How to compose and decipher the four pillars of fate?

If you were able to build this map using an online calculator, you will notice that you have two cards - the Pillars of Fate and the Pillars of Luck (otherwise known as “cycles”, “beats” and “ten-year cycles”). The Pillars of Fate card has eight signs, and the Pillars of Fortune card has as many as can be counted by a calculator, since we are talking about ten-year periods of your life. Theoretically, you can build any number of Pillars of Fortune if you intend to live two hundred years, but often nine to ten cycles are built, covering 90-110 years of life. Many clients do not look beyond this horizon.

How do you begin to decipher the bazi?

Decoding the Ba Zi card begins with evaluating each individual element of the card. All elements in the Pillars of Fortune and the Pillars of Destiny have more than one meaning: one of the five aspects of life (money, self-expression, resources, power, people around), as well as opportunities and inclinations in life. Each element can mean one of our relatives (parents, husband and other relatives, respectively, we can talk about the relationship of the elements). We can also talk about the condition of organs or parts of the body, the element can talk about certain diseases and many other things.

Pillars of Luck or Tacts of Luck

Figuratively speaking, if the Bazi Map (Pillars of Fate) can be compared to a car, then the Pillars of Fortune can be compared to the road on which it is driving.

The Pillars of Luck are ten-year periods in a person’s life, during each of which certain energies exert their influence. In each Pillar of Luck come the energies of some Heavenly trunk and Earthly branch, which interact with the energies of a person’s Ba Zi card and with the energies of the year, month and day.

Keep in mind that the Heavenly Stem of the Pillar of Fortune reflects the first 5 years of the ten-year period, and the Earthly Branch reflects the second 5 years. However, the interaction of the Heavenly trunk and the Earthly branch within the framework of One Pillar of Luck is also important - whether they conflict with each other or support each other. If there is a conflict between them, then dividing the period into five-year periods will most likely be considered correct, although this is rather a rule for certain situations. In general, the influence of the pillar is interpreted precisely on the basis of the interaction of the elements of the Pillar of Luck with the Element of Personality specifically for a ten-year period.

The change of period does not occur instantly; the influence of energies can change over the course of a year or several years.

Calculation of the Pillars of Luck is the topic of a separate article. >

When considering the influence of the Pillars of Fortune, you need to consider:

  • — interaction of the pillar of luck with the pillars of the Ba Zi card (the entire pillar);
  • — interaction of the pillar of luck with the pillars of the Ba Zi map (each Heavenly trunk separately and each Earthly branch separately);
  • - the usefulness of the elements of the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch in terms of the strength or weakness of the Bazi card;
  • — the usefulness of the elements of the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch for 10 deities and demons of the BaZi card;
  • — interaction of the pillar of luck with the pillars of the current year.

When analyzing influences, it is important to take into account the spheres of influence of the Pillar of Luck, the years of influence of the Pillar of Luck, the tree of relatives, etc.

For example, when a pillar of luck with the element of Self-Expression comes to an adult, we say that this is the right time to “prove yourself.” That is, to do something important and global in life, for example, get your dream job or open a business. Otherwise, this potential will remain unrealized, which manifests itself as dissatisfaction with oneself and the already existing life. As a result, the person transfers it to his immediate environment in the form of irritation, conflict, provokes family quarrels, etc.

Choosing a profession based on the pillars of luck

Often a person’s life changes greatly with the arrival of a new pillar. This is especially noticeable on those maps that are either well balanced or very skewed (there is a lot of some element, following, and so on). However, if there is “one but fiery passion” in the map, the arrival of a new tact will not radically change the picture, but will make some adjustments - for example, a person will do the same thing, but in a different area.

And what a person does directly is just more natural to choose according to a strong element, an element that came in a new tact, but the sphere - in the field of useful elements. Then you will be close to useful things and immediate work responsibilities will not disgust you! And if you take into account the 10 Gods in the nature of the work, you can come up with a wonderful option that suits you!

When there is a strong, pronounced element in the birth chart, especially one that forms a structure (sprouting from the earthly branch of the month), the person is “drawn” by it and naturally comes to the sphere with which the predominant element is associated. If there is a lot of Earth in the chart, you are drawn to work with real estate or in accounting, a strong Tree attracts creativity and development. What’s nice is that even a beginner in bazi can see which element is abundant. Strength is more difficult to determine; here you already need to know about “tops and roots” - earthly branches and heavenly trunks, germination and rooting. And be able to see if the element is damaged.

If a strong element is useful, then a person has every chance to intuitively choose what he loves, work with passion and, if the bazi card allows, achieve heights in the profession.

If the useful elements in the bazi chart are weak or absent, recommending professions from the “useful list” is difficult and often useless. “It never even occurred to me,” “I don’t want to,” “It doesn’t work out” - that’s what a person with such a card thinks. If the useful elements are weak and have not sprouted into heavenly trunks, although a person may think about a profession in this area, he is unlikely to decide. If they are only in the hidden trunks of heaven, you will have to literally “break” yourself and pull out the necessary character qualities.

What is the result?

When analyzing the Pillars of Destiny, you can look at them from different angles. From them you can determine and understand:

  • our characteristics and personal qualities;
  • opportunities related to the professional sphere;
  • our relatives and our relationships with them;
  • our state of health and possible problems relating to the body;
  • our life path from youth to old age;
  • our appearance in general, external distinctive features.

