New Year 2022 according to Feng Shui: how to celebrate it correctly, features

Characteristics of the symbol of 2022 - Tiger

According to Chinese mythology and the eastern calendar, each year is ruled by a specific animal. Each of them controls its own special element, making each year different from the last. The character and habits of the totem animal will be reflected throughout the year.

The coming 2022 is the year of the metal Black Tiger, which will rule from February 1, 2022 to January 21, 2023.

In its symbolic meaning, the Tiger is a rather complex sign. Astrologers characterize him with the following qualities:

  • Courage
  • Unpredictability
  • Confidence
  • Determination
  • Charm
  • Impulsiveness
  • Determination

Thanks to a sense of increased responsibility and fortitude, people with the sign of the Tiger often occupy high positions and become leaders. They do not like long preparations, but they cope with all tasks with ease.

How to prepare the house

This teaching has stood the test of time, which means that in any case it will contain some truth. Feng Shui has several simple but significant recommendations for preparing your home for the New Year:

  1. Cleansing with aromas. Light the incense in a container that can withstand fire. Dried rose petals, jasmine or lavender sprigs are perfect. Scented candles or sticks with rose, peach and jasmine scents may also work.
  2. Cleansing with sounds. The teachings of Feng Shui say that stagnant, unkind energy lurks in the corners. In order to get rid of it, go to all the “evil” corners with a metal bell, or clap and stamp loudly.
  3. Cleansing with water. You should wet clean the house, wash the floors, windows and mirrors. If you want to enhance the effect, you can clean it with a white piece of cloth that has been left in the sun for at least an hour. This fabric can be considered charged with the energy of the sun.
  4. Getting rid of unnecessary things. It is worth throwing away everything without regret, because unnecessary things interfere with the movement of energy. Get rid of old photos, files on your computer and phone that are unnecessary relics of the past.
  5. Rearranging the room. It is recommended to change the usual interior. By doing this you will attract new flows of energy that fill your entire home.
  6. Positive attitude. It is worth celebrating the New Year with a smile and a good mood.

Other Chinese talismans

A popular home talisman is the money cup. It helps if it is hidden from prying eyes.

Often choose:

  • Ship of wealth. It should be placed at the front door and used to store jewelry and coins. The more valuable things are in the ship, the harder it works.
  • Red money envelopes. They put several bills in each and place them throughout the home. The energy attracted by them comes from all sides.
  • Elephant. Symbolizes wisdom, attracts financial well-being, helps to make the right decision in a difficult financial situation. The best place is the windowsill; the product is turned with its trunk outward.

Decorating the house for the New Year 2022

According to Eastern tradition, before decorating the Christmas tree and house for 2022 according to Feng Shui, it is necessary to carry out a thorough general cleaning. Moreover, the first thing you need to do is get rid of things that carry bad Sha energy, which has an extremely negative effect on a person’s life.

After wet cleaning of windows, mirrors and floors in the apartment, the space is cleaned with the aromas of candles and smoking incense. Particular attention is paid to corners where bad energy stagnates. The same thing is done with the help of sounds - a metal bell is perfect for these purposes.

It is very important what color of candles for the New Year 2022 will be chosen by the hostess of the house. It is better to choose blue or dark blue candles, symbolizing the water element, white with iridescence or interspersed with silver and gold. The same goes for decorations, holiday decorations, textiles and even dishes.

Feng Shui rules for health

Health is the only area that, according to Feng Shui, comes into contact with all others. And this is quite understandable: after all, when a person does not have health, he simply does not want anything, cannot achieve goals, cannot enjoy life to the fullest. Neither all the riches of the world nor beauty will make a person happy. A sick person cannot find peace and harmony. And, on the contrary, if a person is healthy, he wants to live fully, he enjoys life, he sets goals for himself and enjoys achieving them. This is why health is so important in the art of Feng Shui.

The health zone in the house is located in the eastern part. You already understand that the most important condition is to keep this area clean and tidy. But since, as you already know, health comes into contact with other spheres, then its sector in the home comes into contact with other sectors. This means that the health zone runs through the center of your entire home.

This is a wood zone, so its interior should be dominated by wooden objects: furniture, decorative items. In addition, wood is also a green color, so it should also predominate in the eastern part of the apartment.

In addition, water symbols will fit perfectly into this zone: fountains, an aquarium, paintings depicting water. But remember the rule of harmony: everything should be in moderation - both in the number of objects and in their size. You can use other colors in decorative elements: for example, blue and black.

