How to sleep according to Feng Shui and why - with your head towards the window or door

How to sleep correctly according to Feng Shui, what direction should your head be during sleep, what is the best way to position the bed in the bedroom? Have you ever thought that a person’s sleeping position has a strong impact not only on well-being, but also on life in general? Let's listen to the advice of the ancient teachings of Feng Shui.

It turns out that in order to change your life for the better, you don’t always need to move mountains on your way. Often, this is simply enough to arrange the bed according to the rules of Feng Shui and take the correct position while sleeping.

If you calculate how much time we sleep, it turns out that a person spends about a third of his conscious life sleeping. This takes from 20 to 30 years of our life. All this time we are in a motionless state and do not change the position of our body in space for hours. And during this period, we are influenced by various energy flows, against the influence of which we are practically defenseless.

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The teachings of Feng Shui help to direct, balance and harmonize for the benefit of people these mysterious forces of the earth and space, which we know as “qi”.

Positioning the head to the west - the relationship between religions and superstitions

Rest and proper sleep play an important role in a person’s life. From the point of view of doctors, in addition to regular adherence to healthy sleep, it is necessary to correctly position the body relative to the cardinal direction.

To get enough sleep, be in good shape and have a positive mood, you need to decide on the choice of direction. Exact advice on where to position the head of the bed is provided by ancient teachings. However, for the uninitiated person, such recommendations may seem paradoxical. You will need to familiarize yourself with different worldviews regarding sleeping with your head to the west.


According to yogis, a person has an electromagnetic field, like the Earth. They recommend sleeping in a way that maximizes your health benefits. The fields of man and the Earth must be connected. Therefore, according to yoga, it is correct to sleep with your head towards the north or northeast.

In this position, you can get a great night's sleep and feel positive. This side also favors healing from various ailments, gaining wealth on a material level, and spouses will feel attraction and great love.

In the west, according to yogis, there should be stairs, corridors, and storage rooms.


The Christian canon does not provide categorical advice regarding this or that placement of the head in a dream. At the same time, based on the signs, it is indicated that sleeping with your head to the west is bad. A person becomes selfish and loses his relationship with God.


The flow of Vastu Shastra is built on the coherence of the Universe, manifested on the human mind and sensuality through solar, lunar and temporary influence. Like ancient Chinese science, Vasta is based on Vedic astrology and combined with Ayurveda.

According to Vastu, sleeping with your head facing west is harmful because:

  • a person shows more selfishness;
  • constant illness;
  • the hour of death is near;
  • This man's children are suffering.

It is believed that you should sleep with your head towards the west, perhaps in rare situations (hotel, someone else's apartment). And at the same time, sleeping with your head towards the west leads to financial wealth and fame.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui for choosing a sleeping place, zone and direction of the body during rest is taken seriously. You cannot sleep with your head and feet facing the doorway. The type of headboard is also important. Success in various fields depends on it.

If people gifted in art place the head of the bed to the west, then such an arrangement will lead to the development of creative abilities.

Also, the Western course is suitable for those who are tired of monotonous, gray everyday life. According to Feng Shui, sleeping with your head to the west is recommended to bring romance and sensuality into your life. Over time, the appearance of interesting events in life will be noticeable.

By placing the marital bed in the west, sexual relationships will change. Love and attraction for each other will become even stronger.

People should sleep with their heads facing southwest:

  • for whom entrepreneurship and pragmatism are not enough;
  • who, due to a lack of vital intelligence, constantly commits such acts that one has to regret.

Thanks to sleeping with your head facing southwest, relationships in the team and family become better.

According to Feng Shui, you can sleep with your head in different ways. There are many options for how you can lie in your bed to get the most out of your sleep.

Gua Numbers

All available directions have a positive effect on sleep, however, it is different for everyone. Thanks to a secret number, you can determine whether a person belongs to Eastern or Western society.

The year of birth is the initial value. You will need to sum the last 2 values ​​of your year. It should be a single digit number.

An example of calculation is 1984, 8+4=12, 1+2=3. The calculation is then carried out separately for female and male genders.

Men need to subtract the resulting number from the date from 10 (after 2000, the year of birth is subtracted from 9). For women, on the contrary, add 5 (after 2000, add 6).

There is no Gua number equal to 5. If it is obtained, for the male it is 2, and for the female it is 8. It happens that the Gua values ​​of a married couple are not the same, then difficulties arise in a compromise solution.

