One of the most powerful Slavic amulets: the symbol of the Family

The symbol of the Family is one of the main solar signs of the Slavic peoples. Many scholars of ancient Slavic mythology suggest that it was he who became the basis for all Slavic amulets based on the swastika. The version has a right to exist, since Rod has long been respected by the Slavic peoples - it is the basis of all things. The symbol of the Family among the Slavs was an image of solar energy, fertility and prosperity. All dark entities are afraid of him, and people with evil thoughts even look at his image with difficulty. According to ancient beliefs, people with the amulet of the Rod symbol are not afraid of negative influences, the sign gave strength to overcome many illnesses and even raised seriously ill people to their feet.

Where can you find the symbol of the Family? The symbol of the god Rod among the Slavs is much more than just a sign; it was drawn on things without which the family simply could not survive - pottery and tools. According to some historians, the symbol of the god Rod allowed a person to open up in a variety of areas, give him additional ability to work, and receive additional energy from previous generations. No less often, this swastika symbol was applied to objects that were used for religious ceremonies and rituals - there was a completely logical explanation for this, since you can always ask the creator of Genesis for help once again. It is important to know that the image has never been applied to weapons or anything related to war, since Rod is the energy of creation, and not vice versa.

Sometimes in special literature you can read that the Slavic symbol of Rod was depicted on his idols, but this is not true, since Rod was never given idols, because he is something higher that does not need material interpretation. The idea of ​​the symbol itself is that the covenants of the ancestors are unshakable.

Rod - father of the gods

The family stands at the top of the pantheon created by itself. Having studied the artifacts that have reached us, scientists have concluded that the god Rod was revered by the Slavs as the progenitor of the gods, the creator of the earth and all life on it. He gave people a heavenly patron - the son of Svarog.

There is no image of the supreme deity, only a symbol. The clan is incorruptible, does not need gifts, prayers, or worship, unlike other Slavic gods. He is the supreme being who rules on earth, in heaven and in the other world.

The veneration of God among the Slavs was expressed in respect for ancestors, continuation of traditions, and continuity of generations.

What kind of god is this?

Rod is the supreme god in Slavic mythology, the creator of all things . He is the personification of the diversity of gods and ancestors in a single manifestation, that is, he is one and multiple at the same time. God Rod also represents family ties, both genetic and spiritual, and is its guardian.

According to Slavic mythology, in the beginning there was only chaos. Then, thanks to higher powers, the Universal Egg appeared, from which the god Rod emerged. He divided the single energy into light and darkness. Light deities were born from the light, who were responsible for creation and renewal. The black gods, emerging from the darkness, became the embodiment of destruction and destruction.

The celestials could not reconcile with each other, and Rod divided the world into three parts: Reality, Rule and Nav .

  • The gods of the elements and people settled in Yavi.
  • There are dark forces in Navi.
  • In Prav - light.

Rod also created:

  • Sun;
  • the moon;
  • land;
  • sky;
  • stars;
  • animals;
  • plants;
  • of people.

What does the symbol of the Family look like?

If initially the Slavic symbol of the Family looked like a shaded circle, then 3 millennia ago the geometric figure was supplemented with a swastika with rounded rays and circles at their ends. Presumably, the rays of the protective sign denote the endless movement of the Sun, the circles at the ends - a new life or the isolation of the knowledge of the family, passed on to subsequent generations, without going beyond the family.

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The circle containing the swastika or star symbolizes infinity. In general, the divine sign resembles our galaxy, which the ancient Slavs had no idea about. Therefore, he was considered a magical message from Rod, sharing knowledge.

Image of the White God

It is interesting that, despite frequent mentions of the deity in ancient written sources, his appearance was not described anywhere by anyone.

In the name of the supreme god of the Slavs, they did not build temples or construct idols; you could pray to him wherever you wanted, because... he was all that exists. God Rod simply did not have an appearance, because... he is everything that surrounds people. Sometimes he was depicted as an old man with long gray hair, but this is nothing more than a fantasy.

Undoubtedly, our ancestors had a special attitude towards the Creator, who towered above all other gods from the pantheon. They brought him the best gifts.

The meaning of the amulet

During excavations of ancient settlements, archaeologists found the sign of the supreme god displayed on household items, tools, and walls of dwellings. The popularity of the amulet is explained by the unquestioning belief in its power and protection. The sign maintained an unbreakable connection between generations, preserved knowledge, customs, beliefs, and increased wisdom

The meaning of the Slavic amulet, the symbol of the Family, lies in the magical effects on a person, a family:

  • removal of everyday adversities, natural disasters, accidents;
  • protection from ill-wishers, magical influence, otherworldly forces;
  • attracting good luck, support in business;
  • maintaining love and respect between husband and wife;
  • assistance in raising children, finding common ground, mutual understanding;
  • overcoming serious illnesses, improving health.

The magic sign rallied relatives and supported spiritual unity. Before marriage, the girl was protected by the symbol of her father’s family. After the wedding, he lost his influence. The young woman came under the protection of the sign of her husband’s family, who helped her integrate into her husband’s family and establish connections with new relatives.

Activation of the talisman

In order for the Rod symbol to serve you exactly the way you want, you need to activate it correctly. It is best to create such a talisman in nature, and start the activation process there :

  1. After you have created the amulet, you need to bury it in the ground for 3 days.
  2. Then rinse under running water.
    Thereby clearing it of all negativity and filling it with the energy you need. A river or spring is best suited for this. If there is no such thing nearby, then use tap water.
  3. After rinsing and cleansing, it is important to hold it over the flame. It can be either a candle or a fire, use what is convenient for you.
  4. After this, leave it in an open place so that the wind can blow it.

