The living power of a waterfall - what it symbolizes according to Feng Shui, how to use it correctly

Feng Waterfall In Feng Shui philosophy, sources of water, namely fountains and waterfalls, bring with them abundant wealth and good luck. Water in motion is the most important element of the ancient Eastern philosophy of Feng Shui. Such bodies of water as waterfalls and fountains are very popular in the science of Feng Shui, as they carry with them the energy of water, and water, first of all, is an ancient Eastern symbol of prosperity and wealth. It is recommended to locate your Feng Shui fountain or waterfall, guided by the Feng Shui energy map, which allows for the interaction of certain Feng Shui elements.

It is not advisable to install a fountain in the southern zone, because this zone is the zone of reputation, fame and illumination, and its element is fire. By placing a water symbol in the fire zone, you will provoke a clash of energies, and this will negatively affect the lives of family members. Also, it is not recommended to place water sources in the bedroom, regardless of its location. According to Feng Shui, a waterfall carries the energy of water, which can bring disturbance to the bedroom.

If you bought a real fountain, then you need to make sure that the water in it is always fresh. Under no circumstances should water be polluted, because this will certainly affect your financial capital. It is also necessary to ensure that water does not leak out of the fountain. Practice suggests that buying a waterfall according to Feng Shui is of exceptionally good quality with a motor that will be inaudible and so that the fountain itself can be easily kept clean at all times. Another positive plus is that the source of water in the room will humidify the dry air, especially in winter, when radiators and other heating devices dry out the air.

According to Feng Shui, a waterfall is directly related to money. Photos depicting fountains will certainly help attract endless monetary abundance into your life. Also, reservoirs certainly bring profit and good luck to life. To enhance the activation of useful energy, it is worth placing several stones in the fountain, corresponding to the zone in which the reservoir is located.

To bring money into your business or home, you need to place a Feng Shui waterfall in the corner of the hallway or corridor.

In this case, every time you leave home or come to work, you will be able to pass by it, enriching yourself with its positive energy. It is always worth placing images, or the ponds themselves, inside your premises, and not outside.

What does water mean in Feng Shui?

Water acts as a powerful energy component. Its presence in the home creates harmony in the surrounding space and attracts good luck, prosperity and health like a magnet. The name Feng Shui itself means “wind and water” in Chinese. The element of water occupies a dominant place in the philosophy of Feng Shui.

Water, being the basis of all life on Earth, is of paramount importance. This is a powerful element, the presence of which in the house can revive relationships, add novelty and color to them.

All attributes in the house associated with it, be it a fountain, an aquarium or a money waterfall, according to teaching, can attract financial well-being. In the near future, career growth or profit from other sources is possible.

Flower images

Particularly important in Feng Shui is the depiction of flowers.

Sakura represents the five aspects of life (based on the number of petals) - luck, prosperity, health, happiness and peace. The best place for a “sakura” painting is in the bedroom. It is good to place it in the love sector in the southeast and in the family sector in the east. But the image of sakura is also appropriate in the kitchen and living room.

Feng Shui painting with cherry blossoms in the kitchen

Orchid is a symbol of romance, love, family happiness, patronage. A painting depicting an orchid can be placed in different sectors. In the love sector, the orchid normalizes relationships between spouses and helps to regain lost passion. Placing the “orchid” painting in the east will help improve health and restore vigor. If you hang images of orchids in the northern sector, your business will be more profitable and your career will be more successful. Relationships with others will improve after the orchid activates the northwestern sector of patronage.

Feng Shui painting with an orchid in the living room

Peonies symbolize hot feelings, passion, new relationships. Peonies are the most powerful symbol of love. Single girls can use the “peonies” painting to activate the love sector by hanging it in the living room or bedroom above the bed. Immediately after the companion is found, you will need to remove the “peonies” painting from a prominent place in the bedroom and hang it, for example, in the corridor or hallway. To refresh relationships and for new sensations in love, married couples can also decorate the wall in the living room and the wall opposite the entrance to the bedroom with a painting of “peonies”. It is better for married couples not to keep peonies in the bedroom itself, in order to avoid a surge of feelings that can lead to betrayal.

