Yansky region how to identify useful elements

Special structure of the Ba-Zi card

Sometimes Ba Tzu cards have special structures and do not follow the general principles of Wu Xing.
They are “outside the general rules” and require a special approach. Special structures are also called “special maps” or “follow-up maps”. Types of special structures: following structures, Qi transformations, luminous structures. Super-weak Ba-Tzu cards

Sometimes the Personality element is very weak, and the other elements in the Bazi chart do not support it, but only weaken it. And then the element of Personality is considered not just weak, but super-weak, that is, practically lifeless. In this case, he loses his own independence and is forced to follow the strongest element in the chart. He has no other choice, otherwise he simply will not survive! Such Bazi maps are called following maps. Power, Self-Expression or Wealth are three types of following cards. They are also called power-following, child-following, or wealth-following. The element that is followed takes the place of the personality element and becomes the central element of the entire chart.

General rules for the special structure of the following: 1. The Personality element does not have the support of the Season (Earthly branch of the month of birth) in the main chart. 2. The Personality element does not have a connection in the form of an identical element in an hour, day, month or year in the Earthly branches, in the main or hidden ones. This position is called rooting, and the associated Earthly branch is called the root.

If the root is in the main Earthly branch, then this root is the main one. If it is in the hidden Earthly branches, then this root is non-basic). The minor root can be located in the hidden Earthly branches of the hour, day or year, but not the month. 3. The Personality Element should not be in high stages of growth (out of 12 stages of growth or 12 phases of qi), because the Entry into Service phase and the Imperial Lamp phase refer to the period when the element is in a very strong phase and is so powerful that it cannot follow another element of the chart. 4. One of the 5 elements must dominate the chart, it must be located in the Celestial Stems and must be in a high stage of growth. 5. The main element of any of the 4 Earthly branches cannot be a Resource element for the Personality element. The Resource element in hidden trunks is acceptable. The Resource element in the Heavenly trunks is permissible, but cannot take root in the Earthly branches (in the hidden elements and the main one). 6. The dominant element cannot have its Power anywhere in the 4 pillars, i.e. an element that for him is power. 7. Pay attention to combinations (seasonal combinations and kinship triangles), they can generate a strong element that warns that this may be a succession card. 8. If the element of Personality is Earth, then the month of birth should be fiery or earthly.

A special structure of following (“Follow the leader”) - a super-weak element of the personality follows the predominant element, which must necessarily be manifested in the Earthly branch of the month of birth. For the special structure of following, elements that support the element of personality - friends and resources - are unfavorable. Such structures react most painfully to the arrival of unhelpful elements; in such cycles a person is doomed to losses.

If for an ordinary weak BaZi card the elements that support and strengthen the element of Personality (Resources and Friends) are considered useful, then for a super-weak one they will be destructive! Because they are unfavorable for the “leader” - the one who is followed by the element of Personality. And the useful elements for a super-weak BaZi card will be the same ones that are good for the “leader”.

At the same time, the element of Personality remains itself, without changing its true nature. He rejects his “native environment” and depends not on himself, but on the leader whom he is forced to follow.

People with a path map often abandon their roots. They often change the city where they were born, and even the country. Such people are like “tumbleweeds”; their life resembles a “roller coaster” - continuous ups and downs.

There are subgroups of special following structures: “Following power”

- predominance of the element of power. With such a special structure in the chart, a person will strive for power or be close to it, and is able to achieve significant success in this field. In a woman's chart, power is also an element of the husband. For such women, it is not a problem to get married and take care of family and children, sacrificing everything. “Following power” (pure) must meet the following conditions: - the element of Power in the map is dominant; — the element of Power in a high stage of growth; — the element of Self-Expression is not found in the Heavenly trunks and in the main elements of the Earthly branches;

In this case: - The element of Power is favorable; — Self-expression is an unfavorable element, except when Wealth is present. This is because Self-Expression controls Power, and when Wealth is present, it takes energy away from Self-Expression. The generated element always weakens the one that generates it; — Wealth generates Power, and it is favorable; — The resource and element of Personality (Lord of the Day) are also favorable.

False following of Authority: Similar to pure following. The difference is that the element of power is in stages 1, 6 or 9 of growth. This type is very unbalanced. In good times there is great success and achievements, in bad times there are serious deprivations.

"Following Self-Expression"

— the predominance of the element of self-expression. Self-expression is creativity, the desire to show oneself, to be visible. With such a special structure in the map, it is good to be a writer, blogger, journalist, photographer or other representative of a creative profession. In a woman's chart, this special structure signifies the importance of motherhood. “Following Self-Expression (child)” must meet the following conditions: - the element of Self-Expression is dominant; — Self-expression – in a high stage of growth; — There is no resource in the Heavenly trunks and there can only be 1 element of Self-Expression; — The main element of the Earthly branches cannot be a Resource; — The element of Personality can be hidden by a root in the Earthly branch; — The element of Wealth is allowed; — The Personality Element can be at any stage of growth from the 12 phases of Qi;

In this case: - Useful element - Self-expression; — The element of Personality (Lord of the Day) is also useful; - Wealth is favorable; — Power and Resources are unfavorable elements.

