What does an elephant, rhinoceros, lion, crocodile, bull, gazelle, panther, giraffe symbolize?

Today we suggest you understand the meaning of a rhinoceros tattoo. It is generally considered masculine. And it is no coincidence, because there is absolutely nothing feminine or beautiful in him, only masculine strength, power, aggression and warlike disposition. You don't see a rhinoceros tattoo very often. The fact is that its appearance is specific and it has an ambiguous meaning. Such an image may not be suitable for everyone, and therefore, before making it, it is important to think carefully about everything.

This animal is rightfully considered one of the most controversial symbols. Sometimes it can behave quite aggressively, but still, basically the animal leads a passive lifestyle. It can graze in large meadows and still be in solitude.

The rhinoceros has no special connection with the earth. It personifies stability and stability. The rhinoceros is a strong and resilient animal that has truly explosive energy. The horn of an animal means security, success and high feelings.

Since ancient times, people have revered the rhinoceros and at the same time believed in its uniqueness, even seeing something magical in it. The animal seems to bring light, and even enlightenment, to all of us.

The Chinese are convinced that the rhinoceros can attract good luck. The people of China endowed this animal with a meaning that speaks of uncontrollability.

What does a rhinoceros tattoo mean?

A spectacular body image with a rhinoceros is not so common, but is still sometimes chosen by representatives of both sexes. Most often they prefer realism and tribal styles. Such a body image can become an excellent amulet for both men and women.

Thanks to spiritual vision, such a tattoo will help you see the truth. In addition, thanks to such a tattoo, you will always have an invisible connection with nature, and also learn to appreciate everything that it gives and notice the miracles that often happen in our lives.

A beautiful body image in the form of a special animal represents constancy, stability and a changeable attitude towards life. A rhinoceros tattoo is perfect for self-confident people who are not used to changing their own beliefs. Such a person cannot be broken by troubles and sorrows.

The horn was often endowed with magical powers. It is known that it can protect you from negative events in life and at the same time bring success. Longevity is associated with the horn. In addition, it symbolizes the purity that often fills human souls, and even helps to meet love.

Sometimes a person with such a special tattoo can feel that he is under the care of a rhinoceros. The Rhinoceros will teach a person to love nature and all the beautiful things that exist everywhere.

What does an elephant, rhinoceros, lion, crocodile, bull, gazelle, panther, giraffe symbolize?

According to the encyclopedia “Cyril and Methodius” (site https://megabook.ru).
images and figurines of animals have the following symbolism: Leo: divine, solar energy (symbol of fire and the Sun), royal power, strength, courage, wisdom, justice, patronage, protection, but also cruelty, all-consuming ferocity and death. In Egypt, the lion is a guide to the afterlife, in Greece - guards of death, guards of palaces and treasures. In India, the lion symbolizes the king who united the country in the 3rd century BC. e. Leo is one of the incarnations of Vishnu, who is one of the three supreme gods. According to Hindu beliefs, Vishnu, along with Brahma and Shiva, forms the Trimurti - a triad of supreme deities and is responsible for the order and safety of the universe. Buddha is called "a lion among men." In China and Japan, the lion is the protector of good. Dancing in lion masks (like dancing in dragon masks) was believed to ward off evil spirits. In the Revelation of John the Theologian, Christ is called “the lion of the tribe of Judah.” This biblical image was made into a national imperial symbol in Ethiopia.

Elephant: above all, a symbol of strength. It can be either a gentle, loving force or a violent, destructive force. Elephants are considered to be vindictive because elephants never forget the insults and cruel treatment inflicted on them. The thick skin of an elephant began to symbolize spiritual invulnerability. The elephant is also a symbol of power, insight, prosperity, happiness, personifies the element of Earth, memory, wisdom, longevity, fidelity, patience, compassion. In India, China and Africa, the elephant symbolizes not just power, but royal power. For the Chinese, the elephant symbolizes cosmic energy, strength, and prudence. For Buddhists, the elephant is a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability.

Medieval beliefs that the elephant abstained from sexual intercourse during the long period of its mate's pregnancy made it a symbol of chastity, devotion and love in Europe.

The huge mass and clumsiness of the elephant have now become metaphorical, but there is a wonderful Hindu legend that elephants once flew, but lost this gift after they were cursed by a hermit, whose home, built in the trunk of a banyan tree, they accidentally destroyed at landing. The image of an elephant is widespread on good luck amulets. The image of an elephant carrying earth is preserved in heraldry. The elephant is the official symbol of the Republican Party in the United States. He first appeared in this capacity in 1874 in a cartoon by Thomas Nast, which depicted an elephant trying to trample inflation and chaos.