And this is contained in several hieroglyphs. To become a professional in the Pillars of Destiny, theory alone is not enough. You must immediately put into practice the acquired knowledge, study yourself and others: as you gain experience, you will understand how this method works. Therefore, when you read any article, check everything on your own map, on the maps of your friends and relatives. It is necessary to correlate abstract signs with the real lives of people.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 08:25 + to quote book The Pillars of a person’s Fate contain the basic characteristics of a person, his innate qualities and all those factors that can be attributed to Fate, that is, to what we received at birth. However, during our life we ​​can change very much, becoming a completely different person, although everything that is inherent in us by Fate will influence our entire life. How exactly we change throughout life is influenced to a greater extent by the so-called Luck, or the Pillars of Luck, and to a lesser extent by the Pillars of years and other time cycles (months, days, hours). Moreover, the shorter the cycle, the less impact it has on us due to its short duration. We consider the favorability and unfavorability of certain elements (elements) or aspects of life to a greater extent in the Pillars of Fortune and other time cycles, since in the Pillars of Fate they have already had a certain influence on us. For example, an excess or deficiency of certain elements in the Four Pillars of Destiny shows a person’s predisposition to certain diseases, but whether a person gets sick or not is largely determined by the quality of the energies coming with time cycles. Or, for example, a person does not have Money in the Pillars of Destiny, and he does not show any commercial abilities, but with the advent of a strong aspect of Money in the Pillar of Luck, he can abruptly change the direction of his activities and suddenly go into business. If “Money” is an unfavorable element, then the business may end in financial problems or health problems, as a result of which the long-awaited wealth will not be a joy. If the element representing Money has a low level of energy and is in the “death” or “cliff” phase, then the business most likely will not bring its owner the expected wealth. It is depending on what elements come to us with the Pillars of Luck that the quality of our life largely depends. Periods with favorable elements are remembered as Successful and are remembered by us with pleasure. During such periods we achieve Success, achieving our goals is much easier for us, we are lucky. And, conversely, during periods with unfavorable elements, luck leaves us; achieving goals requires incredible efforts. Although, it is worth noting that in a favorable period for us, not everything will necessarily go smoothly, and we will not encounter obstacles on our way. Here, perhaps, it is worth talking specifically about the results of your activities. It is the result that will bring you satisfaction, and the process of achieving the goal may require all your abilities and maximum efforts from you only because good luck will give you more opportunities and you will be able to achieve the most ambitious goals. What can certain elements in the Pillars of Time bring, from the point of view of Luck? Let's continue with the same example as before. For a person with a strong Fire personality element, Metal and Earth are generally favorable and Fire and Wood are inauspicious. Therefore, when the period of Metal or Earth or both of these elements comes, then the person is in a favorable period. If a period comes with the elements of Fire or Wood, then the period is unfavorable. Other options are also possible. Since there are always two elements in a Pillar of a given period, one in the Heavenly trunk and the second in the Earthly branch, it may turn out that one of the elements will be favorable for a person, and the other will not. How to interpret such cases? It is believed that the element that came in the Heavenly trunk shows only the appearance of the situation, while the element of the Earthly branch reflects its essence. Therefore, if in the Heavenly trunk of the coming period there is an unfavorable element, and in the Earthly branch there is a favorable element, then such a period only seems unfavorable, but later it will be remembered with pleasure. And, conversely, if there is a favorable element in the Heavenly trunk, and an unfavorable element in the Earthly branch, then the favorableness of such a period is apparent. The elements during such a period will pull us in the wrong direction. You can’t trust yourself and your own opinion at a time like this, you can’t take risks. During such a period, we often follow the wrong path, fraught with disappointment. You can’t try to seriously change your life during a period of failure. Any changes can lead us to even greater defeat. For example, if during such a period you decide to change jobs, most likely the new job will suit you even less. If you decide to end your relationship with your significant other or, on the contrary, start an affair, you may regret it later. Well, now about the Pillars of Luck. The Pillars of Luck are ten-year periods showing the different stages of our lives. We begin the construction of the Pillars of Luck with the Pillar of a person’s birth month. In the example we are considering with the Pillars of Destiny: Hour Day Month Year 辛 Xin IM 丙 Bin Yao 甲 Jia YAD 壬 Zhen YAW 卯 Mao ID 申 Shen YAM 辰 Chen YAZ 寅 Yin YAD Pillar of the month of birth: Month 甲 Jia YAD 辰 Chen YAZ Pillar of the month of birth a person acts before his Pillars of Luck turn on. Its duration is not 10 years, as for the Pillars of Fortune. It ranges from 0 to 10 years and depends on what day from the beginning or end of the month this person was born. Moreover, exactly how the calculation is carried out depends on whether we are making calculations for a man or a woman, as well as on what year they were born, in Yin or Yang. For a man born in a Yang year and for a woman born in a Yin year, we calculate the number of days from the birthday to the end of the month. For