Graceful orchid: can you keep it at home and what is the meaning of the flower?

The orchid is a beautiful flower, beloved by many. This is a delicate plant, known as a symbol of love, harmony, and romance. This exotic beauty is often presented as a gift and used in bouquets. This is an ancient plant, known since the 7th century BC. What does this flower actually symbolize, what does it mean?

What does an orchid symbolize?

Beauty delights, that’s why people all over the world are partial to orchids. In the European tradition, this flower is a symbol of innocence, elegance and perfection, self-sufficiency. It is shaped like a bee, which is why people used to think it didn't need pollination. It may symbolize sophistication, fertility and femininity.

For the Greeks, this plant was sacred, and two types of this flower were named in honor of Arachne, the heroine of myths who was turned into a spider. And the word “Orchid” itself is of Greek origin. How not to remember Venus with her shoe: this flower is also an orchid. In Greece, it symbolized masculinity and courage.

And the country of origin of orchids is China, where they were considered capable of protecting against dark forces and dispersing them. Confucius wrote a lot about her. The main classic of ancient China compared the words of good friends with the aroma of this flower and believed that entering a room with orchids is as pleasant as meeting good people.

In Vietnam, orchids bloom during the New Year holidays (early spring), so they are considered a symbol of renewal, warmth and love. It is often combined in a bouquet with peach branches, and it is a symbol of femininity and the birth of life.

In Latin America, this flower is used to make amulets. The Aztecs used the orchid as a potion that strengthened the strength of the spirit.

The ancient Romans called the orchid satyrion, believing that it grew where satyrs copulated with nymphs, leaving their seed on the ground. The Romans used means to increase potency based on orchid roots, and the man who gave this flower to the girl did not hide the fact that he wanted to seduce her. The roots of the flower were used in the preparation of love potions, and they were also advised to be fed to not very sexually active rams and goats.

New Zealanders consider orchids to be pieces of a burst rainbow.

A little history

In order to find out the meaning of the flower (we are interested in the orchid in this case), let's look into the past. A beautiful, exquisite plant amazes with its perfection. The translation of the name speaks of the divine origin of the flower. He was sung in poetry and depicted on canvas. It was appreciated. Amazing legends were written about such a flower as an orchid. defines its unusualness, sophistication and perfection. Its price was high. The orchid was considered an “aristocratic” plant. He was presented as a fantastic creature, a representative of unearthly civilizations. In Amazonian belief, the beautiful goddess was named Orchid. The meaning of the flower is associated with this beautiful legend. It tells the story of the goddess of light, who chose to keep her love and move as a plant into the human world. This is how an amazing flower appeared - an orchid. The meaning of the flower is love and tender passion.

Chinese flowers are a recurring theme in Chinese art and poetry. But without understanding the meanings associated with certain colors, the symbolism could go over your head. While some flowers represent seasons or months, others have symbolic meanings based on their Chinese names. Explore the importance of flowers along with the symbolism and taboos associated with some Chinese flowers.

On lunar May 5th, irises are hung above doors to ward off evil spirits. The flower is also a symbol of spring and eating them is said to prolong life. Magnolias were once so precious that only Chinese emperors were allowed to own them. They have also been used in Chinese medicine. Today magnolias represent beauty.

The meaning of orchid in the language of flowers

Nowadays, the orchid symbolizes serious intentions, friendly sympathy, veneration and respect. If you were given such a flower in a pot, you are considered a close person. The orchid contains a symbol of sophistication, charm, beauty and love. Much depends on the color of the orchids.

Blue orchids

Rare view. It is a symbol of spirituality and vision. This flower can be given to your mother. The blue orchid brings good luck and prosperity.

Red orchids

Red splashes on the flower symbolize courage. The roots of the red orchid were used to make love potions.

Pink orchids

It fills a person with beauty and love of life. It is a symbol of femininity, admiration and sophistication. Good for a gift to a friend.

White orchids

Symbolizes creativity, allows a person to understand the harm and benefits of his actions. Like any white flower, it symbolizes tenderness and innocence.

Purple orchids

Flowers signify admiration and deification. With the help of this flower they demonstrate love for a person.

Yellow orchids

This is a sign of friendship and the right beginnings, everything new and interesting. It can motivate a person to take the necessary actions.

Orange orchids

Flowers inspire and help in creative plans. They encourage a person to take decisive action.

