Singing bowls: how an ancient Tibetan meditation practice can help you find harmony and tranquility

With the modern pace of life, stress, anxiety and even depression have become our constant companions. There are many ways to deal with them, from sessions with a psychologist to taking medications. However, experts are increasingly saying that meditation can help reduce anxiety and find harmony.

Among the most mysterious and fascinating practices is meditation using singing bowls. We asked journalist and sound therapist Ekaterina Garanina to talk about the benefits of this type of meditation and what sensations it gives during a session.

What are Tibetan singing bowls


Singing bowls are a musical instrument in the form of a vessel for water. Mysterious Tibet is considered the birthplace of singing bowls, and the history of their origin goes back to ancient times. Paired with a stick that acts as a resonator, the bowl produces deep vibrating sounds at high frequencies, reminiscent of ringing bells. This sound helps to plunge into a state of trance and conduct a meditation session more effectively, and also has a beneficial effect on our psychological and emotional state.

Types of sound extraction.

Take the singing bowl in your left hand (if you are left-handed, take the bowl in your right hand), it is best to hold a small bowl on your fingertips (this is how a bowl is held when drinking tea in Central Asia), and use the stack to produce sound. If the bowl is uncomfortable to hold in your hands or is too large or heavy, you can place it on a small special pillow (sold in Feng Shui stores). In general, the smaller the area of ​​contact of the bowl with any surface (on which it stands), the cleaner and higher and more favorable its sound. The first way is to hold the bowl in one hand and move the stack continuously along the outer or inner edge of the singing bowl. You will hear a sound reminiscent of the hum of several bells merging together. Experiment, find the most pleasant sound for you (move the stack along the edge of the bowl at different speeds, the sound will be different). The second way to extract sound: according to the principle of the sound of a bell, hit the outer edge of the singing bowl with a stack. The result is long-lasting, positive vibrations that are pleasant to the ear. The singing bowl is a truly divine and unique phenomenon. No instrument, musical or otherwise, can sound like this: incredible, energetic, unusual and impressive.

Meditation with Tibetan singing bowls

Bowls are one of the methods of sound therapy. During practice, you pass through yourself the sound of high frequencies and vibrations from the bowls. Therefore, the effect is on several levels.

At the bodily level – pain reduction, improved blood flow, normalization of blood pressure and heart rate, improved concentration and functioning of internal organs.

At the psychological level – improving mood and sleep, relieving stress and anxiety.

And on a more subtle level – harmonization of subtle bodies, activation of the body’s energy centers and opening of the chakras.

Uses for chakras

The practice is performed with the help of a partner. The general rule when playing to develop the chakras is that a person’s attention should be focused in the area of ​​the energy center, on how the instrument sings.

The chakras are located as follows:

  1. Muladhara - at the tailbone.
  2. Svadhisthana - at the junction of the spine and sacrum.
  3. Manipura is in the solar plexus.
  4. Anahata – close to the heart.
  5. Vishuddha - in the throat area.
  6. Ajna - between the eyebrows.
  7. Sahasrara - at the back of the head.

The practice is performed to develop the chakras.
Experienced yogis recommend using friction rather than percussion techniques in this practice. When playing, the bowl should be placed next to the chakra.

How do meditations with bowls work?


The master’s task is to relax everyone who comes to practice. To do this, the sound therapist uses his secrets and various musical instruments - the sound of rain, the koshi bell and the jew's harp. After setting up your practice, you lie in savasana for 30–40 minutes, a yoga pose that is best for helping you relax. And you do nothing. Yes, you just need to lie down. Can you imagine the pleasure? At this time, the master plays the singing bowls - each lesson is like a concert. Then you slowly return to reality and go home happy.

There are different ways to catch zen during meditation. It's not always easy to turn off your mind. The good thing about bowls is that you can focus on the music: for example, imagine the color and direction of the sound. Gradually, you will notice that your attention turns off, your thoughts become lighter - it’s as if you are observing them from the outside. It happens naturally, just immerse yourself in the atmosphere. Sometimes it’s impossible to abstract yourself - this happens if you are used to controlling everything. But the skill of relaxation can be developed. Typically, experts recommend removing jewelry, loosening the elastic bands in your hair, unfastening your bustier, opening your mouth slightly (this helps your face relax) and just observing the sensations.