a man born in a Yin year and for a woman born in a Yang year, the count is carried out from the beginning of the month until the actual birthday. Moreover, if we include the person’s birthday itself in the calculation, then we do not take into account the day of the beginning or end of the accounting month. Example: A man was born on 04/28/62. Diagram of the Pillars of Destiny: Hour Day Month Year 辛 Xin IM 丙 Bin Yao 甲 Jia YAD 壬 Zhen YAV 卯 Mao ID 申 Shen YAM 辰 Chen YAZ 寅 Yin YAD The year of birth of a person is Yang, which means the time of action We calculate the pillar of the month from the birthday to the end of the month in which the man was born. The month of Jia Chen in 1962 ended on May 5th. From the moment a person was born to the end of the month, 8 days passed. Let me remind you that if we take into account the birthday itself, we exclude the day of the end of the month. It is believed that a month (30 days) corresponds to a 10 year period, and 3 days are equal to one year. Divide 8 by 3 and get 2.667. We round and get the number 3. That is, the duration of the Pillar of the month is 3 years. Around the time a man turns 3 years old, his Pillars of Luck turn on. Month 甲 Jia YAD 辰 Chen YAZ Next, we need to build a diagram of the Pillars of Luck itself. As a starting point, we take the pillar of the person’s month of birth. In this case: In order to understand in which direction we will move, we again need to take into account whether a person was born in a Yin or Yang year, as well as whether it is a man or a woman. The approach is the same as when calculating the duration of the Pillar of the Month. For a man born in a yang year and for a woman born in a yin year, we move forward from the elements of the Birth Month. For a man born in a Yin year and for a woman born in a Yang year, we move backwards from the person's month of birth. Since we are dealing with a man born in a Yang year, we move forward. Following the Heavenly Stem of the birth month Jia (poison) is Yi (id). Following the Earthly branch of the birth month Chen (yaz) is the Earthly branch of Si (io). Hence the first Pillar of Luck for the man in question is: 3-13 years old 乙 I ID 巳 Sy IO And it will operate from 3 to 13 years old. If the example we were considering was a woman, then to determine the Pillars of Fortune we would need to move in the opposite direction. The Heavenly Pillar preceding the Heavenly Stem of the birth month of Jia (poison) is the Heavenly Stem Gui (Yi). The Earthly branch preceding the Earthly branch of the birth month Chen (yaz) is the Earthly branch of Mao (id). Hence, the first Pillar for a woman born on 04/28/62 looks like this: 9-19 years old 癸 Gui IW 卯 Mao ID It is not difficult to calculate that it will turn on at approximately the age of 9 and will operate until the age of 19. In order to fully build the Pillars of Luck for life, we will use the table. For a man born in a Yang year and for a woman born in a Yin year. Heavenly trunks: Jia (poison), Yi (id), Bin (yao), Ding (io), Wu (yaz), Ji (iz), Gen (yam), Xin (im), Ren (yav), Gui ( iv), Jia (poison), Yi (id), etc. Earthly branches: Tzu (yav), Chou (iz), Yin (poison), Mao (id), Chen (yaz), Si (io), Wu (yao), Wei (iz), Shen (yam), Yu (im), Xu (yaz), Hai (iv), Zi (yav), etc. For a man born in a Yin year and for a woman, born in the Yang year. Heavenly trunks: Jia (poison), Gui (iv), Ren (yav), Xin (im), Geng (yam), Ji (iz), Wu (yaz), Ding (io), Bin (yao), Yi ( id), Jia (poison), Gui (iv), etc. Earthly branches: Zi (yav), Hai (iv), Xu (yaz), Yu (im), Shen (yam), Wei (iz), Wu (yao), Si (io), Chen (yaz), Mao (id), Yin (poison), Chou (iz), Zi (yaw), etc. For men born in the Yang year and for women , born in the Yin year, the sequence of Heavenly trunks and Earthly branches is direct, but for men born in the Yin year and for women born in the Yang year, the sequence is reversed. Hence, for a man born on April 28, 1962, the Pillars of Luck will look like this: 83-93 73-83 63-73 53-63 43-53 33-43 23-33 13-23 3-13 0-3 癸 ive 壬 yav辛 im 庚 yam 己 from 戊 yaz 丁 io 丙 yao 乙 id 甲 yad 丑 from 子 yam 亥 iw 戌 yaz 酉 im 申 yam 未 from 午 yao 巳 io 辰 yaz For a woman born on the same day: 83-93 73- 83 63-73 53-63 43-53 33-43 23-33 13-23 3-13 0-3 乙 id 丙 yao 丁 io 戊 yaz 己 from 庚 yam 辛 im 壬 yav 癸 iv 甲 poison 未 from 申 yam 酉im 戌 yaz 亥 iv 子 yav 丑 from 寅 yad 卯 id 辰 yaz Please note that the Pillars of Luck are always built from right to left. When analyzing the effect of the Pillars of Luck on our lives, we need to take into account one factor. The effect of the Pillar of Luck on our lives over the course of 10 years is not the same. What does it mean? For example: Pillars of a man’s destiny: Hour Day Month Year 辛 Xin YAM 丙 Bin Yao 甲 Jia YAD 壬 Zhen YAW 卯 Mao ID 申 Shen YAM 辰 Chen YAZ 寅 Yin YAD From the age of 43 to 53 years, this man is in the pillar of Luck: 43 – 53 years old 己 Ji IZ 酉 Yu IM Rooster Since the personality element is a strong Fire, both the Earth element and the Metal element are favorable for this person and good prospects open up for him. However, will all 10 years of the period be equally lucky? Of course not. Because not only the Pillar of Luck will influence him, but also the pillars of years will make their own adjustments. In order to understand what exactly will happen, we need to build the pillars of years for the period of luck that interests us. 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2005 element, and in the Earthly branch it is favorable). On the contrary, the year 2010 threatens to make the wrong decisions, which can lead to failure. The year 2014 is unfavorable. But at the same time, in general, the period is favorable and, despite the obstacles that certain years or months may bring us, globally we will be able to achieve success. At the same time, the elements of the Pillar of Luck tell us in which area we can achieve Luck, what types of activities we should engage in, and so on. It is worth noting that we are influenced not only by the elements themselves in the Pillars of Luck, years and months, but also by special forms of influence on their part on the elements of our Pillars of Fate. We will look at what these impacts are in the next issue of the mini-course.

