Feng Shui mirror - where to hang it, what should be opposite

The first mentions of mirrors go back to the Stone Age. Ancient people polished pieces of tin, gold, and platinum to a shine. In China, archaeologists found bronze mirrors. Later they learned to make them from silver. But a glass mirror, close to the modern one, was invented in the thirteenth century. Since then, this seemingly simple object has become firmly established in our everyday life.


When we wake up every morning, we go to the bathroom, where we see our reflection. We don't leave the house until we look in the mirror and make sure that we look great. The mirror helps motorists monitor traffic on the road. In one word, we use it for its intended purpose - to reflect. However, this subject is not so simple.

Feng Shui mirror - properties

People have long known about the mysterious properties of mirrors. No wonder they are widely used in white and black magic.

mirror magic

In Feng Shui, mirrors play a rather important role. To change something you need to turn to the mirror for help. However, they must be handled very carefully so as not to cause harm (!), since this is a rather strong and serious object that has the ability to make the necessary changes, both in your living space and in your destiny.

According to Feng Shui, a mirror not only reflects, but also attracts and recreates the missing space, and creates the illusion of a large room, and also redistributes the flow of Qi. For a mirror to be beneficial and double your luck, it must be in the right place.

Why you can't put mirrors opposite each other

To understand what the mirror corridor is endowed with, it is necessary to reveal the mystical properties of the reflective surface. The water surface of a river, sea, lake, even an ordinary puddle brings positivity to a person. The shiny water surface repels the positive energy of the sun, which energizes people.

Mirror surface, on the contrary, is an artificial reflector. If two mirrors installed opposite each other create a corridor, then a gate to the underworld opens through it, nothing good should be expected for a person who looks into this portal.

Many designers use this technique to visually expand the space. When people are especially suspicious, they will refuse such decor in order to preserve their health. How are the signs associated with hanging mirrors opposite each other actually interpreted?

Where not to hang a mirror

You should not place the mirror so that it reflects the front door or windows. This can lead to the fact that favorable energy will not accumulate in the house, but will be immediately reflected back to the street, which is extremely unfavorable for its residents.

Joke on topic:

“Don’t hang a mirror in the doorway, because you simply won’t be able to get into your apartment, and no Qi will help you.”

Place a mirror in a sleeping place, as it reflects sleeping people and emits powerful qi energy. As you know, in a dream a person is vulnerable to the action of invisible forces and energies. A mirror in the bedroom can lead to cheating spouses or even divorce. If you do have a mirror opposite your bed, cover it with some impenetrable fabric at night.

You should not place a mirror in the house too high or too low, this leads to an imbalance of qi energies. Hang it so that family members can freely reflect in it to their full height, rather than bending down to look at themselves.

What does the mirror corridor have?

Great priority for the opposite arrangement of mirrors relates to the knowledge of mystics, sorcerers and soothsayers who use the corridor to call astral beings from the other world.
The possible creation of a portal allows you to enter another dimension, or exit it into reality. Once in the mirror gap, a person is overcome by evil, a depressive manic mood, and is attacked by panic fear, which forces him to do rash acts. Psychics refer to the loss of all strength by a person, the appearance of spirits from space wandering at night.

In addition, if you hang a mirror opposite another mirror, then all the positive energy will be locked in the resulting corridor, and only the negative will come out.

Where should you hang a mirror?

In the hallway, hang a mirror so that the people in it can be seen from head to toe, and in no case will the front door be reflected.

Hang a large wall mirror in the dining room, which will reflect a beautifully set table. This will make it seem like there is twice as much food. An important condition in Feng Shui is that the mirror must be of such a size that the seated people along with the food are reflected in it completely, with all parts of the body, and not just half.

