Powerful protector: tiger according to Feng Shui, the meaning of the talisman and where to put it

Tiger symbol in Chinese culture

As you know, Asia and India are the natural habitat of tigers, therefore, in Asian countries, the cult of worshiping the Tiger has been developed since ancient times. In India, the image of a tiger is a military emblem; in Japan, the Tiger is a symbol of courageous warrior heroes. In Southeast Asia and Korea, the Tiger is revered as a deity who protects and owns mountains and caves and patronizes royal families.

In China and in particular in Feng Shui, the Tiger symbolizes good health, the enormous power with which it drives away evil spirits and illnesses from humans.

In Taoism, the Tiger is associated with the color white and the primary element - water. The Tiger is opposed to the Dragon. Therefore, in Feng Shui, the Tiger and the Dragon are two talismans that balance each other’s energy. The battle between the Tiger and the Dragon is one of the most popular motifs in Chinese legends and fine art. An ancient legend says that tigers guard the cardinal directions.

The blue tiger guards the east, the black tiger the north, the red tiger the south, and the white tigers guard the center and west. The tiger is the third of the 12 animals in the 12 year calendar.

Some ancient peoples of Asia consider the tiger to be another human race. In India, many people consider themselves descendants of the tiger people.

As we see, the worship of the tiger has deeply penetrated human culture, which also affected Feng Shui. Let's look at the practical application of Tiger talismans in our lives.

Legendary tiger

White tiger according to feng shui

The strong and brave white tiger in Feng Shui is the hero of many legends and myths of China. One of them talks about ancient times when a certain woman lived. She gave birth to a child, but did it illegally, which in those days was a great shame. Therefore, she had to throw the baby into the field, but he survived. All because a tigress found him and raised him on her milk. The child grew up and became a famous person - the prime minister of the country.

According to another legend, the white tiger is associated with Confucius. It is believed that the master was born very ugly. The parents could not bear this and decided to leave the baby to die on the mountain. They simply believed that neither they nor anyone else needed him like that. And again the tiger acted as a savior, giving life to the child.

Another legend speaks of two brothers. They lived together on the same mountain. Sometimes they fought, and each time the white tiger got “food.” From this legend we can conclude that the white tiger is related to the manifestation of the forces of evil. This is partly true, but only if you treat this animal with a very difficult character incorrectly.

Origin, features of the amulet

Chinese mythology represents the tiger as the embodiment of strength, valor, and courage. The meaning of the Tiger amulet is explained by the semantics of this word in Chinese, in which the word “tiger” coincides with the word “protection”. According to ancient legends, it is this beast that can eat the spirits of darkness. Therefore, since ancient times, the image of a striped predator has been widely used to protect against harm. In addition, such an animal sees well in the dark. Therefore, it can protect the house even at night. A predator figurine installed at home will provide good protection from 3 troubles:

However, you need to know that the tiger is a very powerful talisman, so not every person can use it. In particular, if a person’s horoscope is protected by an animal that is part of the tiger’s diet, then it will be difficult for him to be in the same room with the amulet - a predator. The tiger will have a depressing effect on human energy. So if, for example, Pig really wants to acquire such an amulet, then he needs to buy a figurine where the animal is sleeping or it is a small tiger cub.

There are several options for the amulet.

    Tiger on coins. Grants financial success and career growth.

Tiger on coins

With open mouth

Tiger pendant

New Year's table and menu

The tiger is a predator. Therefore, the menu should focus on all kinds of meat dishes. The method of preparing dishes and the choice of specific meat does not matter. Also on the table there should be various cuts of sausages and cheeses. Salads should be hearty and, if possible, depict the symbols of the New Year, ideally repeating the figure of the Tiger. There should be a variety of bright drinks on the table: wine, juices, compotes.

You can decorate the table with bright citrus fruits: oranges, grapefruits and tangerines. Delicious desserts can also be on the table on New Year's Day. The main thing is that the table is not poor, and that the dishes are tasty and satisfying.

You should also pay attention to the choice of tablecloth, cutlery and crockery. The tablecloth should not be a bright color; light, muted shades are better. The napkins on the table should be conspicuous. And glasses and plates should not be glass, because the Tiger prefers ceramic and clay products.


Why is a tiger talisman needed in Feng Shui?

