Strong Dragon totem: meaning, characteristics and application

Legends and myths about dragons

Legends about dragons have been preserved in different parts of the world, on different continents. The older the mythological image of the dragon, the more positive role it plays in the beliefs of the people. The fresher this image is in the human ethnos, the more evil is associated with it.

Ancient dragons are creatures who were respected and sung, whose role in the development of human civilization was clearly positive. These are sages, legislators, mentors of rulers.

The flying feathered serpent (bird-like serpent) Quetzalcoatl was one of the supreme deities of the Aztecs and other Indian tribes of Central America. The Mayan Indians called it Kukulcan .


Quetzalcoatl-Kukulkan was considered the god of the elements of fire and air, water and wind, who founded royal dynasties and large cities. He also taught the tribes many important practical functions, for example, he gave them counting and writing, created a calendar, helped them master crafts, etc.

In Chinese tradition, the dragon is a sacred symbol of the Chinese nation as a whole, and previously of imperial power. The emperor's throne was called the Dragon Throne. The dragon is a symbol of Yang energy , a positive principle. Like the Indian tribes, the Chinese considered their dragon multifunctional . Over time, the image of the dragon acquired several varieties, each with its own specialization:

The main dragon breeds are as follows:

  • Tianlong – guard and “transport” of the gods, heavenly dragon ;
  • Futsanglong - underground dragon , keeper of hidden treasures - minerals and underground energy;
  • Dilun – ruler of rivers and seas, earth dragon ;
  • Yinglong is a divine dragon , on whom weather, wind, rain depend and which thunders from the sky.

Chinese dragons can be winged or fly due to the cone on the top of their head, that is, using magical power and the power of the Mind. They were also endowed with the ability to take on a human form .

All eastern cultures (Japan, Vietnam, Korea) value and respect dragons .

In Western and Christian culture , on the contrary, Dragons are those creatures to whom it was necessary to make sacrifices and with whom brave knights fought. Greek and biblical monsters were often depicted as dragon-like. The images of the serpent and the dragon could be identical and not separate in human perception.

The dragon is essentially the Slavic Serpent Gorynych , who is part of the “grouping” of negative characters in Russian fairy tales along with Baba Yaga and Koshchei the Immortal. Brave heroes - positive fairy-tale heroes - were forced to fight him, cutting off all his heads in turn. The Serpent Gorynych was famous for his accelerated regeneration (his severed limbs and heads grew back), he could breathe fire and fly through the air.

Monument to the Serpent Gorynych - erected in the Lipetsk region on Kudykina Mountain

That is, in Christianity and among the Slavs, snakes and dragons were often synonymous with the devil and evil , which explains the myth of the serpent fighters , .

Recently, a positive attitude towards the image of the dragon - with the help of science fiction and fantasy.
In modern perception, dragons are powerful magical creatures that belong more likely to the Yang elements - fire and air. Their qualities are wisdom, strength and power.

Cat family

Totem Power and Quality

Animals of the cat family as totems give people the ability to feel nature and merge with it, self-sufficiency, intelligence, flexibility, smoothness, speed of action and thought.

back side

It manifests itself as harshness, individualism, selfishness, arrogance and aggression.

All totems of the cat family are similar to each other. Some have pronounced features in the manifestation of strength and its reverse side.


Totem Power and Quality

Gives a person help in working with different worlds, including the other world, clairvoyance and clairvoyance. Helps in baptism practices and any rituals.

back side

If you do not accept the power of a cat, then it turns into selfishness and laziness: the desire to lie down, sleep and eat.


Totem Power and Quality

Gives you the ability to be invisible and always move quickly towards achieving your goal.

back side

If you do not accept the power of the trot, then a person turns into someone who can secretly commit meanness behind his back.


Totem Power and Quality

The tiger totem gives a person wisdom, majesty, determination and courage.

back side

Arrogance, pride, arrogance and swagger.


Totem Power and Quality

The leopard totem gives a person speed of reaction, courage, and grace.

back side

Laziness and narcissism are narcissism.