Rhinoceros: Symbolizes unbridled strength and fury. Known as a Chinese symbol of good luck, strangely associated with learning. Tales claim that its horn helps detect poison. The rhinoceros can also be a sexual symbol. Superstition claims that powdered rhinoceros horn enhances male potency, and its use in traditional Indian medicine may have contributed to the legend of the Unicorn.

Hippopotamus: a symbol of power, gluttony, invincibility and phlegm. The hippopotamus also personifies brute force, destructiveness, fertility, the power of the earth - in contrast to Leviathan, who personifies the power of the sea, and Zizu, who personifies the power of the air. The hippopotamus is another example of an element in front of which man is helpless. In their normal state, hippos (or hippos) are peaceful, but when irritated they become dangerous. Their skin is so thick that it cannot be penetrated by a bullet. “Thick-skinned” is a symbol of an indifferent person whose heart cannot be reached.

In Ancient Egypt, the hippopotamus goddess Tawaret, a meek creature, half-human, half-animal with a huge belly, holds papyrus in her paws, which has protective powers, symbolizing the safety of women and children. On the other hand, she accompanied the destroyer god Set and sometimes served as an instrument of revenge.

The hippopotamus is considered the patron saint of pregnant women, as it symbolizes fertility.

Crocodile: executor of God's punishment, lord of water and earth, life and death, devourer, symbolizing the need to go through death to a new life. To be swallowed by a crocodile is to descend into the underworld. A crocodile with an open mouth symbolizes movement against the current, liberation from the restrictions of the world. Sometimes the crocodile is the guardian of the doors. Possessing the ability to live both on land and in water, it symbolizes the dual nature of man.

According to Pliny, the crocodile and lizard symbolize silence, since they were believed to have no languages.

The crocodile is also identified with the fertility of the waters. The crocodile, emerging from the life-giving waters, is symbolically associated in the triad “earth - snake - crocodile”, in a series of complex symbols “woman - fertility - moisture (water)”, “Moon - periodicity - fish”, etc.

For a European, these tropical animals remain rather a legend and inspire feelings of hostility and unaccountable horror. Carl Jung believes that the crocodile is the archetypal symbol of the apathetic grump. Medieval fabulists used the crocodile as an allegory of hypocrisy. It is believed that a crocodile sheds tears after swallowing its prey. This image remains so in the modern European imagination, as evidenced by the well-known expression “crocodile tears.”

In Ancient Egypt, the crocodile symbolized two different concepts. On the one hand, he was the embodiment of malice and deceit. On the other hand, crocodiles symbolized strength and wisdom; they always appeared on hieroglyphs, meaning that the dead were transformed into crocodiles. The ancient Egyptians personified the crocodile with Typhon, the destroyer demon, but at the same time it was considered a symbol of the Supreme Deity. In Egyptian religious art, death is often depicted as a crocodile; The city of Crocodopolis is named after the crocodile god of fertility, Sebek. Sebek with a crocodile head represents vicious passions, deception, betrayal, secrecy and hypocrisy. Having swallowed the Moon, he sheds “crocodile tears.”

In Africa, the crocodile is considered one of the primitive animals that takes part in initiation rites. The symbolism of rebirth associated with the crocodile is also present in the Liberian (West African) initiation ritual: circumcision scars are considered to be the marks of the jaws of a crocodile swallowing young men, after which they emerge as men. Sacred crocodiles live in specially protected ponds throughout Africa. Sacrifices are made to them, they are approached with a request to fulfill a wish. Among the Dogon, crocodiles are revered as the saviors of the tribe: they helped cross the river, turning into logs from which they made a bridge.

Bull (buffalo): a symbol of fearsome but peaceful force in India, Asia, North America. In India and Southeast Asia, the buffalo is a sacred animal. Yama, the Hindu and Buddhist god of death, rides on a buffalo. The buffalo heart is a symbol of death in Tibet. In China, the calm power of the domestic buffalo is associated with a contemplative life: according to legend, the sage Lao Tzu left China riding a buffalo.

In North America, the bison (the common name for several species of buffalo) symbolizes the power of a tornado, but also prosperity and male fertility. White bison were usually sacrificed to the gods for this reason. After more than 60 million herds of these animals were destroyed by white hunters, the symbolic meaning of the bison was transferred to the cob of maize (corn).

In Spain, the bull is a symbol of victory over death.

Giraffe: symbolizes the desire or ability to reach something far away.

Zebra: symbolizes life, like its stripes, life consists of two alternating stripes, black and white.

