The meaning of the 8 of Cups card in readings for relationships, love, work and health

The meaning of the card in a broad sense

The card from the Rider-Waite deck shows a man walking slowly away from the Eight of Cups. The moon shines brightly, and the man gradually moves away from the cups standing on the ground.

8 Cups from the Rider-Waite deck

In the distance we see a picturesque landscape: a river, mountains, forests, where a lonely wanderer purposefully heads there. At first glance, it seems that he renounces earthly blessings, chooses freedom, independence, and recluse. Or, on the contrary, he renounces temptations and follows the right path leading to happiness.

What draws the wanderer into the unknown: the cups are whole, not broken, everything is fine, why leave! The deep meaning of the card is revealed by the second name: Lord of Lost Success.

The symbolism of the Arcana is revealed by the following key phrases and words:

  • Refusal of routine, voluntary departure from the everyday hustle and bustle.
  • Revision of life values, plans, tasks.
  • Oblivion of dreams, denial of unnecessary, empty fantasies.
  • An alternative view of life, events, people.
  • Trying to part with what is burdensome prevents you from moving forward. Denial of traditional values ​​inherent in consumer society.
  • Working on mistakes, global restructuring of the worldview.
  • Internal conflicts requiring solitude and concentration.

I don't consider the 8 of Cups card to be depressing, gloomy, full of hopelessness. On the contrary, it shows that everyone is capable of changing their life, looking at what is happening from a different angle. Make a list of important and unimportant things to do. Choose the path that will lead to the goal.

The moon, which shows the way to the traveler, is an ally and an enemy at the same time. In the incorrect light of a celestial body, it is easy to lose the path leading to happiness. But look closely, the traveler has a staff in his hand, and a knapsack behind his back. The man has thoroughly prepared for the trek along the thorny path; his chances of victory are high.

Meaning of the card in the upright position

In an upright position, the 8 of Cups card hints to the questioner that it is time to change his usual way of life. Arkan says: the time has come for transformation, sharp turns, responsible decisions. When the Eight of Cups appears in a reading, the fortuneteller should think about whether he is living correctly, whether it is time to put new emphasis.

The process of change will take a long time, it will be painful, painful, difficult, but it will happen of good will, without coercion.

The card makes you think about the meaning of life, prepares you for changes, and advises you to gain strength.

8 Cups from Tarot-93 deck

Another meaning of the card is conscious choice. An alternative that will have to be realized and accepted. The situations can be different: work or family, money or a favorite hobby. Remember, choosing is never easy, but one day you have to do it. The main thing is to approach the line prepared, without hysterics, tears, or unnecessary emotions.

The night twilight in which the hero of the Arcana travels symbolizes the darkness of the soul. Figuratively speaking, we set off on a journey through the labyrinths of the subconscious.

Reversed card meaning

The reverse meaning of the 8 of Cups is not as optimistic as the direct one. In the first case, we have before us a person who has made a conscious choice. He got ready to go, broke with the past, and took a step towards self-improvement. In the reverse position, the card says that you made hasty conclusions and chose the wrong road. Sometimes the Arcana Eight of Cups speaks of selfish motives that prompted a person to flee. The reverse position of the card clearly characterizes the expression “Burn everything with a blue flame!” Before us is a nature that, leaving everything to the mercy of fate, hastily runs away so as not to take responsibility.

Another meaning is marking time. A person is so attached to a measured lifestyle that he is ready to sacrifice his own happiness and development so that everything remains as before.

The neighboring cards will tell you which interpretation option to choose.

Pay attention to the wanderer’s “equipment”. The man travels light. He did not take anything unnecessary for the trip, only the essentials. And by throwing off the ballast and giving up unnecessary things, we will follow the destined path.

Training video on the direct and reverse position of the 8 Cups card during fortune telling:

Eight of Cups (8 of Cups) - Minor Arcana Tarot Cards

Eight of Cups – Minor Arcana

In terms of astrology, the Eight of Cups corresponds to the harmonious union of Saturn and the Moon, symbolizing a tragic separation.

