Feng Shui windows. Basic requirements and recommendations

According to Feng Shui, it is very important to distribute and install all interior items correctly, according to the flow of various energies. If you follow small rules, then there will always be comfort, good energy, love, health and well-being in the house.

Feng Shui considers all interior items, both individually and as a whole. According to Feng Shui, windows need to be installed correctly.

In general, according to Feng Shui, windows, like doors, are a very important attribute; they conduct energy into a house or apartment, which can come from the external environment. Windows also have an impact on human health, so they need to be washed more often and thoroughly.

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General provisions about windows

Located in a wall opening or on the roof, the window plays the role of:

  • communications with external space;
  • natural light;
  • ventilation;
  • protection from atmospheric and noise influences from the outside.

The lack of windows or their small size makes the room dark and gloomy. Overly large windows can sometimes make you feel like you're in an aquarium for everyone to see.

Windows of various sizes and shapes, but the most acceptable option: rectangular with a width equal to 55% of the width of the room. A spacious room with two windows and one terrace, filling its inhabitants with love of life and optimism is the best architectural solution.

What you need to pay attention to when buying an apartment

Many buyers, when searching for an apartment, are more concerned with the view from the window than with other equally important characteristics. At the same time, experienced realtors try to show real estate at an “advantageous time.” That is, an apartment with windows facing south will not be shown during the daytime, but will attract buyers in the morning or evening, and, conversely, apartments with windows facing north will be shown during the daylight hours. This factor must be taken into account and when inspecting real estate, attention must be paid to such points as the location of windows in the room and the apartment as a whole. Recommendations for selecting the best option are identical to the advice that relates to the construction of private houses.


  • https://okna-dom.net/okna-na-zapad-plyusy-i-minusy/
  • https://potta.ru/zhilishche/kuda-dolzhny-vyhodit-okna-spalni.html
  • https://oknoportal.com/kuda-dolzhny-vyhodit-okna/
  • https://iletyou.ru/kuda-dolzhny-vykhodit-okna-kvartiry-chtoby-bylo-svetlo/
  • https://cosmeton.ru/znamenitosti/okna-na-kakuyu-storonu-luchshe.html
  • https://whoyougle.ru/prava-i-zakony/kuda-dolzhny-vyhodit-okna-kvartiry.html
  • https://ArmRinok.ru/v-interere/okna-na-zapad-plyusy-i-minusy.html
  • https://kupi-krasku.ru/interernyj-dizajn/okna-na-zapad-plyusy-i-minusy.html
  • https://sdelalremont.ru/kuda-luchshe-chtoby-vyxodili-okna-v-kvartire.html
  • https://stylelife-mebel.com/severnaya-storona-kvartiry-plyusy-i-minusy/
  • https://agent112.ru/stati/kak-vybrat-kvartiru-po-storonam-sveta.html
  • https://rokkagroup.ru/okna/na-kakuyu-storonu-luchshe-okna-v-kvartire.html
  • https://www.oknatrade.ru/help/pravilnoe-raspolozhenie-okon-i-komnat-v-dome/

Feng Shui windows

Feng Shui is the study of arranging objects in space to improve life. It is both art and science. Making your life better is an art, but doing it right is a science.

According to Feng Shui, windows are the most important element of a room and are energy exchangers. Through them, positive Qi energy enters and negative Sha energy exits.

What should windows be like according to Feng Shui?

The appearance of the frame and glass must be free of cracks, visible scratches, chips, etc. Otherwise, the window turns into an entrance of negative Sha energy. Handles, hinges, and latches must be maintained in proper condition.

It is necessary to wash windows regularly, because... pollution prevents sunlight from illuminating the room and prevents the passage of Qi inside.

From the window opposite the door, the Qi energy seems to disappear. For protection, you need to hang a bell or crystals and bad Sha will not be able to enter the house.

Through large windows or when there are many of them, Qi can leave the home.

An attractive view from the window fills the house with favorable Qi energy. An intersection, a mast with attached antennas, a corner of a building, and even worse, a cemetery outside the window, have a negative effect on energy.

It’s good if you can see a beautiful landscape through the kitchen window. When a person has lunch, a wonderful view from the window lifts the mood, balances the energy balance and improves appetite.

In the bathroom and toilet, a small window is enough, and if there is none, hang a bell above the door.

Opening windows with casements allows for the greatest penetration of Qi energy.

The window sill is located at waist level - this helps to harmonize with the environment. It is better to get rid of the habit of loading the window sill with unnecessary, unnecessary items and leave it free. And 2-3 low-growing plants will not hurt and will make any room cozy.

