The elements of the zodiac signs: fire, wood, metal, water, earth - in man

Elements and elements

According to Feng Shui, a person is a center for the accumulation and release of Qi energy, its constant mobility and transformation. As a result, one or another type of energy arises, affecting various aspects of life. At the same time, our lives are influenced by the sign we were born under. And this is not a horoscope sign, but the elements of nature: wood, air, water, fire, earth, which have a significant impact on our actions and deeds. But how to determine your element? There are ways to do this, both for men and women.

Determining an element by year of birth

For men:

You need to subtract the last two digits of your year of birth from 100, and divide the remainder by 9. After division, what is left will be the number of the personal scale of elements.

Example. Your year of birth is 1981. Take the last two digits of 81 and subtract from 100. We get 19 and now divide this figure by 9 = 2.1. The last digit 1 is the remainder. Let's look at the scale: 1 – your element is Metal. When there is no remainder, then on the scale this means 9 - Earth.

For women:

You should subtract 4 from the last two digits of the year of birth and also divide the remainder by 9. According to the male method, the resulting remainder will indicate the number in the corresponding scale of elements.

Example. Your year of birth is 1987. Subtract the number 4 from 87. We get 83. Then we also divide this value by 9. We get 9.2 - “2” is the remainder. Let's look at the scale: 2 – your element is Water.


  • Metal – 1;
  • Water – 2.3;
  • Wood – 4.5;
  • Fire – 6.7;
  • Earth – 8.9.

Once you have decided on your element, it is worth considering certain qualities of people of these elements. Here are some brief characteristics:

  • Hieroglyphs denoting elements

    Metal – assertiveness, uncompromisingness, ability to achieve goals.

  • Water – softness, sensuality, high emotional background.
  • Wood – inflexibility, the ability to stand your ground, the strength of relationships with other people.
  • Fire is a bright, extraordinary person, prone to adventures and quick decisions, fickle, but can go straight to his own goals.
  • Earth is the most balanced, durable, solid element; in it, the combination of peace and the ability to achieve one’s goal coexist perfectly.

Combination of elements

Apart from what a person represents in himself, it is no secret that we are all looking for our soul mate. And the future strong family largely depends on how the relationship develops.

Elemental compatibility

  • Metal-Metal - the union of two people of these elements is capable of filling everything around with an incredible charge of energy. She is capable of electrifying everything, creating a charge of incredible power. Many centers of energy are formed, which absorbs all the space around. The positive thing is that the collision of these elements gives a huge atmosphere of magnetism and sexual tension. People of this element feel especially harmonious if they have a tendency toward loneliness.
  • Metal-Fire - on the one hand, when these elements collide, they can create somewhat fragile relationships. But everything can be fixed if people of these elements learn to give each other the space that they both need. In this case, the harmony of the relationship is guaranteed. Metal is distinguished by purposefulness, Fire is demanding. This determines that in the relationship both are decisive, maintain a sense of self-esteem, but if all this does not develop into a struggle for superiority, everything will be fine.
  • Metal-Wood - Metal strives for independence, and Wood gravitates towards humanity and upholding the right to freedom. However, if everyone can understand the other person's point of view, everything will be fine. Alas, Metal needs to constantly assert itself, and Wood tends to avoid such individuals. But, on the other hand, harmony is also possible if the interests of interested parties are respected.
  • Metal-Earth - according to instinct, both of these elements strive to satisfy their own needs, which can frighten and even repel sudden outbursts of selfishness on both sides. But as soon as Metal learns to free its sexual energy thanks to its enormous understanding of the Earth, they will be able to find mutual harmony. It’s wonderful when something like this develops into an incredibly strong relationship that can harmoniously support and feed each other. Earth is sensual - Metal is erotic, but both can transform their desires, and then everything will be fine in the relationship.

  • Metal-Water - both of these elements perfectly understand what they want from life, but the ways to achieve this differ. The romantic moods of Water, when correctly understood by Metal, can lead to deep mutual understanding. However, the relationship may seem cool in appearance, but behind this lies strong instincts that can be adjusted to the general mood.

