7th house and DSC. Partnerships in astrology. Lecture 31.

Harmony of the House of Marriage

The Harmony Days of the House of Marriage (合夫妻宫) in Bazi are determined by the Earthly branch (the so-called “animal of the Chinese horoscope”) of the day of your birth. Many people know that they were born in the year of the Monkey, Dragon, Dog or other animal. But the complete Bazi horoscope consists of four “pillars”: year, month, day and hour. The earthly branch of the birthday is called the "Palace of Marriage" in the Bazi (it is also called the House of Marriage, the House of Matrimony, or the House of Family).

Harmony or Fusion of the House of Marriage in Bazi occurs when the Earthly branch of the current day merges with the Earthly branch of the person's birthday. The earthly branches of the day can be found in our Fortune Calendar, and the Bazi card can be constructed using our calculator. Such a day can bring more loves, opportunities for romantic encounters and dates. On this day, people will hear and understand each other better, and it will be easier for them to establish friendships and love relationships.

Connect the Personal Fortune Calendar and receive personal information about the favorableness of days and hours, taking into account your Bazi horoscope.

Determining the day of the Fusion of the House of Marriage is quite simple - it is the day whose animal merges with the animal of your birthday - in other words, with the Earthly branch of the Day Pillar in your bazi chart. For example, if you were born on the day of the Horse (午), all the days of the Goat (未) merge with your House of Marriage, and are thus Harmony days of the House of Marriage for you. Conversely, if you were born on the day of the Goat (未), all the days of the Horse (午) are days of Harmony of the House of Marriage for you. When you connect your Personal Calendar, you will see all the days of Harmony of the House of Marriage and your other personal stars that influence your luck on that day.

Mergers occur in the following cases:

Earthly birthday branch Merger – day, month, year or 10 year period
Rat 子 Bull 丑
Bull 丑 Rat 子
Tiger Pig
Rabbit Dog
Dragon Rooster
Snake 巳 Monkey 申
Horse Goat
Goat Horse
Monkey 申 Snake 巳
Rooster Dragon
Dog Rabbit
Pig Tiger

The merger of the House of Marriage can also come in the ten-year Pillar of Fortune, in a year or in a month. For example, Merger occurs if you were born on the day of the Horse and the Pillar of Luck (year, month) of the Goat arrived. Or you were born on the day of the Tiger and the Year of the Pig has come.

If the Merger comes for a long time, a period of luck of 10 years, this often brings good opportunities in your personal life, you can fall in love, find a suitable partner or get married. If you are single, Merging with the House of Marriage could be your chance to find your soulmate. After all, Merger means contact and harmony, and if Merger comes to a single person during a 10-year period of luck, this means that in these 10 years his House of Marriage will be in greater harmony, and he himself will be more active in finding a partner.

But the Confluence of the House of Matrimony can negatively affect those in a relationship as it signifies romance and falling in love. The romantic mood can be directed both at an existing partner and at a new object of desire. A merger can bring a third person into family life, and then the further development of the relationship will depend on how much the partners value the connection that exists between them. That is, a Merger in a 10-year period, in a month or a year, can mean both more harmony and understanding in existing relationships, and the emergence of new ones.

If the Merger came for a short period (and such days come to each of us every 12 days), this is unlikely to lead to a new hobby, because tomorrow another day will come, and our mood will change. It is better to use this day consciously, directing the energy of the Merger to improve and harmonize existing relationships.

Install the “My Luck” application and select favorable days for any business from your smartphone.

Thus, the Day of Harmony of the House of Marriage is a good day for personal relationships, it gives single people more opportunities for romantic meetings and dates, such days are also very suitable for weddings. For married people, such days provide good opportunities for heart-to-heart conversations, strengthening partnerships and family matters.

House of Marriage Harmony Day is also favorable for “external” activities such as making new contacts, persuading others, making speeches and improving the interaction of the parties, since on such a day we are more attractive to others.

When I get married

Do you know what is the most popular question during consultation? “Will I get married?” or “When will I get married?” . These questions are asked by both young girls and unmarried older women. Now I will try to answer these questions with the help of bazi.

First you need to build your natal chart. Read how to do this here. Next, we determine our element of Personality - this is the Heavenly trunk of the day of your card. It is responsible for relationships in couples; it is also called the House of Marriage. According to the wu-shin generation circle, for women, the element of the husband in the Four Pillars will be the element of Power, which controls the element of personality. To make the task easier, I made a correspondence table.

Personality ElementHusband's element
Yang Tree Yin TreeMetal Yin Metal Yang
Fire Yang Fire YinYin Water Yang Water
Earth Yang Earth YinYin Tree Yang Tree
Metal Yang Metal YinFire Yin Fire Yang
Yang Water Yin WaterYin Earth Yang Earth

When the signs of the husband's element appear in the coming year or period of luck, then the woman has a chance to meet her future husband. So, for example, if you are a woman of the Yang Tree, then in 2021 the star of your husband comes to you in the year of the Metal Ox. That is, you will have a chance to meet your future husband.

Next, look at the House of Marriage - the Earthly branch in the pillar of the day (under the element of personality). If the House of Marriage is in conflict or is in motion, then expect changes in your personal life. For example, consider 2021 - this is the year of the Metal Ox. If an Ox, Rat, Goat, Rooster, and Snake have settled in your Four Pillars in the House of Marriage, then you have a great chance of getting married. So women with the pillar of the day Yin Tree on Goat will experience changes in their personal lives.

Also, the arrival of the Wizard of Love and the Peach Blossom in the year makes a woman very attractive; she attracts men to her like a magnet. In such years, romantic relationships leading to marriage are possible.

Marriage Star in Bazi

The symbolic “Star of Marriage” answers the question: “When will I get married?” To determine it, you need to find the animal opposite the Earthly branch of the year or birthday.

Earthly branch of day or year of birthMarriage Star
The DragonPig
PigThe Dragon

Using the “Star of Marriage” you can determine the year of marriage. You can also find this star in the Four Pillars of your spouse.

Let's look at a specific example. These are the Four Pillars of the Metal Yang personality of a man. Using the table we find the Rat and the Star of Marriage. This is the Rabbit. Therefore, this man's wife will be born in the year, month or day of the Rabbit. Nearby we see the card of his wife, the Yin Tree, who was born in the year of the Rabbit. Wedding year: 1984. This is the year of the Wood Rat甲子. We see for a man a wife (Tree) came in the Heavenly trunk, and for a woman the Star of Marriage is the Rat. And look at my husband’s card, there are already two of them.

husband card

If you find indications of the possibility of marriage in your bazi chart, this does not mean that you need to sit at home and wait for your prince on a white horse. Lead an active lifestyle, visit exhibitions, theaters, travel. Register on a dating site. But remember that online dating is a special world in which the ability to communicate and interact with each other plays an important role. Don't miss the opportunities given to you by fate!

