Fan on the wall - a talisman of protection and success in the interior

One of the most famous objects in Feng Shui philosophy is the fan. It is considered not only a popular decoration in China, but also a means of protection against negative energy. Today it is often used for decoration and decorates the walls in many homes in our country. Therefore, it will not hurt to find out how to hang a fan on the wall, and what the specific location of this accessory indicates.

White wall fan

Paper wall fan

The meaning of a fan in feng shui

The fan appeared in China a very long time ago. Previously, representatives of the stronger sex fanned themselves with it. Today it is considered a strong amulet and an erotic symbol.

The Chinese and Japanese attach great importance to it and hang it on the walls of their rooms. If you use a fan according to Feng Shui, you can protect your home from negative energy, envy and hatred of others. It also has other wonderful properties:

  • attracts good luck in love;
  • promotes business development;
  • improves health;
  • relieves fatigue and depression.

Fan on the wall

According to Chinese mythology, the wind goddess brought the fan to earth. She came down from heaven and gave it to people so that they would no longer suffer. If a person needed help, he had only to wave his fan, and the goddess would come to the rescue.

It is believed that, together with air currents, the Chinese fan carries favorable energy and gives its owner a surge of strength. Its wonderful properties are activated when the attribute is used correctly.

Charging a fan with energy is very simple. You need to fan yourself with it for several minutes. After this, you can feel cheerfulness and good mood. With each swing, it will attract chi energy, which can revive everything on our planet. Its flows circulate in people, animals and plants, pass through air and water. Without it there will be no growth and existence.

DIY kitchen amulet

Garlic pepper wreath

Tips for making garlic

The most ideal amulet for the kitchen is a wreath of garlic and pepper. If you wish, you can make it from natural materials or make an imitation of these vegetable crops, and then make a talisman from them. When making such a protective amulet, you must remember that it is not friendly with coniferous trees, reeds and plants that climb like vines.

If you combine them together, you will end up with a talisman with dual energy. Garlic and pepper will try to protect you from everything bad, and reeds and pine branches, on the contrary, will attract troubles to you. Therefore, it will be better if you attach them to a piece of ordinary rope and decorate with mint and rosemary.

You can see how to make garlic a little higher, and as for pepper, it is best made from salt dough, baked and painted in the desired color. For those who don’t know, dough for making crafts is made in the following proportions: 200 g flour, 200 g salt and 50-70 ml water.

Color and images on the fan

There are some tricks that allow you to achieve what you want using specific images on the fan. You should choose the color of the item depending on the purpose. The table will tell you more about this:

GoldPromotes success in all endeavors, has a positive effect on family and business relationships
RedBrings good luck, improves financial situation, gives power
YellowIs a symbol of wisdom, health and abundance
GreenRepresents hope and rebirth, promotes rest and peace, improves vision
WhiteIt is a manifestation of divine power, enhances the positive qualities of people

A drawing on an attribute can make adjustments to a person’s destiny. Most often it depicts the following pictures:

  1. Dragon. Attracts career growth and professional success.
  2. Sakura or lotus. They are symbols of love and attract the opposite sex.
  3. Cedar. Protects against diseases and normalizes overall well-being, gives a surge of strength and clarity of mind.
  4. Pisces. Attracts finance and family happiness.
  5. Peacock. Promotes the birth of a healthy baby.
  6. Cranes. Extend life and protect health.
  7. Ship. Attracts good luck in work.
  8. Any image of nature. Relieves fatigue and blues, gives a good mood.
  9. Hieroglyphs. Selected depending on needs. These can be signs of love, health, family well-being, etc.
  10. Oranges. They are a symbol of wealth and abundance.

Fans with images of flowers are popular, which also carry a symbolic meaning:

  • a rose speaks of purity of thoughts, is a symbol of passionate and strong love;
  • the tulip personifies pure and sincere feelings;
  • chrysanthemum helps dispel doubts and gives peace;
  • the narcissist promotes excellent career and professional growth;
  • poppies help in childbirth;
  • Sunflowers ward off evil spirits and are a symbol of life and health.

The main thing is that the fan should please the owner in terms of color and design and cause aesthetic pleasure. But we must not forget about the color scheme of the interior. Often, acidic decor colors look ridiculous and defiant. It is better to choose pastel colors.

Anyone who has not found a fan with the desired design can depict the desired object themselves or glue it to a fan. The power of the amulet will not decrease due to this.

Two lamps above the door

Negative energy loves dark places, oddly enough, so light the space in front of the door well, and then you will not lose your Chi energy, receiving it in full. For suitable lighting, you will need two bright lamps, which will need to be hung above the door, so negative energy will have nowhere to go.

Which fan should you choose?