Pisces are in the first decade, which means going into one’s feelings, a journey towards one’s spirituality, for the sake of which a person has to come to terms with the fatality of the events that happen to him. Under the auspices of Saturn, which rules Pisces during this period, a person manages to break away from the beliefs established by someone and learn to hear his own nature. Having set out on his personal path and going through this Arcanum, a person becomes detached from real life, he goes into unreality, without in any way losing himself and his spiritual core. His emotions fade into the background, and reason and rationality come forward, destroying false postulates.

Other names for the Eight of Cups: Eight of Cups.

Brief description of the Arcana: Forced departure, Self-denial, Refusal to fight, Submission to fate.

Description of the Eight of Cups

The picture of the Eight of Cups in the traditional, classic deck depicts a gloomy, detached traveler who leaves the clearing with filled cups, alluring in their beauty. He leaves without looking back. He may regret having to leave those tempting cups behind, but he has the courage not to return to them.

The traveler is dressed in a red cloak, enveloping him from head to toe, and in his hands is a reliable staff, symbolizing life experience. Above the traveler's head is the moon, which illuminates his path, awakening past experiences in him: he was left alone with them.

In the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, the content of the Arcana is conveyed in a slightly different picture. It depicts a charming woman in an expensive robe who left her castle and stood thoughtfully in front of the river. What's across the river? What prospects will open up for her? A woman will receive answers to these questions only when she has completely parted with what she is destined to leave behind.

The woman is depicted at the moment of making a fateful decision: another second and she will take her step into the unknown. Cups are placed around her - this is exactly what holds her. A woman musters the courage to give up these tempting cups and take a step towards her happiness.

The sacred meaning of the Eight of Cups

To understand the deep meaning of this Arcanum, one should, as in the previous Seven of Cups, turn first of all to the cups themselves. But if in the Seven their content is important, then in the Eight it is the number. There are eight of them, and this number in the esoteric understanding means transformation. Moreover, the transformation that occurs with a person can be in any aspect of his life, including serious internal changes.

The Arcan indicates that a person, first of all, has to go through a difficult path of self-awareness and self-determination, for which a certain sacrifice is required from him - a rejection of previously established canons, habits, and beliefs. Refusal must be conscious, albeit forced.

To some extent, this card has something in common with the Hermit (IX Arcanum). This is especially pronounced in classic decks. They depict a detached, rather gloomy person, wise from experience. He leaves the full cups and leaves without looking back. The staff on which the departing person rests speaks of the acquisition of wisdom. He plunges into himself and renounces the joys of the outside world. The difference with the Hermit is that in the Hermit the sage is full of peace, nothing weighs him down, he has accepted his life’s burden and carries it with dignity. In the Eight, the person leaving has a somewhat depressed appearance. He leaves, but he is forced to leave, not arguing, but not triumphant either.

Another object on the classic Arcana that deserves attention is the Moon. She is behind the wanderer. The moon symbolizes his emotions, feelings, experiences. It is not accidental here and, in fact, explains the necessity of this departure: it was these experiences that caused the person’s transformation. They actually forced him to go to a new stage of spiritual and mental development.

Mythological correspondence of the Eight of Cups

In mythology, this card echoes the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, but to understand the meaning we are interested in Lot and his family. He was forced to leave his home in order to gain further benefits. He had a choice, essentially no choice. The only possible solution is leaving.

The meaning of the straight Eight of Cups in the layout

The Eight of Cups in the reading suggests that a person has come to a time when he needs to say goodbye to past problems. This period was caused by certain emotional experiences, as a result of which a person needs to part with the past in order to gain new opportunities.