Totem Power and Quality

The panther totem gives a person grace, plasticity in movement and thinking, intelligence and wisdom.

back side

Narcissism and coldness.

Dragon symbol

The meaning of the dragon symbol is based on its dual nature - this is the connection between a snake and a bird, as well as fire, as a symbol of ideas and magic - which connects these two different principles: crawling and flying.

Thus, the meaning of the dragon symbol is the unification of the earthly and heavenly in one creature. A symbol of the harmonious connection between the base and the divine in one person, who chooses this image as his talisman, amulet, talisman. Such a person would like to have knowledge and magic to achieve power over himself, over the world.

As support from below, the dragon can act as a symbol of monetary energy , providing a connection with finances, jewelry, and material well-being. In Feng Shui, the Dragon is a symbol of prosperity and wealth.

Figurine used in feng shui - Wealth Dragon

As a Yang symbol it is more suitable for men , as it encourages them to realize their strength of character, intelligence, develop wisdom and social success.

For a woman, the dragon symbol will mean that she has protection and patronage, this applies to both spiritual, tribal patrons, and manifest, real ones - in the form of a man, a clan, an organization.

The dragon, as a symbol of politics, is responsible for the ability to “talk your teeth,” for cunning and the ability to act patiently and use all the levers of power.

The dragon as a symbol of an organization contributes to the formation and strengthening of its egregor, its focus on elite, powerful, magical niches, and secret organizations.

Predator birds


Totem Power and Quality

This totem gives both men and women such qualities as: wisdom, the ability to apply accumulated experience and knowledge in practice, the ability to see the essence in everything and build cause-and-effect relationships, to find and see the hidden.

back side

If the power of this totem is not accepted, then it will manifest itself in the opposite way through stupidity, grumpiness and the desire to control everyone. A person in this hara will behave like an abstruse teacher who constantly drones on and teaches everyone around him what to do and how to do it.


Totem Power and Quality

The eagle totem gives a person such qualities as: truthfulness, pure aspirations, majesty and the desire for the divine.

Falcon family, hawk, kite

These birds convey to man a keen sense of justice and honor, the concept of conscience and the desire for truth.

If a person does not accept the power of an eagle, falcon, hawk or kite, then their place is taken by birds such as a vulture, magpie, seagull or pigeon - scavengers that eat everything. Such people see only the negative in everything. They are cowardly and bitchy. These are those who hide behind the backs of others and live by the principle: “My house is on the edge, I don’t know anything.”

Dragon totem

The symbol and totem of the dragon is suitable for people with a high level of self-esteem and vital energy, ambitious , striving for heights and achievements. They are not afraid of competition and battles; they have many ways to win.

It is difficult and quite dangerous to interact with the energy of a dragon; this Spirit can take possession of a person and subjugate him to himself. Some are cunning and resourceful, manipulating attention, and others are by inflating their ambitions and pride.

In order for the Dragon to become your friend and begin to help, you need to go through a kind of mystery - defeat the dragon in yourself . Or rather, you need to defeat the snake part of the Dragon in yourself . Not everyone can do this.

If you have high aspirations but are pure in heart, you can “ride the Dragon” and make it your totem. But even then, he will periodically tempt you and show willfulness; you cannot relax with such a totem. It will require all your dedication to your goal and tremendous dedication .

Still from the film “How to Train Your Dragon” - Toothless and Hiccup

A person with a dragon totem is essentially strong, has a powerful psyche, the potential for spiritual development and magical abilities.

The least he can achieve is to become rich . Such an achievement will not bring him happiness and inner satisfaction. And he will be more inclined to accumulate and protect what he receives than to spend for the sake of joy and development. In this way, its potential energy will increase, but this potential will not be able to be realized .

If you are a Dragon, then beware of striving only for money and wealth, this is the prerogative of the earthly dragon, which does not use its wings, but guards its golden cave. It would be best to choose high goals for yourself in life, and on the way to achieving them you will be accompanied by social success and financial success. After all, dragons, in principle, are never poor .