Ba Tzu Message Series:
Part 1 - Mini Course. Part 2. Beginning the analysis Part 2 - Mini-course. Part 3. Life aspects in the Pillars of Destiny Part 3 - mini-course. Part 4. Pillars of Luck Part 4 - Mini-course. Part 5. The type of person depending on the strength of his personality element. Favorable and unfavorable elements. Part 5 - Mini course. Part 6. The Five Elements - Some Lesser-Known Aspects of Analysis... Part 16 - Date of Birth and Marriage Part 17 - How to Add the Money Element to Your Life? Part 18 - Who can get rich in 2012 of the Dragon?

mini course part 4

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Signs in the Ba Zi map

An important component of deciphering the map is identifying and assessing the influence of Symbolic stars, which directly indicate our specific weaknesses and strengths. In addition, the mergers and collisions of the Heavenly trunks, the mergers, collisions and punishments of the Earthly branches are important. Understanding their meaning, it is possible to predict many events in a person’s life.

First, the map needs to identify five aspects of life: Power, Money, Competitors, Resources and Self-Expression. To find them easily, you need to know exactly the cycles of Generation, as well as the Control of Elements, which coincide both in Chinese astrology Ba Tzu and in Feng Shui.

Academy of Metaphysics Victoria Baykova

Well, now about the Pillars of Fortune. The pillars of luck in the Ba Zi chart are ten-year periods that show the different stages of our lives.

We begin the construction of the Pillars of Luck with the Pillar of a person’s birth month.

The pillar of a person’s birth month is active before his Pillars of Luck are activated. Its duration is not 10 years, as for the Pillars of Fortune. It ranges from 0 to 10 years and depends on what day from the beginning or end of the month this person was born. Moreover, exactly how the calculation is carried out depends on whether we are making calculations for a man or a woman, as well as on what year they were born, in Yin or Yang.

For a man born in a Yang year and for a woman born in a Yin year, we calculate the number of days from the birthday to the end of the month. For a man born in a Yin year and for a woman born in a Yang year, the count is carried out from the beginning of the month until the actual birthday. Moreover, if we include the person’s birthday itself in the calculation, we do not take into account the day of the beginning or end of the billing month.

Example: A man was born on April 28, 1962. Here is his Ba Zi card:

The year of birth of a person is Yang, which means that we calculate the time of action of the Pillar of the month from the day of birth to the end of the month in which the man was born.

The month of Jia Chen in 1962 ended on May 5th. From the moment a person was born to the end of the month, 8 days passed. Let me remind you that if we take into account the birthday itself, we exclude the day of the end of the month. It is believed that a month (30 days) corresponds to a 10 year period, and 3 days are equal to one year. Divide 8 by 3 and get 2.667. We round and get the number 3. That is, the duration of the Pillar of the month is 3 years. Around the time a man turns 3 years old, his Pillars of Luck turn on.

Next, we need to build a map of the Pillars of Fortune . We take the pillar of a person’s birth month as a starting point .

In order to understand in which direction we will move, we again need to take into account whether a person was born in a Yin or Yang year, as well as whether it is a man or a woman. The approach is the same as when calculating the duration of the Monthly Pillar.

For a man born in a yang year and for a woman born in a yin year, we move forward from the elements of the Birth Month. For a man born in a Yin year and for a woman born in a Yang year, we move backwards from the person's month of birth.

Since we are dealing with a man born in a Yang year, we move forward. Following the Heavenly Stem of the birth month Jia (poison) is Yi (id). Following the Earthly branch of the birth month Chen (yaz) is the Earthly branch of Si (io). Hence the first Pillar of Luck for the man in question is:

3-13 years old 乙 Yi 巳 Sy

And it will be valid from 3 to 13 years.

If the example we were considering was a woman, then to determine the Pillars of Fortune we would need to move in the opposite direction. The Heavenly Pillar preceding the Heavenly Stem of the birth month of Jia (poison) is the Gui (Yi) Heavenly Stem. The Earthly branch preceding the Earthly branch of the birth month Chen (yaz) is the Earthly branch of Mao (id). Hence the first Pillar for a woman born on 04/28/62 looks like this:

9-19 years old 癸 Gui 卯 Mao

It is not difficult to calculate that it will turn on at approximately the age of 9 and will operate until the age of 19.

In order to fully build the Pillars of Luck for life, we will use the table:

For men born in a Yang year and for women born in a Yin year, the sequence of Heavenly trunks and Earthly branches is direct, but for men born in a Yin year and for women born in a Yang year, the sequence is reversed.

Pillars of fortune are always built from right to left.

Luck and Age in Bazi

The pillars of luck in Bazi alternate every 10 years and sometimes it turns out that your best pillars, when life will favor you, are hidden after the age of 40. Having learned this, many give up, how can this be, because I will no longer have such strength to achieve my goals? You shouldn’t be upset, because age is not always a hindrance, but a dignity that contains life experience and wisdom, and the hero of our today’s article is more than proof of this.

Deshun Wang is an actor from China. There are several dates of his birth on the Internet, but judging by the events, November 30, 1935 is suitable, the hour is unknown.

So, let's look at his map:

At 24 he was a stage actor. At the age of 44 he began to study English. Then he decided to move to Beijing with nothing in his pocket except his name. At 50, he decided to try going to the gym and at 57, he decided to return to the stage, creating a one-of-a-kind show of living statues, the element of earth is pottery, and metal is again associated with good physical shape.

Apparently, we have a card of a weak metal that benefits from earth and metal. Luck in Bazi is primarily looked at by the presence of favorable elements in its luck pillar, as well as the card that represents the age range. Half of the luck was always present in his chart, but it is obvious that from 48-68 years old the tacts were not very favorable. During such periods, it is very important to reinforce the map with useful elements, so the decision to go to the gym helped him a lot.

