How to start using Feng Shui (instructions for beginners)

Our Universe is a gigantic energy space in which there is continuous circulation and interactions between energy flows, which is why various changes arise in our world. Human life is measured in terms of space and time.

A person moves daily in space and time and really wants to achieve a state of joy, pleasure, well-being, health and success. According to the ancient Eastern sages, the key to success is the implementation of reasonable actions in space, which are performed at the right time, and are also consistent with the energy flows that form our reality.

And Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching about the influence of energy flows on a person’s life, his health, success and wealth. We will tell you more about it later.

Feng Shui zones in the house: what and where to put it to live comfortably

As a rule, home is the place where we rest, relax after a hard day and spend time with those closest to us. That is why it is very important to feel comfortable and at ease in your home, so that you will always want to return there.

What is important for comfort? First of all, of course, this is a favorable environment among everyone at home, among family members. But it is also necessary to carefully monitor the arrangement of housing: the arrangement of furniture, the harmony between zones and their relative positions, the correct distribution of spaces depending on their purpose.

In this article I will tell you what Feng Shui zones are in a home, why it is so important to find them and how to correctly place a set in accordance with this concept.

Free territory

Feng Shui for the home warns that in order for energy to circulate freely throughout the space, there should be no unnecessary furniture or things in the house. Broken equipment, furniture, and interior items should have no place in the house. Old, used things, broken dishes that you use, a mirror that has even a small crack - all these objects can cause quarrels, conflicts and even illnesses. They oppress us and have a destructive effect on our consciousness. Empty, unnecessary jars, boxes, drawers, the contents of drawers and chests of drawers, accumulated over the years, must be parted with without regret. Expired food, medicines, dark paintings and photographs should be in the trash container. Don’t be lazy to check your cosmetics bag, first aid kit and household chemicals more often; the shelf life of some medications has probably expired, and using them is not only pointless, but also dangerous. You probably have things that you haven’t worn in over a year, give them to those who really need them.

If you feel that you are not comfortable in your home, do some general cleaning, water the flowers, ventilate the room and rearrange it. But there is one important detail - Qi energy is afraid of drafts, so ventilate each room separately. Carefully inspect the flowers, because sometimes we don’t have enough time to not only replant them in time, but even water them. Dry, fading flowers can charge us with the painful energy of withering, and growing ones, on the contrary, pull us up, so why keep plants that die in the house? Separate the shoots and plant them, but you need to say goodbye to an old plant, or one that looks sickly, as quickly as possible.

We don’t always have the opportunity to swap furniture or interior items, but swapping vases, figurines or photographs on a shelf won’t be too difficult.

The source of negative energy can be books, especially those read by more than one generation, or bought from a second-hand bookseller; wipe them with a cloth dipped in slightly salted water and swap the editions. By the way, all books that someone has read before you should be treated with this water, especially if they are old or tattered; this water can also be used for cleaning the house. It is believed that it cleanses not only dust and dirt, but also removes negative energy from objects.

Aroma lamps or lit scented candles give good results.

What are Feng Shui zones in a home?

In general, Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice of symbolic organization (development) of space. The practice is based on four main aspects: structure, environment, time and person. It is believed that with the help of this technique you can find the most favorable place or zone for any activity, be it a workplace, a sleeping area, a place to build a new house or a dining table.

The concept is based on the flow of Qi energy. Qi energy is the so-called breath of the Universe, the energy by which we live, it literally builds everything in the world.

So, Feng Shui is based on the search for well-intentioned flows of this Qi energy and their correct use for the benefit of a person, to improve the functioning of a particular area of ​​activity.

In ancient times, three thousand years ago, all data and teachings about the practice of Feng Shui were available only to emperors, who used them for the proper construction of their palaces. But now, when this knowledge is available to everyone, I think it would be simply an oversight not to use it to improve your personal space.

By the way, Feng Shui zones work even if a person is not aware of them. And some even arrange the interior in their own way, and then find out that they accidentally did everything according to Feng Shui.

What, ultimately, are Feng Shui zones and how are they located in your apartment? Such zones are places of accumulation of certain energy flows related to different activities (for example, career energy). By placing the entire “center” of some area of ​​activity in this corner, it will flourish and bear good fruit. Simply put, the state of this aspect of life will improve, and most importantly, your well-being will improve during this activity.

The Bagua grid helps in the correct distribution of Feng Shui zones in the house. I'll tell you about it now.

