House layout according to Feng Shui - features and rules

» Feng Shui » Feng Shui for home planning



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Feng Shui for the home is used at different stages: design, construction, furnishing. But even a fully equipped room can be improved using Bagua zones. Proper planning helps you find harmony in life and set goals in such a way as to achieve success. Let's consider what a house should be like according to Feng Shui, so that life in it flows harmoniously.

Feng Shui for home planning

Location of the house

To feel cozy and harmonious in your home, carefully consider its location. Feng Shui tips will help you navigate and start construction in the right place.

The ideal location for building a house would be south or southeast. The sun should constantly shine through the windows. This arrangement allows heat energy to freely enter the house. Your building should blend harmoniously with its surroundings.

House number

Take care of the beauty around your home. If you plan to plant a garden or vegetable garden, choose a rectangular shape for them. It is better to avoid triangles, as they negatively affect the residents of the house. It is advisable that the garden is located behind the building, on a flat surface. Plant trees a little away from the house so that no shadow is created and the sun's energy calmly passes through the windows.

Water will fill the area with good energy. Fountains, a pond, a swimming pool, a stream have a beneficial effect on the financial side of the home owner.

According to Feng Shui, the entrance to a house is the main channel through which energy flows. Take care of the beauty, cleanliness, and serviceability of the main entrance. Place flowerpots with flowers on the sides of the door. Do not place any large objects in front of it, this will overwhelm the occupants of the house.

The location of the door relative to the cardinal direction is very important:

  • entering in the north will bring stability and tranquility to the owners; It is better to paint it black or blue;
  • a door in the south will help residents become more sociable and strive for power, but let it be red;
  • located in the western side will have a beneficial effect on the children in the house; It is better to make it metal, paint it with black, gray or white paint;
  • on the eastern side, it will help the owners of the house achieve their goals, strive for something new, and boldly go towards their dreams; ideal in the east would be a wooden door in pink, blue or green.

How to arrange furniture

Arranging furniture according to Feng Shui in each room will create separate areas for relaxation, work, cooking and eating. The main thing is not to clutter the space and use only functional interior elements. In the office it is enough to install an aquarium with fish, in the living room - a painting depicting nature and a couple of flowerpots with flowers.

Below we describe in detail how to arrange furniture and decorative items according to Feng Shui in each room.


According to Feng Shui, the bedroom should be located away from the bathroom, well ventilated and lit. The arrangement of furniture begins with determining the place for the bed. It is installed in the Fu Wei direction, which is responsible for relaxation and personal growth. There is empty space above and below the sleeping area; drawers and shelves impair the flow of positive Qi energy.

You can arrange your bedroom according to Feng Shui using several bedside tables and a chest of drawers. You cannot place a mirror opposite the entrance, window or bed. The colors of the interior depend on the direction of the world; the best for a married couple would be red, pink, and beige.

Living room

The living room is the main gathering place for the whole family and guests. The arrangement of furniture according to Feng Shui should be comfortable and not create a conflict of elements, otherwise frequent scandals and misunderstandings will begin in the family. Install round-shaped interior elements (coffee table, armchair, fruit dishes). The sofa, sofa, chairs are arranged so that all guests can freely communicate with each other.

Plants are installed in the health sector or in the center of the room if you have a studio apartment. Lighting is arranged in zones: a chandelier above the coffee table, a floor lamp near the chair.


The kitchen is the center of the apartment, through which you can activate wealth and wealth in the family. For decoration use figurines, flowers, mirrors above the stove and tabletop. According to Feng Shui, this room is furnished as follows:

  • the stove should be opposite the front door;
  • the sink is located opposite the window, but not next to the stove;
  • The trash can is placed away from the sink; when entering the kitchen it should not be conspicuous.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the set should have a large number of drawers and a wide tabletop. You cannot place household appliances, dishes, or food on it. Furniture should be arranged so that nothing interferes with the free movement of the hostess around the kitchen.