With the advent of 2003, when tact came with great luck, and also affected his pillar of the day, Deshun Wang began to visit the gym even more, as much as 4 (!) hours a day every day. Obviously, the Kuigang star in his day pillar added to his perseverance and perseverance in this matter.

At the age of 79, he first appeared on the catwalk as a model, etc. At this stroke of luck, he had both a peach blossom and a reward of 10 heavenly trunks, recognition came to him, to which, in his words, he had been walking for 60 years. After reading his biography, it even began to seem to me that he was visiting a bazi consultant, because... when choosing a job and hobby, he focused on those professions that were favorable to his chart.

Many people go through difficult periods in life, the main thing is not to give up and believe in yourself. We also suggest watching his video, it’s very motivating:

*Any use of copyright materials is possible only with the consent of the author and a link to the original article.

Ba Zi - three types of luck

Fate - does it exist or not? Is there anything you can do to increase your luck and reduce your losses? Questions that have existed for as long as human consciousness has existed. As a rule, they arise at those moments in life when luck leaves us, when a bad streak comes.

Among the many different divinatory systems, the teaching of Chinese metaphysics Bazi stands out with its unique logic. Wise and practical Chinese have been using this system for several millennia. In search of the causes of the tragedy in my family, I settled on this system of knowledge and found answers to many questions.

Ba Zi - literally translated as “eight hieroglyphs” - is a system of reading fate based on the Chinese solar calendar. In the Western world, Ba Zi is more often called the four pillars of fate and luck. Actually, they make up the year, month, day and hour of birth. The pillars of destiny can be considered as an energetic code of personality, which is formed as a result of the unique arrangement at the moment of a person’s birth of the Five main subtle energies of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.

The individual combination of elements, their interaction with each other, and their expression in the map influence our appearance and personality, determine talents, abilities, interests and inclinations for this or that type of activity, give a predisposition to certain diseases, influence how we will relationships develop in society, in the family, which generally gives a very accurate picture of a person’s life path.

In many ways, the Four Pillars of Destiny have something in common with Western astrology, but there is an undoubted advantage in this system - the ability to reduce losses and increase luck, using knowledge and making the right choice (being in the right place at the right time); find out what type of occupation your card favors, i.e. in which area you will be most successful; determine how relationships with other people will develop; what to do to grow your business and much more.

Analyzing the map of people who contact me, I never cease to be amazed at how exactly what is written in eight hieroglyphs is played out in life. It is generally accepted that approximately 30-40 percent of what is written in our star passport cannot be changed. However, we can control the remaining 60-70% of scenarios. Are you ready for this or is it easier for you to follow the will of fate? Do you know what you need to do to increase your luck and reduce the losses that are inevitable in any case?

Ba Tzu gives answers to these questions, and if you listen to them, you have a chance to change what you currently have. In the system of Chinese metaphysics, it is accepted that there are 3 types of luck - heavenly, earthly and human - approximately 33% for each.

Heavenly luck is associated with the place where we were born, the social status of our parents, and it also largely determines our talents and inclinations. The Chinese consider heavenly luck to be the most important factor in achieving a happy life, and everyone can achieve success at a certain level. In this part, Fate cannot be changed, but you can analyze it and make the best use of the opportunities given from birth. In metaphorical terms, everyone starts on a different type of transport - some get a bicycle, some a motorcycle, and there are those who start driving straight away on a BMW or Mercedes Gelik.

Then earthly luck begins - our environment, circumstances. For example, it is easier to ride a bicycle on a very narrow road, but on a highway it is not easy to overcome long distances; here a BMW will be more successful. Knowing the features of your transport, you can choose the optimal route to be in the right place at the right time. When consulting, I give similar recommendations, and then it is up to the client to hear and use them or again act at random. So, earthly luck is the world that surrounds us, what we choose - things, housing, food, roads, etc. This choice already contributes to change and creation of a unique life situation.

The third type - human luck - is an aspect of personality: thoughts, decisions, education and self-education, actions and behavior, interaction with other people, choice of activity, self-development. This sphere is almost entirely under the control of man himself. Earthly and human luck is what a person will do with his heavenly luck - enhance what is useful, reduce what is excessive and harmful to a person, leading to a harmonious distribution of the flow of qi in the body, psyche and destiny. Some may say that it is boring to live, constantly checking your actions with the location of hieroglyphs, for some it is easier to swim according to the will of fate, for others they will go ahead, proving their strength and challenging fate. Fate accepts any choice and challenge of a person, including when he is ready to sacrifice money, time, health, and sometimes life.

For those who are ready to get acquainted with the predetermined nature of their destiny, I recommend doing a card calculation and finding out when difficult periods of life will come, how to minimize losses, when it is worth hiding and waiting out the time, because any of your undertakings will have not only little results, but may turn out to be the opposite effect - losses, what to do so that you can live the period of oncoming good luck not just calmly and carefree, but literally get your success soaring, while at the same time following your card.

Meaning of the Four Pillars in Bazi

Each Bazi card consists of Four Pillars: the Year Pillar, the Month Pillar, the Day Pillar and the Hour Pillar. And for each pillar there are several levels of analysis. The pillar can tell about a person’s surroundings, his relatives, psychological characteristics and some areas of life. Each pillar is responsible for a certain age. Read about this manifestation of the Four Pillars here. In this article we will consider some manifestations of each pillar related to social and professional

aspects of life.

Secret desires, innermost dreams Independent professional activityMarriage Relationships Home as a Physical ObjectCareer, work Desire for development in professional activitiesThe impression a person makes Attitude to family and homeland Interaction with superiors

Pillar of the Year

in Bazi shows what
first impression
a person makes on people. This is what we intuitively feel when we first meet a person. One will seem to us an energetic, cheerful fellow, another an abstruse arrogant, the third will make a solid impression, we will want to listen to him. The elements in the pillar of the year represent a kind of “showcase” of a person; they are visible to others. And if, for example, there is an element of Money in the pillar of the year, then when we meet, we give the impression of a wealthy person or “concerned” with money.

