What should be the entrance to the house according to Feng Shui according to the cardinal directions?

In the teachings of Feng Shui, the mahadvara (or, in other words, the front door) plays a truly profound role. It has a connection with various movements - penetrations of streams of positive or negative energy, positive guests who have been awaited for a long time, or, conversely, enemies and adversaries.

This is a passage through which destructive forces, on the one hand, and positive forces, on the other, penetrate into the home. It is for this reason that the front door should perform a protective function, as well as act as a decorative element, attracting the energy of happiness, longevity and financial well-being into the home. The entrance to the house according to the cardinal directions according to Feng Shui is the topic of this material.

Entrance to the apartment and toilet

According to Feng Shui, negative energy is concentrated in the bathroom and toilet. Which is not surprising, because here we get rid of dirt and negativity. According to Feng Shui, it is unfavorable when the toilet is located opposite the front door. If remodeling is not possible, keep the bathroom door closed.

If the toilet or bathroom is located near the main entrance to the home, then you can hang a mirror on the toilet door, which will visually exclude the toilet (bathroom) from the living space.

In a country two-story house, according to Feng Shui, a bathroom or toilet should not be located directly above the hallway. If this is exactly the situation you have, then a bright lamp on the hallway ceiling will help to partially correct bad feng shui.

General characteristics of cardinal directions

Table of characteristics of cardinal directions

Proper orientation of the house to the cardinal points is necessary not only in order to comply with the rules of insolation of residential and non-residential premises, but also in order to avoid unnecessary heat loss and save on electricity. In addition to the intense heating of the room naturally - by the sun's rays in summer and winter, the wind rose is also determined relative to the cardinal points.

Each region has its own standards, but if we speak on average for Russia, the most unfavorable are the western and northern sides, as well as intermediate options - the north-west. Winds from these directions predominate throughout the country. They not only blow more often, but also turn out to be stronger, gustier and colder than winds from other parts of the world.

To retain heat, they try to make walls oriented towards these cardinal points blank or with a minimum of windows. This rule is especially often applied to the northern wall.

An example of the location of house windows relative to the sun

The internal layout of the house is made in such a way that utility rooms, a storage area, and a garage in a two-story house are located along the northern wall. Thus, living rooms receive additional protection from cooling and drafts. And you don’t have to spend too much energy on heating outbuildings. As for insolation, the northern side also loses here. The southern side is considered the sunniest; the eastern side will be more preferable for a residential area, and then the western.

It is precisely because the northern wall is practically not illuminated and is not heated by the sun that it is made blank or with a minimum of windows.

The remaining living rooms are located inside the house according to the needs and preferences of the owners.

Entrance door and staircase

In a country house with several floors or in a two-level apartment, the correct location of the stairs is important. The staircase opposite the front door is unfavorable according to Feng Shui, since qi, entering the house, immediately goes upstairs without stopping on the first floor. In this case, you can correct the unsuccessful layout by placing pots with large and lush plants between the entrance and the stairs. By the way, according to Feng Shui, flowers can also be artificial. The main thing is to wash the dust off them in time. Plants will slow down qi at the entrance and distribute it evenly throughout all rooms in the house.

LEEROY Agency/Pixabay

You can also hang a crystal ball with many facets in the hallway next to the door. Such a pendant will shimmer in the light and dissipate the flow of energy entering the home through the front door. All these correction recommendations can be used if the door to the apartment is located opposite the elevator, which is also unfavorable according to ancient Eastern teachings.

Order throughout the house

When we clear our home of clutter and unnecessary things, we literally open the door to inspiration and good energy. Having clutter in any room, including the balcony, can block the flow of chi and even the forward movement of your life. Remember: getting rid of the old always makes room for something new.

First of all, according to Feng Shui, you should take care of freedom of movement around the apartment, perfect order in the kitchen and the cleanliness of all windows. Windows generally play a very important role in our unity with the outside world. Fresh air penetrating into your homes through them cleanses their atmosphere of all negativity. Ventilate your house more often!

