Why and why you need to study and use Feng Shui.

What does the name feng shui mean?

Literally, “ Feng Shui ” translates as “ wind and water .”

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These two elements are symbols of heaven and earth. A person is constantly surrounded by the energies of Yin - the feminine principle, everything secret, hidden, and Yang - the masculine principle, the bright side. Energy flows permeate everything around and can both help and harm a person.

Now it will be easy for you to determine what this science is about.

Feng Shui by date of birth Gua number

In Feng Shui, the Gua number gives information about a person's personal energy. This is a personal horoscope that helps determine personal positive and negative directions.

Calculation rules

Calculating Gua is not difficult; even beginners can do it. You just need to show attention to detail, perseverance and accuracy.

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The calculation is carried out using the following formulas:

  1. For males born before the beginning of the 21st century, you need to calculate Gua like this: add the last 2 digits of the year of birth. If you still don't have a single digit number, add them up again until you are left with a number that doesn't exceed 9. Then subtract the result from 10.
  2. For a woman born before the beginning of the 21st century: add the final 2 digits of the year of birth using the same method, until the result becomes a single digit, and then add it with the number 5.
  3. For people who were born in the 21st century. the calculation procedure is different. So, for a girl, the subtotal must be added not from 5, but from 6. And for a guy, the result must be subtracted from 9. It is necessary to understand that the Gua number cannot be zero, so for 2009 it will remain equal to 9, etc. d.

The Gua number indicates a person’s personal energy.

Important points

There are several points that are important to remember when calculating your Gua number:

  • the Gua number cannot be equal to 5 - if it turns out to be 5, then for a woman the result will be 8, and for a man - 2;
  • do not forget that the new year according to the solar Chinese calendar does not begin on January 1, as in the generally accepted one, but in the first days of February, therefore, if you were born between January 1 and February 4-5, then you need to make calculations as if you were attending light a year earlier than written in the passport.

Positive directions

There are positive and negative directions, each of which has its own energy.

List of good destinations:

  1. Sheng Qi. In Feng Shui it is considered as the most favorable. It attracts good luck in new endeavors, financial well-being, and status. You can sit towards Sheng Qi while working. It’s good if the front door is also turned in the direction of luck.
  2. Tien-Yi is the direction of health. If the door to the bedroom and the head of the bed are turned in this direction or, when eating, you sit facing it, then this will have a positive effect on your health and increase your vitality.
  3. Yan-Nian – harmony. Helps build pleasant and balanced family relationships for a long-term and peaceful life together. If this area is decisive for you, placing the head of the bed in the Yan-Nian direction will be especially good. If you are actively searching for a romantic partner, then this direction is most favorable for you.
  4. Fu Wei is the direction of stability. Excellent for cognition and all-round development, gives clarity and depth of thinking. Promotes vertical movement along the career ladder. It will be useful to turn your workplace in the direction of Fu Wei.

Positive directions help build relationships and harmony.

Negative directions

Using unfavorable directions can cause all sorts of problems.

List of such directions:

  1. Ho-Hai – attracts obstacles. Has the least impact of all the unfavorable parties. Ho-Hai sounds like “minor setbacks,” minor problems. This is not critical, but it is advisable to avoid this direction, do not turn important objects in the house towards it - the bed, the front door, etc.
  2. Liu Sha - Six Killers. If the workplace or the head of the bed is directed in this direction, big conflicts may arise in the family and at work, and in business, problems with documents or the law may suddenly arise.
  3. Wu-Gui - Five Ghosts. This direction is fraught with accidents and global waste of money. Fires in the premises and theft are possible. If you sleep with your head in this direction, you can get sick or get a mental disorder.
  4. Jue-Ming - Complete collapse. This direction has the strongest adverse influence of all. Avoid him, do not turn your face towards him during work or meetings of great importance. The head of the bed should not be facing this part of the house, otherwise you will have nightmares.

Negative directions can cause mental disorder.

Where is Feng Shui used?

The main goal of the teaching is to search for favorable flows of “qi” and use them for the benefit of people. It found practical application in ancient China in many areas - military affairs, politics, agriculture, medicine and, of course, everyday life.

Today, teaching can also be used for different purposes. For example, Feng Shui of an apartment will help improve your financial situation, improve relationships between spouses, find a soul mate, and achieve success. With practice, you can determine the time that is ideal for some act or action.

The teaching makes it possible to arrange important events so that the impact of positive energy on them is maximum. What can you do in Feng Shui to change your life for the better? There are many different techniques, one of the most accessible is changing the surrounding space.

Where to begin

The first law of Feng Shui: there should be no trash, dirt or anything around a person that causes discomfort and unpleasant memories.

We are talking not only about household items, but also about toxic relationships, an unloved activity. By clearing the space around us, we let in the flow of life, and with it something new and positive.

Wish card

To quickly attract positive changes in your life, make a wish map. Divide the board into nine sectors, they will correspond to the Bagua sectors. Place a personal photo in the center. In the remaining parts, write or glue the desired benefits that correspond to the sectors.

Feng Shui knowledge or training

Many people mistakenly imagine that they can gain knowledge about Feng Shui from books and webinars. The task of advisors to emperors was always to ensure that the real fundamentals and secrets were not accessible to ordinary people.

