Four of Pentacles in a Tarot card deck: meaning, interpretation, correct reading

Who is she - the Four of Pentacles

The image on the card shows a well-dressed man with a crown on his head. The symbol of power characterizes him as an intelligent, resourceful figure who values ​​wealth and surroundings. Pentacles and coins are located: one in the hands, on the head and two lie under the feet. To preserve the structure, a person tries not to move. But this doesn’t bother him at all. He knows exactly why he must sit still and what result he will get. One gets the impression of a ruler protected on all sides who remains calm despite the events happening around him. But this feeling is false.

From the back the hero is not protected by anything. And behind it is a city, the events of which are impossible to understand and guess. Those. the image hints that a person may be in danger or unexpected turns of fate.

General description, plot and meaning of the card in the layout

So what do we see? As an example, we consider the Arcana of the most popular deck - the Rider-Waite Tarot. And we see a man sitting on it in a rather static position. Both of his legs stand on pentacles, he has his hands tightly wrapped around another one, and the fourth is on his head. The city lies behind the man, but it seems as if he doesn’t notice it at all, focusing solely on what is under his nose. The main meaning of the 4 Coins of the Tarot is possession.

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Four of Pentacles card interpretation

The Four of Pentacles is a mercantile card. It describes the financial side of the client's life. The card manifests itself in the protection of one’s material assets in order to achieve goals. A person sees opportunities and is ready to use them to maximum benefit.

But she talks about commercialism, about a constructive approach to the implementation of events. The desire for stability, resource provision in business and family, and the implementation of complex but effective calculations. Control over the situation allows you to achieve success in your intended goals. The goal is achieved through:

  • defining a clear goal;
  • developing a plan;
  • defining tasks.

Each item includes written questions that lead to a financial idea.

The card draws attention to the fact that the client is focusing on saving and reviewing his expenses. This eliminates unnecessary waste of money and makes the planned project promising.

If the upright position speaks of financial well-being, then in an inverted form the card talks about the fear of becoming a beggar. The fear of being left without funds is a high probability. A person does not need to spend extra money in order not to end up in a state of poverty.

This feeling can cause progress, such as a lack of confidence in achieving a result, a transition from a stable state to conditions of uncertainty and risk. The failures of the past do not allow you to believe in yourself and your strengths. By choosing this strategy of behavior, the client experiences difficult conditions. But the level of this stability is achieved by moving backwards. This situation is dangerous due to possible complications mentally, financially, and self-realization.

The client does not understand where the money he earns goes, so he tries to limit himself. Even with a normal level of income, finances are still not enough.

An inverted card is an additional landmark that speaks of change and risks.

Second version of the Four of Pentacles card

Combination of the Four of Pentacles with other Tarot cards

Other cards strengthen and weaken the meaning of the Four of Pentacles. Their combinations will help clarify and detail the information.

Major Arcana

Combinations with the major arcana give the following meanings:

  • Jester: lack of housekeeping;
  • Magician: search and collection of funds for the implementation of plans;
  • High Priestess: deception, understatement;
  • Empress: control over spending;
  • Emperor: savings for business or family;
  • Hierophant: callous attitude towards the object of the question;
  • Lovers: possessiveness;
  • Chariot: you will have to get funds set aside for other purposes;
  • Strength: gaining potential;
  • Hermit: stagnation;
  • Wheel of Fortune: inability to accept everything in life;
  • Fairness: debt obligations that the client does not want to repay;
  • Hanged Man: extra spending;
  • Death: loss of savings;
  • Moderation: balance with finances;
  • Devil: greed, callousness;
  • Tower: complete bankruptcy;
  • Star: savings to realize dreams;
  • Moon: false sense of security;
  • Sun: promising investments;
  • Court: positive investment experience;
  • The world: a material airbag.

Minor Arcana (wands, cups, pentacles, swords)

Interaction with the minor arcana occurs as follows.


  • Ace: savings for the project;
  • 2: the client ignores the prospect;
  • 3: material growth;
  • 4: achievements;
  • 5: quarrels over money;
  • 6: sole management of financial matters;
  • 7: inheritance;
  • 8: paranoid ideas;
  • 10: financial stagnation;
  • Page: lack of self-development;
  • Knight: waste all the money;
  • Queen: mercantile interest;
  • King: enterprise.


  • Ace: know the value of money;
  • Two: worry about the family budget;
  • Troika: party for loved ones;
  • Four: saturation;
  • Five: worries about unpleasant changes;
  • Six: protection of interests;
  • Seven: greed;
  • Eight: difficulties in the material sphere;
  • Nine: dreams;
  • Ten: greed to spend money on the needs of family members;
  • Page: swagger;
  • Knight: emotional callousness towards loved ones;
  • Queen: selfishness;
  • King: self-interest.


