According to Feng Shui, the stove is the heart of the kitchen and the key to family prosperity

A stove or stove was universally and at all times considered the basis of family well-being. In Chinese, food is pronounced "tsai", which is similar to the Chinese word for "wealth". In addition, there is no need to explain how important food and its variety are for any person. That is why, after the front door, the most important part of the house is the kitchen.

There should be enough qi energy in the kitchen, since it affects food and affects all the inhabitants of the house. Of course, the kitchen should be spacious and bright, always with a sufficiently wide window and additional lighting.

Rules for the location of the kitchen in the house according to Feng Shui

  1. The kitchen should not be placed in a place exposed to strong winds.
  2. The kitchen should not be located above a tank containing water or toxic waste.
  3. The location of the kitchen should be harmoniously combined with the date of birth of the owner of the house. Consult a geomancer on this matter.
  4. The kitchen should not be the central point of the house and the “happy spot” of the house.
  5. The kitchen should have good lighting and good ventilation.
  6. If the house is two-story, the toilet should not be located above the kitchen.
  7. The ventilation hatch should not be located in a visible place.
  8. The drain pipe from the kitchen should not pass under the living room.
  9. The floor in the kitchen should be at the same level as the floor in the dining room.
  10. There should be no holes in the kitchen ceiling.
  11. The kitchen should not be either round or in the shape of an irregular polygon.
  12. It is advisable to place an amulet under the table or stand on which the stove stands.

Kitchen colors

In the kitchen, shades of green, yellow, brown, orange and white are preferred. In this room there are most representatives of the water and fire elements, so the predominance of intense shades of red, blue or black is not recommended.

White is a good color for the kitchen - according to Feng Shui, it is considered an intermediate link between the fire and water elements. In addition, it looks wonderful with metal objects that are in every kitchen. When decorating the kitchen interior, you should avoid combinations of opposing elements. Shades of green are very beneficial and pleasant in the kitchen.

How to properly position the stove in the kitchen

The happy place for the stove is the center of the kitchen - the lucky zone. In Feng Shui, this arrangement is considered to improve well-being. Directing the slab towards the front door can lead to the ruin of a family. In addition, there are several other directions that are prohibited for the stove: it should not be facing the toilet, towards the master bedroom or someone else’s bed, or towards the stairs. It is considered inconvenient and therefore undesirable to place the door to the kitchen behind the back of the person cooking on the stove. In this case, a mirror above the stove is simply irreplaceable, otherwise it is difficult to cook on the stove without being distracted: there is always a risk of injury or spoiling the dish if you constantly have to turn around and see who has entered the kitchen.

While preparing food, the cook should be able to work comfortably, and if this condition is met, then real masters of their craft work wonders. Deliciously prepared food is a powerful source of Qi in the home, as elsewhere in nature (everything perfect gives rise to Qi). The quality of the dishes served to the table depends not only on the skill of the cook, but also on his well-being, and this should also be taken care of. The kitchen must not only be spacious, ventilated and light, but also immaculately clean, and the stove must work properly so that all burners can be used.

How the location of the stove affects the taste of food

It would seem, where is the connection between the taste of food and the way the stove is installed in the kitchen? But Feng Shui finds a subtle energy dependence in absolutely everything and tells us that:

  • dishes cooked on a stove located in the southern sector have a brighter and more pronounced taste, and in addition have a positive effect on the health of all family members;
  • the southwestern sector is famous for the fact that the food prepared there is always highly nutritious and energy-rich;
  • and the northeastern direction is the best for those who are just beginning to comprehend the basics of cooking and like to conduct all sorts of experiments with preparing extraordinary dishes.

For more information on how to properly position the stove in the kitchen, watch this video:

Which sector to choose and where to place the stove is, of course, up to you. But Feng Shui experts still advise not to be afraid to go for design experiments, and feel free to install the stove where it will bring the greatest benefit to the family. Even if you have to turn it diagonally or place it in the central part of the kitchen, which seems completely unusual or inconvenient. Would you do this for the sake of your own success and health?


Feng Shui rules for placing a kitchen stove

Regarding the location of the kitchen stove, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The stove should not face the front door of the house.
  2. The stove should not face the toilet door.
  3. The stove should not face the door of the matrimonial bedroom.
  4. Do not place the stove with its back wall facing a large window.
  5. There should be no sewer or water pipes running under the kitchen stove.
  6. Do not place the slab under a ceiling beam.
  7. The stove should not be placed in a corner.
  8. Do not place the stove between two water taps.
  9. The stove should not be placed in the center of the house.
  10. The stove should not be adjacent to the back wall of the toilet or washbasin.
  11. The stove should not be facing the stairs.
  12. The stove should not be placed behind the head of the bed.