If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them.

Ruler of marriage in the natal chart

Which planet will rule marriage? Of course, the one that is related to houses important for personal life: the seventh, first, fourth, tenth

What will the marriage manager tell you about? It will help determine:

  • time of marriage: will the marriage be early or can this event be expected after the activation of Saturn, i.e. after 30 years;
  • whether there is a threat of divorce, separation from a partner for a variety of reasons, or whether this will not happen. Astrologers give this conclusion after considering the aspects of the ruler of the seventh house: is he afflicted by malefic planets and what will this lead to;
  • whether the card holder is inclined to have multiple relationships, or whether he will never formalize a marriage.

Our center’s specialists provide a variety of consultations on marriage and family issues. You can find out about the most likely and favorable period for marriage, the possibility of expanding the family, and the number of children. Consultations are conducted by Pavel Andreev. The cost of an hour of consultation is 35,000 rubles.

Yulia Subbotina conducts webinars via Skype and gives explanations. Lyudmila Venetsianskaya and Alexey Lozovoy also advise on family problems. The services of astrologers amount to 10,000 rubles per hour. Written responses are possible.

Indications for Love and Marriage in Ba Zi

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Natalya Feokritova (c)

Marriage, signs in the map

About marriage in general. To do this, we need to evaluate the marriage palace, the consort star and the symbolic stars. They will tell us about how things are going in general and when marriage might happen. (The very moment of marriage in Bazi looks a little different, just like the quality of the spouse, what he will do and what kind of person he is. We will not consider here).

Palace of Marriage

1. The matrimonial palace suffers from the successful merger with the matrimonial star (Wealth, IF) the person's matrimonial palace directly merges, then it is easy to marry early or suitable for marriage. 2. Inside the structure of fate, Peach Blossoms, Red Luan, Heavenly Joy in merging with the marital palace, then easily enter into early marriage. 3. The matrimonial palace and in the Star Wars the confluence is successfully transformed into a star of matrimony or a Wealth/PC structure, then it easily enters into early marriage or is suitable for marriage. 4. The matrimonial palace sits on the waxing conjugal star (for men - PB, for women - PC), then it is easy to get married early or suitable for marriage. 5. The matrimonial palace approaches, receives joyful use, is not subject to clashes and punishments, then easily enters into early marriage or suitable for marriage. 6. The marital palace receives collisions/punishments in the Star Wars and there is no liberating merger, then late marriage. 7. The marital palace meets the Emptiness, and does not receive help and income, then the marriage is delayed, very much. 8. The matrimonial palace sits on the Brotherhood/GB or for women - on BB, then the marriage is delayed, very much. 9. The matrimonial palace in WW receives a transformation with a merger into the structure of the Brotherhood/GB (for men) or BB (for women), late marriage or gets remarried/married.

Let's look at the spouse's star:

1. The marital palace is found in the pillars of the year, month, is not subject to collisions, punishments, overcoming, mergers, expenses, then it is easy to enter into early marriage. 2. The conjugal palace as a joyful or used deity, again manifests itself in the structure of fate, being found inside, it also easily enters into early marriage. 3. The matrimonial palace in merging with the pillar of the day or in merging with the GE of the day also marries early. 4. The year, month, day in the pillars have a merger, or are successfully transformed into a marital palace, also an early marriage. 5. In the male destiny, the body prospers, in the destiny the structure of wealth also prospers, or Wealth is weak, but DN/BB generates Wealth - early marriage or marriage, in the female destiny the body prospers, the consort star is PCH/7ub. Prosper too - early marriage or marriage. 6. In a man's destiny, wealth is plentiful, the body is weak and cannot take Wealth, late marriage or secondary marriage. In women's fate - FC/7ub. strong and prosper and a weak body - losing your virginity early, and early marriage. 7. In a woman’s destiny, the Brotherhood and GB, or DN/BB are strong and prosperous, but the spouse’s star is extremely weak - then marriage is greatly delayed. In the male destiny, Brotherhood and GB are strong and prospering, but the consort star and Wealth are weak, again BB/DN meets the passage through the ONS, then marriage is postponed. 8. The spouse’s star is in its infancy and is practically absent from the structure of fate, then a too late marriage or a second marriage is likely. 9. If the Star of Marriage in the matrimonial palace or in the month-season is placed in the phases 休囚死墓絕 suspension, death, storage, breakage, if it acquires earth, then this is a late or secondary marriage. In the phases of birth and prosperity, acquiring land denotes early marriage or suitable for marriage. 10. The star of marriage appears in the pillar of the year, month, but is subjected to a collision, punishment, overcoming, breaking, or in a merger is transformed into another deity or an annoying deity, then the marriage will be late or secondary. 11. If the Star of Marriage sits on emptiness, or comes on emptiness and there is no income/help, then the marriage is late or secondary.

Symbolic stars

1. In the structure of fate, the chart contains Yin-Yang Errors in the year, month, day, hour - the DD makes many and long mistakes, takes false steps, is scattered, scattered in the choice of the other half, in disarray, often these are signs of a late or secondary marriage. 2. In the day in Star Wars, the Sheep Knife or Emptiness, the star of the spouse in the Emptiness is a late or secondary marriage. 3. Kweigang is approaching in the day, or Kweigang layer by layer is a sign of late or secondary marriage. 4. When the day and hour have with them the Source constellation, the Shelter of Loneliness, the Star of Widowhood, the Lonely Constellation; or in the structure of fate there is a bright annoying Deity, then they also get married late, or a second time. 5. If there is a flowering canopy layer by layer in the four supports, or it is only in the 3D of the day, this is also a late marriage or a second marriage. 6. Red Luan enters fate - DD has an early marriage, Heavenly joy enters fate - DD has an early engagement, betrothal, early love, but hardly an early marriage. 7. Peach flowers are numerous and flourish or have fusions with them - DD has an early marriage; Peach flowers are especially significant for the elements of wood and water.

The dominant of the day shows her love

So, we are all different, and we have different understandings of love. Today we will look at the NA of the day and how the main element is played giving birth to feelings.