Painting with peonies in the living room according to Feng Shui

Water is one of the main sources of positive energy in Feng Shui. If you live in a house or apartment far from bodies of water and you do not have the opportunity to frequently visit sources of life-giving moisture, then why not build a waterfall right in your home!

What does a waterfall mean according to feng shui?

According to Feng Shui, a waterfall represents a living, rapid flow of the water element. This is an important component of the entire natural balance, one of the fundamental elements of the five elements of all things. It is noteworthy that it is the element of water that is highlighted by eastern practices most of all: it is believed that it is she who personifies the ancestor of all life on earth and is an integral part of the living energy of Qi.

The element of water, placed in residential decoration, can attract harmony, health and peace of mind, even well-being and happiness into the house. A fountain and a waterfall are of great importance according to Feng Shui: it is believed that these two forms of the element of water represent living energy, in constant motion. Living, fast-moving and changing water invariably improves the emotional situation in an apartment or house; a flowing stream can instantly transform the vibrations of invisible energies in a home.

Feng Shui practitioners also claim that even a photograph or drawing of a waterfall carries this powerful charge of living energy. Therefore, you should not be upset if the dimensions of your living space do not allow you to install even a small waterfall in your house. Images of fountains, rushing rivers, waterfalls or streams will come to the rescue.

The main condition is that you should not place pictures with “dead”, stagnant water in your apartment. Lakes or ponds are traditionally avoided when decorating residential furniture in Feng Shui; such paintings should not be placed on the walls of residential premises, because the water depicted on them is stagnant, and therefore does not have any positive energy.

A waterfall is a symbol of perpetual motion, a catalyst for the process of renewal and regeneration, a powerful source of original vital energy and rebirth.

If you want to harmoniously arrange your home and adjust the flow of living vibrations in it, then you should definitely resort to paintings and photographs depicting a waterfall.

A similar sign

Living water flow has always been of great importance in the East: in any picturesque garden or estate there was certainly a stream or fountain.

According to Feng Shui, a waterfall is of great importance in the overall flow of all living energies in a person’s home, because it clearly symbolizes the element of water. It is simply impossible to achieve a harmonious atmosphere in your home or apartment if the balance of all living elements has been disrupted.

Feng Shui paintings with water

Place a painting or photograph of a waterfall in your home, and you will be surprised to find that positive changes will not be long in coming. In particular, Feng Shui advises those people who live in densely populated cities, remote from wildlife, to resort to this trick. And for residents of apartments in high-rise buildings, this technique will regularly relieve the stress that accumulates during the day and eliminate the feeling of immobility of life and stagnation (this is very important in apartment buildings, where the flow of Qi energy is initially disrupted).

In addition, water is also a symbol of abundance, wealth and good luck. It attracts material well-being, a favorable outcome of any financial transactions, prosperity and luxury into the home. A picture of a waterfall has no less power than a real decorative waterfall if it is placed in the right place, from the point of view of Feng Shui philosophy.

Feng Shui meaning of the river

A river in nature flows and bends. It adapts to the landscape of the area. Constant turns and changes of direction? processes natural to the water element. The straight flow of rivers is dangerous for all living things.

A person constantly changes the current, forcing it to move faster. The flow does not calm down. This principle works in Feng Shui.

Feng Shui in Chinese means "wind" and "water". These 2 elements are given the main importance. They carry vital energy qi. They are the progenitors of all living things.

The liquid remembers both bad and good information. Its neutrality was used in ancient Chinese rituals:

  • removed the damage
  • poured when casting spells,
  • treated, restored memory, killed.

The rituals were effective due to the ability of water, charged with information, to penetrate every cell of the human body.

Three-toed toad

Three-toed toad

- a symbol of wealth retention.
Surely you have seen a talisman of a three-toed toad holding a coin in its mouth
, which sits on
or pearls.
And the monk’s cap on her head speaks of spiritual wealth. Once in your home, this talisman will not allow wealth to disappear. It is necessary to “position” the toad
in the northern or southeastern sector with its back to the entrance.
There is an ancient legend that the three-toed toad
was evil and very greedy.
Buddha caught her and decided that from now on she should help people. And in order to save her from excessive greed, he forced her to bring people money
Then the toad
began to appear in houses in the evenings and spit out
gold coins.

