What kinds of mounts are there for paintings on the wall and how to use them

From the desire to beautifully hang frames with photos, paintings or posters on the wall to the implementation of this plan, you only need one thing - to come up with a layout of the images. But why reinvent the wheel when you can use ready-made ideas.

Frames on the wall are one of the favorite solutions of many designers. Create a gallery of family photos and the atmosphere in your home will become warmer and more comfortable. Choose pictures that are united by color scheme or theme, and you will bring style and mood to the interior. Don’t forget that frames are also a win-win way to decorate boring bare walls that can be found in almost every apartment.

Not all of us have a design degree to come up with a good layout for memorable cards, posters or paintings on the spot. And why complicate everything if ready-made solutions can be found in our article!

Spider hook

A small fastening element with four spikes and a hook on which you can hang something weighing up to 2 kg. The principle of operation is simple: just press the spider in the right place against the wall and hit the spikes with a hammer, driving them completely into the surface. Removal is just as easy: just grab the part where the spikes are with pliers and pull it towards you. The four holes remaining after it are easy to cover up.

How to hang medals in a room

This very element of power is, as a rule, strong in its sector.

For example: - water - in the north; - earth - in the northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest; - metal - in the west; - wood - in the east; - fire - in the south.

To know where and how to place letters, you need to determine your element of power.

Since this publication was created at the request of one of the readers of articles on this site, his data and his spouse will be given as an example. To understand what question he is asking at the moment, you should familiarize yourself with his request.

Hello! This is Evgeniy again.

I express my deep gratitude to you for your articles and advice, they help me a lot, so I want to ask you one more question.

Special Velcro

Velcro is great for flat surfaces. The fastener itself consists of two parts covered with Velcro: one side is attached to the wall, the other to the item that needs to be hung. Then both parts are connected. The advantage of this method is that you can easily remove the Velcro and there will be no traces left of it. Depending on the weight of the item, use the required amount of Velcro. They are different and can withstand weight from 100 to 400 grams.


A diploma is a document that is awarded for achievements in any matter. Certificates of commendation and honor are awarded for academic success, participation or victory in a creative competition or sports competition.

Diplomas , diplomas , and certificates have long become an integral part of enterprise culture. Not a single ceremony is complete without the ceremonial presentation of diplomas and certificates of honor They are awarded to participants in symposiums, forums, conferences, seminars and exhibitions.


This method allows you to attach an object to a surface in which it is impossible or undesirable to make holes. You will need a regular thick cork, from which you need to cut a washer up to 1.5 cm thick and glue it to the wall with any strong glue. After the glue has dried, a screw is screwed into the washer, onto which the decorative element is hung. The stopper can be either classic wine or silicone.

Psychology: How many diplomas should you hang on the wall in your design office?

A diploma received for special merit, success in work, sports or study is a symbol of recognition, a source of pride that should not be hidden in a desk or put in a pile, but demonstrated. This is important for any establishment, because such insignia form a certain portfolio, influence the reputation, and determine the opinion of clients and partners. The best way to do this is to install special display cases for certificates. Such a solution is relevant not only for enterprises and organizations, but also for stores selling souvenirs and gift products.

Cornice strip

This method is best used for a group of items. A curtain rail is used that is glued to the wall. Inside the rails there are running hooks, to which a fishing line or strong thread is tied, to the other end of which the necessary items are attached. The advantage is the ease of placement, since the hooks are easily moved. It's also easy to add or remove an additional composition element, thus organizing an entire gallery.

Photo hanging schemes

Let us analyze in detail all the schemes and methods for arranging photos on the wall.

Along a horizontal line

These can be photographs of the same size, or gradually increase from small ones (or vice versa). Draw a line and align the bottom edge of each photo along it.

Along an inclined line

Similar to the previous method, only here you draw an inclined line and the corner of each photo should approximately touch it.

TIP: Take photos of the same size, or large at the bottom, and make them smaller towards the top.

Rectangle or square

Double-sided tape

Using double-sided tape, you can easily attach a small picture in a plastic frame or a photograph. This method is relevant for plasterboard walls, since drilling such walls is undesirable. If you need to hang a photo, attach a piece of tape (a 1cm strip is enough) to each of the four corners. To remove the tape without leaving any traces, bend it slowly at a 90° angle. Please note that foam-based double-sided tape holds the load better.

How to choose the right frames for certificates?

At first, it may seem like there aren't many options. But this is a mistaken opinion: the market offers a huge range of framing frames that can complement the interior or, conversely, ruin it.

