Bedroom according to Feng Shui: location according to cardinal directions, diagrams and photos

A bedroom is a room where a person who needs proper rest is as relaxed and defenseless as possible. In addition, he spends a lot of time in it and obviously needs a comfortable interior and atmosphere. The desire to provide them often pushes owners to study and apply the traditions of Feng Shui (fēngshuǐ - literally “wind and water”, the Chinese practice of symbolic development of space) in the bedroom layout. This teaching allows you to activate positive energy and direct it to create comfort in the room. To do this, you need to know the basic rules for arranging furniture and adding interior items in accordance with this Eastern teaching.

Feng Shui rules

From the point of view of ancient science, flows of Shen Qi energy constantly circulate in space.
Nothing should interfere with these currents, since negative Sha energy accumulates in places of stagnation, affecting well-being, family relationships and financial well-being. The task of Feng Shui is to direct positive energy in the right direction with the help of competent organization of the surrounding space. Let's consider several main points that will help to better understand ancient Chinese philosophy:

  • Feng Shui is not a set of recommendations on how to properly place furniture in the “zone of wealth,” “love,” and “health.” At the heart of science is the search for beauty and harmony.
  • First of all, according to Feng Shui, the bedroom should be clean. Dust-free lamps and shelves, streak-free windows and mirrors, washed floors are the key to peace and harmony.
  • Amulets and talismans have nothing to do with the classical teachings of Feng Shui, so it is not recommended to litter your living space with crystals, coins and figurines.
  • Ready-made Feng Shui schemes may not be suitable if they are used without taking into account the characteristics of the house and the character of its inhabitants. Qi energy has a positive effect on a person if he himself is determined to change for the better.

Color selection

According to Feng Shui, the color scheme in the bedroom is chosen taking into account the taste and well-being of its owner. For a person who does not have problems sleeping, it is better to give preference to warm light colors: beige, cream, pink. The main design of the bedroom - the color of the wallpaper or paint - should remain neutral. Bright accents of Yang energy are also acceptable in minimal quantities: yellow, orange and rich green. This could include pillows, carpet and bed linen.

If a married couple needs to bring back romance and passion, Feng Shui experts recommend using a red or burgundy bedspread and curtains.

The photo shows a bedroom in pastel colors for a person who is not prone to insomnia and wakes up cheerful and rested.

The color of a Feng Shui bedroom affects people differently. For those who sleep restlessly, often wake up and have emotional dreams, it is recommended to keep the interior in cold tones of Yin energy: gray-violet, lilac, dark green. Blue and even black are also acceptable - it is believed that it absorbs bad luck and protects the house, but a dark interior is not suitable for anxious and melancholic people.

For those who want to improve their health, Feng Shui masters advise decorating the bedroom in metallic shades - white, gray, golden.

Determining a suitable location

The location of the bedroom in relation to other rooms and extensions is of decisive importance. If the bedroom is located directly above the garage (this is often the case in private homes), the owners feel the lack of a strong shoulder and reliable support in life.

The basement floors are filled with negative Yin energies. In such rooms, you should emphasize the sunny sides and fill the bedroom with Yang energy as much as possible. If there is a staircase in front of the room, install musical pendants on the door. Their melodic sound will prevent the rapid flow of energy.

Furniture arrangement

The central place in any bedroom is occupied by the bed:

  • It is best if it is made from natural material.
  • According to Feng Shui, the space underneath should be left open so that positive energy can circulate freely.
  • If the room is shared by two people, access to the sleeping area should not be difficult for both.
  • To feel safe, it is recommended to place the head of the bed close to the wall. Massive chandeliers, cabinets and shelves should not be placed above it.
  • If the sleeper's head is directed towards the window, the negative influence of open space should be reduced and thick curtains should be hung.

It is desirable that the furniture (bed, chest of drawers, dressing table) have as few sharp corners as possible. Feng Shui adherents place bedside tables on both sides of the bed, since, according to the tradition of ancient teachings, paired items attract good luck. In modern interiors there are many bedrooms designed according to the principle of symmetry.

