A portal to the other world in your bedroom: we’ll tell you where not to hang a mirror in the house

People have known since ancient times that mirrors are endowed with mystical powers. With their help, women from Western countries performed fortune telling, and sorcerers tried to look into the future. In the East, a surface with the ability to reflect was used as a powerful amulet, protecting against the influence of evil spirits. Talismans were worn around the neck.

Nowadays, to attract positive energy, many people hang Feng Shui mirrors in their apartments. This ancient teaching, based in China, talks about how to achieve a harmonious atmosphere and comfort in the home.

Why hang a mirror according to Feng Shui

Since ancient times, mirrors have been credited with magical properties. They can harm a person or increase his wealth. Hanging a Feng Shui mirror in your home means finding harmony, conducting the sacred energy of Qi into your soul, into your world.

For a long time, people have attributed magical properties to their smooth reflective surface.

But it is important to place mirrors correctly. So that the energy that penetrates through the portal finds its purpose in the house and brings good. In China they believed that if you hang an amulet containing a mirror in the middle on the door, this will ward off bad people from the house, they will not be able to enter the door.

Over time, many signs have accumulated about where and why a mirror should not be hung, because it can cause harm to a person.

By preening themselves in a mirror image placed correctly in their home, Chinese girls increased their beauty and quickly found suitors from good families. If the mirror is placed incorrectly, then the person who will be constantly reflected in it will begin to lose vital energy, strength, and self-confidence.

There are some feng shui rules, following which you can place a mirror in such a way that it will bring prosperity and health to all family members into the house.

Some historical facts

The first surfaces of platinum and gold polished to a shine were found by archaeologists - back in the Bronze Age, people used them as mini-mirrors. A more modern version is associated with the monk John Peckham, who learned to coat glass with a layer of tin. His invention was worse than modern mirrors in apartment interiors, because the concave elements distorted the reflection


Flat mirrors are an invention of the 16th century. The crystal purity and transparency of the mirror sheet was so beautiful that even the Queen of France bought 119 mirrors for her office! One of them is now kept in the Louvre as the most expensive in the world, because its frame is covered with precious stones, and the glass itself is decorated with onyx and agate. royally beautiful frames in a modern apartment design with mirrors

, decorated with gilding or carvings.

How to hang a mirror according to Feng Shui

Each apartment, furnished in a certain design style, has a mirror in its interior as decoration. This item can be massive in a rich frame or several small mirrors mixed on the wall with various paintings. Many different in shape, combined into a specific mosaic pattern or mirrored ceiling in the bedroom.

A mirror in a luxurious frame can become a real interior decoration.

All this is beautiful and arouses admiration. But is it correct to place these “magic portals” this way? Will they bring quarrels and adversity to a house where their location is not according to Feng Shui? This is an ancient Chinese practice that teaches how to properly distribute spiritual energy. According to the beliefs of practitioners of this direction, the correct distribution of objects in the space of a room or other room will lead to the direction of the spiritual energy of Qi to help a person.

In the dining room or kitchen, it is best to hang a mirror so that it reflects the dining table where the whole family gathers.

According to Feng Shui, a mirror should be placed in a room in such a way that it reflects only good, positive things. As mentioned earlier, a mirror surface is capable of multiplying what falls on its surface. But this does not mean that if you put a lot of money in front of the mirror, then there will be even more of it. We are talking about a spiritual, energetic flow that flows through living and non-living things.

In the hall or living room, it is best to place a mirror in such a way that it reflects beautiful decorative elements.

If you hang a mirror in which a person can see himself from the top of his head to the end of his legs, then it should be well lit, there should be no shadows on its reflection. If you neglect this moment, then pain will begin to arise where the shadow constantly falls. There should also be free space above his head, reflected in the mirror. This will allow enlightenment to enter his body.

The hallway is one of the best places in the house where you should definitely place a mirror. However, it must be placed correctly in interior design.

A good place for this attribute is opposite a window that faces south. But here you need to take into account some points:

  • It should reflect nature, flowers, green grass.
  • It should not refract light or distort it.
  • For practical reasons, glare can spoil the surface and make the reflection unclear.

Opposite the door to the room

The free wall opposite the front door often becomes the place where mirrors are hung. This cannot be done. When Qi energy enters a home, it should spread throughout it unhindered. In this case, it is absorbed by the mirror surface and cannot be released from there. This obstacle should not slow down this energy flow.

The mirror should be hung in such a way that it visually increases the area of ​​the room, but it should not be hung so that the front door is reflected in it.

Also in some countries they believe that, in addition to mirror attributes, spirits can enter this world through doorways. If you hang a mirror opposite the door and open it, you can accidentally create a magical corridor.

It is through the hallway that positive energy enters the house, and with it the well-being and well-being of the family.

Mirror opposite mirror according to Feng Shui

Another opportunity to create a portal between the world of the living and otherworldly energy is to hang two mirrored objects opposite each other. This is a gross mistake both in design and in terms of spiritual energy.