Window placement according to feng shui

Little tricks

You should not sit with your back to the window. This blocks the energy flow, resulting in energy not being able to circulate freely in space. If the workplace is arranged in this way, it can negatively affect one's career and relationships with colleagues and superiors.

A mirror located opposite a window opening can reflect both positive and negative energy. Among other things, the light reflected in the mirror will illuminate the reflection, distorting it.

In old buildings you can often find arched openings, rounded at the top. Such window designs will maximize the penetration of positive energy into the room. Having a large opening area, you can experiment with its shape. Rounded lines will have a beneficial effect on energy flows.

Shutter devices

Faulty shutter mechanisms and other fittings that wobble or fall off are conductors of Sha energy. It is necessary to pay attention to this factor and repair all faults. Mechanisms should be lubricated in a timely manner to prevent rust and other defects from appearing on them.

The shutters should close without squeaking or noise, without touching the cornice, window sill and pieces of furniture. The fixation of glass in the window frame must be strong.


Residents of lower floors often have to install bars, as this is a means of protection against unauthorized entry into the premises.

But such a security measure can protect not only from intrusion by offenders, but also block the flow of energy. Grilles may have an unaesthetic appearance, look massive and rough.

To solve all these problems at the same time, you can install openwork forged grilles, painting them white. This technique will help to give the structure lightness and aesthetics, without violating its functional purpose, and the qi energy will flow freely into the apartment.

Window sills and flowers on them

Window sills should be covered to a minimum and only with small objects.

Window sills and plastic windows, cluttered with a large number of large flowers and various decorative items, interfere with the free flow of Qi, while miniature flower pots or a small aquarium with fish swimming in it can enhance the flow of energy and fill the house with beauty and comfort.

Dependence of illumination on window position

Good light level:

  • the amount of serotonin increases, which increases tone;
  • surge of vital energy;
  • Plants develop perfectly.

Insufficient lighting has a bad effect on:

  • vision;
  • children's growth;
  • metabolism;
  • mood.

The sun moves across the sky along an elliptical path. The solstice depends on latitude and time of year. The closer to the equator, the higher it is. As the seasons change, the length of daylight hours changes. In summer, the sun rises high and its trajectory above the earth is greater than at the winter solstice. Accordingly, summer days are longer than winter ones.

Other factors influencing lighting in apartments in city houses:

  • on what floor is the home - the higher, the more time the sun is visible;
  • which houses are located opposite or next door - low ones are better;
  • the configuration of the building itself – the worst thing – is shaped like a “P”.

It is normal when the room is flooded with sunlight for at least 2 hours a day.

The degree of illumination directly depends on the orientation of the windows to the cardinal points.

Which rooms do not steal light?

And yet it is worth noting that insolation and illumination are different concepts, says Vyacheslav Kazunin (“MONE Residence”). Insolation relates directly to direct sunlight and depends on the orientation of the apartment, while lighting requirements relate specifically to the proportions of the rooms and the size of the windows. Thus, a number of other factors influence how bright your apartment will be.

First of all, we are talking about the floor. The lower the apartment, the less light it gets. The shape of the rooms is also important, experts say: the most illuminated ones are square ones, while “pencil cases” rooms are most often dark, especially if they also have a balcony or loggia. And, of course, the number of windows has a big impact. “For example, in the Fili Grad multifunctional complex they sell two-room apartments, where the room has three windows at once. This not only increases illumination, but also allows you to install a partition and divide the space, says Maria Litinetskaya (Metrium Group).

Developers often increase the illumination of apartments in their complexes using solutions such as panoramic windows. Bay windows - parts of the room that protrude beyond the plane of the facade - also help make your home brighter.

Windows facing west according to feng shui

Through the windows, light passes at a smaller angle than in the south and is therefore more intense. In the west, the sun shines in the afternoon and is suitable for the bedroom for those who like to sleep longer in the morning.

The afternoon strong sun makes the room very hot. In the summer heat, you need to take care of cooling: blackout curtains, a fan and, best of all, air conditioning. But in cold weather this is a plus - you can save a little on heating.

If the external view allows, it is nice to admire the sunset on the balcony in the evening.

Rooms in the northwest are cooler during the day.

With windows facing southwest there is excellent illumination, the longest daylight hours, but in the summer the room will be hot.

Apartments with south windows

Windows on the southern sides of the building are a guaranteed source of natural light and heat in the apartment. This will especially please flower growers, because... Flowers and seedlings grow well. Buildings with south-facing windows are especially suitable for people who spend all daylight hours at home - parents with children, retirees, people working from home. When exposed to sunlight, pathogens reduce their activity, so if one person is sick, the rest of the family can avoid the disease.

