What not to do in front of a mirror: signs and customs

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror: signs, recommendations and practical tips

People approach the issues of organizing the interior of their home from different angles. Some people love Feng Shui, others use the services of designers, and others are interested in the opinions of psychics. To the question of whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror, diametrically opposite answers are given. Science does not see anything bad in this, which cannot be said about mystics. It turns out that the mirror corridor poses certain threats to those who regularly “look” into it. Do you know about this? Let's figure it out.

Is it possible to hang mirrors opposite each other?

Perhaps we should start by revealing the mystical properties of reflective surfaces. This doesn't just apply to mirrors. For example, the water surface also affects living organisms. But its power, unlike the mirror one, is positive. Calm water directs and strengthens the energy flows of the Universe. And they, as you know, have a life-giving effect on the entire planet. Being near a lake or even a clean puddle, a person feeds his aura. Another thing is artificial reflective surfaces. They create a dead world. Or, as the mystics say, a gateway to other dimensions. Think for yourself from this point of view whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite the mirror. Each of them is an open portal to a world whose properties and laws differ from ours. Not necessarily for the worse. And it is impossible to evaluate them according to the rules of human logic. This is something different, not from here. Therefore, it is risky and dangerous. Although designers welcome this decision. They say that mutual reflection visually enlarges the space. But are the externalities worth your health? What does the state of the body have to do with it? Let's figure it out.

Unconventional look

There are many theories and ancient legends about the structure of the world. Almost all of them boil down to the fact that the Earth is unique. It has something that is not found anywhere else. Namely, extraordinary energy that allows one to realize creative potential (not only of humans). Based on this, we will find out whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror. By creating such a structure, a person receives a guaranteed portal. He may not feel it, may not suspect the existence of something unusual. But reality is objective. Through this portal - a gift for other beings - residents of parallel worlds will begin to steal energy. By the way, we have a lot of it. People simply don't understand their own incredible wealth. Maybe wisdom comes to those who lose it through misfortune and illness. And they always appear when the energy weakens. But there are enough hunters for our good around. They will use the portal to siphon power from an unwary lover of innovative design solutions.

Agree, the reasonable introduction of folk traditions into our lives is completely justified. This position is not only wise, but also completely rational. When figuring out whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror, it is advisable to analyze what the ancestors thought about this matter. They, it should be said frankly, never acted like that. Of course, one can argue in terms of the fact that mirrors in ancient times were very expensive things. Not every family could afford to buy one, and there is nothing to talk about more. But that's not entirely the point. Folk traditions have an answer to the question of why mirrors cannot be placed opposite each other. He's into fortune telling. Remember how a curious girl was advised to look into fate? She should have created that same mirror corridor. Through him, supposedly, she will see the image of the darling. It follows that the ancestors were aware of the presence of portals. Therefore, it was not recommended to keep more than one mirror in a room.


It is generally accepted that not everyone knows that surfaces that reflect each other steal the fate of anyone who gets into them. If you often find yourself in such conditions, you will find yourself in a bad spot. It may turn out to be endless. Or rather, it will end along with life. Although such a result will be desirable for the victim. He will be brought to this state by constant losses, failures, and illnesses. They also say that you should not hang a mirror opposite the front door. There are different signs. These include scandals that reign in the home of careless experimenters, and the danger of theft, robbery, and deception. A mirror reflecting the front door attracts trouble. It works as a magnet for everything that an ordinary person is so afraid of. Only malicious or uninvited guests will knock on the house. And the owners will wander anywhere so as not to set foot on the threshold of their own nest. And it will gradually decline and begin to collapse both on the energetic and physical levels. Don't believe omens? Check it out for yourself.

According to feng shui

You and I are modern people, so we won’t rely only on “old wives’ tales.” Let's take an interest in what they say in the East about our problem, especially since the teachings of Feng Shui have not ignored this issue. Experts treat mirrors very carefully, certainly respecting their magical and energetic properties. They have a negative attitude towards any solutions that include mirror corridors. This design deprives residents and visitors of the house of strength. It literally drains their energy. And they say that this happens in a matter of hours. Some people feel this effect. Try to sit in a room with such a design yourself. How long will it take for your well-being and mood to be in a deep negative state? The science of Feng Shui also answers the question of whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite the door. The verdict is again negative. This is categorically unacceptable. So space is deprived of a positive charge. No matter how much you work to replenish his energy, it will instantly evaporate through the gates you created with your own hands.

Who arranges mirrors like that?