Entrance, doors and windows

It all starts from the entrance to the house. There should be no obstacles in the form of a mountain of shoes, clothes and other items. The minimalistic design of the hallway and cleanliness are the key to the free passage of Qi energy. A bell or wind chime above the entrance will dispel negative energy.

Where to hang a mirror

It is better to place a mirror in the hallway on the side of the front door. Don't scare away money energy by hanging it opposite the entrance. To keep the energy flowing, keep all other doors open. The exception is the door to the bathroom and pantry.

Window condition

There should be bright light coming through the windows. Keep glass clean. Don’t forget about ventilation, bring in fresh energy with clean air more often. Cleanliness and order are the basic principles of Feng Shui philosophy.

When windows and doors are located opposite each other, energy passes through and does not linger in the home. To prevent its flow from destroying your successes, do not place your desk and bed on this line. Delay incoming benefits with large, spreading plants.

Bagua Grid

The Bagua grid is the main element of the Feng Shui concept. It is a zoned octagon consisting of eight trigrams and a center. Each of them is responsible for some aspect of our life (health, wealth, love, etc.).

The name “bagua” itself comes from two words: “ba” - eight, “gua” - trigram. Each trigram is characterized by its own element, Feng Shui subject, color and cardinal directions on the compass.

There are several assumptions about the origin of the bagua grid. Some believe that this technique was invented by the first emperor of China, Fu Xi, during his observations of nature (after all, each trigram corresponds to some element), while others are a supporter of the myth that the ancient sages saw a net on the shell of a turtle that had just emerged from water (here, too, there is some connection with the elements).

Nowadays, I have seen many variations of this grid: from professionally drawn up to symbolically depicted diagrams. By the way, the interpretation of trigrams also differs: somewhere you will see “helpers and travel”, and somewhere “useful people” in the same sector.

feng shui zones in the house

From experience, I advise you to give preference to bagua grids of the first category, with the distribution of zones, their description and some other information (for example, color, element, etc.) simply because they give more detailed instructions on how best to treat this or that another zone and what is characteristic of it.

So, let's look at what each sector belongs to:

  • Southeast - wealth . This includes all material benefits: financial wealth, income, profit, savings. Please note that all these aspects have nothing to do with your profession or work.
  • South is glory . Your reputation, status in society, success in life, fame. Also the opinion of others, a reflection of you and your plans among other people.
  • South-West – love , romance. Relationships with a lover, with a husband or wife, the state of marriage. Everything that concerns your love affairs (not family).
  • West – children , creativity. This sector relates to your creative development, self-expression, and how your creative side comes out. Moreover, this trigram is responsible for the development of children and the variety of their pastime.
  • North-West - mentors, assistants and travel. This applies to your teachers, the availability of help from friends, mentors and loved ones. The North-West is also about traveling and meeting new people.
  • North – career and life path. The trigram is responsible for everything that is somehow related to work, professional activity and your profession.
  • Northeast – wisdom, knowledge. The field of learning is related to experience, new skills, intelligence, self-improvement, and your own personal growth.
  • East - family . Harmony of family relationships, connections between loved ones, their general health (both physical and mental). Refers to relatives and even ancestors.
  • The center of the grid is health . Mainly responsible for harmony and unity of all spheres of life. It can also be denoted by the word “balance” (on some bagua grids, the center even contains an image of Yin-Yang).

Initially, it may seem that some areas are very similar and it is not very clear what should be placed where, what ultimately is responsible for what. But don’t rush to make hasty conclusions, start with everything in order - you’ll definitely figure it out.

Talismans, boosters, colors

When designing Bagua sectors, work with the five elements. Each place in the house corresponds to Water, Wood, Fire, Earth or Metal.

For the Wealth zone, choose furniture made from natural wood. The water that feeds it will increase the flow of money into the house. These are fountains and aquariums.

Metal objects placed in the north will have a beneficial effect on the career field. This is wind music, various figurines.

In the West, metal objects are also appropriate. A powerful symbol for this sector is the hourglass, which feeds the energy of the Earth.

To activate the creative and children's zone, paintings with symbols of fertility are suitable - a fruit harvest, ears of wheat.

Do not place items that conflict with the elements. In the water sector, these are elements of fire - fireplaces, candles. Better move them to the South.

Popular symbols and talismans in Feng Shui, where to place them:


They symbolize wisdom, leadership, patience and longevity. Place two figures on the sides at the entrance to the house, the proboscis should look towards the center of the home.

If you need to attract positive changes in your life, place an elephant on the windowsill. When good luck comes to the house, turn it to face inward to preserve it.


