The most powerful protector is the Bagua mirror, its purpose, convex or concave, how to use it according to Feng Shui

The Bagua mirror is used according to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui to neutralize negative energy directed towards one’s home, while this kind of mirror is a keeper of bad Sha energy, so it must be used with great care. There are many different versions of how to use the Bagua mirror; let’s look at some of them.

Bagua Mirror

The Bagua Mirror is one of the most powerful symbols in Feng Shui. It reflects and neutralizes the flow of any negative and poisonous Sha energy emanating from the surrounding world.

A regular Bagua mirror has only an octagonal shape, is made of wood and is between 10 and 14 centimeters in diameter. On its surface along the entire perimeter of the octagon there are eight trigrams, and in the center there is an absolutely round mirror. This symbol is very convenient to use and an inexpensive means of protection against unfavorable Sha energy. It is actively used in the School of Forms in Feng Shui, which is the basic basis of all other schools of Feng Shui and dates back to the Song Dynasty, which is 960 - 1279.

The Bagua mirror owes its protective abilities to the eight trigrams and the scripture of the Lo River, as well as the five elements and a small mirror in the very center.

The eight trigrams from the I Ching and known as the Book of Changes are nothing more than a picture of the changes taking place in our Universe. The energies of the trigrams were formulated with clear consideration of all their transformations and stages of the evolution of nature and recorded in diagrams in the form of solid Yang lines and broken Yin lines.

Natural phenomena displayed in trigrams affect all areas of human life - health, relationships and financial well-being. These ancient symbols are the true embodiment of the infinite wisdom of the Universe.

However, you need to use the Bagua mirror with great care. This is due to its very large, and if used incorrectly, destructive power. As a result, instead of benefit, irreparable harm can be caused.

How to do it yourself?

The structure of this object is very complex, and the component parts must be of a certain size and configuration, so understanding its construction is very difficult for a person.
It should also be noted that it seems impossible to make such a mirror with your own hands, because for this you need to have knowledge of the rules of Feng Shui and study Chinese characters.

Making such a talisman can be dangerous for the person creating it. Making a talisman based on a sample is also not recommended.

The slightest mistake in writing or combining hieroglyphs can turn the energy of the talisman negative, which will lead to inevitable consequences. It is better to purchase this item in a trusted store or bring it from eastern countries, after consulting with experts in hieroglyphs and the science of feng shui.

Why do you need a Bagua mirror amulet?

If a person begins to be haunted by a chain of failures, misunderstanding arises in the family, health deteriorates sharply, it means that negative Sha energy has formed in the path of life-giving Qi, and it must be fought by any means. Feng Shui advises, first of all, to check the location of the entrance door to your home, since this is the “mouth” through which the house breathes. An improperly positioned door hinders the unimpeded flow of positive chi energy. They arrange furniture in a different order to remove it from inharmonious flows, clear away rubble where favorable energy could stagnate.

If the measures taken do not help correct the situation, you can use the Bagua mirror, the most powerful amulet-amulet created by the hands of oriental masters. It is a regular octagon, on each side of which a certain trigram is depicted.

Feng Shui states that everything that happens is divided into 9 categories, which are considered the main aspects of people's lives. The central sector has the greatest power and is responsible for health.

If Bagua is used as a talisman, there is a small mirror in its center, which is a conductor of positive energy. Source:

Types of Bagua mirror

In total, there are two types of Bagua mirrors - the pre-heavenly and the post-heavenly, externally they differ in the arrangement of the trigrams.

The Precelestial Bagua symbolizes the Bagua of the ideal world, which operated even before the creation of the Universe itself. It is not used in everyday, practical life, other than choosing places for graves or cemeteries.

Precelestial Bagua (Yin)

    The Qian trigram is located in the south, and the Kun trigram is in the north. The Precelestial Bagua is considered one of the most powerful symbols of protection against negative and aggressive Sha energy. Therefore, Yin Baguas are placed on the outside of windows and doors to repel hostile Sha.

It is believed that the pre-celestial Bagua gives powerful protective powers precisely to the special arrangement of its trigrams. It is precisely because of its destructive power that Yin Bugua should never be placed inside a house or directed at other people’s houses.

The Pre-Heavenly Bagua cannot be hung on your front door if the door of a neighbor’s apartment is opposite it; in this case, you should choose other ways to protect your home from the negative energy of Sha.

The post-celestial Bagua (Yang) is used for arranging apartments, houses and offices in everyday life according to Feng Shui, and the arrangement of trigrams in it is different than in the pre-celestial Bagua. In order not to mistakenly use the Bagua mirror incorrectly, you need to learn to distinguish them from each other. This is due to the fact that if any of the two types of Bugua are used incorrectly, it is possible not only not to improve, but also to significantly worsen the feng shui of the house, and this will have a sharply negative impact on the residents.

