The power of carp: a universal talisman, Feng Shui description and activation

Carp in Feng Shui practice

According to Feng Shui, carps symbolize such qualities as strength, perseverance, the desire to achieve one’s goal and good luck in everything. Feng Shui owners of the carp symbol will be inspired by spiritual growth and development, fortitude and clarity of mind.

According to Feng Shui, carp is considered a powerful amulet for the home, protecting the monastery from the negative effects of various types of Sha Qi. The meaning of carp according to Feng Shui is also noteworthy in that this fish is able to give its owner self-confidence, balance and calmness, and will also attract harmony in relationships into a person’s personal life and reward him with healthy offspring.

People seeking to make a career will note that feng shui carp helps them move up the career ladder and find the best ways to develop in their favorite position. For those people who are involved in business, according to Feng Shui, carp will bring good luck in business, help you beat competitors and find yourself in an advantageous position.

It will also be useful for people engaged in spiritual practices to know about the ability of carp according to Feng Shui to open new horizons for spiritual development, intuitive and all-pervasive wisdom.

If we talk about the general influence of carp on the energy of the house, then this fish attracts wealth and happiness, harmony and abundance, both material and spiritual, into the home. If you have a figurine or painting of a carp in your home according to Feng Shui, then you can count on prosperity and abundance in all areas of life, especially financially.


An ancient legend about carp

In China, it is believed that a fish that is able to rise to the upper reaches of the Yangtze ends up in a special area where it turns into a dragon. The dragon carp is often depicted on religious buildings in countries where the philosophy of Feng Shui and similar teachings are popular. Legends about this unusual fish are popular in China, Japan and many East Asian countries.

The King of Carp, who reached the upper reaches of the Yangtze, accidentally fell into the nets of fishermen and was taken to the emperor's palace. The ruler called the court artist to capture the unusual fish and then cook it for dinner. The artist depicted koi, and as a reward was invited to the table.

But eating a beautiful and strong fish seemed sacrilege to him. Risking the wrath of the emperor, the artist refused the treat and fell out of favor, deprived of work and livelihood.

One day the spirit of the carp king appeared to him and persuaded him to visit his underwater possessions. Tai offered the artist treasures in gratitude for the fact that he refused to eat fish in the emperor's palace, sacrificing his well-being. The old man refused, insisting that his reward was the opportunity to see and draw a dragon carp. Ty brought the artist back to earth.

After this, the affairs of the former courtier suddenly began to improve, and his paintings began to be in extraordinary demand. This is how the spirit of the fish thanked the man. Since then, the koi figurine has been considered a symbol of prosperity and good luck. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, images of fish should be placed in the wealth sector in order to receive a constant flow of funds necessary for a prosperous life.


In what areas of life will carp help?

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, carp is a multi-valued symbol. Images of strong fish can be found not only in the southeastern sector of the bagua, but also in other zones. Tai, who became a dragon, symbolizes perseverance in achieving one's goal, endurance and courage. In Japan, images of carp are hung above the entrance of the house where a boy was born, attracting corresponding flows of energy into the home.

According to Chinese beliefs, the koi symbol helps those who achieve their goals despite obstacles and difficulties. Thai will give a purposeful and courageous person endless patience on the way to his goal. A talisman in the form of a carp can be useful for students and scientists, creative people and politicians. A single fish figurine represents good luck.

Paired images of koi are also popular. Two carp are considered a symbol of a happy marriage. A painting or figurine with their image can give newlyweds harmony in relationships and happiness in marriage. Such an amulet is placed in the appropriate sector of the apartment; a couple of carp can be placed near the matrimonial bed in the bedroom.

It will take a whole flock of koi to attract wealth. In the wealth zone, it is customary to place images with 9 fish: this number is magical and helps to direct flows of favorable energy into a house whose owners wish to receive material benefits. Other water symbols may also accompany carp in this zone: turtle, three-legged toad, lotus, etc.

There are also figurines depicting an old man sitting on the back of a large fish. Such a figurine personifies wisdom and symbolizes the spiritual development of its owner. Its influence extends to creative people or teachers who are called upon to work on shaping the personalities of their students.