What does the waterfall symbolize?

A waterfall in an apartment symbolizes the flow of vital energy and strength, prosperity and wealth.

Water is not only a symbol of monetary well-being. Its presence in the house will enliven the space, add freshness and coolness, help you relax and collect your thoughts. This element helps to forget about problems and troubles and relieve fatigue. It is also a cure for bad mood and prevents depression.

Circulating water must be clean and fresh, because cloudy and stagnant water is a source of negative energy.

There are many different options for designing a waterfall. They can have any configuration, color and size, depending on the preferences of the home owners. If space allows, you can install a natural waterfall at home. A clean, babbling stream will attract positive energy into the house.

Waterfalls with a powerful water flow have a beneficial effect on the microclimate of the room and its residents.

Small decorative waterfalls also fit well into the interior, and their quiet sound of falling water is soothing, having a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

If the area of ​​the apartment does not allow the installation of such structures, you can mount a wall-mounted waterfall or hang a picture of falling water.

No less popular are figurines depicting a waterfall made of coins. They may look different. In most cases, it is a bowl, as if suspended in the air, from which a stream of coins flows, falling into the saucer.

Sectors and zones of the premises

Focusing on the cardinal directions, we will determine the sectors in the apartment according to Feng Shui:

  • In the north is the career sector. You need to pay attention to this sector in the house if there are problems with work. Activation colors: blue, cyan, white, black.
  • In the south is the sector of fame and aspiration. Harmonization of this zone will help in achieving fame, recognition and success. Colors: red and green.
  • In the west there is the sector of children and creativity. This area in the house requires attention when there are problems with children, with their conception and upbringing. This zone is also activated to realize creative ideas. Colors: grey, white, yellow.
  • In the east is the family sector. Disagreements with spouses, parents and children are a reason to pay attention to this zone. Colors: blue, green, brown, black, a little red.
  • In the northwest there is the sector of travel, intuition and patrons. You can activate this zone in difficult moments of life, when outside help is needed. Colors: grey, white, yellow, silver, gold.
  • In the northeast there is the sector of knowledge and wisdom. It is necessary to control the movement of energy in this zone so that there are no problems in studying. This is also the best place in the house to practice yoga and meditation. Colors: yellow, beige, terracotta, orange.
  • In the southwest there is the sector of love and relationships. It is worth harmonizing this sector in the house when problems arise in love, in marriage, in communication with loved ones. Colors: red, pink, brown and all shades of these colors.
  • In the southeast is the wealth sector. Prosperity, material well-being, life satisfaction. Colors: green, violet, lilac, moderately red.
  • In the center of the apartment is the health sector. Being in the center, this zone has an impact not only on the physical health of all family members, but also affects all sectors in the house. It is imperative to maintain a state of harmony in the health sector. Colors: yellow, orange, terracotta and beige.

Feng Shui sectors

Apartment sectors according to Feng Shui

Cute paintings in the nursery

Picture of a calm sea in the dining room

Bright landscape in the dining room

Unusual abstraction in the interior of the living room according to Feng Shui

Optimal place for a waterfall

There is an energy map, by drawing up which you can determine where the waterfall should be in the house. This card provides for the interaction of the 5 main elements in Feng Shui.

The most favorable direction for placing this symbol is southeast. It is not recommended to place it on the south side, since the patron of the South is the element of Fire. In this case, a conflict may arise between the two elements, since Water suppresses Fire.

It is also undesirable to place this symbol in the bedroom, because it can disrupt the balance and harmony of the space, introducing restlessness and anxiety into it, worsening the quality of sleep.

The best place to place it is in the dining room or living room, so the waterfall will imbue the room with energy and strength. This energy flow can enter both through doors and through open windows.

A suitable location is a distance of 2-4 m from the front door on the left, facing it. The flow should be directed towards the door, and not vice versa. The structure should not be high.