The placement of the bed with the head to the west is inherent in the numbers - 2, 6, 7, 8. For the eastern group - 1, 3, 4, 9.

Other parties

Not all people can sleep with their head to the west due to faith, room layout and other factors. You will have to choose between the remaining directions. Each side of the world has its own advantages:

Northern• The body's recovery process is accelerated. • Energy reserves increase. • Ambitions increase.
South• Youth is prolonged. • Life cycle increases. • Internal balance is restored. • Nervous tension is relieved. • A depressive state develops.
Western• The ability to think clearly improves. • The level of endurance and psycho-emotional resilience increases, which is good for the implementation of important plans. • Vital energy accumulates. • Health status improves. • Family ties are restored.
Eastern• The level of spirituality and creative potential increases. • Diseases pass faster.
Intermediate parties• According to Feng Shui, intermediate directions are characterized by the qualities of the main sides. The impact is less pronounced. • Vastu followers advise not to lie in intermediate directions. The balance of energy currents is disrupted, which provokes insomnia and poor health.

Doctors do not prohibit sleeping with your head to the west. It is enough to eliminate irritating factors to feel comfortable. The points of view of believers, scientists and followers of Eastern sciences regarding the recreation side differ. Each case should be considered separately, taking into account all the subtleties and your own preferences.

Folk signs

How to go to bed with your head correctly is determined by folk superstitions. Whether to accept it as truth or not is everyone’s business. For example, a sign says that you should not go to bed with your feet facing the doorway. This warning indicates that this is how dead people are taken out of the house.

Folk list of signs:

  1. It is forbidden for your head to be directed towards the mirror during sleep. Display can attract diseases and misfortunes in life.
  2. If you lie down to rest with your head pointing to the west, frequent illnesses will come.
  3. The ideal position, which does not take away vitality, is to rest with your head towards the doorway.

Which direction is the correct direction to sleep with your head in an apartment or house according to Feng Shui: expert advice

Feng Shui sets many requirements for a sleeping area. Experts believe that there should be no electrical appliances in the bedroom, and sharp furniture corners should not be directed towards the bed. In addition, the stock is best placed diagonally. This will allow visitors to the bedroom to be seen.


  • You should not install the bed so that your legs point towards the door. After all, in China this is how they take the dead out of their rooms.
  • In addition, thick curtains should be hung on the windows. You need to sleep in the dark
  • There should be free space under the bed to promote air circulation
  • The headboard should be pressed tightly against the wall, and there should not be a high side at the feet

Which direction is the correct direction to sleep with your head in an apartment or house according to Feng Shui: expert advice

Western direction of sleep scientifically

Almost everyone has heard that doctors do not recommend sleeping with your head to the west. However, no one can explain the reason for such advice.

It turns out that there is an accessible and simple scientific explanation for this recommendation. The connection is with the magnetic field and human biorhythms.

Bioactive rhythms

The human body obeys the established clock. Basically, everyone is used to going to bed when the sun goes down and getting up at dawn. Some people are quite energetic until lunchtime. Regardless of the time of year or day, they rise with sunrise. This is how bioactive human rhythms work.

When biorhythms change, the following disturbances may occur:

  • melancholy, negative attitude;
  • disruption of metabolic processes;
  • difficulty getting to bed;
  • changes in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Based on these reasons, therapists do not recommend sleeping with your head on the western side so that a person’s life rhythms are not disturbed.

By changing your position, your difficulty falling asleep and your overall mood will improve.

Earth's magnetic fields

There is another version why it is unacceptable to go to bed with your head on the west side. It is interconnected with the direction of the Earth's magnetic field. Experts recommend resting parallel to the east and north. Therefore, the head should not be located in the west and south-west direction, but on other sides.

If you go to bed across the advance of the magnetic field or in the opposite direction, then the currents of the human body will be disrupted by influential rhythms. As a result:

  • Bad mood;
  • inability to sleep, concentrate;
  • diseases will come.

The influence of torsion fields

When the Earth rotates, torsion fields are formed. When a person goes to bed with his head to the west, their spinning helps restore and strengthen his aura. He needs less time to rest, and after waking up, he is active and empowered.