There are situations when a person falls asleep during a session, and for the master this is the best compliment. This means that the person is relaxed and enjoying himself. It’s bad if someone else’s snoring bothers you - it means you are still thinking about external factors. And you should be focused on your feelings. “Switching off” from other noise can be practiced. Sometimes music is playing loudly in the neighboring halls or boxers are training, but this does not interfere with falling asleep.

Scientific opinion

According to research by Japanese scientists, playing singing vessels has a positive effect on the electrical activity of the brain. A similar effect can only occur in close proximity to the instrument. When listening to recordings, no therapeutic effect on the body occurs.

Playing singing bowls has a positive effect on brain function.

Other studies have also been conducted:

  1. In the early 2000s. a group of Italian oncologists proved that Tibetan bowls speed up the body’s recovery after chemotherapy. Sound therapy also improved the well-being and mood of patients.
  2. Tibetan researchers discovered that while playing bowls, a person's so-called "Depression Index" This makes it possible to use a musical instrument for psychotherapy.
  3. Dutch scientists conducted a series of experiments with bowls, as a result of which their ability to disinfect water was discovered.

However, so far there is no evidence of a direct cure for this or that disease.

Scientific medicine recommends using an exotic instrument only as an auxiliary therapy, and not as a primary therapy.

How often should sessions be repeated and when will the first effect appear?

Sessions can be repeated as often as you want, because this is a powerful tool for self-ecology, especially if the work is associated with mental stress and stress. During class you work through these moments, relax and leave with a smile and a different energy level. The more you practice, the sooner positive changes will occur. But you shouldn’t expect a quick effect: someone falls asleep after two months, and after another two they notice changes at the level of thinking. It all depends on personal goals. If this is your way of relaxation and it brings you joy, go. If you get more pleasure from cross-stitching or running, do embroidery and run.

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More details

Massage with Tibetan singing bowls

However, the scope of use of singing bowls is not limited to meditation alone, because they are also used for the so-called nada massage, which is known as Tibetan sound massage. Using this technique, a specialist influences certain organs and points on the human body with sound vibrations.

How does it work? We all know that the human body consists of 55–70% water. The vibration from the singing bowls sets this liquid in motion, affecting our body at a deep cellular level. Unlike traditional types of massage, nada is absolutely painless: the specialist simply places the bowls on the person’s body, and then uses a stick to achieve the desired vibrations and sound. This massage is also non-contact - the specialist does not need to touch you with his hands, and the effect is again carried out using bowls and a resonator. Another advantage is that you do not need to take a full course to achieve the effect - one or two sessions are enough, and if desired, nada massage can be repeated at home after a short practice.

Cleansing space with sound

Take the sounding bowl in your hands (I told you how to make it “sing” above) and walk around all the rooms in the house in a clockwise direction with it. It is especially good at “ringing through” stagnant energy in the corners. Where there is such energy, the bowl will sound dull and monotonous; where the energy is “alive”, the sound will be more sonorous.

If, in your opinion, one of the rooms requires the most cleaning, stay there. Place the singing bowl on a flat surface (preferably with a special pad underneath) and hit the bowl with a stack, producing sound. When the sound subsides, repeat, and so on about three times.

With these simple steps, you will cleanse your room of negative energy and attract prosperity and good luck.

Buddha image

How to choose the right singing bowl


Most often, singing bowls are divided into two types: cast and forged. Each type has its own advantages, disadvantages and features.

Cast singing bowls

Cast singing bowls are made using ready-made molds, which makes them perfectly smooth and with even edges. This allows you to achieve a pleasant sound at high frequencies. These instruments are decorated with designs with oriental themes, and they can be found both in online stores and in specialized stores. Often, it is these types of bowls that beginners are advised to purchase, since it is easier to achieve the desired sound from them, however, due to the peculiarities of the manufacturing technology, the instruments are more fragile than their forged counterparts.


Forged singing bowls

Forged bowls are made by hand, which fills them with special meaning and energy. It is believed that forged singing bowls help to achieve the necessary vibration in order to immerse a person in a state of trance, and with their help they perform the so-called water dance ritual, when the liquid in the bowl changes its structure. Because bowls are handcrafted, they are not as smooth as cast bowls and their edges are less smooth, resulting in a lower, more vibrating sound. As a result, it takes more time and practice to get used to forged tools.

