people can follow such a person, and therefore they make good leaders and speakers.

The Gua number for women is another opportunity to get to know themselves and others. Some will say that this is just another horoscope, but the female mind knows that behind common phrases you can discern a deeper meaning and skillfully use new knowledge.

Element 7 for women

Element 7 – Metal, trigram – Dui. 7 is typical for gifted and passionate, sociable and cheerful, flexible and easy-going individuals. Girls with Gua 7 often face changes in their lives. They have excellent intuition, but are also thoughtful and sensitive to others.

Girls over 7 are smart, but at the same time changeable. Even in the most difficult life situations, these individuals do not lose heart and find a reason to smile everywhere. The number 7 in a girl’s character ensures her love of work, but at the same time they know how to relax and forget about business. The number 7 gives its owners a love of life and openness. Girls with a 7 are always cheerful, open to communication and able to inspire by their example.

Element 2 for women

Element 2 – Earth, trigram – Kun. Gua number 2 is typical for conservative individuals. Their Gua 2 makes them reliable and attentive to others, they are stress-resistant and observant. Also, individuals with this number are capable of sacrificing themselves and are always devoted to loved ones.

People with Gua 2 are characterized by dedication and care for loved ones. Gua Number 2 is distinguished by altruism, tenderness and a caring attitude towards others. Thanks to this, people with a Gua number of 2 achieve well-deserved authority, love and devotion from family and friends. Women with a Gua number of 2 easily create warmth and comfort in the family. They also always look for compromises and are not prone to quarrels and conflicts.

Gua number 2 characterizes stable, reliable and balanced people. These individuals get along well in a team; they are literally born for social work and are extremely sociable. Thanks to their ability to work hard, they manage to achieve their goals with ease. But at the same time, they are distinguished by some stubbornness, which is why these individuals do not like change.

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