Where should you sleep with your head: north-south, west-east

Which direction is the correct direction to sleep with your head in an apartment or house according to Feng Shui: expert advice

Feng Shui sets many requirements for a sleeping area. Experts believe that there should be no electrical appliances in the bedroom, and sharp furniture corners should not be directed towards the bed. In addition, the stock is best placed diagonally. This will allow visitors to the bedroom to be seen.


  • You should not install the bed so that your legs point towards the door. After all, in China this is how they take the dead out of their rooms.
  • In addition, thick curtains should be hung on the windows. You need to sleep in the dark
  • There should be free space under the bed to promote air circulation
  • The headboard should be pressed tightly against the wall, and there should not be a high side at the feet

Which direction is the correct direction to sleep with your head in an apartment or house according to Feng Shui: expert advice

Tips for planning.

The best placement of a children's bedroom is in the west (Saturn).

No one's bedroom should be placed in the middle of the house, and the shape should not be pyramidal.

The color of the walls can be light pink, gray, dark blue, chocolate, dark green (it is not advisable to use white or yellow). White color is better suited for the walls in the temple.

Beds do not have to be placed along the walls, but they should be in the southwest corner of the room (Ex. Rahu).

The owner's closet, where documents, money, and jewelry are stored, can be located in the SW part of the room (ruled by Rahu), and the doors should open to the N towards Kuvera, the ruler of wealth (the northern part of the room is also possible for this).

The night table should be in the east or north direction.

If there is a desk in the room, then you should not place it in the western part, or in the eastern part.

TV, heating, electrical network (switches, sockets) should be in the south-eastern corner of the room (executive Venus).

It is better to place a closet with clothes in the northwest (there is an opinion that in the southwestern part).

If possible, the door should be closed most of the time. It should be on any side except the south (Mars), preferably from S (Mercury) or B (Sun). It’s not bad if the room has small windows in the east and north.

The southwest corner should never be left vacant.

If the bathroom, toilet, dressing room are attached to the bedroom, then they should be located in the NW (executive of the Moon) or SE (executive of Venus).

Which direction is the correct direction to sleep with your head in an apartment or house according to Vastu: expert advice

Vastu is an Indian teaching. According to this religion, sleep is a time for rest and replenishing energy. To get a good night's sleep, there are many factors to consider.

Sleep rules according to Vastu:

  • You can't sleep with your head facing north. Representatives of Vastu believe that this destroys the subtle energy shell, which can cause illness.
  • It is best to sleep with your head pointing towards the East. Thus, vital energy is restored the fastest.
  • You should not sleep in the West, this can lead to increased selfishness.

Which direction is the correct direction to sleep with your head in an apartment or house according to Vastu: expert advice

Try it yourself

Take a compass. Determine which direction your feet are facing when you sleep on the bed. Now read the results from the table above.

  1. If the result of the direction indicated in the table is negative and you are going through unfavorable transits (gochara) and planetary periods (dasa), then this negative result will definitely manifest.
  2. If the result of the direction given in the table is negative and you are going through favorable transits (gochara) and planetary periods (dasa), then the negative result of the direction in which you sleep will not appear even if you feel weak and depressed.
  3. If the result of the direction indicated in the table is positive and you are going through unfavorable transits and periods, then the positive result of the direction in which you are sleeping will give you enough strength and patience to overcome the negative consequences.
  4. If the result of the direction indicated in the table is positive and you are going through favorable transits and periods, then the positive result of the direction in which you are sleeping will give you good luck and bring good events and results in life.

Considering the above, it is advisable to choose a favorable sleep direction to attract good luck, prosperity and health into your life.

Which direction is the correct direction to sleep with your head in an apartment or house according to the Vedas: expert advice

The Vedas are not a religion at all, but ancient true knowledge. According to this teaching, you need to rest with your head to the South or East. This will cause saturation with vital energy. During sleep, you can cleanse yourself of dirty and bad thoughts.

Which direction is the correct direction to sleep with your head in an apartment or house according to the Vedas: expert advice

What do scientists think?

Scientists involved in occult sciences and astrological forecasts have their own opinion about which direction of the world it is better to sleep with your head. Some of them are of different religions. N. Levashov says that we must rely on the life routine of the ancient Slavs.