Since we're talking about trees, we can't do without living plants: the ideal option is a bonsai tree. You can hang a picture of a landscape, or put a bowl of fruit. You can use live fruits, or you can use ones made of porcelain: peaches laid out on a dish in the amount of 5 or 9 pieces are perfect for this area.

Another symbol of a healthy and long life is the deer. Therefore, you can decorate your interior with figures of little deer and paintings with their images. This will not only help improve your health, but will also add a touch of charm to the interior of the room.

Putting up a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui

Particular attention in this matter is paid to the cardinal directions. It is believed that the location of the Christmas tree can affect what awaits you in the coming year.

  • South - glory and authority.
  • Southwest - will help restore harmony in the family and find love.
  • Southeast - attracting material wealth.
  • The center of the room is health and balance in emotions.
  • The West is for people whose dream is to add to their family.
  • East - harmony between family members and lovers.
  • North-West - finding like-minded people and successful travels.
  • Northeast - gaining wisdom and necessary knowledge.
  • North is for the person who dreams of getting promoted or building a career.

It is prohibited to cut off the top of a tree, because the flow of life passes through it, so it is also worth buying a live spruce or pine. Also, if it is not possible to install a Christmas tree, then it will be enough to install several branches of a green beauty.

When to put up a Christmas tree

You need to put up a Christmas tree in 2022, when the apartment has been completely cleaned and all things that carry negative Sha energy have been thrown away. After approximately December 26-26, you can begin installing and decorating the New Year's tree and the entire house. A festive atmosphere created in advance will lift the spirits of the household and set the mood for a new period in life.

Relationships with people

Relationships with people

  • Social and personal life, help in difficult situations and necessary advice depend on communication with friends.
  • Colleagues and business partners - here the ability to negotiate largely depends on communication skills. A good contract or agreement can literally slip away from your hands at the last moment simply because you failed to correctly define your position. It's a shame, isn't it?
  • Communication on a personal, even intimate level creates wonderful relationships that grow into a strong family. Feng Shui information about sex life is available to everyone, but first you need to establish contact with the person and gain his affection. Without this, no amulets, even paired ones designed to attract love, will help. You can attract something, but can you hold it...
  • Communication with children leads to complete mutual understanding, when your children see in you not just a strict parent, but a real friend who can listen, help in difficult times, support, guide, and give advice.

The ability to contact people of all categories, the desire to make contact, the possession of communication and communication skills is very useful, but it is impossible if you are overworked, tired, haven’t gotten enough sleep, have a lot of urgent matters, or simply haven’t had a very good breakfast, which is why your mood is at zero. From here there is a relationship with the other points that we have already described.

In fact, they are all interconnected. Without good health, it is impossible to achieve financial independence or quality communication. If there is no financial stability, only good health and the ability to communicate with business partners or work colleagues will provide an opportunity to get a good project or advance up the career ladder.

And if you don’t know how to communicate, then the other two points can easily suffer. Who needs good health if family or work relationships are very bad? And how will financial independence help you if you simply have no one to talk to and share your joys with?

Festive outfit according to Feng Shui on New Year's Eve

Clothes have always been and will be one of the most important elements by which society will build its idea of ​​a person. When choosing clothes for the New Year, it is worth remembering lucky colors. Clothes should be of a simple cut and in light colors. Dresses, trousers and shirts are perfect. Yellowish or light green clothing is also acceptable. Under no circumstances should you choose clothes that will make you feel uncomfortable.

Men should avoid cropped, overly tapered and loose trousers. A combination of white top and dark bottom is perfect for them. Laconic and comfortable dresses are perfect for girls. Very often, ladies' choice falls on loose knitted dresses.

Teacher - Master Howard Choi

Master Howard Choi and Alexandra Naumova in China, sacred mountain Taishan

Howard Choy (Cai Hong) is a master and teacher of Feng Shui, Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan with 40 years of experience, a professional architect, and the author of books on Feng Shui and Qigong. He heads the architectural company and the European College of Feng Shui ECOFS in Berlin, is the founder of the Feng Shui Association of Australia and the coordinator of the European branch of the Feng Shui Association of Great Britain and Europe FSS.

Howard Choi teaches Feng Shui, Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan in Germany, Australia, UK, France, Italy, Finland, Switzerland, Poland, Austria, Belgium, USA and Russia. Howard also teaches Chinese philosophy and the I Ching Book of Changes, physiognomy, palmistry, Chinese massage, traditional Chinese gardens and conducts Feng Shui training tours in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan.