DD in 甲 (Yang Tree)

The feeling of affection for such people arises deep inside and is very sincere in nature. Such people are sincere and if you meet their expectations, then they follow you and dote on you. Hence, they really dislike breakups and always try to find a compromise solution. As a rule, such people strive to ensure that the relationship with their partner is successful, and show a lot of care and initiative, without demanding anything unilaterally.

乙 (Yin Tree)

These DDs are usually obedient, meek and yielding in their obedience to their parents and loved ones. The main features are understanding, sensitivity, responsiveness. And if such people’s hearts are already occupied by someone, they rarely destroy this relationship. However, if they are refused, they are able to show unsubtle persistence and persistently seek and court. Since these people are very fond of fun, they can get into numerous disputes and conflicts in marriage because of this, but if they learn responsibility and learn to solve situations that arise constructively, then they can be extremely prosperous and happy.

丙 (Fire Yang)

Such DDs love “bumps and bruises” in their feelings; they are passionate and ardent enthusiasts, and conquerors of non-criminal fortresses. However, they quickly waste their “temperature heat” in love and very soon exchange one love for another, while being prone to mental crises. They go to extremes from cool emotions to frantic passion. It is important for them to learn to manage their state of mind, and then they can learn the ability to love one person for a long time and faithfully.

丁 (Yin Fire)

These people in their emotional attachments and states are very careful, soft and gentle. Understanding without words and the ability to act in silent agreement are important for them. They recognize only genuine feelings, and having become convinced over time, they begin to show real passion and ardent ardor for the object of their heart. These people are passive by nature, they like to keep their hearts locked, and therefore if the DD suddenly shows initiative or care, it is important not to miss his chance!

戊 (Land of Yang)

These DDs typically have very strong, deep, persistent feelings, but are reserved and very modest in expressing their feelings. They are generous and magnanimous. And in love, they are soft and pliable, and quite impressionable, but they are always missing something. It wouldn’t hurt for them to smile more often and cultivate romance and romantic attitudes in themselves; this would be very pleasant for the people around them.

己 (Earth of Yin)

In their spiritual feelings, these DDs are often very pragmatic, very patient, and step by step they move towards their goal. However, they lack freedom, freedom, and may have tightness. Since they have little romantic qi, they do not know how to flatter and give out sweet speeches. Feelings are sincere. It is difficult for them to immediately open the doors to their hearts; as a rule, they express their love with care, which, in the case of love, will grow day by day.

庚 (Metal Yang)

They experience hot, passionate feelings, sincere, ardent, passionate, they do not tolerate betrayal and bullying. As well as rebellion. In relation to the object of love, very often they accept some kind of lifestyle or philosophy and then pedantically adhere to this way of thinking all the time, and do not allow themselves to be easily led into a compromise. And therefore this sometimes leads to irreconcilable conflicts and disputes. It wouldn’t hurt for these DDs to listen to the other side at least sometimes; it contributes to greater happiness.

辛 (Yin Metal)

In their feelings they are intelligent and devoted people; they are very rarely confused in their feelings or fall into a sea of ​​passion. They see the best in people, admire them and are very tolerant. But if they love someone, they expect greedy, boundless love from him. Hot and passionate. Therefore, people of the older generation are often chosen as objects of love. And the more they are in a relationship, the more feelings they experience.

壬 (Yang Water)

These people are very lively and lively in their relationships and feelings, and do not like stiffness or understatement in relationships. They are very charming, charismatic and, as a rule, the favorites of society. In addition to everything, they have many talents and abilities. They love the new, the unknown, and this applies to love relationships as well. Because of this, in relationships with people, in order not to be tied up or caught before, they are very careful, but this same quality leads to sedateness and reasonableness.

癸 (Yin Water)

Mysterious, melancholic, they often want to experience deep and difficult feelings towards other people, but more often they are light and supportive, they become attached with all their hearts if they choose as their partner an intelligent person who keeps all passions under control and does not allow them to go astray from the right path. , paths. If they themselves develop patience, they are able to maintain very deep affection for many years of life.

Tell me my light, mirror

Today we’ll talk about some signs of spouses in the chart. The first thing they look at is the spouse’s star, whether it exists or not. The second is the location of the star. And of course, the marriage palace itself (or marriage house), what it is. For men it is direct and oblique wealth, for women it is the right official and the seventh murderer.

Very often I see on the forum how girls look at their husband’s star: The Correct Official or the 7th Murderer, but only two elements. For example, if the DD woman is Yin land, then they look at the Direct official in the NS 甲, in the SV 寅 and the Seventh murderer in the NS 乙, in the SV 卯, and meanwhile, the husband is three more elements 辰, 亥, 未. Any of these ZVs with tree qi can confidently be considered as a husband. Especially such husbands/wives are often found in ba zi of non-simple structures.

Now let's evaluate the marriage palace:

1. If the VP of the day contains 子午卯酉, then the DD will certainly have a handsome spouse, serious and respectable, personable, or capable. 2. If the star of the day is 寅申已亥, then the appearance of the other half is ordinary, but the person is quick-witted and smart, capable of something. 3. If the VP of the day is 辰戌丑未, then the DD has a simple, kind, simple-minded, generous husband, and his appearance is not beautiful. 4. If the PV of the day and the PV of the month are duplicates, then in this case both the DD and the spouse are both beautiful, or know how to work, are capable, gifted (in principle, you can also watch the PV of the hour and day, then the DD has children and a spouse (-A)).

Now let’s evaluate the elements of the marriage palace:

1. So, if the star of marriage (Wealth, Correct Official) is a fiery 火, then the DD is beautiful and charming, often blushing and blushing. 2. The star of marriage as 木, then DD is tall, charming. 3. The star of marriage as 水, then the DD is inclined to be overweight. The face is black, the man is resourceful, flexible and courageous, his appearance is ordinary. 4. The star of marriage as 土, then DD has a good-natured appearance, strong and respectable, short stature and relatively not handsome. 5. The star of marriage as 金, then DD has white skin, serious, decent, reserved.

Age in women:

1. The right official or Seal - the spouse will be older. 2. Brotherhood - will be equal in age. 3. Wealth and Spirit of pleasure - the spouse will be younger.

Age for men:

1. The right official or wealth in the GE of the day - he himself will be younger than his wife. 2. Print - he himself will be older.

Of course, there are many more signs; everything can be read in the cards, right down to the fidelity of the spouses and their social status. And yet, even if there is not a drop of qi of the wife or husband in the chart, you need to look at the Noble One. Nobles also often act as a wife or husband, especially if they are in the GE of the day.