"Following Wealth"

- predominance of the element of wealth. Such people need to be as close to money as possible. If there are no other indications of wealth in the map, then the special structure manifests itself as entrepreneurship and the ability to find sources of income. Such people do not sit idle even in retirement; they always have ideas on how to make money. “Following Wealth” must meet the following conditions: - the Personality element (Lord of the day) is not in a high stage of growth; — the element of Personality has no rooting; — The Wealth element dominates and is in a high stage of growth; — Heavenly trunks must contain 1 element of Wealth; —The earthly branches must combine in the seasonal combination or triangle of kinship which Wealth produces; — the element of Personality should not be in 4 pillars; — The resource cannot be in the Heavenly trunks or the main element of the Earthly branches;

In this case: - Wealth is favorable; — Self-expression is favorable; — Power is neutral; — The resource and element of Personality (Brotherhood) are unfavorable.

Super strong Ba Tzu cards

This is the other extreme - the opposite of the follow map. All elements in the super strong Bazi chart support the element of Personality. And the owners of super-strong cards in life also receive all kinds of support.

In such a map there are no other elements except the personality element and the elements of resources and friends that support it. What is important here is the Qi phase of the personality element relative to the Earthly branch of the month: it must be in a high phase (see Qi Phases).

Favorable in such cards are elements that strengthen the element of personality (Friends and Resources), as well as the element of Wealth. The elements of Power (most) and Self-Expression are unfavorable.

People with such a special structure in the chart are distinguished by perseverance, even stubbornness, and the ability to rise again and again after a fall or collapse. The women's chart promises difficulties in organizing their personal life. If a simply strong element of Personality needs to be weakened, then a super-strong element of Personality cannot be weakened! Otherwise, it can lead to devastating consequences.

Special structure “Qi Transformation”

Another name is “Change of Qi” or “Transformation of Qi” - it differs in that under certain conditions the Personality element is transformed into another element (see Heavenly trunks: mergers and collisions and Earthly branches: merging of branches), namely if the personality element connects with the heavenly the trunk of an hour or a month and the result of this merger is an element similar to that in the Earthly branch of the month. Fusion of Heavenly Stems (in short):甲 (Yang Wood) + 己 (Yin Earth) = Earth 庚 (Yang Metal) + 乙 (Yin Wood) = Metal 丙 (Yang Fire) + 辛 (Yin Metal) = Water 壬 (Yang Water ) + 丁 (Yin Fire) = Wood 戊 (Earth Yang + 癸 (Yin Water) = Fire

Rule of transformation of Qi: if an element of personality merges with the celestial trunk of an hour or a month and the result of this fusion is formed an element, which is in the Earthly branch of the month.

For example, if the Celestial stem of the hour merges with the personality element to form Fire, and at the same time there is a fiery Earthly branch in the pillar of the month, then the new personality element will be Yin Fire (if there is an Earthly Yin branch underneath it, or Yang Fire (if there is a Yin branch underneath it) Earthly branch of Yang) Above the earthly branch of Yin there can only be a Heavenly Yin trunk, and vice versa.

In such cards, the element of transformation itself is useful (in the example above it is fire), as well as the element that supports/generates it. The non-useful element would be the controlling element (water in this example). People with such cards have unpredictability.

A particular issue remains the identification of the 10 deities in the transformed chart - different schools have different views.

Yansky region

In Ba-Tzu, it is believed that people with cards of the “Yang Edge” type are very strong, capable of leading troops or organizations. It is impossible to convince people of this type; it is useless to argue with them. The map of the “Yansky region” structure is revealed according to its own rules. In it, a strong element of personality is usually supported by the month of birth: - Yang tree is supported by the Rabbit; - Yang fire - Horse; - Yang-earth - Horse; - Yang metal - Rooster; - Yang water - Rat.

That is, here the personality element is in the “imperial lamp” or “imperial glow” qi phase. A person with the “Yang Land” card has problems when there is a clash between the earthly branch of the month of birth and the coming year or period of life. In this case, the adversary, enemy or competitor is activated and creates problems. Or an accident occurs. After all, it is believed that when the “Yang edge” collides, its forces are activated.

I haven't had to look at maps like "Yansky region". But among Ba-Tzu consultants it is believed that among the famous people Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Anatoly Chubais and Ingrid Betancourt have cards of this structure.

It should be noted that in some Ba-Tzu schools there are only three types of “Yang edge” cards: - Yang tree supported by the Rabbit; - Yang metal - Rooster; - Yang water - Rat. Other schools emphasize that a person of the Yang-Earth element cannot have the “Yang Land” card.

Many consultants are confident that the “Yang Land” card belongs to a person of the yin element, born in the month when the qi of this energy flourishes. That is, for example, the personality element yin-fire, born in the month of the Snake, is considered the owner of such a card. Useful elements in the “Yansky region” map in the methods of some masters are considered as for an ordinary map, in others it is believed that only power and money are useful.

What kind of metaphysical system is this?

Ba-Zi is a Feng Shui tool that provides a person with the opportunity to understand what qualities he possesses, as well as find the most suitable methods of interacting with others. The map indicates the capabilities inherent in a person and shows the directions in which they can be used. By carefully studying the map, you can determine the future.

Analysis of the Ba-Tzu map will allow you to:

  • build deep relationships with friends by eliminating misunderstandings between people;
  • understand how the human body works, identifying its strengths and weaknesses, reducing the risk of possible diseases;
  • identify activities that will reveal a person’s potential and provide an opportunity to develop it;
  • choose the best time to start any important business.

Based on his life experience, a person will be able to find out why certain events occur in his life, and how they can be corrected in order to find harmony with himself and the world around him.

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