If you have a private house, it is recommended to create a small pond in the yard with a fountain or waterfall. The optimal dimensions of such a reservoir should be 104-110.5 cm or 124.5-132 cm. It is undesirable to exceed them, as this will neutralize the positive effect. The movement of water in a reservoir will attract wealth and financial well-being. If you add live fish, this will serve as an addition that will enhance the effect of the main element.

Water element

Decorative fountains and waterfalls are real Qi factories. It is not surprising that many Feng Shui masters recommend installing them to the left of the front door. Water dispels negative energy from external sources; in addition, it helps attract wealth, longevity and prosperity for all inhabitants of the house. The sounds of water murmuring in a decorative waterfall have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. A person who hears melodic sounds calms down and relaxes.

Not every person can afford a real waterfall, even a decorative one. If for some reason you cannot install a waterfall in your house, then replace it with a decorative fountain. The Qi source can be placed anywhere in the house, the only exception is the southern sector. The South is under the protection of Fire, the energy of which is completely incompatible with the energy of the water element. Water will suppress fire, and the confrontation between the two energies will cause an energetic imbalance.

Don't place a waterfall in the bedroom. Water is, first of all, movement, which has no place in the abode of peace. A waterfall in the bedroom will cause concern. It will become more difficult for you to fall asleep due to all sorts of thoughts generated by the energy of the water element.

How to choose a painting and figurine of a waterfall

If the owner of the house cannot draw a picture or take a photograph himself, he buys it. It is better to buy from an amateur artist or photographer who puts his soul into his work.

The buyer should like the appearance of the waterfall. You should take the most natural landscape of untouched nature. It would be good if it was drawn from life during the daytime. Paints should reflect natural color nuances.

Additions in the form of birds, trees, sky, animals can enhance the effect. Anthropological traces should not be present. Images of vehicles, people, buildings, and household objects damage the natural passage of qi.

Make sure that the flow is not interrupted by stones or branches as it moves. The movement of water should be smooth and even.

A painting depicting a cascading stream of water has the same powerful effect as a natural waterfall. Photographs and paintings with a waterfall have a positive effect on the energy of the home. But before you choose this or that illustration of water, you need to figure out what nuances should be present on it.

It is important that the landscape of the painting be as close to natural as possible: natural colors and shades, pristine nature. The presence of animals and birds, green trees and a clear sky against the backdrop of a waterfall is an auspicious symbol.

As for the presence of a person or traces of his activity, such as houses and other structures, household items, transport (including water), it is better not to place such paintings in the house. The presence of these elements in the picture can block the living flow of Qi energy.

The painting should depict daylight hours and the natural tones of the landscape. All kinds of effects that are unnatural for living nature should not be depicted in the picture.

Placing images of water is contraindicated in bedrooms and on the south side of the apartment. A favorable location is the hallway. Source:

What paintings should never be hung in the house?

The ancient Taoist teaching of Feng Shui advises: harmonize your life by harmonizing the surrounding space. Simply put, everything that is in our home should help us live, and not interfere. Of course, this applies to paintings, photographs and any images with which we decorate the walls of our home. Even if you regard Chinese philosophy with some irony, you should not neglect some quite reasonable advice and hinder the movement of life-giving qi energy in your personal universe.

Elena Frolova May 4, 2019

The founders of the teachings of Feng Shui believe that human thoughts are material. If you think about bad things all the time, everything will be bad. And if you cultivate positive thoughts in yourself, then life will improve.

That is why it is not recommended to hang in your home any images that evoke associations with decay, destruction, decay and poverty.

For example:

Ruins. Even a castle, even a once luxurious one. Ruins are ruins, they are a symbol of death. An excellent example is Vasily Maksimov’s painting “Everything is in the Past.” In the foreground is an old lady who dreams of memories of past luxury, and in the background is a crumbling house with columns and a dried-out garden. Look, breathe, be glad that you still have everything ahead of you, and move on.

Broken dishes. Are comments needed here at all? Broken cups, vases, plates are the most common symbol of quarrels, squabbles, ruined lives, and mistakes.

Broken or dried out trees, wilted flowers. If you constantly look at what life has gone from, you will not become an optimist. A constant reminder that everything is perishable makes you depressed.