Unfortunately, on the sunny side, walls, furniture upholstery, and household appliance screens quickly fade. Blinds, Roman blinds, and black-out curtains will help here. In summer, an air conditioner will save you from the heat in such an apartment. It will be a big plus if shady trees grow under the windows: without shading the premises in winter, they will save you from the heat in summer. The presence of loggias and balconies will also protect from heat.

An apartment with windows facing south is a little warmer in the autumn-spring, when the heating is not yet turned on or has already been turned off due to the walls warming up from the sun.

INTERESTING! Mostly satellites providing telecommunications over the equator, so if you want to use satellite TV, then facing south is an ideal option for an antenna.

Windows facing east - pros and cons

With an eastern direction, the sun illuminates the room in the first half of the day - from sunrise to lunch.

It would be appropriate to place a bedroom or nursery there. The dawn will illuminate the room and charge you with energy, creating a working mood for the whole day. In summer, after lunch it is a good place to take a break from the bright sun.

Universal window exit to the northeast. Illumination in winter is similar to summer in the north, but daylight hours are longer.

With a southeastern location, the sun warms from dawn until almost evening.

Can curtains be used?

Curtains serve the function of protecting the home. They prevent unwanted light and prying eyes from entering. Curtains decorate your home and create a cozy atmosphere in it.

It is recommended to use curtains made of lightweight material in light shades, since dark colors make the room gloomy and contribute to the accumulation of negative energy in it.

The color of the curtains is selected depending on the location of the glazing of the house. The southern side corresponds to red shades, the northern – blue. The eastern and southeastern colors are green, and the northwestern and western ones are white. Shades of yellow are preferable to use on the southwest and northeast sides.

Windows facing south

The sun shines from morning to evening. This is the sunniest window arrangement. Even in winter, the sun consistently illuminates the room, although to a lesser extent than in summer. For northern latitudes, the south side is the best option, but for southern latitudes, not really. In summer, the scorching sun, which shines all day long, creates an uncomfortable environment. In this case, an air conditioner is required.

In the southern rooms it is good to set up a living room or office, because... Lots of light is most conducive to creative activity.

Ideal location of windows when building a house

The ability to provide the maximum level of comfort and optimal illumination is ensured by individual design of the house, thanks to which the most suitable arrangement of rooms is selected:
1. South, southwest and southeast

- the lightest and warmest directions, which, however, cannot be considered optimal for many rooms. Due to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, overheating is possible, so such premises are not suitable for arranging children's and playrooms, kitchens and work rooms. It is best to designate such rooms as a living room or dining room, but you need to carefully consider the ventilation system and methods for darkening the windows.

2. East and northeast

– these directions are considered optimal for placing a bedroom. However, for those who do not like to get up early, windows facing strictly east are not suitable - in the summer months, direct sunlight begins to disturb sleep too early. At the same time, the bedroom should still face the sunny side so that you can quickly wake up in the morning.

3. West

– the side where the sun will only shine in the afternoon, so it is recommended to allocate these areas to the office and kitchen. Sometimes some property owners prefer to make a living room in such rooms, but in this case it is necessary to take into account that in the summer evening hours it will be extremely hot in such a room.

4. North

- the darkest and coldest zone in the house, so it is reserved for plumbing rooms, hallway, pantry, kitchen and sometimes a work or study room. The lack of natural light and heat today can be easily eliminated with the help of modern building technologies.

At the same time, the correct location of windows in the house in itself does not guarantee absolute comfort, since it is necessary to take a number of additional measures and choose the right ones:

  • double glazed windows;
  • accessories;
  • auxiliary systems.

Read about how to do this correctly in special thematic articles on OknaTrade. The modern construction market today is able to offer models for all occasions, so even a not entirely successful location of windows in the house can be compensated for by the correct selection of components.

Windows facing north and northeast: pros and cons

On the north side there is no sun, so very little solar energy comes in. In winter, daylight hours are shortest here. Only in the summer, early in the morning and at sunset, is it possible for the sun's rays to penetrate inside. It’s better to give this place to the kitchen - it’s already hot when cooking. It is advisable to arrange a pantry or dressing room - you can do without natural light.

If the room matches the direction of the windows correctly, no problems arise. If the purpose of the room is inappropriate, it is easy to compensate with the help of design. For example, “cool down” the southern children’s room or “warm up” the northern living room.

It is possible to correct deficiencies with suitable design using:

  • color finishing;
  • different textures;
  • modern form;
  • Sveta.

The designer will suggest the correct option.