Marriage quality

In Bazi, the earthly branch of the day is responsible for marriage. But still, what kind of marriage to expect is looked at entirely throughout the entire day. In another way, the earthly branch of the day is called the palace of marriage. In this article we will look at some signs.

1. Stars of the day have a knife, challenge the authorities, overcome the spouse

Knives. For men, the pillar of the day is 丙午, 壬子, for women - 丁巳, 癸亥 - for these people, marriage is often unsuccessful. If an annoying deity sits in the GE of the day, this is a bad option, because in a normal version there will be a divorce, in an abnormal case such a marriage can lead to injury or even the death of the spouse. In the male version, there is still a sheep knife and a wealth thief sitting there in the Star Wars; it is unlikely that everything will go smoothly in such a marriage. The days of 戊午, 己巳 also have a sheep knife, but here, over time, the authority and power of these knives weakens, so in such a marriage the marriage will be stronger the longer it lasts. This may also indicate that the other half may have some kind of physical disability or illness. If the pillar of the day is 丙午, 壬子 for a woman, then the specificity of marriage is that she will strive to get around everyone and can suppress, showing excessive control and authority. It is worth saying that if the sheep knife is useful and goes well with the structure of the card, then such a spouse will provide great support to the DD, but the DD still cannot do without damage (tendency to injury) and a predisposition to illness. It is very interesting that such knives are played in special cards.

Challenge to power. This is more for women. If a woman faces a challenge to power in the GE of the day, it is difficult to expect success from the marriage. Especially the pillars 甲午, 乙巳, 庚子, 辛亥. It is beneficial for such a woman to be rich and wealthy, because in our country wealth gives rise to what?

2. GL of the day Brotherhood - spouses have a common cause

In the ba zi there are eight pillars where the day sits on the Brotherhood - these are 甲寅, 乙卯, 戊辰, 戊戌, 己未, 己丑, 庚申, 辛酉. The brotherhood represents people of equal status and position, and if the DD is weak, then it is an assistant, and if it is strong, then it is a competitor. One more point should be noted: of course, such a marriage should be harmonious. These eight pillars can also be divided: for men it is preferable - 甲寅, 戊辰, 戊戌, 庚申, for women - 乙卯, 己未, 己丑, 辛酉, it is good when the Brotherhood has a secret merger in the palace of marriage, this indicates a strong psychological connection between spouses. And in such marriages they also look at which deities are sitting: if they are used and useful, then the spouse will be a friend, and if they are harmful and annoying, then they will be an enemy, a competitor. In practice, this means that if friends are unanimous, if they are enemies, then the spouse will periodically go “out of the rut” and break the rules. In both cases, the spouses will grow old together.

3. The GE of the day is on mutual overcoming.

It is clear that it is great when the NS of the day and the GE of the day are identical, then there is harmony between the spouses, but if this is not the case. If the NS and the SE stand on mutual overcoming, then there is no harmony, and all the difficult moments of the marriage come to the surface. Especially if a person has a pillar of the day: 甲申, 甲戌, 乙酉, 丙申, 丁酉, 戊寅, 己卯, 庚寅, 辛卯, 壬戌, 癸未. Again, if there is a merger with the spouse card or the spouse is noble for the DD, then harmony returns to its place. Or, for example, if there is a secret merger, then although it will be difficult for the spouses to achieve mutual understanding, they will adapt and achieve a warm, stable relationship. For example, days such as 丁亥, 戊子, 辛巳, 壬午 or 己亥, 癸巳. Of course, we look at other signs in the chart of a good or bad marriage, we look at the palace of marriage in relation to the entire map, phases, and so on. A lot depends on the specific compatibility of the cards of real people. But still, ba zi is fate, which means that one way or another we ourselves choose those who are destined for us by Fate. And ba zi help with this.

Wife and mother in law

So, it’s no secret that in the lives of men, two women are usually important - mother and wife. And everything is clear, how we look at a husband or wife in the Map. How can you see what the relationship between you and your mother-in-law will be like? What does this indicate? In theory, for women in the Map, the mistress occupies the same position as the husband’s mother - this is Oblique Wealth. Our husband is an Official, and children are elements of self-expression: the Spirit of Pleasure and the Challenge of Power.

— The Day initially prospers, meets the giving birth Seal or meets the Brotherhood/GB, providing support to the body of the DD, prospers and does not follow the strongest, loves the Wealth that allows the Body to be emitted, but if at the same time the Oblique Wealth prospers and is next to the Day, then in that case , mother-in-law and DD will live nearby and quite well, peacefully. If the Card without prosperity, therefore, does not like Wealth, which means the Body is in decline, and here Wealth is encountered in the Hour, the relationship will not be ideal. For the same reason, if the Body is weak, it does not like Wealth, but in the Map Wealth flourishes - the relationship will be bad. Again, if in the chart the Day is one-sidedly prosperous, the Oblique Wealth is weak, and DN/BB is present, then this will harmonize the relationship, and in this case the relationship will be normal. Since DD gives birth to DN/BB, they emit Qi.

- The map contains...

· If in the chart KB is not a useful Deity and is thriving, then there will be no good relationship with the mother-in-law, and if it is also close to the Day, then it will be downright bad. · If there is no DN in the chart between the body and Oblique Wealth, like a jumper, then the mother-in-law and wife will not visit each other, and are completely incompatible. · The pillar of the year is responsible for the ancestors, and the pillar of the day for the DD itself, and if clashes, punishments, and other negativity between them are found in the GE, then the relationship will most likely not be good. And vice versa, if there are mergers, then the connections will be friendly and good.

— Natural contradictions

Everything is simple here. If the wife of the DD in the Map is a prosperous Metal, then it is clear that the mother (Seal) is a Wood and at the same time also prospers, and both are standing next to each other - they will not be friends, let’s say, they will have contradictions. Also, if one is very prosperous and the other is weak, there will be strong oppression, but here it is necessary to make allowances for the real Cards of people.

It happens that the effect disappears or, on the contrary, intensifies. Well, it is clear that if the element of the mother-in-law in your Chart is a Used and Joyful Deity, and is also in the Merger, then the relationship will delight you for many years.

Is this noble in a woman's destiny?

Today we have an excerpt from the Deep Ocean. What is not direct for DD, but as a Noble One in a woman's destiny?

