Feng Shui mirror - where to hang it, what should be opposite

The first mentions of mirrors go back to the Stone Age. Ancient people polished pieces of tin, gold, and platinum to a shine. In China, archaeologists found bronze mirrors. Later they learned to make them from silver. But a glass mirror, close to the modern one, was invented in the thirteenth century. Since then, this seemingly simple object has become firmly established in our everyday life.


When we wake up every morning, we go to the bathroom, where we see our reflection. We don't leave the house until we look in the mirror and make sure that we look great. The mirror helps motorists monitor traffic on the road. In one word, we use it for its intended purpose - to reflect. However, this subject is not so simple.

Feng Shui mirror - properties

People have long known about the mysterious properties of mirrors. No wonder they are widely used in white and black magic.

mirror magic

In Feng Shui, mirrors play a rather important role. To change something you need to turn to the mirror for help. However, they must be handled very carefully so as not to cause harm (!), since this is a rather strong and serious object that has the ability to make the necessary changes, both in your living space and in your destiny.

According to Feng Shui, a mirror not only reflects, but also attracts and recreates the missing space, and creates the illusion of a large room, and also redistributes the flow of Qi. For a mirror to be beneficial and double your luck, it must be in the right place.

Mirror surfaces in the interior

Even the smallest hallway can be made beautiful.

A large hallway mirror has an advantage, especially when it comes to wall mirrors.

Here are some interesting tips on this topic:

  • Use a floor mirror, it is convenient and creates a bright accent;
  • Huge wall-length canvases transform typical windowless rooms;
  • If there is not enough zest, then pay attention to the mirror of an unusual shape, without numerous sharp corners;
  • Buy a frame with non-standard shades and original texture.

The variety of models will surprise you, so always consider style.
A correctly and tastefully selected mirror, installed in the right place, will not only diversify the home environment, but will also attract a lot of positive energy, improve the well-being of the family, and repel enemies and envious people.

Don’t forget to polish the mirror until it’s dazzlingly shiny and perfectly clean!

It can be used to make a wonderful amulet for all family members. A lot depends on the reliable fastening of the accessory. It prevents a unique part of the interior from falling.

Live among the “correct” beauty and then comfort and balance of your inner state will not leave you even through the mirror!

Where not to hang a mirror

You should not place the mirror so that it reflects the front door or windows. This can lead to the fact that favorable energy will not accumulate in the house, but will be immediately reflected back to the street, which is extremely unfavorable for its residents.

Joke on topic:

“Don’t hang a mirror in the doorway, because you simply won’t be able to get into your apartment, and no Qi will help you.”

Place a mirror in a sleeping place, as it reflects sleeping people and emits powerful qi energy. As you know, in a dream a person is vulnerable to the action of invisible forces and energies. A mirror in the bedroom can lead to cheating spouses or even divorce. If you do have a mirror opposite your bed, cover it with some impenetrable fabric at night.

You should not place a mirror in the house too high or too low, this leads to an imbalance of qi energies. Hang it so that family members can freely reflect in it to their full height, rather than bending down to look at themselves.


In the past, a mirror was used mainly just to see one's reflection. Today it is also an interior detail to visually increase space.

The placement of mirror surfaces must be correlated not only with the requirements of the design rules, but also with the magical features of the mirror parts. For example, it is prohibited to place a mirror opposite the front door. There are other important signs that should not be neglected.

Traditionally, in Slavic culture it is not allowed to hang a mirror opposite the front door. Popular superstitions prohibit placing mirror surfaces in this way because of their ability to actively interact with various types of energy. Among the possibilities of mirrors are the following:

The availability of these capabilities has always been known. In all cultures, the mirror has been used for centuries in magical rites and rituals. Through it they communicated with the other world. Therefore, Russian folk beliefs paid special attention to its placement in the living space. This is how certain prohibitions were formed that are still relevant today.

The most basic of them is that you cannot hang any mirror opposite the entrance or other door. The ban applies to all doors, but the area near the entrance sign is distinguished in a special way. After all, this is the entrance not only for hosts and welcoming guests, but also for ill-wishers, criminals and the forces of darkness. If you place a mirror directly opposite the front door, you may encounter a number of troubles:

  • attracting unwanted guests;
  • attraction of evil spirits;
  • an obstacle to positive energy, which, when reflected, will be pushed out of the house;
  • a lack of positive energy in the mirror area will lead to its absorption from the residents themselves.

The overall result of this placement of mirror surfaces is the lack of positive energy for the people living in the house. People will weaken, get tired quickly, and lose interest in life. Over time, they will no longer want to come home at all. Therefore, there is a belief that such a piece of furniture drives the owners out of the house. The sign also warns: a mirror opposite the door provokes serious material losses.