Some subtleties of bedroom design

There are a number of items that are extremely undesirable to place in the bedroom, as they do not allow energy to be properly distributed in the sleeping room. Firstly, you should not store dried flowers and other items that are made by hand or from dead plants and animals in the bedroom. Dry plants literally attract negative energy, so putting up a composition of such flowers and collections or a picture with such plants attached is not the best option, because in a dream a person will literally be saturated with this energy. Under no circumstances should you place fresh flowers at the head of the bed.

It would be correct to place them on the window sills. The choice of flowers must be approached responsibly; they must have rounded leaves and bloom with flowers of dark tones. Even plants with red flowers are unacceptable, since red is not a very suitable color for the bedroom. You should not leave flowers with climbing stems on the windowsill in the bedroom; this is also not very good from an energy point of view. Flowers standing on window sills act as a filter, carefully processing the energy coming from outside the window.

On the floor, even if it is warm, it is worth placing a carpet that can trap the energy coming from the Earth. By adhering to these principles of arranging a sleeping place, you can correctly create an enclosed space, ideal for relaxation.

The sages of ancient China first learned about Feng Shui. The teaching allows you to correctly master space, focusing on the power flows that permeate all objects. It is believed that if the layout of the house is incorrect, positive energy is blocked. The owner of the home expects troubles with health, work and personal life. Now Eastern science is in demand in many countries. Especially when it comes to choosing vacation destinations.

Based on Feng Shui, it depends on the location of windows, doors, furniture and other points. The Gua number and expert advice will help you decide on the optimal side.

Feng Shui translates as “wind and water”. The ancient Chinese learned about science thanks to the great Emperor Wu. While working near the Yellow River, the emperor noticed a giant turtle crawling out of the water. For some reason, on the animal’s shell was depicted a square consisting of 9 divisions, each of which contained numbers from 1 to 9. The emperor was very surprised by the find and ordered scientists to study it more carefully. Over time, the drawing became known as the “magic square of Lo Shu.” An amazing set of symbols and numbers gave rise to Feng Shui and many other sciences.

Due to improperly placed objects, harmony is disturbed, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of people staying in an apartment or house.

General points of Feng Shui are presented in the table:

Types of energyQiChi flows flow through the entire space, so you should not clutter your home with unnecessary furniture and objects. Otherwise, harmony is disturbed, which promises trouble.
Shen-QiShen Chi is the breath of life, calculated by Gua numbers. Strength helps reduce nervous tension and make it easier to pass the tests that come along a person’s path.
Force Movement OptionsTimeCalculated according to the calendar.
SpaceWhen making calculations, look at the compass.
Classification of elementsWaterMan: o greedy for beautiful women; o cunning; o fickle; o a good diplomat; o hides the inner essence. Woman: o capricious; o cunning; o dreamer; o master of communication.
EarthMan: o calm; o thoughtful; o endures stress steadily; o faithful. Woman: o sensual; o charming; o jealous; o rarely takes risks.
TreeA man: o actively shows emotions; o altruist; o leader in relationships; o Values ​​shared perspectives. Woman: o honest; o attractive; o cunning; o independent; o values ​​freedom; o active on the love front.
FireMan: o adventurer; o leader; o ladies' man; o a man of action. Woman: o active; o impulsive; o faithful; o reasonable; o winner.
MetalA man: o has the talent of persuasion; o ambitious; o ruthless. Woman: o sensual; o loves competition; o winner.

Each element has its own characteristics. Having decided on the sign, you can have the opportunity to earn big money, improve your health, or find love. The calculation is based on the last number in the year of birth:

The criticality of choice, from the point of view of common sense

Pessimists, guided by a sober mind and proven phenomena, rely only on their own feelings, and lay down as convenient for them, listening to the body. When you wake up in the morning, you can understand whether your body is rested or not. As a result of a negative answer, you need to reconsider the position of the bed, change your head to the other side, change your body position.

After waking up, a person should not feel drowsy - complete rest is needed. You also need a feeling of strength, activity, and absence of pain. It is important to listen to your feelings and go to bed in the direction that is comfortable.


North - healing, both physical and moral. It helps the body get rid of harmful toxins, viruses and emotional disorders. In difficult moments, when the moral pressure on you is especially great, then this side of the world is most suitable for easing this influence. Undoubtedly, this will greatly improve your well-being and mood, which will affect all types of activities.

It is also worth mentioning the fact that many doctors placed patients this way, supplementing standard treatment with this technique. This is still practiced in many countries (of course, in combination with standard procedures, and not instead of them).

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