1. Healthy career qi 官星 PC. 2. If PB, KB and PC prosper. 3. The PP seal as a heavenly virtue. 4. When a card kills or controls the 7th killer with its own powers. 5. Explosive explosives are spent on PB, KB. 6. When sitting on official well-being (SB) and meeting Wealth (PB, KB). 7. IF (官星) has fusions with it. 8. In the day the Noble One meets the wealth of PB, KB. 9. Noble PC meets PC. 10. The power of 官星 rests on the official well-being of the Security Council. 11. 官星 IF + CPU. Correct official on peach blossom. 12. DN is bright and prosperous. 13. DN produces wealth PB, KB. 14. 7ub. is spent on Printing (PP, KP). 15. 二德 double virtue supports the body by helping. 16. Three aristocrats/Triple extraordinary (heavenly, earthly human) are united into a structure. 17. Yang knife (OH) under control. 18. Service well-being meets the Noble One. 19. Service well-being and Wealth (PB, KB) are combined. All these combinations make the female card better and more successful. Bring stability. They may come.

By abbreviations: PP - direct seal, PCH - direct official, KB - oblique wealth, PB - direct wealth, ON - sheep's knife, CP - peach blossom. BB is a challenge to power, DN is the spirit of pleasure.

Will the man be a good husband?

We look at the men's bazi and look for a sign with the inscription “He will be a good husband”!

· The Direct Official prospers and is the Joyful or Used Deity.

When the Direct Official flourishes in the chart, the person will be concerned about his reputation and name, the Day and the DD himself will keep himself under control and in check, so to speak. And I’ll say this mysterious phrase: when a man has Peaches in his destiny, he is able to take care of the lower half of his body himself! And it’s unlikely to go anywhere.

· In the singular there is prosperous Straight Wealth and it is a Joyful or Used Deity and there is no Oblique Wealth in the chart.

When we see this in a man’s chart, we conclude that the man is monogamous! He will not grab at every offer from charming young ladies - he has not developed a “grasping” reflex. This also indicates that he will always have an economically stable income.

· Direct Seal flourishes and is a joyful or used Deity.

The prosperity of the Direct Seal in a man’s chart is a sign of strength and power, endurance and forbearance, patience, if you like, endurance. The relationship with the mother, as a rule, is then transferred to the wife, as the mother of His children. Such men will be very caring, will look after you and carry you in your arms, and will tolerate women’s whims and mistakes.

· The NS of the day generates the GE of the day.

In this version, the man loves his wife passionately, lustfully, adoringly, and will help and assist. He and his wife “breathe” the same ideas, thoughts; wants to understand what she feels and why she reacts this way, they consider their woman as a pleasure and as a gift.

Nice guy with money

There is a Russian proverb: “Don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy.” Today's realities say that the modern generation, which grew up as consumers, has different sayings. I would put it this way: “Be born beautiful and marry a rich man.” Otherwise, plastic surgery would not have flourished so wildly in the Asian region, and the concept of “youth age” would not have been pushed back from 25 years to 35 years. Look at bank loan offers; it is enshrined at the legislative level: a young family is a family under 35 years of age.

As for the ba zi, the ba zi is in tune with Le Bon and Freud - “it” never changes. And there will always be Walt Disney prince dreamers. This is neither bad nor good. Any woman intuitively looks for support, someone who will help raise offspring and ensure the existence of the family in difficult times. Therefore, if she meets a good guy with money, this immediately removes a number of questions.

So, let's look at the cards of women capable of marrying a wealthy man.

1. In the year, month, the annoying deity stands and prospers. In the GE of the day there is a used deity, and through the incoming beats and TG they do not receive overcoming or harm, on the contrary, they have support. In such a woman's destiny, a woman can marry a man who will support her.

Let's look at what kind of deity we use in the Star Wars of the day. Worth Wealth - DD will receive support, and her husband’s lifestyle, wealth in the form of her husband’s property; worth Power - will receive a rich noble spouse. And since there is an annoying deity in the year or month, this is a sign of a poor family, therefore, we can conclude that such a woman will meet a rich man and her fate will be good.

2. Inside the map, the Brotherhood and the Robber of Wealth flourish, and Wealth, which is weak, in young or middle years meets in the coming fate of the Direct Official who overcomes the Brotherhood/GB. In this case, she will receive a man who will reach the state of the Rich Man. It will just work.

In such a card, the scenario will be more than modern: such a woman will meet and have an affair with a man, and first a good friendship and sex will begin. And here there is an important point in the map - it is impossible for competitors to stand in the hour, this will lead to a disastrous result. Namely, the ruin of wealth! If you find it in your card, no girlfriends or girlfriends! In this case, Power helps to fight the excess of one’s own element, so it will be the husband with the money.

3. Power flourishes in the map (PC/7 dec.), the day is initially weak and there is no wealth, but in the coming fate a prosperous Seal comes and gains land. In this case, the woman will receive status, position.

These are the women who are destined to have an affair with their boss and marry him. It is clear that in this case the man is also wealthy and will provide great support. In any case, the person will be higher than her in status, not equal to her either in social class, financially, or origin. A lot of women's novels and short stories have been written about this.

4. The day is initially weak, and the Power is prosperous and in the coming destiny comes the prosperous Spirit of pleasure in the native lands, the card has no wealth. The woman will also receive a rich husband.

This is a very interesting configuration. Here in the women's chart the DN is strong and limits Power. What does this mean? A woman has great sexual attractiveness and attractiveness to men. And since her card is weak, she is afraid of the elements of wealth, which is why she needs Power in the person of a husband/man who will spend the wealth. This is the case of Marilyn Monroe. In fact, there can be a successful tandem where the woman pledges the man’s well-being. This can safely, under certain circumstances, include victims, those very girls who are sexually charming and depraved and weak enough to rely on strong Power. When the combinations of cards coincide in a couple, such a combination is like a feast for the bazi reader. Marriages can be very strong.

5. The Day is initially strong and prosperous, and the Official is weak and oblique, but in the coming fate comes Wealth. You can also easily meet a man with money.

Here it is already clear that Wealth gives birth to an Official, and the day has the strength to “take” Wealth and such cards love strong Power. In such cards, a woman helps a man to prosper and assists in his affairs. In fact, he builds wealth and a career with him.

In general, even if you don’t have a prince, don’t be upset, there are plenty of other configurations where a woman is successful and happy. These are just some of many. And not everyone needs princes, after all. Of course, support is needed, but the inner state of harmony and love is much more important. After all, it’s one thing to meet a man, and another thing to live a life full of happiness with him.