The zones in front of any door have a similar effect. Therefore, mirror surfaces cannot be placed there.

Each zone has its own characteristics:

  • Before entering the bedroom. Such placement will worsen people’s well-being, because they will not be able to restore their strength even at night. And if the bed gets into the reflection area, it will generally end in serious illness.
  • Before entering the nursery. Children have a weak energy field, and the loss of even a small amount of positive energy will lead to a worsening of the condition. And for children under one year old it is generally better not to reflect in the mirror. Moreover, they should sleep away from reflective surfaces.

You can choose an area on the side wall or directly next to the door. You can hang mirrors directly on the door, as long as they do not reflect other mirror elements. In this case, the signs promise only good things:

  • stabilization of the financial situation;
  • improving the well-being of everyone living in the house;
  • great mood.

All signs consider a mirror on the front door to be a good element that improves the energy of the room. True, you need to fasten it more securely, so as not to break the mirror sheet in a cramped room and incur terrible troubles. If the door leaf is unreliable, it is better not to hang anything on it to avoid negative developments.

Feng Shui gives similar advice: it does not allow hanging mirrors in front of the door. Masters of this teaching talk about large leaks of positive energy that will become possible with such placement of mirror surfaces. But there is a small clarification: you cannot place them like this if the door leaf is made of wood.

But in front of a metal door it’s not just possible, but even necessary. After all, metal shines and reflects everything around on its own, so a reflective surface opposite it will allow positive energy to circulate correctly. Energy flows will not be able to pass through the doors and will enter the room through the windows. Reflecting these flows into an open doorway will prevent energetic chaos from occurring. Otherwise, the energy entering the house through the windows would mix with the flows from the door.

If it is not possible to place a mirror elsewhere, it can be placed in front of the door, but it is necessary to make a slope that will not allow those entering the house to be reflected. In addition to the area in front of the entrance, Feng Shui teachings strictly prohibit hanging mirror elements in the following places:

  • at the beginning and end of the corridor;
  • in front of the windows;
  • in front of the doors to the bathroom;
  • in corner spaces (this applies to the corners of walls and cabinets).

Feng Shui allows you to hang mirrors in front of the entrances to rooms if it is a blank wall. In this case, the human gaze will not encounter obstacles, this will provide psychological comfort. When the mirror elements are opposite the kitchen, the set table should be reflected in them. This will increase the well-being of the family. But the hostess’s workplace should not be reflected. In this case, she will be very tired and fuss in vain. If a trash can gets caught in the reflection, the amount of unnecessary things in the house will increase.

Feng Shui, like Russian omens, does not approve of the reflection of a bed. Therefore, in the bedroom, reflective surfaces are placed very carefully, and there is no place for mirrors opposite the doors to rooms intended for relaxation.

Where should you hang a mirror?

In the hallway, hang a mirror so that the people in it can be seen from head to toe, and in no case will the front door be reflected.

Hang a large wall mirror in the dining room, which will reflect a beautifully set table. This will make it seem like there is twice as much food. An important condition in Feng Shui is that the mirror must be of such a size that the seated people along with the food are reflected in it completely, with all parts of the body, and not just half.

It is very favorable, from the point of view of Feng Shui, when the mirror reflects something that pleases the eye - a garden or a beautiful landscape. And perhaps a pond. Reflecting a body of water is comparable to bringing a new property into your home. This symbolically helps to increase wealth and acquire new wealth.

mirror in the hallway

Why is the energy of the front door so important?

All flows of Qi energy occur through the front door. It accumulates and is distributed in front of the house, and the front door activates its direction. In China, the door through which positive and negative energy enters and exits is called the “mouth of the house.”


Chinese sages believe that “secret arrows” in front of the entrance to the house have a bad effect on the well-being of the family. What is meant by this? Negative energy can come from sharp corners, satellite dishes and poles that have lights on them. Such objects are considered “secret arrows”.

It may also be that positive energy cannot enter the house due to obstacles near the door. Good lighting at the entrance or a door whose color is improved by Feng Shui will help correct this situation.


If the door is located directly in front of the stairs, this can negatively affect the health of family members. It is advisable that in this case there is a small threshold at the entrance to the room. Its height can be no more than 1-2 cm, the main thing is that the owners step over it.

The same thing happens when the apartment is located opposite the elevator. A small threshold will also help prevent negative energy from entering the house. It is considered a kind of barrier to negative Qi energy.