Pavel Globa created his theory about the influence of body position during sleep on a person’s internal state. Somnologists have expressed their views on whether it is possible to sleep as your inner voice tells you. In their opinion, each side of the world affects positively and negatively a particular person:

  • The eastern direction acts to strengthen the organs in the upper body. A person who prefers to sleep with his head towards sunrise strengthens his mental abilities.
  • A person sleeping with his head to the south has more opportunities to normalize the water, salt, and hormonal balance of the body.
  • Position to the north will cure serious illnesses.
  • The Western side of the world rarely brings positivity. But for lethargic people, incapable of action, direction will allow them to feel self-confidence. Sometimes it’s worth laying your head to the west in order to show the necessary aggression and fight back.

Intuitively, we ourselves choose where to lay our heads.

You can’t sleep: with your feet towards the door or with your head?

In general, both positions are considered unsuccessful. The fact is that, according to superstitions, you should not sleep with your lower limbs pointing towards the door. After all, this is how the dead are carried out. But at the same time, you shouldn’t sleep with your head towards the exit.

According to Feng Shui, the crown should be protected from drafts and other air currents. That is why experts recommend purchasing a bed with a high headboard and placing the bed with its head towards the wall.

You can’t sleep: with your feet towards the door or with your head?

Direction meaning

The fact that the direction of the torso matters during periods of deep rest was described by Charles Dickens. He argued that magnetic force fields influence the central nervous system through the human head.

How correct a person’s position is during sleep is a relative concept, since different peoples and religions have different torso directions and interpret them in their own way.

What unites them is the meaning of good sleep:

  • strength is restored;
  • metabolism is normalized;
  • excess weight is eliminated;
  • nervous tension goes away;
  • impulses and emotions that influence a person’s last decision are filtered.

There are many theories based on teachings, as well as on the views of somnologists.

According to scientists

Experts in the field of dreams are convinced that sleep plays an important role in human life.

It is important to take the correct position and point your head towards one of the cardinal directions: 4 main and 4 intermediate:

  • north;
  • south;
  • west;
  • East;
  • northwest;
  • northeast;
  • southwest;
  • southeast.

Scientists believe that in addition to the magnetic field, the position of the Moon, annular fields, and the rotation of the planet also have an influence.

According to the experiments and studies carried out, somnologists made a conclusion and clearly defined the concept of the correct direction of the body and head:

  1. You should sleep only in the direction of the main cardinal directions.
  2. Intuitively select the desired position.

According to scientists, people who sleep with their heads to the south need to restore the hormonal levels of the immune system.

Patients whose heads face the northern part are prone to aggressiveness and nervous agitation.

People who sleep in the West are selfish, while people in the East, on the contrary, want to improve their personal qualities and accelerate mental development.

According to feng shui

Feng Shui is a Chinese teaching based on knowledge of the forces of different directions of the world. In order to determine which direction the body should be directed during rest, calculate your own Gua number:

  • for women: add the last 2 digits of the year of birth until you get the 1st number, and add 5 units (1973 = 7+3= 10, 1+0=1+5=6. GUA NUMBER – 6).
  • for men: add the year of birth (last 2 digits) and subtract 10 (1945=4+5=9. 10-9=1, GUA NUMBER – 1).

Knowing the Gua number, the advantageous side is determined.

For numbers: 1,3,4,9 – eastern. This means that a person is recommended to sleep in the direction of the east, north or northeast, and to a lesser extent the south (southeast).

Numbers 2,5,6,7,8 – west side. It is recommended to sleep with your head facing west, northwest or southwest.

By following simple rules, you will immediately notice an increase in strength, a full sense of relaxation and resistance to everyday problems.

With the help of Feng Shui, you can “stimulate” the desired areas:

  • if you sleep to the north - stimulation of financial wealth and stability;
  • to the south - quarry;
  • to the east - harmony of family life;
  • East – protection from negativity.

In addition, you should correctly arrange furniture and other interior items in the rest room.

According to Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a Hindu movement, the theory of which is based on the harmony of the physical body and the forces of the cosmos: soul-body.

It is believed that the diseases that arise are associated with a loss of balance between the soul and body, and in order to restore health, it is important to choose the right direction for the body to rest.

According to Ayurveda, it is recommended to sleep with your head facing north, since it is in this direction that the soul is close to the Divine powers.

Sleeping with your head to the east means restoring your health and enriching your emotional sphere.

According to Ayurveda, sleeping towards the southern edge with your head is strictly prohibited.


Yoga is not only difficult exercises, it is an entire science that can present India in a different light.