That is why all real knowledge was encrypted in treatises in the form of poems, the key to which was passed from master to student orally or in practice.

For example, you know very well this book by Sun Tzu “The Art of War” , which describes 36 stratagems. However, the key to applying this or that strategy lies in the tables, which personally take up 6 sheets of my Excel e-book, the key to which lies in my head and is not written down anywhere on paper.

In addition, in order to apply these tables, we must first look at the Qi Men layout and only after that, using the key in our head, look for answers and strategies in the tables deciphering the application strategy. Now you understand that two companies using the book "The Art of War" cannot be equal on the battlefield if one of them has consultants like us.

The real cost of Feng Shui courses starts from €1500 and reaches €10-15 thousand. On average, a good course costs €2-3 thousand for 2-3 days. That is why no normal Feng Shui specialist will sell his consultations for less than €1000. Then it's up to you to choose...


Wealth is attracted to the house by wooden objects and water symbols located on the southeast side. The element of the sector is wood, it is nourished by water. Place an aquarium with goldfish, a picture with a carp or a water element.

Business people use Feng Shui to strengthen not only their apartments, but also their desks. Divide it into nine equal parts. They will correspond to the Bagua sectors. Directly in front of the person is the career sector, the wealth zone is the upper left corner.

The table should not have its back to the door. You need to sit facing the window.

Talismans for attracting money are quite popular even among those who have little interest in Feng Shui. This is a three-toed toad sitting on coins or with a coin in its mouth, a cheerful old man Hottey, a money tree and even an elementary piggy bank.


Building in Hong Kong, with the principle of Feng Shui applied in architecture

The place of Feng Shui in shaping fate and events

Taoist philosophy assigns feng shui one of the important places in shaping destiny:

  1. Heavenly happiness is what a person (or place) receives at birth;
  2. Human happiness is a person’s conscious actions (a person’s merits, thinking style, education and qualities of a person’s character, actions);
  3. Earthly happiness is earthly energy flows that affect events, health, relationships, etc. in time and space.

Myths about Feng Shui and their debunking

Superficial ideas about Feng Shui have given rise to many myths that have nothing to do with true Chinese philosophy. The most common superstitions include the following:

  1. A mirror in the house means illness. According to Feng Shui, mirrors do not attract disease into the house. However, care should be taken when handling them, because... they are powerful conductors of energy. For this reason, they should not be hung opposite the front door (so as not to scare away good luck) and windows (so that the positive energy coming into the house is not reflected or leaves).
  2. Coins in a wallet tied with a red thread are a sign of profit. This legend goes back to ancient times, when it was customary for the Chinese to carry coins strung on a cord. Such bundles were hung in a secluded place and stored “for a rainy day.” But this is just an ancient tradition that has nothing to do with Feng Shui.
  3. Indoor flowers in the bedroom - to quarrels. Feng Shui flowers help to retain energy. In places where there is a flow of positive energy, you should definitely place flowers, and from those places where the flow of energy is negative, it is better to remove flowers. In accordance with this, you can place flowers in the bedroom, but not at the head of the room, so that the plant does not draw energy from the sleeping person.
  4. Toads mean prosperity. The toad is a character in an ancient Chinese myth that was responsible for well-being, but this story is not connected with feng shui.


Inspect the house: a poor layout can be corrected with plants, objects and colors. Sharp corners should not be reflected in mirrors.

The proximity of the toilet and the front door is undesirable. This is where a mirror placed on the door to the bathroom will help.

  1. Arrange your office in the north, south or southeast.
  2. For a bedroom, the ideal sector is southwest or east.
  3. For a nursery, west or northeast is suitable.

The purpose of the room must coincide with the Bagua zone.

To attract good luck, get figurines in the shape of animals. Patrons with powerful energy are the dragon, tiger, turtle, elephant.

Balance is important in everything. A house overloaded with Feng Shui symbols will cause unpleasant sensations. To avoid conflict, focus on each of the five elements and limit yourself to a couple of talismans.

Attracting love

To attract a soul mate, only paired symbols are taken. These are doves, mandarin ducks or swans, dolphins, fish. From inanimate objects - candles, pillows, cups. Always fold out your bed or sofa, do not sleep on the half.

Paintings depicting flowers also work as love magnets: peonies, lotuses, camellias, azaleas, roses, violets. Living plants have even more powerful energy. Just don't forget to take care of them.

Most of the time a person is at home. If it is clean and comfortable, then the blessings of life do not dry out. And the opposite is true for those whose houses cannot be called a “fortress.” Feng Shui philosophy is important for all areas of life: adhere to Chinese principles to attract wealth, harmony and love into your home.


How to attract chi energy into your home

In a Feng Shui house, the incoming energy is evenly distributed throughout all rooms. This is helped by bells hanging over the front door, spreading plants, and pets. The Chinese believe that a cat that likes to sleep in different parts of the apartment actually transfers energy to where it is in short supply.

Do not place a mirror opposite the entrance. It reflects incoming energy. And it is better to keep the other doors open, letting life force in. The exception is the bathroom door.

Ventilate the house more often; with fresh air, favorable energy will quickly fill the house.

Do not allow straight and empty space between the door and the window so that the energy does not pass through without lingering. Tall plants in the interior and flowers on the windowsill will help you.

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