What you can’t hang above your bed to prevent trouble from happening


The relaxation room should be filled with things that create a warm and relaxing atmosphere. Foreign objects distract and deprive you of restful sleep. One of these things is a wall clock.

According to legends, a dial located above the bed fills the room with negative energy and destroys family happiness.

And loud ticking makes it impossible to relax and fall asleep, which leads to deterioration of health. If you can’t do without a watch, it’s better to buy a small and silent alarm clock.

In the bedroom

The bedroom is a place that from time immemorial has been considered unsuitable for watches. The sign says that this mechanism will disturb the sleep of the inhabitants of the home. They will need more time to relax and rest. Prosperity will leave their lives and they will face financial difficulties.

The sign also has a practical explanation. The sound made by moving arrows and chimes will not allow people to fall asleep quickly.


Glossy and reflective surfaces visually expand the space, making the room cozy. But mirrors located near the bed have an adverse effect on a person.

They take away the vital energy in the bedroom, which causes sleepless nights and restless sleep.

A person, waking up in the dark, may be frightened by his reflection and then lose peace forever. If you cannot do without a mirror in the bedroom, it is better to place it on the dressing table or along the wall.

Feng Shui clocks: where is it prohibited to hang them?

We have already learned which cardinal directions are best to focus on when placing a mechanical clock in your home if you want to change your life according to the philosophy of Feng Shui. But at the same time, one must not lose vigilance, because in every home there are zones in which it is strictly forbidden to install a clock.

Let's look at the nuances that must be taken into account as recommended by Feng Shui followers:

  1. The very first and most severe prohibition is that you cannot hang a clock opposite the front door according to Feng Shui . But when leaving your home, on the contrary, it is better to look at the dial, so it is ideal to hang a clock above the door according to Feng Shui.
  2. In the bedroom (especially for married couples who exchange energy with each other in the process of intimate communication), it is better not to place any clocks, especially if they go loudly or strike the time. As a last resort, if this cannot be avoided, you can tuck a quiet, inconspicuous alarm clock somewhere in an inconspicuous place.

    It is not advisable to hang it in the bedroom

  3. It is worth hanging a fairly large round clock - this will help discipline the kids and teach them to appreciate the passing time.
  4. non-working clocks in your home - you should either immediately take them for repairs, or get rid of them if restoration is impossible (at least take them out of the house - for example, to the office, if you don’t dare throw them away). The fact is that according to Feng Shui, a standing clock symbolizes a slowdown or even a complete stop of favorable energy flows; their presence simply negates all the positive effects of other talismans and energy schemes.
  5. Never accept a watch as a gift or present it to anyone, because getting into the energy rhythm of another person is almost impossible without imbalance. Moreover, you can cause irreparable harm to yourself by accepting such a gift. If the situation is hopeless and it is impossible to refuse the gift, then pay for it, at least symbolically.
  6. If you have several clocks in your home, then you must make sure that they show the same time , otherwise you are guaranteed an energy imbalance, and with it - mutual misunderstanding of your family members, endless quarrels and squabbles out of nowhere.


There should always be order in the bedroom: scattered things attract trouble and give the room an unkempt appearance.

That's why many people use shelves above the head of the bed for storage. But not everyone knows that sharp corners of the structure attract negative energy, cause pain, and provoke conflicts at work and at home.

For storage, it is better to use bedside tables or closed cabinets.

Feng Shui clock: where to hang it?

In order to decide where you want to place the clock in your home so that it not only pleases the eye, but also brings maximum energy benefits, you should formulate for yourself what the main problem in your life you want to solve.

Location color and shape

What part of the world you will focus on, what materials the watch is made of and what color scheme it is made in will depend on how it can help you - to the best of its, believe me, considerable strength:

  1. Get your bearings to the east Worth it for those who cannot find a common language with their family members. That is, if you want to reach mutual understanding and stop quarrels, then place it on the eastern wall of your home round watch made of natural wood, painted in blue-violet-black colors.