True Love can happen in the life of Dragons , but don’t rush and don’t look for it - it will find you on its own. Only a few can be a partner for a person with a dragon totem; it is not easy to withstand such energy and ambition.

Photo of the poster for the film “He is a Dragon”

When the Dragon finds family happiness, he is tempted to protect his couple from the rest of the world and completely appropriate it to himself, burning with passion and jealousy, but outwardly demonstrating coldness. Giving another freedom and trust is a difficult task for the Dragon, which he must cope with if he wants to keep his love.

Dragons do not have many children, but it is their appearance that allows him to discover the deepest wisdom and love in himself. But despite all the wisdom, the children will not receive the same attitude towards themselves - after all, only one of the entire offspring will also have the Dragon totem, and will become the absolute favorite of its parent.

Canine family


Totem Power and Quality

The fox totem gives a person the gift of eloquence, the ability to present oneself, intelligence and dexterity. Such people are good diplomats and negotiators; they easily find a common language and negotiate with anyone.

back side

If a person does not accept the power of a fox, then such qualities as hypocrisy, stupidity, deceit and cunning appear in him. These are those who use NLP techniques to manipulate people and gain their own benefit.


Totem Power and Quality

The wolf totem gives a person a heightened sense of justice and courage. Qualities of a leader and leader, responsible for his people, ready to lead. Sense of danger and ability to negotiate. The ability to find like-minded people and create a team out of them.

back side

If a man does not accept the power of a wolf, then in his place comes a jackal or a chained yard dog, who fawns, barks to show off, bites on the sly, is cowardly and mean. In women, the She-Wolf turns into a bitch and manifests itself in such qualities as: suspicion, mistrust, anger and irritability.


Totem Power and Quality

The dog totem gives a woman the ability to find friends, trust the world and men, and feel protected.

back side

If a woman does not accept the dog as a guardian animal, then she turns into a bitch who thinks that they will hurt her, is afraid of everything and everyone, so she uses the tactic of attacking first and bites everyone who is nearby, humiliating the weaker. Doesn't trust the world and men.

If a man does not accept the power of a dog, then a stray dog ​​takes his place - abandoned by everyone, embittered, an unhappy drunk or a biter, a dog who is not responsible for anything in life.

Dragon mascot

If you want to use the dragon symbol as a talisman, amulet or talisman, you yourself must have the inner strength to attract the attention and protection of this creature. The most commonly used image is a dragon or the eye of a dragon.

The Dragon talisman, especially with a stone of fiery colors (orange, red, crimson) is best suited for the signs Aries and Scorpio , especially those born in the years of the Dragon : 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012. It is the representatives of these signs who have powerful energy and maximalism for co-creation with the symbol and totem of the Dragon.

The Dragon talisman and amulet will help you maintain strength, balance between ideals and the material world, work with collective energy and be in touch with Heaven.

The dragon is the owner of exceptional vision, so the Dragon Eye is aimed at developing the abilities of vision and foresight in a person. With such a talisman, you will better perceive what is happening, think faster and see key details of events that relate to you. This increases your safety and gives you additional bonuses for making a decision.

Other articles on the topic “Totems and Symbols”

Tags: Talismans and amulets, Totems of birds and animals

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Discussion: there is 1 comment

  1. Tim:
    02/07/2020 at 23:08

    An unusually strong and interesting article.


What does it mean?

The fifth sign of the Chinese zodiac is the Dragon .
Its element is Earth. This is the imperial symbol of China, which unites Heaven and Earth, a sign of dynamic development and the masculine principle of Yang. Its meaning is from aspirations to action. The dragon is associated with a period of prosperity, sustainable growth and rebirth. Its time is spring, the month is April. The Earth gives life, and Dragons value it in all its forms. They symbolize big things and important steps in personal growth, the transition from the dark side to the light, the connection between worlds.

The dragon sees what others cannot . He is the keeper of material wealth and secret knowledge.

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