Koi carp is a symbol of courage and achievement of goals

Carp represents masculinity, victory, striving for goals and achieving results. This fish is endowed with such symbolism due to the fact that it is very hardy and tenacious. Koi carp swim against the current, swim great distances and overcome the rapids of the Yellow River on their way to their spawning grounds, thereby personifying will, perseverance and the ability to cope with life's difficulties.

Also, koi carp symbolizes tireless diligence, the result of which is the achievement of a goal.

Koi not only live in quiet ponds, but also swim well against the current, being a symbol of overcoming life's difficulties

Activity and victory over obstacles are a clear manifestation of masculine energy. Perhaps this is why a tattoo in the form of a koi carp is so popular among the stronger half of humanity. Moreover, this motif very often covers a very large part of the body: the qualities symbolized by the koi carp - patience and overcoming - appear even in the process of applying a tattoo. Although, perhaps, the existing opinion plays a role here that the larger the area of ​​​​the carp pattern, the greater luck it will bring to its owner.

Koi tattoos are intended to indicate the wearer's masculinity and determination.

Because of its fighting spirit, the Japanese associate koi carp with samurai, personifying the endurance and steadfastness inherent in a real warrior. In Japan, when a boy was born, a picture of a koi carp was hung as a sign of joy at the birth of another brave future man. Koi carp is a male symbol.

Koi carp can also symbolize composure and fearlessness in the face of certain death. Traditional Japanese and Chinese cuisines are incomplete without carp. And, according to Japanese culinary specialists, koi, unlike other fish, dispassionately accepts the blow of a chef’s knife without trembling or trembling. To fearlessly fall in battle and accept premature death is an honor for a warrior, and at the same time a cost of the chosen path. Perhaps that is why such symbolism was assigned to carp.

Universal talisman

Depending on the zone in which this symbol is located, it brings good luck in different areas of life. It is simply necessary for those people who lack determination. Two fish bring good luck in love affairs, and nine carp will bring prosperity and wealth to your home. The number nine has great significance in Feng Shui. This symbol can be present in your home in any form, it can be a figurine, a painting, a photograph. The ideal option is to keep live fish in an aquarium.

Carps, like any other talismans in Feng Shui, need to be activated. They must be in their element or at least next to it; their element is water. It is desirable that the fish be blue or black; it can be made of metal. To attract wealth and good luck to your home, place it in the north. This fish will become an indispensable talisman for those who are engaged in a business with great competition.

A painting in the Guohua style, which depicts nine carps, will look very good. Guohua is a traditional Chinese painting technique, painting in this style can only enhance the effect of the talisman. These paintings are very often used in Feng Shui; in addition, they look very good and can decorate almost any interior.

They are made with colored ink or paints on paper or fabric. All the details are drawn very accurately in them, each of the details is of great importance. Today this technique can have different styles of execution.


Aquarium Basics

In order to keep Koi in a home aquarium, the following requirements must be met:

  • Prepare a large tank, at least 500-1000 liters in volume. When choosing an aquarium, you should proceed from the following rule - for every centimeter of an individual’s body there should be 5 liters of water. It should also be noted that Koi grow throughout their lives.
  • Provide the necessary parameters of the aquatic environment: temperature +15...+29 °C, acidity 6.9-7.4 pH, hardness 4-14 It is necessary to ensure that these indicators do not deviate sharply. The content of ammonia and nitrites in the liquid is unacceptable; they must always be at zero during testing. Koi can tolerate temperature fluctuations within a wider range of +2...+35 °C, but at the same time the level of the pet’s immune defense is greatly reduced.
  • The most important thing in keeping Koi in an aquarium is to ensure proper filtration. This can be achieved by installing two external filters operating on biological and mechanical principles.
  • Properly design the background and decorations. Variegated pets look good on plain surfaces. Whether it should be dark or light should be decided based on the specific species of the individuals.
  • Avoid overloading the tank with plants and snags, stones, grottoes. Koi look good in free space.
  • Prepare a soil that matches the color - sand or fine gravel.
  • Install all the necessary equipment in the tank - a powerful remote filter (preferably two), an aerator with a compressor, metal halide lamps for intense lighting, an ultraviolet sterilizer to prevent infections, heaters, thermometers, temperature sensors. If Koi do not have enough light, their color will begin to fade over time. It is also important to properly saturate the water with oxygen, not lower than 4-5 mg/l, although for a short time pets can easily tolerate a level of 0.5 mg/l.
  • Ensure timely and regular renewal of some of the liquid in the tank. Ideally, you need to install a flow-through water supply and drainage system.
  • Do not plant ground plants, they will be dug up by pets. You can decorate the tank with hanging species or artificial plantings.