    For mutual understanding

  2. The south-eastern part of the house is the best place for watches for those people who dream of getting rich and stopping all financial troubles. For this purpose, you should also choose a green round watch.
  3. According to Feng Shui, the southern wall for placing should be chosen by those who in life lack recognition of their successes and merits, even, let’s not be afraid of this word, real glory. It would be great if they have sharp corners - triangular or rectangular, in red or green shades. And the more expensive they are, the better: ideally, let them be top-class hand-made.
  4. The southwest is for those who are in pursuit of love experiences and affairs. The most suitable geometry for you is a triangle or square in delicate warm colors (pink, yellow, beige or even orange). Also choose the most fragile and romantic material: porcelain and ceramics.
  5. Harsh North – the side for careerists. Accordingly, watches should be chosen as strict, “office”, metallic ones, mainly in cool colors: black, metallic, bluish and the like.


  6. The north-eastern side of the home is suitable for placing a clock for those people who crave learning, receiving new information, and self-development. To achieve maximum energy effect, you should choose a round metal watch - gray, black or blue.
  7. The North-West is a direction for those who either lack help in any task, or want to travel, but something always gets in the way. As in the previous case, such people should look for a watch made of metal, round in shape, in black and blue colors.
  8. The western wall of the house should be decorated with a white or silver metal clock if you want to actively engage in creativity or give birth and raise babies. They can be made in round, square or oval shape.

Some pictures

Works of art hung above the sleeping area depicting lakes, rivers and other bodies of water adversely affect the energy of the room and lead to financial and life losses.

You should avoid paintings that show signs of violence or natural disasters. Works depicting one person attract loneliness and health problems.

It’s better to hang relaxing and positive pictures that lift your spirits when you look at them.

Opposite the front door

The sign does not say to hang a clock in front of the front door. It is believed that this causes people to constantly feel anxious. It seems to them that they have not completed all their tasks, but they cannot understand what exactly they should do. This can lead to the development of neuroses, especially when it comes to overly sensitive people.

A clock hanging opposite the front door creates another danger. It begins to seem to people that minutes and even entire hours are mysteriously disappearing from their lives. They constantly suffer due to lack of time, take on several tasks at the same time and cannot complete them properly.

We must also not forget that a watch is an element of movement. They launch streams of positive and negative energy. When the mechanism is located opposite the front door, it becomes a kind of invitation to evil entities. They penetrate the home easier and faster. At the same time, happiness and joy disappear from the lives of the inhabitants of the house.

Should I consider a watch as a gift?

In Europe, they have long believed that a wristwatch as a gift is an excellent practical solution. However, is this really so? Will they only give the owner solidity or will they bring success, luck, health according to Feng Shui? An exact answer cannot be found in ancient teachings, but in China they try to avoid such gifts, since this can offend a person. Moreover, the scale of “disrespect” is directly proportional to the age of the gift recipient.

This negative opinion is explained by the fact that in this way the emphasis is placed on the rapidly and irrevocably running away time.

If, nevertheless, the gift was given, the recipient must return the favor with a symbolic payment. So, according to Feng Shui, a couple of coins can reduce the negative consequences of such a gift to zero.

In Feng Shui, an exception is made if the recipient is a child. In this case, we are not talking about the negative impact of a wristwatch as a gift. And, conversely, it is strictly forbidden to give watches to parents.

Be that as it may, Feng Shui practitioners do not recommend watches as a gift.

Is there a rational explanation

Feng Shui experts do not have a firm opinion that the device should not be hung above the door. If it fits perfectly into the interior and meets all the requirements, then it does no harm. The only rule is that the hours must be working hours. Broken things are thrown away to get rid of negativity.

Important! A damaged watch can lead to major problems. They should not be stored in a pantry, closet, or any other place.

In the modern world, few people listen to folk signs and advice from experts on Taoist practice. People try to place the device in the way that is most convenient for them.

From a rational point of view, a clock over a high doorway will make a person raise his head. It's not very convenient. Therefore, many try to hang the item slightly above eye level so as not to experience discomfort.

Important! Placing bulky mechanisms above the opening is quite dangerous. If you close the door suddenly, they may fall on your head.

Wearing rules

Magicians and esotericists claim that watches have strong energy and can speed up or slow down the course of events in the life of the owner. In order for the accessory to serve faithfully, it is necessary to wear the wristwatch correctly, otherwise you should not expect order and harmony.