Howard Choi is a master with the deepest knowledge and experience, a man of great generosity, with an open heart, endless patience and kindness towards people. His insight and wisdom change his understanding of the world every time. Being around him makes you a better person. Meeting him is a great success.

More about Howard Choi

New Year's table according to the rules of Feng Shui

According to ancient philosophy, the festive table should have a round or oval shape. If you have a table at home with only sharp corners, you can purchase a special tablecloth that rounds the corners. The color of the tablecloth is also important:

  • yellow – brings warmth and joy of life;
  • red or pink - personifies the spirit of love;
  • green - along with treats, present family members and guests will receive the energy of wealth and success.

The New Year's table is placed in the middle of the living room, and a vase or vessel, preferably metal, is placed in its center. It is recommended to place yellow fruits in a silver vase with spruce branches or any greenery and flowers. It is advisable that the backs of the chairs standing around the table be high. They are covered with a beautiful cloth on top so that those present are protected from negative energy.

Crystal glasses and salad bowls are a must for New Year's table setting. Transparent dishes look very impressive and help build trust between those present. Don't forget about napkins. If you fold them in a fan, then the connection with the financial channel will be established in the house and there will be no need for it in the coming year. If you make a sharp corner when folding a napkin, this will protect the owners and give them confidence.

Menu for New Year 2022: what to cook in the year of the Black Water Tiger

The king of the jungle is a predator from tip to tail, and therefore the menu for the New Year 2022 should include a large number of meat dishes. The tiger does not like monotony. Prepare several different treats so you have plenty to choose from. But the beast does not like alcohol and fizzy drinks. Instead of sweet soda, put natural juices, compotes and uzvar on the table.

According to legend, the Tiger and the Bull fought in a fight, where the artiodactyl won and ridiculed the predator. Since then, these animals have been their worst enemies, and therefore there should be no beef on the New Year's table. Prepare holiday dishes from chicken, pork or lamb. In addition to baked rolls and steaks, the table should have cold cuts from different varieties of sausages, ham and boiled pork. Vegetable side dishes, as well as many salads with herbs, are suitable for meat dishes.

What can't you cook for New Year 2022? Hot sauces, cereals, seafood, fish dishes, fizzy drinks.

Feng Shui rules for the bedroom

The bedroom is the most important place for spouses. In terms of the relationship between husband and wife, the bedroom is the area that matters the most. There are many Feng Shui rules for properly organizing a bedroom. We bring to your attention the basic ones, which you can apply yourself, without the involvement of a Feng Shui master.

  • keep the bedroom clean, do not clutter it with unnecessary things, let sunlight into the room, ventilate it regularly;
  • there must be one solid mattress on the bed;
  • spouses must sleep on the same bed;
  • a round bed is not suitable for a stable marital relationship;
  • the bed must have a solid headboard;
  • The location of the bed is also important: lying in it, you should see the door to the bedroom;
  • never lie with your feet facing the door;
  • Do not place the bed under ceiling beams. If there are such beams in the room, hide them or rearrange the bed. You can reduce the influence of the beams by attaching bamboo sticks tied with red ribbon to their edges;
  • the bed should not be in the middle of the room, that is, some part of it should be in contact with the wall, ideally the headboard;
  • there should be nothing under the bed, make sure that there is order there too;
  • It is better that there is nothing in the bedroom except a bed;
  • bed linen matters too. It should be clean and fresh, without a pattern, but it should not be black, red, blue;
  • never cry into the pillow you sleep on;
  • do not keep symbols of water and living plants in the bedroom, but a bowl of fruit will come in handy;
  • There is no need to hang a large clock in the bedroom, but a pyramid-shaped alarm clock will do;
  • there should be no equipment in the bedroom: a stereo system, a laptop, a TV - this is Yang energy. Yin energy should be present in the bedroom;
  • Don't hang mirrors in your bedroom.

You have only learned about the basic rules of Feng Shui for the bedroom. Of course, there are many more of them, but if you are new to this art and do not want to resort to the help of a Feng Shui master, then these rules will be enough for you to start attracting real miracles into your life.

What to give to friends, family and acquaintances

You can put gifts under the Christmas tree that will benefit the recipient, and will not just gather dust on the shelf:

  • dishes;
  • textile;
  • small and large household appliances;
  • electronic gadgets;
  • clothing and accessories;
  • educational toys and intellectual games for children.

