Where to sleep with your head correctly: the opinion of scientists, practitioners and priests

Sleep, as a source of vital energy, is extremely important for each of us. Does it matter where you sleep with your head? Many will answer that you need to rest in the way that is most convenient. The body itself will tell you the correct position and direction of the head in bed. It's actually not that simple! There are a large number of teachings and religious movements for which it is very important where to sleep with your head correctly for an adult and a child, corresponding to the cardinal directions.

There is an opinion that the direction of the head during sleep is of great importance

Hindu directions


This is a very ancient Indian teaching on how to prolong your life. Ayurveda unites the physical body, mind, soul, and senses, making the human body one with the surrounding nature and cosmos. The teaching views any disease as a loss of harmony between soul and body. From the point of view of Ayurveda, in a dream a person is charged with cosmic energy, replenishes vitality, and becomes wise. All this is possible only thanks to the correct position of the body, and especially the head.

It is believed that the position of the head to the north is very favorable and brings a person closer to the divine. The Eastern direction is the best, it develops intuition, spiritual inclinations, and mind. Apparently this is due to the sunrise in the east. Ancient peoples believed that the first rays of the rising sun gave people a special, incomparable energy. It is she who is able to heal many diseases, both physical and spiritual.

According to Indian medicine, it is better to sleep with your head facing east

Japanese doctors discovered that at dawn (4-5 am) significant changes in metabolism occur for the better! Even the composition of the blood changes!

It is permissible to sleep with your head facing south, but it is strictly forbidden to sleep with your head facing west. The latter direction deprives you of strength, energy, brings illness and fatigue.


This is part of Indian religious teachings that arose in ancient times. Its principle is based on harmony and balance between the body and nature. This direction is close to the Vedas. It is worth paying attention to the fact that Vastu has a scientific explanation for the position of the head during sleep. Proponents of this teaching recommend placing your head to the south or east.

Our mother Earth has two magnetic poles: north and south. Between them there are invisible electromagnetic and torsion fields. The first ones exit from the south pole and enter back in the north. Thus, if we sleep with our heads facing north, then our body will counteract the movement of electromagnetic waves, and our health, psyche, and spirit will be destroyed. That is why it is correct to lie with your feet facing north. Vastu also advises sleeping with your head facing east, according to the movement of celestial bodies.


Where should a yogi sleep with his head? They recommend lying with your feet facing south, arguing that our body is like a magnet (like planet Earth). The North Pole coincides with the head, and the South Pole with the legs. Only in this position (along the magnetic lines) at night the body is charged with spiritualized energy, replenishes its strength, and rejuvenates. Interestingly, sleeping with your head to the east is not prohibited anywhere. As mentioned above, this is connected with the sunrise.


East - spirituality, consciousness and wisdom, the development of the divine principle. This method is considered the most universal and popular. In many movements, only he is recognized because of his relationship with the sun, which is a key figure in many religions.

East is the side of sunrise. It is with it that the day begins, life on Earth is reborn, flowers bloom and living organisms wake up. Undoubtedly, this surge of vital energy can and should affect everyone. Therefore, it is recommended to sleep with your head facing east. Thus, you gain the opportunity to be fresh, intelligent and spiritually overflowing in the morning.

It is also, of course, worth noting that many families place their children with their heads facing east only. According to ancient legends, it is believed that this way the child will grow up smart and active, which will help him achieve unprecedented heights. The sun will literally leave an imprint on his soul that will be with him all his life, like a guardian angel.

For adults, this method promises healthy sleep, a cheerful start to the day and active implementation. Bright thoughts, wise decisions and easy-going spirit are definitely guaranteed!

Chinese direction

Feng Shui

Feng Shui has long entered the lives of many people. According to this teaching, we arrange furniture in the apartment, choose a place for the bed, dining table, eat food, plan important meetings, and begin important events. How to sleep according to Feng Shui and where your head can be determined by the Gua number. This is a magic number that can be calculated by adding the last two digits of the year of your birth.

So, the Gua number for the Western group of people: 2, 6, 7, 8. For the Eastern category: 1, 3, 4 and 9. There should not be five when adding! For the first group, you need to sleep with your head facing the western or northern side of the world (in extreme cases, northeast, southwest). For the second group, the head should be directed towards the east, north or south.

In order to find out where it is better to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui, you need to determine your Gua number

It is interesting that if the spouses belong to different categories (the husband is Eastern, and the wife is Western), then the woman must yield to the man.