Let's look at the problem from a different angle. Surely everyone has come across such a design while visiting, seen in museums, and so on. Who actually creates it? This is useful to know in order to protect yourself from an unexpected attack. The fact is that people who have fallen under the influence of base entities require constant nourishment. They intuitively choose design solutions that help solve subtle energy problems. Just as we all reach out for the most beautiful and delicious apple, if we don’t consider, of course, the fruits before it. People don’t even think about whether it’s possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door or any other door. They just do it that way. And they feel very comfortable. They feel good because there is no light energy in the house. It scares them and causes discomfort.

The opinion of sorcerers

There are people who understand more than others what mirrors are, how they work, and how they affect a living organism. Their opinion should be taken into account. Magicians also do not recommend creating unnecessary mirror structures. They claim that through reflective surfaces a person’s soul is drawn into other worlds. This is done by low-energy entities. The victim herself finds herself enslaved by them. The consequence may be the same troubles and misfortunes. But often it all starts with alcoholism. The magicians move on. They even recommend looking in a regular single mirror with caution. Never try to admire your own reflection if you are depressed, hysterical, or simply upset. Such an act changes fate for the worse. An enemy will definitely appear, cause damage, curse or put the evil eye on you. Do you need it?

How to hang a mirror correctly

The answer to our question seems to contain too much negativity. Wherever you point, everything will lead to trouble. On the other hand, knowing about the danger is almost a victory. Is not it? But what to do with mirrors? Keep it in the wardrobe so as not to bump into them again? Not at all. Mirrors decorate our lives, they are useful and irreplaceable. Avoid their presence in the bedroom. But in the kitchen or in the living room this accessory is appropriate, especially in the hallway. Hang the mirror so that it does not reflect windows and doors, that is, from the side. And look at it in good health. It is very useful for the family when a person entering the house encounters his reflection. Everything bad comes out of it automatically. It is literally drawn into the mirror. But the accessory should be located on the side of the door. And he should also be given special magical care. Negative energy is washed off with brine (a strong salt solution). You need to apply it to the glass, leave it for a while, and then wash it off. This is done once every one to two months. It all depends on the number of visitors and the mood of the household.


Issues related to the energy of space do not always find practical application. And people don’t often think about them seriously. However, if you enter a black period, it is recommended to pay attention to the location of mirrors in the apartment. Maybe it's all about them? When doing repairs or updating premises, you should also not neglect such a unanimous opinion of specialists in various fields. And if you don’t want to listen to them at all, then conduct your own experiment. But keep an eye on its results so as not to part with our beautiful world before the allotted time. Errors were invented for this reason, so that we could correct them with pleasure and relief! Good luck.

How do they look in the interior?

To make the accessory look appropriate in any style or room, follow the designers’ simple tips:

Push off the wall. Bright models are suitable for an empty surface, neutral wallpaper, and calm classics for an accent wall.

Place at the correct height. A level just above the eyes is considered comfortable. For people of average height, ~170 cm from the floor is suitable.

In the photo there is an electronic watch with a calendar

Assess the usual scenario when entering a room. What are you doing in the room, where are you sitting or standing, from where it will be convenient to watch the time. It is more logical to choose the location of the clock based on this knowledge, rather than wanting to occupy an empty wall.

The photo shows the correct size and location of the kitchen clock

Assess proportionality. A small model will get lost on the wall in a spacious living room, and a too large one will look comical in a small kitchen.

In the photo there is a triple dial above the chest of drawers in the bedroom

Finally, one more piece of advice - when buying an interior watch, keep in mind: you will have to look at it every day. Therefore, first of all, you should like them! And after that, match the style, design and functionality of the room.

Where you can and cannot hang a mirror: Feng Shui tips

The teachings of Feng Shui will help you create the energy of coziness and comfort in your home. To make your home a source of positive energy, hang mirrors correctly.

Mirrors have attracted people with their secrets since ancient times. According to many esotericists and feng shui specialists, they have exceptional power that can both harm and help us. According to ancient Chinese teaching, mirrors are a link between the material and subtle worlds, as well as conductors of Qi energy. You can avoid troubles and fill your home with positive energy if you position the mirror correctly.

Where can't you hang mirrors?

Do not hang mirrors opposite entrance doors or windows. A mirror hanging in these places is not able to let in the streams of positive energy that rush into the house from the outside. It blocks its flow, depriving you of luck.

The bedroom is also a negative place for mirrors. Reflecting sleeping people can cause a lot of trouble. You may begin to experience problems with sleep, conflicts in your family will become more frequent, and your health will worsen. It is not without reason that many esotericists believe that in a dream a person is vulnerable. Taking into account the fact that mirrors are used to communicate with the world of the dead, it is strictly contraindicated for a person in a state of rest and sleep to be reflected in a mirror. Our ancestors believed that living souls could find themselves through the looking glass or that otherworldly forces could inhabit a person.