Placement in interior and design

Orchids are increasingly being used in interior decoration . This plant is more suitable for the living room. Rooms with buds of light, delicate shades are filled with peace and harmony; they add sophistication to the interior. Bright colors will dilute a calm atmosphere and add vitality.

Phalaenopsis midi (interior photo).

Who do they give orchids to?

An orchid can be more eloquent than any speech, and it can be given to everyone. The main thing is to do it right:

  • Blue ones are suitable as a gift for a lover or mother. So you will tell about its uniqueness and originality, because this is a rare type of orchid.
  • Red - to the beloved woman.
  • Pink ones can be presented not only to a friend, but to any beautiful lady for a holiday or wedding.
  • White ones are given to mothers for the birth of a child or to creative individuals in a state of melancholy and blues.
  • Purple ones are not given to young girls. This is a gift for a person who is respected.
  • Yellow is given to colleagues or friends who lack inspiration and a positive attitude.
  • Orange is given to a person who lacks enthusiasm, pride and courage. You can give an orange flower for any positive event.
  • You can give a green one to those whom you wish good luck and happiness.
  • Colorful and interspersed are given to people with whom they want a serious relationship.

Bouquets for men

A bouquet with orchids is not the most “masculine” option, but you can come up with something interesting. A men's bouquet can combine alstroemeria and orchids. Phalaenopsis variety is suitable for men. You can give your loved one an agnosia orchid.

Bouquets for women

An orchid as a gift to a woman will allow her to express all her deep feelings while remaining restrained. When choosing a freesia bouquet, look for an orchid with long stems. Orchid and roses are a great bouquet for the one you think is the only one. Orchid and feces are a gift for an unconventional and extraordinary woman. Peony and orchid - a bouquet for the queen.

Historical information about flowers

At the very beginning of the 19th century, a European importer of tropical plants received a regular shipment of very interesting bulbous stems, which were used as standard packaging material. Out of ordinary curiosity, he planted these stems. As a result, quite unusual, but very attractive flowers of a soft lilac color grew.

After some time, such plants began to be grown at a fairly high commercial level. Many people who want to make money began to travel to the tropical jungle to find new unusual species. But most of the plants did not reach their destination, which made it necessary to transport the plants across the sea.

Those copies that did reach Europe were very expensive. A little later, flower growers were able to learn how to grow artificial hybrids, and then many of the varieties of orchids dropped greatly in price. Even today you can find quite rare and exotic versions of such orchids, the price of which exceeds twenty thousand dollars per plant.

Is it possible to keep an orchid at home?

The flower is non-standard, but the orchid can be a house plant. You just need to place it correctly according to Feng Shui:

  • Placed in the southeast, it will draw the attention of Fortune to you and give you financial well-being;
  • In the southwest - it will strengthen the family and give health to children;
  • In the east - will increase the overall tone of the body and psyche;
  • In the north - will give success in business;
  • In the north-west - allow you to restore damaged relationships with relatives, stop quarrels in the house.
  • But all this has to do with orchids that are healthy and strong, and not stunted and sickly. Take care of it by feeding, watering and replanting in a timely manner.

An orchid is a capricious flower; it is afraid of direct sunlight, drought and overwatering. Needs to maintain constant high humidity in the room.

Orchid energy

Sometimes it is called an insidious flower, a real energy vampire, sucking all the strength from the inhabitants of the apartment where the orchid lives. In the old days, people were simply scared that this flower could grow without soil. And several decades ago it was discovered that pollen in some varieties of orchids causes drowsiness and acts as a sedative.

Esotericists believe that an orchid can bring harmony if your energy is upset, restore order in your thoughts, increase your tone and give the will to win. If the orchid in your home begins to wither or hurt, try to promptly detect the emerging conflict in the family and neutralize it now.

The orchid is an exquisite and luxurious flower. But there is no need to be afraid of this, because any life requires beauty.

The orchid flower is endowed with many legends and mysterious meanings, which fuels interest in the flower and encourages people to talk, convey their feelings and emotions through bouquets of orchids.

With proper care and handling of the flower, it will bring exclusively positive energy to the home and soul of the person for whom the flower is purchased. The orchid is found throughout the world and has gained popularity among flowers.

Esoterics and plant energy

Many beginners are interested in whether the orchid has healing properties? The orchid is considered to have the healing energy of nature. She is capable of :

  • Bring harmony into a person’s disturbed energy;
  • Get your thoughts in order.
  • The flower gives new vitality.

    The orchid has strong energy.

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