In addition to determining the Gua number, according to the rules of Feng Shui you need to:

  • It is better to sleep with your head towards the door, with your feet towards the window (no matter where the window openings go!).
  • Do not install the bed on a wall with a doorway.
  • Do not lie down in front of a mirror, and do not look at your reflection at night.
  • Do not sleep on a bed without a backrest, as the latter protects a person from negative cosmic energy. The back should be rounded or square, but not triangular!

In general, for the Chinese people, eastern energy brings many positive aspects: success, prosperity, good health, youth. But the Western one is not so good! However, people with Gua numbers 2, 6, 7, 8 should not despair; it is better for them to go to bed with their heads facing north! In this direction, the energy is always creative. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, you should sleep with your head depending on the year of birth, but it is better to face the east, where the sun rises from.

Bedroom location according to feng shui

  • The bedroom, located in the southern part of the home, awakens passion.
  • The southwestern location is less favorable. It can cause anxiety and prevent you from getting enough sleep.
  • The bedroom in the western part of the apartment puts you in a romantic mood and gives you dreams. But overall it can have a negative impact on business.
  • The bedroom located in the south-eastern sector of the apartment helps to develop creativity.
  • A bedroom in the north of the apartment will not only give you a sound, healthy sleep, but also activate the intimate life of the spouses. But single people should not place their sleep area in the northern part of the apartment, this causes depressive moods.
  • The northwestern location of the bedroom is simply a godsend for experienced spouses. The most unfavorable location of the bedroom is in the northeast of the home. This zone activates ambitions and plans and drives away sleep.
  • The northeastern location of the place for sleep and rest is not suitable for people who are weakened, often ill, or suffer from insomnia.
  • In the eastern zone, teenagers and young adults sleep well.

Where should Muslims sleep with their heads?

Which direction should the Islamic people sleep with their head? The Koran says that the faces of believers should be turned towards the Forbidden Mosque, so you should sleep with your head towards the Qiblah (the side in which the holy Kaaba is located).

Kaaba - Muslim shrine

The Kaaba is a place in the courtyard of a Muslim mosque in Mecca (Arabia)!

On the other hand, any mullah will say that during night sleep you can lie with your head in any direction. Muslims have no clear belief on this matter. As for the lines of the Koran about Qibla, they mean something completely different. We are not talking about the position of the body in a dream, but about the deep faith of every Islamic person in Allah and his prophet Muhammad in all life situations.

Why you can’t sleep with your feet facing the exit from a psychological point of view

Psychologists do not give a clear answer to the question of whether you can sleep with your feet facing the door. The choice of the optimal place for the bed is influenced by:

  • mobility of the nervous system;
  • suggestibility;
  • degree of anxiety.

If a person believes that something bad might happen to him while sleeping due to the incorrect position of the bed, it is better to rearrange it. Trying to resist stereotypes, suggestible people only worsen their well-being, which becomes the reason:

  • restless sleep;
  • nightmares;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • reducing stress resistance.

If a person sleeps with his feet facing the door and feels great, then there is no reason to rearrange the furniture.

Sometimes changing the location of the bed becomes a necessary measure. If you are a morning person, and someone in your household is a night owl, then you should move the bed away from the door. Even minor noise from the next room can wake you up. After this, the person falls into a shallow sleep, so in the morning he feels like a squeezed lemon.

To sleep peacefully and avoid nightmares, you need to choose the optimal place to sleep. If you are uncomfortable sitting with your back to the door with your eyes closed, then you should ignore ancient beliefs, teachings and old Russian signs. To feel safe, you need to “control” the entrance to the premises. This means that sleeping with your feet facing the door is the best option.

How about the Orthodox?

There are many religions in the world and each has its own view on where to lay your head. Christians make no difference how to sleep and in which direction the head should be turned. The Bible doesn't say anything specifically about this. But the Orthodox people have many signs, the roots of which stretch from the ancient Slavs. For example, you cannot install mirrors in the bedroom or lie with your feet facing the exit. If the head position is north, it will bring longevity and good health; if the head is positioned south, the person will gain anger, become embittered and irritable. If you fall asleep with your head facing west, you can get very sick.

Judging by Christian signs, the most successful position for children or old people is considered to be with their head towards the entrance to the house. If you sleep like this for a long time, the Old Slavs thought, then diseases disappear, life is prolonged, the body is nourished with energy, and becomes closer to God. The Church denies all signs, and the priests say that you need to sleep in a way that is comfortable, and where your head is turned does not matter.