What does carp mean in feng shui

This type of fish is the most popular in Southeast Asian countries, including China, where they have been revered for many centuries and considered a sacred fish. The mythology of the Celestial Empire is full of various beliefs and legends about carp.

One such story tells that one fine day, a hardworking and persistent carp went to spawn in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. His path was long and difficult, but he swam and swam.

Suddenly a waterfall surrounded by mountains appeared in front of him. To overcome the obstacle, he jumped up and turned into a dragon, soaring into the skies.

Since then, the dragon carp has been a symbol of success, prosperity and good luck.

Another legend says that in China there once lived a famous artist named Kinko, who was famous for his ability to paint landscapes and still lifes. One day he was invited to the palace by the Chinese emperor to have Kinko draw a picture of a recently caught koi carp.

The painter painted a beautiful picture that delighted the emperor. As a sign of his respect and gratitude, he ordered a dish to be prepared from the caught carp, but Kinko asked to release the fish. Dragonfish (the king of the underwater kingdom) heard about the artist’s noble deed. He invited the generous artist to his fairy-tale palace and generously rewarded the painter.

Another parable tells about the Taoist holy elder Qin-gao. One fine day he was sitting on the bank of the river, watching the frolicking fish. The sage Qing-gao decided to find out what was on the other side of the river and asked the careless fish to help him get there.

Only the koi carp responded to the elder’s request. Qin-gao climbed onto the back of the fish, and they slowly swam across the river. As legend has it, the journey took a hundred years. The sage studied the world that was on the other side of the wide river and swam back to share his knowledge with his compatriots.

But the journey back again lasted a century, and the world changed again, so the sage Qing-gao again had to swim back. So he still floats back and forth, hoping to tell people about the future.

In China, they believe that only the sacred fish has the ability to cross the border of time and tell about the discoveries of Qing-gao. According to Feng Shui, the image of an old man riding a fish is a talisman of wisdom and spiritual achievements.

Koi carp is a universal talisman that gives determination, it is suitable for people who are not confident in their abilities. He helps in various areas of people's lives. A lonely person will be able to find a life partner, and a married couple will find harmony in their relationship. For many, the sacred fish gives them the opportunity to find the joy of motherhood.

Carp is a symbol of prosperity and spiritual development. The sacred fish represents good luck. It gives those who want to gain financial stability the ability to effectively manage money.

Indecisive people become purposeful and open-minded, as koi carp eliminates the feeling of danger, gives a person confidence and helps to know oneself, to find balance between the outside and inner world.

Koi carp as a symbol of longevity and wisdom

Koi carp is a symbol of wisdom and longevity

Koi carps are long-lived. In calm conditions of captivity, they can reach an age of up to 200 years. Thanks to this, koi carp is a symbol of long life and accumulated wisdom.

The Chinese legend about the Taoist saint Qin-Gao also contributes to the consolidation of this symbolism. The elder wanted to cross the pond, and the carp responded to his request for help. They sailed slowly and thoughtfully for 100 years. Qin-Gao observed life, learned a lot along the way, but could not pass on his knowledge to the people he left on the shore, because when he and the carp returned back, another 100 years had passed, and the world had changed. The saint repeatedly made journeys lasting 100 years through time and space. Therefore, his image riding a carp symbolizes wisdom and spiritual knowledge, and also personifies the management of time and taming the elements. But it is believed that it is the carp that is able to cross the border of time and tell contemporaries about the discoveries of the sage.

Wisdom accumulates over the course of life, no matter who lives on this earth, and each creature has its own volume. It’s a tradition that you’re supposed to get smarter with age, but in 200 years you can see a lot and draw conclusions.

Carps in autumn. Painting by Terry Gilecki

In which zone should the carp be placed?