© Ogudin Valentin

Electronics in the kitchen

Feng Shui believes that electrical appliances have a stimulating effect on the areas where they operate. You can take advantage of this by arranging the devices correctly.

When arranging appliances, it is important to avoid conflicting elements; for example, a microwave oven should not hang above the stove.

All equipment used in the kitchen must be in working order and ready for use. Only what is used most often should be on hand. It is better to put devices that are rarely used in a closet.

Design according to Feng Shui rules

Basic design rules:

  • ideal if the furniture and equipment are arranged according to the triangle principle;
  • Sharp corners and sharp objects must be avoided in plain sight;
  • everything present in the kitchen must be constantly used, otherwise positive Qi energy will accumulate in the location of unnecessary things;
  • you cannot leave old, unused and broken things - such things absorb the dark energy of Sha, which provokes scandals and troubles;
  • Feng Shui colors and symbols of the opposite verse cannot be used in zones (for example, objects symbolizing the sun cannot be placed on the north side);
  • You can’t have people crowding the kitchen;
  • there should be a lot of free space so that nothing interferes with the circulation of positive Qi energy;
  • the kitchen must certainly have the correct shape with right angles, otherwise negative energy will accumulate in sharp corners, creating negative zones there that bring illness and even death;
  • all dishes must be put in the closet;
  • it is worth organizing maximum lighting (dark corners concentrate Sha energy) and active ventilation, it just disperses all the dark energy;
  • do not divide the kitchen into zones using different floor levels, all kinds of ledges and ceiling beams.

Tiles and furniture coverings should not have a reflective effect, because then they will refract a person’s reflection, which will negatively affect his health, or even “break” his life.


Proper placement of furniture in the kitchen is one of the basic rules of Feng Shui.

  • All furniture should be functional and constantly in use.
  • There should be no old furniture with an unknown history; it can carry stagnant negative energy.
  • For such a kitchen it is better to buy furniture with rounded corners.
  • Cabinets should be positioned so that the person cooking can see the entire kitchen, but it is important that they do not need to turn their head more than 45 degrees, and ideally should not have their back to the door.
  • It is ideal that the cabinets and work surface are installed in the middle of the kitchen, then the cook can take any convenient position.
  • It is more harmonious to place wooden furniture between the sink, refrigerator and stove, dividing the zones of Water and Fire, based on the Chinese saying: “Water gives birth to wood, and wood gives birth to fire.”
  • Do not hang open shelves.
  • The table should not point sharp corners at the stove; it is better if it is round, oval or octagonal in shape, reminiscent of Bogue.
  • There should be nothing on the countertop if there is no cooking in the kitchen at the moment.
  • Chairs, armchairs, a sofa (stools are not welcome here) must be placed so that the back of the person sitting is not in a draft opposite the door, otherwise the person will fall under the influence of Qi energy.

Each family member should be assigned a specific place so that while eating, the person looks in the usual favorable direction, and the Gua number (everyone’s personal number) helps him.



All pipes should be securely removed, or they will fill the room with negative Sha energy. Ideally, the three main items, refrigerator, stove, sink, will be located in three corners.


The most important item in a Feng Shui kitchen is the stove. It symbolizes success and prosperity. It contains the element of Fire. The principles of its installation are as follows:

  • Under no circumstances should the stove be placed near the window, because as soon as you open the window, good luck can fly out into the street; if you cannot move the stove, then you need to attach a reflective sticker to the window;
  • ideally, if the slab can be installed against the southern wall, the south is the refuge of such an element as Fire. But he needs to be pacified by placing a ceramic vase with charcoal next to the stove;
  • if this is not possible, then simply place the slab against the inner wall of the house;
  • it should not be placed next to the sink and refrigerator: Water is the enemy of Fire.
  • if, nevertheless, they are located nearby, then it is better to install a division made of Wood: boards, decorative elements, tiles; in this case, it would be better to use green or brown colors;
  • It is better to cook on a stove with an open fire, avoiding microwaves, ovens and electric stoves;

  • The number of burners is also important - the more, the better; if there are only one or two, you need to place a mirror near the stove so that there are visually more of them;
  • all burners, even those that are not constantly used, must be turned on periodically;
  • the slab should not be under the ceiling beam.

It is good to hang photographs of relatives, including the deceased, on the wall, in this way they are symbolically invited to the table and thanked for everything.