  • Water-Water - in this pair both partners are tuned in to each other. The Water element is distinguished by high sensuality and understanding of the partner’s moods. In this union, both people know what their partner wants from them, which gives them an excellent basis for a strong relationship. However, it is necessary to create a certain calm and peaceful atmosphere in life, since the elements of Water can find it difficult to escape from pressing problems.
  • Water-Fire - it is difficult to call the relationship of these elements simple. Opposite in nature, however, people of these signs can create very strong and interesting alliances. Water tends to have a sensual approach to sexual life, Fire is more demanding and energetic. Harmony can arise in a kind of “fusion” of these elements, when Fire, with its energy, brings some spontaneity to the union, and Water adds sensuality.
  • Water-Wood - in an intimate sense, everything is simply wonderful, since these people know what their partner wants from them and are able to give it. They are balanced, rational, and are more focused on getting rid of problems than they are ready to rush headlong into solving them. The Tree is to some extent afraid of intimacy, but if it can trust Water, the harmony of the relationship will be difficult to destroy. Water tends to have a great understanding of what the Tree needs and is able to offer it. And the Tree also has excellent intuition, which makes the union unbreakable.
  • Water-Earth - people of the Earth element prefer to trust the natural meaning of life to a greater extent. Constancy and strength of habit in relationships are important to them. The earth needs to understand what is happening in order to be cared for and understood. When combined, these elements are like a piece of clay on a potter's wheel. The active centrifugal force of Water gains momentum, and the spinning particles of the Earth merge with it, which leads to unity of destinies and excellent relationships.
  • Fire-Fire - imagine a powerful forest fire, so strong that it is simply impossible to be in it, which engulfs everything around and amazes with its energy. Such a union can be very strong energetically. Fire is proactive, courageous, allows itself to make new acquaintances, give birth to reciprocal passion or sexual energy. The element is characterized by great power of jealousy, which can lead to problems in relationships. But if you know exactly what both people want, this can create a strong and energetically very strong union.
  • Elements in feng shui

    Fire-Earth - These elements are of different natures, but they have in common a combination of optimism and enough caution, and this does not result in an overly expressed relationship, but an even, small flame. Earth is distinguished by sensuality, it somewhat quickly gets tired of the constant change of moods, the exactingness and determination of Fire. But people of the earthly element are attracted by fiery courage, originality, depth and quick change of fantasies. The union of these elements can be based on pleasant nourishment and stimulation of each other.

  • Fire-Wood - oddly enough, judging by the opposite signs, they create wonderful unions. Everyone can envy the intimate harmony of this couple. A certain special moving energy is created, not simple in essence, but very soft. But there may be difficulties if the Tree cannot decide on its needs, and the Fire does not moderate its instincts. But only in understanding their own and partner’s nature are these elements able to create something whole and lasting.
  • Wood-Tree - Tree has a constant desire for freedom, this is important to understand, especially for a partner with a similar element. When the desire for one's own freedom does not infringe on the same need for another person, this union can be very strong. People of this element largely devote themselves to humanitarian goals, and have little energy left for their sexual life. But there is a way out - romance. People of this element are pronounced romantics, although everyday life kills this feeling in them. Therefore, it is better when people of this sign have different jobs and can express themselves in the social sphere. This way it will be better for them to gather under one roof and find common interests.
  • Tree-Earth - The Earth has a pronounced protective energy, which does not suit the Tree, which strives for freedom, very well. The Wood element is characterized by an outward orientation and flexibility, while the Earth strives for dogmatism and receptivity, striving to be a recipient rather than a dominant element. For the Tree, Earth can be a wonderful event, but only if it can handle the emotional currents of which Earth has plenty. The tree needs to wish for such relationships, which can become the basis of a warm union.
  • Earth-Earth - from the outside, such relationships may seem tense to the uninitiated. However, two people under the auspices of this element perceive everything differently. They are practically free from doubts, do not feel any inconvenience, and perfectly enjoy sensual physical and highly spiritual contact, which others simply cannot understand. Both partners have a developed understanding that the sexual side of life needs to be given great attention. At the same time, everyone knows what their partner needs and can give it. Of course, they also have problems. They need an impulse from the outside, the need for which can become a constant trap. In addition, there is a high probability that there will be some restraint in expressing fantasy in bed. The Earth doesn't like to look stupid, and this is holding back.