They combine beauty, protection (fan-shaped tail) and wisdom. Use bird figurines or its feathers to improve relationships in the family: the talisman will protect the residents of the house from betrayal and make them more tolerant of each other.


This is a reliable amulet for home and office, especially if a person is prone to unwise decisions and spending money. Place an owl where you keep money or make transactions.

Tips before using the Bagua net: general cleaning

Before moving on to Bagua planning, I highly recommend paying attention to your room and its general condition.

The fact is that Feng Shui is about harmony, and harmony certainly cannot exist among chaos, disorder and clutter. So look at every area and room in the house. Conduct an analysis of all spaces: which zone “sinks” the most, which one requires the most urgent cleaning, which one needs to be redone completely.

Carry out a global cleansing of the apartment. Look in all the closets, on the shelves, everywhere where “no human has set foot in a long time.” I assure you that you will find a lot of interesting and, for the most part, unnecessary things. So, you can safely throw it away to free up space for a happy life.

Dirty, cluttered places, images reminiscent of unpleasant events or people are the most sources of negative, overwhelming energy - Sha energy. When you clean your home, you will see for yourself that it has become easier to breathe, because you will get rid of the garbage, even if not in its literal meaning, that has been weighing on your shoulders for many years.

If you find it difficult to part with some things, use the following tactics: think about the last time you remembered an item, have you used it over the past year, or better yet, over the past few months? If the answer is “no”, I want to make you happy – such a moment will not come, so without any doubt, take everything to the trash heap or give it to those in need.

The next object of your attention is breakdowns. Review any appliances that are not working. Further, there are several ways: get rid of them if they are of no value, or repair them. Use everything you have, even small things like a burnt out light bulb in the farthest corner of the house.

The last thing you should deal with is faulty items. This can be attributed to cracked dishes, which can no longer be called complete, but it’s also a pity to throw away half-working devices. You will also have to part with this, since storing faulty things redirects the same energy to other areas of life. Check home greenhouses for dead plants. Plants personify life and breath, so keeping dried trees means neglecting your own condition as well.

Feng Shui sectors and Gua number

The Gua number is determined for each person personally and depends on the year of birth. If you calculate your Gua number, you will be able to understand which areas are worth working on and which are better left alone. Of the eight sectors of Feng Shui, one half is favorable for humans, the other is not. Such knowledge will not only help you create a better life, but will also help you avoid possible troubles.

Calculating the Gua number is not difficult. The main thing is to know the rules of calculations.

First. For women and men born before 2000, the calculation is made using the same system. For girls and boys whose birthday is after 2000, it’s different.

Second. Our lunar calendar does not coincide with the Chinese one. In the latter, the date of the new year varies from January 21 to February 20. A person born before February 20, in order not to make mistakes in calculations, must first check the Chinese calendar. If the date of the new year in the Middle Kingdom is later than the date of its birth, then the initial year will be the previous one - the one before January 1.

Let's give an example. Let's say you were born on January 27, 1986. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, the New Year was on February 7th of that year. It turns out that to correctly calculate the Gua number you need to start from 1985.

Calculating the Gua number is simple and clear , but in order for the number to be correct in the end, you need to try to concentrate. If you make a mistake even just a little, you can completely wrongly choose favorable feng shui sectors for yourself. The calculation formulas are as follows:

  • If a man was born before 2000, you need to add the last two digits of the year of birth. Ultimately, you should get one number, so if you add two digits, add its two digits again. the resulting number from 10.
  • If we are talking about a woman, do the same, only add the number 5 to the final number.

People who were born in 2000 or later must calculate their Gua number using a different formula.

  • Girls add not 5, but 6 to the final number.
  • The boys subtract the final number from 9 . There is one caveat here. The Gua number cannot be zero. Therefore, if a boy was born in 2009 or born in 2021, Gua is defined as 9.

Important points

  • Gua number 5 does not exist! If this is exactly what you get when counting, then the “male” number will be 2 , and the “female” number will be 8 .
  • The Gua number divides all people into two groups: eastern and western. Each group has 4 favorable directions, and the same number - no.
  • 1, 3, 4, 9 – numbers of the eastern group. They correspond to certain cardinal directions and mean that east, southeast, north, south are good for people with such Gua numbers .
  • 2, 6, 7 or 8 are numbers from the Western group. West, northwest, southwest, northeast are suitable for people with similar Gua numbers

It turns out that the Feng Shui sectors and Gua numbers are inextricably linked.