Watch a video with expert advice on how to decorate your kitchen using Feng Shui.


A refrigerator for a home cannot be placed in the south side of the kitchen, because its element is water. Products will quickly deteriorate. It is useful to install a mirror in the refrigerator - and it will always be full. Read how to choose a hob for your kitchen and oven at this link.


It should always sparkle with cleanliness; you should never accumulate dirty dishes here, or allow the formation of blockages, rust stains, or grease deposits. The tap must be in good working order. According to Feng Shui, water is responsible for wealth, accumulation of money, and if the tap is running, then all income is washed down the drain. It is better to buy a stainless steel sink. Metal is a strong element; it will destroy negative information and help Water get rid of it by washing everything down the drain. It is good to surround the sink with house plants so that the energy of Wood harmoniously unites the energy of Water and Fire around itself.

Electrical appliances

They all stimulate the activity of positive energy, so it is good to place small appliances throughout the kitchen. It is impossible for the equipment to stand as a dead weight. If there is an appliance in the kitchen, you definitely need to use it.

Flowers, paintings, mirror in which zone to place

In the kitchen you need to place mirrors with care, only in certain places, otherwise everyone who eats here will be constantly reflected, and soon the housewife will notice that she has to constantly stand at the stove, and the kitchen will literally turn into a walk-through yard. There should be mirrors at the stove and at the dining table. Moreover, it was hung above the table so that the food was reflected in it.

There should be a lot of ceramics - this is the element of the Earth, it will enhance the positive influence of the forces of Water and Wood that dominate the kitchen.

There should always be fruit in a vase on the table, it is better if there are nine of them, this is the number that means strength; Having eaten one fruit, you should immediately add another.

Be sure to hang bunches of onions, peppers, garlic, or artificial ones, they symbolize a bountiful harvest and all kinds of well-being.

Flowers in the kitchen symbolize the growth of prosperity.
There should be flowers in the kitchen, in pots and bouquets, but always live, dried flowers, according to Feng Shui, are associated with death.

Everything in the cabinets is arranged according to the principle of “like to like.”

Before hanging a picture, you need to decide what is important now: to lose weight, eat as little as possible, or vice versa, to awaken your appetite: in the first case, it is worth hanging some kind of landscape, an image of a bouquet, in the second case, still lifes depicting appetizing food are best suited, juicy fruits and vegetables. Images can also be of small items, for example, potholders. Read about tips for decorating kitchen walls here.

In the kitchen, as in any other room, if there is space, you can install an aquarium, this is the unity of all the elements - Earth (soil), Water (obviously), Fire (the color of the fish), Wood (driftwood), Metal (the frame of the aquarium itself) . It should be placed in the south-eastern sector of the kitchen, away from the door. It must match the size of the room. Do not place a large aquarium in a small room.

The right kitchen, what and where it should be

  • The kitchen is square in shape with a window facing east. From it you can see lilac bushes and a round gazebo on the site.
  • There is a stove in the corner adjacent to the south side.
  • On a wooden side table with ceramic tiles there is a large clay jug with decorative branches, several pieces of coal lowered to the bottom.
  • Then there are two completely closed cabinets with dishes laid out on shelves: cups to cups, plates to plates, cutlery separately.
  • In the corner there is a refrigerator with a magnet with a picture of a Chinese coin attached to the door.
  • There is a wind chime hanging above the door, the door is always closed.
  • To the side is a long, low buffet with tea and coffee sets and a table on which there is a microwave and toaster.
  • Next comes the sink in the corner.
  • In the middle there is a round glass table with chairs.
  • On the wall there is a proper still life and old black and white photographs.
  • There are pots with indoor flowers on the window and a stand next to it.
  • The kitchen is illuminated by a large lamp with a shade decorated with a ribbon on which minerals are attached, and a lamp near the stove.

Lunch group

Choose a table according to the size of the kitchen - there is a lot of free space in the house, which means there is room for well-being. Not only the size, but also the shape of the dining table is important. Favorable shapes: square (Earth), rectangle (Wood), circle (Metal). But as noted earlier, the fewer corners the better, so round and oval tables are most suitable for the dining area. Semicircular, L-shaped, triangular configurations are undesirable due to their “instability” and “inferiority”.

The best material for a table is wood. A glass tabletop is not desirable, since food on glass, symbolizing wealth and abundance, as Feng Shui gurus say, “falls into the void.” If you already have a glass table, then you can simply cover it with a beautiful light tablecloth. Chairs with high backs are desirable.

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