Feng Shui experts say that the shape of the mirror does not matter at all.

If you hang a mirror opposite the mirror, then according to Feng Shui this will mean a constant circulation of the energy flow in this direction, and not its passage throughout the entire territory of the home. By absorbing the Chi energy, the mirror will return it in a processed form, without a bright beginning. When a person stands in the passage formed by two reflective surfaces, he will feel anxiety, headache, and self-doubt.

You can use round, oval, rectangular or square mirrors.

Various mirroring functions

How to place mirrors in an apartment is a secondary question. First you need to determine what function these items will perform in your home. Many people, on a subconscious level, consider mirror surfaces to be peculiar holes in the wall that illusorily expand the space

, resembling doors and windows.

The first function of mirror objects in an apartment is to reflect the appearance of its inhabitants, so that they can appreciate it by looking at themselves from the outside. Young people use this function with pleasure, because without a mirror in the apartment it would be extremely difficult to take a full-length photo of yourself. The second function concerns the relationship of its surface to the water element. This connection is used when choosing the location of mirrors according to Feng Shui

in the apartment.

Where can't you hang it?

Some people, in order to optimize the space in the room and bring the design to life, place this decorative attribute on the door. This is often done in the hallway to optimize space. This cannot be done.

According to Feng Shui, the mirror on the door should be positioned in such a way that nothing interferes with the penetration of positive “chi” energy.

A person who looks at his reflection when he crosses the threshold of his own home may subsequently constantly think about it on the street, worry about the safety of it and the things in it. The optimal solution for this part of the apartment is to hang this decor on the wall. This will visually expand the space and make it brighter.

If you place a mirror on the door so that it does not reflect other mirrored objects, then folk signs promise only good things.

Another place where you cannot hang a mirror in an apartment is the bedroom. This room has its own purpose, namely a place to relax and sleep. Thanks to this, a person’s strength is renewed, he can continue to work and go about his business.

The bedroom is not the best place to place a mirror. However, you can hang it in such a way that the reflection of sleeping people does not fall into it.

But as Chinese sages talk about this, any person in a dream is very defenseless against negative energy and easily absorbs it. You should not remain open to the invisible stream pouring from the mirror surface. In this case, there is no need to hang a mirror opposite the bed or, especially, to make a mirrored ceiling in the bedroom.

The intimate moments of a married couple’s life should not be reflected in the mirror, because this can affect personal relationships and lead to discord.

The office is another unsuitable room for this piece of furniture. Placing it opposite the table at which calculations are made, documents are filled out, visitors are received, this will lead to more hassle and financial losses in the business.

In your office, you can hang a mirror so that it does not reflect the desktop - otherwise you risk attracting double the amount of work.

An unacceptable piece of furniture is distorted mirror surfaces. If a person does not see his clear reflection, his appearance is in an ugly form, then this will lead to diseases of the upper integument of the body. For women, this requirement is especially important. They may lose their beauty and become lonely.

Round mirrors not only look harmonious in the interior, but also double the positive energy.

Successful shapes of mirrors

In Feng Shui, the mirror plays an important role in home decoration. Harmony in the family, health and well-being of residents are achieved through positive flows of Qi. They must be powerful and penetrate every point and room of the home.

If all the conditions for energy circulation are met, any troubles, misfortunes and lack of money will bypass the house, and illnesses and health problems can be forgotten. An atmosphere of calm and harmony will reign in the apartment.

The choice of shape is unlimited. The item may have a square, oval or rectangular configuration. However, round-shaped models without sharp corners are more preferable, since they are able to accumulate the maximum amount of positive energy.

The oval plane reflects Qi, but does not allow it to dissipate. Streams circulate along a round surface, accumulating their force. The presence of a frame on the mirror is welcome, since the border will act as a barrier that will allow any energy to be sealed inside the surface.

A good option is a piece of furniture in the shape of the Sun. Such an item will help a room of even a large area to be saturated with Qi energy.

Is it possible to hang a mirror in the kitchen?

The area for preparing and eating food is a room where you can hang this beautiful decorative attribute. The kitchen is a bright, positive place where food is lovingly prepared for the whole family.

In the kitchen, for example, a mirror will be very useful in that place so that the table is reflected in it.

After this, everyone living in the apartment gathers there for an evening meal, sharing their emotions and experiences. Therefore, a kitchen set with built-in mirror plates will spread this positive energy throughout the apartment.

The mirror will multiply and double all positive energy.

Every person is the main designer of his own apartment. He decides what things to buy for it, how to decorate the room to his liking. But it is important to take into account the correct arrangement of objects in your home that carry spiritual and energetic content. If you place everything harmoniously and according to Feng Shui, then grief and adversity will leave this house, and prosperity and family well-being will settle in it.

Please note that it is important not only to hang mirrors correctly, following all the recommendations of the teachings of the Chinese sages, but also to wash and wipe them in a timely manner.

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