Magic and rules for using the Egyptian Ankh cross

Ankh is an amulet that was used during Ancient Egypt. This mysterious sign is still found by archaeologists in Egyptian temples and tombs. It is also present in writing in the form of a hieroglyph. This symbol has many names - for example, "Egyptian cross" or "cross with a loop." It is also often called the key of life or the cross of Anubis. These names are associated with the appearance of the symbol and its mystical properties. Despite the abundance of interpretations of the sign, its main essence lies in eternity, life, immortality and wisdom.

Origin of Ankh

Researchers found images of the Egyptian cross on the surfaces of almost all objects from the period of the pharaohs: on sarcophagi, in temples, in sacred places, on ritual utensils, on walls, on work equipment, on clothes and shoes. Temples were built in the shape of the Ankh cross, it was carved on staves, and pendants were made in its shape. The sign was also found in ancient writings.

Important! According to the Egyptians, it was impossible to get into the other world without the Ankh cross and gain eternal life.

There is an ancient Egyptian legend about the origin of Ankh. Osirius, the husband of the goddess Isis, died at the hands of his own brother Set, who forbade him to be buried. Instead of burial, Seth ordered the body to be cut into small pieces and scattered throughout Egypt.

With great difficulty, Isis managed to assemble the pieces of her husband’s body into one whole. Combining the remains of her lover, the woman briefly breathed life into them to conceive a child. Subsequently, their son Horus became the omnipotent deity of the Sun and the sky and was depicted with the Ankh cross in his hands, symbolizing the fusion of two energies into eternal life: male and female.

However, according to some researchers, Egypt is not the birthplace of this “knot of life.” There are theories that Ankh was known to the inhabitants of Atlantis and Leturia long before the Egyptians. The Mayan Indians wore this sign as an amulet, and for the inhabitants of Scandinavia it was a symbol of youth and longevity. An Ankh cross is carved on the back of one of the stone giants installed on Easter Island.

Ankh Cross in Ancient Egypt

Egyptian priests believed that the Ankh symbol could open the entrance to the other world.
The Egyptians believed in life after death. Many Egyptian legends talk about the eternal life of the human soul and the afterlife, during the transition to which after death, souls retain some needs. Egyptian priests also believed that a symbol in the form of a cross with a loop in the upper part could open the entrance to the other world, impart the ability to understand the secrets of the universe and help establish a connection with the gods. The classic symbol looks like a familiar cross, the upper end of which has the shape of a loop or circle. In this case, the noose is the Egyptian symbol of eternity, and the cross means life. There are several versions of the meaning of the Egyptian Ankh:

  • connection between earth and sky;
  • the connection between man and God, or the divine principle in every person;
  • immortality of the soul;
  • the key to truth, that is, to truth, or a talisman against lies;
  • wisdom, the ability to know everything secret;
  • the union of feminine and masculine energy: the circle denotes Isis (Isis), the goddess of motherhood and the patroness of children, slaves, all the weak and oppressed, and the cross symbolizes Osiris, the husband and brother of Isis, the king of the underworld.

According to Egyptian legends, the god Ra handed over a cross with a noose to the pharaoh, showing his blessing on the reign and appointing the ruler as a divine mentor among people. Only the pharaoh could wear the Ankh cross as a sign of power and authority.

The Ankh sign is often found among ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and is sometimes interpreted as a breathing exercise that allows one to reshape the human body and consciousness.

What does the Egyptian cross look like and its varieties?

The Coptic cross consists of two intersecting crossbars topped with a loop, according to the interpretation of esotericists, symbolizing cyclicity and the transition from world to world. There are 3 types of Ankh sign. Each of them has its own meaning:

  1. Classic – symbolizes wisdom and vitality. Serves a person as protection from the influence of negative external factors.
  2. With the symbols of the four elements depicted on the crossbars, it means immortality.
  3. With a missing vertical bar - a symbol of death. With the help of this sign, the Egyptians called death to their enemies.

The Ankh Amulet is considered the most recognizable image in the history of Ancient Egypt.