Most often, a large wall fan is used in the interior. However, you can also hang a small attribute of Taoist practice. The choice of size depends, first of all, on the dimensions of the room. You should not hang a fan that is too large in a modest bedroom, otherwise its strong vibrations will only worsen the condition of the household. In a spacious room, the power of the fan is not enough to saturate it with positive energy.

Fan over the bed

On store shelves there are attributes with one-sided and double-sided designs. For your home, you can choose a one-sided option. Two sides with a pattern are more suitable for a fan, which is used for its intended purpose. So, in case of loss of strength, you need to fan yourself with it several times to feel relief and increase your tone.

The picture of a fan does not have the properties of a separate attribute. It performs only a decorative function. The same goes for fan-shaped mirrors.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

It is important to pay attention to the material of the item. It should be pleasant to the touch, and gaps in the canvas itself are unacceptable.

Other manufacturing options


The main function of a fan always remains the same - it should provide coolness in hot weather. Fanning your face and other exposed parts of your body with it should keep you cool. We offer you a fan that, thanks to its light and simple design, is very well suited for these purposes.

For it we will need:

  • cardboard;
  • newspapers or office paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • stationery knife;
  • pen or pencil;
  • acrylic paints;
  • ruler;
  • ribbons, beads and decor at your discretion.

Let's start manufacturing.

  1. Cut out two cardboard semicircular bases as shown.
  2. Cut strips of colored paper 7 cm wide.
  3. Wind them vertically onto a knitting needle to form oblong tubes. Secure them with glue so they don't fall apart.
  4. Glue an odd number of tubes onto one base, like a peacock’s tail.
  5. Cover with the second base and glue.
  6. Also close the side gaps between the bases with tubes, gluing them to the edges of the product.
  7. We also decorate the fan stands with straws and other decor to suit your taste, as in the picture.


To make such a retractable “fan”, prepare the following elements:

  • 25 wooden flat sticks with small holes at the bottom - for threading;
  • two types of fabric – matte and shiny;
  • floss threads to match the color of the base;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • scotch;
  • needle.

Let's look at the instructions.

  1. Stack the sticks (25 pcs.) with holes for thread and tie them tightly on both sides.

  2. Unfold the base of the fan completely and place it on the matte fabric - it should be quite light. Otherwise, the fan will be difficult to fold.
  3. Make the distance between the sticks the same. Sew them to the material.
  4. Turn the resulting product over and trim off the excess on top. To decorate the cuts, glue frilly shiny fabric on both sides. Also trim the excess fabric at the bottom so that it does not interfere with the folding of the structure.
  5. Turn the craft over.
  6. You can glue a few more decorative strips of shiny fabric to the fan.
  7. When the glue is completely dry, clean off the excess and put the resulting craft in a pile. You can glue short beautiful ribbons on both sides to tie the fan. This will prevent it from falling apart when not in use.

For decoration (for photo zone, for decoration, on the wall)

These fans are worth talking about separately, since they are intended exclusively for decorating rooms. For example, in the bedroom they are often placed above the bed. They also often use decorative fans on the terraces of houses.

To make a decorative fan, use:

  • thick colored paper;
  • paper lace;
  • ribbons;
  • double sided tape.

The manufacturing master class includes a number of steps.

Cut two strips of colored paper 5 cm, 7 cm, 9 cm wide and 30 cm long. Bend all the sheets with an accordion at the same pitch, we suggest stopping at 12 mm.

Making fans at home can be a great activity for both children and adults. The children will be happy to attend a home master class and learn how to make this accessory with their own hands. Of course, they are rarely used in everyday life today, since modern city apartments usually have air conditioners and fans. But if it turns out to be really beautiful and harmonizes with your image, then you can easily carry it in your purse and use it if necessary.

To learn how to make a paper fan with your own hands, watch the following video.

Where to place the fan?

You need to understand that a fan in the house is a connecting link of energy matters. Therefore, it is important not to harm yourself and your loved ones and think about its location. It is best to hang it where you feel stagnant energy. Moreover, the fan should be directed to the corner that needs recharging.

If this is a bedroom, you need to place it next to the bed, but not above it. The minimum distance from the sleeping place should be one meter. When you want to achieve career growth and success in business, you need to place the attribute behind the workplace so that the fan is behind your back.

To direct the energy upward, it is recommended to hang it on the stairs. You can conduct the flow of qi energy with the help of a fan placed in a long corridor.

It’s good to hang a red fan in the south or north, but it’s better not to place it in the west of your home. You need to choose a sector depending on the desired goal:

in the south there is a sector of glory, there you need to hang a fan with the image of a peacock or an eagle;

in the love-marriage sector (east), it is better to place a fan with paired objects;

in the southeast (wealth) you can hang an attribute with the image of a cedar or orange;

in the north (quarry) it is advisable to hang a fan with the image of a bird.