It is very favorable, from the point of view of Feng Shui, when the mirror reflects something that pleases the eye - a garden or a beautiful landscape. And perhaps a pond. Reflecting a body of water is comparable to bringing a new property into your home. This symbolically helps to increase wealth and acquire new wealth.

mirror in the hallway

You can't sit with your back to the window

By sitting with your back to the window, you deprive yourself of the support of management and other employees. Your ideas and initiatives will be rejected. The window behind you is a gap into which positive energy will flow. This situation promises failure. In the work area, it is important to provide a reliable rear – a wall, or, in extreme cases, an office partition.

The best position of the window in the office is on the side of the table, or, as a last resort, in front of it. This way it will not create an outflow of energy. If rearranging is not possible, you can use blinds or curtains. They will help improve the environment and create a protective barrier.

What problems can be solved with a mirror in the house?

Using mirrors in Feng Shui, you can eliminate the negative influence of “secret arrows” in a room. If you have a square column in your house, and its sharp corners are directed to the places where you spend most of your time, then you can remove its negative impact. To do this, attach mirrors to it on all sides. Make it completely “mirror-like”.

Also, thanks to a mirror, you can solve the problem of missing corners or illusorily extend the wall and even out the irregular shape of the room. But mirrors can be used in large quantities only if they do not reflect the stairs, front door, toilet, windows.

Feng Shui taboo for those who work at home or in the office

And your favorite job takes energy, time and can bring stress, disappointment and fatigue. Therefore, it is in the workplace that space support is so important, because here we invest, which means we lose strength. Even if you work at home, within seemingly your own walls.

That’s why it’s so important to remember the Feng Shui taboos for those who work at home or in the office.

Surely, you are familiar with situations where, for example, after moving within an office, employee relations deteriorated literally out of nowhere. Some began to get sick more often, others made mistakes more often, or even found themselves on the verge of being fired. And someone, on the contrary, was offered a promotion.

That is why it is important to know what is taboo from the point of view of Feng Shui in order to avoid troubles and correct the situation in time.

Why is it so important to organize your workplace?

There is an opinion that work is work, and there is no need to make additional efforts to make your workplace comfortable. Moreover, there are situations when the office has strict rules, and moving or rearranging something is not at all easy.

The principle of Feng Shui can be illustrated by the saying: ride a donkey in search of a horse. That is, do what you can do, at least minimally. Luck will improve and new opportunities will appear.

That is why it is very important to arrange and protect your workplace from a Feng Shui point of view.

Checking Feng Shui taboos for your workplace

First of all, the Feng Shui of a space is influenced by the environment of the building where it is located. Therefore, if in general your home or office is not very favorable, then you need to start with the general harmonization of the space, office, apartment or house.

All other points can be divided into 4 categories.

Taboo 1. Sharp angles directed at a sitting person

A protruding wall corner, a cabinet edge and structures aimed at a sitting person are unfavorable.

If your workplace is in this position for a long time, you may feel indifference, fatigue, and begin to lose energy.

If you cannot refuse such a workplace, be sure to harmonize this place.

What can be used for harmonization:

  • place a potted plant on the table
  • Always hold a vase of freshly cut flowers to protect yourself from any sharp protrusion or edge of the object.

Feng Shui secrets for your home - read here.

Taboo 2. A door, window or body of water behind a sitting person

From a Feng Shui perspective, there is the principle of the Four Heavenly Guardians: the Black Turtle, the Dragon, the Tiger and the Crimson Phoenix. Black Turtle, Dragon and Tiger are mountains that protect from the sides and rear, and Phoenix is ​​an open space that allows you to see far and develop.

Good Feng Shui is when your back is covered by a wall, symbolizing the Black Turtle.

If there is a window, door or body of water (such as an aquarium) behind you, this can lead to negativity.

These are the unpleasant situations that can arise:

  • You may get “stabbed in the back” by your boss or work colleagues,
  • You may feel that you are not supported at work, all your undertakings, ideas and projects encounter serious obstacles along the way, and it is difficult for you to defend them and your point of view,
  • A body of water behind your back can lead to the fact that you can be literally “drowned” by your competitors and ill-wishers,
  • You can be set up and deceived.