Don't place mirrors in places where they will reflect something negative. Unfinished renovations or fallen tiles in the bathroom, a mess in the room - all this enhances the negative energy that the mirror generously returns to the room.

Do not position the mirror so that it reflects your work area. Feng Shui practitioners believe that this way you increase the volume of work. Doubling is one of the hallmarks of mirrors, so rule out the possibility of falling under this influence.

Do not place mirrors opposite each other. This way you will create a corridor that can provoke negative emotions, scandals in the house and deterioration in the well-being of all family members.

Pay attention to the shape of the mirror. Do not use chipped mirrors in your interior. Avoid newfangled trends that involve breaking mirrors into pieces. If a person is crushed in the mirror, his internal integrity is violated, which leads to problems with the biofield.

Remember to wipe down your mirrors frequently to keep them clear. Don't swear or think bad things in front of the mirror, otherwise you won't be able to avoid problems.

Where can you hang mirrors?

A good solution would be a mirror in the hallway. The Qi energy coming from the front door, reflected in the mirror, will circulate freely throughout the apartment. However, as mentioned above, you cannot hang it opposite the door.

To keep the positive energy flowing, hang a mirror on the outside of the bathroom. Then it will circulate evenly in the space of your home, “without leaking into the pipe.”

A mirror will bring good luck if it reflects a beautifully decorated and served table. The energy of abundance and prosperity will increase.

Use the teachings of Feng Shui to ensure that only positive energy has a place in your home. Talismans that have been known since ancient times will help attract happiness. Remember that broken mirrors must be thrown away immediately. When looking at your reflection, think and say only pleasant things, otherwise you can transfer double the negativity onto yourself. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Using an hourglass

An hourglass will become an equally useful item in the house. They are able to influence Qi energy. This is because moving sand is like energy. The best place for them will be the one that suffers from a lack of energy. They will also help where you need to make a quick decision. Based on this, we can say that the best place in the house will be the study. Moreover, it is good to set the clock in the knowledge sector.

The presence of an hourglass in the house will help the owner to properly distribute his time so that he does not waste it. The best materials to choose are a combination of wood and glass.

Why you can’t sleep in front of a mirror: folk signs

Our ancestors have always been very careful about mirrors, especially women. They believed that the souls of the living and the dead were hiding in this mystical thing. Mirrors were considered a kind of door to the other world. There are many signs associated with them, most of them still scare people with their ominous power.

Mirrors are an integral part of the interior, but they must be placed in certain places. Each sign has its own backstory, and there are a huge number of signs and superstitions about mirrors. So why can’t you hang a mirror in front of a sleeping person?

Why you can't sleep in front of a mirror

The first reason, oddly enough, lies in physiology. It is known that a sleeping person wakes up several times during the night, during which time he can open his eyes, walk, talk and even laugh, but not remember this. If at the moment of instant awakening a person looks in the mirror, most likely he will get scared, after which he will have nightmares for the rest of the sleep. This is the most basic reason why you should not sleep in front of a mirror.

In Russian folklore there is a story that the mirror is an invention of the devil and his minions. The purpose of such a reflective surface is to take the souls of people during sleep and replenish their ranks. As you know, when a person sleeps, his soul leaves the body for a while and returns when he wakes up completely. Therefore, people cannot remember instantaneous awakenings.

By protecting the mirror, we can protect our soul from the looking-glass world and the evil forces that dream of stealing it. The question of whether it is possible to sleep in front of a mirror has been resolved, you can move on to how to properly install it in the rooms.

Is it possible to hang a mirror in the bedroom?

It is believed that the sleeping person displayed in the mirror will be lonely for another 7 years, so if you cannot find a soul mate, but really want it, make sure it stands away from the bed.

There is also a warning for married couples. Under no circumstances should the corners of the bed be visible in the reflection; this can attract betrayal from one side, especially if not only the corners are visible, but also the door or part of it.

During sleep, the soul likes to go for walks and travel around the world, but if at the moment when it needs to return, it notices its reflection, then it can be dragged into another world. There is another version: she will get scared and lose her way back, and the person will wake up without a soul or not wake up at all. Our ancestors sincerely believed in this.

A mirror in which a sleeping person is reflected can take energy from him. You can wake up exhausted, tired and exhausted the next morning, and your health will suffer greatly over time. Therefore, if you notice that you wake up in this state, then immediately remove it from the bedroom.

It would be best to move it to the hallway, where it will always be needed. There is another option: in old cabinets, people placed a mirror on the inside of the door. It's safe and very convenient.