Hanging the fan on the wall is very easy. Usually it already has special ties. It is necessary to secure the object with the fan up at an angle of 45 degrees. You cannot point it straight down or up. If you don't want to clutter up the wall, you can put it on a shelf or stand.

From cardboard

A cardboard fan does not bend or fold, so its function is decorative. It can become a decoration for your home or an unusual gift.

To work you will need:

  • thick cardboard (not colored);
  • stationery knife;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • newspapers or sheets of thin paper.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare a solid fan frame. To do this, a sheet of cardboard must be placed on a horizontal surface and the middle must be marked along its lower edge. Measure 30–40 cm up and place a dot. Draw a large semicircle, the vertex of which should be at the marked point.

  1. Step back 5 cm from the point, place a second one and draw another semicircle. It must be symmetrical with respect to the first.
  2. From the second point, retreat 2 more times by 5 cm and draw 2 symmetrical semicircles.
  3. Draw the last semicircle at a height of 10 cm from the edge of the sheet.
  4. From the bottom of the workpiece, draw a line to the first semicircle 17 cm long and put a dot. Draw a diagonal line from it to the middle of the bottom edge of the sheet. Repeat the same steps on the opposite side.
  5. From the first diagonal line, measure 3 cm along each semicircle, except the top one, and place dots. Draw lines along them from the small semicircle to the fourth. Repeat the steps on the opposite side of the workpiece.
  6. Cut out the template with a utility knife. To make a fan you will need two similar blanks. To make the second one, you can simply trace the outline of the first one on a clean piece of cardboard and cut it out.
  7. Cut newspaper sheets into strips 8–10 cm wide. Using a thin wooden stick, twist them into tubes, periodically coating them with glue. You will need at least 30-40 such blanks.
  8. Glue 15 paper tubes to the cardboard blank. The lower ends of the latter should connect in the middle of the template, the upper ends should diverge at a distance of 1 cm.
  9. Trim the protruding ends and glue a second cardboard blank on the other side.
  10. Cover the edges of the blanks (where the corrugated part of the cardboard is visible) with paper strips.
  11. Make a weave of several tubes in the bottom open row of the template.
  12. Cover the finished product with the selected paint and clear varnish. Decorate as desired.

If you don’t have a large compass at hand, you can draw a blank for a solid frame using a pencil and string. To do this, you need to make a loop on the last one and insert a pencil into it. Then you need to attach the lower end of the rope to the middle of the sheet, and the upper end, with a pencil, to the marked point. All you have to do is hold the rope and draw two semicircular lines to the right and left of the point.

Where should you not place a fan?

There are places where it is better not to place a fan. These include:

  1. The area above the bed. You cannot hang a fan directly above your sleeping place, otherwise insomnia and nightmares will occur.
  2. The wall in front of the desk. A fan in this place can cause confusion.
  3. Place opposite the front door. Such placement of an object will provoke the release of energy from the house to the street. However, it is acceptable to place a red attribute here to attract good luck.

It must be remembered that the fan is not just a talisman. Depending on the design on it, it brings double benefits to its owner. The main thing is to correctly place the Feng Shui attribute and believe in its miraculous powers, and to do this, you should fan the room with it three or four times to set the dynamics of pleasant changes.

Original crafts

In this collection you will find the simplest instructions on how to make a fan step by step. Among them there are both simple options for children and more complex ones that require perseverance and accuracy. With them you can create a truly bright and unusual accessory that will delight you or become a wonderful gift.

Three-layer option

This manufacturing method is also very simple. You will need:

3 sheets of colored paper of different widths, each larger than the previous one;

Let's start making a fan.

First, fold the smallest piece of paper in half twice. Hole it using a hole punch.

Take a middle sheet and make a fringe along its edges.

Place the sheets of paper one on top of the other and glue them together. The smallest should be on top, and the largest should be on the bottom.

Make an accordion out of this single sheet and tie it with braid in the middle.

Fold the resulting piece in half and glue its edges together.

Round fan

Thanks to their rounded shape, such crafts give even more room for imagination. For example, you can make a fan in the shape of a watermelon.

Prepare for its manufacture:

3 sheets of double-sided colored A4 paper;

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

Make an accordion out of each sheet in centimeter increments;

fold each one in half, glue its edges on one side to make a fan;

connect all three fans into a single circle and glue, leaving two edges not glued;

We attach skewers to the free edges and glue them together.

Chinese fan

One of the traditional Chinese origami was a fan with cranes.

