Amulet of Veles: the meaning of the bear paw symbol and how to wear it correctly

There are several particularly revered gods in the pantheon of Slavic mythology. Their symbols represent power and strength, wisdom and justice, success and wealth. The amulets of the god Veles are considered one of the most common amulets.

Since time immemorial, people have believed that if you carry these artifacts with you or place them in your homes, you can receive the blessing and protection of the Slavic god. The Veles amulet in the form of a bull's head and the Bear's Paw amulet are two of the most powerful talismans that are attributed to the ancient deity.

Who is Veles

This is how the Slavs called one of the most revered deities. He is considered the patron saint of all travelers, traders, thinkers and writers. Veles is also often called the “cattle god.” According to legend, he can take the form of various animals, but most often turns into a bear.

The Slavs believed that bear tracks that one could stumble upon in the forest were a sign left by a deity. It is still believed that the image of the paw of this animal brings good luck.

Veles is also the god of prosperity. Moreover, both material and spiritual. Anyone who wants to improve their financial situation or build a career in science turns to him. He also patronizes all people who harvest crops.

History of origin

According to legend, the ancient Slavic goddess of beauty Lada caught fish in a sacred lake. After eating it, the goddess threw the bones into the field where the cows were grazing. One cow ate the magic bones, after which she gave birth to a deity called Veles - half man, half bull, half bear. The ancient Slavic god Veles was one of the three most revered deities at that time. In ancient chronicles, his name stands on a par with the thunderer Perun and the sun god Svarog, and in his strength and power he was in no way inferior to them. It is believed that all three were brothers to each other.

It is believed that Veles is the patron of creative people, musicians and poets striving for knowledge, as well as many working peasants, traders and travelers. It is generally accepted that Veles was the main assistant to healers and magicians, giving them knowledge and insight.

According to legends, Veles could easily transform into forest animals, control the forces of nature, and was the patron of farmers and travelers. He is also credited with the role of guardian of the world of the dead and it was he who decided where the deceased would go - to Nav or Prav (Slavic analogues of Heaven and Hell). Outwardly, the Slavic god is depicted as a mixture of a man and a bear, which makes him look quite terrifying.

However, with such an appearance, God was the main patron of people. The chronicles say that it was Veles who taught the ancient Slavs art and science, and also taught all kinds of crafts. In some myths and legends, Veles appeared to people in the guise of a bear, wolf, bull, or a wandering old man. Because of this, he was also called the many-faced god. When meeting people, Veles always tried to pass on new knowledge and a piece of his wisdom to them.

Veles symbol

The meaning of the Veles amulet

This artifact is universal, so it can be worn by both men and women. Its energy will help fulfill the purpose of the strong (protecting home and family, financial security) and beautiful (creating comfort in the home, raising children, managing family affairs) half of humanity.

The meaning of the Veles amulet for men

The stronger sex, for the most part, are strong and purposeful individuals. But sometimes we all go through difficult periods in life and need help. In such cases, you can resort to the help of a talisman of an ancient deity. The meaning of the Slavic amulet of Veles for men is as follows:

  • persistence in achieving goals;
  • iron will;
  • unshakable faith in yourself and your strengths;
  • the ability to remain calm and find solutions even in the most difficult situations.

Owners of the talisman will very quickly notice some changes in their lives:

  • Career growth. Self-confidence, flexibility and the ability to correctly assess the situation to make decisions will help you quickly grow in the eyes of management and take a place in management yourself.
  • Financial position. This point is closely related to the previous one, since advancement up the career ladder will lead to an increase in income. In addition, a man will learn to properly distribute financial resources, create a financial safety net, and make timely and necessary purchases.
  • Inspiration in creativity. Veles is the patron of all thinkers, philosophers, writers and other creative personalities. The energy contained in the amulet will attract the muse and allow the owner to fully unleash his creative potential.
  • Intuition and luck. The talisman will help you recognize a person’s true intentions and protect you from troubles, problems and diseases.

The amulet does not work on its own. If the man who wears it does not work hard and look for new opportunities, then even the amulet of the powerful Veles will turn into an ordinary trinket.