Another meaning of the pillar of the year in Bazi is the influence of the family, the older generation on a person. This is a symbol of the Motherland. Useful elements in this pillar will show that a person perceives his homeland well and can be lucky by remaining in his native land. Also, the pillar of the year describes people of high status: big bosses, high-ranking management, president. We analyze this aspect if we want to understand how effectively a person will work in a large company or in public service.

Pillar of the month

in Bazi. It is connected with a career, to a greater extent with how a person adapts to a team, how interested he is in work, whether he wants to work or is forced to. Does a person want to develop in his profession, what methods does he use for professional growth: studies theory, masters it in practice, borrows the work of others, etc. Interactions with the pillar of the month (mergers or clashes) in most cases are a sign of changes in work or career. Another meaning of the pillar of the month is an indication of in which area it is better for a person to realize himself. We use this information when choosing a field of activity.

Pillar of the year and pillar of the month

are called
outer pillars
. The elements in them mean more visible character traits and are associated with a person’s realization in the outside world, society, career, and active work.

Pillar of the day

in Bazi.
Heavenly trunk - describes the character of a person
Because the element in the Heavenly Stem of the day represents the person himself. The earthly branch of the day is called the House of the Spouse
the House of Marriage
and describes the relationship in marriage. Does marriage provide support? Hidden Heavenly Stems describe the character traits of the kind of spouse a person wants to see. It is also the physical House of a person. It shows whether we are comfortable in our home, whether we receive support from there.

Pillar of the Hour

in Bazi.
Describes career, inner thoughts and beliefs
. The elements of the hour pillar represent who we really are, our “inner nature.” That is, not what we “should” or “want” (this is the pillar of the month) and not what first impression we make on others, but what we really are. Another meaning of the pillar of the hour is associated with career aspirations, but we are already talking about independent, individual, more independent activity. This pillar shows what position a person would like to achieve in a professional environment, what ambitions to satisfy. The pillar of the hour is responsible for the result of actions, that is, it tells how actively a person is ready to achieve a result, and the person’s attitude towards the result. Will he be satisfied or constantly dissatisfied with the result of his actions.

Pillar of the Day and Pillar of the Hour

are called
internal pillars
. The elements in them mean hidden character traits and are associated with the inner world of a person, with those phenomena in life that are usually not demonstrated to the first person they meet. This refers to plans, dreams, hidden desires.

How to compose and decipher the four pillars of fate?

The art of Ba-Tzu, or Eastern astrology, makes it possible to understand yourself, find out your strengths and weaknesses, determine the direction of your professional activity, and also identify your own talents. Simply put, find your own path of harmony, which allows you to minimize the negativity that many have to face in life. The date of birth is decomposed by astrologers of the East into four pillars of fate. The first one on the left is the hour pillar. Second from the left is the pillar of the day. The third is the pillar of the month and the fourth is the pillar of the year of birth.

In Eastern astrology, it is believed that each person was born at a certain time and in a specific place, surrounded by certain people, with a certain life program. To be “on the wave” and enjoy life, you need to know your life program, understand what is favorable and what is not. Each person is an individual and each has the opportunity to receive the benefits of this world to the fullest. The main thing is to know what “buttons” you need to push in order to achieve your goals. The four pillars of destiny help identify energy levers that allow you to change your life and destiny.

The Four Pillars of Destiny - Ba Tzu - is a science that most fully reflects the essence of any living creature if the date of its birth is known. With its help, you can change events, prevent diseases, eliminate negative situations, avoid accidents and attract well-being. This is an opportunity to change your destiny!

Many feng shui masters who focus on the rules rooted in the eastern schools of feng shui believe that what is given by heaven, namely fate, cannot be changed. However, if you focus on the practice of Eastern astrology, you cannot help but notice how the course of everyday life and life events in general are changing. Then, comparing what was prescribed from birth with what happened in the past, you understand that you can change your destiny.

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To understand how the four pillars of destiny are calculated and interpreted, it is necessary to study the theory of Eastern astrology. All Bazi calculations are based on the interaction of the five elements of the universe: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. It is believed that the sky is divided into 28 sectors and each of them corresponds to one of the constellations. They are conventionally divided into four parts: - seven constellations in the east - the palace of spring (Dragon); - seven in the north - the palace of the north (Turtle); - seven in the west - the palace of autumn (Tiger); - seven in the south - the summer palace (Phoenix).

Observing the revolution of the sun allowed feng shui masters to divide the year into 12 parts. In addition, a 12-year cyclicity was established, corresponding to the revolutions of Jupiter. Thus, 12 earthly branches were obtained, some of which contain the four pillars of the destiny of every living being whose date of birth is known.

Complete list of earthly branches: - Rat; - Bull; - Tiger; - Rabbit; - The Dragon; - Snake; - Horse; - Goat; - Monkey; - Rooster; - Dog; - Pig.

Unlike the sky, which in the East was depicted as round, the earth was always square. The numbers of the earth were five and ten. From here came 10 heavenly trunks, some of which contain the four pillars of the fate of any person whose date of birth is known. Full list of heavenly trunks: - Yang tree; - yin tree; - Yang-fire; - yin fire; - Yang-earth; - yin-earth; — Yang metal; - yin metal; - Yang water; - yin water.