The range of action depends on which area of ​​the house the talismans are placed in. It is effective if placed in sectors:

  • Love and family. A talisman in the form of a pair of carp can give its owners healthy offspring, help them find harmony in relationships, and also attract love into the life of a lonely person.
  • Careers. Carp with a dragon's head is a symbol of success. Being in this zone, the talisman will help spur a person to achievements and give him the strength to complete difficult and important tasks. It represents good luck and allows you to open up unexpected opportunities to climb the career ladder.
  • Health. If you place the talisman in this zone, it will affect the physical condition of a person, help achieve spiritual development and promote self-knowledge.
  • Wealth. Figures or images of nine fish mean wealth and prosperity. Figurines located in the wealth sector will certainly attract good luck in financial matters. The talisman will help you manage your money wisely.

In order for a Feng Shui symbol to bring good luck and changes in a person’s life, it must be activated properly. The element of fish is water, so to activate the talisman, it must be placed in or near water. This could be a vase, indoor fountain or aquarium filled with clean water.

There are other options for activating the sacred fish:

  • It may be in the hands of another feng shui symbol - Eibisu - the god of happiness and good luck. Paired with it, koi carp will symbolize harmony with others and peace of mind.
  • The talisman of longevity is the sage Qin-gao, who sits astride a carp. Being next to the elder, the sacred fish symbolizes spiritual achievements, wisdom and the ability to tame the elements. If you or your relative are facing a difficult exam, then there is no better Feng Shui talisman than the sacred fish. To activate it, you need to place it in the northeastern zone on a desk or shelf. Paintings in the Guohua style depicting carp will help you cope with everyday difficulties and attract positive chi energy into your home.
  • In special stores offering Feng Shui talismans, they sell pendants depicting carp. They can be activated both at home and in the office, worn on your chest or as a keychain. Choose fish that are blue or black in color or have a metallic tint. Such pendants are considered special amulets that can change a person’s life for the better, bringing prosperity, good luck and wealth.

Where is the talisman placed according to Feng Shui?

You can place carp in almost any sector of the bagua, but the head of the fish should be facing the center of the home. In each zone, the magical image will have a special impact on the life of its owner:

  • in the knowledge zone (northeast) you can place a single koi figurine or use an image of 2 carp jumping through the dragon gate,
  • the southeast (wealth sector) serves to attract wealth, and it is better to place a single fish there,
  • the zones of the southwest (love) and east (family) are suitable for a souvenir with a pair of lovers,
  • north is the career zone, which is governed by the element of water, and the dragon-headed carp in this place will be especially strong and will bring good luck in achieving your goals,
  • the west (creativity) and north-west (patrons and travel) are also favorable for placing a carp figurine and can enhance its influence on the life of the owner of the talisman, but in this case it is worth choosing a metal or metallic-painted figurine.

Koi talismans cannot be placed only in the southern sector, ruled by the element of fire. The sector is in charge of a person’s reputation, and with strong influence from it, it can suffer.

If the energy of fire turns out to be stronger, then the tai figurine, installed in the sector for the purpose of strengthening the reputation or for some other reason, will remain a simple figurine.

In the worst case, it will work in the opposite direction and lead to the destruction of your reputation.



Inspect the house: a poor layout can be corrected with plants, objects and colors. Sharp corners should not be reflected in mirrors.

The proximity of the toilet and the front door is undesirable. This is where a mirror placed on the door to the bathroom will help.

  1. Arrange your office in the north, south or southeast.
  2. For a bedroom, the ideal sector is southwest or east.
  3. For a nursery, west or northeast is suitable.

The purpose of the room must coincide with the Bagua zone.

Balance is important in everything. A house overloaded with Feng Shui symbols will cause unpleasant sensations. To avoid conflict, focus on each of the five elements and limit yourself to a couple of talismans.

Two carp jumping over the Dragon Gate

In Feng Shui, carp, the sacred fish of "Tai", is a symbol of good luck and spiritual achievement. The talisman serves to activate good luck in various areas, for example, its placement in the wealth sector, in the southeast, stimulates material well-being.

Two carp are a symbol of complete harmony in the relationship between a man and a woman.