The meaning of the Ankh symbol

According to ancient legend, the Egyptian cross is of divine origin: the pharaoh was given this sign by Ra, the supreme god of the Egyptian pantheon. Possession of an amulet automatically elevated one to the status of the supreme ruler of the state and endowed him with unlimited powers.

Important! As long as Ankh was with the pharaoh, this ruler could act as an intermediary between the gods and the worlds of people.

In addition to the pharaoh, only priests were granted the right to own the Egyptian cross. Representatives of other classes were prohibited from owning this sign, which deprived them of eternal life. The form of Ankh combines two principles: male and female, which the Egyptians associated with Osiris, the god of the underground, and Isis, the goddess of fertility and motherhood. The owner of the amulet was endowed with eternal life, greatness, wisdom, the ability to distinguish truth from lies and many other useful qualities.

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Interpretation in other religions and cultures

In addition to Egypt, archaeologists have repeatedly found the Coptic cross in the territories of other countries, which indicates the prevalence of this sign. Among other peoples it had the following meaning:

  • among the ancient Romans - the personification of the feminine principle (the amulet was called the “mirror of Venus”);
  • among the Greeks - a symbol of the goddess of love, fertility Aphrodite and eternal spring;
  • among the Coptic tribes - a symbol of eternal existence;
  • among the Indians - identification with the water element (according to these peoples, Ankh had the ability to cause rain);
  • among the northern peoples it is the personification of beauty and youth.

Meaning modern time

Ankh is translated from the ancient Egyptian language as “man”. For this reason, today this sign is associated with a person with outstretched arms. Modern people wear the Egyptian cross as decoration, so they want to improve their health and increase their ability to conceive. Esotericists recommend wearing the Ankh of Isis to spouses planning to increase their family, and to women already bearing a child.

In addition, the “knot of life” is believed to bring good luck to those who study the secrets of their ancestry, historical sites and other ancient secrets. In this case, owners of the Ankh amulet can count on the protection of the Egyptian gods.

For people interested in esotericism and magic, the Coptic cross is of particular importance because of its ability to enhance a person’s magical abilities.

Important! By accumulating the energy of the universe, the sign feeds its owner with it at the moment when his energy supply is depleted.

Magic properties

Based on numerous studies of the power of the Egyptian cross, esotericists have come to the conclusion that it has a powerful influence on various areas of human activity. Owners of Ankh experience the following:

  • significant improvement in well-being;
  • development of intuition and supernatural abilities;
  • emergence of self-confidence;
  • achieving success in business;
  • manifestation of new talents;
  • establishing relationships with your soulmate, success in your personal life.

The amulet attracts good luck, maintains good spirits, removes obstacles to the goal, and improves the atmosphere in family relationships. For people who have been unable to conceive or bear a child for many years, the Egyptian cross helps them find the joy of motherhood and fatherhood. During illness, it speeds up recovery and also protects against bad energy directed at its owner.

Important! Wearing Ankh is recommended for people who, due to the specific nature of their work, have to be in public for a long time.

Who is the “knot of life” suitable for?

The Egyptian cross should be worn by those who suffer from a lack of vital energy, are in a depressed and apathetic state, and cannot decide to take an important action. Such people need the support of higher powers. In addition, the benefits of Ankh are as follows:

  • saving a failing marriage;
  • the birth of babies in childless couples;
  • restoration of lost health;
  • development of extrasensory abilities.

Since the Egyptian cross unites male and female strength, its wearing is recommended for both sexes. At the same time, the support and help of this amulet can only be felt by those who sincerely believe in its power. In addition, the owners of Ankh should not harm others and be envious, otherwise the Egyptian gods will take away their energy, health and luck.

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Wearing options

The Coptic cross can be worn as a pendant, and its image can be mounted on the screen of a gadget or tattooed on the body.


Pendants in the form of an Egyptian cross are made exclusively from precious metals. Men should give preference to items made of gold, women – items made of silver. To enable the amulet to maximize its magical qualities, it is important to wear it on a long cord made of genuine leather.