Of course, it is best when the front door opens into the room. However, this is contrary to fire safety standards.

Direction and color

According to Feng Shui, a well-chosen door color enhances the flow of positive Qi energy. Each shade carries its own meaning. For example, red is responsible for stability, and brown is for family harmony. At the same time, the color helps to enhance the good energy that is created taking into account the direction of the front door:

  • Northwest : leadership and respect for the father of the family;
  • North : calm and measured family life;
  • Northeast : changeable mood of residents;
  • East : success in business and commercial operations;
  • Southeast : good financial situation;
  • South : active lifestyle and social activities;
  • Southwest : strong family relationships, mother's dominance;
  • West : creative development.

Door style

The front door should be strong and solid. Feng Shui experts do not recommend having a glass finish on it. There are often windows near the door, so positive energy can escape through them.

To prevent this from happening, you need to hang lace curtains on them.

What problems can be solved with a mirror in the house?

Using mirrors in Feng Shui, you can eliminate the negative influence of “secret arrows” in a room. If you have a square column in your house, and its sharp corners are directed to the places where you spend most of your time, then you can remove its negative impact. To do this, attach mirrors to it on all sides. Make it completely “mirror-like”.

Also, thanks to a mirror, you can solve the problem of missing corners or illusorily extend the wall and even out the irregular shape of the room. But mirrors can be used in large quantities only if they do not reflect the stairs, front door, toilet, windows.

Design recommendations for mirror placement

A mirror is an indispensable assistant in creating a good interior. Thanks to their optical illusions, reflective surfaces can expand even a small room. However, is it possible to place a mirror opposite the front door or not?

In this case, designers advise not to do this, since this solution does not look aesthetically pleasing. When entering an apartment and encountering the reflection of the entrance, a person in most cases feels internal discomfort.

Since both signs and interior rules state that you cannot place a mirror opposite the entrance, experts have found two solutions to this problem:

  • mirrored entrance door;
  • wardrobe with mirrored doors.

In both cases, the hallway will look larger, but it all depends on the number of square meters you have.

Mirror - a business assistant

Decorate the walls of shops or restaurants with mirrors, this will generate additional Yang Qi - the energy of life, activity, and wealth. This will attract an additional flow of buyers (visitors) and your business will flourish.

To increase profits, you can install a mirror so that it reflects the cash register. According to Feng Shui, a mirror will “double” sales. It would be nice if some symbol of good luck, previously placed next to it, would be reflected along with the cash register.

Suitable areas in the hallway

The desire to hang a mirror in the hallway can be realized “painlessly” if you choose the optimal zone wisely. According to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, which is based on the harmony of man and nature, positive energy should dominate over negative energy. For this purpose, it is allowed to hang a mirror on the side of the front door or place it in such a way that symbols of wealth are reflected on the surface: figurines of storks, fountains, seascapes, objects reminiscent of the element of water. However, such an arrangement is possible if the layout allows, or the hallway itself is spacious enough. In small rooms, you can fix the canvas inside the furniture. A side wall or cabinet door with a mirror are the best options.

There are also popular tips on how to properly hang a mirror in the hallway, opposite the entrance and more:

  1. On any wall except the one parallel to the entrance.
  2. Directly on the surface of the front door, this will reflect the interior of the hallway, accumulating positive energy.

To increase energy, it is sometimes allowed to place a mirror opposite the mirror. But there is also a sharply opposite opinion on this matter. Many mystics consider the creation of a so-called mirror corridor dangerous, especially at the entrance to a residential building, so this location remains controversial.

What to do if the mirror is already hanging opposite the door

It’s bad if the mirror is already hanging on the wall in an undesirable area. In this situation, all that remains is to mitigate its negative impact. Several effective options from a Feng Shui point of view:

  1. Hang a regular brass bell or decorative lantern above the entrance to indicate the path of energy.
  2. Attach a small oval-shaped sheet to the inner surface of the front door. It will create an obstacle to the flow of energy and return it back.
  3. If space allows, place a separator between the reflective surface and the opening, for example, a screen, a bamboo curtain, a translucent curtain.
  4. Sandblast the surface of the mirror surface.
  5. Buy a new product or decorate an old one in the form of a multi-colored stained glass window.
  6. Place the mirror at a 90° angle to the floor so that it can trap energy indoors.

You can hang a mirror in the hallway, enclosing it in a wooden frame - natural material tends to neutralize negativity.

Many scientists believe that a mirror in the hallway opposite the entrance is not the worst option, since not only positive, but also negative energy flows out of the house.

Hang a brass bell above the entrance

Place the mirror in a wooden frame

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