Feng Shui of the site - zoning rules, examples of the best ideas and their application in landscape design (110 photos + video)

One of the main principles of Feng Shui is the theory of Qi , according to which it is possible to arrange living space in such a way as to harmoniously direct and strengthen the flow of Qi in order to improve this energy in a person, increase his vitality, happiness and well-being.

Planning your plot and house according to Feng Shui will allow you to make your home harmonious, which contributes to peace of mind, peace in the family and health. We invite you to get acquainted with the basic principles of building a house in accordance with this Taoist practice.

Designing a country house must begin with choosing a site for construction. Preference should be given to square or rectangular areas with a slight slope towards the road. This is especially true for supporters of the practice of Feng Shui. The shape of a triangle or trapezoid is less preferable. However, finding a piece of land that is suitable in all respects is not easy, so if necessary, energy flows can be redirected in the right direction through the proper placement of buildings. All additional buildings (bathhouse, gazebo, fence, fountain, etc.) must be located around the house. The sharp corners of the site can be “smoothed” by planting shrubs or creating flower beds.

Please note that the facade of your house should not be blocked by anything. This also applies to green spaces: it is not recommended to plant dense bushes or trees in front of the “face” of a home or trees according to the teachings of Feng Shui. An exception can be made for a flower bed or other low ornamental plants.

General feng shui of the area

The most favorable area is considered to be one that includes a house standing on a slight hill and surrounded on the left and right by small smooth hills. In this case, the left hill (Dragon) should be slightly higher than its right counterpart (Tiger).

The right and left sides are determined by standing with your back to the front of the house.

The hill behind the house symbolizes the Turtle, and the flat area in front of the house represents the Red Phoenix.

Hillside Home Traditions

Feng Shui traditions suggest a calmer and more prosperous life in the area surrounded by hills. They provide excellent wind protection and also serve as a natural boundary that maintains heat balance in the winter.

The most successful “neighbors” of a house are considered to be hills that have a rounded shape. Almost ideal, according to Feng Shui, will be a plot of land for building a house that lies halfway to the top of the hill and is open towards the south. The spatial location of the house surrounded by three hills can be a great success.

Feng Shui categorically denies the success of the position in which the house is located on the top of a hill. First of all, due to the lack of a protective barrier from the wind and the extremely low level of energy supply.

An area replete with mountainous folds is also not favored by Feng Shui as a location for placing a house. However, as well as to a flat one without the presence of any semblance of hills. Of course, modern land management technologies make it possible to correct any terrain on the ground. For this reason, Feng Shui is not against tactful adjustments to the landscape.

The Dragon

The dragon is considered a creature responsible for well-being and prosperity; it protects against evil and protects against negative energy. It is the Dragon that gives birth to Qi energy, which attracts positive changes and brings the fulfillment of desires closer.

If there is no Dragon Hill, then you can install a bright lantern on the left side, which increases the energy of this sector.


North-West is masculine. The energy of this area represents travel and self-development. For maximum harmony, it is necessary to install metal objects here: gratings, benches, etc.

You should adhere to rigor and modesty in the design of this site. Flowers would not be appropriate here. It is best to plant shrubs and trees, such as apricot.


This brave animal personifies Yin energy. However, despite her feminine nature, she has a fair amount of strength and courage.

The tiger will reliably protect the owners of the plot from misfortunes and failures, fires and robberies, and will protect them from evil people and demons who bring discord into the family.

Basic concepts of Feng Shui

The most important concepts of Feng Shui include Qi, Yin and Yang, the main elements.

Qi energy

One of the main concepts of this ancient art is Qi. This is the name of life force, the energy that permeates everything around: people, spaces, objects, etc. This energy can stagnate in one place - and then problems arise in a person’s life, such as illness. Qi, on the contrary, can move too quickly - this is also not good, because it can bring with it, for example, poverty. Qi energy can flow smoothly, filling every corner of our space - this is the best option that brings good luck to every area of ​​life. The essence of the work of Feng Shui masters is precisely to level out this energy: where it is in excess, reduce it; where it is lacking, attract it.

Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang are two forces, two principles that are in constant interaction. They compete with each other for supremacy. If any of the forces succeeds, the balance is disrupted. Harmony is achieved only when both these forces are balanced.

Yang is the active masculine principle, energy, movement, warmth. Yin is the passive feminine principle, calm and smooth flow, cold. These forces depend on one another and at the same time oppose each other.

Five main elements

By interacting with each other, Yin and Yang give rise to five main elements:

  1. Tree.
  2. Fire.
  3. Earth.
  4. Metal.
  5. Water.

If all the elements are balanced, then harmony arises. If one of them begins to dominate over the others or, conversely, its influence is weaker than others, problems begin in a person’s life.