Thus, the Rod’s own amulet is activated and charged with energy.

The symbol of the Family is the sign of our ancestors . It truly has sacred significance due to its enormous power. Many today use such a talisman to protect themselves and their families. The tradition of placing this sign continues to this day, which once again confirms its main power.

Who can wear the symbol

The amulet, a symbol of the Family, is used by people regardless of gender. It is not forbidden for children to wear a talisman around their necks. For them, the solar sign performs an exclusively protective function, since, due to their age, they do not understand their responsibilities and duty.

Evil and cruel people do not keep the divine talisman with them, as they receive retribution for their actions. There is no sign of the Family and those who neglect family values ​​do not preserve their ancestral memory. The amulet helps people with an open heart, honest, decent. So that the sign protects, shares strong energy, respects, honors relatives, preserves and passes on accumulated knowledge and wisdom.

Secrets of symbolism

To describe in modern language the capabilities of a clan talisman, the image of the symbol can be called the energy particle of the god Rod, through which he conveys his strength and protection. The symbol represents its entire essence. There is no need to create an idol to worship the Family if a person wears its sign constantly, believing with all his heart in the patronage of the creator. It is worth telling in more detail about the symbolism of the talisman in order to understand its action and influence on a person. The sign itself is depicted in the form of a circle and four rays similar to fire. Very often it is enclosed in the sun, thereby emphasizing the connection with the creator.

After all, the sun is life, nothing would grow without living fire. At the ends of the rays there are small spheres depicted, their significance in the eternal cycle of all things. The awareness that everything returns to its origins, this also applies to the energy of life, focusing again in the center of the symbol. Also, we can say that the four rays are a symbol of the four elements of nature that exist in harmony. The most interesting thing is how similar the genus symbol is to the image of our galaxy, which we modern people saw only recently. And our ancestors had this knowledge even then. Isn’t this what shows all the power and wisdom of the talisman and the ancient Slavic gods?

How to make a talisman yourself

An amulet made by oneself or by close relatives has greater power than a purchased one. When making a talisman, it is recommended to follow certain rules:

  1. Women embroider the symbol of the god Rod. Choose cotton, linen fabric, threads. They do needlework in a good mood, with clean hands, starting from the middle of the pattern. When working, do not tie knots so that the energy connection with the sign is not interrupted, and do not use scissors. The threads are broken over the candle flame.
  2. Wooden double-sided pendants are made for women from birch, rowan, alder, for men - from oak, ash or beech. Wood has natural strength and absorbs energy well. Before cutting a branch, they ask the tree for permission and keep it at home for several days before starting work. After applying the symbol, make a hole for a durable cord made of genuine leather.
  3. Metal chasing is performed exclusively by men on the waxing moon using new tools. They choose iron, gold, silver; alloys are not suitable. During this period, they refuse entertainment, intimacy, and bad habits. All strength and energy are put into the amulet.
  4. When embroidering, carving, embossing or embossing, adhere to the design and proportions. Incorrectly drawn lines neutralize the magical influence of the symbol on the owner.

Cross stitch symbol of the Family.
Amulets are made in good health, with pure thoughts. The sign will be just a decoration, a useless thing, if you work in a bad mood, sick or under duress.

How to activate

Contact with an object or a glance at it leaves an imprint on the amulet that requires cleansing. This is especially true for purchased jewelry embossed with the symbol of the Family, which carries the energy of the master.

They cleanse the amulet in a river or stream, imagining how the water washes away everything unnecessary. Another option is to expose a transparent container with water and amulet to the sun’s rays. If the material is not waterproof, the talisman is immersed in salt overnight.

Attention! Someone else's energetic influence is removed by fumigating the symbol with the incense of myrrh, the smoke of St. John's wort, and wormwood.

To activate the amulet, they take it in their hands, concentrate, bring it to their lips and begin to take deep breaths and exhales, giving away their energy, taking away its energy. Rings, rings, and pendants made of silver with the sign of the Family are charged on a windowsill or in the yard at night under the full moon.

The Slavs activated the amulets with the help of a fire made of birch and oak logs, which are now being replaced with a candle. The talisman on an open palm is carried over the flame several times, turning to the god Rod with a request for help. Metal objects are charged by carrying them three times through the flame of a church candle.

Symbol of the Family in the modern world

Now, as in Ancient Rus', the sign of the god Rod is relevant and in demand. The symbol helps:

  • for travel lovers;
  • seriously ill;
  • when changing the field of activity, developing new projects, drastic changes in life;
  • doubters who have not chosen their path;
  • people who want to reach the top in their profession.

The divine symbol clears the path to success, wards off troubles and misfortunes. Brings joy, love, harmony into life. The amulet neutralizes the influence of black magic, damage, evil eye, slander.

It’s also interesting to read: Why your nose itches – the meaning of the sign.

Young people, chasing fashion, without knowing the true meaning of the symbol of the Family, pin it on their bodies. Guys get tattoos with right-sided symbols, girls - with left-sided symbols. But a protective sign is not just a pretty picture. If the behavior of the tattoo owner is incompatible with wearing the symbol, punishment follows.

Before you make or buy a talisman with the sign of the Family or get a tattoo, you should familiarize yourself with the culture of your ancestors, find out the origin of the sign, its purpose. For the talisman to work, they perform only good deeds, honor their parents, and observe family traditions.

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