Can it be worn on the right hand?

Most people wear a watch on their left hand for reasons of practicality and convenience. A person does almost all the work with his right hand and can inadvertently hit or break his favorite accessory.

Which hand the chronometer should be worn on depends on the location of the mechanical crown - there are both right-handed and left-handed models.

However, esotericists have a different opinion on this matter: wearing a watch on the right hand is possible and even necessary, as it helps the owner in overcoming obstacles.

This is explained by the fact that the left side is associated with the past, and the right with the future, and when the owner regularly glances at the right hand, he becomes more responsible, punctual and energetic.

In China, it is also customary to wear the product on the right wrist, since the left, according to Chinese sages, contains heart energy points, and the accessory will impede circulation.

Why is it forbidden to wear a stopped watch?

Ancient superstitions endow watches with magical powers, so you should treat the accessory with care. It is believed that wristwatches are closely connected with the energy of the owner and can accumulate negativity, informing the owner about upcoming problems.

If the clock has stopped, this is a sure warning that trouble awaits the person or that the owner is wasting time. You cannot wear an accessory that has stopped, since the watch is already charged with negative energy and will transmit it to the owner. You can correct the situation by taking the product for repair.

Why you can't wear someone else's watch

A watch is in close contact with the owner’s energy and is considered an item for personal use.

By adopting the rhythm of life and adapting to the energy of a certain person, a watch can convey the problems and sorrows of its former owner, so someone else’s watch should not only be worn, but even tried on.

The same applies to buying a used watch: by purchasing such a product, a person runs the risk of acquiring the hardships and sorrows of the former owner along with it.

Is it possible to wear a deceased relative's watch?

Priests and esotericists agree on this issue: the watch of a deceased person can be worn if he was a worthy man or woman who lived his life well and passed on the accessory as an inheritance. You can also take something from your father or brother as a sign of memory.

You cannot take a relative’s watch if during the person’s lifetime there were no close ties with him or the accessory was not given in person before death. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to wear an item that was worn by the deceased at the time of death. You should not take a watch if the deceased was seriously ill or was known as an unworthy, evil person.

On the cardinal points not according to Feng Shui

For the practice of Feng Shui, the material from which the wall clock is made is very important. It is necessary that it does not conflict with the elements prevailing in a particular direction of the world.

According to Feng Shui, you need to follow the following rules:

  • there is no place for a metal clock on the eastern wall;
  • for Western - only metal ones will do;
  • on the south - only wooden clocks can be placed;
  • in the north - porcelain, ceramic or plastic, but not wood.

By following the rules for placing wall clocks, you can create a favorable atmosphere in your apartment and eliminate potential causes for quarrels and scandals. It is optimal to hang them in the hallway above the front door, in the living room above the sofa, and also in the kitchen. In these places, time measuring instruments will perfectly fulfill their practical purpose and will not violate the laws of Feng Shui.

We form our first impression of an apartment or house when we enter the hallway. Our perception of home largely depends on color, smells and lighting. The concept of an ideal environment can be considered from the point of view of human psychology, based on the laws of ergonomics. But this time we will look from the perspective of Eastern teachings.

Signs and superstitions about watches

In the modern world, a watch is a fashionable and irreplaceable accessory that both women and men enjoy wearing. However, according to esotericists, this is not just an object that tells the right time, but also a powerful magical attribute with which many beliefs are associated. Folk signs associated with watches help to avoid many difficulties and troubles if you know the meaning and interpretation of ancient beliefs.


Another common mistake is hanging the clock too high. It is advisable that the mechanism is at eye level. The sign says that this fills the house with harmony, comfort, and lightness. Its inhabitants will always be full of strength and energy. The watch should not be above eye level.

A broken clock is a thing that has no place in the house. It is not recommended to hang them anywhere. It is important that the watch shows accurate time. When they stop, they begin to push away positive events and attract negativity. Such watches should be thrown away immediately so that they do not frighten away your luck.

Finally, wall dials should not be allowed to show different times. A family that neglects this rule is at great risk. Household members will face endless quarrels and conflicts.

