The meaning of the peacock in the interior according to Feng Shui and not only...

The peacock is a proud and beautiful bird. Since ancient times, these birds have attracted people's attention due to their brightly colored feathers and majestic appearance. For many centuries, in different countries and cities of the world (such as Greece, India, Ancient Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Rome, China), the peacock was revered and considered a symbol of wealth and power.


According to Feng Shui, the peacock is a symbol of beauty, immortality, joy and pride. Due to the interesting coloring of the peacock’s tail feathers (it seems to be strewn with many “eyes”), this bird is considered a symbol of wisdom.

An ancient legend about a peacock

In world culture, this bird with an extraordinary tail embodies the sun and stars and is a symbol of dignity, beauty and immortality. Thanks to the many “eyes” on the peacock’s tail, Indians see in its image not only beauty, but also wisdom. Buddhist monks had a custom of carrying feathers from a peacock's tail, because... they represented compassion.

There is an ancient Chinese legend about the peacock.

One day a Chinese sage saw a beautiful bird standing near the water. Her feathers shimmered with amazing colors, sparkling in the sun with hundreds of different shades. The sage came closer to the bird and wanted to talk to it. However, she didn’t even turn around, because she was looking at her reflection on the surface of the water.

The old man was surprised by such inhospitability, raised his hand and blocked the sun with it. Darkness fell on the earth. The bird, looking up from its appearance, turned to the sage. He asked her who she was. The noble creature replied that his name was Peacock, and sadness settled in his heart, because he dreams of bringing joy, happiness and love to the people around him, but still has not understood how to do this.

The sage was surprised by the generosity and nobility of the bird. He took his hand away from the sun, and the Peacock’s tail began to sparkle with wonderful colors again. However, as soon as the world became light again, the bird immediately turned away and again continued to admire its reflection, forgetting about the old man and the conversation with him.

The man did not like this, and he decided to punish Peacock for his empty words. He made the bird become a source of joy for people. Admiring her, a person experiences happiness and admiration.

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In the teachings of Feng Shui, the peacock is widely used as a symbol of good luck.

What does this talisman mean?

A peacock talisman symbolizes beauty. The magical power is located in the bird's large tail, which makes it so beautiful that it has been honored, respected and extolled for centuries. An amulet with a peacock will attract joy into the house, which will bring with it beauty, wisdom and success.

Beauty is reflected in any field of activity. It matters both in your personal life and in your career. Depending on the direction in which the talisman is installed at home, positive changes will occur in a person’s life.

The image of a peacock can be used as a talisman: it will ward off danger and betrayal, and will also help a person cope with life’s difficulties, giving him mental strength.

It is believed that the peacock promotes the development of intuition and helps to influence people. Whether this is true can be found out only by resorting to the help of an amulet.

Suitable material for a figurine

Figurines made of gold are the most powerful talisman. Even a small image of a bird inlaid with precious stones can have a positive impact on the course of a person’s life in the shortest possible time.

However, not everyone can afford expensive amulets. Metal, glass, and ceramics will be suitable materials for a peacock figurine. Both painted and embroidered birds have power. You can even make a peacock out of paper, then paint it in the colors you like.

At the same time, you can use not only figures to activate zones. Peacock tail feathers also have powerful energy that can bring change.

The action of a noble bird in any form will be favorable. For example, a clay figurine installed in the wealth sector activates cash flow. By decorating your career area with a metal talisman, you can achieve good luck in your professional field.

Painting with peacocks in the house

Not only bird figurines, but also its images can be used as a talisman, amulet or amulet. Paintings with peacocks are often hung in a study or office, since the image of these creatures symbolizes good luck in all matters, which means it will help you climb the career ladder. Success can come in different forms, depending on what kind of activity a person is engaged in.

The energy that the painting will attract will create favorable conditions for the internal development of the owner of the office, and will also contribute to the appearance of new interesting people in his life.

Reasons for the controversy

First of all, it should be noted that significant differences in attitude towards peacock feathers are due to the traditional beliefs of one or another people. So, in the countries of Asia - the part of the world that is native to the bird in question - this feather is considered one of the best gifts for the owners of any home. In China, peacocks have been revered since time immemorial, as evidenced by numerous pieces of art, in particular those related to the practice of Feng Shui. Some members of the Chinese nobility even placed the image of a peacock on their family coats of arms in the hope of attracting wealth and good fortune to their side.

As for our country, as well as most European countries, here peacock feathers are valued to a much lesser extent. Of course, from the point of view of appearance, there is not the slightest complaint - each of them will easily decorate any interior. The concerns concern something else: it just so happens that in most European countries, peacock feathers in the house are considered a bad omen. Many do not recommend keeping them in your home, citing their ability to attract misfortunes: both minor and more serious.

How to make a feng shui symbol with your own hands

Handmade talismans have special value and power, since during the work a person transfers the energy of his thoughts to the amulet. You can make a peacock from any material, for example, clay, salt dough or plasticine. The main rule for making a figurine is to use as many colors as possible when decorating the bird's tail. It needs to be colored as brightly as possible. It will be good if the colors shimmer. If there are none, then you can use beautiful stones, beads and other materials.

The amulet can be made in the form of an applique, while the tail can be decorated using a peacock feather that fell from its tail.

If the peacock is a self-drawn emblem, it will also bring prosperity, good luck and recognition.

Suitable place in the house

By installing the image of a divine bird in the house, a person attracts comfort into his home, activates beneficial energy flows that create an atmosphere of joy, harmony and peace.

