The influence of apartment number on the life of family members according to Feng Shui

Numbers have been given great importance since ancient times. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, the apartment number carries an important information charge. In China, all number combinations surrounding a person and his family have a great impact on life events. The teaching helps people around the world make correct conclusions based on the meanings of number combinations.

Some may require additional amulets. Others were lucky enough to attract success into their lives thanks to the number of the apartments in which they settled.

Feng Shui meaning of apartment number

The value of an apartment number according to Feng Shui is determined taking into account the combination of numbers. Because it is rare to find apartments with single rooms. More often - combinations of 2 or 3 numbers.

After a person has received an interpretation of his housing number, he can think about what to do if there are unfavorable aspects.

We fix it

Is there an unfavorable number on your apartment door? You can and should get rid of its influence.

  1. You can paint over the “bad” number in gray.
  2. Paint the door where the bad number hangs green.
  3. On the back of the door, add the number missing to the lucky number.

To my 13th apartment, which in total gives the same four, you can add +6 to get a lucky one. You can add up to 8 or 88, whichever is closer.

Calculating the address code

According to Feng Shui, a house number is only one number that can influence life. There is a numerological number code for an address. It is also important because it allows you to get an impression of the energy of the place in which the family lives.

A table of numerical values ​​of the letters of the place of residence will help you calculate the code: city, street. The letters are converted into numbers, added up and the number of the house, building, or apartment added to the total. Add until you get a single digit number. This is the basic numeric address code.

So, let's summarize

All numbers according to their meaning and influence on a person can be divided into three groups:

  1. Neutral. 2, 5, 7 - enhance any value of neighboring numbers, both bad and good. Well, 0 (zero), like neutrality itself, does not affect anything.
  2. Positive. 1, 3, 6, 8, 9 - most numbers have definitely good meanings.
  3. Negative. 4 - just one. The Chinese are so afraid of this figure that in some elevators there is no button for the fourth floor and there is no fourth apartment.

The negative meaning of a number can always be corrected!
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The influence of numbers on each other

The combination of numbers can be lucky or negative. For example, the number for an apartment or hotel room 28 is considered lucky. According to Feng Shui, this number means “easy money.” In China, this combination is so popular that these rooms are booked months in advance.

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According to Eastern teachings, numbers influence each other. And this impact is reflected in life in the form of bankruptcy or the lightning takeoff of certain companies.


The positive manifestation of the seven is the success of any business. Whatever you plan, whatever you want, you will probably succeed. But in a negative manifestation, the seven never knows what it wants. So, strive for certainty and ask yourself more often - do I know what I really want?

Another good manifestation of number 7 is the ability to accumulate, including money. But ardor and carelessness can “burn” any accumulated amount. Connect your reason to your intuition, and then you will be able to maintain balance.

Interpretation of numbers from 1 to 9

Numerology of houses and apartments according to Feng Shui is important. The most perfect number is considered to be 0. The number symbolizes the great emptiness. This is the source of all other symbols. True, experts on ancient Eastern teachings have not agreed on a common opinion. There are those who argue that it is bad when the apartment number ends with 0, others argue that it is good. There are also those who take a neutral position on this issue.

The interpretation will help you understand which housing and who is more comfortable to be in:

  1. Influence of the Sun. Favorable for unleashing creative power. Attracts joy and prosperity into life. Creative individuals live in apartments with this number on the door: writers, artists, art critics. Anyone who needs to bring harmony and creativity to the world during work would find it beneficial to live in an apartment with this number.
  2. Patroness - Moon. The number is responsible for the contemplative nature and promotes the development of intuitive thinking. Apartments with this number on the door are a good place to live for those who work with children, in the food industry or in water purification systems. It is unfavorable for mentally unstable people to live in apartments with this number: there is a risk of exacerbations. Water helps you calm down. It is enough to turn it on and sit in contemplation.
  3. Under the influence of Mars. Living in such an apartment requires active action. This is not a place for dreamers or meditators. It is necessary to make decisions quickly, sometimes abruptly, using force. The fight against external obstacles is rapid: like during a fire or detaining criminals. It would be good if an apartment with 3 on the door was decorated using red.
  4. Patron - Mercury. The room is responsible for contact with the outside world, so people who often speak in public live well in such apartments. All financial issues are resolved through telephone calls. It is important to be honest with others, since any attitude towards people will return to the residents many times over. There is another belief: 4 means certain death, often carries a negative meaning.
  5. It is under the influence of Jupiter. Such apartments have rich libraries or collections. The place is suitable for politicians, scientists, representatives of any social professions. In such an apartment it is not always comfortable, there is a risk of anger, and there is a desire to leave.
  6. Patron - Venus. Lucky apartment numbers according to Feng Shui include this number, because in such apartments you can breathe freely. It's easy to relax here, love and friendship reign. The owner of the apartment is an excellent cook, famous for her kind-heartedness, and knows how to make beautiful and exquisite things with her own hands, for example, flowers from polymer clay.
  7. Under the patronage of Saturn. Life in such an apartment is a test: sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s cold, sometimes there’s not enough finances, sometimes some obstacles arise. But living in such apartments is good for those who want to practice perseverance, master a complex profession, or learn how to make complex products. Those living in such an apartment should not commit rash acts.
  8. Under the influence of Uranus. Life in such housing is good for those who have a positive attitude towards freedom and mutual assistance. It will be favorable for astrologers and psychics to live here. Those people who feel the subtle manifestations of life will experience the whole gamut of emotions. When decorating your home, you should choose all the rainbow shades, with special attention to the color of the sky.
  9. The ruler of this number is Neptune. Such apartments have heavy energy. But those who work as musicians, sailors or oil workers, who love mysticism, live well here. True, there is a risk of unpleasant incidents with water. Apartment residents may develop addictions: alcohol, for example.