The children's room is furnished according to Feng Shui so that the child can relax, study and achieve success in any endeavor. The bed in the bedroom should have high legs so that energy can circulate freely below. The computer desk is positioned so that you can see the front door while working. In the creativity area, hang children's paintings, crafts, certificates and awards.

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Follow the recommendations on how to furnish a nursery according to Feng Shui, and then you will not have problems raising and communicating with your child.


The bathroom is considered a place to get rid of accumulated negative energy and prepare for a new day or a new stage. According to Feng Shui, the arrangement of bathroom and toilet furniture should be functional. The bathtub and toilet are separated by a curtain or glass wall. Place a fresh flower in the corner, preferably an orange or lemon.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the ventilation of the bathroom and toilet must be of high quality so that all foreign odors and fumes do not linger. To prevent your money from going down the drain, the toilet lid in the bathroom should always be closed.

House number

The number of a house is very important for Feng Shui. After all, even such a small thing will direct positive energy in the right direction. To find out the meaning of the number on the door, add up all the numbers until you get a simple (single digit) number. The vibration of each number is individual:

  • The unit is influenced by the Sun. This is a good number that brings joy to the home and reveals creativity.
  • The deuce is under the control of the Moon. Promotes calm, contemplation, self-knowledge, harmony.
  • Three is ruled by Mars. Symbolizes optimism, communication, dating, reveals talents.
  • Four is under the influence of Mercury. Promotes work, promotion, communication.
  • The number five is ruled by Jupiter. Causes emotionality, impulsiveness, and sometimes even outbursts of anger. But it is favorable for scientists.
  • Venus holds the patronage over the six. A house with this number has a friendly atmosphere, love and understanding reign here. It is favorable for children, guests, and pets.
  • Seven is ruled by Saturn. This is a difficult number, it brings trials, financial problems, and loneliness to the owners. At the same time, it is favorable for studying.
  • Eight is under the influence of Uranus. The owners of a house with this number will receive wealth if they work hard.
  • Nine is ruled by Neptune. Not a very good figure, trouble reigns in the apartment, dreams are not destined to come true, bad habits simply drag the owners into their net.

Home interior

If you come across a negative apartment (house) number, you can cheat a little: choose the number you like and write the desired number on a piece of paper. Place it next to the house number.

Characteristic qualities for a comfortable home according to Feng Shui

The following general points can be highlighted:

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  1. The house should be spacious. The experience of many generations shows that there is always not enough space for a large family, and if guests come, it becomes very crowded. The volume of circulating air depends on the height of the ceilings (and this is our health, which should not be skimped on). Regarding the area of ​​the rooms, it must be said that they need to be planned so that there are always spacious passages. If your living room is divided into zones (for example, a dining room, an area near the fireplace and an area near the TV), then try to differentiate them. The same applies to the bathroom: you can place everything on an area of ​​2x2 m2, but if it is 4x5 m, this will allow you to put there a hanger for your robe, a bench for relaxing, and freely swing your arms while wiping your back after a shower. Therefore, do not save on space - this is your health and safety.

Feng Shui house color

The color of the house plays a big role for others. It lifts your spirits, charges you with positivity, and makes you happy.

Each color has a different meaning:

  • White, beige and soft green shades suit everyone. They are discreet and evoke good emotions;
  • black color at home will bring aggression, depression, it is better not to use it;
  • yellow shades will help you better absorb information, study, and restrain uncontrollable emotions;
  • green - instills calm, harmony in the owner, relieves stress;
  • orange - will make the residents of the house kinder, more confident, and instill optimism;
  • red is the color of passion, so weigh how much hot, excited emotions you need;
  • shades of blue bring satisfaction, inspiration, people of a blue house live in harmony with themselves.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

By changing the color of your home, you will direct your life in a different direction.


Here we can talk for a long time about the element of water, yin energy and all sorts of other things that the Chinese love to talk about, but I would like to dwell on the main points that it is advisable to take into account when designing a bathroom.

