The meaning of the card 8 of Wands in readings for relationships, love, work and health

The 8 of Wands belongs to the Minor Arcana category of the Tarot. In other sources it can be found under the names Eight of Staves, Eight of Sceptres, and also the Lord of Speed. What the appearance of the 8 Wands Tarot card will indicate and how it is combined with other arcana, you can learn about this from this material.

By the way! On our website there is a Collection of fortune telling using Tarot cards online - use it for your health!

Eight of Wands: General Meaning

The direct position
of the Arcana implies inspiration and insight, when a person will expect events of a favorable nature. Everything works out for him, he makes decisions quickly and correctly. Under the influence of this card, he simply grabs his luck by the tail. You should expect many interesting and unforgettable events from life.

The map indicates undoubted progress towards the goal. And even if a person does not notice the process of change and leaps forward, nevertheless, this time has already come for him. When the Eight of Wands is laid out, something will change in life, something will be in the air. Many events will happen much earlier than a person expects.

Every person sooner or later expects gifts from fate, many hope for a positive outcome in life. But with the advent of this Arcanum, you can not only count on the surprises of fate, but also on their rapid implementation. Luck will be so close that it will even take a person by surprise.

Reversed position
Under the influence of the Eight of Wands, a person should expect unexpected obstacles on his path. And to overcome these obstacles, he will make quick and hasty decisions. Reckless actions can have a bad impact on his fate. But in many matters there is no need to fuss and rush, it is completely pointless.

Due to incorrect behavior, he may miss an opportunity that was almost in his hands. It may happen that a person “plays it out” and ends up in big trouble, which will be associated with lawsuits.

With a reversed card, it is necessary to procrastinate and delay decisions until it is time to take action. All the efforts that a person makes to achieve his goals will be wasted.

Classic combination with the suit of Pentacles

8 of Wands, King and Three of Pentacles

Pentacles and 8 of Wands - let's look at examples that occur most often.

  • Ace of Coins - money, a lot of money. You will finally be noticed and promoted.
  • Two symbolizes vanity, indecision, lost profits.
  • Troika recommends consulting with loved ones before starting anything.
  • The number four represents stability and prosperity. In some cases, a combination of cards indicates the receipt of an inheritance.
  • Five warns that sad changes await the questioner. Dismissal, humiliation from management. Money difficulties.
  • Six advises asking for financial help from close friends.
  • Seven – stagnation, stagnation in thoughts, feelings, deeds.
  • Two eights is a good job.
  • Nine - rapid enrichment, money that will come from an independent source.
  • Ten advises returning to basics. For those who have not been home for a long time, the combination recommends visiting family.
  • The Page of Pentacles symbolizes good financial prospects and good news.
  • The knight says that progress awaits you in financial matters; the period when it was necessary to save has passed.
  • The Queen advises to be more practical and not waste money on trifles.
  • The King strongly recommends using logic and being guided in business not by emotions, but by common sense.

Eight of Wands: Meaning in Love and Relationships

Direct position
A period of falling in love arises, which can become love at first sight. Such terms as eroticism and attractiveness are not excluded from human destiny. In addition, people may rekindle old relationships that seemed irrelevant.

When laying out the cards for love and relationships, you can count on peace and mutual understanding. Even if a quarrel or conflict occurs between people, under the influence of this favorable card, everything will be settled.

People in love will feel happy, they will uncontrollably strive to be together. Perhaps their feelings are not so deep, but the feeling of excitement, love, euphoria is felt immediately when you see them together.

Reversed position
The inverted Arcana has a negative effect on a person who is trying to put pressure on his partner. He may incorrectly assess the relationship with his loved one, misinterpret his actions, and experience a feeling of jealousy.

This leads to quarrels and scandals. He seems to distance himself from his loved one, but shows unreasonable trust in an unfamiliar person. And this trust will not be justified.

It may happen that he does not want to preserve the shattered relationships in the family. As a result, he will decide to no longer fight for love and his union.

Classic combination with the suit of Swords

8 of Wands, Four and Eight of Swords

Swords, as you know, are under the protection of the element of Air, and Wands are under the protection of the element of fire.