Manufacturing and purpose

An alloy of eight metals is used to make Tibetan singing bowls. The predominant elements of its composition are copper and tin, the proportion of iron, zinc, nickel, silver, gold and mercury is insignificant. According to legend, the bowls made in ancient times were endowed with special energy by adding to the alloy a metal obtained from meteorites falling to the Earth. Modern singing bowls may not contain gold or silver.

Hand forged products have the most effective harmonizing effect. The casting method reduces the cost of the bowl, but also significantly reduces the musical capabilities of the instrument, reducing the number of harmonic overtones to two overtones. Its sound resembles the sound of a bell, having its own depth and beauty of tones.

Singing bowl

Since ancient times, singing bowls have been used in Tibet and Nepal during religious rituals, repetition of mantras, and for a more complete immersion in trance during meditation. According to Feng Shui, this item is recommended to be kept in the interior; in India, Bhutan and other countries it is actively used for therapeutic massage. The production of quartz singing bowls has been established in the USA. They differ in appearance and shades of sound, and the accuracy of setting the desired tone.

Benefits of this practice


Singing bowl meditation has a number of benefits that set it apart from other similar practices. Firstly, over time, sessions of such therapy do not lose the novelty of sensations: it is impossible to produce exactly the same melody - each time the sound turns out different and, therefore, evokes different emotions and feelings. Each new session becomes a real surprise.

The longer you practice, the more interesting observations you will have. Thus, cups relieve pain during the female cycle and can relieve mild pain, including dizziness, migraines, and a feeling of heaviness in the head. With the help of bowls you can work out panic attacks and tension. More than once clients have said that after a massage or meditation, negativity goes away and a feeling of lightness and relaxation appears.

Practice allows you to look inside yourself: what am I missing, is everything okay with me, what do I want now, how do I feel? You constantly ask yourself these questions and analyze the answers, first during meditation, and then outside of it. And you automatically start working on sensations. At the same time, your life is quietly changing for the better.

And another hour of meditation is an hour of luxury for yourself: in silence, without gadgets and other distractions. Some clients relax so much that they fall asleep: it is in this state that resources are reloaded and fresh thoughts come.

The bowls work. There is no magic in this, just sound therapy and personal awareness.

Choosing a singing bowl and its use in practice

Choosing a singing bowl and its use in practice
Of course, every person who has at least once become familiar with “singing bowl” massage in theory will have a desire to try it in practice, and this is not without reason. The benefits of using singing bowls are obvious - there is hardly a more effective way to fill the body with energy and at the same time achieve harmony with the outside world. In addition, massage with “singing bowls” is a very effective addition to traditional methods of treating many diseases. As an independent method, sound massage with “singing bowls” is indicated for insomnia, pain in muscles and joints, migraines, increased excitability, headaches, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, high blood pressure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, depressive conditions, and menopause.

First, you need to understand that for each specific person, only bowls are suitable for use, the shape and appearance of which the person finds attractive. Particular attention should be paid to the sound of the singing bowl, because it should evoke only positive emotions in a person and fill his body with harmony. If a person feels that the sound of a singing bowl is not in absolute harmony with his internal vibrations, and the sound does not cause any feelings other than irritation, then this bowl is not suitable for the person and one should continue with his choice.

You should also attach importance to the object with which the bowl makes sounds - the mallet. Conduct an experiment and try to extract different sounds by hitting and rubbing the mallet on the singing bowl. Which one is right for you? A variety of objects can act as a beater: wooden sticks wrapped at the edges with suede, plastic tape or suede, rubber balls, drum sticks of various sizes, and other objects. When choosing a bowl, you should initially know how the sound of the bowl depends on its shape. The sound from a bowl with a straight edge goes out, the sound from large bowls with a thick rim rushes in and down.

To compare sounds from different bowls, do exercise 1 “ Extracting sound from a singing bowl . The singing bowl is placed on a small pad, on a ring and on a straightened palm. The singing bowl should be supported from below by your fingertips. The singing bowl should not come into contact with other objects that can cause resonance; the air around the bowl should oscillate unhindered.