Two carps promise their owner prosperity and possible enrichment.

Carp symbolizes endurance, determination and perseverance. The carp reaches the mouth of the river, persistently overcoming the river rapids, so talismans with the image of a carp are required by those who would like to have such character qualities as courage and patience.

Feng Shui experts advise, ideally, to have live carp (goldfish), but a symbolic solution is also powerful: hang a panel, painting or photograph depicting carp, as well as purchase a figurine of carp(s) from any material.


Koi carp is a fairly peaceful fish that will be an excellent neighbor to catfishes plecostomus, pterygoplichthus, goldfish, mollies, ancistrus, platie, sunfish, comet, shubunkin, trout.

During the mating period, the Brocade carp can show some aggressiveness, so you should not add too small and energetic underwater inhabitants to it; due to the omnivorous nature of this pet, they can turn into food. Guppies, gouramis, zebrafish, small tetras, rasboras, cardinals, shrimp and snails are not suitable.

Juveniles recently transferred to a home tank behave cautiously at first, become frightened by loud noises and hide. A good neighborhood will allow the Brocade Carp to quickly adapt. A person can quickly teach a pet to react to certain sounds and swim up to the glass, take food from their hands, and allow itself to be stroked.

Activation of carps for quick changes in human life

In order for a Feng Shui symbol to bring good luck and changes in a person’s life, it must be activated properly. The element of fish is water, so to activate the talisman, it must be placed in or near water. This could be a vase, indoor fountain or aquarium filled with clean water.

There are other options for activating the sacred fish:

  1. It may be in the hands of another Feng Shui symbol - Eibisu - the god of happiness and good luck. Paired with it, koi carp will symbolize harmony with others and peace of mind.
  2. The talisman of longevity is the sage Qin-gao, who sits astride a carp. Being next to the elder, the sacred fish symbolizes spiritual achievements, wisdom and the ability to tame the elements. If you or your relative are facing a difficult exam, then there is no better Feng Shui talisman than the sacred fish. To activate it, you need to place it in the northeast zone on a desk or shelf.
  3. Paintings in the Guohua style depicting carp will help you cope with everyday difficulties and attract positive qi energy into your home.
  4. In special stores offering Feng Shui talismans, they sell pendants depicting carp. They can be activated both at home and in the office, worn on your chest or as a keychain. Choose fish that are blue or black in color or have a metallic tint. Such pendants are considered special amulets that can change a person’s life for the better, bringing prosperity, good luck and wealth.


Is a painting in the house an important element or a common thing?

Often we purchase this item solely to add style to the interior, a special mood, or because the color scheme of the image matches the furniture or carpet. Unfortunately, we rarely think that each picture carries special information and energy.

  1. Each artist, depicting this or that subject on the canvas, puts in a certain idea. Accordingly, the thing carries a semantic load that can either help the owner in life, establish peace and tranquility in the family, in the house, or do harm, attract poverty and illness.
  2. If you even just want to cover up some flaw on the wall or decide to hang someone’s gift so as not to offend the person, remember that it doesn’t matter whether the picture is painted by the hand of a master or is just a reproduction, the image will influence life, because you look at it every day.
  3. Before hanging a picture on the wall, carefully examine it and follow the rules. For example, take the teachings of Feng Shui as the basis for the arrangement of things in the house. And intuition has never bothered anyone. If a painting or other object causes anxiety, bad mood or discomfort, immediately remove the image from the room.

Dolphins according to Feng Shui

The figurine of these smart mammals is a guarantee of home safety and a prosperous life in it. Feng Shui dolphins change their meaning in accordance with the characteristics of the selected talisman:

  • The statue with two dolphins represents a happy family partnership. It should be placed in the bedroom and in the northeast if these loving animals are swimming on the crest of a wave.
  • If dolphins play with each other, they would be appropriate in a children's room. This talisman protects the health of babies when it is in a sunny place. You can also place the figurine in the common dining room for well-being. A figurine at the front door, in turn, helps protect yourself from bad guests. Wooden talismans bring peace and tranquility to the apartment. Oak is used to represent a close-knit family, and dolphins from fruit trees add prosperity. Animals based on pine, fir or cypress improve well-being.
  • If a stone dolphin means stability and profitability, then an onyx one means the destruction of all negativity. Golden figurines symbolize joy.