One is the revelation of inner creativity, joy of life and powerful energy. If there is such a number in the apartment number, then people will have the opportunity to maximize their potential.

If you have also chosen a creative specialty as a profession, for example, you are an artist, artist, writer, then with this number it will be very easy for you to create. One always gives openness and carefreeness, but at the same time it tests your soul. If you stay on the crest of success with a good heart, then even greater prosperity will await you.

Is it possible to correct the existing negative impact?

The numerology of an apartment can negatively impact the people living in it. But this does not mean that a person is not able to do something about it. For example, those who live in apartment number 3 should avoid quarrels with family members. This knowledge will help avoid tragedy or divorce. To reduce even the risk of quarrels, it is worth paying attention to the arrangement of the apartment: making the most comfortable design in the hallway and bathroom.

Apartment 50 is considered charged with negative energy, if you look at the number from the perspective of the teachings of Feng Shui. Incense or rituals with sacred overtones will not help. But you can still neutralize the negative impact of the number. Repaint the door in a green or gray shade - before doing this, you should calculate the location of the house, taking into account the cardinal directions.

You can try to neutralize the influence of 50 using a peculiar trick. Add a sticker to the plate with the number with “+38” on it. This will set a different energy mood. The number will turn into 88. And this will not only neutralize the negative impact, but will also attract endless luck.

When interpreting a number, every little detail matters. For example, there are those who claim that 4 means certain death, carries a negative charge. But you can do something to neutralize the negative impact of this figure. For example, add B to it. In terms of design, the letter has a lot in common with the number 8. And such a combination already promises not death, but prosperity.

Knowing what meaning a number has is not necessary in order to worry or make a decision about moving. You also won’t have to fight with the authorities for the luckiest number. You can attract a flow of favorable energy if you use tricks. You can consult with a specialist who understands the intricacies of Eastern teachings. Then the apartment residents will be able to use any option to their benefit and prosperity.

Not just numbers

Feng Shui is the Chinese practice of organizing home space, which ultimately influences life events. It's a whole worldview, if you like. Numbers here are considered as a combination of symbols, and each digit symbol has its own meaning.

There are not so many apartments and houses with a single digit number - only nine. If you, like me, are a happy tenant of an apartment with a multi-digit number, then divide it into separate components. And study the meaning of each number.

Speak Chinese

  • One is considered a good number, symbolizing the balance of the feminine and masculine principles. It attracts good luck to the house, fulfills wishes and enhances the positive properties of neighboring numbers. In Eastern numerology, one means honor.
  • Two denotes lightness and can influence both good and undesirable values ​​of nearby numbers.
  • For the Chinese, three is a very good number that represents development and life itself. It enhances the meaning of favorable numbers and minimizes the meaning of negative ones.
  • They try not to use the number four in Feng Shui, because it symbolizes death, collapse of hopes, losses, and loss of loved ones. In a numerical combination, this figure underestimates the importance of good “neighbors” and increases the influence of bad ones.
  • The meaning of five is revealed in a whole combination of numbers, because it means nothing. Emptiness multiplied by something good will remain emptiness. But it will also make the negative impact irrelevant.
  • Six is ​​considered a symbol of income. It attracts money to the house, with it you will be able to easily accept and give away material wealth.
  • Seven is another number with a neutral meaning, the meaning of which is revealed in combination. In itself it means confidence. Thus, it confirms and enhances the properties of the numbers around it.
  • Eight is the number with the happiest meaning. It symbolizes jewelry and predicts financial prosperity and wealth.
  • Nine is also considered a very good number, denoting longevity, mental and physical health.
  • Zero is a number that has no meaning and does not affect neighboring numbers in any way.

Now it will not be difficult for you to determine how favorable the number of your apartment is according to Feng Shui. Using the same principle, you can view your phone numbers, car numbers and, if you want, a series of documents. In this case, experts advise not reading the meaning of the entire string of numbers, but only the last two, as the most influential.

My 13th apartment turned out to be very happy from the point of view of Feng Shui. And Bulgakov’s “bad” apartment at number 50, where Woland and his retinue settled, really did not bode well. After the antics of the evil spirits, nothing was found there.

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