Poverty of any kind. Rags, humiliating poses - is this what you dream of? Firs Zhuravlev’s painting “Beggar Children” is a true work of art, but it belongs in a museum.

Image of standing water. Feng Shui categorically does not accept ponds and swamps. The word “stagnation” has never had a positive connotation. In stagnant waters, the life-giving energy qi does not circulate.

Images of any defects . All these "absinthe drinkers" usually end up badly. For example, they cut off their ear, paint their self-portrait with a bandaged head... And then their paintings are posthumously sold at auctions for crazy money, and the late author did not have enough to buy bread during his lifetime... In a word, drunkenness, prostitution, drug addiction and other decadence should not flash before through the eyes of a person who strives for purity, physical and moral.

Incomprehensible signs, writing, meaningless images. Firstly, the inscription may have a bad meaning. Secondly, the constant feeling that you don’t understand something will bring discord into your soul.

Pictures that you just don't like. The subject of painting can be the work of a famous and recognized artist, it can be beautifully designed, executed with impeccable taste, but at the same time it can tell you absolutely nothing. You are either bored, anxious, or just not at all. This means that this image cannot harmonize your universe and inspire you. Why should you live someone else's life? Let it be a rug with swans on the wall, let it be any kitsch, but only you and your soul sang at the sight of it.

For the benefit of prosperity

The Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui offers a lot of options for images that bring prosperity and development to a person’s life. For example, a plot with a road going into the distance. Or snow-capped mountain peaks illuminated by the sun. According to Feng Shui theory, a mountain is a symbol of constancy and solidity. Or an elephant is a beautiful, strong animal, a symbol of wealth and stability.

The Chinese philosophy of harmonizing the world attaches particular importance to plants, in particular flowers. The feng shui guru's favorite flower is the peony. The words “blooms and smells” literally evoke the appearance and aroma of this plant. Feng Shui theorists advise placing images of peonies anywhere and everywhere, especially in the bedroom: this will inevitably entail the fall of the shackles of celibacy, passionate love, the awakening of sexuality in experienced spouses and, in general, a continuous fireworks display of feelings.

Now let's go through the rooms.

What paintings to hang in the living room

In this room you welcome guests, think, communicate with family members. The living room is begged for images symbolizing movement: dancing people, running horses, flying birds, ships sailing on the sea, and so on. This will refresh your life and attract an influx of new energy.

If you have a common goal, a dream, hang a picture in your living room that will encourage you to strive for your goal. Thoughts are material, remember?

Are you planning to build a country house - choose an image of your dream mansion and place it in the most visible place

An image of a home where you just want to warm up would also be suitable. Reproductions depicting fluttering butterflies promise profit - the fluttering of butterfly wings has a good effect on the movement of qi energy.

Forest landscapes (without lead clouds and broken trees) are also an option for the living room. Your favorite paintings should be hung in well-lit areas.

If the family is religious, spiritual themes would be appropriate in the living room.

How to decorate a bedroom

Relaxation is what a painting in the bedroom should bring you. No aggressive, battle scenes. And no volcanoes or waterfalls in frames. The waterfall does not lull you to sleep; it is a warlike state of water. Ponds and swamps kill sexual energy; we don’t need stagnant water here.

If you have already decorated the wall in the bedroom with loving peonies, you can add to them some romantic motifs on the canvases: couples in love, cooing lovebirds, a sultry beach with two walking figures.

What images to place in the kitchen

Juicy fruits and berries, all kinds of still lifes that whet the appetite, beautiful landscapes, the structure of wood in painting motifs - this is what will attract well-being to places where food is prepared and eaten. Particular attention should be paid to green and other “vegetal” shades. Red is also used in kitchen illustrations - it symbolizes the color of fire.

Delicate shades, flowering plants, cute playing animals - let all this reign on the walls in the child’s room. The Chinese advise decorating the nursery with images of a sunflower, a sunny flower symbolizing health and upward striving. It will also motivate teenagers to develop. They also say that sunflowers drive away evil spirits.

See also: 3d waterfall floors

What to hang in the hallway

This room is the first to receive hosts and guests, so images are needed here that regulate the “good” energy flow and nullify the “bad” energy flow.