When the four pillars of fate are calculated, the description of the sky is taken for the earthly branches, and the description of the earth for the heavenly trunks. This symbolizes the relationship between earth and sky. Eastern astrology is an unconventional science that helps to find out what the heavens have laid in each person from birth and how it will manifest itself in the world. Knowing his strengths and weaknesses, a person can control his destiny and the events occurring in his life.

Although it is believed that heavenly luck cannot be influenced, it is still possible to avoid the inevitable. Knowing what period of life you are currently in and taking the right steps, you can change the course of expected events. And if you do this constantly, fate changes very much. Many other people who understood Eastern astrology and understood the reasons for the events were convinced of this.

According to Eastern astrology, the four pillars of destiny consist of the heavenly trunks and earthly branches listed above. In this part of the article, the heavenly trunks are listed with their Chinese designations: - Jia - Yang tree; - And - yin tree; - Bin - Yang fire; - Ding - yin fire; — Wu is the land of Yang; - Ji is the land of yin; - Gen - Yang metal; - Xin - yin metal; - Ren - Yang water; - Gui is yin water.

The four pillars of the destiny of any living being include some of the twelve earthly branches. A complete list of earthly branches with their Chinese designations: - Tzu - Rat - Yang water; - Chow - Bull - Yin land; - Yin - Tiger - Yang tree; - Mao - Rabbit - Yin tree; - Chen - Dragon - Yan land; - Sy - Snake - Yin fire; - U - Horse - Yang fire; - Wei - Goat - Yin land; - Shen - Monkey - Yang metal; - Yu - Rooster - Yin metal; - Xu - Dog - Yan land; - Hai - Pig - Yin water.

The calculation of the four pillars of destiny can be done manually or using an online calculator. When calculating the four pillars of fate, the time of birth should be indicated in Greenwich Mean Time. It is important! Many Feng Shui experts calculate the date of birth as it is or taking into account solar time. But it's not right. You can make a mistake for a whole day and then the alignment will turn out to be incorrect. And therefore it will not be possible to change anything in life. When the time of birth is unknown, you should rely on the date and events of the past.

When the four pillars of fate are calculated, their interpretation is necessary. The most important thing when analyzing the pillars is the heavenly trunk of the day. This is the top value in the second column from the left. It is the element of personality of a living being. If there are many Yang elements in the pillars, then it is believed that such a person is open, active, and purposeful. When the yin elements predominate, it can be argued that the person is secretive, cunning and calculating. The strength of personality is determined through the analysis of the pillars, the main role in which is played by the calculation of favorable and unfavorable elements for the element of personality.

As mentioned above, to calculate the four pillars of destiny, the Ba Tzu calculator is used. When analyzing the pillars, it is revealed which elements are favorable to a person and which are not. To determine this, you need to remember the interaction of the five elements. For example, wood strengthens fire, weakens water and destroys earth. Fire strengthens earth, weakens wood, and destroys metal. Earth strengthens metal, weakens fire and destroys water. Metal strengthens water, weakens earth and destroys wood. Water strengthens wood, weakens metal and destroys fire.

After the four pillars of fate have been calculated, they will need to be deciphered. If, for example, the personality element is earth, and the pillars are dominated by the elements of wood and metal, then such a personality can be called weak. If, on the contrary, a person has earth in his pillars, fire that fuels him and earth that supports him, then such a person is considered strong. In the pillars you can see what is inherent in a person initially, what qualities and capabilities are best manifested. For example, if a person with the earth element has a lot of metal, it means that she will either be famous or will easily climb the career ladder. If she has a lot of water, she will be rich or prosperous.

If the four pillars of fate are balanced, that is, they contain both nourishing and depleting elements, then the person will be healthy and all his actions will be beneficial to him, and life as a whole will be successful and will be long. People with unbalanced pillars should create harmony in their energy using Feng Shui methods, which are described in the books offered for purchase on this resource. By eliminating the imbalance of energies inherent at the moment of birth, you can significantly improve your everyday life and change the course of events that are written in fate.

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The author of the article is Oksana Stier: “Since childhood, I have been seeing and hearing energies. And besides, I react to them like litmus paper, which allows me to determine what type of elements I interact with. Since I wanted to understand what I perceive, from the late 90s I began to study Ba-Tsi, Feng Shui and other non-traditional sciences. I am constantly improving my knowledge, leaving for myself and my readers only methods that have been proven in practice.”

The use of Feng Shui techniques, which help improve health by harmonizing the energy of the body and the room, does not imply refusal of the services of doctors and medications prescribed by doctors. The methods presented on this site should be used in conjunction with the recommendations of doctors.

Do good! Start a chain of good deeds! After receiving a free consultation on Feng Shui or Ba Tzu, do a good deed - help animal rescuers. Support 10 dogs of Alexander Stupnitsky. Sponsor the construction of a private shelter for Nikolai Smotrov (Sberbank card: 4276 8100 1434 8446). Support the rehabilitation center for dogs and cats of Valentina Silich. Help feed the dogs at the Dora shelter. Support the Four Paws shelter (Sberbank: 5469 5200 2527 6023). Each of these people will help the dog or cat. And the rescued four-legged animal will provide moral support to the new owner. In turn, the owner of a grateful pet, being in a good mood, will do a good deed that will continue the chain of good deeds that change the world for the better. The next person who finds himself in this chain of goodness will appear on your path, just at the moment when you need help.

Successful and unsuccessful beats in Bazi

In Chinese Bazi astrology there are 10-year cycles, the impact of which can be compared with firdar periods and directions in Western astrology. A 10-year tact affects the birth chart; under the influence of tact, the map can even change its structure. In a life of normal duration, a person lives 7-8 cycles, some of which are successful, some of which are unsuccessful. The luckiest people, those who have achieved a lot in life, most often meet successful 10-year cycles at a young age. It’s worse when a successful tact comes after 50, but even in this case you can live for your pleasure.