This room should first of all be spacious. The living room should have a lot of light, so large windows are welcome. This room should be bright, giving energy, so it is better to use bright wallpaper or paints here.

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The room should be of such a size that it can easily accommodate your entire family and many guests. Therefore, think about what kind of company you are going to have so that there is enough space for everyone.

The point is not even how to accommodate everyone, but the fact that a large company is usually divided into groups of 2-4 people, and it is necessary to provide a place for everyone so that no one disturbs anyone. In the living room there should be an area near the fireplace, a sofa near the TV, some kind of area at the exit to the terrace, and so on.

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House layout

Before you start building a house, plan everything carefully, following the tips and rules of Feng Shui:

  1. The shape of the house should be square or rectangular; under no circumstances should it be narrow or elongated.
  2. It is advisable to make the roof symmetrical and not sloping.
  3. Designate the porch, the entrance, let it be beautiful and inviting.
  4. Plan the guest room in the north-west, bedrooms, offices - on the north side, place the children's room in the north-east, the master bedroom - in the south or south-west, the best place for the kitchen - in the south-west of the house.
  5. If you are planning to make a staircase, keep in mind that it should not be in the center of the home.
  6. Build your house in such a way as to protect it from the wind, since a building that is blown around will negatively affect the health and life of household members.

Feng Shui house layout using a bagua grid

It’s easier to plan correctly once than to correct mistakes for a long time. It is this rule that best reflects the essence of house planning according to Feng Shui. The main tool in this matter is the bagua square.

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What is a bagua grid

The bagua square is initially not a square at all, but an octagon with a functional center. Otherwise, it is an energy map with which you can determine energy flows in any room. All its sectors are different aspects of human life:

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  • wealth,
  • glory,
  • marriage, relationship,

Each sector is characterized by its own direction, as well as tools that allow one to strengthen or neutralize the energy coming from this direction.

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The classic octagon-shaped Bagua grid is quite complex for non-professional Feng Shui consultants. In order for the basics of the ancient teaching to be accessible to everyone, it was presented in the form of a Lo-Shu square, each sector-cell of which corresponds to a sector of the octagon.

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Correct application of bagua

Applying a bagua to the drawing and design of the cottage will help determine how correctly the layout of your private home is done. If the house has not yet been built, then it will be much easier to make adjustments or completely redesign the internal structure of the house.

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In order to correctly apply the bagua grid to a house project, you will need a drawing of it.

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When the drawing is in front of your eyes, you need to draw a square or rectangle directly on it, taking the load-bearing walls of the box as a basis, depending on the original dimensions of the building.

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At the same time, all non-residential architectural elements, such as a balcony, porch, veranda or terrace in the house should not be included in the bagua grid.

Determine the location of the cardinal points and put them on the map. When the field itself is ready, it must be divided into nine equal sectors - this will be the bagua grid.

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What to do with the information received

The information that was obtained during the application of bagua to the house design tells about the territorial location of various zones in the home. Having such data, you can correctly arrange the premises, in accordance with the teachings, and create favorable conditions for the circulation of Qi energy.

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It is the energy map that will tell you where it is best to arrange the bedroom, children's rooms, kitchen, office and living room.

Also, the information received will help activate some of the areas that require more careful study to achieve a positive result. This can be done using various Feng Shui tools.

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Doors and windows according to Feng Shui

Windows and doors to the house are of great importance according to Feng Shui, because energy flows circulate through them. Positive qi enters the house, negative sha leaves it.

To get more good energy, follow some rules:

  • windows must always be clean, free from defects or malfunctions;
  • health and happiness will be brought to the house by the energy flow that passes through the eastern or southern windows;
  • The number and size of windows plays an important role. Their number should not be a multiple of ten. You shouldn’t make them too big, otherwise they will release positive energy;
  • a beautiful view from the window contributes to the health and happiness of the household. If there is a cemetery, a construction site, or too tall buildings outside your window, sha energy will flow into the house, but we don’t need this;
  • A square or rectangular window shape is considered favorable;
  • remove excess from the windowsill so that chi energy freely penetrates into the house.