Women suffering from men

How to see this in a woman’s chart:

1. An annoying deity will sit in the husband's palace.

2. Direct official or Seventh Assassin - Husband's Palace (ZV of the day) cannot be used. There are serious clashes, punishments, violations.

3. The oblique seal robs the Spirit of pleasure, or overcomes it.

I won't describe it. I will only say that if this whole thing is in low phases, such as the Cliff or the Grave, unsuccessful symbolic stars, such as the Source constellation, Xian Pond (Salt Lake), Shelter of Solitude or the Star of Widowhood and other Sha - it will be even worse. Well, it’s not difficult to understand how in my story it may not be the husband, but the father. It could be the mother or anyone. The main thing here is that the Earth branch of the day on which the DD stands will suffer. Because it is she who is responsible for the DD’s body and of course, the Seal will not help in such a configuration.

If you know that you have something like this in your chart, think about how you can attract a strong Noble Person into your life. This will help remove the imbalance over time. Help yourself. These same configurations are signs in the female map of self-doubt. Learn to think positively, maintaining this attitude primarily towards yourself, because such women, as a rule, have difficulties with self-love.

Beautiful woman

Beauty is a relative concept. But this is in our modern “tolerant” society with certain requirements for noses, ears, mouths and the shape of the eyes (or ass). But in ancient China everything is simpler: beauty is not appearance, beauty is a type of energy that comes from a person. Something that cannot be expressed in words, but can be seen, realized, felt. And today we will look at exactly these signs of beautiful women. So…

1. The Women's Card contains Peach Flowers

Yes, yes, the more the better. At least all four are a sign of beauty. If all four Peach Flowers are present, the woman will be unusually beautiful and attractive to the opposite sex. This is also true if there is only one Peach in the Card, but it participates in Double and Triple Mergers. Such a woman will inevitably receive more attention than the one in whose Chart there are no Peaches. There are so many different peaches, not just the four traditional ones. Peach gives sentimentality and affection to the Card. Very beautiful and sexy, spectacular and catchy.

2. The Spirit of Pleasure or the Challenge of Power flourishes within the female Card.

There is a specificity here: the Day should generate numerous Self-Expressions (at least three). For example, if a DD’s Day belongs to the Wood Element, there should be a lot of Fire in the Chart, if the DD is fiery, there should be a lot of Earth in the Chart, and so on. In this case, the woman will be quite smart and gifted in communicating with people, and at the same time her appearance will stand out from the crowd. This type has strong desires and at the same time will pursue a feeling of freedom; clearly unenthusiastic about all sorts of bondage and fetters. If you try to force or take by force, you will receive a very powerful rebuff. In general, I would say that such women are more charming and charismatic than beautiful.

3. The Right Official or the Seventh Killer thrives inside the Map

The specifics are the same as in the previous paragraph, only the Day receives a strong Overcoming. For example, DD belongs to the Wood Element and there is a lot of Metal in the Map, Fire DD and there is a lot of Water in the Map, and so on. Condition: Power must flourish. For female Cards, Power (Correct Official and Seventh Killer) is always communication with the opposite sex, and if there is a lot of Power, then communication with men too. As for beauty... Such a woman by nature looks natural, very natural, and her beauty will not be showy or flashy, but no less attractive.

Irresponsible man

Runs after women, is dissolute, hangs around, is a womanizer, a slut, leads a depraved lifestyle - all this can be used to characterize irresponsible men. All their heroic efforts are aimed at only one thing - running after women. Today we will look at the signs in the cards of men. As always, I warn you before jumping to conclusions - there needs to be a lot of guidance.

· The body is prosperous, Wealth is plentiful, but there is no Correct official limiting the DD. · Heavy Challenge of Power and no Seal in the DD card. · In the chart, Wealth is heavy and multiple, meets merging. · Distortions in maps: for example, the map is dry, alarming and without water, or frosty and without fire. · In women's cards, you can also look for these signs.

Affair on the side

So, let's talk about how you can see a potential mistress or lover in a map. And I want to warn you right away: there are other instructions in the Ba Zi for divorce, changing one family for another, bigamy and polyandry. We are only interested in adultery, both for married and unmarried people. For men it is Oblique Wealth, for women it is the Spirit of Pleasure.

1. The first thing that indicates love in a card is, of course, many peach flowers, more than two. If all four are gathered and/or there is Oblique wealth prospering.

2. Extremely prosperous Spirit of pleasure. This is also an indication that the man is sensual and loves female company. If DV flourishes excessively, uncontrollably, then this also indicates that the man may be emotionally immature and runs after women. Thus, he indulges his desires and establishes himself, being reputed to be a ladies' man.

3. In the case of women, if the Spirit of pleasure flourishes extremely, then you must look at the Right Official, if at the same time the Right Official in the chart is in unfavorable phases (Death, Precipice, and so on), and the Spirit of pleasure passionately craves Wealth, this is an indication of a lover in the map.

4. And the last thing is a large amount of fire. Fire symbolizes emotions and passion, hot blood. It creates excitement. Here, of course, a lot depends on the map, but still.

Nowadays, young couples often live in a civil marriage before starting a family. From the point of view of Chinese astrology, such unions are relationships of lovers who simply cohabit together and nothing more. Therefore, the instructions described are also suitable.

Tags: Ba-Tzu, Metaphysics

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7th house

The seventh house in the horoscope is the day planet which is in it and spreads its light to the rest of the houses. The main difference between the night and day houses is that in the relation I - the world, the emphasis falls on the second part on the “world”, thereby relegating the ego to the background. The seventh house carries information about the team, the society with which a person interacts throughout his life. He talks about certain communication qualities that help him build relationships with other people.

The seventh house focuses on the partner with whom the person is in an intimate relationship. Very often, partnerships, their love, quarrels, scandals and characters pass through the 7th house.

Analysis of the Palace of Marriage in Ba Zi Model of your ideal relationship

In this article I want to talk about how, using the analysis of the Ba Zi energy map compiled at the time of a person’s birth, it is most easy to analyze the Palace of Marriage (House of Marriage). Determine what qualities the chosen one or chosen one must have in order to implement the model of relationships contained in the BaZi card. And also at the same time understand yourself and the passions of other people.

First, you need to calculate the BaZi card of the required person. By and large, for such an analysis it is not even necessary to know the hour of birth of the person on whose chart this analysis is carried out.

Ba Zi card calculation

In order to build a BaZi map you will need a BaZi calculator, enter your birth data in the fields of the calculator and do not forget to indicate your gender. After calculating our map, we pay attention only to eight hieroglyphs indicating the year, month, day and hour of birth, as in the picture below.