Landscapes will be good in the hallway, but they depict nature and the city not at sunset. Beautiful, non-aggressive animals (preferably in pairs), playing children - that’s what you need. A waterfall is suitable for the influx of monetary energy, but with an average force of falling water.

Where should a waterfall be located according to Feng Shui?

South, Southwest and Northeast

The first thing to consider is the so-called spontaneous zones, into which any space can be roughly divided. Water is compatible with all elements - with the exception of Fire.

  • This means that the waterfall cannot be located in the fire sector, in the south of the living space.
  • Also undesirable directions are South-West and North-East.

But in any other place, a decorative fountain or just a picture of a waterfall according to Feng Shui will have an extremely beneficial effect on the energy of the house.

It should be remembered that all sectors are responsible for certain areas of human life. Based on this, you can decide where to hang (put) a waterfall according to Feng Shui in order to achieve the most desired result. The welfare sector is located in the Southeast, where flowing water will help activate financial flows.

Please note that an aquarium or a vase of flowers (i.e. objects containing standing water) are contraindicated in the wealth sector.

East and North

A reasonable solution according to Feng Shui is to hang a waterfall in the East, in the sector responsible for harmony in the family and the health of household members. In the North (in the sector of luck and self-realization), such a picture will help spur career growth and academic success. Equally important is the purpose of a specific room. In the bedroom, for example, the turbulent energy of flowing water will not benefit a peaceful rest, but in the hallway or living room it will be more than appropriate. Source:

A few final words

You should also not hang posters or paintings depicting a waterfall above your bed, armchair, or sofa, otherwise water will flood you while you sleep or work, preventing you from concentrating. You should also not place an aquarium or paintings with a waterfall in the bedroom, because we want to relax there, and moving water is too active for this.

Sometimes entire cities and even countries specifically build water structures to attract prosperity. Singapore has the famous “Fountain of Wealth”, designed to bring prosperity to the entire city-state. Its outer jets, converging towards the center, concentrate energy in the middle, where another small fountain shoots out, the jets of which are directed upward, raising the energy.

This is the topic of Feng Shui specialists, whom we call Masters or simply consultants. There are methods that allow you to accurately calculate from which direction a river or artificial stream should flow, which way the stream should flow, how it should flow in front of your door and where it should flow. This or that direction of the flow can bring success or failure, wealth or ruin...

Feng Shui sectors - Eastern wisdom for your well-being. Thanks to the proper arrangement of this zone, the family will become happier, more prosperous, and luck will never leave the house. A person will be able to control his own.

Harmony in the space around us is the key to longevity, health, happiness, love, and peace.

Feng Shui rules for trade and shops should be a constant companion of any business. Thanks to Eastern knowledge, an entrepreneur will have a successful, profitable and prosperous business, will increase his capital, etc.


Where in the apartment is the ideal place for a waterfall?

Let's start with the places where you should definitely not place paintings with waterfalls:

  • In the bedroom. Water is a powerful energy; it has no place in a room where peace and a good night’s rest are needed. Therefore, hanging pictures and images of waterfalls in the sleeping area would not be the best solution.
  • On the sides of the apartment located in the south. The element of the south is fire, and it is logical that water will come into conflict with the energy of flame. Therefore, waterfalls or their images should not be placed in these areas of the premises either.
  • In the hall. The ideal place to hang a picture or photo of a waterfall is in the hallway. Namely, the wall located to the left in relation to the front door. This place will provide an influx of powerful new events and incidents that are positive in nature; Qi energy will circulate more actively in your home and spread throughout the rest of the living spaces.

You can also place an image of a waterfall near the door (or doorway) leading to the dining area. As an option, a waterfall is suitable for decorating any wall of your kitchen (except the south one).

Once again, it is worth noting that such techniques of Eastern practice only work if they do not come into conflict or confrontation with other energy flows in your living space. Therefore, take seriously and responsibly the choice of the place where your painting will be displayed in the future.

After all, water is the source of life for all things, and it would be foolish not to use it to attract harmony and abundance into your own home. And here a waterfall will always come to the rescue; according to Feng Shui, it has simply incredible positive power and strength.