The better the condition of the windows and doors, the more prosperous the family lives.

Door location

How to position the house

After choosing a site, it is worth taking care of the correct position of the house. In addition to the correct location according to parts of the world, you need to take into account some other characteristics.

  • If you have chosen a corner plot, then you should not place the house on the outer corner at the intersection of two roads. In such a place there is no concentration of Qi energy, but there is plenty of Sha energy here. On such a site, it is best to place the house inside the site.
  • The presence of a pond on the site is a good way to attract energy, but only if the house is located correctly. The house should face the pond with its central facade. If this cannot be done, then the house should be fenced off from the reservoir.
  • The location in the center of the site can have a bad effect on the energy of the house. It is believed that he has no support and protection, that he stands in the middle of nowhere. Raising a family in such a house will be problematic.
  • It is better to move the house away from the center, but not directly towards the fence. There should be free space between them.
  • The fence on the site should be low, especially if the house is one-story. Due to the high intake of Qi energy, it will be difficult to get into the site and into the house.

Furniture design and arrangement according to Feng Shui

According to the advice of Feng Shui, arrange the furniture in the house so that the chi energy circulates freely throughout the room. Each item should fit harmoniously into the room. If it is small, do not place massive furniture. Buy cabinets, chairs, etc. with legs, which will make it possible for positive energy not to stagnate. Leave space between pieces of furniture.

Place a wardrobe, chests of drawers, sofa or chairs with backs along the walls. Niches in which furniture is placed have an adverse effect on energy. Its items should look aesthetically pleasing, without breakages, scratches or other damage. There is no need to place anything in the center of the room, otherwise it will interfere with the free movement of energy flow.

Interior details and colors

Interior elements such as stairs, doors, furniture and even fittings should be organized in accordance with the recommendations of the teaching. Dynamic, frequently used interior items (stairs, doors) should not be painted in bright fiery colors. For example, someone who climbs a red-painted staircase will be in constant tension. The atmosphere in such a house will be tense, and the residents will be nervous.

Decoration Materials

The decorative elements used in the house must strictly correspond to the areas in which they are placed. It is appropriate to use wood for decoration in the eastern and south-eastern parts of the house, metal - in the northern and north-western parts. Bright fiery elements (stove, fireplace) are placed in the south and southwest. Natural materials are preferred in finishing.

Color spectrum

The colors used in the interior of the house must correspond to the teachings of the 5 basic elements of Feng Shui (Fire, Water, Metal, Wood, Earth). Red color (fire) – can activate vitality, yang energy, progress and movement. Green (wood) – calms and harmonizes. Yellow (earth) – helps to gain wisdom and experience. Blue and violet (water) - help meditation and concentration. White (metal) – is responsible for the spiritual side of life. By painting rooms in a color that enhances their corresponding Bagua zone, you can achieve success in life.

Mirrors in the interior

In the practice of Feng Shui, mirrors have a special role, because they are conductors of qi energy.

Be sure to place a mirror in the hallway; it cuts through the rooms the flow of energy that penetrated through the front door. Hang small mirrors on the door of the bathroom and toilet, then the energy will not flow away along with the water. Hang mirrors so that they reflect beauty and harmony; point them, for example, at paintings or flowers.

There are places where you cannot hang a mirror so as not to harm the family:

  • do not place it in front of windows or the front door;
  • it should not reflect a bed with people;
  • hang mirrors so that they do not reflect the kitchen work surface or desk, since with this arrangement the household will have more work;
  • do not hang mirrors opposite each other, this will lead to panic, stress, and uncontrollable behavior.

Mirror in the bedroom

Choose round, square or rectangular mirror shapes. Once a week, wash off the negativity from them and keep them clean. With the help of reflective surfaces, you can not only correctly direct energy, but also correct the entire flow.