Feng Shui mirror on the front door

Today, manufacturers offer entrance doors with a mirror on the inside. On the one hand, this is practical and convenient, because it happens that there is simply nowhere to hang a mirror in the hallway. But from the point of view of Feng Shui this is unfavorable. The fact is that every time you enter an apartment, out of the corner of your eye you notice your reflection sharply appearing in the mirror. This can be bad for your psyche when you are tired or not feeling well. At first glance, such an irritant is a trifle. But latently, it is precisely the many little things in everyday life that, as it seems to us, we do not notice, that negatively affect our emotional state.

If you already have a mirror on the door and it bothers you, stick stained glass film on it and you will get a beautiful and unusual design.

Consideration of environmental conditions

The placement of a building relative to the cardinal directions has a direct impact on the interior microclimate and the well-being of residents. Lack and excess of sunlight can be depressing and irritating. An unfavorable location of windows leads to cooling and overheating of the room. An improperly installed house will be exposed to hypothermia by frequent winds, and its walls may be constantly damp from rain blown away by strong winds. These consequences must be taken into account when choosing a land plot or project.

Thanks to technological progress, the influence of the location of the house on the interior is much less than it was in the past. Today, houses are quite airtight, insulated, and it is easier to neutralize the influence of the sun and wind. Modern architecture allows for various bold and interesting solutions that compensate for the consequences of an unfortunate location of the house. To minimize or increase the amount of incoming sunlight, you can find:

  • various types of lighting,
  • sun curtain rods,
  • other simple devices.

Although modern building materials allow greater freedom in planning, it is advisable to put extra effort into choosing the right site. The “right” choice should take into account the location relative to the cardinal directions and the size of the plot, then planning the location of the building is not difficult.

Size, orientation, shape of the site, where to make the entrance?

The larger the plot, the more opportunities there are for implementing various ideas, the more space for maneuver, and the easier it is to position the house correctly. Especially if it is built on the basis of a finished project. On a spacious plot, if necessary, you can easily move the building deeper, or install it at an angle to the street so that the interior “follows” the sun.

If the house takes up 1/4 of the total area of ​​the estate, we have a great chance of ensuring its correct orientation in relation to the cardinal directions, regardless of the configuration.

The smaller the land plot (for example, less than 700-800 m²), the fewer opportunities, the more difficult it is to maneuver the house and premises. The installation of the building comes down to the implementation of the scheme “garage and entrance from the street, premises, residential buildings from the garden.” At the same time, the location of the site becomes especially important, so the demand for sites with entrance and entry from the north or northeast is always high.

It is also important to take into account the shape of the plot; the more it approaches a square, the better. On a square plan it is much easier to correctly position buildings, as opposed to a long and narrow one.


Particular attention should be paid to large trees, young plantings of vigorous species that will become large in the future. For example, a mighty oak on the south side will absorb almost all the sun's rays in the summer, it will help fight the heat and create a picturesque view from the windows. In winter, when the leaves have fallen, it will allow the sun to warm the rooms, and also provide access to natural light, which is in short supply at this time.

A neighbor's trees on the other side of the road can also have a significant impact. Especially those that grow in the west or south, as they provide long shadows. Trees growing along the northern border of the site will provide strong shading, so it is worth planting low-growing species there that decorate the area but do not shade the building.

Buildings on neighboring territory

When choosing a site for a future home, you should also take into account the neighboring buildings, as they can shade the area even more than a tree. It is important to take into account both existing development and potential development that may appear in the neighborhood. When predicting the development of empty neighboring estates, it is worth taking into account the least profitable option, which will allow you to avoid problems in advance.

For example, even if there is nothing to indicate this, it is better to assume that sometime from the south, at a distance of about 4 m, a dark wall of a neighboring house will appear, which will cast a shadow on the most attractive part of our garden.

The future neighbor will probably try, if possible, to bring his house closer to our border by building up the least attractive northern part.

Thus, when planning your dream home, it is worth considering not only its appearance and interior functionality, but also factors that affect its energy efficiency and comfort. One of them is the correct location of the building. By following a few rules, we can enjoy comfortable housing and lower energy bills.

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