  • Ace advises to get down to business without delay. The idea that your friends or partners offer you is a great idea and should be implemented quickly.
  • Two says that a truce should be concluded with the enemies. Throw away the curtains that have been on your eyes for so long, look at the world from a different angle. Not everything is as bad as it seems.
  • Three promises sad news.
  • Four of Swords - numerous delays, slippage in business.
  • Five - be on guard. Beware of provocative antics from your inner circle.
  • Six says that difficulties can be overcome, there will be no obstacles ahead.
  • Seven - you have entered a thorny, slippery and wrong path.
  • Eight warns of an unfortunate combination of affairs and circumstances.
  • Nine - you will be hurt.
  • Ten is a plight.
  • Page – quarrels, discord, provocations.
  • The knight symbolizes chaos, confusion, uncertainty.
  • The Queen is a divergence of interests and opinions. Alternatively, the intervention of a cruel and self-confident woman.
  • The king advises not to struggle with difficulties alone; seek help and advice from friends.

Eight of Wands: Meaning in Situation and Issue

Direct position
The speed of correct action in many circumstances is noticeable when the card is laid out for the situation. A person himself is able to influence his situation, speed up its processes at his own request. He is ready to use innovative methods and make quick and correct decisions.

The dynamics of the process and the profitability of contracts are felt in the cases.
There is a chance to conclude a profitable agreement with foreign business partners. The map shows that new long-term development trends await people. Getting a new position can also be a positive aspect of this Arcana. The inverted position
of the Arcana is characterized by urgent matters and lack of time. There may be interference at work. The card warns a person that hasty actions threaten danger, perhaps more serious than one might expect.

Given the situation, it may happen that a person will not only encounter problems, they will take him by surprise. Under the influence of Arkan, a person will feel that there is an influential person in his life, that he can count on his strength in any situation, but in reality he will not be such. Obstacles, rash and hasty actions await a person.

Interpretation in health scenarios

With the card in an upright position, we can talk about three aspects of a person’s health:

  1. The presence of excessive activity, in other words, hyperactivity;
  2. Disturbance of the biological clock, sleep problems. Poor quality sleep;
  3. The production of excessive amounts of adrenaline as a protective reaction of the body.

For a more complete interpretation of the 8 of Wands, its meaning can be expanded by taking into account combinations with neighboring cards. For example, when combined with the suit of Cups, one can talk about psychological protection and a malfunction of the nervous system.

When reversed, the card symbolizes a slowdown in recovery or a loss of strength after a grueling project. A sudden change in sleep patterns is possible against a person’s will, probably due to a sleepless night.

Eight of Wands: Card of the Day Meaning

A day when a person can receive joy and prosperity from fate. Only positive events and desired changes will occur. You should expect good news (in the form of a letter, a phone call). A person will remember this day as successful and happy.

If a person decides to take up some new business, then he will succeed in it very well. He will be able to achieve excellent success, and even much earlier than he himself expected. Long-term plans will also come true. On this day, amazing and unexpected events will happen that will completely change your whole life in a minute.

Description of the image

Looking at the lasso with the eight staves, you can see that it depicts a clear cloudless sky, a winding blue river and green hills. And wands or staves are flying right in the sky.

There are exactly 8 of them and they do not intersect anywhere, since they are practically parallel to each other. And there is nothing else on the map, since in essence the eight of staves represents the current moment in time.

After all, if there is no person, then there will simply be no one to track time. And therefore there is no past or future on the map, just as there is no present. It's just one huge pause.

And staves flying across the sky can be perceived as swift and powerful arrows that are inexorably approaching one intended target. And there are only a few short seconds left before it.

But the number "8" is also a symbol of strength. And therefore the Eight of Wands Tarot card seems to say - don’t make plans for the future, live in the present. And often does not give an accurate answer to the questions posed.

This lasso only indicates the fact that the time suitable for an answer has not yet come. And any issue is not particularly important right now, so it’s worth directing your efforts to something else.

Eight of Wands: Card Advice

Of course, the card implies unexpected events in life. And you need to be prepared for situations that can significantly change a lot in a person’s life. Those issues that seemed dead-end need to be resolved. The changes that will occur must be taken for granted.

The time has come for action, and you need to develop, move forward, plan your next steps. The main thing is that these favorable changes do not turn a person’s head, so that he does not lose ground under his feet. His ideas must not lose touch with reality.

The Eight of Wands card directs a person to the efficiency of actions that will be associated with both professional activities and personal life.