All five elements are interconnected. Each of them either strengthens or weakens the other. In the diagram, arrows show the cycle of “mutual generation”, when the elements reinforce each other (water feeds the tree; the tree feeds the fire; fire turns the tree into ash, which feeds the earth, etc.). The lines indicate a cycle of “mutual suppression”, when one element oppresses another (a tree sucks energy from the soil, and it itself dies from metal, etc.).

Each of the elements corresponds to certain objects of the surrounding world. For example, water is associated with mirrors and glass. Her colors are blue and black. Naturally, all water objects (rivers, aquariums, waterfalls, etc.) and their images also belong to the element of water. The form of this element is wave-like patterns.


If the location of the site according to Feng Shui is not very favorable and there is no hill behind the house, then you can increase the Turtle zone by erecting a wall behind the house or planting a large garden.

In Chinese teachings, this leisurely animal signifies wisdom, longevity, stability and health. In landscape design, this is a reliable protection from troubles, a reliable foundation and a solid foundation for family relationships.

Qi energy

The most penetrating energy in our world is qi. It is positive and accumulates only in places where the air is clean and fresh. Thanks to this energy, all animal species and plant species live, it controls the state of water, wind movement, and promotes human well-being, health and good luck. Therefore, when choosing a plot of land for housing construction, it is necessary to check the availability and quality of qi energy.

According to the principles of Feng Shui, it is recommended to pay attention to the area where positive energy predominates in the environment. To understand the rules of Chinese teaching, you need to know the translation, that is, Feng Shui, literally translated means wind-water.

It is these components that make up any terrain. Therefore, it is necessary to find out whether there is vital energy in the selected area. If these rules are not followed, human health may suffer.

If you follow the principles of the Chinese direction, you can choose a favorable piece of land. To do this, you need to recognize the energy in a certain place. This can be done by analyzing external signs. In this case, it is recommended to use all senses. It is necessary to check the location of terrain defects, rivers, hills, nearby roads and other parameters.

Shape of the plot

According to Feng Shui, a summer cottage is considered ideal if it has the shape of a rectangle or square.

A trapezoidal plot is considered favorable if its smaller side falls on the facade of the house, providing the Turtle zone with a larger side.

The most unfortunate shape is considered to be a triangle.

However, if the owners got such a “wrong” plot, do not despair. All this can be changed by the harmonious placement of buildings and plantings.

Decorative elements

Now let's look at each zone from the point of view of the correct placement of decorative elements on it. Let's start from the north. Associated with the water element, it requires a pond, a fountain, a quiet place for reflection and solitude. Winding paths leading to water will also brighten up the landscape. The theme of contemplation and relaxation in silence will be continued by the stone gardens in the northeast. The northwestern direction is perfect for arranging a gazebo for a large company, and it is better to use metal elements in its design, for example, figurines, balls or a fence.

The triangular shapes in the south can be made of any material. It is best to place a fireplace, an open hearth with a fire, or a barbecue here. The place needs to be well lit; a bird feeder would also help. In the southeast, trees, lush flowering plants, small fountains, and containers with flowing water are welcome.

The sound of water can add harmony to any space. And any summer resident can easily make a simple fountain with his own hands. To do this, you can use improvised materials such as old watering cans.

We are creating a cozy nest for a couple in the southwest, here there is a secluded gazebo for two.

The east zone needs to be decorated with wooden elements. This is the most suitable place for planting tall trees; you can also place a waterfall or a decorative mill in this area.

And in the west there is a place for a playground, singing winds and any round shapes. Don't forget to use metal elements here.

Singing winds

They are pendants of various shapes and materials, which are attached in such a way that the wind can sway them freely. The sounds produced during this process are called “wind songs”. Having determined which zone you are going to strengthen and why exactly you are hanging them, all that remains is to choose the instrument you like.

Important! Pay careful attention to the choice of material, because it affects the energy of the house differently.

Here are the basic safety rules when choosing singing winds:

    • The material must match the area where you intend to hang it. Fortunately, there is a wide choice - winds are created from bamboo, ceramics, glass, metal, even from spoons and clay. To maintain natural balance, keep in mind that the right wind will enhance the energy, while the wrong wind will cause dissonance and have a depressing effect.