We offer a simpler version of the product, but it also looks very interesting. For this product, stock up on the following materials:

small bolt and nut;

The manufacturing process consists of several steps.

Cut out 13 parts from thin plywood according to sample 1 from diagram A and two according to sample 2. The size of the parts is indicated in the diagram.

Place the cut pieces together as shown.

We make a hole on the bottom of the slats so that a bolt can be inserted there.

Prepare the fabric piece as in diagram B.

We open the planks so that there are equal spaces between them.

Cover the leftmost bar with fabric completely, and cover the remaining sticks only with the lower side adjacent to the fabric.

With clothespin

To create such a fan, you will need:

double-sided colored paper;

divide the clothespin in half;

cut a 7 cm strip from a sheet of double-sided paper and bend it like an accordion;

make a cross from the halves of a clothespin and secure it in the middle with an elastic band;

Glue the edges of the paper accordion to the edges of the clothespin halves.

Veil "Fire Whirlwind"

To create a dance vale, take:

frame from an old fan;

30 cm each of chiffon or other similar fabric in two colors - black and orange;

Let's look at step-by-step manufacturing instructions.

Place the wooden base of the fan on a dark fabric. If you don’t have an old unnecessary base, then make it from narrow boards with holes at the bottom, connecting them with thread. Mark the cutting locations.

Make the same fabric blank from orange fabric.

Sew the fabric pieces together and glue them to a wooden base.

When the fan is dry, decorate it with rhinestones.

Barriers down!

Feng Shui involves minimalism; a minimum of furniture and more free space are valued. And don’t ever think of placing furniture near the entrance! This is one of the main rules, because in this way the furniture will be a barrier to the passage of Qi energy, and we are making a hallway so that it comes to us.

To bring happiness and joy to your home, you can use ancient Chinese wisdom. We thread a red thread through three coins with a hole in the center and put such a bunch under the rug and forget about it.

Amulet activation

In order for the amulet to serve its owner faithfully, it is necessary to use it more often directly for its intended purpose. The beneficial effects can be felt just by fanning yourself and receiving a surge of strength and energy. To activate the talisman in the desired direction, the color and images on it must be appropriate. If the desired image is not found, it is not difficult to apply it yourself.

The pattern of spruce or cedar is good for the health of the family. A powerful combination in achieving marital happiness is a Feng Shui fan in the bedroom, which depicts the Phoenix next to the Dragon. In Chinese mythology, this is considered the main Yin-Yang symbol, representing complete harmony, a prosperous, fruitful marriage, beautiful children and financial well-being of the family.


Energy flow

The influx of cosmic energy is ensured in a room in which nothing interferes with the flow and circulation of a constant supply of fresh air. It is no secret that the cause of serious problems and illnesses for residents is often rooms deprived of the flow of energy and air.

So, ideally, your rooms should be bright. They should not have many walls blocking the necessary vital energy. At least one wall must have windows. What to do if the room is in the center of the building? The person will suffer from a lack of vital energy. However, if such a room has no more than 2 solid walls, blocking will not occur. Remember that the center of your home should also be the center of energy movement. Do not allow stagnation, make sure that there is no completely enclosed space. This is one of the fundamental rules of Feng Shui. Compliance with this rule is especially important in houses that remain empty most of the day.


Home planning according to Feng Shui

It's no secret that the layout and location, as well as the design of your walls, are projected in a certain way onto the subconscious. This is why it is so important to create a favorable Feng Shui. Otherwise, such a nuisance as blocking the energy of luck is possible. At the energetic level, walls can cause depression in a person, but they can also have a positive effect, this happens through our subconscious. There are various ways to improve Feng Shui, one of them is to create good energy by transforming the walls around us.

Let's move on directly to studying the location of the walls of your house. Each room must have one solid wall. Only such a wall is the basis that accumulates energy around itself. In turn, the walls interact with the house and influence the condition of the room as a whole - whether the house will become an abode of well-being and happiness or a place of accumulation of negative energy. Of course, a room can have 2 or more solid walls. But 3 solid walls are considered an unfavorable location. This placement risks potential stagnation of positive energy. A lack of cosmic energy is formed, which leads to an excess of yin energy. Such rooms are stuffy.

Tune in to talk with your intuition. Inner feeling is a great advisor. It's not difficult, the main thing is the attitude. You will feel which walls improve and enrich Feng Shui, and which ones you will want to remove.

Look at the walls one at a time, thinking about successful ways to attract energy. Then your work will become a source of peace, inspiration and satisfaction. Feel how your walls have an impact, leaving an imprint on the depths of your subconscious. You will come to understand why the walls of your home, which influence your life every minute and every second, should be a source of positive, life-affirming feelings and thoughts. Get rid of negativity as soon as possible.

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