Feng Shui elephant is black. Why give an elephant with its trunk down? Feng Shui elephant. What does it mean

In the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, much attention is paid to talismans. According to ancient Asian mythology, figurines of animals and gods attract good luck in business and have a beneficial effect on all areas of life. One of these talismans in Feng Shui is the elephant.

It should be noted that the elephant is revered in many Asian countries. The image of this animal can be found on coins, religious attributes and symbols of power.

What does this big beast represent? Is it possible to use his image and image in the form of a figurine to obtain the desired benefits?

Different meanings of the Elephant mascot in different cultures

Elephants have earned respect in different countries of the world and religions. In ancient times they believed that it was 3 elephants that supported the firmament and the planet itself. .

There are different interpretations of the talisman:

  1. Christianity. The elephant crushing the snake appears as the winner in the confrontation between light and darkness.
  2. Buddhism . Here the animal is related to the appearance of the Buddha. According to legend, the Mayan queen dreamed of a white elephant entering her right side. The astrologers prophesied to the woman the imminent appearance of a boy who would become a great ruler or an enlightened one. It is a symbol of wisdom, prudence, love and stability.
  3. Among the peoples of India . The animal is considered the king of beasts, personifies longevity, invincible strength, and health. The ancestor of all elephants is considered to be Airatva, a mythical creature that emerged from the oceans. The image of an elephant is associated with the god Ganesha.
  4. The Chinese teaching of Feng Shui uses an amulet to attract prosperity. It is believed that a figurine of an animal with a long trunk can attract good luck to a person, just as an elephant does when it drinks water.

What color should elephants be?

At one time, white porcelain elephants were considered especially fashionable and popular. Was this due to the easiest and simplest mass production of white porcelain figurines?

Currently, you can buy an elephant figurine at any store. It is best to buy an elephant with a natural color. Elephants, depending on where they are in the wild, can have different colors, and even pink. The color also depends on the color of the earth dust in which the animals may lie.

If we talk about white elephants, they have always been considered a solar symbol, i.e. solar divine being.

In addition, Buddhists believe that a white elephant

symbolizes the removal of the shackles of dependence on earthly goods and worldly existence. This means that the Buddhist symbol of the white elephant, i.e. The Bodhisattva literally awakens the consciousness of people and the desire to save all life in the world. The white elephant symbolizes love and kindness, prudence and compassion.

Types of talismans

It is difficult to single out one meaning for this talisman. His image is associated with many qualities and is used to achieve different goals.

Elephant with trunk down

Such amulets are extremely rare. Many people mistakenly believe that a trunk looking down brings sadness and a depressive mood.

The talisman will bring constancy, peace, the joy of motherhood and family happiness to the house. A lowered trunk represents abundance and fertility and protects against evil spirits. It is advisable to place the figurine in the bedroom, nursery or living room.

With his trunk raised

This image of the animal is considered the most common. By bending its trunk, the elephant enjoys life and attracts positive energy . If he does not give in to obstacles and does not lower his trunk, his owner should only hope for the best.

Such a figurine will become a magnet for money, luck and all kinds of benefits. Place the talisman only facing the window.
This will make it possible to find a lucky star in the sky, which will bring happiness to the house.

Number of figures

You can find various figures on sale. Each will have its own meaning and action. The number of elephants has a big influence:

  • 1. Protects against negative energy and brings good luck to the house. Add attractiveness to your owner and increase self-esteem.
  • 2. Will help you meet your loved one.
  • Elephant with baby or couple. This is a symbol of the birth of offspring, the protection of children and the strengthening of family ties.

  • 3. Contribute to the birth of the baby.

  • 4.0 They will help the owner get rich and bring stability to the house.
  • 5. They will attract changes in life and help in new endeavors.

  • 6. Help in love and communication with your other half.
  • 7. A magic number that represents complete harmony of good.
  • 8. They will protect you in difficult situations and help you find the right solution.
  • 9. Promote the development of mental abilities.
  • 10. They promise dramatic changes for the better.
  • 11. Give the owner health, strength and good spirits.

Attention! When purchasing a figurine, you should find out its features and secret meaning in advance.

Amulet of family and harmony – 7 elephants

7 elephants can bring complete well-being in everything. The symbol is initially endowed with powerful power, as it combines the number 7, which is very significant for everyone.

The talisman is considered a model of harmony and balance and carries everything you need for a happy life.

Varieties of elephants according to Feng Shui

White elephants, according to Feng Shui, are designed to protect the home from unfavorable energy and contribute to the preservation of the family.