In Feng Shui, the protective function of the tiger is valued above all. There is a tradition according to which, at the beginning of the New Year, an image of a tiger should be hung above the front door. It is believed that only then will the family be under the protection of this animal and protected from life’s problems.

In Feng Shui, even the construction of a house, determining its location, begins only taking into account the features associated with the white tiger. It is important that the silhouette of the tiger, if you are facing the house, is on the right side of the front door.

The white tiger also means a symbol of a strong marriage and a healthy family. According to tradition, the bride who crosses the threshold of the house must take with her dough figures depicting two tigers. The newlyweds should hang these silhouettes in the bedroom above the bed.

According to Feng Shui, the tiger is always opposed by the dragon. The tiger and the dragon are two talismans whose powers balance each other. In Chinese painting, a popular painting depicts a dragon and a tiger. It can be hung in the kitchen, living room, but not in the bedroom (it is believed that the dragon's energy will disturb the person).

Tiger body parts as medicine and amulet

The peoples of Asia today are confident that all parts of the tiger’s body have a healing effect on the human body and can also be used as a talisman. Official European medicine is ambivalent about the use of tiger meat and other body parts.

It is considered unlikely that eating tiger meat will help cure gastrointestinal diseases, because meat is always a heavy food. The custom of buying and eating the meat of these predators in order to become more ferocious also does not inspire confidence.

After all, according to ancient traditions, in order to obtain the qualities of a beast, you need to kill it yourself in a fight, having only edged weapons. And only then will eating its meat bring the desired qualities of character.

Various amulets are now being prepared from the body of the striped predator:

  • claw - from the evil eye and troubles,
  • fang - from enemies and gossip,
  • dried eye - for the ability to see hidden things,
  • skin - for comfort, protection from evil people.

How to properly celebrate the Year of the Tiger

It is better to celebrate the New Year with your family at the festive table. But since the 2022 Tiger loves friendly and sociable people, you can also invite friends and close relatives to the table.

We recommend reading the full article: How to properly celebrate the New Year of the Tiger 2022.

It is also necessary to plan things at the end of the year so as not to finish them in a hurry. The Water Tiger loves calmness and relaxation, so you need to celebrate the New Year with joy and without worries about the future. It is also worth resolving troubling problems in the old year in order to start the new year with a clean slate.

While eating, you can turn on pleasant music that will bring joy and happiness. It would also be nice to spend New Year's Eve with your family playing board games and all kinds of entertainment. The New Year should not start with conflicts and disputes.

On New Year's Day, it is better not to abuse alcohol and drink it only in moderation, so as not to provoke the wrath of the totem and not attract excess negative energy. According to Chinese wisdom, a person's inebriated state attracts evil energy and adversity more strongly.

Terms of use

Since the Tiger is an oriental amulet, it is better to install it according to the rules of the East. Firstly, the optimal location is near the entrance from the west. Feng Shui indicates that the amulet should be made of metal. Rocks also work well. Of course, glass, wood, and plush are also suitable, but one cannot expect much power from a predator made of such material.

The figurine can be in the following colors:

Red and orange are undesirable because they can fill the space with aggressive energy.

The tiger as an amulet is more suitable for men; the peoples of Asia know that if women begin to wear such a talisman, they become too independent and even aggressive.


According to Feng Shui, a tiger figurine should be made of metal, ceramics, porcelain or glass. Figurines made of wood and stone are acceptable. Even a soft toy in the shape of this animal will attract life-giving qi energy into the house. You can also decorate the interior with panels, paintings, posters, engravings and even textiles depicting a huge royal cat.


Tiger in Feng Shui

The white tiger occupies a special place in the art of Feng Shui. He is one of the 4 animals that surround a human home; in accordance with their characteristics, Feng Shui masters build a house. They believe that this predator acts as the main guardian of the house and brings good luck. His image is placed in the area above the door. From there he will monitor how things are going and bring good luck into the house. It is the tiger as the guardian of the house that is depicted by Chinese painters.

Important! Tiger is a very strong sign. In Chinese culture, mothers are expected to find out what year the bride was born before marrying her son.

If she was born in the Year of the Tiger, then such a marriage must be prevented, because the Tiger wife can bring death to her husband.