Two trigrams – Qian and Kun – will serve as guidelines for determining the type of Bugua. In the post-celestial they are in the northwest, and the pre-celestial in the southeast.

The location of the trigrams in Yang and Yin is radically different. You definitely need to learn to distinguish them. The simplest way is to simply remember their location in the main trigrams Qian and Kun.

Both of these trigrams occupy a special position in Feng Shui and are considered one of the most important. This is due to the fact that they symbolize the place of the master and mistress of the house. The trigram Qian is the place of the master of the house, and Kun is the place of the mistress of the house.

You should not use a cracked or broken Bagua mirror, and it is also not recommended to hang them in the bedroom above the bed or opposite the front door. Competent and correct use of a mirror will help reflect unfavorable energy and accumulate and double positive energy.


There are two Baguas:

  1. Precelestial, symbolizing according to Feng Shui the correctly created ideal world that existed before the appearance of the Universe. The trigrams on it are of Yin, feminine origin. Such a powerful amulet is needed against aggressive hostile energy, whose name is Sha. What gives the celestial Bagua special power is the special arrangement of trigrams that carry a destructive effect.
  2. Post-heavenly, with symbols relating to the nature of male yang energy. People often try to hang it to accumulate positive energy in everyday life in their home or work interior.

Ba mirror options

Mirrors can be of different shapes

The central part of the Bagua mirror can be different.

The purpose of the concave mirror is to absorb negative Sha energy. Such bad energy dissipates and loses its power. It is better to give preference to the concave surfaces of Ba, so as not to cause adverse consequences for yourself in the future in your personal life.

The optical property of a convex center, in which the bend is directed outward, is its reflective ability against harmful energy. The convex Bagua mirror receives its flows onto itself, dissipating it in space, leaving negative energy without power.

Another property of such a convex mirror surface is to concentrate all the negativity in the center and, with the help of trigrams, prevent it from returning back to the outside.

The flat center of Ba is considered neutral in its effect. It is capable of reflecting and returning back into space or an object any type of energy flow, both negative and positive. Source:

The influence of Qi and Sha energies on the mirror

The mirror surface is a good conductor of Qi energy, and it is also capable of correcting its favorable flows. In those places where there is a lack of energy or the latter stagnates, it is appropriate to place objects that will direct and activate the flow of qi. A smooth Bagua mirror reflects the negative energy of Sha and helps protect against dangerous radiation from objects and objects with a negative background (landfills, hospitals, buildings with sharp corners and high spiers).

The mirror surface must be cleaned from time to time (wipe with a damp cloth), since the object accumulates negativity and its protective properties are reduced as a result. Sometimes it happens that the talisman, for unknown reasons, cracks or becomes cloudy.

This means that it has been subjected to a powerful negative influence and should be immediately replaced with a new one.

How to use the Ba Gua mirror correctly

We examined in detail what objects are sources of negative energy in the article “Sha Qi or Feng Shui to guard your well-being” and the Ba-Gua mirror is considered the best means of neutralizing and blocking it, but it should be used carefully, placing it only outside the building . Under no circumstances should you hang such a mirror inside your home! This is too powerful to be used indoors. It is believed that in this case it can bring bad luck.

This is the most important condition for its use. However, life cannot be forced into the framework of similar situations, so the decision to use it should be made based on specific circumstances. For example, if your home is located at a T-junction or is exposed to other forms of Sha Qi, the Ba Gua Mirror is an ideal solution to this problem. Directed at a fast-moving stream of cars, it will reflect negative energy.

Or if there is a much taller building very close to the house, then this can have a depressing effect on the residents. The negative impact can be eliminated by hanging the Ba Gua mirror on the wall or roof of your house on the side of a taller building. In this case, it is best to use a Ba-Gua mirror with a concave mirror in the center. This will help eliminate feelings of oppression and pressure.

It should be remembered that the Ba Gua mirror reflects Sha Qi energy back towards its source, so be careful and pay attention to where you direct it.

If there is a possibility that by reflecting negative energy from your home, you can direct it to a neighboring house, that is, to the people living in it, it is better to use another means.

That is, if the problem is the neighbors as such, living behind the fence in the neighboring area (for example, you constantly have conflicts with them or you don’t get along at all) - it’s better not to use it. A mirror reflects energy and the worst thing you can do is reflect negative energy back at them. This will only make the situation worse.

You can buy a Ba-Gua mirror of various sizes in esoteric stores or order it on the Internet. Source:


Feng Shui experts, when placing objects in the house, always warn their clients that they should never look into the Bagua mirror. This leads to negative consequences for a person - energy flows into the mirror, dissipates, and then it takes a long time to restore it. And if the surface is not smooth, then you can even invite illness, a major quarrel and other troubles.

You shouldn’t make a spontaneous decision and buy the first Bagua mirror you come across. Photos of various versions of the amulet are present in most catalogs of stores with oriental goods. This way you can look at the symbolism in detail, estimate the size and understand which option will suit your home.