The first and main criterion is aesthetics. It should be felt in everything, including the execution of certificates and gratitude. Obviously, you will have to choose absolutely identical frames for all documents, otherwise they will not create an overall picture and will look strange.

The material of the baguette should also be taken into account:

The style of the frames is also important. The frame serves as a link between diplomas and the interior and protects documents from external influences. There is no need to purchase multi-level baguettes: they are only good for paintings. Choose a color that is as close as possible to the large pieces of furniture in the room.

We recommend purchasing frames for all certificates at the same time to ensure they match exactly. This can be done in specialized stores or on the marketplace, saving time for more important matters.


Paper clip

Make cuts in the wallpaper as in photo 1, where each cut is slightly larger than the length and width of the paperclip itself. Unbend the paperclip as if you were holding a thick stack of papers. Place the large “leg” behind the wallpaper, adding a drop of glue to the cut and sealing it back. It will take a day for it to fully set, after which you can hang surprisingly weighty objects on such an improvised hook. Once the fastening is no longer necessary, bite off the protruding part with sharp nippers.

How to hang medals on the wall in a room

The birth of such works occurs only according to an individual sketch.

The cost of an oak medallion, measuring about 230x490mm and at least 20mm thick, ranges from 1000 - 3000 rubles.

For an individual order, the price will depend on the dimensions of the engraving and cutting performed by the machine, since these values ​​are different for each material.

We offer to buy quarry sand in Moscow with delivery from 30 minutes. Your own transshipment base!

The final cost is set after approval of sketches, manufacturing materials and other design parameters.

The cost can be significantly reduced when ordering a large batch, for example, for future independent engraving.

DIY medal hanger

Typically, a medal hanger, also known as a holder, looks like a flat surface made of wood or metal.

To use your smartphone comfortably, after purchasing the gadget you like, you will have to spend money on purchasing accessories for it. Such as phone holders. They can be desktop or car-mounted, with suction cups and holes for charging. Read more in the article.

Not a single room in the house can be considered cozy and lived-in without accessories and little things that define its atmosphere.

The process itself will give you a lot of pleasant emotions, and the decor will be unique and bold.

This device not only solves the problem of preserving treasured awards, but also tells each guest about great personal success.

Construction adhesive

Glue is suitable if you need to hang something heavy and permanently. Liquid nails are an excellent choice. Apply a bead of glue to each side from the back of the painting and press it against the wall in the pre-marked area. Since liquid nails take from 20 to 40 minutes to set, the object being mounted must be pressed or supported with something during this time. You can also consider polymer glue as it does not leave a greasy stain.

To hang your favorite photograph or a beautiful painting, you don’t always need to damage the wallpaper and drill into the wall. Choose the appropriate method from this list and decorate your home quickly and easily.

There are situations when you really need to hang a picture on the wall without nails or drilling: for example, the apartment is rented, you don’t want to spoil the wall with holes, bother the neighbors, or your husband is simply not at home. This is when very simple and effective methods come to our aid that will help you hang a picture, panel, poster or photograph on the wall without using a drill. Choose which one you like best!

Diplomas on the walls of the office: is it worth hanging?

When setting up their own office, people often have a question: do they need to hang diplomas, certificates, and diplomas on the wall that confirm their professionalism? Moreover, this question worries representatives of any profession, be it a dentist, a lawyer or a psychotherapist.

Some believe that showing off their own achievements is mere boasting, while others are ready to cover an entire wall with various diplomas. So what to do? Most people agree that certificates should be displayed in a personal account, but only on the condition that the frames for the certificates are chosen correctly and are in harmony with the overall interior of the room.

Recent research in psychology has shown that diplomas as evidence of personal achievement make a strong first impression on others. In this case, we are talking about your clients who, when entering the reception area, will see documents testifying to your professionalism. This fact is deposited in the subconscious, and the person perceives you as a qualified specialist, often without even reading the text of the letters.

However, do not think that you need to cover the entire wall with frames for diplomas and certificates. There should be a sense of proportion in everything, including the number of certificates. When a person sees too many of them, the opposite effect occurs: suspicions arise about the veracity of all the letters and distrust of their owner. How to get out of this situation?

The best option is to display exclusively the most significant achievements, designing them in the same style. Although certificates are not an art object, and their mission is not to decorate your office, such elements should still be placed taking into account the features of the interior.