Mirrors in the feng shui system

Feng Shui masters assign a very important role to mirrors and approve of their presence in absolutely every home. How to properly install a mirror according to the Feng Shui system?

Its main task is to reflect. It is important that it reflects only positive energy.

A person cannot evaluate himself in individual parts, so it is imperative that every house has a mirror large enough for a person to be reflected in it completely.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, if a person sees his reflection completely, the way others see him, then he will be able to recreate his inner beauty.

If you purchase a Feng Shui amulet and hang it in front of a mirror, it can double the positive energy of the amulet due to its reflective properties.

It is advisable to install a mirror in any room except the bedroom, since it is considered the hearth of the home, and its power in this part of the apartment increases significantly, both for good and for bad.

It is also prohibited to place a reflective surface on the bedroom ceiling.

Other signs and superstitions about mirrors

There are other signs regarding mirrors hanging in the hallway, kitchen or bathroom.

There are two versions that determine the meaning of mirrors in the kitchen. The kitchen table symbolizes the preservation of the home; a reflective surface can either increase or decrease the well-being of the family.

If peace, order and mutual understanding reign in the house, then you can hang a mirror opposite the table. But if the family constantly undergoes difficulties, disagreements and quarrels, then it is advisable to leave the kitchen without a mirror at all or try to hang it so that the dining table is not reflected.

Due to the huge number of signs and superstitions associated with mirrors, this attribute is often used in fortune telling.

It was believed that with the help of a reflective surface one could tell fortunes about one’s betrothed. But this method only works if the girl has never been married before.

At night, the looking glass wakes up, and human strength weakens, so it is not recommended to look in the mirror at night.

From time immemorial, people have been afraid of broken mirrors. It is believed that our soul or “energetic self” lives in them, which is a more fragile creature than the human body. Therefore, if you look in a broken mirror, there is a chance of weakening your soul, and subsequently your health.

Of course, signs and superstitions have come to us from the very beginning of humanity, which gives us confidence in their veracity, but do we need to believe everything we hear?

If you are afraid of signs associated with mirrors, then just go up to him, smile broadly and say: “Good will not die, but evil will disappear,” and then everything will be fine.

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Why find a wristwatch on the street and is it possible to pick them up?

There is no consensus regarding this belief. Some sources strictly prohibit raising a clock on the street, while others say that this is just a sign from above, intended for you.

In one version of this sign, it is believed that the moment a person passes away, his watch stops. Therefore, picking up such a find is extremely dangerous not only for health, but also for human life. By taking such an accessory for yourself, you risk taking away all the illnesses of the deceased person.

By choosing such a watch, you can take away all the negativity of the disease and doom yourself to suffering. Also, before interpreting the meaning of such a find, it is worth paying attention to its appearance. Other sources indicate that if you find a watch that is not broken, that works, then this is a pretty good sign

Such a find symbolizes new opportunities that will soon open up before you. These can be both work-related opportunities, for example, a promotion, and family life, for example, a new acquaintance, or a new stage in a relationship.

Find a wristwatch

  • If you find a broken or stopped watch, you should seriously think about where you are spending your time. Such a find may warn that you will spend the precious minutes of your life completely irrationally. In such cases, you need to remember how fleeting time is and that you cannot get it back.
  • It should be noted that such a ticking find can also remind you that you forgot to fulfill a promise to someone. Try to remember who and when you promised something and correct the situation.

What to do if you find a watch on the street? It’s up to you to decide, of course, but if you’re superstitious, then perhaps you should just pass by, because few people will want to check for themselves whether it’s true or not.

Sometimes it happens that we can forget our watch about one of our relatives or friends. What do the signs say in this case and is there any mysterious meaning to it at all?

Is it allowed to place a mirror in front of a window according to Feng Shui?

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite a window according to Feng Shui? How to properly place mirrors in the house so as not to interfere with the free flow of positive energy? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Decorative item or magical attribute?

At all times, a mirror was considered a special magical object. Almost no fortune telling or ritual could be done without it. With its help, you can find out your destiny, predict the future; the mirror served as a talisman against evil forces and witchcraft rituals.

Today, a mirror is an indispensable element of the interior, without which it is simply impossible to imagine a modern home. But do not forget that this magical item can have a strong impact on your destiny. And its influence can be both positive and fatal if it suddenly turns out to be out of place. Therefore, before you start decorating the room, you need to find out in what places you can place mirrors according to Feng Shui.