For example and clarity of consideration of the method, I calculated the chart of a fictional girl who was born on 07/01/2013 at 6:00. Thus, the girl will have a Four Pillars card or Ba Zi card at the time of her birth. Below you can see her chart: the girl was born in the year of the water Snake, the month of the earthen Horse, the day of the earthen Dragon and the hour of the wooden Rabbit. This is her natal chart, displaying the energies that will affect her throughout her life.

The chart of eight hieroglyphs is static, but its energies will still manifest differently depending on age, the current Pillar of Luck, the coming year, the season of the year, the month and even the day.

The 4 hieroglyphs located on the top line of the Ba Zi map are called Heavenly Stems, the 4 hieroglyphs below them are called Earthly Branches and are represented by symbolic animals. Under the earthly branches of the map there are Hidden Heavenly Stems - we are not considering them now.

Determination of the element of a person’s Personality

In order to determine the element of a person’s personality from the Bazi map, you need to pay attention to the Heavenly Stem of the birthday, this will be the element of Personality.

The Personality Element, also called the daily dominant of the chart, sets the tone for the entire energy map. This is the main element from which any analysis of the BaZi chart begins. It denotes a person’s Personality and is the first to reflect his character and inclinations.

In the case of the girl from the example, her Personality element is Yang Earth (Wu).

House of Marriage

The Palace of Marriage that interests us is located in the Earthly branch of the birthday, i.e. right below the Personality element.

In the Marriage Palace of the girl from the example, there is a Dragon (Chen). The dragon is also Yang Earth.

Comparison of elements of map elements

Now, we will compare the elements of the elements: the element of the Personality card with the element of the element in the Palace of Marriage.

To do this, you should pay attention to the Wu Xing diagram located to the right of the calculated BaZi card; it was built by a calculator depending on the Personality element of the card. Because The girl's personality element is Earth, then the calculator on the Wu Xing diagram placed the Earth element as the top element.

On the diagram constructed by you, at the top of the diagram there will be the element to which the Personality element of your card belongs.

For example, if a person was born on the day of Metal, the Metal element will be located at the top of the diagram, Water will become self-expression, Wood will become wealth, Fire will become power, Earth will become a resource.

Analysis stage

Analysis process: according to the constructed map, we find the Personality element of the card (Heavenly Birthday Pillar) and analyze the combination of the element of the Personality element with the element of the element located in the Palace of Marriage, i.e. with the element of the animal located in the Earthly branch of the birthday. Thus, we determine the image of a partner of the opposite sex assigned to a person by Fate.

It should be said that whatever the model of relationships that you will read about below, do not forget about such simple things as care and attention to each other, which every person needs, regardless of their preferences.

So, if in the Palace of Marriage there is: 1) Element of self-expression , i.e. the element that gives rise to the element of personality. If the Palace of Marriage is Self-Expression, it means that you tend to take care of your partner, support him in every possible way, groom and cherish him. You like partners of the opposite sex, whom you can surround with your love and care, who seem vulnerable to you and require care.

2) Element of wealth . For a man’s card, this is the most harmonious indicator of the “correctness” of a relationship. The element of wealth in a man's chart is also identified with a woman and a wife, because in the classical sense a man must control a woman and have power over her. The same is reflected in Wu Xing, the element that is controlled by the personality element is the female element.

A man who has an element of wealth in the Palace of Marriage is prone to correct harmonious relationships where he is the head of the family and in the form of his wife values ​​humility, wisdom, and the ability to take care of household chores - a classic image of the relationship between a man and a woman that has developed over the centuries.

But, if there are many elements of wealth (elements of a woman) in a man’s chart, the man may be flighty and not ready to choose a single woman. In such a situation, for an accurate forecast, you need to check the other indicators of the Bazi card.

In a woman's chart, the element of wealth in the Spouse's Palace indicates that such a woman likes to dominate in relationships, she likes to control the situation. Often a man next to such a woman may look too timid in the eyes of others.

3) Element of power . If a woman has an element of power in her chart in the Palace of Marriage in relation to her element of Personality, this means a classic harmonious relationship between a man and a woman. The husband is the head of the family and must be taken into account; he controls the situation. A woman with an element of power in her husband’s Palace likes strong and powerful men who know how to take care of themselves and the woman.

If the element of power in the Palace of Marriage is a man's card, the woman has power over such a man. A man obediently submits to the pressure of his chosen one - this is his stereotype of an ideal relationship, this is his attitude towards the female sex, laid down by Fate. Such a man likes strong women and is ready to obey them. The ideal union for such a husband would be a woman who has wealth in her Marriage Palace.

4) Resource element . In this situation, a person expects help, moral or material support from a partner from the relationship. A person with the element of resources in the Palace of Marriage is inclined to choose a more experienced partner as his life partner. He likes to feel care, participation and, as a rule, material support from his chosen one; this is how he will see his ideal relationship.

5) Homogeneous element or Brotherhood . For such people, relationships are presented in the form of a harmonious union, which is often based on trust and equality. A person needs to realize that there is a related shoulder nearby. People with the Brotherhood element in the palace of matrimony need frequent communication with their significant other; they simply feel pleasant and calm when they are next to their lover.

A more detailed analysis of the Palace of Marriage can be found in the article Detailed analysis of the Palace of Marriage in the Ba Zi map

Returning to our example with the girl’s card: Her personality element is Yang Earth, the element of the palace of marriage is also Yang Earth (Dragon), i.e. an element of the same element as the element of personality (“Brotherhood”). This suggests that when the girl grows up, she will be interested in relationships built, first of all, on friendship and mutual understanding. She will not like it if her partner controls her too much or if she herself has to act as a “mom” for a man. And if you consider that the Dragon in her chart will endow her with strength, power and leadership qualities, as she grows up, this girl will turn into a strong woman and will make high demands on her future partner, which is why she will look for an appropriate man for a harmonious relationship.

A couple more words

At this simple stage, you can say a couple more words to clarify the analysis of a person’s sympathies for people of the opposite sex according to the characteristics of the elements in his energy map.

For example, if the Marriage Palace of your card contains a Rabbit or a Rat , your partner’s appearance is not the least important thing for you.

Monkey or Tiger - your chosen one is an adventure lover.

Dog or Dragon - Fate destined you for a person who deeply understands reality and has a sense of taste.

Rooster or Horse - You like charismatic personalities.