The person must knock on different parts of the bowl with a mallet. You should not squeeze the mallet in your hands with all your might, you only need to support it slightly so that it strikes the singer more often in free movement. Only when this condition is met will the bowl produce a truly long, rich and beautiful sound.

To get the best sound, use a beater that has been pre-covered with plastic tape. The technique of rubbing the bowl from the outside and inside will activate the energy spiral and hear a harmonious sound. Try using another object as a mallet and compare the sound of the bowl when using each object. Compare the sound coming from the outer walls of the singing bowl with the sound coming from the inside of the bowl. Use other methods to produce sound from the bowl.

In most cases, in the process of choosing a singing bowl, a person relies on his intuition and chooses the one whose sound he likes. In this case, the best choice would be bowls that have a unique sound that is not similar to anything else. However, when it is not possible to choose a unique singing bowl, a special tuning device comes to the aid of a person, which will help you choose from a variety of singing bowls that are ideal for a particular person, having the required tonality and pitch.

It should also be noted that when choosing a singing bowl, a person mainly relies on his own hearing. However, in order to make the right choice of a singing bowl and not be disappointed in it, a person should listen to the sound of the singing bowl with his whole body, the sound should literally pass through a person, touching every fiber of his soul. To achieve a state of maximum receptivity to sounds, a person should be in a relaxed state, not think about anything extraneous and try not to let external factors distract attention when listening. In a relaxed state, the human body will come into harmony with its essence, the human body will open up. It is advisable that while listening to the sounds of singing bowls, a person turns off his analytical mind, while opening his heart.

It is equally important to listen to the healing sound of the singing bowl with your body, but, unfortunately, not all people have this ability. Fortunately, it can be developed by completing exercise 2 “Feeling the vibrations of the singing bowl with your body . Take the singing bowl and place it on your palm, then hit it. After striking, quickly swing the mallet back and place your hand above the bowl at a distance so that you can feel the vibrations. Next, use the mallet to hit the bowl again and place your hand on its rim to stop the vibration. Place your hand over the calm bowl again and feel the difference. This exercise is repeated several times until the difference is realized by the person.

All singing bowls have a tonality property that is unique to each bowl. In order to learn to distinguish the tonality of singing bowls and to better feel their sound, complete exercise 3 “Comparing the influence of the tonality of different singing bowls . In order to perform this exercise, a person needs the help of a partner. The person lies on his back and, upon achieving a relaxed state, asks his partner, using different beaters, to take turns influencing different types of singing bowls in order to produce sounds from the latter. The methods of sound production should also be different. Next, try to determine how your body reacts to the sounds made, how your state changes depending on the change in tone of the sounds, whether you feel a shiver running down your spine and how your energy level has changed.

To increase the effectiveness of the impact of the sound of singing bowls, it is necessary to submit to the sound and allow it to penetrate all parts of the soul. Unfortunately, people in modern society are so immersed in external reality that the inner world (even their own) has become difficult to access for them. They simply stopped responding to their own inner desires and lost their previously inherent spiritual harmony. Therefore, it is very important to learn to listen and distinguish sounds, because each singing bowl is unique. Some bowls can weaken the sound of others, and some, on the contrary, enhance it. Sometimes singing bowls can take on the sounds of other bowls, creating their own unique sound. In order to learn to perceive sounds more clearly, complete exercise 4 “Using your voice while working with singing bowls .

Take a mallet and hit the singing bowl. When the bowl begins to make a sound, start singing along with it with your mouth closed, which will increase the resonance in your head. During the exercise, try to take the tone that will be pleasant to you. Sing along consonant sounds with your mouth closed, but the vowel sounds “a”, “u”, “i”, “o”, “e” should be pronounced close to the rim of the singing bowl, opening the mouth, gradually including the vocal cords in the process of singing along. Many people, having successfully chosen the right bowl for them, claimed that they heard an extraterrestrial echo in their heads, which reverberated in their ears.

A separate issue that should be considered is taking sound massage procedures and sound baths. The positive side of these procedures is the lack of a clear plan for their implementation. Each person can, at his own discretion, include in them the number of individual procedures that he considers optimal. Despite the fact that programs made up of various procedures are much more effective than single exercises within the procedure, many people limit themselves to single procedures. A special feature of sound massage and sound bath procedures is the opportunity to take part in master classes and group sessions.

