Carp tattoo: the meaning of koi fish for men and girls

Koi carp tattoo – a powerful symbol of fortitude and determination, looks aesthetically pleasing on a male or female body, has a colorful or monochrome texture.

Read more about the meaning of the tattoo, legend, color scheme and the best place for application below.

Legends about carp

According to Eastern philosophy, there lived a dragon fish, an emperor, on earth. She swam across the Yellow River, reached the yellow river and, for her zeal, turned into a real dragon.

  • According to another legend, carp was an inconspicuous gray representative of the marine environment.
  • The Japanese began to consider the color of koi to be a divine sign.

For girls

Young women and girls apply carp as a symbol of family happiness. Pink carp is the color of innocence; fish of a more saturated shade will suit an older woman. The owner of such a tattoo is able to achieve a lot without anyone’s help, on her own. The tattoo looks great around the wrist, on the forearm. It is believed that great luck awaits its owner.

The idea of ​​a tattoo of a pair of fish promises the owner a large family and a rich life. She will probably meet a wealthy betrothed. The sign of Pisces favors prosperity.

Interesting Facts

  1. Carp are trainable. In Japan, exhibitions are organized where fish are pets and follow commands.

  1. The oldest carp, Hanako, lived on the planet for 200 years.
  2. In Japanese culture, fish is a male symbol.
  3. For geishas, ​​a tattoo serves as proof of the sincerity of feelings.

  1. Today 14 colors have been confirmed. Unlike goldfish, koi have whiskers on their lower lip.

  1. Koi are large fish and can reach up to 1 meter in length.

Who is a tattoo suitable for?

Carp, a tattoo originally of a masculine nature. In the Land of the Rising Sun, the design of a carp on a woman’s body is considered unacceptable; it can be stuffed for exceptional merit. This is because the originally golden Koi is associated with the energies of male fertility and strength. The energy of the sign is not suitable for soft and vulnerable girls, as it can cause a serious imbalance in the emotional state.

Koi tattoo is suitable for purposeful and strong individuals. It enhances the qualities of perseverance and toughness of character. It will fit perfectly into the life of a leader who leads people. If you want to dominate, conquer and set your own rules, carp is the perfect assistant.

Color spectrum

In Japanese culture, the meaning of tattoos varies according to color scheme.

  1. Red fish represent affection, a deep feeling of love.
  2. Black reminds us of the path we have taken to success.

  1. Blue is the embodiment of family and masculinity.
  2. Gold – good luck and wealth.

  1. White fish indicate that their owner is building a successful career.
  2. Black becomes a sign of future pleasant transformations.

Koi Tattoo Meanings

Japanese carp ranks first in popularity among oriental motifs in tattoos. This fish has more admirers than samurai or sakura. The frequency of tattoo orders competes with the eastern dragon.

Popular interpretations of carp:

  • strength of mind;
  • male fertility;
  • leadership, power;
  • longevity, immortality;
  • imperial child;
  • harmony;
  • the joy of life;
  • meditation;
  • search for perfection;
  • finding yourself.

The choice of this symbol is not accidental. The owner strives for perfection, tries to master his destiny. He is not afraid of difficulties; he makes his plans based on sober calculation and tactics. The tattoo is suitable for leaders and strong-willed individuals who are ready to defend their beliefs.

Carp tattoo meaning for men

Tattoos are considered traditionally masculine symbols. Carp brings power and confidence to its owner. This is a harmonious symbol of life at the junction of two worlds - land and water. The carp itself is considered a fiery symbol of the sun. This gives it a unique energy charge.

Interpretation of Koi tattoo:

  • a charming and collected person;
  • hero;
  • good friend;
  • leader;
  • sense of humor with a dose of irony;
  • control over the situation;
  • energetic and calm person;
  • enthusiasm;
  • wealth;
  • reliable father;
  • undisputed leader.

Karp successfully helps in the lives of psychologists, journalists, businessmen, TV presenters, sports coaches and athletes. It is suitable for people who strive for independence. Strengthens the qualities of character that allow a person to surround himself with a caring society. Koi natives have a reputation for being reliable and loved by the group.

The meaning of carp tattoo for girls

Even among orthodox rules there are exceptions. In a new interpretation, the symbol is adapted for girls. However, there are limitations here, since the sign still carries tough masculine energy. This is a sketch for purposeful and balanced natures. Like men, tattoos are suitable for leaders and strong personalities.

The meaning of tattoos for girls:

  • the desire to be the best;
  • irreplaceable assistant;
  • loving and faithful companion;
  • mistress of her own destiny;
  • calmness and self-confidence;
  • optimistic character;
  • passionate lover;
  • wit and charm.

Sleeve tattoo, photo from:

For girls, drawing brings prosperity achieved through their own efforts. The brighter the tattoo, the more luck in financial matters it will bring. However, the main rule is to achieve success on your own without relying on circumstances or outside help.

Where is the best place to get a carp tattoo?

Men and women apply them to their backs and legs.

  • If placed on the back, the image covers the shoulder blades.

  • Volumetric compositions are placed so that the fish’s head points upward.
  • If on the legs, use the ankles, thighs and shins.

  • Women often apply them on their thighs and ankles.
  • Men choose shins and front upper legs.

Where is the talisman placed according to Feng Shui?

