How to Organize Your Desk to Be More Productive

In the West there is a specialty called “professional organizer.” He helps clients organize their rooms and offices, organize their paper and electronic files, and develop a personalized scheduling system.

Lisa Zaslow is one of these specialists.

Research shows that the average person loses an hour a day due to disorganization. At the same time, people get terribly annoyed when they can’t find something. But it takes much less time to put things in order.

Lisa Zaslav

Here's how Lisa and other experts recommend organizing your workspace to maximize productivity.

Rule 2. Use stationery wisely

Do you really need 10 pens, a letter opener and a stapler every day? Keep on your desk only those office supplies that you use daily. Fold the rest into a pencil case and put it away on the table, or better yet, somewhere far away.

Getting up from your desk to grab a pencil or paperclip will temporarily take your mind off the project you're working on. This will allow you to look at it from a new angle when you return.

Amy Trager

professional organizer from Chicago

Another expert, Andrew Mellen, emphasizes that it is better when employees store office supplies in one place (a common chest of drawers or shelving), rather than each in their own drawers.

Wealth symbols

It is customary to place gold-colored objects and talismans in the far left corner to attract money.


  • frog with a coin,
  • Hottei,
  • simple piggy bank.


A figurine of a turtle serves as a wealth magnet. She is also a patron, protects from unreliable partners in business and helps to become wiser.


Water enhances the flow of finances, so aquariums and fountains are placed on the table or in the office.


Purple and green shades attract money. Many believe that the purple object in the upper left corner attracts a bonus from management.

Rule 4. Don't overdo it with personal belongings

It is important to maintain a balance between professional and personal life in the workplace. It's difficult.

Family photos, souvenirs from vacations and other pleasant little things warm the soul and lift the mood during the working day. However, overly memorable things that evoke a storm of memories are too distracting.

The gaze glides over objects, and the brain processes information, even if we are not aware of it.

Lisa Zaslav

Keep no more than three personal items on your desk.

Organization of a workplace in the office: why is it necessary?

What is a workplace? For any employee, this is the space within which he performs his main job duties.

For managers, programmers, designers or employees, this is an office. The workplace here must be appropriately furnished and provided with the necessary technical equipment and office supplies.

The importance of working conditions for performance

The performance of employees depends largely on the conditions in which they work. They should be safe for health, prevent fatigue and the likelihood of making mistakes, and ideally create a positive psychological mood.

Optimal organization of the workspace is impossible without meeting such basic requirements as:

  1. Sanitary and hygienic. They provide for a certain humidity and temperature in the workroom. For operation, the room temperature should not exceed 18–22 °C. Workability is promoted by fresh air, the flow of which is ensured by ventilation and airing.
  2. Correct lighting. Both general lighting and lighting at each workplace should be provided.
  3. Psychophysiological. During monotonous work in the office, workers should not experience physical and aesthetic discomfort. This is achieved by maintaining cleanliness and order, correct color design of the interior, and landscaping of the premises. Brown furniture, for example, promotes concentration and activates performance.
  4. Optimal capacity. The size of the workspace must correspond to the number of people working in it. Crowded spaces block mental activity, and the clutter that arises in cramped spaces interferes with the perception of new information and professional improvement.

Good conditions make it easier for employees to perform their duties and make them more efficient. Ultimately, the conditions increase the efficiency of people and the productivity of the entire team.

Organization of workplaces in the office: Pixabay

General principles of organizing an office workplace

The organization of the workplace is the responsibility of each employee; there are no standards here. But ergonomics provides general recommendations:

  • The workplace should be divided directly into a work area, where labor functions are performed, and an auxiliary area, where everything necessary for work is stored.
  • The workspace should be within arm's reach in both the horizontal and vertical directions. Then you won’t have to jump up every time to grab something you need.
  • All items in the work area (on the table, on shelves, in drawers) that are regularly used must be kept in a thoughtful order. Picking them up should require a minimum of movement and effort. Clutter interferes with the rhythm of work.
  • In an office, space zoning may include separate areas for working at the computer and with paper documents.
  • The maintenance of wires and extension cords for office equipment requires special attention. They should not create a danger for people, that is, not interfere with movement and not get confused. They should be kept in containers or bandaged and placed in inaccessible places.

Compliance with the general principles of organizing workplaces in the office will help create a favorable working, creative atmosphere.

Rule 7. Organize your work processes

Do not keep documents on hand that are not related to your current work. When the table is littered with papers from the year before, past, present and future projects, chaos ensues. To avoid this, experts recommend grouping documents into folders:

  • important and urgent;
  • urgent and unimportant;
  • important and non-urgent;
  • not urgent and unimportant.

Store these folders in a dedicated organizer rather than stacked on top of each other to make document management easier.

Good luck at work

For success, place a jade pyramid. Good luck is attracted by animal figures.

  1. The elephant is stability in business, a strong position at work.
  2. For a successful career and reasonable spending, many choose an owl as their patron. The bird figurine is placed in the wisdom sector, especially before concluding important transactions.

Limit yourself to a table lamp if there is not enough space for talismans. She is placed in the wealth sector.

To avoid drowning in work and affairs, do not place a mirror near the table. Everything that is reflected in it will be doubled.