  • 2: mobilize forces to defend your borders;
  • 3: frustration due to other people's commercialism;
  • 4: do not let anyone near your wealth;
  • 5: encroachment;
  • 6: avoidance of difficulties due to lack of strong character;
  • 7: self-interest;
  • 8: stagnation, “everyday life” from which there is no way out;
  • 9: worry about savings;
  • 10: bankruptcy;
  • Page: selfish plans of the environment;
  • Knight: go over the heads;
  • Queen: a woman with mercantile intentions;
  • King: a powerful, greedy man.


  • Ace: protection from unknown danger;
  • 2: uncertainty in financial matters;
  • 3: Copyright issues;
  • 5: ruthlessness;
  • 6: patron in material matters;
  • 7: ineffective investments;
  • 8: slave labor;
  • 9: desire for wealth;
  • 10: property protection;
  • Page: excessive self-confidence;
  • Knight: control over the situation;
  • Queen: wealth;
  • King: a tyrant who has a good financial situation.

Third version of the Four of Pentacles card

Questions that can be answered by drawing a card

Many questions arise in a person's life. In all areas of life, when the arcana of the Pentacles 4 suit appears, it is worth asking yourself:

  • How stable is control over the situation?
  • Are resources used correctly?
  • In what area has the pinnacle of excellence been achieved?
  • What needs to be done to increase stability?

The Four of Disks may portend some boredom, but sometimes life “in the fortress” is quite suitable for the given time.

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This is a person who knows what he expects from life. The emotional component of his life is stingy and undiversified. Any manifestation of feelings can be interpreted as a weakness of character and willpower. All events and emotional manifestations receive financial support. If he helps someone, then the support is expressed financially.

This person is conservative and prefers to stay at home instead of noisy parties and outdoor activities. Such people are reliable partners. With a small level of earnings, they receive a stable monthly income and know how to spend it correctly so that they do not have to go into debt. Therefore, he does not strive to climb the career ladder. A stable position suits him, even if it is not the most prestigious, and he understands that he could do more. Steps to the side are an unjustified risk that can destroy the built pattern of life. Any innovations in life can cause destruction for the well-established way of life.

A person is not used to adapting and getting to know something new. The more durable the old item, the better. Functionality is not the least important. Therefore, one can pay a large sum for a quality item without a twinge of conscience. Although a person saves money and knows how to count it.

On the other, negative side, this character is very lonely. Because of his character, his family does not want to communicate with him. A striking example is Plyushkin. This is a petty, grumpy character who is alien to warm feelings. His paranoia leads him to believe in conspiracy theories against himself. Everyone wants to deceive him and take away his acquired property.

Work: managers, accountants, heads of departments, commodity experts, auditors, financiers.

Love family

The Four of Pentacles speaks of possessiveness. There is a place for true love here, but it is accompanied by aggressive behavior, constant jealousy and quarrels that arise. The partner is required to regularly prove his loyalty and love.

A person is not ready to compromise or change anything in a relationship, because... I'm already used to the current state of affairs. The card characterizes a period of stagnation, when both partners are mired in a state of “everyday life.” It describes a stable relationship that is not growing and is stuck at one level.

Sometimes the card appears in the case of a marriage based on money and material interests.

Reversed means fear of losing control of the situation.

Health issues

You can interpret the Four Denarii as a stable state of health: if it is in order, then it will remain so, if there are chronic diseases, then they will develop. A situation where a person is in a fully functional state, but there is a risk of blockages: from energetic to physiological.

There is a risk of diseases associated with poor blood flow, congestion and slagging in the body. Fat deposits appear as a “protective shell”, leading to excess weight and related diseases.

In the reverse position, the lasso promises systemic disorders and all kinds of incontinence.


This is a map of income and finances. The monthly profit is small, but it covers all expenses. Despite this, we can talk about a lack of funds. Money is always going somewhere. There is no way to postpone or buy an item.

The Four of Pentacles describes the legal ownership of the client's property.

A reversed card has negative meanings:

  • Fear of losing rights and money;
  • Unexpected expenses;
  • Prerequisites for bankruptcy.

The Four of Pentacles is greed. In an inverted position, it is characterized by the fear of losing acquired property.

Importance when characterizing personality

Fours are symbols of earthly, closed space. The Direct Four seems to advise devoting even more time to your home. Set up your room or other limited personal space. Give more strength and energy to your home, make it as safe as possible.

The card recommends calming down and slowing down. Stop being distracted, curb depression, resolve all troubles as much as possible, don’t be nervous, concentrate. Engage in rhythmic and relaxing exercises (for example, housework or favorite activities), you can also keep your hands busy and work with earthly things.

An inverted card means a weakening of the qualities of the direct lasso. This position of the card may hint that you are too overburdened with material issues. Perhaps the time has come when worrying about material things takes away time and energy and prevents the development of greater creative activity. It is recommended to feel relaxed, be generous to your loved ones. The inverted card encourages you to reconsider your priorities in life.

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