In some cases, the powerful energy flow emanating from the Ankh causes increased emotionality or fatigue in a person. To avoid this, wearing the Egyptian sign should start from 1-2 hours a day, daily increasing the duration of contact with it by 40 minutes.

Important! Constantly wearing the “knot of life” is acceptable approximately two months after its acquisition.

Tattoo on the body

The image of an ancient Egyptian sacred sign on the body gives a person good health, intelligence, wisdom, the gift of clairvoyance, strong intuition, and also reliably protects against troubles. Such tattoos make positive changes in destiny. The influence of the sign begins to appear immediately after its application.

Important! The image of the Ankh sign should be painted only with black paint and exclusively on the right side of the body. You can complement it with Celtic ornaments or drawings related to Egyptian mythology.

Pictures for computers and mobile devices

The Egyptian cross can be set as a screensaver on the screen of computers, laptops and phones. It should be remembered that the magical properties of this sign appear only when a person is near his device.

Tattoo acceptable

Some people even prefer to depict the mark directly on their body using a tattoo machine. Moreover, its effect will be as strong as in the usual case . The only difficulty will be the adjustment period, since you will not be able to remove the tattoo after a couple of hours. In this case, activation is not required.

Reference! Many claim that after applying the pattern to the skin they gained psychic abilities.

The Ankh is an ancient sacred symbol that requires the right attitude and understanding of its essence. Before you decide to use it for its intended purpose, you should make sure that you are really ready for the changes that will come into your life with it.

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Rules for using the Egyptian cross

According to experts, wearing the Ankh sign is not allowed for every person. The owner of this amulet should have only bright thoughts and motives. Proper wearing of the symbol requires strict adherence to several rules:

  • amulets made of gold are recommended for men, and amulets made of silver for women;
  • must be worn only on a leather cord; using a chain for this purpose is unacceptable;
  • Before wearing, the amulet must be activated, otherwise the product will be useless;
  • You cannot wear the symbol simultaneously with a church cross, other amulets and jewelry;
  • when wearing the Coptic cross, it is advisable to hide it from prying eyes, otherwise its protective properties will weaken;
  • do not let strangers try on the pendant, otherwise the magic sign will absorb someone else’s energy;
  • A sacred sign that has been in the wrong hands is subject to an immediate cleansing ritual.

When caring for the Ankh sign, it is enough to wipe its surface with a damp cloth to remove sebum and other impurities. It is recommended to use a cotton bag for storage. In this case, the product should not be placed there together with other jewelry.

Important! Using Ankh to carry out evil intentions will certainly backfire.

Activation and cleansing

A purchased or gifted magic sign in the form of a pendant requires activation, which cleanses the product of negative energy that it could have absorbed while in the wrong hands. In addition, the ritual helps to establish a connection between the amulet and its owner.

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In ancient times, a solar eclipse was considered the most suitable time for such manipulations. Since this event happens extremely rarely, you can activate the amulet at another time.

Modern magicians recommend choosing a clear and sunny day for the ritual and carrying out the procedure in stages:

  1. Hold Ankh under running cold water for several minutes. At the same time, you need to imagine how this flow takes away all the negative energy from him. After completing the manipulations, you should not wipe the magic sign.
  2. Place the amulet overnight in a place well illuminated by moonlight. This will charge him with the energy of Osiris, the ruler of the kingdom of the dead.
  3. During the daytime, leave the Ankh in direct sunlight, personifying Isis, the goddess of life and fertility.

The activated Egyptian cross is pulled through a thin leather strap and placed around the neck. Only products that were in the wrong hands or purchased in a store need activation. Do-it-yourself crosses do not require this ritual.

Important! Ankh has the ability to accumulate negative energy sent to its owner by people around him. As a result, the amulet loses its power and protective properties.

To return the cross to its original qualities, it is necessary to carry out a cleansing ritual at least once every 3 months. For this purpose, it is placed in a container overnight and covered with a large amount of table salt, which will absorb all the negative energy. In the morning, the pendant is cleaned of salt and returned to its original place (on the neck).