The card indicates oblivion, and it concerns both events and previously made plans. The most interesting thing is that as soon as a person decides to leave everything behind, they simply stop worrying about him. The most difficult thing is to take the first step, and then everything will go as usual, since what is happening in a person’s life pushes him to something new. If we remember that next comes the Nine of Cups - an entirely positive card - then we can assume that circumstances are pushing a person towards new, more interesting opportunities for him.

Giving up the past is also useful because in many ways it was illusory, as the Seven of Cups spoke about. In any case, in order to resolve any situation, you just need to give up further struggle, leave your experiences in the past and look for new approaches.

It is noteworthy that for a person this card can carry both positive and negative perceptions, since he cannot always see the outcome of what is happening, and he has to make his way to the stars through thorns. However, if a person considers this period difficult or negative, then one needs to understand that he simply has not completely said goodbye to the past, he is held back by illusions. It is only in his power to refuse. It must be remembered that the decision must be voluntary and conscious, despite being forced to make it. As a rule, a person’s decision is figuratively accompanied by the words: “Oh, come what may!”

If the Eight of Cups is surrounded by “heavy” Arcana, then we can say that the decision will not be the best, but it will be the only possible one. Such a decision may lead to a lost battle, but sometimes winning brings more problems than losing. A hard fight will be rewarded with the love that the Nine of Cups brings.

The period associated with the Eight of Cups is always emotionally difficult for a person, since he is oppressed by the uncertainty of the future.

The meaning of the reversed Eight of Cups in the layout

When reversed, the Eight of Cups signifies a person’s inability to make a decision to “move forward.” He is held back by illusory ideas, unfulfilled desires and attachment to events and people. He likes a carefree existence, imaginary fun and joy.

This means that a person will again have to “simmer” in the heap of worries and problems that have accompanied him hitherto. He is not ready either mentally or emotionally to make a fateful decision, depriving himself of the opportunity to see other perspectives.

This card also denotes movement, but unlike the straight Eight, this is a movement to “nowhere”. All actions are futile. Sooner or later this will become obvious, which will lead a person to a feeling of hopelessness, aimlessness and hopelessness.

In essence, a person must sacrifice his idleness, and this sacrifice will be perceived as atonement, payment of debts.


In layouts for labor or professional activities, Arcan shows that a difficult period has begun. If previously a person had many ideas and directions, now he is forced to choose the most correct one. Choose thoughtfully and consciously, abandoning previous plans, which in the current circumstances are becoming uninteresting or impracticable for him.

Due to surrounding circumstances, a person feels mired in a swamp; he cannot find motivation, while previous motivations cease to exist for him. The card may even predict a forced departure from your previous job or the inability to continue the direction you have started in business. The Eight of Cups may even indicate the need to change profession.

Quite often such changes are forced, since a person has simply outlived his usefulness and needs to move on. Only a decisive departure will open up new prospects for him.

If the alignment is made for one of the employees of the team, then we can say that very unfavorable conditions related to relationships are created for him. Bullying from his colleagues makes him think about leaving, although other conditions may suit him quite well.

In its inverted form, the Arcanum also means leaving, but if in the direct version it is a balanced act, which was forced by circumstances, then here it is a thoughtless decision, caused more by emotions than by reason. In this case, leaving will be “nowhere”, and you will have to look for a new job for some time or create a business from scratch.

Direction of self-development

For self-development, Arkan is very indicative. It requires dedication and, in some cases, even masculinity from a person. Since the cups are full, it is quite difficult to give them up, and the card requires you to take the decisive step and leave them.

A person has to change internally in order to receive the opportunities that will open up for him along the way. You need to give up everything that attracted you in the past - ideas, hobbies, addictions. Sometimes this refusal requires saying goodbye to people and familiar places, but it is necessary.

Everything around him will push a person to make this decision, forcing him to take a different path. First of all, to accept the lesson of the Eight of Cups, a person must withdraw into himself, say goodbye to his experiences and emotions. How he will perceive them is another matter: he may feel lonely and detached, or he may enjoy introspection. The main thing is that he will take a step.