What can be done in this case?

  • Try to rearrange the table so that you can see everyone entering the room, but the door should be located diagonally from you.
  • Try to sit so that there is a solid wall behind you, this will guarantee you support from influential and high-ranking people in your work environment. This is especially important if you are a leader.
  • Thick curtains and blinds on the window can improve the situation, but change your seat if possible.

The only exception to this rule is that you can sit with your back to the window if the view from the window is very favorable. For example, on a rounded massive mountain or the building of a successful bank.

Trying to sit facing the window will not help. If he has an unfavorable view, it is the same as turning his back on him. Be careful.

How to arrange a work area at home according to Feng Shui - read here.

Taboo 3. Stairs and open bookshelves

Try to avoid such a workplace, and if you are a manager and are setting up your office, do not place open shelves with books behind you.

In Feng Shui, it is believed that open shelves are akin to knives that stab you in the back.

It’s also not good if you see stairs while sitting at your desk.

It doesn’t matter whether this staircase goes down or goes up, such a situation from the point of view of Feng Shui can have an extremely unfavorable effect on your career; it will be difficult for you to climb the career ladder.

What can be done in this case?

  • Ask that bookshelves be moved to another location, or move books so that there is no distance between the spine and the edge of the shelf.
  • If you see a ladder while sitting at your desk, you can place an image of mountains behind your back as support. But keep in mind that these should not be mountains with sharp peaks or volcanoes, as they represent the element of fire, and this is not suitable for everyone.

Taboo 4. Unfavorable directions

Each person, based on his date of birth, has his own energy number, which is called Gua. All Gua numbers are divided into two groups: eastern and western. Each of these groups has its own favorable and unfavorable directions.

How to calculate your Gua number - read here.

For people of the eastern group, the following sectors and directions are considered favorable: east, southeast, north and south. And for people of the Western group, West, North-West, South-West and North-East are suitable.

So, let’s summarize all the main points of checking the workplace according to Feng Shui

  • We check your office environment. If, in general, there is a feeling of stagnation and decay near the building, then it will be difficult to find a good place inside the office itself.
  • If it is a room with no windows, a room with a lot of people (except in rare cases), or adjacent to a bathroom, this is unfavorable.
  • We check whether sharp corners of walls, cabinets, or equipment are directed toward the workplace. If it is not possible to change seats, we apply recommendations for harmonization.
  • We check whether there is a window, door or body of water behind us. It is advisable that there is a solid wall behind your back, but if it is impossible to change seats, we apply corrective measures.
  • If you see a staircase while sitting at your desk, it is advisable to change seats or place a picture of mountains behind your back.
  • Open bookshelves behind your back are unfavorable. If it is impossible to change seats, we use harmonization measures.
  • And one of the most important taboos is unfavorable directions. Calculate your Gua number and try to sit in one of the directions that is favorable for you.

You can choose the optimal solution for your situation during a consultation, which you can read more about here.
Have a great Feng Shui!

With respect and good luck,

See other publications on the topic:

  1. Feng Shui Tips for Your Bedroom
  2. How to choose a favorable house according to Feng Shui

Mirror - a business assistant

Decorate the walls of shops or restaurants with mirrors, this will generate additional Yang Qi - the energy of life, activity, and wealth. This will attract an additional flow of buyers (visitors) and your business will flourish.

To increase profits, you can install a mirror so that it reflects the cash register. According to Feng Shui, a mirror will “double” sales. It would be nice if some symbol of good luck, previously placed next to it, would be reflected along with the cash register.

How to sit correctly

How to sit correctly

You need to sit in your office in such a way that there is free space in front of your desk - this way you will work much more efficiently.

It’s good if you sit facing the door, but not opposite, but diagonally. If you work close to your boss, try to have him sit behind you (even if you are not in the same office). Then the boss will become your protection and support.

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