Support elements for yang earth. Yang Earth: what is Yang Earth in Feng Shui. Overcoming the Heavenly Trunks

Yan Land, Yang Land.

The most important element in the Ba Tzu chart is the Personality Element .
This is the core of a person, his essence, his innermost content. This is the indicator by which the entire horoscope is built.

Although the first impression that is created about a person most often corresponds to the description of the characteristics of the animal year of birth , and not to this indicator.

Imagine that the company you work for gets a new employee.

Even at the stage of hiring him, competent employees will evaluate him and decide whether he fits the available vacancy.

For example, if a person was born in the year of the Fire Dragon, then it is unknown whether he will be hired if they are looking for responsible and conscientious workers who know how to obey for the vacant position. It is most often difficult for a typical Dragon to make such an impression at the first meeting. In this case, preference will be given, for example, to Roosters or Bulls.

But if a company is looking for charismatic and creative people, then HR managers will take the Dragon’s candidacy much more seriously. In this case, the taciturn Ox or the pedantic Rooster will not make the right impression.

When a new person begins to get acquainted with the team, he still makes the first impression in accordance with his year of birth .

The year of birth shows how a person relates to people in general and how others perceive him when they first meet. It matters what year the horoscope rules. So, the Tiger can be Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

For example, a person with the Yang Tree Personality element, born in the year of the Wood Rooster, in the eyes of others will look like a debater, a person who easily makes enemies. And a Yang Tree person who was born, for example, in the year of the Fire Dragon, will give the impression of a self-confident, influential and talented person. Read more…



example: Whitney Houston Data:,_Whitney Personality element = Yang tree.
Born in the season of the Monkey. The tree is supported only by the yang tree in the hour pillar and the year pillar also supports the personality element. The tree has roots in the Rabbit, so here is a situation where the personality element is greatly weakened due to the abundance of power (metal). Let's write down all the elements in the open heavenly trunks and earthly branches. Wood = 2 (we don’t count EL) Fire = 0 Earth = 1 Metal = 3 Water = 1 There
is a strong imbalance in the chart at the level of Metal and Wood.
Strong metal cuts down wood. Children's star = fire. There is no fire in the map, there is a weak Yin Fire in the hour pillar. This is already a problem for childbearing. There is no strength to bear a child. The map is very dry and cold due to the abundance of Metal and Earth. The child's star is hidden in the earth sign - Dog. And all this still stands in the hour pillar. The heavenly trunk of the day is at a very low qi phase. The yang tree in Monkey is the “decomposition” phase. This is either the absence of children, or the children are born very sick. A very problematic card in terms of fertility and health. But, nevertheless, she was able to give birth to one child. This is a good example that even with very complex cards you can give birth to a child. Why did you give birth? Much depends on the pillars of luck. If the pillars of luck correct the imbalance recorded in the birth chart, the woman can give birth to a child. Of course, she won’t give birth to many anyway. There is only one child star in the horoscope (Yin Fire) and it is hidden, very weak. Good conditions must come for the child to be born. On March 4, 1993, Whitney Houston gave birth to a daughter. Her pillar of luck changes in May 1993, so at the time of pregnancy and childbirth there was still the Yang Water pillar on the Dog.
Yang water came in the heavenly trunks.
These are resources. Useful element. When there are resources, a bridge appears between Power and the Personality Element. Power ceases to destroy the element of personality. Metal feeds Water, Water feeds Wood. The tree becomes stronger and can give birth to a child. The imbalance in the map goes away. She also really needs fire to give birth to a child. It is extremely difficult to give birth without fire. The period 1983 – 1993 = this is the Dog. The Dog merges with the Rabbit (year of birth) and gives the necessary fire. The dog also duplicates the pillar of the hour of birth, the palace of children is activated. In the Dog there is a hidden child star. Almost all of the pregnancy occurred in 1992 = Yang Water on Monkey.
Water has arrived again, a useful resource. The tree's nourishment has arrived. The monkey carries metal, but as long as there is water, the metal is not dangerous. It enhances the water even more. The monkey duplicates the marriage palace (birthday), the husband's star came and built itself into the marriage house. Therefore, in 1992, she married singer Bob Brown. The birth of the child occurred at the beginning of 1993 = Yin Water on the Rooster. Once again we have healthy water and resources. The Rooster merges with the Monkeys and the Dog into metal. The house of marriage and the house of children are activated again. With this amount of water, the metal is not dangerous and does not attack the Tree. In May 1993, the tact changes and Yin Water comes to the Pig. Water carries useful resources. The Pig merges with the Rabbit into a tree - this is also good. This is a good tact in her life, but she can’t give birth anymore. Why? Because there is no fire. This card really needs fire.