The general rule before taking sound massage procedures and sound baths is preliminary communication with the patient in order to identify his current psychological state, find out the client’s wishes and find out what he expects from this procedure. A similar conversation based on the results of the work is also carried out at the end of the session in order to identify the effectiveness of sound massage procedures and sound baths. However, some healers do not always follow this rule, since they believe that a person should himself experience and evaluate his feelings from undergoing procedures. These healers consider emancipation and flight of imagination to be the most important in the procedures of sound massage and sound baths, and communication with the healer will involve the client’s intellect in the work, which, in turn, will interfere with the work of the imagination.

Sound vibrations during procedures promote rapid relaxation of a person and provide him with the opportunity to relax from stress. Sometimes, while receiving sound baths and sound massage procedures, a person experiencing stressful situations in everyday life falls asleep. A person’s sleep not only does not harm the session, but also increases its effectiveness, since it is in sleep that a person is in the most relaxed state and does not involve his intellect in the work. All the healing effects of the sound of the singing bowls are thus directed to the patient’s senses.

When conducting sound baths and sound massage procedures, the healer must observe the signals that the patient gives him. It’s wonderful when the patient lies calmly on his back, and his face breaks into a smile. This indicates the patient’s absolute relaxation, which contributes to the most accurate perception of the sounds produced by the singing bowl. But if suddenly the client begins to make uneven body movements and breathe unevenly, the healer is recommended to strike the singing bowls so that they begin to make low sounds. Relaxation exercises are also great. In any case, the healer should not continue the procedure until the client reaches a state of absolute harmony.

If the client is not achieving a relaxed state due to depression, high-pitched sounds are recommended to provide the client with a boost of vigor and energy. If the client does not relax due to the influence of dark thoughts and experiences, it is recommended to produce low sounds in order to calm the client. The healer (or sound therapist) is obliged to treat the client with the utmost care, and is able to communicate with patients at the level of deep, sometimes even hidden and implicit, feelings. And, of course, if the patient needs to undergo a course of treatment, the healer must advise the client to undergo it. It is the attentiveness and sensitivity of the person performing sound baths and sound massage procedures that is one of the key keys to the success of treatment.

During sound baths and sound massage procedures, in addition to singing bowls, the healer also uses other instruments, such as rain sticks, an ocean drum, a gong, and bells.

What is the process of sound massage with singing bowls ?

At the beginning of the procedure, the patient lies down on the table or floor, and the healer places singing bowls and instruments in the right order, always around the place where the procedure is performed. Typically, small objects that produce high-pitched sounds are placed near the head, and large objects that produce deep sounds are placed near the feet. The healer alternately begins to make blows on the flogging bowls, after which, continuing to make blows, he passes the bowl over the client’s body, in the direction from the legs to the head. The client’s problem area receives special attention from the healer, and the blows on the singing bowl are repeated in her area. In this case, when striking over the problem area, the singing bowl changes its sound. When the problem area is filled with the necessary sound tones, the sound of the singing bowl becomes familiar. However, this does not mean that the problem area has been completely cured, but only that the problem area has absorbed the sound vibrations and become balanced.

Next, the healer strikes the singing bowls located around the patient’s body and influences the client’s foot area (touches the foot with the singing bowls so that this area feels vibration) and the abdominal area (placing the singing bowl on the abdominal area), since most problem areas are located in these areas. The procedure of exposure to singing bowls ends with a neck massage and several “grounding” exercises in order to gain contact with the earth. These exercises include saying words that help bring a person back to reality.

Just like with other types of massage, a person may need sound massage when there is no professional massage therapist. In this case, it is advisable to conduct sound self-massage . Perform a simple exercise 5 “sound self-massage with singing bowls” . Before starting the procedure, completely protect yourself from external irritants that may interfere with achieving a relaxed state. To relax, lie on your back and take 2-4 deep breaths. Take a deep-sounding bowl and place it on your stomach at a point two fingers below your navel. Breathe with your stomach evenly and calmly. Use a mallet to strike the bowl and feel its vibrations pierce your entire body. In the future, it is possible to conduct sound self-massage of other areas. Sound self-massage, like sound baths and sound massage procedures, is an excellent means of relieving stress and restoring vitality, as well as achieving life harmony.

Author: Anton Yasyr

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