We do not provide descriptions of the relationship between an element such as Air in various combinations because in the classical Chinese system this element simply does not exist. There are only elements of the zodiac signs: fire, wood, metal, water and earth.

Compatibility of Metal with Fire

Fire—real fire, that is—is quite capable of melting metal. What's the result? Metal will want Fire to do as it says, for which Fire will exclusively “melt” it. All that will help is a healthy sense of humor. And it is important that both have it! And this is no longer determined by the elements...

Ancient Chinese elemental teachings define the gender compatibility of Metal and Water: Sparks of mutual jealousy often occur in these relationships, and they can explode if you do not pay enough attention to your partner's changing feelings.

A little astrology

We have already said that a person is influenced by the year of his birth in the manifestation of one or another element. It also matters what year it is currently in. It has its own hidden powers for various elements, favorable and not so favorable factors.

Let's consider what impact is happening in this year, 2012.

As you know, this year is passing under the auspices of the Black Water Dragon. This character came to us from mythology. He has a strong character and will, strikingly different from other signs of the Zodiac. We live in interesting times now. The dragon makes it exciting, challenging at times, but always fun. All the world's problems, one way or another, affect each of us. Some experience unprecedented success in business, while others lose everything. People who tend to work with passion and enthusiasm will undoubtedly succeed in all endeavors. But what influence does the Black Dragon have on the various elements? How to find out whether you belong to a certain element of Yin or Yang is described in the previous article about the human elements.

  • Metal

Element Metal

Yin - people of this verse will need will and determination in action. Otherwise, failure awaits, efforts will be in vain, and the changes will not be very pleasant. This will also affect low self-esteem. You shouldn’t expect that someone will bring everything you want on a silver platter; be the creator of your life yourself. Only in this case, the year promises to be successful for you, and you will deservedly be proud of your own successes and the respect of others. In your personal life, you need to take the initiative into your own hands.

Ian – you are having a very interesting year. It contains many events in various aspects of life. You can really control reality. A lot will depend on you not only in your life, but also in the destinies of loved ones. Timely perseverance can revive almost hopeless cases. Beware of ambiguous situations, especially on the personal front, because if you give in to strong feelings, you can destroy what you have created over the years.

  • Earth

Elemental Earth

Yin - beware of being at the mercy of circumstances and the various people who surround you. Check their loyalty to you. You will wait for someone to decide your fate, and there is no escape from it. This person or people will lend you money and get you a better job. If you lose some serious project in it, try to find new partners and investors. Personal life will also be waiting for the first steps from the person you are interested in. There is a high probability of falling in love only because, as it seems to you, someone has already fallen in love with you. Try to bring an objective assessment to all aspects of life.

Yang - unlike their Yin counterparts, people of this energy will always be lucky. All the best will rain down on them in abundance. Every undertaking will result in abundant positive fruits. Moreover, the fairly quick results will simply surprise you. You will accomplish a lot this year, even beyond your plans, but you cannot stop. It is important to keep moving forward, and then everything will be perfect. Listen to your own intuition, it will not let you down, and also avoid strong emotions. Conflict situations should also be avoided; they can be downright dangerous. On a personal level, a great bright feeling awaits, developing into a long-term wonderful relationship. Some people may have children this year.

  • Water

Element Water

Yin - people of this sign may experience certain stagnation in their affairs. However, some events will be an exception to the rule. It's interesting that these things will happen quite regularly. Your task is to grasp the rhythm of these phenomena, adapt to them, and then you can successfully plan many things. In this case, the year will be favorable for you and will bring many interesting fruits. However, if you cannot find your way, financial losses and depression are possible. Personal life is full of numerous novels and emotions, but it is unlikely that all this will lead to a strong relationship.