Feng Shui painting with a waterfall in the living room

In the south, in the glory sector, it is good to use paintings depicting mountains, trees, fire, and pointed shapes. Rocky mountains with a river at the foot, a landscape with poppies, images of strong animals, such as horses, are the best options for designing the glory sector.

In addition, the image of a horse is a powerful talisman for attracting good luck. The picture of “horses” symbolizes success, achievement and glory in all areas of life. And horses in a pair also mean a favorable marital relationship.

A special symbol of rise and growth is the image of a horse rearing up. In addition, a picture of a horse can be hung opposite the entrance to the nursery, as it patronizes children.


How to activate and not weaken the effect of the talisman

The waterfall itself is quite a powerful talisman, but why not make it work even more effectively? The waterfall should be made of glass or natural stone. The sector where the waterfall is installed must be perfectly clean. Don't forget to change the water so that the talisman does not lose its power. Stagnant water does not create Qi, and the waterfall turns into a decorative decoration that in no way affects the lives of the inhabitants of the house.

Place a glass figurine of some animal next to the waterfall, symbolizing happiness and wealth. Under no circumstances place figurines of animals of the fire element next to the talisman - the interaction of opposite energies will lead to an imbalance of Qi, which will negatively affect the inhabitants of the house.

A waterfall has no place in the kitchen. If you place a waterfall in the kitchen, you will reduce the power of the talisman to zero. The kitchen is a special zone of conflict between the energies of Water and Fire. A waterfall will only worsen the energetic atmosphere. In order for the waterfall to work as it should, it must be protected from arrows of negative energy. The talisman should not be in the path of sharp corners, which will reduce its effectiveness.

The effectiveness of a waterfall can be enhanced by using natural stone. Arrange the stones around the fountain so that the composition looks as aesthetically pleasing as possible. The number of stones must be even, although their number does not matter. Even numbers belong to the Ying aspect, which is similar in nature to Qi energy. Just 2, 4 or 6 stones will greatly enhance the effectiveness of the fountain.

Do you want water to help attract material wealth? Some Feng Shui practitioners recommend installing a waterfall in the corner of the hallway - then the energy of the talisman will be focused on attracting money. The main thing is that the front door does not touch your source of Qi.

Water near the house

A natural or artificial body of water near a home is the main one for the Chinese when designing houses. The windows and doors of their homes face the elements. In the West, all entrances and exits face the road, because it is convenient and socially significant.

When constructing residential premises, the connection with energy is not taken into account. Contacts with society are important, so the choice is in favor of the road. The speed of the current and its quality are important.

According to Feng Shui, not all water near the house will help the residents. There should not be a seething stream in front of the door.

A stagnant, dirty pond will not bring positive qi energy. Smoothly flowing water will bring good luck and success to the house.

The fountain in front of the house is acceptable in size and speed. It must be in good working order.

Sources of moisture near residential premises must be clean.

A clear, medium-depth river in which the bottom is visible will bring good energy. The absence of blooms and rotted algae is important. It’s good if there are fish and other living creatures in it.

A polluted pond, broken pool or fountain becomes a source of various problems:

  • diseases,
  • quarrels in the family,
  • troubles at work,
  • loss of meaning in life.


Water in front of the house

The triangular pond should not rest at the corner of the door. If the shape of the pond resembles a growing moon, the door is placed towards the convexity. A sharp turn in the current is also undesirable.

The Chinese have signs about the location of a house in relation to the river. An unfavorable sign is to build a home with its back to the river. This means that you need to position the house facing the current, then good energy will float instead of go away.

The location of the river far from the door means that the tenant makes little effort to attract its flow. The constant availability of money, peace in the family, fertile land around make it possible to bring the flow closer.

Easterners believe that hanging baguas (octagonal mirrors framed in wood) at the doorstep will help attract the source. It is believed that bagua intercepts qi and brings it home. Chi flows through the front door or bedroom windows.

Too small a distance between the front door and the flow is considered harmful for household chores. If it is impossible to move the doorway, they create an optically enlarged space, making the road to the entrance winding and winding.


Which waterfall should I buy?