Choosing a house shape

Building a house according to Feng Shui is a difficult but doable job. When a site has been selected and the future location of the house has been determined, it is necessary to decide on the shape of the building, select the appropriate project and orient it to the cardinal points. After this, the object is accurately linked to the area, and construction work begins.

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First of all, decide on the shape of the box. Feng Shui for the home recommends taking a closer look at the correct squares and rectangles.

It will be easier to divide a house of this shape into bagua zones and make a layout in accordance with all the rules.

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What you should definitely avoid are irregularly shaped projects: in the form of the letter G, letter P, and other zigzag and broken lines. This will make the planning process much more difficult, and some energy and strength sectors may not appear on the house map at all.

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The entrance to the house should be wide - so the Qi energy will easily penetrate into the home and in sufficient quantities. Don't skimp on windows. Their number is selected according to the principle that more is better than less. However, there should not be more than three window openings for each door in the house.

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A project of a disproportionate house, for example 10x13 meters, where it is generally difficult to determine any half will also be an unfavorable decision and a bad choice.

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Such a house will aggravate disagreements in the family, emphasize and strengthen the negative sides of the household, which will lead to an inevitable breakdown in relations.

An important element that is worth paying attention to will be the roof, or rather its shape. The task of the roof, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, is not just to protect the house from bad weather, precipitation and wind, but also to strengthen the position of the owner of the building, support him in all endeavors, and avoid conflicts with the sky.

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It is definitely worth refusing to use single-pitched roofs or two single-pitched roofs directed in different directions. This roof shape will increase or create instability in the family, quick ups and equally quick downs. And two separate slopes will also lead to discord in the house: parents will lose contact with their children, the husband will separate from his wife.

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Dishes in the house according to Feng Shui

The shape, color, appearance, and material of the dishes greatly influence the health and well-being of the family. Copper or glass utensils are considered the most positive in Feng Shui, and they are also non-toxic.

  • To gain strength and vitality, eat from wooden utensils.
  • Plastic objects carry destructive energy, suppress them, avoid them.
  • It is also not advisable to use utensils made of steel or aluminum, as they can lead to nervous exhaustion.
  • If you need comfort, warmth, and stability in your home, choose round dishes.

For ill-wishers or strangers, place square plates.

More about the house project

Every house must have a project. It is especially good if the rules of Feng Shui are taken into account when creating it. We offer some of the main ones:

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façade and appearance. Explicit definition – this should be the key aspiration for the façade. Strange recommendation?

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However, if you look at many modern houses, you will understand that everything is not as it seems. Their front side stands out unclearly or as if blurred.

These are various awkward buildings that, by misunderstanding, are called houses.

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  • The roof of the house should not be skewed in one direction.
  • The house plan cannot use the shape of the letter “L” or “P”. Of course, the house may not be ideal. Various angles and protrusions are acceptable, but their dimensions must be taken into account.
  • Buildings, pillars, trees, and other inappropriate obstacles in front of the entrance should not spoil the view. They are simply not needed there and, moreover, disrupt the harmonious flow of Qi.

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Houseplants according to Feng Shui

Indoor plants saturate the house with positivity, comfort, vitality, good mood, calm, and take away irritation and dissatisfaction.

Each flower is charged with individual energy, so it affects the residents of the house differently:

  • The money tree symbolizes wealth, prosperity, financial well-being. It not only preserves, but also increases family income;
  • ficus neutralizes manifestations of aggression, anger, anger;
  • myrtle will help preserve family and love. With him you will overcome all the bad things and save your marriage;
  • the cactus has quite heavy energy, but at the same time restrains the rage and anger of the owners of the house;
  • the lemon tree reveals creative talents in children, increases activity, and fills the house with vital energy;
  • calla lilies protect family relationships and protect household members from diseases;
  • geranium calms nerves, balances emotions, purifies the air.

Money Tree

It should be remembered that you should not place tall plants on the window, as they prevent the penetration of qi energy. Do not place them in the bedroom: they negatively affect family relationships, especially if they are plants with thorns and prickles. It is better to take a fading flower out of the house. Plants located on shelves and cabinets will fill the room with good energy. Surround the plant with love and care - and it will become a talisman.