  • In addition to quality, the number of straws is also important. It is no coincidence that the Chinese pay attention to this, having thought through everything to the smallest detail. According to the rules, blocking problems, negative influences, and stress in a certain area occurs when using wind with an unpaired number of sticks. In this case, there should be three, five or seven, best if they are made of metal. Conversely, a paired number (four, six, eight) attracts positivity and promotes growth.
  • Having decided on the details, we choose the place where we will hang the tool. In order to increase their popularity in society and achieve recognition, they hang a ceramic or crystal wind on the south side. The wood wind in the east will improve health and have a beneficial effect on the energy state of the body as a whole.


They act as a kind of catalysts that attract this or that energy in its positive aspect. Also in Feng Shui, they are used as magnets to attract what is missing in life, which is missing for one reason or another. Talismans can be in the form of figures (Buddha, other gods, animals) or other forms (singing winds, bamboo flutes, fans, bells). Ceramic and clay symbols enhance the earth zone, bronze, aluminum – metal, and crystal – water.

Fans serve to disperse positive energy in the place where they hang. What is important is their color and the design depicted on them. They are often decorated with golden birds on a red background. This will activate the zone of fame and recognition, especially if such a fan is hung on the south side of the house.

Now let's take a closer look at the talismans:

  • North - figures of fish, dolphin, turtle, any water inhabitants.
  • Northeast - lamp, candlestick.
  • North-west – metal figures of gods.
  • South - a red Chinese paper lantern, a flowerpot with green or red flowers.
  • Southeast - any symbol with the image of a Dragon, a mirror, a teapot, a frog figure.

  • Southwest – stones, crystals. Two of them must be selected so that they are larger than the rest. The composition will also be complemented by nine stones (you can use decorative pebbles or pebbles instead), tightly stacked to each other.
  • East - a symbolic image of the Dragon, a plant in a pot of gray, green or blue colors.
  • West – coins, bell, cat figure.

Location of objects on the site

All constructed objects are located near the house. Existing corners are smoothed out with the help of flower beds, ponds or bushes. This rule is especially observed in the presence of sharp corners.

The front of the house should be open. This applies to a greater extent to representatives of Flora. Trees or tall bushes should not be placed in front of the house. An exception may be flower beds or small bushes.

Feng Shui garden areas

Site planning according to Feng Shui begins with defining zones. And these are not areas for children to relax or play, a vegetable garden or a garden.

In total, in Chinese teaching there are nine zones that are responsible for a certain value of human life. They should all have equal area.


The southern sector is responsible for the social status of the family. It is appropriate to plant more fertile plants here. If in the south of the site there are plants and trees that grow upward, this will help the family always achieve their goals.

Red flowers and trees with bright green foliage are appropriate for the southern sector. For example, roses, gladioli, fir, thuja or boxwood. It is also appropriate to plant bright red berries here.

Zone distribution

In order to divide the area into zones, you need to stand near the entrance and mentally divide the entire territory into three equal horizontal stripes. Then the same stripes are drawn vertically.

This can be done much more clearly on a site plan. To do this, a schematic plan of the territory is drawn on paper, which is divided into nine equal squares.

This distribution is ideal for a square plot. For a territory characterized by uneven shapes, first of all it will be necessary to deal with those sectors that contain the least amount of land.

The first strip is designed to provide (from right to left) Wisdom (or Knowledge), Career, Friends (or Good Helpers).

The second line is responsible for Family, Health (or Vitality), Children.

The far section will attract Wealth, Fame, Partnership.

General tips for choosing a plot of land

It is best to stick to standard shapes when choosing, such as square and rectangular land space, rather than choosing an irregularly shaped area. First, you should refer to the site plan to determine whether there are elements of unnecessary relief and special characteristics of the land. The most ideal option for personal land has the following accompanying details:

  • Strong wind does not blow through the land.
  • It is equipped with a drainage system.
  • The surface has small hills.
  • Passing stream with slow flow of water.
  • Natural threshold on the water.
  • Well lit place.
  • Rich flora.
  • The topography of the land has a slope that elevates the rear of the acquired land.

Signs of bad feng shui in relation to a plot of land are:

  • The presence of a body of water with stagnant water.
  • Passing vehicles close to the acquired territory.
  • A fast river characterized by seasonal rapid movement of water.
  • Completely flat and unfenced area.
  • Entrance adjacent to the street.
  • Little vegetation.
  • A plot of land within the boundaries of a government building.


This is the calmest and most balanced part of the site. It must be nice to relax here completely alone. Therefore, this area is closed from prying eyes. To achieve this goal, hedges or trees with a dense crown are perfect. The exit from the Wisdom zone should be directed to the house.

The colors of Wisdom are considered to be sunny shades. Therefore, you can create a flower bed with yellow flowers, make an orange path and place red furniture or a hammock.

Where is which zone?

Now it remains to determine where each zone is located, what depends on it, and how it should be arranged.