Such a transformation is necessary for a person to be able to love in a new way and live in a new way. If the path is completed, the lesson is learned, then the person finds himself in the kingdom of love, which the Nine of Cups promises.

With an inverted Arcana, development is almost impossible. This is perhaps the worst version of the cycle that accompanies the XVII Arcanum (Star). Here a person cannot part with his past, even though circumstances push him to do so. He keeps coming back to the same problems and mistakes. But, if the Star gives strength to break this cycle, then the inverted Eight of Cups does not.

This is a dead end from which the only way out is to turn the Arcanum over: to remove the shackles of the past and move on.

Personal relationships

In layouts for personal relationships, this Arcanum is very multifaceted. In some cases, Arkan suggests that it is time for one of the partners to leave. At the same time, this departure will be painful, since it is caused not so much by desire as by necessity. For example, a separation may be caused by the need for one of the partners to leave and the inability of the other to accompany him.

The card always speaks of the destruction of the union, but its versatility lies in the fact that the union itself is taken into account here. If the relationship between partners is accompanied by negative emotions and events, then the card, in fact, does not imply drama, but only shows the natural resolution of the situation: the partners are forced to separate due to the impossibility of staying together. Such a separation will only bring relief to both partners.

In addition, the Arcanum also appears in cases where it is simply time to end one relationship and start another. In this case, the relationship can end on a positive note, and the partners will remain friends. There is no drama involved here either, although the separation will certainly cause some pain.

Sometimes a person is forced to sever ties with a past life, including people. He needs this, although it hurts. For example, a change in social status may require abandonment of the previous society. Another example would be giving up a wild life and entering into a legal marriage.

For a marriage, this card means regret, disappointment. Partners are usually far from each other. They can look for common ground, but are constantly forced to move away. Such a union can exist as long as desired, but it will not bring pleasure.

If the card falls on one of the partners, then we can say that he feels some cooling of feelings, sometimes even a loss of interest.

The reversed card describes a relationship that has already come to a final conclusion, but no one can break it. They look dependent. In addition, Arkan also shows an endless return to negative situations that spoil relationships. For example, a woman forgave a man for cheating, he repented, and after a while he cheated again.

The nature of these negative aspects will be shown by the neighboring Arcana.

Personality characteristics

Arkan describes a man who is tired of his old life. It’s not that he didn’t like her, but he was no longer pleased with what had previously pleased him. He is burdened by his friends, obligations, business, and team. Everything around him tells him that it’s time to stop, it’s time to start a new life.

We can say that this is sobering up from heavy drinking, when you begin to understand that time was wasted, and the period itself brought nothing but headaches and a lot of problems. You no longer want to remember the past fun, and some of its moments are better to be forgotten forever.

Of course, parting with a carefree life is not easy. You need to limit yourself in many ways, but there are temptations on every path. The mind says that all this is an illusion of happiness, real happiness is ahead, and emotions and experiences pull you back. However, the Eight of Cups presupposes the victory of reason over emotions, therefore, a person has all the strength to go through a difficult stage of transformation.

No one says that refusing benefits does not require courage, but this quality is present in a person, otherwise he will never be able to leave his “swamp” of pleasure and will “hang” in the Seven of Cups forever. This will already be the state of the inverted Arcana.

An inverted card indicates that a person is not able to look into the future, but lives in his past. This past is already far from him, but the person constantly descends into regrets about it and tries to return previous experiences. Since this condition is painful for him, he is constantly depressed and looks at the world apathetically. Such a person is often gloomy and taciturn; he tries to retire so as not to experience pain from situations that constantly remind him of the past.


The Eight of Cups shows a person in a state of complete exhaustion of vitality, lack of energy. He needs rest, sometimes even with a change of scenery. Exhaustion also occurs psychologically, which leads to depression and sometimes suicidal thoughts. Suicide itself is impossible with such a card, since a person does not have enough courage to commit such an act.