What are the influences of the cardinal directions?

The location of rooms according to Feng Shui is determined based on the cardinal directions. Each of them is responsible for different energy and has its own purpose. In some apartments you feel comfortable or, on the contrary, you want to get out of the room as soon as possible.

Features of Feng Shui zones:

  1. The center of the map is the health zone.
  2. The southeast is responsible for financial well-being.
  3. East is the family area in the apartment.
  4. The Northeast is responsible for knowledge, wisdom, and the desire to learn.
  5. The north is the part of the apartment responsible for the career growth of residents.
  6. The North-West is a zone of business, successful travels.
  7. West is the best zone for equipping a children's corner or bedroom.
  8. South-West - love and family energy reigns here.
  9. The south is a zone of happiness, success in career, family relationships, sports and scientific endeavors.

According to Feng Shui, each side should be located in accordance with the direction of the world. After planning, the zones are activated with the help of lighting, figurines, paintings, flowerpots or mirrors. Below you will find a detailed description of activating positive energy in the apartment.

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Wealth Zone

According to Feng Shui, the zone of financial well-being should be in green and purple tones. In an office in the Southeast, it is recommended to install an aquarium and enhance the lighting with sconces, a table lamp or spotlights. Figurines and decorative elements to attract wealth are made of gold, silver, bronze or look like precious metals.

In the work area, place a money tree, a figurine with coins (money toad, Hottea), a pot of water, and a decorative fountain. A furnished Feng Shui office should be kept clean, all elements that attract wealth should be wiped clean, flowers should be watered regularly, and the aquarium should be cleaned.

Love zone

According to Feng Shui, the marriage zone is located in the South-West, it has a positive aura that strengthens relationships or attracts a soul mate. The colors of the room in which the married couple sleeps should be from a red, pink, beige, yellow palette. To activate the love sector, partners are advised to install matching items. It is best to choose animals or birds that are famous for their loyalty (swans, mandarin ducks, pigeons).

In an apartment with children, you should not hang pictures with peonies, which symbolize infidelity in a marital relationship. According to the rules of Feng Shui, there should be no lonely people in the paintings. Love energy can also be destroyed by thorny objects (cacti, swords or swords), and weaving plants.

Health zone

The zone of health and wisdom according to Feng Shui is located in the center of the room or apartment. Brown, green, and terracotta colors have a positive effect on the well-being of residents. To activate the sector, porcelain figurines, souvenirs, and pottery are used. A vase of fruit (there should be 5 or 9 of them) or indoor plants are placed on the table. It is recommended to hang wind chimes with bells or jingling tubes in your home.

All positive and negative energy passes through the health sector, so it is necessary to regularly cleanse the space. To do this, install water with salt, and after a day, pour the mixture into the sink. You can use scented candles and oils.

Happiness Zone

According to Feng Shui, the happiness zone is located in the South, so the interior is done in red, brown, yellow, and pink colors. It is necessary to furnish the room depending on the hobbies, preferences, and life priorities of the apartment residents. The family corner contains certificates, diplomas, cups, and creative items.

In order not to impede the penetration of Qi energy, the window should always be clean, the curtains should be light and translucent. To attract fame, install a shelf with figurines of a rooster, peacock, phoenix, and eagle. For families who, although a child, feng shui recommends placing a stork.

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Tips and recommendations for using Feng Shui zones in the interior of an apartment

Modern apartment layouts are designed in such a way that it is not always possible to clearly divide the room into zones according to the cardinal directions. Therefore, there are a number of general rules in arranging an apartment according to Feng Shui, which will help attract positive energy.

Positive energy is carried by images of nature, happy people, as well as paintings with semi-precious stones.

Tips from feng shui ru apartments tips for beginners:

  • Avoid sharp corners;
  • For free passage of energy, do not fill the room with many things. In Feng Shui of an apartment, minimalism is preferable;
  • Do not store broken, broken or cracked items in the house;
  • Living plants help in successfully attracting positive forces.