The photo shows a bedroom decorated according to the rules of Feng Shui: flat ceiling, rounded corners, neutral colors.

It is not recommended to place large cabinets and shelving in small rooms. It is not necessary to have a spacious room to arrange a bedroom according to Feng Shui: it is enough to reduce the number of objects and furniture. Thus, more space will appear in the room, which means its energy will improve.

According to Feng Shui, you should not place a large aquarium in the bedroom - the activation of the element of Water may manifest itself too strongly. The proximity to an aquarium negatively affects sleep and well-being: the noise of the filter, the constant movement of fish and bubbles do not contribute to relaxation and sound sleep. But in the end, everything is decided by the owner of the bedroom - for some people, a compact indoor aquarium has a calming effect.

Feng Shui also does not recommend installing a fireplace in the bedroom. The Fire symbol manifests itself well in the living room, but is not always appropriate in a quiet relaxation area.

The photo shows a room in warm colors. Despite the presence of a workplace, the interior looks airy and light: natural shades, unobtrusive shapes and a minimum of furniture make the bedroom cozy and calm.


According to Feng Shui, it is better not to choose living plants for the bedroom, but to improve the design of the room, you can choose a flower that has certain properties:

  • peonies can increase sexual energy;
  • roses are a symbol of amulet, but you should not place them alone;
  • geranium, chlorophytum, begonia are plants that produce large amounts of oxygen.

The number of plants in a room should not be more than three. You should avoid climbing flowers with sharp leaves and thorns; they are often the cause of quarrels.

Bedroom location according to cardinal directions

When building a house or choosing an apartment, Feng Shui experts advise paying attention to the cardinal directions, but the energy of the bedroom should be calculated individually for each individual person.

It is believed that the location of the bedroom in the north encourages deep thinking and sound sleep, but if the owner of the room lives alone, the feeling of loneliness in the northern room can worsen. If the bedroom is located in the northeast, active Qi energy can lead to sleep disturbances or insomnia. The North-West is suitable for stable and self-confident people, as well as spouses who have been married for many years. The East enhances entrepreneurship, creativity and helps build a career.

The south-eastern bedroom gives energy to creative people seeking to increase their knowledge. The south is suitable for passionate natures, as well as for young lovers who want to strengthen their relationship. The energy on the western side is good for those who are looking for pleasure in life, so it is better not to choose this sector to climb the career ladder. A room located in the southwest is unfavorable for many people: it deprives one of health and contributes to anxiety.

The photo shows a Feng Shui bedroom in the northwestern sector for a respectable married couple.

Northwestern and northern region

The areas of the apartment in the north-west and west are ruled by the same element - Metal. For a bedroom, a harmonious choice would be white and gray, all earth tones. Be careful to limit the strong presence of red - fiery - shades: the Fire element comes into conflict and causes damage to Metal.

Gray and white colors for the bedroom give elegance Source

It is generally accepted that it is somewhat difficult to decorate a lounge in the north, since the colors of this area are not the most flattering for a bedroom. The element of Water, which rules the north, wears blue and black. To use them in the bedroom, the designer will need enough skill not to create a feeling of overwhelm. It is ideal to dilute dark shades with the colors of the Metal element, because it is supported by Water. White and gray colors combined with blue and light blue are great for a bedroom in the northern part.

Layout features

It is best to place the bedroom at the far end of the apartment - the room adjacent to the front door is susceptible to the influence of negative energy. If possible, it is worth arranging a place to rest away from the bathroom and kitchen - then extraneous sounds will not disturb you during sleep.

Ideally, the shape of the room will be square or rectangular. If the room has an irregular shape, it is worth smoothing out the corners with furniture or curtains.

Unused space (niches, long narrow passages) does not create positive energy. In addition, according to Feng Shui, a walk-through room with two doors is not suitable for a bedroom - this arrangement contributes to frequent conflicts. But when apartment owners do not have the opportunity to freely choose a place to sleep, this issue is easily resolved without redevelopment: you just need to drape the passage with fabric.