Psychological problems can also manifest themselves in withdrawal from society, when a person is “overcome” by social phobia. This is fraught with nervous tension and even withdrawal into binge drinking or drug ecstasy.

Layout for the situation

In situational scenarios, the Eight of Cups indicates the need to change something in life, to look for other opportunities and goals. To fully understand this card, you can give a life example. A person has established life tendencies, a certain income and profession, and makes some plans. Suddenly a crisis occurs, and a person is forced to look for a way out of the current situation. He will have to give up something, change his goals, and sometimes even his profession in order to get out of this crisis with dignity.

If this Arcanum appears in a reading, you should understand that the time has come for new decisions, since the old ones will no longer lead to a positive result. A person must make a confident decision so as not to be seduced by illusory ideas of the past. This requires some effort, so we can definitely say that the situation is currently going through a difficult turning point.

The most important thing at this time for a person is not to run away from the situation, but to look for a way out, and this way out may not be visible at the moment due to the influence of past ideas. You need to abandon them, move away, and only after that will it become clear where to move next. We must remember that this is a time of fundamental decisions, on the adoption of which the future depends. It's either hit or miss.

An inverted card indicates that the situation cannot come to a logical conclusion, since the same events are constantly repeated in it. In addition, a person himself is not able to say goodbye to the reasons that led to a negative situation. He clings to the past, pulling out from it everything that is most unfavorable for himself.

Sometimes the card speaks of an escape from a situation, which is carried out under the influence of fears or due to thoughtlessness of an action. Naturally, the situation will not be resolved in this way, but will only add a number of problems to it.

Card of the day

On this day you will have to face the fact that the previous schemes do not work. It's time to give up on them, especially since today all the surrounding circumstances will push you towards this.

The mood on this day will most likely be sad, and the state itself will be burdensome. It will be with some touch of soreness due to the fact that the “scales from the eyes” will fall off.

With the Eight of Cups reversed, this is a day of rash actions, for which you will later have to pay. It’s better to think a hundred times before making a sudden move.

Card of the Year

During the year, the Eight of Cups predicts situations that will force a person to erase something or someone from the past. This will be a conscious withdrawal from certain people and situations. It is essential because it will open the way to new people and good opportunities.

The inverted card shows that the year will be difficult in making important decisions, and circumstances will push them to make them. This is a year of re-evaluation, but attachments to people and events will not give you the opportunity to think everything over correctly.

Arcana Council

The Eight of Cups gives a recommendation to rest, since the time has come for change. Rest will help you gather strength and boldly step into the world of new sensations and emotions. The usual way of life is no longer conducive to development, if it is not interrupted, life can turn into a swamp.

Don't fall into blind flight from the hardships of life. What is important here is the awareness of the need for change and the voluntary renunciation of previous, alluring illusions. You need to set a new goal and decisively step towards it. The first step is the most difficult, after it everything will happen faster and painlessly, because this is a step towards new opportunities.

The meaning of the card when divining for business and work

Finance and work, what to expect when the 8 of Cups appears in the reading?

In the upright position the card means:

  1. The need to change the field of activity.
  2. Deterioration of the situation in the team: misunderstanding, envy, lack of mutual benefit.
  3. The desire to change your life, to get away from a boring routine.

If we talk about the financial side of the issue, then the 8 of Cups means difficulties, a decrease in the standard of living. A new business is just beginning to bring in a small income; full monetary abundance is still far away.

In the reversed position, the Eight of Cups indicates that the person is uncomfortable where he works. Circumstances force him to change his profession and place of service. He himself does not want to do this, but he will have to come to terms with the situation.

Money is running out, and current activities do not bring moral satisfaction.

Energy cards

Crisis, transformation, depression. The 8 of Cups is ruled by the heavy, slow planet Saturn, which deprives the joy of existence, teaches humility, but at the same time gives strength to act. Despite the depressive state characteristic of the lasso, it symbolizes determination. Which indicates a large supply of energy.