Jan – you have a rare opportunity because the year is yours! And this manifests itself in all aspects of life. Financial independence awaits, your position in society will be strengthened, stability will accompany you at every step, and social status will be at the level you want. Active communication, comprehension of new truths, wisdom and the ability to be responsible await you. Autumn should be used especially. That’s when you can get the maximum benefit: sign a contract, get a good job, improve relationships in your personal life. In general, on a personal level, you will either get a new opportunity with another person, or rise to a new level in an existing relationship.

  • Fire

Element Fire

Yin - people belonging to it need to be extremely careful, since the Water Dragon is able to “extinguish” any of your undertakings. Bosses at work should not be teased unnecessarily. It is also not recommended to borrow money. This year, try to just go with the flow, look at the circumstances, and don’t try to light a flame where it’s completely unrealistic. If you see that the business won’t work out initially, just don’t take it on. It’s better to spend your energy on something that is guaranteed to bring positive results. There may be disappointments in your personal life, or you may simply fall out of love with someone you loved for a long time.

Jan – it’s interesting that representatives of this sign will have much more luck. They themselves will be able to dictate their own rules to reality. Practically, by “evaporating the water,” such people will always achieve success in matters that previously seemed hopeless. Those around you will provide full support in your endeavors and affairs. They will be imbued with the scope and grandeur of all ideas. However, problems may arise in your personal life, since due to your other activities you may not pay enough attention to your partner or, perhaps, that to a certain extent you will outgrow him personally or materially.

  • Tree

Element Wood

Yin - some things will stagnate if they are not too important. More relevant ones will slowly but surely come to excellent results. It is only important to be gradual and unhurried. There is absolutely no need to rush! This year you will find many interesting projects, but it is better not to sign up for dubious enterprises, as they have a high probability of turning against you. On a personal level, no changes, especially if you are already happy at the level you have reached. However, if the situation is not so good, it is better to look for someone you can rely on.

Yang – to representatives of this nature everything will seem simple and easy. The year is excellent for many endeavors, various enterprises and projects. Life will seem like a lush spring garden that grows, gains strength, and accumulates wisdom. All this will be transmitted to you. A great year to lay a solid foundation for the future, both materially and emotionally. It is only important that all matters are in harmony with internal sensations. Know the world intuitively: it's useful. On a personal level, relationships will be strong and stable, and an addition to the family is also possible.

Compatibility in love and sex according to horoscope

Although both metal and water instinctively sense the direction of their life path, they do this in completely different ways. Water is romantic and sensitive to every change of mood, and metal perfectly understands the situation on an intuitive level. But metal prefers to control the movement of the flow, while water moves with the flow. Do you feel the difference?

Water for metal is perhaps the best partner for sexual adventures and journeys into the unknown. The metal must “turn on” to work and acutely feel every second of intimacy. Emotionally, he may seem cold, but water captures his deepest desires and brings them to the surface.

In fact, water people cannot be called deep-sea divers: their light and ephemeral qualities are more akin to mermaids and mermen, who live in water, but can easily breathe rarefied air.

Variable water needs, especially in bed, can interfere with compatibility and conflict with the zealous, impetuous nature of the metal. However, it is precisely this delightful inconsistency in the manifestation of sexual feelings that becomes an irresistible temptation for him.

Role-playing games for harmony in intimate life Metal Water

Play as a female vamp and a male vamp. Wear exotic lingerie or erotic clothing - anything to relieve tension and soften the mood swings of this unusual relationship. Make sure the metal is on the left and the water is on the right.

Water may fall into a deep sleep before metal decides it's time for a new round of lovemaking. Don't forget, metal is very sexy. Metal Water Compatibility can lead to unpredictable behavior both in and out of bed, so make her more secretive and mysterious. Make love in unusual places, and you will soon find yourself coming up with the most incredible ideas - after all, water is smart and insightful, and metal is very inventive.

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