The meaning of the fish amulet. Which type should you choose so that the result from use matches your expectations?

Ornamental fish are generally an auspicious symbol in Feng Shui, representing prosperity. However, the goldfish is especially unique in that its name in Chinese looks like the character 金鱼 and is pronounced "Jin Yu".

It's no secret that the Chinese traditionally love to play with words, especially with homonyms. Homonyms describe words that sound the same or are spelled the same way they are pronounced, but have different meanings.

This is one of the main reasons why numbers have so many meanings in Chinese culture. For example, the number 168 is considered an auspicious numeral combination not only because of the positive meaning of each of the digits, but also because when pronounced it sounds like "enrichment" in Mandarin.

While Jin Yu directly translates to golsfish, the two words phonetically sound like abundance of gold. Both words are a direct representation of wealth.

What types of goldfish are preferable?

Although all varieties of ornamental fish are acceptable for keeping in a home aquarium, it is preferable to keep golden-colored fish to attract money. Scaly pets should look luxurious, “rich,” and symbolize prosperity and success.

Please note that not all types of fish activate money energy. For example, koi carps (which, by the way, are a very auspicious symbol in Feng Shui) may have a golden color, but they do not have the ability to attract wealth into the home.

By the way, if it is not possible to keep an aquarium with goldfish, then you can always replace it with a panel, painting or reproduction with similar content. But, of course, an aquarium is much more effective.


If you don’t particularly want to install an aquarium at home, you can always resort to other ways to raise money. For example, place a figurine of a fish in your room (not the bedroom). It could be an ordinary carp or an arowana.

Carp in China is called the personification of good luck in business and any endeavors, a symbol of a person’s inner strength and courage. So, from the point of view of Feng Shui, it is best to choose a figurine of a golden dragon carp, which helps in developing high ambitions, gaining wealth and achieving success (especially with regard to career growth). It can also be useful for those who are busy studying, because it helps them pass exams successfully.

However, the most powerful fish is the arowana . It is very rare in nature, and therefore has a high price (several thousand dollars), which is why even today it is not so often seen with one’s own eyes.

So, in Feng Shui it is often called simply the “golden dragon fish” because it has antennae and scales that strongly resemble this mythical animal. As a rule, she is depicted on top of gold coins, and also with one coin in her mouth. Anyone who has it in the house can count on the fact that pleasant changes will occur in his life, entailing the acquisition of power and wealth, because this fish is capable of driving away various troubles and failures from the house of its owner.

In addition to figurines, fish can be drawn in a picture or at least be on the computer desktop screensaver. However, in any case, you need to remember that they should be placed only in those sectors of the house that are in one way or another connected with career development, good luck and the acquisition of wealth. And, according to the Ba-gua grid, these are southeast and north, east and southwest.

Also, the bedroom and kitchen always remain forbidden places for fish. In the first case, they can provoke adultery, and in the second, they can harm pregnancy if there is a pregnant woman in the house.


How many goldfish should I keep?

The most preferred number of fish, which according to Feng Shui attract money, is 9.

This positive number represents the completeness of the Universe and combines the completed cycle of heaven and earth. Moreover, the number nine in Feng Shui is a powerful attractor that can lead to wealth, love and success in all matters.

So, if you are getting goldfish to attract money into your life, then consider the following recommendations. Not only your well-being, but also your health, as well as the state of affairs in general, depends on the number of individuals in the aquarium.

  • 1 – will be too lonely and inactive
  • 2 – will cause illness
  • 3 – will create conflicts
  • 4 – will lead to disaster if used incorrectly
  • 5 – may be harmful to health
  • 6 – can cause neutrality, which negates the purpose of the “money” aquarium
  • 7 – could mean disaster
  • 8 is a very lucky number
  • 9 – explained earlier

It is not advisable to keep more than 9 fish in a money aquarium.

Please note that although 9 is the recommended number of individuals, for a stronger positive effect in Feng Shui it is considered that the best distribution is 8 goldfish and 1 black goldfish (black telescope). This combination is based on the symbolism of both the number 8 and the number 9.

In addition, the black fish symbolizes the presence of Yin in Yang, which is the rule of the basic teachings of Yin and Yang. One thing to keep in mind is that a black goldfish should be as black as possible!

Arowana fish or dragon fish

The dragon fish is as strong a talisman as the three-toed toad - the larger it is, the better. The only thing is that the arowana will bring the owner exactly the amount that a person can handle.

The feng shui arowana fish is a rare freshwater tropical fish. If you want to bring her into your aquarium, in addition to the fact that she is large, she should not live in crowded conditions. It grows depending on the volume of water and is very expensive.

It has been proven that the arowana lived already in the Jurassic period. Its large scales, graceful flexible body and fins that are located at the very tail make it look like an eastern dragon. Hence the nickname - “dragon fish”.

Although the Arowana comes in different colors, there is a legend that says that if a silver Arowana changes color to red, its owner will receive untold riches.

Arowana located in the wealth zone of the office will bring good luck in business. If arowana is placed at home, it will attract harmony and prosperity to the family.

If you want to have an Arrowana fish in your aquarium, then remember that the northern sector is most suitable for it. If you want to have more than one Arrowana, the number five is most favorable for this case.