Antelope: identified with grace, speed, visual acuity, spiritual ideal. Often the gods use antelope as a means of transportation. Among the Egyptians it is dedicated to Set, but can also personify Osiris and Horus as his opposite. In Asia Minor and Europe, the antelope is a lunar animal associated with the Great Mother. In the Sumerian-Semitic tradition, the antelope is a symbol of Ea and Marduk. Ea-Oannes is the antelope of the underground ocean, Apsu is the antelope of creation. The moon antelope is dedicated to Astarte.

For Hindus, this is the emblem of Shiva. Soma and Chandra harness the antelopes to their chariots. The wind god Pavana rides on an antelope. In Iranian tradition, the antelope is called a gazelle. She is the companion of Vaho, the deity of air and wind. According to Islamic beliefs, the beautiful eyes of the gazelle symbolize a contemplative life.

South African Bushmen consider the antelope to be the embodiment of a supreme being - the creator of the world, Kagna, and in Mali - the central hero of a religious cult, who endowed people with farming skills. In heraldry, the antelope symbolizes ferocious strength and danger. In this case, she is depicted with the head of a tiger, armed with tusks, the body of a powerful deer, and the tail of a unicorn.

In the Afroart gallery you can buy wooden animal figurines made in Kenya (see section “Animal figurines”)

Meaning for men

Most often, a tattoo in the form of a rhinoceros is chosen by representatives of the stronger sex. Their choice is images in the tribal technique and graphics. For them, such a body pattern will mean:

  • constancy, stability
  • self-confidence
  • good luck
  • endurance
  • aggression
  • energy
  • security

A tattoo in the form of a rhinoceros will tell about the stability and constancy of its owner. Men with a similar body image are successful in life and very energetic.

In addition, such a tattoo can tell about the endurance and self-confidence of its owner.

Sometimes men choose such a tattoo not because of its special symbolism, but because of the beauty of the design.


The rhinoceros is a strong, fearless, brave animal. A distinctive feature of this majestic beast is the powerful horn in the nose area. This is the animal’s pride and natural defense. With the help of a horn, he makes his way through impassable bushes and gets his prey.

The rhino figurine looks naturalistic and very powerful.

The rhinoceros is one of the most beloved and significant protective figures in the art of Feng Shui. A powerful talisman can prevent robberies, thefts, bitter losses, unpleasant incidents, and accidents. It will give you happiness in your home, success in business and achieving noble goals, and will eliminate negative emotions and events.

Which rhino figures have special powers?

White, gray, black, silver and golden rhinoceroses look beautiful in the interior of the room. They can be monochromatic or combine several colors. Sometimes the figures are decorated with decor, shiny lines, and dots.

But the blue rhinoceros has special protective powers. It is valued for its ability to neutralize negative energy and transform it into positive energy. Using special calculations, experts can find out the location of the so-called “theft star” in the house. If you place the figurine in this exact place, it will reliably protect your home from theft, aggression, and invasion of any kind of negativity. Will prevent ill-wishers from evil thoughts and actions.

What materials are rhinoceros figurines made from?

Rhinoceros figurines can be made from various materials. Natural wood, stone, and metal can further increase the power of the talisman, attracting the positive energy of nature into the house.

  • Wooden figurines multiply the natural forces of the body, help restore energy, and have a positive effect on the nervous system.
  • Metal figurines strengthen strength and grit, train endurance, and accumulate the power of heaven.
  • Figurines made of ceramics, porcelain, and crystal are also very popular. They greatly increase the protective capabilities of the talisman and neutralize the negative impact of others.

Where to place the rhinoceros figurine?

The protective talisman can be placed in any corner of the house. But there are some helpful location tips that are sure to achieve the results you want.

  • A figurine in the living room will protect your home from the entry of people with bad thoughts. And if there are two rhinoceroses at the main entrance, this is double protection from evil! They will become faithful guards of the monastery. Moreover, animals must necessarily “look” towards the doors and watch for incoming persons.
  • If the figure is placed in a car, it will be excellent protection from unforeseen dangerous situations and accidents. Many drivers buy such amulets to make a long journey also happy!
  • A rhinoceros on the desktop will protect employees from gossip and envy and helps create a good atmosphere in the team. It also helps strengthen character - it will help overcome self-doubt and shyness. Your career will definitely go up!
  • If you place the figures of a rhinoceros and an elephant next to each other, then the above properties will add a sense of stability, resilience, and balance.

A figurine of a rhinoceros will look noble and majestic in your home. With such a wonderful talisman, you can make the most daring plans and confidently move towards your goal! Protection and support are guaranteed to you!