Talismans of love are often paired. They symbolize the harmony of two people. Couple amulets work both to attract love and to preserve it in marriage.

  1. Two swans. This talisman means love and loyalty for life. A pair of mandarin ducks and dolphins have a similar effect.
  2. Red Chinese lanterns. If you hang a couple above the front door, then love will soon stop by for a visit.
  3. A pair or a flock of butterflies - to create a romantic atmosphere.
  4. Live or painted red peonies are a powerful magnet of love and passion. A single woman should place the flower in the bedroom, and when a partner arrives, move them to the living room.
  5. A pair of candles in candlesticks: one red, the other white.

Feng Shui fish

According to Feng Shui, fish is an expression of happiness and prosperity. In China, it is customary to give such talismans for the New Year with wishes of prosperity and good luck. At the same time, according to Feng Shui, it is goldfish that help a person get rich, even if it is not a figurine, but living inhabitants of an aquarium.

There are several types of talismans in which fish have the main meaning according to Feng Shui:

  • Carp in China represents good luck and success. This fish symbol in Feng Shui is called “Tai” and when there are 9 pieces it brings extraordinary prosperity. According to Feng Shui, two fish mean harmony in marital relations.
  • Arowanas are rare fish according to Feng Shui for money, or rather, for extraordinary wealth. The second name of the animal is dragon fish. This talisman brings as many benefits as a person can withstand without losing his head. Arowanas cannot be kept in pairs.
  • Fish of other breeds are present in talismans, usually in pairs. These are amulets against negative energy, which are often present in the form of embroidery on curtains and pillows. In the East, according to Feng Shui, two fish made of carnelian are an excellent pendant for a child, protecting him from problems.

  • According to Feng Shui, the painting “Fish” represents good luck and material well-being in the presence of a gold ornament. Those panels that are made using silk, wood, velvet and paper are useful.

Where to place the fish symbol

Talismans with fish should be placed in the wealth sector or on the north side of the house, but not in the bedroom. And the reason is that according to Feng Shui, fish have positive vibes only when they are in the leadership of the water element. Otherwise, the figurine will lead to adultery.

To directly increase wealth, goldfish are preferable according to Feng Shui, especially if the house has a large, well-kept aquarium. The fact is that the phrase “gold in abundance” in Chinese can also be translated as “goldfish”. In addition, such creatures used to be very expensive. According to Feng Shui, a goldfish should be active and healthy, so it must be treated if necessary.

How many fish according to feng shui

Very often people are interested in how many fish should be kept in an aquarium according to Feng Shui. The ideal option is 8 bright individuals and one completely black, which helps preserve the wealth that has come.

You can use any multiple of nine, and if the aquarium is very small, choose 1, 4 or 6 fish.


Feng Shui toad

According to Feng Shui, a frog has the same meaning as a toad, since in China these creatures are not distinguished from each other. These are talismans that represent the element of water and bring wealth. Feng Shui toad is especially strong if there are fountains or paintings with water landscapes in the sector.

Most often found in the home or office is the three-toed wealth toad, which has coins in its mouth with a hole in the middle. If you don’t have a frog with a coin according to Feng Shui, simply insert any money that is associated with wealth into the frog’s mouth. Just don't glue them.

Anyone who has a beautiful precious frog in their home is wondering what is such a rich symbol in Feng Shui? In this case, we can talk not only about the emergence of new money, but also about the protection of what has already been earned. In addition, a toad with a coin in its mouth and a special symbol on its back, reflecting the harmony of Yin and Yang, has an enhanced effect. It is useful to purchase figurines with stands in the form of money.

Ideally, a Feng Shui money frog should be made of wood or yellow metal to match the element of Water. Options with crystal, stones and glass are allowed, but the main thing is that according to Feng Shui, the money toad resembles a real animal. Therefore, stylized figures are not suitable.

According to Feng Shui, a frog also has good strength if made independently. It can be sculpted from clay, embroidered on fabric or carved from wood.

Where should the money toad be located according to Feng Shui?