Yogis consider the human body to be a “strong magnet”, so they recommend sleeping in the northern part, with the legs facing south. It is believed that in this position the body rejuvenates and receives maximum charge.

It is also permissible to sleep with your head facing the east, since this part of the world is responsible for the rising of the daylight.

Indian yogis respect their rules and follow all prescribed laws, perhaps this is the reason for their psychic abilities.

According to religious principles

In Orthodoxy there are no clear requirements for the position of the body and head during rest. However, there are some signs and superstitions that have been followed for centuries:

  • You can’t sleep with your feet towards the door;
  • you cannot look at your reflection before plunging into the deep phase;
  • Do not sweep under the bed after sunset.

Also, some Christians believe that the head should be directed towards the east. The northern point for head position during sleep is the most unfavorable.

The position of the body during sleep of a Muslim is not described in the holy books. It is considered correct to sleep with the body facing the holy Kaaba and the face turned towards the mosque.

Most believers choose the eastern side, associating this with religious reasoning. Therefore, the bed and Kaaba are placed in the eastern part of the home.

According to the teachings of Vastu

Another Indian teaching is Vastu. Unlike other beliefs, Vast has scientific support for the theory of correct posture. Recommended directions:

  1. The southern part - because magnetic impulses “come out” from the south and are absorbed by the north. If a person lies with his head to the south, then the magnetic fields pass through easily and unhindered, bringing only benefits.
  2. The eastern zone is acceptable, because in this part there is active movement of celestial bodies (change of day and night).

Vastu teachers believe that their teaching is based on the harmonious existence of spirit and nature.

According to the ancient Slavs

The ancient Slavs substantiated their opinion about sleep based on signs and superstitions. According to the ancient people, for good dreams the following rules should be followed:

  • there should be no mirrors in the sleeping area;
  • the back of the sleeper should not look at the front door;
  • feet should not be facing the exit;
  • the head is located in the north direction, and pregnant women sleep in the south direction.

To prolong life, the elders lay down with their heads towards the exit or window openings.

For married couples

If the spouses prefer to sleep according to Feng Shui, then they should be prepared for the fact that if the Gua numbers do not match, they will have to look for other solutions.

Chinese experts, in this case, advise listening to the person who plays the role of the owner: earns money, makes plans and influences the opinion of the family. Most often this is the spouse.

According to other teachings, there is no special position in the dream of spouses, but there are general requirements:

  • you should take a comfortable position;
  • try to sleep in the east direction;
  • ventilate the room in the evening.

The most important thing about sleeping together as a married couple is to sleep in the same bed. In case of existing intra-family conflicts and to maintain the strength of the marriage knot, you should sleep with your head to the north.

Is it possible to sleep with your head towards the window?

Most religions and ancient teachings say that you should not sleep with your head towards the window. This is due to the fact that evil spirits roam the earth at night. She can look in and through windows into the house. This is why a person can lose sleep and vital energy. He may develop health problems. In addition, there are drafts in the area of ​​the window opening, which is fraught with colds.

Is it possible to sleep with your head towards the window?

Muslim traditions

The main rule in the Muslim tradition is to sleep facing Mecca. Sleeping on your stomach is strictly prohibited. The ideal position is considered to be the fetal position on the right side, with the right hand under the head.

There is no information in written sources about how much sleep you need. But people who know the Koran and Sunnah say that no more than 8 hours.

A forbidden dream is sleep at sunset. Those who neglect this rule will experience poverty and trouble.

Devout Muslims say: before going to bed it is necessary to read a prayer. If a person dies at night, prayer is the last thing he says before dying. These words also contain echoes of Vedic knowledge, where it is said that if a person thinks about God at the hour of death, he will come to him.

An important rule among Muslims is that sleep should not interfere with prayer.

Is it possible to sleep with your head facing east, southeast and northeast?

A person's head should be directed to the north or northeast during sleep; this is considered the most correct body position, which benefits health and improves well-being. If the bedroom cannot be redesigned, you should turn the head of the bed to the east.

Is it possible to sleep with your head facing east, southeast and northeast?

Relaxation in Western magical traditions

The magnetic lines of the earth move from north to south, so it is believed that laying your head towards the north is very favorable. A person combines his energy channels with planetary ones, so he gains strength during sleep.

The northern direction is calming and allows you to get a good night's sleep. But it is too peaceful for active people. Therefore, it is worth trying to lie with your head to the north for a month and listen to your own feelings. If there is more energy, then this direction is better suited.