Since astrologically the Eight of Cups is associated with the first decade of the zodiac sign Pisces, which, together with Saturn, is ruled by Jupiter, it contains inspiration and a desire for spiritual growth.

The card is associated with the New Moon - the start of a new thing, first of all, on a mental level.

The meaning of the card in relationships

In matters of love, the card is interpreted ambiguously. But the semantic load of the symbol often remains negative.

  1. The need to break up, to end a painful, empty, unpromising relationship.
  2. Having a love triangle that is about to fall apart. Neighboring cards will tell the fortune teller who will be left alone.
  3. A crisis in a relationship, a brewing conflict, a need for a heart-to-heart talk.

In the reverse position, the card indicates indecision and unfinished action. She says that the choice is not easy for a person, he is in doubt, confusion, and thoughts.

Be sure to look at the cards that are nearby. Perhaps they will neutralize the negative aspects of the numerical Arcana of Cups. In any case, the appearance of this card in the layout does not bode well. Sadness, melancholy, missed opportunities, unresolved conflicts - this is what the 8 of Cups is in love scenarios.

People and places

If a card appears as a significator, we can confidently say that this is a cold, distant and withdrawn person. "The thing in itself." This psychotype does not need noisy company; he is an introvert by nature. Tries to communicate less with people, while maintaining the appearance of good relationships. He cannot be called an egoist in the literal sense of the word, but the impulses of the soul are alien to such a nature. Don’t expect passionate confessions or romantic encounters from the owner of the Eight Cups. Don't try to penetrate his mind, he will always keep his distance.

When locating a location, think about the classic map image. Most often, closed institutions and secluded places pass under it. It could be a prison yard or an island lost in the ocean. Equally, these places fall under the definition of privacy.

Psychological condition

In the upright position, the card indicates a state of mild depression. Melancholy either lets go of a person, or falls with triple force. There is no constancy and peace of mind. You are tired, says Arkan, if you don’t give yourself a break, everything will end sadly. Under the map are suicidal thoughts, groundless experiences, broken hopes and lost illusions.

8 of Cups from the 78 Doors Tarot deck

There is only one way out - to break with the past and go on an adventure, taking with you only what you need.

The reverse 8 of Cups is still worse. Obsessive thoughts of committing suicide, persistent depression, depressed state of mind.

Basic knowledge of psychology will help the diviner understand what the client's situation is. What meaning of the Arcana fits the description of his condition.

The video is dedicated to how to easily remember the meanings of the numerical Arcana:


You should not run away from your destiny, even if at first glance it may seem like the simplest option. It may be too late to correct the mistakes you have made or go back.

Having become acquainted with all the meanings of the Minor Arcana of the 8 Cups, now everyone can correctly interpret its meaning when fortune telling in any area of ​​life. The main essence of the card is that everyone can realize how full the cup of their happiness is. If you currently feel a lack of happiness, you need to find something that will help you find it. If the need arises to move or travel, then act boldly!

Author of the article, practicing tarot reader

Sergey Yupatov

Classic combination with the Major Arcana

8 of Cups, Lovers and Tower

Let's consider how the Major Arcana influence the depressive meaning of the Eight of Cups.