“Wind music” reduces the level of negative energy in the room and helps eliminate conflicts.

Even if you correctly positioned all the zones and were able to activate them with the help of objects and colors, not a single positive energy will be located and strengthened in a dirty, untidy room. Keep your home clean, then the atmosphere of prosperity and success will always be with you!

A successful purchase will be the apartment that is being sold due to happy events in the life of the previous owners.

We remove unnecessary corners in the house

The teaching of Feng Shui states that a large number of sharp corners in a house or apartment negatively affects the nature of the energy in the house. Therefore, you should try to give your home the most streamlined shape possible. Again, most often we move into ready-made houses, where sometimes it is strictly forbidden to do redevelopment - an architectural solution, load-bearing walls and much more can prevent the plan from being realized. However, there are several small tricks with which you can try to visually reduce the number of sharp corners in the house.

In the practice of Feng Shui, it is commonly believed that corners carry negative energy called Sha. Therefore, if it is impossible to get rid of sharp openings, you should try to suppress bad energy in other ways:

  1. Hang a “wind chime” over the opening. It dissolves bad vibrations and has a positive effect on creating harmony in the home.

    Wind chime talisman

  2. In the area with sharp corners, place several bamboo sticks tied with thick red thread.
  3. Using drapery or plants with cascading leaves, hide the sharp corner as much as possible. However, in the case of plants, you should be extremely careful. Make sure they are always in good condition. When the first symptoms of leaf or root disease appear, remove the plant away from sharp corners. Chinese sages believe that it is difficult for flowers to absorb bad energy for a long time, so it is better to change them periodically.
  4. Make sure that the sharp corner does not point into one of the important areas. Try to organize the space around you so that sharp openings are not located directly opposite the work area, sofa or bed.

Using your imagination, you can completely disguise all dangerous corners in your home. Approach this issue more creatively and try to find an option that suits your interior.

Main types of Feng Shui zones of an apartment

As already mentioned, according to the theory of Feng Shui, there are 9 most important areas of life in our lives. To have a beneficial effect on them, it is necessary to design them correctly. This will help increase your energy exponentially and influence the area of ​​your life in which you want to achieve success.

Correctly determining the feng shui zones in the apartment is the first and most important step.

Wealth zone - designed on the south-eastern side of the room. Its symbol is a tree, favorable colors: red, green. You can direct energy to the wealth zone with additional lighting, as well as by placing objects made of precious metals or stones and a container of water. This could be a fountain, a “money” tree and other symbols.

Each zone has its own dominant element. When describing it, it comes first.

Love zone - its place is considered to be the southwest. The main patron is the earth, the predominance of yellow is mandatory. If you need to maintain your current relationship, or find a new partner, it is recommended to activate this zone. In the case when your loved one is nearby, strengthen your relationship with joint photographs, as well as objects that are dear to both of you. To attract new relationships, put images with people in love, cards with love wishes or declarations of these feelings. This area is suitable for placing paired figurines, as well as storing erotic items that will help increase passion and desire in intimate relationships. It is strictly contraindicated to place sharp objects or images of lonely people.

In second place is the secondary element, which supports the main one.

The health zone is the very “heart”, the middle of the room. The patron is the earth; colors that enhance the influence of energy: orange and yellow. This zone assumes the presence of a large chandelier, an abundance of living plants in clay pots, use only natural materials, various stones in the design, etc. It would be a good idea to place a bowl of fruit on the kitchen table in the health area.

The colors that are favorable for a particular sector directly depend on two elements.

The career zone is the north of your premises. The main element here is water, the color scheme is blue and black. It is recommended to place a small fountain with flowing water, images of water or figurines of aquatic animals. To attract growth up the career ladder, you should also include any working office equipment and a general photo of your colleagues.

Each zone has its own number. It shows the number of items that have the most favorable impact in that sector.