In 1994 - miscarriage.
Year of the Yang Tree on the Dog. A complete duplicate with the hour of birth.
The Rabbit is blocked in the year by merging with the Pig. A dog cannot merge into fire; it carries the energy of the earth. An unhelpful duplicate to the hour pillar often carries miscarriages. In 1996, another miscarriage.
Year of Fire is Yang in the Rat. In general, it would be possible to give birth in such a year.
In any case, the presence of pregnancy is quite understandable. Yang fire is the child's star. Very often, when in the chart itself the child’s star is hidden in hidden trunks or is completely absent, birth is possible only when the desired element comes in time, year. Especially on the beat. Tact is always stronger than the year. But here the Rat interfered. There was too much water. There is too little fire. The entire analysis of Ba Zi is an analysis of balance and imbalance. It’s not enough to just say – a useful element has arrived, everything will be fine. Each card is very individual and we always look at specific situations. To make it clearer, let's describe the balance of forces. The tact brought Water and Wood (the Pig merged with the Rabbit and began to carry the energy of the tree). The year brought one element of Fire (the star of children) and 3 elements of water (the Rat merged with two Monkeys in the birth chart, the Monkeys began to carry the energy of water). In the picture I have designated the signs by the color of the elements they carry after mergers. This will help you quickly see the balance of power.

If we write down the total scores of the modified natal chart + beat + year, it turns out:
Wood = 3 Fire = 1 Earth = 1 Metal = 1
Water = 5 Water and wood are extremely strong, especially water. 5 elements of water + also metal generates water. And there is only one child star. And this stream of water falls on the Fire, extinguishes it. A very important conclusion - a weak card needs a resource, but if there is no or little element of self-expression, too much resource is also bad, it will simply destroy the child!
That's what happened here. This is an imbalance at the health level.
Strong water extinguishes Fire. There could be problems with the kidneys, ovaries, hormonal imbalances. The balance of fire and water in matters of childbirth is very important.

Series of messages “Bazi”:
Part 1 - Symbolic stars of Ba-Zi Part 2 - Flower of romance ... Part 4 - STAR OF A NOBLE PERSON - AN EFFECTIVE WAY TO SOLVING PROBLEMS Part 5 - PROBLEMS OF CHILDREN IN BAZI ASTROLOGY Part 6 - Childbirth (example) Bazi Part 7 - Childbirth (example 2) Bazi Part 8 - WHY GENERAL FORECASTS DO NOT WORK... Part 13 - Several Demons of failure in Bazi Part 14 - Correlation of the elements in the Bazi chart with the 5 life aspects. Part 15 - Model of your ideal relationship according to Bazi

Metal Yang on Monkey in Scarlett Johansson's card

Scarlett Johansson's date of birth is November 22, 1984. In the first place in the heavenly pillars we see the element of wealth, which makes her the highest paid actress in Hollywood in 2021 and the world in 2021. Scarlett's films have grossed more than $14 billion. It should be noted that she knows how to profitably realize her abilities and talent.

In the Earthly branches we see two traveling Horses, which makes her energetic, active and brings a lot of movement into her life. Due to her parents' divorce, Scarlett is forced to constantly travel between New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

The element of Personality sits on the Monkey, and this suggests that Scarlett likes to be in the spotlight, she is not satisfied with minor roles. She needs fame and popularity. And it should be noted that she does it well.

Metal can be seen in her manner of speaking, confidence, even some kind of harshness. Yang metal gives a girl a strong masculine character. Scarlett is characterized by perseverance and perseverance. She has charisma and leadership qualities. But despite this, in some strange way, she exhibits feminine attractiveness, sexuality and magnetism.

Scarlett Johansson was born in the month of Water (Pig). And this is aggressive self-expression, a clear talent that allowed her to realize herself as an actress even in her teens. Water also gives Scarlett wisdom and well-spoken speech. Let me quote from her statement about herself:

I look and immediately know everything about this person. And I use this knowledge. That's why I find it easy with people. Especially with those who are hiding something

Scarlett also sings great. Moreover, she has already recorded three studio albums. Let me remind you that Metal, Water, and the presence of self-expression are responsible for the voice in the bazi chart.

Metal yang on the Dog in Cindy Crawford's chart

Cindy Crawford took first place in the list of the sexiest stars of the twentieth century according to Playboy magazine.

Let's look at her bazi card. She was born on February 20, 1966.

The girl's Personality Element is Yang Metal. Metal people are considered very attractive, having a good, well-proportioned figure. Well, isn't this about Cindy Crawford?

In the celestial trunk of the year, she has very strong emergency power, which helps Cindy achieve certain heights in business. Moreover, the element of Power is represented by Fire, which in itself gives action, performance, power over the viewer. She is able to make a decision and is ready to overcome difficulties. Discipline and responsibility are important to her. This is a brave, successful and hardworking woman who prefers to keep everything under control. Cindy has innate leadership charisma and a keen sense of justice. However, unbending Metal can melt, and I think Cindy realizes this.

We looked at the bazi cards of strong, independent, admirable and respectful women of the Metal Yang element.

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