From the point of view of benefits according to Feng Shui, you can purchase any product that suits your taste, pocket and fits into the interior. Experts advise purchasing the most voluminous waterfalls on the basis that they should not overwhelm or clutter the room. It is also recommended that natural materials, such as stones, be used for decoration. They are also more durable, which means they will last longer, and carry more positive energy. In any case, the sight of running water will look beautiful and conducive to relaxation.

Rules for caring for a small waterfall according to Feng Shui

There are a number of very important rules that will allow you to improve your life and the fate of your loved ones while caring for your home waterfall:

  • Never allow water to stagnate. To do this, turn it on daily or at least every other day and under no circumstances add tap water to it. Because of this, melancholy and despondency will attack your life, you will lose the desire to do anything;
  • Under no circumstances should water from the waterfall fall onto the floor. The fact is that this means a leak of money from the family. The more you leak, the faster you lose your well-being;
  • According to Feng Shui, a waterfall should not be placed in the south, this will only bring you misfortune, since fire should dominate here;
  • Best location: to the left of the door in the dining room. Only in this way will the waterfall fulfill its purpose to the fullest, releasing positive energy into your home.

By being responsible for the condition and location of your small waterfall, you will be able to gain comfort and well-being in your home, which will make you truly happy and calm about the fate of your family.

Danish physicist Niels Bohr hung a horseshoe

which supposedly brings happiness.
Seeing the horseshoe, one of Bohr’s guests asked in surprise: “Do you, such a great scientist, really believe that a horseshoe
brings happiness?” “No,” Bohr replied, “of course I don’t believe it. But they say it brings happiness even to those who don’t believe in it.”

The ancient Chinese sages argued that the meaning of human existence is to enjoy life, and no matter how much we scold our life, it is beautiful in all its imperfections. Only we ourselves can organize our lives in such a way as to be happy. For this purpose, there is the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui, which can bring happiness, abundance and satisfaction to our home, allowing us to live in harmony with ourselves and everything that surrounds us.

Now we are increasingly faced with manifestations of this science in the world around us, Europeans. At the entrance to a store, beauty salon, bank, restaurant

a bell rings from tubes (the so-called “singing winds”) or you can see a small mirror framed by trigrams, which are designed to ward off evil spirits. However, a mirror or a bell is not always enough. In the everyday life of the Slavs, there was also a kind of Feng Shui - unspoken rules according to which houses and churches were built. In any Russian hut there was a “red” corner in which icons were located; this is the farthest corner, located diagonally from the front door. In Feng Shui it is called the “angle of power”.

"Feng" means "wind" in Chinese, and "Shui" means "water." The Chinese considered wind and water to be the two main components of earthly existence. From this came the belief that it is from the combination of wind and water that a person receives vital energy.

Home is a reflection of your inner space. If you want to attract something new, you should first cleanse the house.

Secret #1 is to only keep things in the house that we use regularly!

Walls, floors, furniture and other objects in the house contain the energy of previously occurring events. Negative or repeated events “settle” in the room and affect its occupants. Debris of things interferes with the flow of favorable energy, and after cleaning, negative energy quickly disappears not only from our home, but also from life.

It is believed that people prone to depression are more likely to store junk in the lower level of the house. If the entire space of the house is cluttered, then this prevents new things and events from entering your life. To create a prosperous tomorrow, you need to get rid of the past. Probably everyone is familiar with the desire to do something unusual, which often arises after cleaning the house. The piles of things in the attic and mezzanines limit our forward progress, aspirations and opportunities. Thus, false restrictions are created.

Secret No. 2: defining zones. The zone of financial well-being in any room is the Southeast. By activating this sector of the apartment, you will attract

cash flows. In this place it would be best to place a babbling fountain, an aquarium with goldfish, or just a container with clean water. You can also hang a picture of a beautiful lake, sea surface or small waterfall on the wall. Indoor plants, especially succulents and money trees, also contribute to awakening the wooden energy of the southeastern zone. It is recommended to decorate this corner in green or blue colors.

Secret No. 3 – symbols and talismans. They harmonize space, protect and attract money into your home. The main symbol of money in Feng Shui is water. In order to attract money, it is necessary to introduce water symbols into our living space.

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