You can place carp in almost any sector of Bagua, but the head of the fish should be facing the center of the home. In each zone, the magical image will have a special impact on the life of its owner:

  • in the knowledge zone (northeast) you can place a single koi figurine or use the image of 2 carp jumping through the dragon gate;
  • the southeast (wealth sector) serves to attract wealth, and it is better to place a single fish there;
  • the zones of the southwest (love) and east (family) are suitable for a souvenir with a pair of lovers;
  • north is the career zone, which is governed by the element of water, and the dragon-headed carp in this place will be especially strong and will bring good luck in achieving your goals;
  • the west (creativity) and north-west (patrons and travel) are also favorable for placing a carp figurine and can enhance its influence on the life of the owner of the talisman, but in this case it is worth choosing a metal or metallic-painted figurine.

Koi talismans cannot be placed only in the southern sector, ruled by the element of fire. The sector is in charge of a person’s reputation, and with strong influence from it, it can suffer. If the energy of fire turns out to be stronger, then the tai figurine, installed in the sector for the purpose of strengthening the reputation or for some other reason, will remain a simple figurine. In the worst case, it will work in the opposite direction and lead to the destruction of your reputation.

Additional characters

Often, fish are depicted next to other symbols, such as Yin-Yang, dragons or lotus flowers.

Yin Yang.

The black and white sides are said to resemble female and male “Koi” fish swimming together. Representing the harmony of two opposing energies combined into one, creating a perfect balance. In Taoism, “yin and yang” symbolize the dual aspects of all things, as well as their ideal balance and harmony. The circular movement of the fish represents the belief that all things in life are connected.

The zodiac symbol for Pisces is also depicted as two fish swimming in a circle.

Fire and Water.

The image of fire and water along with the Koi fish can serve as another example of balance and harmony in life, just like Yin-Yang. This symbolizes opposing forces coming together.


According to legend, "Koi" became a dragon at the end of his long and difficult journey; pictured together they can symbolize transformation.

This is a sign of overcoming difficulties. Koi with a dragon demonstrate strength and will, the desire to go against all obstacles in order to meet their destiny. The dragon is also a symbol of strength and ferocity, along with mystery. It is a sign of rebirth, a new beginning or becoming. The symbol indicates the ability to move on and start from scratch.

Lotus flower.

This is a beautiful flower growing in the middle of a dirty pond. The union of lotus and "Koi" symbolizes pain, struggle and growth. Just as “Koi” started out as a small fish to become a powerful dragon, the lotus is born in a dirty pond but still becomes beautiful.

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In the photo gallery you can get acquainted with various styles and directions of lotus tattoos and determine the size.

Types of sketches

As we mentioned above, a tattoo with the image of a carp allows you to choose any size, so it can decorate both a small area of ​​the body and be part of a large-scale composition with many details. Carp can be depicted on the crest of a sea wave, against a background of river mud or algae. If earlier it was considered an inconspicuous river fish, today this species is very diverse and sometimes resembles floating gems, which can be used in tattoo design.

Also, very often the fish is complemented by elements of floristry in the form of lotus leaves and flowers, water lilies, peony buds or sakura branches. Sketches can be colorful, monochromatic, or designed in a transition of one color from a dark shade to a lighter one.

Fishing enthusiasts depict a carp caught on a hook. The tattoo is complemented by images of various components of fishing gear. No less rare are body designs that depict a duet of the carp family, designed in the yin-yang style, and body art in a Japanese theme, such as koi carp or designs with hieroglyphs.

Chinese goldfish

The hieroglyph for carp is read as “yu”; the word “surplus” is also denoted, or the word “li”, which is consonant with profit and power. For these reasons, carp has become a symbol of profit, prosperity, pleasant surplus, benefit. This is especially true for red carp - “goldfish”. Since their name is made up of the hieroglyphs “gold” and “happiness”.

I often release red koi carps into park ponds, both for decorative and symbolic purposes. They are often depicted on tea utensils, such as gaiwans.

Aphorisms in French

French aphorisms are chosen by those people who like to see hidden meaning in the message. Such individuals like to think about philosophical, political or creative topics. An aphorism in the form of a tattoo can easily find a place on the body of an intelligent and educated person.

  • You receive rewards from life for your hard work, not for excuses. Vous obtenez des récompenses de la vie pour vos travaux, pas des excuses.
  • We don't know who we are until we see what we're capable of. Nous ne savons pas qui nous sommes avant de voir de quoi sommes capable.
  • Friends are not the ones you love the most, but the ones who are the first to help. Amis ne sont pas ceux que vous aimez le plus, mais ceux qui sont les premiers à venir à la rescousse.
  • It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven. Il vaut mieux régner en enfer que servir au ciel. The wolf doesn't care about the number of sheep. Le loup est indifférent au nombre de moutons.
  • Gratitude is the most beautiful flower of the soul. La gratitude est la plus belle des fleurs de l'âme.
  • The best prophet for the future is the past. Le meilleur prophète pour l'avenir – le passé.
  • Fun is the sky under which everything blooms except anger. Le plaisir est le ciel sous lequel tout fleurit sauf la méchanceté.
  • Eternity drags on for a very long time, especially towards the end. L'éternité dure très longtemps, surtout à la fin.
  • Our views are like our watches: they all show different times, but everyone believes only their own. Nos vues sont comme nos montres: elles montrent toutes des moments différents, mais tout le monde ne croit que la sienne.
  • Time is a great teacher, but, unfortunately, it kills its students. Le temps est un grand professeur, mais malheureusement, il tue ses élèves.

New How to care for a tattoo in the first days after application

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