There is no need to hang certificate frames in one row or in even rows one below the other. This indicates absolute bad taste. The most advantageous option is a chess arrangement. It looks slightly careless and at the same time does not load the wall.

Obviously, having certificates is great, but on the wall you can combine them with your own photographs taken at important meetings and conferences. This will dilute the rows of diplomas, and the client will not have the feeling that he is admiring an “honor board”. And, of course, do not forget to illuminate the section of the wall where it is located. Directional light or light illumination will do.


Another way to place light paintings is to stick a sewing needle into the wall. For example, you can carefully drive a tailor's pin with a head into the wallpaper at an angle. Another option: break off the eye of a sewing needle with pliers and simply hammer it into the wall with the sharp end. This way, the hole in the wall is small and unnoticeable, unlike nails or screws. At the same time, the ama needle, steel and durable, securely holds the frame.

How to place medals in a room

After all, every person is influenced by the energies that are given to him from birth, the elements of his periods of life and the sectors in which he spends a lot of time, the energy of the environment and those around him.

If a person is in the energies that destroy her life, then she will not be able to change anything in her career and in relationships with colleagues and superiors, even by manipulating the energies with the help of correct Feng Shui.

But if the energies are favorable to a person, then simply by placing diplomas in the right sector, he can easily achieve what he wants.

The use of Feng Shui techniques, which help improve health by harmonizing the body’s energy, does not imply an immediate refusal of the services of doctors and medications prescribed by a doctor.

This means that the element of power for her will be water.

If this woman decides to place her certificates in the north in the hall, in the living room, in her office or in the northern sector of the apartment, then her salary may increase or she will receive a promotion.

However, it should be borne in mind that the result of placing diplomas, certificates and awards in the right sector, as a rule, depends on how favorable the energies are to a person at a particular moment. Sometimes the result may simply be improved relationships with superiors and colleagues.

How to place certificates and diplomas correctly?

In addition to choosing the right sector, you should place certificates and diplomas in such a way as to activate the energies around them. This is done in different ways.

For example, you can choose for each official paper a frame of the shade that relates to the energy that moves the element of power.

Yes, they do not always coincide with the thoughts of the parents, and sometimes they are irrational, but still, it is definitely not worth applying pressure or imposing your own opinion. If you don’t agree with something, or your child’s ideas are close to crazy, then try to gently, unobtrusively and almost imperceptibly direct thoughts in the right direction, or offer several other equally interesting and vibrant options.

Metal hangers are thinner, but serve their purpose perfectly. Mostly soft metals are used for production: aluminum, copper and brass.

Velcro Command

The special technology of Command Velcro allows you to glue them to almost any surface and easily hang pictures weighing up to 2 kg on them. The advantage of this brand of Velcro is that it can be easily removed without damaging the walls. They are sold as a set of several strips: one strip is glued to the frame, the other to the wall. The more stripes, the heavier the painting can be.

Business etiquette: the office as a mirror of the owner

Business etiquette knows no details. Even your office and desk must “obey” his rules. All the space around you should speak about your best business qualities: organization, accuracy, seriousness. Judging by the objects surrounding you during working hours, management, colleagues and partners will draw conclusions and build relationships.

Prints, paintings, and engravings are quite suitable for office space. However, be careful when choosing them. It is better to prefer landscapes and still lifes that radiate calm. Small sculptures are used to decorate the spacious offices of fairly high-level managers.

Flowers are a wonderful decoration for office spaces. They not only decorate, but also create an informal atmosphere and soften psychological tension. Flowers with large leaves are preferred, as are small evergreen trees in large pots placed on the floor. However, keep in mind that the flowers must be in decent, preferably identical, pots, not fading and clean.

Molding or ceiling plinth

This method is perfect for those who want to hang a lot of pictures without harming the walls. Simply glue a molding to the wall or ceiling to which you can attach a strong fishing line and hang a picture from it. If you need more details, watch the video below.

They gave me a task at work: to hang exactly the frames with licenses, certificates and patents. They hung at random and did not give the corridor any solidity.

A bunch of new frames and plastic cable ducts to match the color of the frame were purchased.

We take two cable ducts and cut them to the required length (at the location on the wall). Separate the lid from the base. We place the lids on a flat surface (conveniently on a tiled floor), and lay out the frames between them.

We lay the roofs on the frames, level them (I was guided by the metal corners in the photo frame, about half a cm from the edge) and drill two blind holes on each side (the main thing here is not to overdo it and not to drill through).

Screw it in with short self-tapping screws.

We do the same on the other side.