The tropical arowana, or Dragon fish, has become widely known not only as a symbol capable of attracting wealth, but also as a good protector. Those who want to keep Arrowana should be very careful: only those fish whose scales have pink, gold and silver shades are suitable.

These fish are expensive and require a lot of money to maintain them as they need to be fed live fish, shrimp and worms.


Placement of an aquarium according to Feng Shui

Whether you keep your fish in a bowl, mid-size or full-size aquarium, remember that it is best to place them at an accessible height where you can easily get an overhead view. A coffee table or a special bookcase is suitable for this.

It is best to place the aquarium in the northern part of the house. If this is not possible due to the layout or orientation of the floor plan, then the east and northeast sides of the house (apartment) can be used.

And finally, you must keep the tank clean and perform regular maintenance. A polluted aquarium never brings favorable energy into the home. Take care of your goldfish - and they will bring you happiness and prosperity!

An ancient legend about carp

This type of fish is the most popular in Southeast Asian countries, including China, where they have been revered for many centuries and considered a sacred fish. The mythology of the Celestial Empire is full of various beliefs and legends about carp.

One such story tells that one fine day, a hardworking and persistent carp went to spawn in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. His path was long and difficult, but he swam and swam. Suddenly a waterfall surrounded by mountains appeared in front of him. To overcome the obstacle, he jumped up and turned into a dragon, soaring into the skies. Since then, the dragon carp has been a symbol of success, prosperity and good luck.

Favorable shape and size of the aquarium

The choice of an aquarium for each individual home should be approached strictly individually, observing the principles of harmony and proportion. After all, improper placement of water bodies can do more harm than good.


An important rule: the size of the aquarium must correspond to the size of the room where it is installed. It shouldn't be too big or too small. Try to maintain a sense of proportion. Many people believe that the larger the container of water, the better. However, this is a misconception. Excess water turns good feng shui into bad and becomes a source of great trouble. You can symbolically choke on too much water. Balance is very important. Make sure the aquarium size is correct.


When choosing an aquarium, it is important to choose a favorable shape that will enhance the effect of the water body.

According to the five elements of Feng Shui, a rectangular or round aquarium shape is considered the most successful. It is advisable to avoid square bodies of water that correspond to the element “earth”.

The symbol of success is the Ladybug.

Ladybugs are. Finding a ladybug was considered a good omen. Many peoples associate the ladybug with various myths and rituals. Among the Dutch, a ladybug landing on a hand or clothing is considered a good omen. The Czechs also believe that finding a cow will bring good luck, and the French believe that an amulet with its image protects children from misfortune and warns of danger. The name itself speaks volumes about the role this insect played in the life of our ancestors. It was believed that the ladybug lives in heaven and only from time to time descends from heaven to convey the will of God to man.

Many peoples believed that the gods themselves fed on its milk, so the ladybug could not be killed under any pretext.

In English-speaking countries, the ladybug is called Ladybird, Ladybug or Lady Beetle. The word “Lady” that unites these names implies the Virgin Mary; accordingly, the ladybug in Catholic countries is considered the insect of the Mother of God. It goes without saying that you can’t kill him. And in many other European countries, the ladybug was associated with the Mother of God (hence its names in different European languages: Our Lady's bird, Mary's beetle).

In Bulgaria they call her “God’s beauty”; in Germany and Switzerland - “God's candle”, Mary's beetle, God's bird/horse, golden cockerel, solar bird, solar cockerel, solar calf, in France - God's hen, God's animal, St. Michael's chicken; in Lithuania - “God’s Maryushka”; in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine - the sun; in Argentina - St. Anthony's cow, and in Tajikistan - the red-bearded grandfather.

A talisman with the image of ladybugs has always brought good luck. And the more black spots there were on the back of this insect, the stronger the talisman. One spot - a ladybug will help in any new endeavor; two spots - a symbol of internal and external harmony; three - a person will learn to be reasonable and will be able to make the right decisions; four - protection from robbers and bandits (a talisman with such a ladybug is good to take on long trips); five - will increase the ability for creative work; six - will help in learning; seven is a divine sign; a ladybug with seven spots will bring its owner good luck in all matters and happiness.

Additional activation of a water feature

The magical power of an aquarium with fish can be additionally activated by other Feng Shui money talismans:

  • at the bottom you can place a model of a treasure ship or a chest with gold coins, which will symbolize the wealth coming to you;
  • You can place a Feng Shui money frog on the edge of the aquarium;
  • beautiful and healthy algae is also a sign of good feng shui.

It is advisable that the aquarium be decorated in a natural style. You should not clutter the aquarium with a large number of strange and unnatural objects for ponds.

Let the pond with magical fish bring success, abundance and wealth to your home.

In what areas of life will carp help?

Koi carp is a universal talisman that gives determination, it is suitable for people who are not confident in their abilities. He helps in various areas of people's lives. A lonely person will be able to find a life partner, and a married couple will find harmony in their relationship. For many, the sacred fish gives them the opportunity to find the joy of motherhood.

Carp is a symbol of prosperity and spiritual development. The sacred fish represents good luck. It gives those who want to gain financial stability the ability to effectively manage money. Indecisive people become purposeful and open-minded, as koi carp eliminates the feeling of danger, gives a person confidence and helps to know oneself, to find balance between the outside and inner world. .

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