Feng Shui for the home: how zones can be shown on the diagram

So, as I already said, the location of each sector of the bagua grid depends on the direction of the world, so we will work primarily with the compass.

What else will you need when planning zones:

  1. plan of your apartment or house;
  2. printed bagua grid if desired;
  3. pencil or other writing object.

The need to have an apartment plan at hand always scares everyone, but do not rush to abandon this idea: look at your documents, then you can turn to planning sources, which, according to the data you provide, will provide an exact or approximate apartment diagram that you can print . As a last resort, sketch out the plan yourself using a pencil and ruler.

Now get a compass and draw all the cardinal directions on the plan. Keep in mind that depending on the construction, some trigram may not be included in the plan. In such a situation, you can place the missing zone according to its cardinal direction separately in some room. For example, the love zone is in the South-West, but according to the plan, some part of your home is not allocated to it. Therefore, you place the romance sphere in the South-West of your bedroom.

If you don’t have a compass at hand, you can download a special application on your smartphone that will automatically show you all directions. You can also simply follow the logic: remember from which side the sun rises in the morning - this is the East, or where it sets over the horizon - the West.

After depicting the cardinal directions, it is necessary to designate the center, which will be the center of the bagua diagram. To do this, you can draw diagonal lines on the plan from opposite corners, their intersection will be the center of the grid.

Feng Shui zones in the house

Then attach the diagram to the apartment plan and paint the zones into spheres according to the grid. Try to designate Feng Shui zones in your home accurately and correctly, since Feng Shui does not welcome deviations and errors.

Location of the house

In Ancient China, special attention was paid to the location of the house relative to natural objects and cardinal directions.

If you are the owner of a plot and are going to build a house, then you can fully follow the advice of Feng Shui experts regarding location and layout:

  1. Behind the house there is a raised plot of land, and in front of the front door there is a plain.
  2. A path lined with flowers is made to the entrance to the house. Columns and other barriers are not placed in front of the doors.
  3. Doors relate to stairs in a special way. They should not be a continuation of the entrance or located on the same line with it.
  4. Avoid a straight line between the door and a large window. This way the Qi energy will pass through without being delayed. Also, the entrance should not be reflected in the mirror.
  5. Energy is best distributed in a square house. Avoid buildings in the shape of the letter L, trapezoids.
  6. The roof of the house should not be skewed to one side.
  7. It’s good when there is a body of water nearby.
  8. The owners are influenced by the house and apartment number and floor.

Zones in an apartment according to Feng Shui: what and where to place

To successfully follow Feng Shui, you need to not only know where each zone is located in your home, but also pay attention to their activation.

Activation is giving a certain aspect the necessary energy and environment in order for it to work correctly.

Before I tell you how to properly activate zones, I want to draw your attention to a couple of nuances.

  • First, for activation it is important that the sector involved is in a favorable state. This means that if you have taken up the love zone, and at the moment everything is bad and sad on the personal front (quarrels, unwanted relationships), the zone is “infected”, so an attempt to activate it may have counteraction. In such situations, it is recommended to simply adjust the atmosphere of that very zone with your own hands, and then begin to develop it according to the practice of Feng Shui.

  • Secondly, do not pay attention to activating all zones at once. I often meet people who, having read about various activation methods, rush with burning eyes to improve all areas at once. Naturally, this does not lead to anything good, since you are simply scattered on all aspects, and in the end you do not pay due attention to any one. Moreover, the desire to activate several zones at once can disrupt the flow of favorable energy. Don't forget, Feng Shui is not vanity.

I recommend starting with one zone that you think requires urgent attention, or at most two zones, but no more.

Feng Shui zones in the house

Now let's get down to the most important and interesting part. Any aspect will be helped to “set in motion” by characteristic colors, materials and objects that symbolize and transmit the necessary energy. Now I will tell you what will help in activating each zone.

Wealth Zone: Southeast

Zone colors are red, green, purple. Material – wood.

The first thing that will help you is sources of living water. These can be various fountains, waterfalls. Choose such reservoirs that will match the proportions of your home: a small fountain will provide “income” for a long time, but on the contrary, an excessively large one can wash away the flow of well-being. Give preference to aquariums (necessarily open, the water should be in contact with air). You can also place red or gold fish (odd number) there, they symbolize financial success. By the way, a model of a sailing ship or its images have the same effect.

If none of the above suits you, turn to images with the same objects: living water, fish with red tints or money itself, as well as trees and forests.