Is it possible to sleep with your head towards the radiator?

No teachings indicate whether or not you can rest with your head pointing towards the heating elements. But doctors believe that sleeping near heating pipes can be restless. This is due to the fact that this area has very dry air. If it is not possible to rearrange the room, simply place a cardboard box or heat reflectors over the radiator while sleeping.

Is it possible to sleep with your head towards the radiator?

Is it possible to sleep with your head towards icons?

Yes, this is exactly how the clergy advise you to sleep. It is believed that God’s energy emanates from the icon and the vacationer is cleansed of bad thoughts. Many believe that you should not sleep with your feet facing icons, but church ministers deny such signs. They believe that in this position a person will always look at the icons and remember God.

Is it possible to sleep with your head towards icons?

Recommendations for bedtime

Sleep can be used to suit your needs. The practice of lucid dreaming suggests that a person needs to learn to become aware of reality in a dream if he cannot do this in reality.

In a lucid dream, a person understands that he is currently dreaming, but is able to control events in the dream. This is a unique way to comprehend energetic reality. In addition to Zealand, Carlos Castaneda wrote about this; the techniques are mentioned in shamanic rituals, Tibetan culture, and Taoism. In the past, people simply did not distinguish between dreams and reality - these two states were considered complementary to each other.

A lucid dream and a normal dream differ in that the area of ​​the brain - the dorsolateral part of the cortex - is inactive in a normal state of sleep, while in a lucid dream it is active.

To the window or to the door - signs of sleep

If a person is bothered by nightmares, you should change the direction of your head.
Adhering to or ignoring signs is a matter for each person individually, but they still exist. For example, it is considered a bad sign if a person sleeps with his feet facing the door. This is the position of a dead person and there is no need for living people to repeat his actions. Feng Shui follows the same rule.

If a person is bothered by nightmares in a dream or some entities prevent him from seeing pleasant dreams, it is worth changing the direction.

A similar prohibition applies to sleeping in front of a mirror. There are many mystical actions associated with mirrors - it’s impossible to list them all, but a sleeping person should not be reflected in a mirror - so the signs say. Possible deterioration in terms of family relationships.

It is not recommended to place flowers in the bedroom. During the day, plants produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, and at night, vice versa. Although, there are now new studies regarding the benefits of carbon dioxide for the body. A simple example can be given: if your nose is stuffy, hold your breath as long as possible. After 30 - 40 seconds it will become easy to breathe - the vessels themselves will cope with the problem. This effect of carbon dioxide is, as can be seen from experience, beneficial.

A similar sign is not to lie with your head towards the window, as evil spirits can take over your thoughts. Most likely, bad thoughts exist there even without a window, but catching a cold from a draft or autumn frosts is quite possible.

The following recommendation is no longer a superstition, but a scientifically proven fact. You can't sleep in the light. This disrupts the production of melatonin, a substance responsible for good sleep. If the room is lit by street lamps, you need to hang blackout curtains to sleep in complete darkness. Children are often left with a night light near their bed - this should not be done as they may have problems sleeping in the future.

How to position a newborn

Newborn sleep becomes a problem for some parents because the baby's brain sometimes confuses day with night. At that moment, all Feng Shui tips, signs and recommendations do not work. In the first year of life, the child should be closer to his mother - sleep with her or next to her, but in his own crib. Plus feeding on demand. A satisfied baby will fall asleep faster and over time he will develop the correct routine that coincides with all family members. If all the tricks do not help, it is better to consult a doctor to check if the baby has any physical discomfort that is interfering with normal sleep.

Is it possible to sleep with your head towards the mirror?

It is believed that a mirror is a kind of guide to the other world. It is just beyond the line that another world exists. Representatives of all energies and religions believe that one should not reflect in the mirror at all during sleep. This slows down the spread of positive energy. Accordingly, you should cover the mirror before going to bed.

Is it possible to sleep with your head towards the mirror?

There are a lot of superstitions and signs around sleep and rest. But church representatives believe that signs come into force only when you believe in them.

Why you need to sleep in the right position

Let's start with anatomy.

The human brain is quite small in size (only 2% of the total body weight), but it consumes enormous resources. When we sleep, the brain continues to work, “taking” 15% of the blood from the total blood flow and 20% of the oxygen that we receive when breathing.