In this case, the bird can be depicted with a loose or folded tail. In the first case, it will help a person gain confidence in his abilities and give him a feeling of completeness and harmony in life. In the second case, it will serve as protection against rash decisions and rash actions.

If you decorate the northern sector with an image of a bird, you can soon achieve a promotion in your career or gain recognition from important people. The north zone should be decorated using blue and black colors - these shades will enhance the effect of the amulet.

A bird with a luxurious tail installed in the southern sector will bring fame and glory. If you complement the interior of this area with decor in red or golden shades, the influence of the amulet will increase. You can use an image of a bird with a bright fiery tail.

A good place to place a peacock would be the southwest sector - it is responsible for love relationships and partnerships. It is better to place a couple of birds here, which will symbolize mutual understanding between people, happiness and harmony in their union.

Only the western direction is not a suitable place to put a figurine of a peacock or hang a picture with its image. This sector is responsible for children and creativity. The energy of a bird can contribute to the development of excess pride and bragging in a person, which will negatively affect his creative activity and the opinion of those around him about him.

When designing the selected sector, you should remember that the atmosphere and interior in it should please a person, and a figurine or image of a bird should bring joy and admiration.

The experiment with ostriches was a failure.

Alexander started Pavlinov solely for the sake of his soul, because there is absolutely no profit from them. Hoping to earn money, about five years ago the man bought other exotic birds - ostriches. True, love never worked out with them. He literally imagined himself as an ostrich breeder, expecting that at any moment a line of people eager to get their hands on ostrich eggs would begin to line up. He never got a turn, or even the eggs themselves - after three years he decided to stop his super-project.

“Ostriches are very stupid birds,” my interlocutor explains the reason. “They have, as I say, brains the size of a cherry pit.” Yes, at first they were tame and even very cute. But when the time came for mating games, the male began to rush at me. And in it - for a second - 250 kilograms of weight, a height of three meters and a powerful beak and legs. Plus, these birds are incredibly shy. A car passed by and they started rushing around and kicking everything. Every day something had to be repaired. One day the male jumped out into the yard and ran around, destroying everything around. My son and I begin to drive him, but he, stupid, does not understand where he needs to go. They took him under their wings, like a real drunk after a party, and dragged this carcass into the enclosure.

“Yes, I can imagine how much effort, money and nerves you spent on these giants, who turned out to be worse than a typhoon,” I sympathize with my interlocutor.

“Strength and means, yes, but I stopped being nervous a long time ago,” Alexander laughs. – I think you, too, will stop if you visit Thailand a couple of times. From there, I assure you, you will return completely recharged. I converted to the Hindu religion - what will be will be, nothing can be changed and nothing can be returned - so I accept everything as it is and have a philosophical attitude towards life. It seems to me that after suffering two ulcers this is how you should treat yourself.

— Since we’re talking about health... have you encountered Covid?

“It seems to me that I got sick from it at the end of the year before last, just when I arrived from Thailand. I then lay dead for a week. After some time, I was vaccinated. And yesterday, by the way, I took my 85-year-old mother for vaccination - I really don’t want her to get sick.

Strengthening and activating the power of the talisman

Before placing the peacock figurine in any sector, it should be filled with additional energy using a burning flame, which will make the amulet even more effective. For the same purposes, twice a week the figurine is placed near the fire. If the figurine is made of a soft material that can melt, then it is placed in the same room with a fire, for example, a fireplace. You can use candles by lighting them next to the image.

The talisman will gain great power if you speak to it regularly. You should have a conversation with the peacock, in which, admiring, pay tribute to its beauty. The bird also needs food. To do this, you can pour nuts, cereals or seeds into a small saucer and place the dishes in front of the noble creature.

When decorating a house with an image of a beautiful bird, you should remember that it needs care, affection and attention. A figurine dusty and forgotten after a few days will not in any way affect the situation in business or the situation in the house. If she is cared for, then soon a grateful multi-colored or white peacock will bring prosperity and happiness to a person and his family.

“The male does not take off his crown.”

Cozy, well-kept yard on the outskirts of Strelitza. A warm welcome from the owner. We go to the enclosure with peacocks.

- Peacocks! - Alexander calls, and three birds fly out to his call - two males and a female.

It turns out that this is a married couple with a son. The youngest is two years old, and he is already on the threshold of sexual maturity, which for these birds occurs at two and a half years. So next spring, the youngest Pavlik will grow a beautiful tail for the first time, with which he will intimidate enemies, show off to the females, the owner and... himself.

“The male simply doesn’t take off his crown,” explains Alexander, escorting me to the second enclosure. “He loves himself so much that he doesn’t care at all whether anyone sees his beautiful tail or not.” But the peacock is not destined to show off all year round. In August-September, males shed all the feathers from their tails, which fully grow back only at the beginning of the next mating season - in spring.

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In the second enclosure there are also peacocks - southern exotica, right opposite the pen with ordinary Russian chickens. Here is another pride of the owner: white peacocks. He dreams of crossing white and black-shouldered (I have no idea who called them that, because they shine with all the colors of the rainbow). The result should be Harlequins, whose colored feathers will alternate with snow-white ones. Alexander also wants to someday buy green Javan peacocks. If in ordinary black-shouldered females the females are inconspicuous, then in the Javanese representatives of both sexes they are equally colored, only the “girls” are not equipped with a fan-tail.

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