Author of the article: Feng Shui and Chinese metaphysics expert Roman Avetisov


Consultations are conducted in person and via Skype. During the consultation, we consider the entire Ba Zi map. We remove information layer by layer from simple to more complex so that you can follow the logic yourself. The trends of the existing Tact (ten-year stage of development), what it brings, what lessons are laid down, what to expect from the next one are considered. The impact of the next 2-3 years is analyzed in order to understand how to correctly build a strategy for the near future. The main emphasis is on implementation. An analysis of the Palace of Marriage and issues related to it is also carried out. During the analysis process, you can ask any questions. The duration of the consultation is 3 - 3.5 hours. The entire conversation is recorded on a voice recorder, and I send the recording of the consultation by email.

In the second part, we consider the cosmogram (the position of the planets and lunar nodes at the time of a person’s birth), which complements the information on reading the pillars of fate.

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Anna Podchernina, orientalist,

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Part 2

Disharmony in relationships - how to see it in Bazi


In the earthly branch of the day there is a prosperous killer of the seventh position

, the heavenly trunk of the day is weak, and there is no
food spirit
official injury
that could control
seventh position killer
star - unfavorable for the husband.

  • True official

    - this is
    a rejected spirit
    - the relationship between spouses will not be harmonious.

  • There are also true official

    the killer of the seventh position
    - the husband’s character will be unstable.

  • Seventh Position Killer

    sitting on
    a sheep's knife
    - the husband's character will be explosive.

  • The sky trunk of the day sits on false seal

    , which is
    a rejected spirit
    - the relationship between spouses will not be harmonious, the woman will not get a good husband.

  • Seventh Position Killer

    true official
    , and the earthly branch is involved in one of the six clashes of the earthly branches - the relationship between the spouses will not be harmonious.

  • The sky trunk of the day is weak, a lot true officials

    murderers in the seventh position
    - after marriage, the husband often offends his wife.

Spouse's relatives

First, we determine whether the spouse’s relatives or the client’s attitude towards them are the problem.
Palace will help answer this question .
If in the earthly branch of the day there is an unfavorable spirit of error and surprise yin-yang
, then it is difficult to count on support and understanding among the relatives of the other half. Many clients note a negative attitude towards them from their spouse’s relatives from the day of their wedding.

Sometimes it is necessary to help the client realize that he is complaining about his spouse's relatives because his relationship with his own parents is problematic. We can look at the client's relationship with his father and mother in Bazi


  • The heavenly trunk of the day stands next to star of wealth

    and encounters her - the relationship with the father will not be harmonious.

  • Wealth

    sitting on
    a sheep's knife
    - the father, as a rule, has a bad character, hot-tempered.

  • Wealth

    sits in the
    qi of building happiness
    - the father’s character is kind and simple-minded.

  • Star Seal

    sitting on
    a sheep's knife
    - the mother has a strong, persistent character.

  • Star Seal

    sits in the
    qi of building happiness
    - the mother’s character is kind and simple-minded.
    If the star of the seal
    a functional spirit
    , the mother has a virtuous character.

Extramarital affairs

Why was the client unable to build a family relationship that met his partner's needs? Is the client interested in restoring family relationships? spirit
Peach Blossom
will help us understand this .
He will indicate the reason for the occurrence of extramarital relations in a person's life: either on his own initiative ( Peach Blossom in Front of the Wall
) or on the initiative of a third party (
Peach Blossom Behind the Wall


When analyzing this area, we can answer the following questions: What importance does the client and his partner attach to money? What periods are successful for earning and investing money? During what periods of living together is it more advisable to distribute the family budget to one of the spouses?

Social life

Here it is necessary to determine what social goals each spouse pursues. To do this, we use general bazi

12 Palaces
. The partner may not understand the social needs of his other half. On this basis, conflicts are possible that can be avoided.

Parent-Child Relationships

To analyze the relationship between parents and children in Bazi

12 Palaces
, we look at how each of the participants in the relationship perceives their relationship with relatives, and whether there are any discrepancies in expectations.
If the core of the problem is issues of discipline, we look at the influence of the spirit
responsible for the orderliness of life, and so on.
personality type .
For example, if a child is of the wounding official
or has
a sheep knife
the bazi as
a rejected spirit
and is in a low
, then he will have difficulty fitting into the framework of submissive behavior.

Life values

How important spiritual and life values ​​are in a client’s life, we look at 12
. The personality type will also tell a lot about this side of the client’s life.


We look at the client’s attitude towards his personal career, joint business opportunities, and the spouse’s career advancement in the bazi

both in incoming
and current years.

Number of marriages

Quite often, during marriage counseling, clients ask a question about the number of marriages in their lives. The answer to this question can also be found in a person’s natal chart. At the same time, we rely on a large number of different symbols and images; I will give just a few of them.

Will the union be successful?

To determine whether a marriage will be successful, you need to look at the relationship of the planets of the rulers between the Fifth and Seventh houses. For example, if the ruler of both houses is Aquarius, the marriage will be successful. If the Moon conjoins Saturn, the marriage also turns out to be pleasant and happy.

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But if the significator is damaged by Saturn, such a position of the planets can be almost fatal for marriage. It either won’t happen at all, or the owner of the horoscope will start a family very late. And in general, any conflicting planets that have a negative effect on the significators of marriage will be real obstacles to marriage. If the marriage signifier is afflicted by Uranus or the elements of the 11th house, this may indicate divorce and the possibility of a new, more successful marriage. With the help of astrological analysis, you can calculate the most favorable date for marriage and further increase the chances of a successful marriage. But we must always remember that by working on ourselves, realizing our mistakes and changing ourselves, we thereby improve our karma and our future.


Basic natal indicators of marital situations

In a man's horoscope, family ties will be indicated by Mars crossing Venus. In this situation, a man experiences a great need for love, care, for feelings and family will always come first. Venus in a positive aspect with Saturn also means a strong marriage, fidelity and understanding, but if Mars intervenes here, quarrels and scandals cannot be avoided in the family. Mars has an intersection with Saturn - there is coldness and aloofness in marriage. In general, Mars symbolizes a man’s sexual desire, and if the planets are in the West, the man enjoys great success with women, he is always the center of attention. Men experience difficulties in building relationships if in their chart the Moon is in the sign of Aries, Virgo, Leo, Gemini or Capricorn. The moon in a man’s natal chart will help you find out the age of your chosen one. Early connections or connections with a younger girl means the Moon standing in the 3rd or 1st phase in the East. If the Moon is in phase 2 or 4 in the West, a man’s priority is a relationship with a more mature woman, or a late relationship.

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