Zone of Wisdom

The Wisdom Zone is located to the left of the entrance, in the corner of the site. Wisdom is born in peace and solitude, the area should be conducive to rest and solitude, it should be slightly closed from prying eyes. This can be done in any suitable way - separate it with a hedge, put a pergola with a bench or a couple of garden chairs, and plant climbing plants around it, which will create a cozy, secluded corner for reading and reflection. The only exit from this area should lead into the house. All elements in this zone should be light and joyful colors - red, yellow, orange, pink.

Career zone

The quarry area is located in the center of the first lane from the entrance. There should not be stagnation of energy in it, in order to ensure career advancement for yourself and family members, you need to install something constantly moving here; a fountain, a small stream, or a model of a water mill with a constantly rotating wheel are best suited for these purposes. The direction of water movement in them is towards the house; the energy must remain on the site and not leave it. But standing water will stop career growth; it should not be in this area. Let winding paths extend from the fountain; nearby you can build flower beds and alpine slides, and plant flowers and plants in blue, white or silver tones on them. Sunny colors are inappropriate here because they interfere with your career.

Trusted Friends Zone

The Trusted Friends zone is located on the far right and is intended for communication. Here it is better to create an area with a table, long benches, an oven for grilling, kebabs and barbecue. You can also put a gazebo here. It’s great if the entrance to the site is located in this zone; by opening it, you let in positive energy. Another important element of this zone is the lantern-lamp; it can be decorative or laconic. The light should attract good people and even more positive energy. If space allows, a parking lot with a canopy for guests' cars is provided in the Reliable Friends zone. As for the color scheme, it’s red, and all the fiery shades are not entirely appropriate here. But there may be more natural tones - blue, blue, green, beige.

Family zone

The Family Zone is to the left of the entrance, but in the second lane, and next to the Wisdom Zone. It is important to arrange this area correctly so that family relationships are warm and harmonious. Here you can gather with the whole family to discuss common concerns and problems, celebrate family celebrations, and simply for communication. Here you can make a gazebo or canopy, install a table, benches and chairs, and turn the area into a cozy summer living room. It’s great if this zone coincides with the terrace of the house; if not, coziness can be created by arranging the area. In addition to a fence, it can be separated from its neighbors by climbing plants or tall shrubs. Place a fountain or pond nearby - calmly flowing water puts you in a positive mood and encourages calm communication.

Tai Chi Zone

The Tai Chi zone is located in the center of the site - this is a zone of health and vitality. All the energy coming to the site is accumulated here, and the owners of the site are also fed with it. There should be no buildings in this zone; they only interfere with the movement of energy. It is best to arrange a flower bed or lawn here. All garden paths should lead to this place - both people and life-giving forces will move along them.

Children's zone

The children's zone is the next one, or the far right in the middle lane. On one side it is bordered by the zone of Reliable Friends, on the other by the Zone of Relationships with People. If there are children in the family, such an area is simply necessary; you need to arrange a children's playground there with all its attributes - a slide, a swing, a sandbox. Children themselves are lively creatures and sources of positive energy; the more active they behave, the more positive energy will accumulate in the area, in the house, in the family. This energy should be enough for everyone. If the children are already adults and there are no grandchildren yet, you can make a flower garden here, install a booth or aviary for a dog, or house other animals or ornamental birds. The more movement of living beings there is in this zone, the better for all the inhabitants of the dacha.

Wealth Zone

The Wealth Zone is on the far left. Tall trees, garden sculptures, and lamps on tall legs are appropriate here. Tall objects capture energy and direct it to the area. In addition, you can build a compost pit here, no matter how prosaic it may look - compost enriches the soil and makes it fertile, which means it attracts wealth. Naturally, it is advisable to give the pit an aesthetic appearance, decorate it with a fence - grapes, a fence with jugs on pegs, or a decorative shield. Clean water also attracts wealth. To attract cash flows, you can arrange a stream, a fountain, or at least put containers with water for irrigation.

Glory Zone

The Glory Zone is in the center of the last stripe. Items related to fire will come in handy here - a barbecue grill, a barbecue, or a simple fire. The color design involves the use of fiery colors - red, orange, bright yellow.

Clay or ceramic products and sculpture are not needed in the Glory zone; clay, like earth, restrains the gusts of fire and simply extinguishes it.

Area of ​​Relationships with People

The Zone of Relationships with People - the last, right corner of the third lane remains for it. This is a place for relaxation and communication with neighbors, and therefore a place for gazebos and pergolas, conducive to relaxation and quiet conversations. If you use an area for planting plants, there should be a number of them in pairs, this will help balance male and female energy and prevent conflicts and disagreements. There should also be an even number of garden lanterns and ceramic decorative figurines.