When visiting souvenir shops, take a closer look at figurines made of bronze or gilded metal (not pure): coins, money chests, bags, animals, various monetary symbols (toad on coins).

Move your stash storage to this area. You can equip a special box or chest. By the way, a box with a large bill inside is a good talisman for wealth.

When it comes to scents, give preference to rose and patchouli.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of plants: dried, limp flowers and trees spoil the atmosphere. Provide good lighting throughout the area. Also avoid items with standing water.

Zone of fame and reputation: South

Zone color is red. Element – ​​fire.

First of all, place all your awards, diplomas, certificates, cups here. This carries the direct energy of success, specifically yours.

The most powerful talismans for this zone are associated with the element - fire: fireplace, candles, bright light sources. And the phoenix bird will serve as an integral attribute: figurines, images. The Phoenix appears as the most powerful bird that can rise above problems and difficulties of any complexity, rise from the fire (interpret it as being reborn). He brings streams of prosperity and glory. Regarding the paintings, there is also a horse rearing up, a flying eagle, a peacock or pigeons.

Among the scents, choose traditional incense, jasmine, clove and cinnamon.

I would not recommend using anything related to water, since it contradicts the main element of the zone - fire, and this gives rise to conflicting energy.

Love Zone: Southwest

The color of the zone is yellow, terracotta. Element – ​​earth.

Give the South-West paired talismans, it can be anything, and if figurines, then preferably made of ceramics: kissing birds (in addition to love, they symbolize constancy) or people, a pair of candles, an image of a pair of wedding rings.

In this area it would be a good idea to place happy photos with your partner (if any), photos of your family, or images that you like.

Decorate the area with symbols of romantic relationships: fresh flowers, chocolate, chocolates.

Aromas: rosemary, rose, orange.

The love and marriage sector should not contain piercing, cutting, sharp objects, climbing plants or images of single people.

Creative and children's zone: West

Zone color is white. Material – metal.

This aspect relates to cleanliness, so do a thorough cleaning, the main thing is to get rid of dust and dirt.

It is recommended to add children's drawings and photos. If you have children, place their toys here. Otherwise, plant a pomegranate tree, which promises a multiple pregnancy.

Now about the creative side. I have a wish map in the West. The wish map shows how I want to move along my creative path, what thoughts I want to embody, some of my plans and dreams in all areas of life, this is the place for this. The best place in the creativity zone is for the tools you use for your hobby.

Scents that will decorate the area: gray and white flowers, jasmine.

Helpers and Travel Zone: Northwest

Zone color is white. Material – metal.

According to tradition, images of heavenly and earthly patrons are placed here: angels, icons. Photos of your real mentors in this corner will help attract help, perhaps also images of moments where you helped someone, photos of family friends.

Hang up a map with your desired route or photos of the places you most want to visit.

All kinds of amulets, crystals and stones, symbols of the Earth, as well as images of hands outstretched to each other are suitable as talismans.

What’s interesting is that many people install computer equipment in this area.

Water in this area and a sloppy appearance and disorder are extremely undesirable. Dispose of broken items and any erotic images.

Career zone: North

Zone color – blue, black. Material – water.

This area is also involved, and I want to say that you need to handle it very carefully in this sector, otherwise you can harm yourself. If you want a promotion up the career ladder, new positions, give preference to flowing water - fountains, their images. And if you are satisfied with the current state of affairs, hang up images of standing water, it symbolizes stability.

Among the symbols, the use of the turtle is very common in this zone. The turtle signifies heavenly support and wisdom. Affects the flow of money and cooperation with large companies.

The North may also contain everything related to your work: photos with colleagues, work folders, office and stationery supplies, business cards, etc.

It is strictly forbidden to use decor with the elements of fire and earth.

Wisdom Zone: Northeast

Color – brown, beige. Element – ​​Earth.

Look at the talismans with snakes. Snakes symbolize the eternal movement and renewal of the Universe. Use figurines of various sages and the Earth as figurines. Place a small globe.

Transfer all your educational tools here: textbooks, books, notebooks. Set up your desk in the Northeast.

It is important to pay attention to good lighting - several lamps or a large chandelier.

Aromas: lotus, vanilla, incense.

Get rid of plants and other symbols of Water and Wood in this area.

Family Zone: East

Zone color is green. Material – wood.

Paired plants, wooden figurines, as well as images of forests and flowers will help strengthen family relationships.

Family photos on the walls and a family tree will help maintain harmony.

The traditional symbol is the green dragon.

The aromas of sandalwood and pine will enrich the atmosphere.