Tips for its use, according to the rules of Feng Shui

The basic rule for using a talisman is a strict ban on placing it indoors. It is appropriate to hang a mirror outside the house; it is fixed above the front door or window. The object should be positioned so that it cannot reflect residents and guests of the house standing on the threshold. The same applies to placement above a window. It is important to consider that the talisman does not carry magical power without trigrams located around it. Only the combination of a mirror surface and sacred symbols provides protection.

Safety precautions when using Bagua

Unlike many other amulets, Bagua is not as safe as we would like. There are actions that under no circumstances should be done with this talisman. For example, you cannot look into it as if you were looking into a mirror; it is believed that even an accidental reflection in its mirror surface can be harmful. In the East they believe that this object can steal the soul of someone whose physical body is reflected in a mirror framed by an octagon.

The amulet is never hung inside a house or apartment. It is appropriate to place it outside the house when opposite there are garbage containers, a vacant lot, power lines, a fast river, destroyed buildings or other non-residential objects with negative energy. It is necessary to place an object on the outside of the wall of a house with great care when there are other residential buildings opposite.

Feng Shui teachings say that mirrors help reflect negative energy, and it is recommended to hang them in such a way as to reduce the negative influence of sharp corners of nearby structures. But this only applies to simple mirrors.

The Bagua talisman should not be positioned in such a way that it reflects negative energy towards other residential buildings or apartments. This can bring trouble to the people living there, and, according to the law of karma, after a while the negative will return to the owner of the talisman.

You need to use the Bagua mirror in such a way as not to harm yourself or others, only then can it bring health and well-being to the life of its owner. Source:

What does the mirror in the center mean?

It is believed that the power of Bagua comes not only from the octagonal shape, but also from the mirror in its central part and the trigrams located around it.

In accordance with the principles of reflection of light rays, the mirror in the center can be flat, concave or convex.

The Bagua mirror is concave, the mirror plane of which is curved inward, absorbs all negative Sha energy completely.

The Bagua mirror is convex, on the contrary, it has an outward bend. A convex mirror reflects all harmful energy and drives it away.

Flat mirrors are considered neutral in terms of impact.

It is recommended to use only the concave mirror Ba so as not to cause harm to others. External harm to the environment will entail deterioration of karma and will have an undesirable effect on personal luck in the near future.


For the Bagua symbol, a mirror is not a mandatory attribute. The soft action of the amulet will be brought about by an octagonal frame with trigrams, in the center of which an image of an animal is inserted. This option will help harmonize the energy inside the house. They are placed on stands or suspended in a neutral space overhead.

When choosing a talisman, you should pay attention to the play of emotions on the symbolic image of the animal - an evil expression will “scare away” negative energy and neutralize its influence. Animals with good emotions will invite positive, harmonious relationships in the family into the house.

One of the common variants of the amulet is when in the central part of the Bagua the mirror is replaced with a symbol of the Yin-Yang combination. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the correct location of the applied symbol of harmony; if the drawing is incorrect, the amulet will lose its properties and will become a simple accessory in the interior.

For women

For the Bagua mirror, which has the powerful energy and power of the feminine yin principle, the place where it can be hung is chosen following certain rules.

  • Basic rule: the Bagua mirror should be located exclusively outside the room, and under no circumstances should this talisman be hung inside a work or home environment. This is due to its main purpose to absorb and reflect negative energy. An object located indoors will not only not smooth out negative flows, but will also increase their number.
  • The mirror should not reflect someone else’s home or work office, including a doorway or part of a building. With this placement, the protective talisman will bring trouble.
  • The best place for Bagua is behind a window, where there is a noisy road, a cemetery, a garbage heap, etc. The same rule applies when placing a protective talisman behind the front door of an apartment, if it opens onto a staircase or garbage chute, but not on the neighbors’ doors. In this case, the Bagua mirror will become an obstacle to the entry of negative energy into the house.

Precautionary measures

There are several important rules regarding the location of a magic item:

  1. When holding a reflective surface in your hands, it is forbidden to look into it. This can cause imbalance in important areas of a person's life.
  2. By attaching a surface so that it reflects the door of another house or building, you can attract danger. If neighbors hang the same mirror, it will bring a lot of trouble.
  3. If you place a convex mirror opposite the corner of your neighbors' house, it will cause them harm, which will come back later.
  4. You should never hang a bagua mirror in the room itself, be it a home or an office. Such an oversight will cause constant conflicts and quarrels.
  5. Do not use a reflective surface with cracks.

For those who are not sure of the correct placement of the bagua, it is better to use less dangerous feng shui objects. Simple mirrors also have the property of reflecting unfavorable forces. They are used in the room itself and precisely in the place where you need to clear the space of negativity. True, an ordinary mirror does not work as powerfully as a bagua.

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