According to Chinese practices, the question of where the toad should stand according to Feng Shui is very important, since this talisman is capricious. First, decide where the frog should look. The best option is to look at the apartment itself, and not the front door.

  • When choosing how to place a frog, be guided by family traditions of managing money matters and cardinal directions. So, you can keep the figurine in the living room, office or hall.
  • According to Feng Shui, where should the money toad be located without taking into account the layout of the apartment? Of course, in the wealth sector, on the southeast side of the house or office.
  • When you have a Feng Shui toad, where should you place it to activate it? This should be a place with water so that the talisman can be bathed in a stream of running liquid. The coin frog should come into contact with water once a week, but it can even be placed in an aquarium.

  • If you want your office at work to be guarded by a money toad according to Feng Shui, where should you place this figurine on the table? Choose the upper left corner of any work surface.
  • When considering where to place a toad according to Feng Shui, avoid dirty and cramped places: bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. There is also no need to place a frog in the southern sector.

Magic square Lo Shu

It is a square with nine sectors, which, like the Bagua octagon, serves as a tool for analyzing the energy of rooms.

Different schools of Feng Shui use either the Lo Shu magic square or the Bagua octagon, both tools give almost the same result, but there is still a slight difference, but we will not consider it in this article. For beginning Feng Shui practitioners, I would recommend using the Lo Shu square, as it is easier to apply to the apartment plan.

How to use the Lo Shu square

The Lo Shu square is one of the main Feng Shui tools for assessing the energy of any room. To use it, you will need a plan of your apartment or office, house, garden plot, etc., after which you will need to determine the orientation of your room to the cardinal points.

To do this, take any tourist compass, stand with your back to the front door of your apartment, and take measurements with a compass; when measuring, you need to take into account interference from iron structures. So take a step forward from the door and take a second measurement, and if they match, then there is no interference and your measurement is accurate.

If the results do not match, try to identify the source of interference and take measurements at a distance from it.

After you have taken measurements with a compass and accurately determined the orientation of your apartment. Apply a Lo-Shu square to the plan of your apartment, aligning it exactly with the cardinal points.

How to correctly apply a Lo Shu square to a floor plan

According to Feng Shui practice, the correct shape of a house is a square or rectangle; in such rooms, Qi energy is distributed evenly, and applying a Lo Shu square to the house plan will not be difficult.

To do this, take a plan of a house or apartment and draw lines along the load-bearing walls of the house; you should end up with a square or rectangle, depending on the shape of the building. Everything that fell overboard, balconies, ledges, all non-residential premises does not need to be taken into account.

Next, evenly distribute this square or rectangle into nine identical sectors, you should end up with nine identical squares or rectangles. Then mark the cardinal directions on the diagram.

As can be seen in the figure, the eastern zone of the apartment is completely absent; this sector belongs to the family; below we will describe them all. According to Feng Shui, the residents of this house have disagreements with their parents, misunderstandings with their children and everything that is associated with the family sector.

If you have a similar situation and are missing any sector, do not worry, there are corrective Feng Shui remedies that correct such situations and make the energy of your home favorable.

Hippopotamus according to feng shui

This animal is a symbol of power and invincibility. It is associated with extraordinary strength and fertility. Despite the negative attitude towards these creatures in many ancient cultures, the Feng Shui hippopotamus has only positive meaning. It represents love, peace, tranquility and hope. Therefore, such a talisman acts as an excellent talisman for the home.

Figures with hippopotamuses can be different: aggressive, playful, thoughtful. Moreover, the figurine is usually single and small.

According to Feng Shui, hippos are suitable as gifts for couples, travelers and very cheerful people. When positioned appropriately, the figurine conveys fun and carelessness. You can activate the talisman by scratching it behind the ear. Such a hippopotamus additionally brings health and new acquaintances.


When selecting soil for an aquarium, it is best to proceed from the expected colors of the future inhabitants. For example, rocks with a predominance of red colors look best on a darker ground, while a light beige background is more suitable for white forms.

Quartz sand is most often used as soil. It will bring real joy to your pets, because koi carps are extremely fond of digging in the ground and moving it from place to place. The layer of sand must be large enough, otherwise the fish will dig to the very bottom. But no one forbids the use of rounded pebbles.

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