Do not use pictures of an autumn forest or photos of deceased relatives. Alcoholic drinks are also prohibited in this area.

Health zone: center

Zone color is orange. Material – Earth.

Following the teachings of Feng Shui, natural elements will help you maintain your health: medicinal cosmetics, plants, images of blooming nature. In my center there is a large vase with sea pebbles, which, in addition to the pleasant smell, is a good attribute for increasing self-esteem.

Full life and longevity are symbolized by peaches and figurines with their images. In China, they are absolutely sure that sick people must bring this fruit.

The central area is where all other aspects converge, so it is necessary to keep it well lit and always clean.


The kitchen area is one of the most important in the house. The quality of food, and therefore the health of household members, depends on the conditions under which food is prepared. It is better to place the kitchen in the southern part of the house or apartment; southeast and eastern directions are also successful. Favorable colors for interior decoration: yellow, green, orange, brown and white. The predominance of red, blue and black is undesirable.

In order not to desecrate the aura of the room, the order in the kitchen should be ideal:

  • the stove, refrigerator, microwave oven must be kept clean;
  • do not allow dirty dishes to accumulate in the sink;
  • monitor the sanitary condition of the trash can;
  • Regularly wash the floor and other surfaces in the room.

The science of Feng Shui is largely based on symbolism, so you can “lure” good luck into the kitchen with the help of attributes of wealth and well-being: put an expensive bowl of fruit on the table or place a jar of red caviar and champagne in the refrigerator (as an emergency supply for the New Year) .

All kitchen appliances (faucet, stove, household appliances) must be in working order. Anything that cannot be repaired should be thrown away, no matter the cost. The same rule applies to dishes. Cups with small chips and cracked plates belong not in the cupboard, but in the trash can. Otherwise, instead of prosperity and well-being, lack of money will settle in the house.

To avoid quarrels and scandals, all piercing and cutting objects (forks, knives, corkscrews) should be stored in closed boxes. The same applies to other cutlery: the fewer of them in the public domain, the better.

If the dining area is also in the kitchen, Feng Shui recommends hanging a large family photo above the table. This will be an “invitation” to a meal for the ancestors, who, according to ancient Chinese teaching, are the patrons of the hearth.

One of the main conditions for success is the good health and positive attitude of the cook, because his energy is transferred to the food, and therefore to all other family members.

How to maintain a feng shui atmosphere

To successfully design all zones, do not fill them with all kinds of attributes, pictures and objects. Make sure that all accents are laconic and that the zones are in harmony with each other. No sector should stand out from others.

Periodically clean and dismantle old, irrelevant items. Also do not forget about good lighting and pleasant aromas.

Following my Feng Shui tips, not only will your apartment be transformed, but your life will also sparkle with new colors, and you won’t even notice how your mood rises and things go uphill!

How to fix an incorrect table position

How to correct the incorrect position of the table
If your table stands sideways to some wall, then it is better to have the wall on the left. Since a person’s heart is located on the left, and subconsciously we want to protect the left side of the body to a greater extent.

Remove all objects that threaten the door to your office, or fence yourself off from them with a screen, indoor plant, etc.

If it is not possible to place your desk so that there is a wall behind you, purchase a chair with a high, massive back. Although this is not 100%, it will still help you gain confidence and peace of mind in your work.

If you are still sitting facing the wall, and there is no way to rearrange the table, hang a picture on the wall with some pleasant image that inspires you or helps you mentally relax and get some rest. This could be a painting / photo wallpaper / poster depicting nature, a beautiful landscape, sea motifs, etc. Aggressive or “angular” images are not allowed.

Desk size

Table size for work
As for the size, here you need to stick to a medium and large table area. The larger your desk, the more things you have to do, the more weight you have in business, the more authority you have, the more powerful your reputation, and so on. That is, this is such a solid, powerful symbol of business that is located in your home or office and creates a certain energy for you. That’s why it’s so important to give your workspace your full attention.

In short, the larger your table, the greater your luck. A good Feng Shui desk should be large, authoritative, and weighty. And it must be clean.

Why not round or square?

Why did you and I immediately abandon the square and round table, although from the point of view of Feng Shui these are figures of the correct shape? The answer is simple - because it is very important that there is as much space as possible on the right and left sides, because As a rule, these places usually contain various writing utensils, documents, and so on necessary for work. This way they will not be in front of you or in front of the laptop, that is, mostly on the sides. And as you understand, a square and a circle will not be able to give you this space for ease of work.

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