  • The Jester (Fool) symbolizes the desire to constantly change places. A person constantly needs to move. He is not attached to anyone, he easily and naturally gives up his usual way of life.
  • The magician speaks of maturity, informed decisions, the right choice of path, and determination.
  • The High Priestess advises to seek support from above and develop intuition.
  • The Empress symbolizes a woman who will soon appear in a man's destiny. If they tell fortunes to a lady, then the cards advise you to work on your image, gain self-confidence, and listen to your inner voice.
  • The Emperor recommends that the questioner go in search of a new job.
  • Hierophant - you are overgrown with unnecessary dogmas, seek the truth, learn new things.
  • Lovers promise adventures on the personal front.
  • The chariot symbolizes a journey, a long journey.
  • Strength and the 8 of Cups advise you to start improving yourself and gaining knowledge.
  • The hermit symbolizes withdrawal from reality. Literally, voluntary imprisonment.
  • The Wheel of Fortune warns that everything is possible in life, the situation will change very soon. Neighboring cards will tell you which direction. Option: change your place of residence, move to another city, country.
  • Justice - go in search of truth.
  • The Hanged Man warns that he will soon have to sacrifice something in life.
  • Death - changes are coming in life. The transformation begins.
  • Moderation advises taking your time, not making hasty decisions, and taking a balanced approach to all issues.
  • The devil symbolizes temptations, slippery slopes, dangerous hobbies and connections.
  • The tower warns that the questioner has embarked on a path leading to self-destruction and degradation.
  • The star advises to follow your dreams.
  • The moon represents illusions, delusions, apathy and lethargy. You probably chose the wrong path, but this will not become known immediately.
  • The sun is the search for your “I”.
  • Court - use all the opportunities that fate gives.
  • The world is a long journey with no hope of returning.


Keywords allow you to most fully understand the main meaning of the map.


The Arcanum speaks of opportunities, but these are not chances, like the Four of Cups, they are the result of a person’s own efforts. If a person asks a question - can I achieve my goals, then the card answers in the affirmative. But she sets conditions. This condition is the need to pay.

Having to pay

You have to pay. Your success is not the result of divine intervention. It is directly related to how much you invested in achieving it. How much time, money, effort did you spend to achieve something? You can achieve results if you invest, if you pay.

Downshifting/Rat Race

The card confronts a person with a choice. The rise to the top that she talks about, the opportunity that she talks about, is not a prerequisite; rather, it is the desire of the person himself. You are satisfied with your position here and now - stay, if you are not satisfied, you can climb up. There is such an interesting aspect here. So, you achieve momentary success through enormous effort, does this make you happy?

The card only speaks of the opportunity to rise and improve your current position. Warns that this is directly related to the amount of effort and other resources that a person is willing and able to spend. But she doesn't say whether you'll be happy when you achieve it. I start climbing and it seems terribly great to be at the top. I climbed to the top, and then maybe

Classic combination with the suit of Pentacles

8 of Cups, Four and Nine of Pentacles

Money suit of Pentacles and Eight of Cups: what does the combination of these cards promise to the questioner?

  • Ace recommends going to work.
  • A two indicates that it is time for the questioner to change his usual environment. Look at the world more broadly.
  • Three speaks of opportunities, prospects, and cash flows.
  • The Four promises stability, but does not recommend being greedy.
  • Five symbolizes the difficult path to the goal.
  • Six – searching for a person who will help financially.
  • Seven – depressed state, depression.
  • Eight – transition to a new place of work.
  • Nine – search for a stable income, part-time job.
  • Ten is a return to basics.
  • Page - training, a trip for knowledge.
  • The knight advises moving towards the goal without delay.
  • Queen - commercialism.
  • The king is financial independence.

Classic combination with the suit of Cups

Nine, Eight and Five of Cups

How the 8 of Cups behaves in combination with cards of its suit.

  • Ace - the search for mutual feelings.
  • Two - unrequited love.
  • Three symbolizes a trip to visit family or good friends.
  • The Four recommends staying at home and refusing a tempting invitation.
  • Five indicates that the questioner’s life path will be full of grievances and disappointments.
  • Six recommends mending relationships and restoring broken ties.
  • Seven indicates problems with alcohol, drugs, addiction to earthly pleasures.
  • Nine advises going in search of happiness and mutual feelings. The neighboring maps will tell you how this journey will end.
  • Page – recommends accepting a lucrative offer.
  • The Knight and the 8 of Cups guarantee new experiences.
  • Queen - search for a soul mate, harmony, mutual understanding.
  • The king - the questioner needs sympathy.

Classic combination with the suit of Swords

8 of Cups, Ace and Seven of Swords

How will the 8 of Cups behave if there are cards of the air element – ​​Swords – nearby?