Source of the article: https://www.ekstrasensy.su/fenshuj/nosorog

Meaning for women

Sometimes women also choose a rhinoceros tattoo. Ladies often prefer drawings in the style of watercolors and realism. Such tattoos for the fair sex will mean:

  • constancy
  • desire to be protected
  • energy
  • endurance

A spectacular body image with a rhinoceros can tell about the constancy and energy of its owner.

Such a woman is confident in herself, but at the same time dreams of feeling protected. At the same time, such a body image can mean endurance. Although sometimes women choose such tattoos not because of their special symbolic meaning, but because of the beauty of the design.

How to use blue color according to Feng Shui in an apartment

Like any other color, blue and its many shades help activate certain sectors and enhance human abilities.


This is a good option for a children's room, especially if the child has reached school age. Azure-colored walls will increase self-esteem, help you concentrate and at the same time feel calm, at ease - peaceful and relaxed.


Blue color in the bedroom according to Feng Shui is also an excellent solution. Just give preference to its light shades, for example, sea green. It will be a good place to relax in such a bedroom; blue walls will help get rid of insomnia and anxiety.


In the office, light shades of blue will help you get into a creative mood and find elusive inspiration - so they are especially suitable for a creative person, for example, an artist or writer.

It is worth remembering that everything is good in moderation. If the walls are painted blue, then the accessories, floor and ceiling should be of other colors - an excess of azure will make you sad and depressed. Sometimes it’s enough not to even paint the walls, but just to place accents in the interior with the help of things blue in order to experience its positive influence without going into soul-searching and emotional instability.

Which image to choose for a tattoo?

There are many different variations of a rhinoceros tattoo. Undoubtedly, among the most special ones are those made using the realism technique. Such wearable images are impressive and natural.

Tattoos in the tribal style look no less original. Such tattoos contain beautiful patterns. Body images in watercolor style resemble drawings with watercolors and look very beautiful on both a delicate female and a strong male body.

A tattoo using the graphic technique looks no less impressive. Most often, such images are chosen by supporters of minimalism.

You can get a beautiful tattoo on any part of the body.


The rhinoceros is a strong, fearless, brave animal. A distinctive feature of this majestic beast is the powerful horn in the nose area. This is the animal’s pride and natural defense. With the help of a horn, he makes his way through impassable bushes and gets his prey.

The rhino figurine looks naturalistic and very powerful.

The rhinoceros is one of the most beloved and significant protective figures in the art of Feng Shui. A powerful talisman can prevent robberies, thefts, bitter losses, unpleasant incidents, and accidents. It will give you happiness in your home, success in business and achieving noble goals, and will eliminate negative emotions and events.

Which rhino figures have special powers?

White, gray, black, silver and golden rhinoceroses look beautiful in the interior of the room. They can be monochromatic or combine several colors. Sometimes the figures are decorated with decor, shiny lines, and dots.

But the blue rhinoceros has special protective powers. It is valued for its ability to neutralize negative energy and transform it into positive energy. Using special calculations, experts can find out the location of the so-called “theft star” in the house. If you place the figurine in this exact place, it will reliably protect your home from theft, aggression, and invasion of any kind of negativity. Will prevent ill-wishers from evil thoughts and actions.

What materials are rhinoceros figurines made from?

Rhinoceros figurines can be made from various materials. Natural wood, stone, and metal can further increase the power of the talisman, attracting the positive energy of nature into the house.

  • Wooden figurines multiply the natural forces of the body, help restore energy, and have a positive effect on the nervous system.
  • Metal figurines strengthen strength and grit, train endurance, and accumulate the power of heaven.
  • Figurines made of ceramics, porcelain, and crystal are also very popular. They greatly increase the protective capabilities of the talisman and neutralize the negative impact of others.

Where to place the rhinoceros figurine?

The protective talisman can be placed in any corner of the house. But there are some helpful location tips that are sure to achieve the results you want.

  • A figurine in the living room will protect your home from the entry of people with bad thoughts. And if there are two rhinoceroses at the main entrance, this is double protection from evil! They will become faithful guards of the monastery. Moreover, animals must necessarily “look” towards the doors and watch for incoming persons.
  • If the figure is placed in a car, it will be excellent protection from unforeseen dangerous situations and accidents. Many drivers buy such amulets to make a long journey also happy!
  • A rhinoceros on the desktop will protect employees from gossip and envy and helps create a good atmosphere in the team. It also helps strengthen character - it will help overcome self-doubt and shyness. Your career will definitely go up!
  • If you place the figures of a rhinoceros and an elephant next to each other, then the above properties will add a sense of stability, resilience, and balance.

A figurine of a rhinoceros will look noble and majestic in your home. With such a wonderful talisman, you can make the most daring plans and confidently move towards your goal! Protection and support are guaranteed to you! Alexander, November 6, 2014.

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