Energy of the mirror

Feng Shui pays special attention to the energy of the mirror. It is believed that it is capable of reflecting and attracting energy, changing the properties of space, and redistributing energy flows. The mirror reflects rays of Qi energy that enter the house from different angles. Thanks to this, the situation in the house develops in a certain way, various events occur. And few people would think that the reason for this is a mirror located in a certain place.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the vital energy Qi enters the home through the front door and rushes to the source of running water. If there is a bathroom opposite the door, then all the positive energy will be “flushed” down the toilet. To avoid this, 2 small round mirrors will help, which should be placed on the bathroom door from the inside and outside.

It is strictly forbidden to place a mirror opposite the front door, otherwise the Qi energy entering the house will be reflected and leave your home.

Favorable places for placing mirrors in the house according to Feng Shui?

In what places should a mirror be hung so as not to interfere with the free flow of Qi energy? The most favorable places for placing a mirror according to Feng Shui are:


The hallway can rightfully be considered the face of your home, because it is it that creates the first impression of the house and gives guests a feeling of comfort and warmth. It is desirable that this room be sufficiently spacious and wide.

But what if your hallway is too cramped and small? A mirror will come to the rescue - it can visually enlarge the hallway area and add volume to it. Hang a human-sized mirror in the hallway, and the room will immediately look more spacious. Just don't place it in front of the front door.

Oddly enough, the hallway is the main distributor of vital energy in the house. After all, incoming flows of Qi energy enter through the door into the hallway, and then are distributed throughout the rest of the rooms. If you hang a mirror in the hallway, this energy will be reflected and spread freely throughout the house.

A mirror will help to recreate the missing spaces in the room. So, if the room is L-shaped, you should hang mirrors in its corners. This way you can restore the missing space.

Kitchen and dining room

Another room in the house where you can hang a mirror is the kitchen. According to Feng Shui, it is a symbol of material well-being, prosperity and prosperity. A very good place to place a mirror in the kitchen is opposite the table where people dine. This way the mirror will increase your material condition and harmonize relationships in the family.

You should not place the mirror opposite the gas stove and work surfaces, otherwise the housewife may have more worries in the kitchen.

The living room is also a very good place for a mirror. This room has a very positive and soulful energy, because the whole family gathers here in the evenings and guests are received here. A mirror hung in this place will bring joy and good mood to your home, give you health and prosperity.


Whether it is worth hanging a mirror in the bedroom is a controversial issue. According to Feng Shui, a mirror in the bedroom should not reflect people during sleep, otherwise it will affect family relationships and the health of the inhabitants of the house. If you hang a mirror opposite the bed, conflicts and disagreements will often arise in the house, partners will not be faithful to each other, and family members will begin to have health problems.

To prevent this from happening, the mirror can be placed only in those areas of the bedroom in which the bed and the people sleeping on it will not be reflected. It is also not recommended to install a mirrored ceiling in the bedroom, because this is contrary to Feng Shui. It is best to place a dressing table in the bedroom that can be closed at night.

In the room where the child sleeps, the placement of mirrors should be treated with extreme caution. According to Feng Shui, the number of mirrors in a nursery should be minimal so as not to interfere with the child’s restful sleep. Here you can hang one small mirror, which will reflect the opposite wall.

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite a window?

According to Feng Shui, placing a mirror in front of a window is strictly prohibited, otherwise positive energy will not be able to linger in your home and will simply evaporate out the window. To avoid interfering with the proper circulation of energy, hang the mirror on the side wall near the window.

Do not hang mirrors one opposite the other under any circumstances. This helps create a magical mirror corridor into which various entities from the other world can penetrate.

Useful tips

To ensure that the mirror only brings you benefits, listen to these tips:

  • The attribute must have a frame - this will help concentrate the Chi energy.
  • The mirror should not reflect any negativity - cracked tiles, clutter in things, peeled wallpaper. It turns out that the mirror magnifies all this disgrace twice. Following this principle, avoid having your desk reflected in the mirror. Otherwise, you may have more work to do with it.
  • A cracked mirror should not be in your home, because it will collect all the negativity.
  • Try to avoid using mirror tiles in room decor. According to Feng Shui, this disrupts harmony and destroys your happiness.
  • The mirror should always be clean. You remember that mirrors multiply all negativity by two? A dirty mirror, even hanging in the right place, can cause scandals, conflicts, problems and illnesses in your family. Therefore, try to wash away all the negativity accumulated in the mirror more often.
  • After breaking a mirror, carefully wash the pieces to remove information about your family. Next, put them in an opaque bag and take them to the trash container.

Try to follow these simple rules. In this case, the mirror will bring only joy, health and prosperity to your home, and all negativity will leave your home forever.

At the end of the topic, we recommend watching the video:

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