Using a tape measure, align the remaining frames and screw them in place.

Insert the base into one cover

Drill holes in the other base

and attach it to the wall. (no photo) It must be attached so that the holes in the wall from the previous frames are closed.

We insert the finished structure from the side to the base, which is attached to the wall, and push it in.

PS I wish I could come up with something else to seal the ends with.

PPS There is still some space between the wall and the frame if someone wants to add lighting...

PPPS Some organizations prohibit drilling into walls so as not to spoil the repairs. In this case, you can attach the finished structure to the ceiling using fishing line (Armstrong). As a matter of fact, I once saw something like this, only I attached it to the wall.

A diploma hanging on the wall of the office inspires confidence in the specialist

In the West, it is customary to display diplomas of completed education for everyone to see.
In Europe, there has long been a tradition according to which specialists from various fields of activity - doctors and lawyers, designers and architects, hairdressers and stylists - hang framed diplomas on the walls of their offices so that anyone can see them.

A diploma on the wall is a certain element of posing

A minority of Russians do not want to look at someone else's diploma. In their opinion, excellent academic performance at a university is not a guarantee of a specialist’s competence and successful work: “I believe that any diploma must be confirmed by practical activity.” Russians over 45 years of age demonstrate skepticism more often than others. Some of them even believe that a diploma on the wall is some kind of element of posing: “With us it looks like a show-off, and you immediately think if he is a swindler.” Others are afraid of “false” crusts: “Not everyone can distinguish a real diploma from a fake one.”

A specialist diploma on display confirms a high level of knowledge and competence

This idea received the greatest support among journalists. They are followed by psychologists and architects. Judging by the comments of the respondents, a specialist diploma, displayed for clients and visitors, confirms the high level of knowledge and competence of its holder: “If they wish, everyone can look at and indirectly evaluate my knowledge and skills. This is good"; “I have something to be proud of, I was a Lenin scholarship recipient, so I have a diploma with honors from a prestigious Soviet university, and not bought bullshit.”

Having a diploma is not seen as an achievement that should be flaunted

Accountants most often hold the opposite point of view: “Unfortunately, in our country, a diploma does not mean that a person deservedly received it and is a certified specialist.” Economists, lawyers and designers criticize this initiative a little less often, complaining about the imbalances in the field of Russian higher education and the difficult situation in the domestic labor market: “In our country, the mere presence of a diploma is not considered an achievement that should be flaunted. A diploma does not guarantee good work and income; in a number of specialties, it may not guarantee employment at all. Permanent work not in the specialty of the diploma is very common in our country and is considered the norm.”

Some experts explain their position for other reasons, in particular, the very common practice of buying diplomas (“Can every certified specialist prove their knowledge in practice? How many diplomas are bought!”), fear of leaking confidential information (“It’s like posting your passport details !”), fear of competition (“...This system elevates “green” graduates over experienced professionals who acquired knowledge in a different way”), as well as their own modesty: “...In my opinion, this is an element of vanity. A true professional does not need glossy confirmations.” There are also those who simply refuse to adopt Western models of behavior: “...Since we began to focus on the West, our lives have become worse!”

For which specialists are diplomas a source of pride?

So many diplomas that there is not enough office space to display them

In the United States, a system of recertification of doctors is being introduced: if previously a doctor who chose, for example, the profession of a cardiologist, took a special exam only once in his life, now he will have to undergo recertification every 6 or 10 years, depending on the specialty. They will also have to attend advanced training courses.

American doctors themselves joke that they now have an expiration date like medicine or milk cartons. Now the certificate that doctors proudly display in their offices will have the note: “Valid until...”, while previously such a document, which gave the right to practice medicine in the chosen specialty, was issued once and for life.

In the coming years, almost all doctors will have to undergo recertification: the official list includes neither more nor less - 147 specialties, from obstetrician to neurosurgeon.

Not all doctors were enthusiastic about the innovation. For many doctors, especially those who have been practicing for many years, the innovation causes a rather sharp rejection. Thus, 52-year-old heart surgeon from Florida, Stephen Mester, believes that all innovations for him personally, at least, are a complete waste of time: “I myself have been improving my qualifications all my life. Much of what I now do in the operating room did not exist before, and no one even suspected such things before.”

Feng Shui: where to place talismans to attract prosperity

Feng Shui is an ancient Eastern teaching that helps people create positive energy flows in their homes. Experts told us how to correctly select and arrange the most important talismans.