The photo shows a spacious bedroom in a country house, located on the second floor and decorated according to Feng Shui. The panoramic windows are decorated with blackout curtains, which smooth out the influence of negative energy at night.

In one-room apartments, it is advisable to separate the living area from the sleeping area using a screen or light partitions, but Feng Shui does not welcome massive wardrobes in the middle of the room.

Ideally, the ceiling is flat and does not have bulky structures - according to Feng Shui experts, beams in the attic and multi-level structures prevent energy from circulating freely, which leads to financial problems. If it is not possible to solve this problem radically, you can protect the bed with a canopy. Soft material will smooth out the negative impact of sharp corners.

How to decorate a bedroom: decor and lighting?

Feng Shui affects not only the layout and color scheme of the bedroom: it is believed that various accessories also affect the energy of the room.

One of the main decorative elements, around which there is a lot of controversy, is the mirror. Many Feng Shui experts believe that this item is inappropriate in a relaxation room, as it increases the amount of light, and therefore reflects and activates energy. But for most people, a full-length mirror in the bedroom is a necessary element. If you cannot refuse it, you should choose a round-shaped product without corners. It is believed that placing a mirror opposite the bed or on the ceiling is unacceptable: sleeping people should not be reflected in it, so as not to lose their vitality at night.

There is no place in the bedroom for a TV or a computer. It is best if, upon waking up, a person sees a beautiful picture hanging on the wall: flowers, landscapes without rivers and lakes (as we have already mentioned, proximity to the water element in the bedroom can be dangerous). Images should convey only positive emotions, so it is better to avoid paintings with natural disasters, an erupting volcano or lightning. Feng Shui also does not recommend using photographs of deceased relatives as decoration.

The photo shows a bedroom with an oversized mirror that does not reflect the sleepers. Its frame is decorated with rounded elements that soften the shape of the product. The bed is close to the window, but has a high headboard to make the person feel safe.

According to Feng Shui, a bedroom is a place where it is forbidden to use decor related to the animal world: deer antlers, feathers and skins will look better in the living room. Clocks are also not welcome in the bedroom: despite the fact that this item is highly respected by Feng Shui masters, they do not recommend placing large mechanical clocks in the sleeping room. The maximum is a compact alarm clock that can be hidden. But in a children's bedroom, a clock with a large dial is quite appropriate - with their help, children learn to handle time carefully.

House plants also influence the interior according to Feng Shui. It is believed that the relaxation room should not be overloaded with flowers: two or three flowerpots or flowerpots are enough. Experts believe that each plant carries its own energy. For example, dracaena and ficus symbolize prosperity, which means they bring a stable cash flow. The violet is responsible for love, so it is placed in the bedroom to strengthen the romantic relationship between spouses, as well as improve personal life. Feng Shui does not favor artificial flowers, herbariums and ikebana trees, since “dead” plants bring negativity into the house.

We should also talk about lighting. Natural light is considered the best option, but if there is not enough sun in the room, you can use lamps. It is worth buying simple chandeliers and sconces with rounded shades. It is also necessary to take into account the color temperature: lamps with a value of up to 3500 Kelvin provide a warm, cozy light, but Feng Shui does not welcome bright LEDs in the house. In addition, dust and insects should not be allowed to appear inside the lamps: they carry bad energy.

The photo shows a bedroom for a young woman. Two paired lamps with warm light stand on both sides of the bed. The soft headboard is located close to the wall and gives a feeling of security.

Arranging a bedroom according to the precepts of ancient Chinese teachings is in many ways similar to the principles of ergonomics and safety. Many recommendations take into account human psychology, and therefore are not devoid of common sense. In addition, rearranging and updating the interior, as well as keeping the house clean, has a beneficial effect on a person, and whether to follow the rules of Feng Shui or not is a purely individual choice.

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