Source of the article: https://fb.ru/post/new-age/2019/4/23/88880

Wall or floor? Deciding on the type and design

Based on the type of mechanism, watches are divided into quartz, mechanical and electronic. Quartz

They operate on batteries, are distinguished by their accuracy, variety of models and low price. That is why they are most often used in everyday life.

Mechanical watches

can be classified as premium accessories. Their price is an order of magnitude higher: after all, the production of a complex precision mechanism is not cheap. Most often they are made in retro style; there are options with a pendulum or cuckoo. Such specimens will organically fit into a classic interior.

Digital Watch

most often equipped with displays. Such a “score board” will look natural in a loft-style room or in an office. However, by combining electronics with other accessories, you can fit such a watch into the nursery. A teenager's room would also be a good place for them.

Home clocks can be wall or floor

- in accordance with the location. In small rooms, wall clocks are most often used: they take up less space and do not require separate space on the floor or shelves.

A massive grandfather clock would be appropriate in living rooms with high ceilings or large dining rooms. In a small room they look bulky and literally put pressure on the owner.

Miniature table clocks are usually placed on bedside tables, and complex, richly decorated examples are displayed on mantelpieces or used as office decoration.

Choosing a clock to match the nature of the room

We have decided on the main wishes, now let’s look at the designers’ recommendations: which clocks will be appropriate in which room. But even here it is better to be guided primarily by a sense of proportion, interior style and your preferences.

For the living room

Here you can safely experiment with size and shape - don’t be afraid of large dials and original solutions. Choose a watch based on your taste and living room style: it can be classic models made from natural materials, futuristic watches without numbers, watches with unusual hands, with a transparent dial, even with reverse time. Grandfather clocks, cuckoo or striking models, retro or hi-tech – the choice is huge. The main condition: the clock must fit into the overall style of the living room. But whether they will become the main accent or a modest addition to the overall interior depends on you.

For the bedroom

The interior of the bedroom should be conducive to peace and relaxation. And the watch too. Avoid large models (remember that the Chinese generally do not recommend keeping a watch in the bedroom?). Typically, accessories in a classic, Art Deco or Provence style fit well into the interior of a bedroom. Be sure to check the volume, since the ticking of the clock can interfere with falling asleep, and in general it is best to sleep in silence, without extraneous sounds. You can place the clock on the wall or on the bedside table.

For kitchen

Another place where you can give free rein to your imagination is the kitchen. A clock is necessary and useful here – both from the point of view of the housewife’s convenience and from the point of view of Feng Shui. This means that you are limited only by the style of the kitchen and your own budget.

A light kitchen will be well complemented by a clock with a contrasting dark dial, and for a darker interior it is better to choose a clock that is a lighter tone. A kitchen in the Provence style will be complemented by delicate models made of natural materials or plastic, and a room in a high-tech or loft style will be decorated with a clock with chrome elements or a glass dial.

Some housewives choose a clock with a culinary theme for their kitchens: with images of dishes or food, in the shape of a fruit or in the form of a plate. The main thing is that they match the color and style with furniture, textiles or other accessories. Don't forget about the size: if the kitchen is small, you shouldn't hang a large clock there.

For the office

The clock in the work area conveys the character of its owner. They can be electronic or mechanical, large wall-mounted or small tabletop. They can be strict and respectable, or simple and even funny. They are often built into a desktop organizer, where the clock is adjacent to a pen stand or a holder for papers and photographs. Their main task is to fulfill their direct function and please the owner. Don’t forget about the hourglass, which the Chinese recommend keeping on your desk to increase money energy.

For children's

When buying a watch for a child's room, remember that, in addition to beauty, they also have a practical function. The child must be able to use them. Therefore, for kids it is better to choose classic dials with clear numbers at an equal distance from the center. But older kids can be offered electronics or unusual design options. For children's rooms, there are models with a built-in night light or illumination: perhaps your baby will want just these.

Children often love bright colors and decorations in the style of their favorite cartoons. Let them express themselves! If possible, choose a watch together with its future owner. Or offer a choice of several options from those that are acceptable to you.

Choose a clock based on your taste and the overall style of the room. Make sure they all keep up and don’t lag behind. And let harmony reign in your home!

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