The family zone is its location in the east. The main element is wood, color: green. This zone influences intrafamily relationships. In order not to attract conflicts and quarrels between relatives, it is necessary to place photos of the family, images of forest landscapes, and living plants in the “family zone”.

It is prohibited to store metal and sharp objects, stuffed animals, photographs of people who are no longer alive.

The zone for children and creativity is the place where the zone is concentrated - the west of the room. A predominance of metallic items and white color is desirable. Symbols of the child’s astrological sign and any children’s crafts will help strengthen and attract positive energy. Dried or wilted plants should not be left.

The main rule is that the arrangement of furniture should not interfere with the vital energy of Qi.

Travel zone – the north-west of the apartment, metal objects and shades of white are responsible for well-being in this area. Photographs or paintings from different parts of the globe, as well as places you would like to visit or have already visited, are perfect for placement in this zone. It is prohibited to store sharp objects and weapons, even their images.

Instead of bulky, massive objects, it is better to use elegant, neat shapes.

The glory zone is the south of the apartment. The main element that attracts well-being in this area is fire, the preferred color is red. This area of ​​life reflects the place that a person occupies in society. To enhance your “importance and significance,” it would be best to decorate this zone with awards, diplomas, etc. Bird figurines (not made of wood or predators), as well as natural stones, attract energy well.

Cabinets, racks, and slides should not be placed near door or window openings; this will limit access to favorable flows from the outside.

The zone of wisdom and knowledge - the north-eastern part of the room is responsible for it, the predominance of metal objects and beige colors. Ideal for an office that houses literature, reference books and other items that support learning.

Doors and stairs should not be reflected in mirrored cabinet fronts.

Wish card area – an important component in attracting and achieving success according to Feng Shui is the design of a wish card. It consists of expressing all your dreams and desires on a piece of paper.

In the interior of a room, according to Feng Shui, only paintings with positive and calm subjects are acceptable.

Important! The formulation of desires should not contain the expression “I want, I dream, I wish...”. Each phrase must convey a completed event. For example, “I am a famous artist”, “I have 1,000,000 dollars”, etc.

All desires can be supported by drawings and photographs of famous people, money, and a happy family photo.

Having cut out each desire, it must be placed in the zone and area of ​​life in which you want to succeed.

Wealth Zone: Southeast

Many people begin to get acquainted with the principles of Feng Shui by arranging a money or wealth zone.

The material of this sector is Wood. It’s good if the furniture is made of natural wood. The colors of the zone are purple, green.

Water enhances the flow of finance, so fountains and aquariums will be very useful in this area.

Talismans for the wealth sector are goldfish, a three-toed frog, a figurine of Hotteya, a money tree (crassula). It is customary to place a coin under a pot with a living plant to increase income in the family.

Important! Artificial flowers attract negative energy.

It’s great when the money sector coincides with the kitchen. The dining table is a symbol of family wealth. Place a mirror in front of it to multiply the benefits with the help of reflection.

It’s great when the front door is located in the southeast: this means that wealth will easily enter the house. Keep the hallway clear of clutter to allow Chi energy to flow freely.

If the zone is on the toilet

And proximity to sewerage is a big problem. In order to neutralize negative energy and not scare money away from life, you will have to follow these rules:

  1. The toilet lid is always kept closed.
  2. Dirt and leaking plumbing are not allowed.
  3. Tie red ribbons onto the pipes.
  4. Place pots of fresh flowers in the bathroom.
  5. Enhance the wealth angle in a single room or desk.

And if the wealth zone is located in the bedroom, then you should use water with caution to attract money. She is a symbol of marital inconstancy.

How to competently design a nursery according to FS

The children's room should be bright, spacious and safe. The planning requirements are the same. The main rule to follow is listening to the child’s wishes. After all, he is the owner of the room, and the child should feel comfortable and cozy in the room.

The basic rules of home design will help you create a harmonious home with positive energy. Increasing the flow of positive energy and its circulation can be achieved by using the right decorative elements that comply with Feng Shui.

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