Water is considered the main talisman of this sector. Let it be a fountain or a flowing stream. The current should be directed towards the house. But the water must not stagnate, otherwise promotion will have to say goodbye.

Silver-blue and golden-white colors promote careers. These can be winding paths, flower beds of uneven shapes.

Road and entrance to the house

Any road is, first of all, a channel of life-affirming energy. The smoothness of a road bend or the alignment of alleys that follow the landscape line ensures, as a consequence, the smooth flow of positive energy.

For the houses located along them, this energy is food. The specific nature of the highway carries danger due to its dynamics. The end of the road is characterized by energy stagnation. To balance the energy, as well as the formation of connecting threads, it is recommended to make the approach from the main roadway to the house extremely smooth and with maximum latitude.


This is the noisiest part of the site. There is a gazebo, patio, and tent for meetings and chatting with friends.

It is advisable to place a gate or parking area here. It is recommended to install a round lamp in the corner of the zone; it is designed to attract friends and buddies.

From the color range, only shades of red are unacceptable.


In Feng Shui, the west side is given to children. The best place for a children's playground. Laughter and fun will reign here.

  • If there is eternal movement and excitement on the western side of the site, then the energy of cheerfulness and enthusiasm will never leave this place.
  • If the children have already grown up, then to activate the energy, the area can be given to pets.
  • If you are just planning to have children, then on the western side it is worth arranging flower beds with mallow.


The zone is designed to strengthen family relationships and family ties. This place should become a gathering place for the whole family; a family recreation area and a summer living room, intended for evening tea or a home-cooked meal, are often set up here.

You can also place a pond or swimming pool here, and a hedge will perfectly play the role of a fence from curious neighbors.


The center of the site must accumulate all the incoming energy and transmit it to its owners.

An ideal option for arranging a Health zone would be an open lawn, complemented by a flower bed with a spiral inside. Paths should diverge from the lawn, which will ensure the replenishment of energy from all other zones.

Main and additional buildings

A one-story house, squeezed on all sides by high-rise buildings, is a bad option for building architecture according to Feng Shui. Multi-storey buildings, first of all, block the path for the spread of positivity. You should not settle in close proximity to an object that is disproportionate, for example, in size, to your home.

The presence of towers or masts for power lines and huge factory pipes disrupts the fragile energy of any home. Bridge structures, power plant buildings and other massive reinforced concrete structures also have a harmful impact on housing construction and the people living in it. Large factory buildings, hospital complexes, prisons, cemetery areas are not very good “neighbors” for human habitation.

If it so happens that you live in close proximity to the named structures and places, build improvised protection around the house in the form of a hedge. The rustling leaves help to erect a kind of invisible curtain that softens the harmful energy.


All tall objects should be placed here. They can be trees, lanterns on high pedestals, sculptures.

Surprisingly, a compost heap should also be placed here, in which fertilizer matures for future prosperity. Only it should have a pleasant appearance and be beautifully decorated.

It’s a good idea to place streams here or at least place containers with water.

How to activate the flow of energy

The southeast direction in the apartment is controlled by the Wood element. Natural furniture, beige and brown shades are what you need for comfortable work and profit.

Colors such as green and purple will keep the energy flowing in the wealth zone.

The tree is saturated with water, the symbolism of this element is the best activation of the sector.

Fountains and water

Place fountains, waterfalls, and aquariums with live fish in the room. The double talisman for attracting money is nine live carp, one of which is black. This symbolizes the protection of what has been accumulated.

You should be careful with water: too much of it will drown you. Strengthen the room if Fire elements prevail in it, and if the location of the money zone is favorable, then limit yourself to a small fountain. The water should move, but not violently. Standing water means financial stagnation.

Plants for wealth

When there are a lot of green plants in the house, the family prospers and does not experience money problems. For flowers, the best place would be a study.

Flowers with rounded and wide leaves, such as the crassula, known as the money or dollar tree, have magic.

Beware of thorny or pointed plants.

Cacti exude negative Sha energy, do not place them close to your work table or sit at an angle to the thorns. Monitor the condition of the flowers; they should not be sick or covered with dust.


This area is most often equipped with pergolas, arches, and other vertical structures. Usually paired items are installed here: flowerpots, chairs, lanterns.

When arranging a garden area, it is important to remember that the Feng Shui of the house and the site should complement each other. And fesh shui photos of the site will help you achieve this.


This sector aims to encourage academic success. Root vegetables and spices are best suited for planting. To attract energy, you can decorate this area with stones.

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Feng Shui photo of the site


Category: Landscape elements

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