Classic combination with the suit of Cups

8 of Wands, Page and Knight of Cups

The suit of Water and its influence on the 8 staves.

  • Ace of Cups and Eight - go towards adventure.
  • Two - love, romance, flirting.
  • Troika - a party on the occasion of good news or a successfully completed project.
  • Four – a sad journey, sadness.
  • Five promises conflicts, the initiator of which will be the questioner.
  • Six advises completing things unfinished in the past.
  • Seven is a thorny path.
  • Eight says that you are going the wrong way.
  • Nine - dreams come true, you just need to choose the right direction.
  • Ten is a return. Meetings that bring mutual joy. Family happiness.
  • The Page of Cups advises you to respond to a lucrative offer.
  • The knight promises love adventures, a novel with a continuation.
  • The queen symbolizes a beloved older woman.
  • The king personifies a man dear to his heart. A relative or close friend.

Questions that can be answered by drawing a card

In a situation where a person wants to get answers to a wide variety of questions, it is best to use a classic Tarot deck, which contains 78 cards. Suitable options for this are Rider Waite or Albert Crowley.

But this is not the only option; there is also a way to find out in more detail, for example, the erotic and love aspects of life. The original Manara is suitable for this. A deck of gnome cards will provide an opportunity to learn different aspects of personality for those who are just joining the world of Tarot. Since Tarot magic is quite an ancient practice that has transformed over time. Therefore, they require certain experience and the development of intuition in terms of interpreting certain combinations of arcana.

But, for example, the Dürer deck shown in the photo is suitable for those who want to join the world of spiritual practices and the unknown on a more subtle level. The cards here combine beautiful external execution, which is reminiscent of ancient engravings, and make it possible to reveal in more detail the inner world of a person and his real spiritual aspirations.

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Combinations with the Major Arcana

In any fortune telling, not one card appears, but several at once.

And along with the scepter card, major arcana often appear, which can change its main designation as follows:

  • Moon - warns of a high probability of getting bogged down in your own lies;
  • Star - speaks of an improvement in the situation for the better, despite everything that is happening at a given moment in time;
  • Lovers - symbolizes love arrows that hit the heart of the fortuneteller or the person for whom the alignment is being performed;
  • Hermit - portends emptiness and loneliness for a very long time;
  • Magician - acts as a recommendation to speed up current events and processes;
  • Jester - acts as a symbol of a protracted period of doing nothing and fooling around;
  • Peace is a recommendation to take advantage of the available protection;
  • The sun - foreshadows the glory approaching a certain person;
  • Tower - indicates a conscious opening of the inflamed “abscess”;
  • Death - personifies the changes progressing in the fortuneteller’s life;
  • The Hanged Man - warns of the approaching time when thunder will strike in the middle of a clear cloudless sky;
  • Justice – advises taking a specific case to court;
  • Force – warns of a serious threat of force;
  • Wheel of Fortune - personifies the bright cycle of events occurring in life;
  • Emperor - is the messenger of important news at home or at work;
  • Hierophant - acts as a messenger of serious events regarding the family;
  • The High Priestess - talks about the need to reveal other people's plans.

Thanks to the listed designations, the interpretation of the 8 staves will become much simpler and clearer. And the necessary answers to the questions posed will help to better understand what is currently happening in the life of the fortuneteller.

List of Key Ideas

The Arcana of Eight Staves carries several basic ideas with which the card is literally permeated:

  • high goals and objectives;
  • You should never rush or rush;
  • It’s worth taking a short pause;
  • there is no need to interfere with what is happening at the moment;
  • it is worth letting events take their course;
  • There is no need to waste time, it is important not to miss the right moment.

Having familiarized yourself with all the listed ideas, the card with the eight of staves will become easier to decipher. And by drawing out the card of wands in fortune telling, it will be much easier to understand their meaning and realize the important meaning that they carry.

Lesson for self-development

After drawing the card of wands, you must wait patiently. You just need to stop and watch how the events unfold. You should never rush recklessly forward, not noticing anything and anyone around you. So you can miss something important in life.

Often a situation that arises offers several options for the development of an event. And it is necessary to consider each of them in order to think through all the possible consequences.

It is very important that the decisions made fully correspond to the contour situations. And they were not accepted separately from them. Only this approach will allow you to achieve significant success in life.

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