1. Tables.
There should be enough free space on your desk so that you can work comfortably without being interrupted by trifles. If you have to split your time between your computer and paperwork, consider the panoramic method, which allows you to move between your traditional desk and your computer without getting up. If you have the option, try to find a desk with adjustable height. Think about how to install the desk so that it is integral to the entire office. If you want to place the table so that it serves as a barrier between you and the intended visitor, this is your right, this will achieve the effect of psychological distance, but if you are pursuing a completely opposite goal, then you should install it differently.

By placing a table against a wall, you will create a convenient place to place bookshelves, hanging posters, etc. If your workspace is in an open-plan office, this desk placement will help eliminate random clutter and reduce distractions.

2. Chairs. Most modern office chairs are equipped with wheels and hinges, which allows you to move freely throughout the entire area of ​​the office space. In addition, these chairs are equipped with backrests, which helps prevent excessive strain on the neck and back. Don't try to emphasize your status with furniture. Chairs should be functional. To choose a chair for yourself, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • presence of a height-adjustable seat;
  • the presence of a backrest that is adjustable both in height and in the transverse direction;
  • availability of sufficient seat depth;
  • proper stability;
  • the presence of wheels that match the floor covering in your office.

3. Chair adjustment.
When adjusting a chair, you need to take into account both the size of your body and the height of the working surface of the table, if it is not adjustable. Basic recommendation: the height of the seat should be adjusted so that you can sit comfortably on it; in this case, the soles of your feet should rest on the floor, and the gap between the front of the chair and your calves should be 5 centimeters. After this, you should adjust the backrest both vertically and laterally so that your lower back does not strain. If the chair has armrests, they should be adjusted so that they lightly touch the bottom of your elbows when they are at right angles to the back of the chair. The armrests should not raise your elbows at all. If they bother you, it is better to dismantle them.

When adjusting your chair, consider the height of your desk and computer keyboard. You should position yourself so that your legs are comfortably located under the working surface of the table and nothing interferes with their free movement.

If you cannot achieve this position, then the working surface of the table is too low for you. If the work surface of the table when you sit is located significantly higher than the level of your elbows, you should adjust the height of the chair. In this case, you will have to place support under your feet so that you can take a comfortable sitting position.

How to deal with piles of documents

  • Label four empty folders or boxes for storing documents as follows: “accept for processing”, “start sending”, “read”, “send for storage” (or come up with your own options that are more convenient for you). Stock up on enough plastic bags for the most important category that needs to be recycled.
  • Get ready for the fact that you will have to throw most of your documents into the trash. Whatever their significance at the time they came to you, most likely they are already obsolete. Don't repeat previous mistakes, act decisively. Here you should be guided by the following principle: if there is any doubt about the value of a document, feel free to throw it in the trash.
  • Don't waste time reading every document. At this stage, your only task is to determine whether it is needed at all, and if so, then it should be sent to the trash or folder accordingly.
  • Do not take any other action while sorting documents, otherwise you may get stuck in this mass. Be sure to make notes on documents to make your future work easier, but do not spend too much time on this, since your main task at this stage is to sort all the documents into categories.
  • Magazines and other periodicals should be scanned quickly, tearing out pages that are of interest to you. Feel free to throw any leftovers into the trash bin. You should not read the torn notes at this stage.
  • Once you've sorted through all the bales, take a look at your baskets. Plan time to work on documents.

If everything is done correctly, the completed work will bring you deep satisfaction.

How to clean up your computer?

To avoid this, let's learn to store information on a computer - correctly. Oh, I forgot, there are guys who write to me - I’m completely clean. After all, I always take care of my desk and don’t throw rubbish on it. I connect via remote access to these guys, look at the desktop and it’s really clean, I can’t get to the bottom of it, I go to the local drive D and that’s it... That’s where all the files are, they just took it in one batch and moved everything to the local drive D. And I don’t care what’s there now there are a couple of dozen folders and hundreds of files and “the devil will break his leg” where and what is there. Just one huge dump.

Well, is it really the same at your home too? Do you walk into a room and there are jeans, shirts, socks, tights and other clothes lying around? No, well, maybe some sluts do. But I’m sure that most normal people have everything laid out in closets, bedside tables, and shelves. Under such conditions, you know where exactly, on what shelf or cabinet you have a certain thing.

How to fix an incorrect table position

How to fix an incorrect table layout

If your desk is facing a wall, it's best to leave the wall alone. Since the human heart is on the left and unconscious, we want to protect the left side of the body more.

Remove all objects that threaten your office doors, or fence them off with a screen, indoor plants, etc.

If it is not possible to position your desk so that there is a wall behind it, purchase a chair with a high, solid back. Although this is not 100%, it will help you gain confidence and peace of mind at work.

If you are still sitting facing the wall and there is no way to tidy up your desk, hang a picture on the wall with beautiful pictures that will inspire you or help you relax and get some rest. This could be a painting/photo wallpaper/poster depicting nature, a beautiful landscape, sea motifs, etc. Aggressive or “angular” images are not allowed.

Why not round or square?

Why did we immediately abandon the square and round table, even if from the point of view of Feng Shui these are figures of the correct shape? The answer is simple, so it is very important that there is as much space as possible on the right and left sides, because, as a rule, in these places there are usually various writing utensils, documents, and so on, which are necessary for work. So they will not be in front of you or in front of the laptop, that is, mostly on the sides. As you can imagine, a square and a circle won't give you that space for ease of use.

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