Bazi practitioners define a beat as successful or unsuccessful depending on what energy the beat carries and what interactions it enters into with the birth chart. If a tact carries useful elements and enters into useful mergers and collisions, the tact is considered successful. Conversely, an unsuccessful tact brings harmful elements and interactions that are harmful to a person.

However, the very concept of luck needs clarification. It is important to understand the meaning of “luck and failure” as it relates to forecasting.

Signs and features of a successful period

Entering into a successful tact does not mean that you will suddenly win 100 million in the lottery, become richer than Croesus, and will be loved no matter what. It’s just that during a successful period it’s easier to make the right choice of path.

  1. The main map of life is still the birth map, you are limited by its framework. You shouldn’t expect a sharp takeoff; this is possible, but only if the opportunity is in the map. I described an example of a sharp takeoff in an article about top managers
  2. A successful period is, in fact, an expansion of the karmic corridor. The arrival of a set of successful opportunities that are very difficult to pass by. His career is growing, his personal life is improving, and his health does not cause any special problems.
  3. Your mistakes and blunders are not noticed or you get off with a light punishment, you get away with a lot.
  4. A lot works out, partly because in a successful period, intuition leads you to the right decision, and it comes to your mind to do exactly what gives you benefits and joy.
  5. The mood is most often light, joyful, positive, even in difficult periods, which also happen in good timing, it is easier to survive losses, a replacement effect occurs. For example, an alcoholic husband leaves, who was like a suitcase without a handle. Or they fire you from a job where you worked for many years, but you immediately find another one, with a higher salary and career growth.

However, remember that if you don’t have a clear plan for the 10-year period, if you don’t at least have a rough idea of ​​what you will do in each year, even a successful period can be wasted on trifles. Don’t expect it to always be like this, work for yourself, make the most of your luck.

You can find out about your successful and unsuccessful periods, the characteristics of the coming years, and develop an action plan for 10, 20, 30 years by ordering me an analytical forecast of the “Life Line” periods. Find out more here

Signs of a bad period

Everything is exactly the opposite. Narrowing of the karmic corridor, limitation of opportunities,

  1. An unsuccessful period is not a death sentence. This means that a time has come in your life that requires keen attention to detail, a period of composure and clear calculation of all actions.
  2. An unsuccessful period is not always unsuccessful - years come with good elements, when you can improve things and meet the right people.
  3. The basis of an unsuccessful period is a misunderstood situation and incorrectly made decisions, as well as persistence in making wrong decisions. It seems to a person that he is doing everything right, and is about to taxi out, but over and over again he does the wrong thing, in the wrong way, with the wrong people, goes on trips in the direction of the yellow 5, for example) I know cases when During the bad period, people preferred to travel for one year in the direction of 5 on vacation. And then we got into big trouble.
  4. An unsuccessful period is part of a karmic test, but the point of the test is to learn to make the right choice. Therefore, it is especially important to know the essence of your map and the necessary direction of development.

Signs of a bad tact:

A person is fired from his job, he cannot find a new job, or (if his professional position is good) he experiences opposition from his superiors, his career is stalled. At such moments, many people quit and open their own business in the hope that their business will definitely fail, because... the “nasty” bosses won’t interfere. Business is also not going well, investments are burned out, or everything is barely supported by perseverance and hard work, without any benefit. If there were outstanding debt obligations, they come to light and creditors find the debtor.

Family problems begin, the person psychologically aggravates the situation, since during an unsuccessful period not the best character traits appear, the person, still in euphoria and an inflated opinion of himself after a successful period, behaves irreconcilably and harshly, which often leads to divorce, cheating and so on.

Chronic sores appear, and a person brushes aside concern for health, causing his condition to worsen, and in some cases. even to death. For women, bad periods are fraught with problems during pregnancy, and sick children are often born.

Often in a bad mood. not even so much because of problems, but out of the blue. Anxiety, stiffness.

The key here is not the emergence of problems out of nowhere, but the fact that a person himself allows troubles to enter his life. And you can always prevent this, lay down straws, if you know what and when to expect.

What to do during a bad beat

  1. Focus on completing your responsibilities. Failure always has a Saturnian aftertaste, this is a lesson. Act as if this is your last day, everything you say and do matters. Do what you have to do. Work hard.
  2. Learn to control your anger, but be sure to give vent to negativity: through sports, overcoming challenges. However, traumatic sports should be avoided, especially if there are instructions in the card.
  3. Avoid alcoholic drinks and smoking - bad habits acquired during an unsuccessful period will remain for a long time. Take care of your health, visit doctors, and do not ignore symptoms.
  4. Give back, no matter how hard it is for you . But with one condition - do it and forget it. If you remember and wait for an answer, it will bother you even more. It is not a fact that there will be an answer, since on the scale of the Universe the calculation takes place in a different dimension.
  5. Believe in yourself, because you can only rely on yourself . Very few can stand a person in an unsuccessful period who gives himself free rein. One plus is that fake friends will definitely fall off.
  6. Appreciate your loved ones , as they also suffer from your poor tact. They also have fewer reasons to be happy, they can also afford less.
  7. Remember that only you are responsible for your successes and failures , no one owes you anything. Moms, dads, children, wives and husbands are people too, they are not obligated to support you, especially if you have another crisis and throw stools. Awareness of this fact gives freedom.

You can find out about your successful and unsuccessful periods, the characteristics of the coming years, and develop an action plan for 10, 20, 30 years by ordering me an analytical forecast of the “Life Line” periods. Find out more here

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