A very popular figurine of an elephant with her baby. Their tandem symbolizes motherhood; it is recommended to place it in the home of those people who dream of offspring. Families who already have children can also take advantage of it. In this case, the amulet will protect the kids from life’s failures and ensure good relationships between generations.

Three elephants symbolize the trinity of heaven, earth and man; they will help to achieve harmony in different areas of life.

Seven of elephants. According to Feng Shui, it is a very favorable number, meaning the completion of a cycle (the duration of lunar cycles is 7 days). Thanks to this, the seven elephants will attract various benefits to your home: great luck, long life, health, love, mutual understanding, happiness, and wealth.

You can also find elephants with additional talismans, for example, the Feng Shui combination of elephant + toad is very popular. But pay attention to the fact that Feng Shui calls for harmony and does not recommend placing different talismans in the same sector, as this can lead to an imbalance in energy. The elephant acts as a self-sufficient talisman that has enormous power. And the best thing to do would be to use it yourself.

The only exception will be the activation of the amulet through various decorations (chains, beads, etc.). With their help, you will cajole your elephant so that he will perform his service even better. Why should you focus on jewelry? There is an explanation for this. Previously, when elephants were used as carriers, they were decorated with very beautiful embroidered capes, pom-poms and so on.

Selecting a location

The location of the figurine determines its impact and the power it exerts..

You can choose the following places for the mascot:

  1. Two figures opposite the entrance to your home will protect you from unexpected guests and negativity.
  2. Sharp corners carry negative Sha energy. Figures turned with their trunks towards the corners will protect them from harmful effects.
  3. North-west side of the house. The talisman will support the head of the family and normalize relationships.
  4. Southeast. The figurine will bring stability and promote financial growth.
  5. Eastern part of the house. The owner will become stronger or more resilient.
  6. A figurine on your desktop will increase your productivity and help you in new endeavors.
  7. In a children's room, a figurine helps the child fall in love with knowledge and become more diligent and patient.

Reference! To achieve harmony, you should not place the figurine in dark corners or on unkempt shelves.

Where to place it?

The elephant removes the destructive energy of the corners in the room. It is better to place the animal figurine in the southeast in the wealth sector.

The financial well-being of household members depends on the cleanliness and illumination of this area. Cosmic energy loves everything bright, clean and beautiful in the room. Harmony in the southeastern zone means a rich and fulfilling life for the inhabitants of the house.

Talismans occupy a special place in the development of space. Seven elephants will bring prosperity and stability. A strong animal will help its owners overcome any difficulties. The talisman will protect household members from negative energy.

Elephant is a talisman for children. The figurine can be placed not only in the southeast, but also in the western sector of the children. The talisman will bring them good luck.

Blue elephant figurines are installed in the north, if it faces this side, which will protect the house from robberies.

When choosing one or another style of apartment, you can give preference to safari. Elephants in a wooden interior will complement the other inhabitants of the “reserve”. One room is designed in a bright style, where you can place an armchair by the Spanish designer Maximo Riera.

An artist-designer creates a furniture zoo. Among his creations is a chair with the head of a black elephant. It is made in the shape of an animal. The designer studies the anatomical features of animals, makes paintings and drawings in their style. The price of the chair is 315,000 rubles.


There are no strict recommendations for choosing a mascot. It can be made from any material . It can be metal, wood, ceramics and even textiles.

A popular talisman is with a female elephant and a baby elephant inside made of sandalwood.

Rubber toys and posters work well. Only the symbol itself has meaning, so you can make the amulet with your own hands.

Activation of the talisman

This amulet, unlike others, does not require special activation. His magical power works without rituals. It is important to love the elephant and coax it well . To do this, you can hang a precious metal chain on the figurine, and decorate the picture with sparkles or other decor. Only ivory jewelry can anger an animal.

Elephants by nature are endowed with unique characteristics. They are loved and revered in different countries. Knowing how to use a figurine correctly, you can radically improve your life.

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How to activate energy?

If you have studied Feng Shui, then, of course, you know about the need to activate any talisman or amulet. If not, be sure to spend time on this issue.

Add beauty to it, decorate it, as the elephant is a big fan of decorations. He will like beads, bracelets, necklaces wrapped around his neck or legs. If you do this, then you can safely expect a pleasant turn in fate, the elephant will be very grateful. The elephant also loves precious metals, try storing your chains and bracelets on it.

This can be explained simply - the elephant will not approve of the killing of its own kind and will punish you for it. It’s better to choose a decent bright frame for the elephant, he loves it. This could be a bright napkin or a multi-colored silk flap in the form of a scarf. Conversations with an elephant one-on-one will accumulate its energy and awaken it. Of course, it is necessary to wash the dust and care for the talisman more often.

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