Why you can’t sleep with your feet towards the door according to folk superstitions

In folk beliefs, the door symbolizes the entrance to the world of spirits. In ancient Slavic practices, it played an important role in cleansing rituals. In case of epidemics and after some holidays, it was fumigated with herbs and sprinkled with holy water. And the doorway was considered the most favorable place for performing healing rituals.

Sorcerers and magicians associate the door with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bexit to another world. In many ways it is opposed to a window. Therefore, suicides who hanged themselves in the house were carried out feet first not through the door, but through the window. It was believed that then the deceased would not end up in God’s judgment and would gain peace in the afterlife.

According to popular beliefs, the door symbolizes a portal between reality, parallel and afterlife worlds. If your feet are placed opposite the doorway, evil spirits will perceive this as an invitation to the house.

It is believed that sleeping with your feet towards the door and your head towards the window is a bad omen. When a person falls into sleep, his soul flies away. Through the door she penetrates into other worlds, so she may get lost and not return to awakening.

Early medieval Slavs believed that sleeping opposite a door would lead to:

  • imminent death of the sleeping person;
  • serious illnesses;
  • poverty;
  • madness;
  • settling in the house of evil spirits;
  • the bitterness of the brownie;
  • murder of someone in the household;
  • the appearance of ghosts.

Many even non-superstitious people argue that you should not sleep opposite the doorway. Usually they cannot explain the reason, so they simply say that only the deceased are carried out feet first. Materialists and scientists are sure that you can sleep in any position relative to the door, placing your legs as you please. But for centuries, people have noticed signs associated with sleeping opposite the entrance to the room:

  • waking up in the middle of the night due to numbness in the legs - to financial problems or illnesses;
  • disturbing dreams associated with a door - stress or mental disorders are possible;
  • feeling a draft with your feet in a dream - an envious person will appear among your friends;
  • awakening from the creaking of door hinges - expect bad news from close relatives or friends;
  • freezing feet in the morning - in difficult times the person you were counting on will not support you.

Adepts of ancient magic do not advise sleeping next to a window with your feet facing the door due to a possible deterioration in your health and financial situation. In this position of the body, you are invading the afterlife, and its guests charge a fee for this.

What do the experts say?

For proper rest, it is necessary to observe the so-called sleep hygiene.

Many somnologists advise focusing on your own feelings and choosing a sleeping position based on how you feel in the morning and your mood. Thus, it makes no sense to direct the head according to the cardinal directions, the main thing is that the sleep is healthy and the bedroom is comfortable.

Only a few medical specialists are convinced that the Earth’s magnetic fields and the phases of the Moon greatly influence a person’s well-being, psyche, and metabolism. You need to lie with your head to the north so that the fields flow around the body and fill it with energy. This is the only way to quickly and easily fall asleep and avoid nightmares, frequent awakenings, and insomnia.

Influence of torsion fields:

  • The head is turned to the east - the divine principle, spirituality, self-awareness, wisdom develops (among some peoples, the newborn is placed with his head only to the east).
  • Head to the west - vanity, anger, selfishness, envy appear.
  • Head to the south - longevity.
  • Head to the north - healing of spirit and body.

In an experimental observation, most people in a state of severe fatigue purely intuitively laid their heads to the east, and in an excited, irritated state - to the north!

Researchers' opinions on which direction to sleep are divided

Other sleep researchers claim that the best sleep is with your head facing east and north, but not south or west. Although it has been noted that there are people with individual characteristics of the movement of internal energy. On the contrary, when they sleep with their heads to the south and west, their well-being and mood improve, some diseases disappear, and a feeling of joy, vigor and inspiration arises.

Bottom line

As a result, it is worthwhile to outline the main provisions of this article in a brief summary. Of course, they will not convey all the versatility of the material, but they will serve as a source for a quick answer to the question “Which side of the world should the head be turned to when sleeping? ".

  • South - longevity and health. By choosing this particular direction, you can “rebuild” the body’s energy for a long life and bright thoughts. This rule was used by many government officials to make their reign as long and beneficial to the country as possible;
  • The north is the side of healing, both physical (wounds, injuries) and moral (mental illness, stress). Many doctors used (and even now) this technique in order to add effectiveness to standard treatment. It was believed that this is how the body will return to normal faster;
  • West - the emergence of vanity, envy and malice. This is the worst direction when choosing a cardinal direction for sleep, because it does not carry positive qualities. It is recommended to refrain from such sleep;
  • East - the emergence of the divine principle, wisdom. The eastern direction is considered the most correct when choosing a side to sleep. It will bring activity to the body and lightness to the mind!
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