How to use an ankh

If you have already chosen an Egyptian cross as a talisman, then treat it with respect. Use a silver or gold amulet. Wear the jewelry around your neck using a leather cord. In moments of loss of strength or depression, turn to the talisman for help, he will hear your request and will help in every possible way.

For the first few days, wear the cross only for a few hours at a time, otherwise its energy may initially cause pain. The amulet must get used to you, and you to it. Once your energy and the talisman are in balance, you can wear it constantly. You should not take off your jewelry at night; it is in your sleep that you will receive signs and tips from the cross. It is not recommended to wear the ankh to children, as they still have a very weak energy field, and the amulet can upset the balance of the baby’s energy.

How to activate and charge the amulet

For the talisman to start working, you need to activate it and charge it. The night of the full moon or the day of the solstice is best suited for the ritual; it is during these periods that the heavenly bodies have the greatest power. First of all, rinse the cross with running water, it will wash away all the negative energy. Now leave the thing for several hours under the light of the moon. In the morning, wash with water again.

During the day, expose it to the sun's rays. Thus, the amulet will receive the energy of the Moon and the Sun and will be activated and charged, and will be able to fulfill its assigned role.

Making your own amulet

Magic signs made with your own hands have the greatest power. Since the Ankh cross is made of silver or gold, it is impossible to make it at home without special equipment and skills in working with metals.

In this case, an alternative to a metal amulet can be a foil product. The sequence of its manufacture:

  1. Roll a sheet of foil into a thin but dense tube, and then form it into two crossbars with a loop.
  2. Thread a leather cord through the resulting amulet.

Important! A handmade product will be endowed with magical properties until it loses its original shape.

Alternatively, the Egyptian cross can be drawn on a piece of paper using black ink. This amulet attracts wealth, so you need to carry it in your wallet.

Who is this amulet suitable for?

The Ankh Cross is a talisman with powerful energy. Anyone who wears it may experience the manifestation of mystical abilities, for example, the presence of prophetic dreams, contacts with otherworldly forces. Therefore, it has always been believed that such an amulet is suitable only for a strong spirit, a chosen one.

Ankh should not be worn by those who are insecure, anxious, impressionable, or people with a “shaken” nervous system. The Egyptian cross is also not recommended for children to wear.

Those who see magical abilities in themselves and want to develop them, as well as people who are strong in spirit and want to achieve more and increase their energy, can wear Ankh. It is also suitable for those who suffer from physical illnesses and are weakened during the rehabilitation period.

The cross is considered a symbol of chosenness, so it is advisable to purchase an amulet made of precious metals to show respect to it.

Do you use such a talisman?

Wearing results

The positive consequences of using the Coptic cross as an amulet are expressed in the following:

  1. The owner's ability to predict events, read the thoughts of people nearby, and feel their attitude towards him.
  2. The appearance of dreams in which the sleeping person sees himself in other eras and alien bodies, and also hears and understands foreign languages. According to esotericists, such dreams tell about past reincarnations.
  3. Loss of fear. The owner of the talisman ceases to be afraid of things that recently caused him horror.
  4. Dramatic changes in fate that a person could not even dream of. Moreover, he does not have to make the slightest effort to make these changes.

With proper use and proper care, the Egyptian cross will reliably protect its owner from negative energy from the outside, and endow him with unique abilities.


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How to choose the right talisman

It is important to choose the right cross:

  • Gold is suitable for men;
  • Silver for women.

The most powerful amulets are those made by hand. But since not everyone knows how to process metal, you can buy jewelry in a store. The main thing is to choose it correctly. Take the cross in your hands. If you feel that you like him, then the amulet is suitable. Jewelry purchased in a store does not have magical properties, but it can be charged (more on that below).

When choosing decoration, you should think about something pleasant. It is also recommended to choose a day when a person is not distracted by thoughts about problems, for example, a day off when you do not need to think about work.

You should not save on buying a product; if a person likes expensive jewelry, you can buy it, because the product can attract wealth, and the more suitable it is for wearing, the stronger the energy.

The cross can be used as a decoration for decoration items, for example, smaller versions of the pyramids

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