Talismans, which will be discussed below, are needed to attract good luck in love, business, work, and finance. These talismans help activate different feng shui zones, which first need to be determined, because they are located in different places in the apartment.

Wealth and Career Zone

These two zones are similar, therefore they are activated by the same talismans. The best plants to help attract well-being in money and work are ferns and money trees. You need to place these plants in your office or in the place where you relax, communicate with people, or work.

A good talisman for attracting financial well-being is a three-legged toad. It can be placed on a table in the living room or near the mirror in the hallway. It will direct energy flows in the right direction. Hotei can also be placed there.

If possible, place an aquarium or fountain in the wealth area. Of course, this will require a lot of space and money, but it’s worth it. Water is the best magnet for money luck and prosperity.

Health and Family Zone

Useful images of the forest, sea, mountains and nature in general, which should be placed in the bedroom or kitchen. You can buy citrus plants that generate a lot of positive energy and absorb all the negativity. You can also place citrus fruits in the kitchen.

In the bedroom you can leave things given to each other in plain sight. They will attract good luck and make excellent love talismans.

Jewelry - stones and metals - should be stored in the family and health zone. On the dressing table or on the bedside table in the bedroom, you can place a figurine of an elephant, which symbolizes wisdom and love in Feng Shui.

Experts advise paying attention to your watch. You need to make sure that they work properly, because a broken clock deprives everyone in the house of health and luck. It is also important to know where you can and cannot hang them.

Zone of fame and knowledge

This is also a very important area that requires activation by talismans. We are talking about the hallway. You need to place a figurine of a dragon or tiger next to the front door. The dragon is a symbol of wisdom, knowledge, glory and wealth. Such a talisman will help you activate this zone and attract a lot of positive emotions into your life and set the right goals.

The effectiveness of talismans will increase if you clean according to the rules of Feng Shui. The house must be kept clean and tidy, otherwise the Qi energy will stop circulating normally.

Principles for making the right choice

Before choosing and purchasing a tablet, cassette or other packaging for medals and orders, it is recommended:

  • find the number of exhibits, because the need to choose one or another storage method depends on this;
  • analyze the characteristics of the existing award symbols - if among them there are Russian merits with 5-gonal pads and Russian or others with 4-gonal pads, as well as orders and medals with screws, collets and pins, then you need to consider options for laying out in various packages, including tablets, cases , frames, etc.;
  • calculate the total cost of the proposed acquisitions and compare it with your abilities - if the costs are prohibitive, then choose the most affordable options with the lowest price (for example, tablets and cassettes are even cheaper than cases and boxes, but just as high-quality and reliable).

It is also necessary to think about the upcoming storage of the packaged collection. If it is large, you may need special cabinets and drawers or a free wall for hanging frames.

Does it make sense to activate sectors?

If we rely on the techniques that flood the Internet and many books available in print today, then we could answer the question that headlines this part of the article in the negative. But the correct activation of the sectors, based on individual feng shui, actually works. And if a person understands how and where to place the certificates correctly, then he will be able to enjoy a promotion or salary increase.

Every detail of a room makes up its Feng Shui. Therefore, it is foolish to believe the rules of pop feng shui, which claim that placing an object in a specific corner will allow you to quickly and easily achieve the desired result. For example, if for a person money is fire, and he decides to place a fountain in the southeast, then he will not see an increase in finances, but rather will lose them. If the north is a sector for a person, the energies of which force others to recognize his merits, and he decided to place letters in the south, then he will not see any improvements.

How to hang medals | Do it yourself

The presence of a medal on a person shows that his merits were noticed and well rewarded. But soon the recipient has a question: how to hang medals correctly? There are a lot of rules for attaching medals to festive clothing, and even a corresponding law has been developed for military personnel.


1. Do not wear medals and orders on weekdays.

In addition, you can combine materials, but preferably not on the same wall.

The ceiling can be whitewashed, painted, suspended, or suspended. If you choose the last two options, you can create an interesting multi-level design that will make the bedroom even more interesting or even allow you to designate zones.

To finish the floor, it is recommended to use simple and practical materials such as linoleum, parquet or laminate. Various floor panels, tiles, and paint are also suitable. The self-leveling floor will look stylish. As for patterns, they should be as neutral as possible. Abstract prints, geometric ones, as well as neutral stripes are suitable.

Selection and arrangement of furniture

When choosing furniture for a teenager's bedroom, you should pay special attention to its functionality.

I'm probably asking a stupid question, but where do you hang your medals at home?