  • An ace in this combination symbolizes the end of the crisis and the search for non-standard ideas.
  • A two indicates that the situation is hopeless; try to compromise to avoid losses.
  • Three - broken hopes, alienation of friends.
  • The Four advises you to gather your strength.
  • Five – problems.
  • Six – leaving, escaping into the unknown.
  • Seven advises to be careful; problems are possible due to the hasty actions of the questioner.
  • Eight indicates a difficult situation, a difficult situation.
  • Nine symbolizes nightmares, a painful state.
  • Ten - everything will end soon.
  • Page of Swords - you will learn a secret, it will change your life.
  • A knight is sudden news, the appearance of a person who was not expected, events are developing rapidly, nothing depends on you.
  • The Queen speaks of an imminent separation. Divorce is possible for spouses.
  • The king advises not to panic, to listen to common sense.

Interpretation in layouts:

Major Arcana:

Jester (Fool) / 0 ArcanaWith a bad head, there is no rest for the legs. Wanderlust.
Priestess / 2 ArcanaChastity.
Emperor / 4 ArcanaLeave your emotions behind and make decisions only with your mind.
Lovers / 6 ArcanaA person stubbornly clings to the past, although the relationship was clearly and completely broken.
Chariot / 7 ArcanaDrive.
Hermit / 9 ArcanaLeaving the family.
Hanged Man / 12 ArcanaNumbness. Stupor.


6 of SwordsDrive.

8 of CupsTarot Cups

Classic combination with the suit of Wands

8 of Cups, Two and Six of Wands

Wands and 8 of Cups: how the card manifests itself when Staves appear nearby.

  • Ace advises looking for a place in life.
  • Two recommends deciding on plans and setting priorities.
  • Troika – travel, possibly a business trip.
  • Four - returning home after long wanderings.
  • Five - before leaving, end the relationship, set priorities.
  • Six is ​​a company of like-minded people.
  • Seven advises defending your own point of view. Don't leave until all issues are resolved.
  • Eight - escape.
  • Nine promises serious challenges, but promises that success awaits you ahead.
  • Ten - to live at the limit of feelings, capabilities, nerves.
  • The page recommends going in search of joy, inspiration, and beauty.
  • The knight symbolizes a sudden departure, which is more like flight.
  • The Queen is another woman to whom a spouse can go.
  • The king is a familiar man with whom it is pleasant to spend time.

Importance in health matters

In the upright position, the card says that the questioner is exhausted and needs rest. Take a vacation, go to distant countries where no one will disturb your peace.

Problems occur under the Arkan:

  • sleep disorders;
  • depression;
  • depression;
  • sleepwalking;
  • alcohol addiction.

In the reverse position we see a worsening situation. If in the first case the person can really be helped, then in the second the situation is sad. The cards say that you work your butt off, and compensate for your fatigue with unhealthy hobbies.

The card advises not to be sad about the past; it is easy to part with boring people and outdated things. Decide to make radical changes, do not regret what you have done, because once you remove your head, you don’t cry over your hair.

The 8 of Cups is a card of escapism, unconventional approaches to life, change and rebellion.

The main thing is not to regret anything later.

Tags: Fortune telling, Meaning of cards, Ksenia Likhachevskaya, Cups, Tarot

About the author: Ksenia Likhachevskaya

Esotericism for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and prospects are hidden. More than 20 years ago I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then I have used them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersing yourself in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life. Tarot reader services

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Arcana Council

  1. Leave your past if necessary, but don't forget it.
  2. Get out of your comfort zone. But consciously. Knowing exactly why and where you are going out.
  3. Give up bad habits.

Please note that running away from a difficult situation is not parting with the past. On the contrary, it is self-indulgence and bad habits. After all, most likely, you have already done this before. The 8 of Cups is a card of growth, which is often painful. And it has nothing to do with cowardly running away from problems.

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