What to wear for the New Year of the Tiger according to Feng Shui

In addition to blue and black shades, green, burgundy, yellow, brown and turquoise colors are also suitable for clothing. The tiger loves naturalness, so clothes should be chosen from natural materials. Accessories can be either gold or silver. It's better not to wear jewelry. Overly festive and pretentious outfits are not the best choice for the New Year 2022. You should wear something sleek and simple. It is better to avoid fur and leather products so as not to provoke the wrath of the totem animal.

Also, do not dress in closed clothes. New Year 2022 is a reason to open up to opportunities and connections. And you need to start changing immediately with the choice of clothes for the celebration.

How to place the White Tiger mascot

According to Feng Shui, the White Tiger has enormous power, which must be used correctly, otherwise its effect will be completely opposite. This talisman must be properly positioned so that its influence is beneficial to a person.

According to Chinese legend, tigers protect all parts of the world. The white tiger always guards the west and center, the black one is in charge of the north, the blue tiger is in charge of the east, and the red one is in charge of the south. Therefore, before placing the talisman in the house, you need to take into account the following features:

  • The best location for the talisman is the western part of the room or to the right of the door. The white tiger often appears as a metal, stone, wooden or glass figurine. It is allowed to place a white cat mascot made of various materials, for example, white ceramics.
  • According to Feng Shui, the image of a tiger should not be placed next to heating devices that belong to the element of fire. In this case, it is better to place it in the northern part of the kitchen (the talisman should be placed similarly if there is a bathroom or toilet in the west). Placement near a refrigerator or sink, symbolizing the element of water, is considered favorable.
  • On the western wall of the hallway you can hang a picture depicting the habitat of a tiger. It can also be embroidery with an image of a tiger, forest, lake, rocks. A painting of a tiger is not recommended in the bedroom.
  • When there is a cat in the house, it is advisable to place its basket or house in the western part.
  • The tiger symbol does not need to be activated. But, for strong protection of the house, a smaller dragon should stand next to the tiger (a dragon brings good luck according to Feng Shui). In Feng Shui, this is associated with the heavy nature of the tiger and the need to achieve balance.

It is not at all necessary to use the White Tiger symbol specifically as protection for your home. Often, embroidery is placed on the gate, depicting a tiger's head made of fabric. You can hang his paper image on the window instead of a curtain.

Embroidery of his silhouette on bed linen in the bedroom, pillows, children's toys and other items will also be powerful. According to Feng Shui, a white stone, shaped like a cat, or a white gazebo are also endowed with the power of the White Tiger.

If it is located in the western part - the hallway, then on its westernmost wall, it is advisable to hang paintings depicting rocks or a forest with a small lake. The landscape in which an ordinary tiger lives.

Is there a cat in your house? As you know, tigers are also cats, and you need to take advantage of the connection between a pet and its strong patron. Place the cat's sleeping basket in the west, or install the cat's house there.

The tiger is primarily the protector of your home. and families. His ability to bring good luck is also manifested. A mandatory ritual in China on New Year's Eve is to place an image of a tiger above the front door, thereby protecting your family and home for the whole year.

Fertility is also associated with the Tiger. The Chinese goddess Xi Wang Mu, the goddess of fertility and immortality, is often depicted with the features of a tiger. The talisman helps in a successful marriage and the birth of children.

Source: jekstrasens.ru

Social structure and reproduction

Photo: White tiger cub

Tigers live alone and form families during the breeding season. Consisting of a male, female and brood. Most often, the male pursues the female, showing with a certain grimace that he is ready to mate. But the fact that females themselves come to males is not uncommon. If several males claim one female, a fight occurs between them. The fight may end in the death of one of the animals. The strongest gets the female.

Tigers mate several times a year. This usually happens in December or January. Although this usually does not depend on the season. The male understands that the female is ready to mate by the smell of the female’s urine. Mating occurs several times. A young female white tiger gives birth to her first litter at the age of about 4 years. Most often, after a few years, the birth of a second brood occurs. The pregnancy of a female tiger lasts about 103 days.

The tigress takes a long time to arrange her lair for the birth of cubs. Making sure it is completely safe. After all, over time, the tigress will go hunting, leaving her cubs in the den. In one litter, 3 or 4 tiger cubs are born. Tiger cubs are born blind and are fed with mother's milk for the first six months. Over time, they also begin to go hunting with their mother.