Products made of white metal are welcome - we are talking about jewelry made of silver, white gold and platinum.

If you are invited to visit for the New Year, bring a few tangerines with you. In China, it is customary to give each owner two citrus fruits for good luck. If you are giving gifts, wrap them in gold or silver paper, which will promise money and prosperity to the recipient. Include talismans for the coming year with your gifts - figurines, magnets, pendants in the shape of a Tiger, as well as symbols of prosperity - coins wrapped in red paper.


Since 2005, I have been studying traditional Chinese arts: Feng Shui, Chinese astrology Ba-Zi and Nai-Yin, Qi Men Dun Jia, I-Ching, Qigong, physiognomy, palmistry, traditional Chinese medicine and nutrition, point massage, tea ceremony, creation of individual talismans and seals.

I study and practice classical schools of Feng Shui : the school of Forms and Configurations of Xing-Shi, the school of Eight Houses of Ba-Zhai, the school of Mysterious Emptiness of Flying Stars Xuan Kung Fei-Hsing, the school of Three Harmonies of San-He, the school of Mysterious Emptiness of Hexagrams Xuan Kung Da- Gua.

My mentor is Feng Shui, Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan master Howard Choy. I completed training at the European College of Feng Shui ECOFS in the two-year program “Feng Shui for Professional Practice”. She studied classical Feng Shui and Qigong on Feng Shui training tours in China. I continue to improve my skills at Govrad Choi’s courses in Europe, Russia and Online.

She studied traditional Chinese gardens in China and landscape design at the Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art. Explored the best gardens in China with master Howard Choi in Suzhou Sūzhōu, Tongli Tongli and Shanghai Shànghǎi.

She was the organizer of courses for Feng Shui master Derek Walters and doctor of traditional Chinese medicine Nicola Pfeffer Nicola Pfeffer in Yekaterinburg.

She studied Qi Men Dun Jia with Alexey Skoblikov at the Institute of Taoist Management and Coaching DAOMAC.

She studied psychology, public speaking, and public speaking techniques. She practiced Buddhism and Yoga. Received higher education in the field of economics and finance at USTU-UPI named after Boris Yeltsin.

How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it

To appease the Blue Water Tiger, you need to celebrate the New Year 2022 actively, without losing heart and believing in your own strength.
The state of mind is extremely important to end the past period and enter a new one. The tiger will appreciate a healthy lifestyle, vigorous activity and enthusiasm. You need to approach the beginning of a new period with enthusiasm, think through important steps, make wishes, mentally or on paper draw up a plan of actions that will need to be carried out so that the year of the Tiger turns out successfully. Pessimists and whiners will have a hard time in the fast-moving watery elements that they will have to plunge into with the onset of the New Year.

Helpful Tips:

  • Protracted problems need to be resolved 12 days before the New Year. You can't leave unfinished things.
  • A week before the holiday, make a clear action plan for the near future after the New Year.
  • The tiger must enter a clean room, so the symbolism of the previous animal should be removed in advance.
  • Two or three days before the new period, you need to clean up the house and get rid of old trash.
  • An hour before the onset of the Year of the Tiger, you need to say goodbye to the Ox and remember happy moments.
  • You need to enter a new period with a pure soul, repaid debts and a clear conscience.

The tiger will fill the house with happiness and wealth when he appreciates all the preparations, external and internal, made in his honor. Natural materials and fabrics, delicate blue and blue shades used in the design will attract the new character and encourage him to be grateful.

Rules that should not be broken when celebrating the New Year according to Feng Shui

According to wise philosophy, it is not recommended to break some rules, because upcoming events over the course of 12 months depend on them:

  1. You should not wear clothes that are too bright or provocative.
  2. In the year of the Tiger, you cannot give useless things that will not be used.
  3. There is no need to neglect the advice on cleaning your home from dust, old trash and negative Shea energy.
  4. You cannot leave grudges behind in the past year. We need to apologize to everyone who was accidentally or intentionally offended.
  5. There must be meat on the holiday table, but not game. The owner of the year does not like to share with her.

The main condition for the event is timely, thoughtful preparation. Haste and fuss can anger the striped predator. Also, do not forget about the numbers 4 and 9. They bring happiness and good luck. The coming 12 months promise to be successful if nine or four people celebrate this wonderful holiday together.

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