The meaning of the Veles amulet for women

Representatives of the fairer sex usually have a fairly gentle character and flexible disposition. But in some situations they may be required to be firm and persistent. Veles' silver amulet will help you reveal these qualities in yourself.

Silver pendant-amulet “Symbol of Veles” (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

The product will help a woman gain willpower, endurance and stamina. At the same time, it will not in any way affect her innate traits: flexibility, tenderness, inner beauty. Owners of the Veles amulet will be able to:

  • Get into trouble less often. This applies to both serious failures and trivial troubles, such as losing keys or falling on ice.
  • Feel negative people. A woman who regularly uses a talisman receives protection from unkind words and looks.
  • Find solutions to complex problems. Owners of the artifact will gain the ability to think clearly and forget about emotions. This will help you make the right decisions both in matters of career or business, and in family matters.

Veles personifies luck in all its manifestations, as well as protection from evil forces and illnesses. Therefore, it is often used by pregnant women to carry and give birth to a healthy child.

Amulet Seal of Veles

The Bear's Paw amulet has been known to people for many centuries. Previously, it was believed that if a hunter found a bear's track, this promised him rich prey. Over time, the symbol became more common. Nowadays it is worn by representatives of various professions and social classes.

The meaning of the Seal of Veles amulet is as follows:

  • Protection from any evil. The talisman will take on any negative impact on the wearer, for example, the evil eye, envy and damage. It also protects from all troubles and sorrows.
  • Help in realizing your plans. The amulet inspires a person to new achievements and helps not to give up in the face of failures.
  • Attracting financial success. The amulet helps to conclude deals on favorable terms and protects against unscrupulous business partners.

In addition, the symbol of Veles, the Bear's Paw, is a reliable assistant for all travelers. It protects against all troubles on the road and protects against theft.

The talisman helps in business and sales, but not in gambling. You should not expect that the amulet will ensure winning in the lottery or cards, since it attracts good luck only for those who rely on their own strength.

Who is the Veles amulet suitable for?

First of all, it helps people whose activities are related to trade and service. These could be business owners, ordinary sellers, online store operators, and even waiters.

The amulet also helps on the road, so it is recommended to take it with you on trips and hikes. It is especially suitable for people professionally involved in tourism.

The symbol grants protection to representatives of dangerous professions, for example, police officers, firefighters, security guards, and so on. He also helps everyone whose activities are related to fishing, livestock breeding, hunting, harvesting, berries and mushrooms.

Silver pendant-amulet “Seal of Veles” (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

Veles is a positive character in mythology, so his symbols cannot be used with evil intentions. The deity does not tolerate meanness and deceit, therefore he will mercilessly punish everyone who, with the help of his symbols, plans to commit evil.

Despite its versatility, the amulet should not be worn by children. If there is a need to protect a child, it is enough to keep the artifact in the house or embroider the symbol on bedding.

Can Christians wear this amulet?

Even after the baptism of Rus', when Orthodoxy became the official religion, our ancestors continued to believe in the old gods. Their idols stood on the temples, their symbols were depicted in their houses, on clothes and armor.

At a certain point, a tradition arose of wearing an Orthodox cross with pagan symbols. Our ancestors believed that positive energy and protection could be obtained from various sources.

Mothers read prayers at the cradles of babies, and during this they could weave and embroider a talisman. This means that in traditions there are no prohibitions or restrictions for wearing Slavic amulets for Christians and representatives of other religions.

The official church considers any amulets and amulets as pagan symbols and denies them. If you want to receive protection and patronage from higher powers, you can combine the cross with other symbols. But for people who strictly follow the precepts of the church, it is better to refuse to wear such artifacts.

How to clean and charge an amulet

Any amulet is just a decoration or a trinket if the ritual of purification and activation is not carried out. To remove foreign energy and negativity from an artifact, you must:

  • place the product in a container with spring or well water;
  • leave it there overnight;
  • in the morning pour water into the ground;
  • Wipe the amulet dry with a clean cloth.

Salt is also good at removing other people's energy. If it is not possible to travel outside the city where there is suitable water, you should place the product in a container with salt overnight. In the morning, rinse it under running water and wipe dry with a clean rag.