White tigers are rarely born, both heterozygous orange parents having white ancestors have a 25% chance of producing white offspring. Offspring where one parent is white and the other yellow can be white, or maybe yellow. The probability of birth of a white tiger is 50%.

Activation rules

In order for such a talisman to bring only benefits, you must follow the basic rules of its use. Usually a magical item needs to be activated, but the tiger is self-sufficient, so no additional actions are required to activate it, you just need to position it correctly.

The talisman must be installed according to certain rules. To neutralize the aggression coming from him, you should place a figurine of a green dragon nearby.

This is due to the fact that the striped animal carries Yin (male) energy, and in order to balance it and achieve harmony, a powerful source of Yang (female energy) is needed.

In order for the Dragon to cope with the negativity that the striped beast emits, the Dragon is set higher in level.

Gifts in the Year of the Tiger

The main thing in a gift in 2022 is practicality. The souvenir should not lie idle, it should be useful and even necessary for the owner. Original gifts can also be given for the New Year 2022. It is better to choose from this list:

  1. Appliances. This is a good and practical gift that, if chosen correctly, can last a long time and be useful. It is better to choose equipment that will help in preparing dishes, desserts and delicious drinks.
  2. Bed sheets. Bed linen should be a certain color to carry positive energy. In 2022, these are either blue or sunny colors - yellow, red, orange. It is worth choosing underwear without patterns or ornaments.
  3. Dishes. Dishes should be ceramic, not glass. It would be interesting to order a special set from a craftsman and choose the design of the dishes yourself, so that the gift is individual. You can present either a themed set with New Year’s symbols or something abstract.
  4. Jewelry. Gold and silver jewelry without frills are better suited. Laconism and restraint should be the main guidelines when choosing a gift for the New Year 2022. The best choice is pendants, pendants and earrings.
  5. Gadgets. This is a mobile device that can be useful to everyone. The main thing here is to choose the right and useful gift. Therefore, you can consult with some of your friends and family and decide to buy a certain gift together. Do not give a music speaker or anything related to loud sounds. The spirit animal of 2022 doesn't like it.

It would be nice to give some fruit along with the gift. Orange, red or yellow are better. Gift packaging should be in bright colors. You can also add a 2022 totem figurine as a surprise. She will become a talisman for the coming year.

Tiger eye stone

Tiger's Eye - prosperity in finance

Stones called tiger's eye have been known since ancient times. They are distinguished by a beautiful color with transitions from amber and gold to brown and brown. Such stones are widely used as a talisman. The tiger eye amulet is worn to achieve the following goals:

  • protect yourself from the evil eye and damage,
  • activate positive personality traits,
  • minimize disadvantages,
  • improve health.

In former times, this amulet was widespread among warriors, who decorated stones with special symbols to enhance their effect. The Indians were sure that these stones would protect them from enemies and ferocious predators. They noticed that when danger approaches, such stones become heavier.

Source: pofenshuyu.com

Precautionary measures

Since the green wooden tiger is a powerful talisman, you should not keep too many symbols in the house. And you need to be careful with talismans made of other materials.

If, when the beast appears in the house, the situation has become tense, then it is worth placing a dragon figurine in the house. The dragon symbolizes Yang energy and balances the predator. Together they bring harmony and strength to the house. Only the dragon figurine should be located above the tiger so that the masculine principle prevails over the feminine.

It is better to refrain from purchasing and wearing a talisman for women born in the year of the Tiger. Natures born this year have a strong inner core and strong-willed character. The symbolism of the predatory beast enhances these qualities. It is difficult for a woman under the influence of an amulet to calm down; she becomes aggressive, unrestrained in words and deeds.

The tiger is a very powerful talisman, so do not use it in a family in which there are people born in the year of the rabbit, rooster, buffalo and wild boar. In China they are very sensitive to such coincidences.

Very often marriages are prohibited between people born in the year of the tiger and in the year of the one who is food for a real tiger. It is especially dangerous if the bride was born in the year of the tiger, and the groom in the year of the tiger’s “food”; such a marriage may foreshadow the early death of the spouse.

If you decide to place the Tiger at home, then remember one strict rule.