How to arrange windows in a private house, taking into account the orientation of the building

The intensity of lighting depends not only on the time of day. Much is determined by the orientation of the building relative to the cardinal directions. Due to this:

  1. Rooms that require more natural light are located on the south side. This is a living room, dining room, office.
  2. In rooms facing south, the windows are large. To prevent them from heating up too much in the summer, they are covered with roller blinds or blinds are hung.
  3. Rooms that do not require good natural light are located on the north side. For example, utility rooms, a boiler room, and a bathroom do not need a lot of light. The area of ​​window openings in this case may be smaller. In some cases, glazing can be abandoned. For example, it is not necessary to install windows in bathrooms and storage rooms.
  4. West-facing windows are a good option in terms of energy savings.
  5. Windows facing east do not save heat.

Important! When designing, it is taken into account that at different times of the year the angle of incidence of the rays will be different. In summer it is larger than in winter, and the rooms will have more warmth and light. In order to save energy during the cold season, windows should be placed on the most illuminated areas of the wall.

Windows facing north.

Aesthetics of window openings

  • Windows should let in maximum light and be clean. Dirt is an obstacle to positive energy. Glass and profiles must be washed at least twice annually.
  • At night, window openings should be curtained to avoid excess yin energy in the room.
  • It is important to maintain the integrity of the glass and profile. Negative energy accumulates in cracks. Is the paint on the frame peeling? Clean it off and repaint the structure.
  • It is undesirable to install bars on windows that interfere with the movement of energy. Is it possible to do without framing the windows? Make the grilles inconspicuous - paint them to match the profile.

Light is "in law"

At the stage of designing a house, the architect faces one rather important task: he needs to think through the building so that each apartment receives a sufficient amount of light. Achieving this in the densely built environment of modern cities can be very difficult, experts say. However, developers have no choice - new housing must necessarily comply with insolation standards, otherwise the project will not receive a positive conclusion from the state examination. The requirements for insolation, recorded in SanPiNs, largely limit the implementation of one or another concept of a residential complex. “For example, one-room apartments and studios cannot face north. If we talk about multi-room apartments, then at least one of the rooms must be bright,” says Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of Metrium Group .

Thus, when buying an apartment in a modern residential complex, you don’t have to be afraid that you will come across housing with violations of insolation standards - this is now strictly monitored. However, this only applies to housing. These SanPiNs do not apply to apartments that are not legally residential premises. That is, when designing apartments, a developer can position the building in such a way that the premises face the north side or a blank wall.

Indeed, apartment developers are free from strict regulatory requirements for insolation, confirms Vyacheslav Kazunin, senior project manager for the MONE Residences, a premium-class building in the center of Moscow . This, in particular, makes it possible to design apartment spaces with a smaller ratio of façade area to interior area, that is, to make them deeper. However, insolation is an important factor that has a beneficial effect on the human environment, so apartment builders sometimes take into account the standards, although they are not required. “The standard duration of insolation (continuous direct sunlight for 2 hours) in residential buildings must be provided in at least one living room for 1-3-room apartments and at least in two living rooms for 4-room and large apartments,” – the expert clarifies.

Canons of proportions



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In China, it is believed that doors and windows relate to each other like parents and children. The best proportion of the number of windows and doors in one room is 2:1. 3:1 is also allowed. Too many windows and a huge glass area threaten the family with disobedience of children.

It is unfavorable to place windows directly opposite doors, especially entrance doors. In this case, the incoming positive energy quickly leaves without lingering in the house. A tricky trick helps slow down its movement. It is necessary to divide the space between the door and window opening - a vase, a screen.

Neighborhood view

According to Chinese tradition, the view from the windows is important for the favorable flow of energies in space and home. Outside is a park, forest, river, garden, landscaped yard? What a score. In such cases, you need to open the windows more often - positive energy penetrates the room through them.

Outside the window is a factory, a highway, a garbage can, an abandoned barn? Negative energy is attracted to the house and its inhabitants. It does not contribute to health, active longevity, or harmony. Curtains will help reduce the negative impact of the environment. Unfavorable energy flows will be stopped by bright curtains and stained glass windows.

Light requirements prevent the emergence of a “concrete jungle”

From time to time, the authorities raise the issue of revising existing lighting requirements for residential premises. The last such discussion was in February 2015, when the Moscow Government planned, as part of the anti-crisis plan, to review the permissible lighting standards for residential projects in order to reduce restrictions when planning development areas. On the one hand, this will greatly facilitate the developer’s work, says Maria Litinetskaya (Metrium Group) , since construction sites are often surrounded by something or have irregular geometry, which greatly limits apartment planning. However, this will certainly lead to an even greater increase in building density, which will make life less comfortable.

In the meantime, the lighting requirements remain the same, the buyer of primary real estate has a pretty good selection of bright and comfortable apartments. The main thing is to choose housing taking into account your lifestyle (this includes, first of all, your work schedule), well-being and aesthetic preferences. The portal wishes you good luck in choosing a new apartment!

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