My nephew is an athlete. His medals seem to weigh on cups. They are in the closet on a shelf behind glass.

We don't have cups. Now there are three medals (for some this will probably seem funny). I am wondering where to place them so that I can add them in the future (I hope). Well. The girl is 6 years old, I want it to be interesting, childish or something.

PS Of course, I looked at the photo on the Internet. everything is boring and uninteresting.. I want original ideas

Fans of pop feng shui are sure that certificates and diplomas should be hung on the south wall of the central room or in the south of the home. After all, in the school of eight palaces it is believed that the glory sector is located in the south of the room. However, standard methods, as practice shows, do not help people, but more often harm them. To avoid problems, you should find a sector for yourself that promotes public recognition of merit. This article tells you how to place letters so that these manipulations bring the desired result.

How to determine your fame sector?

Each person has his own element of power. Usually it is energy that destroys the element of personality. This very element of power is, as a rule, strong in its sector. For example: - water - in the north; - land - in the northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest; - metal - in the west; - tree - in the east; - fire - in the south. To know where and how to place letters, you need to determine your element of power.

Since this publication was created at the request of one of the readers of articles on this site, his data and his spouse will be given as an example. To understand what question he is asking at the moment, you should familiarize yourself with his request.

Hello! This is Evgeniy again. I express my deep gratitude to you for your articles and advice, they help me a lot, so I want to ask you one more question. I have accumulated several certificates of honor from previous jobs and several medals for sporting achievements, and my wife has the same. Can you tell me in which sector of the living room, on which wall and how best to place them? Thanks in advance. adsbid

Two consultations have already been held for this man and his wife. This publication focuses on the data reported in this article. Evgeniy’s personality element is metal. This means that the energy of power for him will be fire. The fire element is active in the south. It turns out that this man can place his certificates on the southern wall in the hall, in the living room, in the office or in the southern sector of the apartment. After the correct placement of certificates, as a rule, positive news regarding career and relationships with superiors, colleagues and clients follows.

How to place certificates and diplomas correctly?

In addition to choosing the right sector, you should place certificates and diplomas in such a way as to activate the energies around them. This is done in different ways. For example, you can choose for each official paper a frame of the shade that relates to the energy that moves the element of power. Metal moves wood, and wood moves metal. Fire moves metal, and metal moves fire. There are combinations that create active structures, like, for example, water and fire create metal (steam), and metal and wood create fire.

Eugene might be advised to place his letters in the south of the apartment in green frames to light a fire or in blue frames to create steam. His wife can use the red frames to create steam with the energies of the northern sector of her home. Or silver ones to increase the amount of water - her element of power. You can display official papers using certain shaped frames to enhance the element of authority. Rectangular - tree shapes or triangular - fire shapes are suitable for Eugene. For his wife, round ones would be suitable - shapes of metal or irregular wavy shapes of water.

It is worth noting that even knowing for sure where and how to place certificates, diplomas and medals, not always and not everyone manages to achieve what they want. After all, every person is influenced by the energies that are given to him from birth, the elements of his periods of life and the sectors in which he spends a lot of time, the energy of the environment and those around him. If a person is in the energies that destroy her life, then she will not be able to change anything in her career and in relationships with colleagues and superiors, even by manipulating the energies with the help of correct Feng Shui. But if the energies are favorable to a person, then simply by placing diplomas in the right sector, he can easily achieve what he wants.

Marking stage

General recommendations:

  • The center of the picture should be at eye level. Everyone’s height is different, so it’s easier to take the average value - approximately 165 cm from the floor
  • The width of the painting or composition should be 75-90% of the width of the furniture
  • When choosing the subject, size and color scheme of the painting, do not forget about the purpose of the room where you are going to hang it. For example, a painting with a battle scene will not be suitable for a dining room, and a large, “oppressive” canvas would be inappropriate for a bedroom
  • Sometimes the wall itself suggests how to harmoniously hang pictures. On walls that are elongated in width, it is worth placing the decor horizontally, on walls that are elongated upward - vertically.

Examples of proper placement of paintings
After we have figured out what we can hang a painting on, the natural question arises where to hang it. Now you will need newspaper or paper. Cut it to the shape of your prepared images. These will be blanks for marking the wall. First secure them and look at the overall appearance. Only then proceed to the “finishing” decor. This sequence will help correct shortcomings and assemble the desired composition. At this stage, you will need a level or tape measure (to maintain the required distance and height) and double-sided tape for fastening.

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