The introduction of a tiger into the house must occur in strict sequence. The first to appear in your house should be a turtle, the second should be a phoenix, the third should be a dragon, and only after that is it the tiger’s turn.

The tiger does not need to be activated, it is already a self-sufficient and strong Feng Shui talisman

Source: ifeng-shui.ru

Important Warning

The white tiger is your protector

As already mentioned, the Feng Shui tiger is a very strong and sometimes even dangerous talisman. You can't just use it like that. Before installing the figurine, check if there are people in your house who were born in the year of the Boar, Rabbit, Rooster and other animals that may represent “food” for the Tiger. In this case, using the talisman is strictly prohibited. The warning is very serious, since even mothers of sons born in these years, according to Chinese belief, must actively resist if their sons want to marry girls born in the year of the Tiger. In this case, it is believed that the wife can cause the premature death of her husband.

In any case, this talisman is very strong and, if there are no contraindications, can be used to protect the home, improve the interior space, and make it more saturated with life-giving energy. It is ideal to use it in the form of figurines and small sculptures. And luck will never leave your home, and all affairs will have a wonderful ending.

A few more talismans that will help you establish Feng Shui

Three-legged toad

People seeking to improve their well-being with the help of Feng Shui have certainly come across this popular talisman. The toad must hold a gold coin in its mouth, which will be a symbol of home and family wealth. The talisman has several features.

Firstly, the coin should not stick to your mouth, because this way the toad will not “give you the money.”

Secondly, it is better to place the three-legged toad at the bottom of the fountain, and the fountain should be in the Wealth sector or at the entrance to your apartment. To activate the talisman, regularly place the toad in an aquatic environment. After pulling it out, it is better not to wipe the toad.

Money Tree

To attract finance, there is no more powerful talisman, as a result of which it needs to be placed in the Southeast (Wealth sector). The money tree is a succulent with large, round leaves. You can put a couple of coins in the pot, which will only strengthen the talisman. Next to the tree you can place a fountain or any other water source, including all kinds of images of streams.

It is not advisable to place cacti in close proximity. Also, it is better not to place plants in the bedroom. If you do not want to purchase a living tree, you can use a panel for this purpose, which will have a corresponding image. You can make the tree yourself. To do this, you can use coins and banknotes instead of leaves.

Sometimes you can see money trees on sale that are decorated with semi-precious stones. But this is rather a talisman of happiness, rather than a talisman of wealth. Only you can decide which feng shui tree is ideal for attracting material wealth to your family.


This is a talisman for improving career issues, but it will only work if you sincerely love it, periodically admire the beauty of its outline, etc. The peacock will sense this and repay it with kindness.

Before you even have time to blink an eye, career heights will approach you at an alarming speed. It is better to place the peacock in the South, that is, in the Glory sector. As for the Feng Shui talisman itself, it is better to purchase a Peacock made of precious metals, inlaid with stones.

It is also possible to use an image of a peacock, but you need to choose the most beautiful and bright picture. The bird likes it when candles are burned near it and it is fed grains.


Such a talisman will strengthen the Earth in your home, since the Crystal is a real earth talisman. Natural crystals, as expected, have maximum efficiency.

Rock crystal can even demonstrate healing effects. Of course, artificial crystals will also work. Just make sure that they have the ability to refract light and that their structure closely resembles natural ones.

Before use, it is recommended to clean the crystals in water with stirred sea salt. After this, you can charge the crystals with good thoughts by holding them in your hands.

As for the accommodation sectors, they are determined from those listed above by the owner of the apartment. For example, you can hang a crystal, in accordance with the selected sector, on a window or purchase a crystal chandelier and lamps.

The light refracted in the crystal will not only cleanse your energy, but will also attract good luck to your side.


Ducks are a Feng Shui talisman that is best placed in the Southwest (Marriage sector). The talisman symbolizes marital happiness, love and fidelity.

Legend has it that beautiful mandarin ducks are capable of remaining faithful to only one single partner for the rest of their lives. But remember that there must be two ducks. This sector generally loves pairings, including figurines, candles and other feng shui paraphernalia. You can leave wedding rings near the ducks overnight. Some people even put a wedding photo and marriage certificate next to them.

Mandarin ducks used as a mascot should be orange and made of natural materials. For example, stone ducks will enhance the Earth in your home.

Source: domisad.org

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