The brain is supplied with blood and oxygen through two carotid and two vertebral arteries. The vertebral arteries pass through the canal that forms the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae and provide nutrition mainly to the posterior parts of the brain (cerebellum, pons, medulla oblongata).

If the blood supply to these sections is insufficient, then their corresponding functions in the body suffer: the cerebellum - coordination and accuracy of movements, the pons oblongata and the Varoliev bridge - digestion, respiration, vascular tone and heart function.

What are the dangers of incorrect postures?

Compression of both or one vertebral artery during sleep is very dangerous. Even if one artery is pinched, the other may not be able to handle the increased blood flow - it may turn out to be too narrow to work for two (the diameter of the arteries sometimes differs from each other by 2 times), or it may be blocked by an atherosclerotic plaque.

When the blood supply through two paired arteries supplying the brain is disrupted, hypoxia or oxygen starvation of brain cells, which are sensitive to the lack of oxygen, occurs. For example, the kidneys or liver can be without oxygen for several hours, the brain can only last about 5-10 minutes. Moreover, in the areas of the brain responsible for intelligence and memory, irreversible processes begin within a minute. Thus, we need to protect and cherish our vertebral arteries, which provide us with a full life. When you go to bed, make sure that these arteries are not compressed during your sleep.

Of great importance is the choice of pillow, which should provide support to the cervical vertebrae and maintain a natural head position, as in a standing position. It is better to choose a medium-height or orthopedic pillow. The shoulders should not be on the pillow, but on the mattress.

How to sleep is harmful

Let's consider poses that can provoke the sad consequences described above.

Sleeping on high pillows or on your stomach can lead to the development of cervical osteochondrosis and cause a stroke (in older people). Strokes most often occur in the early morning hours, when a person has spent most of the night in an incorrect position.

Sleeping on a high pillow on your side has the same dangerous consequences. One vertebral artery is compressed, and the second may not cope.

In the prone position, a twisted neck compresses the throat, the carotid artery in the area of ​​the collarbone, one of the paired vertebral arteries, the second may work poorly due to atherosclerosis. All this makes breathing, blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain difficult.

In addition, the sleeping person compresses the chest, which in its normal state should have a large amplitude so that the diaphragm can expand and the lungs fill with air. When the lungs are compressed, the air in them is not fully renewed. At a young age this is not very scary, but at an old age it can lead to death.

Sleep on your stomach with your arms extended above your head. A person sleeping in this position exposes himself to a dangerous disease - brachioplexus syndrome. Nerve endings and blood vessels are compressed due to severe tension in the muscles of the forearm, causing the hands to hurt and go numb.

Moreover, a head turned to one side pinches the carotid artery in the collarbone area, compresses the muscles of the throat and neck, which impedes blood circulation, breathing, and oxygen supply to the brain.

Sleeping while sitting stretches the intervertebral discs, resulting in pain and swelling in the neck area. We are talking about a position when a very tired person falls asleep while sitting on public transport or at a table.

Sleeping on a very hard bed can lead to straightening of the physiological curves of the spine in the neck and lumbar region. As a result, a high load is placed on the intervertebral discs, causing pain and local swelling; over time, the discs become deformed and the pain becomes constant, and osteochondrosis develops.

Sleeping without a pillow straightens the physiological cervical curve and leads to deformation of the cervical discs and osteochondrosis.

Sleeping on your back disrupts your breathing rhythm (if the muscles of the palate and throat are weakened or have a congenital defect), which leads to snoring and apnea. This is why the royal pose is called the “sudden death pose.”

The most correct pose

Sleeping on your side is considered the most comfortable under the following conditions:

  • the head and spine are on the same line, which the mattress and pillow should ensure. You need to place a pillow or blanket between your legs, which will completely relax the muscles of the pelvic girdle and lower extremities.
  • the hands are below the shoulders, and not under the cheek or pillow.

However, sleeping on the right side can put additional stress on the liver and also lead to the formation of wrinkles.

Sleeping on your back is considered by many doctors to be quite physiological: the spinal discs are maximally unloaded, blood circulates normally. This position is most recommended for hypertensive patients, people susceptible to heart disease, and heartburn.

Experts recommend that people who prefer the king position sleep on a bolster pillow of medium height; the mattress should have medium hardness. Snoring is a contraindication.

It is very difficult to accustom yourself to an unusual position in sleep, because sleep positions reflect the nature of our personality and correspond to the nature and type of psychological defense.

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