Another option is purification by fire. To do this, you need to wait until nightfall and retire to your room. You need to place three candles in a row on the table and light them. Hold the talisman alternately over the flame of each of them, mentally imagining how it is cleansed.

After removing someone else's energy, you should charge the Veles amulet. To do this you will need to do the following:

  • Seclude yourself indoors. It is important that no one and nothing distract from the ritual.
  • On the table you need to place objects that symbolize the elements: a container of water, a lit candle, a handful of earth or a stone.
  • Place the product in the center of the table and focus on problems that require the help of higher powers.
  • Mentally say all the tasks for the amulet three times.
  • Then place the amulet on the ground, then in a container of water and hold it over the candle flame.
  • At the end, take the artifact with both hands and lift it above the table to charge it with the power of the air element.

At night, you should wrap the amulet in a clean napkin or towel and leave it in a secluded place until morning. After this you can wear it.


The life of the Slavic tribes consisted of numerous rituals. So, for example, in ancient times people were very sensitive to creating a family, believing that you needed to get married in order to live your whole life together.

The wedding ceremony was very beautiful. The leading role in it was given to the bear. The most famous wedding rituals are:

  1. "Bear Song" This ritual is the prototype of the modern bride price. The groom is dressed up in a bear costume and asked to complete a series of tasks (dance a bear dance, play a musical instrument, sing ditties, measure strength). If the groom successfully passes all the tests, he “turns into a man” (the bear skin is removed from him). After this, the bride gives her consent to the marriage.
  2. "Bear Hunting" This ritual game symbolizes male heroism. A young man dressed in a bear costume chases girls in a clearing. The girls scream for help from the groom and his friends. The groom and his assistants kill the bear, performing a war dance, and save the girls.
  3. Wedding ceremony. The eldest woman dressed up in the skin of a bear and was next to the newlyweds throughout the celebration. This symbolized the protection of newlyweds from envious eyes and evil tongues, since the Slavs associated the bear with purity of thoughts, wisdom, and a sense of security.

How to wear Veles amulets

Most often, the Bear Paw and Bull Head talismans are worn as a pendant around the neck or on the wrist. It is also allowed to simply put them in the pockets of clothes, wallets, and handbags.

Quite often, the symbol of the Slavic deity is embroidered on clothing, bedding or on a piece of canvas. An image of a Bull's Head or a Bear's Paw can also be hung on the wall.

Silver pendant Bear (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

Is it possible to make a talisman yourself?

Any amulet made with love for a loved one or yourself will have much greater energy potential than the one purchased. Therefore, Veles amulets can be made independently. However, most people don't have the tools to work metal or wood, so the only choice is embroidery or design.

The silver and wooden talismans of Veles have the greatest power. If you do not have the necessary skills and tools to make artifacts from these materials, it is better to purchase them.

Veles amulets are universal products that can be used by both men and women. They will help reveal the owner’s inner potential, give him strength to achieve his goals, protect him from adversity and guide him on the right path. It is only important to clean, recharge products on time and use them only for good deeds!

Religious symbolism of the ancient Slavic deity


like an inverted letter A. This outline symbolizes the head of a bull, where the triangle of the letter is its head, and the “legs” A, looking up, or rays, are the horns of the animal. Therefore, its other name is bull's head. The upper part must be depicted separately from the lower triangle. Often the symbol is framed at the edges by tongues of flame (in another interpretation it is a solar circle), which symbolize eternity. There are several other interpretations of the meaning of the inverted A. In addition to the simplified image of the animal, some see it as an arrowhead as a protective sign and a cup as a symbol of wealth.

The Veles symbol is always drawn on a round base . The circle in which the amulet is enclosed is intended to represent the sun.

Typically the material was chosen from wood, mainly oak, or from a precious metal (such as silver). The Slavs believed that such materials enhanced its power. The symbol of Veles had primarily a protective meaning among the ancient Slavs. It was often placed above the doors by farmers and cattle breeders, and was also applied to livestock in the form of a brand.

Like a cup, it is also considered a sign of travelers and traders. Another name for the amulet is “Water of all paths . In addition, the symbol is often found in burial places of the Slavs, where it reminds of the transition of souls between worlds, therefore it is often used by magicians and sorcerers.

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